S P CIENTIFIC APER Saving Time During Laparoscopy Using a New, Wall Anchoring Trocar Device Garri Tchartchian, MD, Joanna Dietzel, MD, Mark W. Surrey, PhD, Rudy L. DeWilde, PhD, Bernd Bojahr, PhD ABSTRACT stability of ports and have a time-sparing effect. Compar- ing the 2 trocar groups with wall-anchoring properties Objective: Safe and reliable access systems are crucial in (trocar with thread-fitted sleeve vs fixator (cid:1) trocar with laparoscopy, and trocar dislodgement is still a common plain sleeve), the mean operation time was lowest in the and frustrating problem. Wall emphysema can occur be- fixator group, and the time-saving effect was higher. sides the risky prolongation of the surgical procedure. Wall-anchoring components provide a better hold of the Key Words: Laparoscopy, Trocar, Dislodgement. device. This comparative analysis assesses the frequency ofdislodgementandatime-sparingeffectontheinterven- tionof3differenttrocarsystems,includinganinnovation in the field of access-providing systems. Methods: Patients who underwent laparoscopy for vari- INTRODUCTION ousgynecologicalindicationswereincludedandrandom- ized consecutively into 3 groups according to the access This study addressed the timesaving effect of different system used in the intervention: (A) trocar fitted with a trocar systems in gynecological laparoscopic interven- spiral thread on the sleeve, (B) trocar with plain sleeve, tions.Thedislodgmentoftrocarsisaknownproblemand (C) trocar as in B together with a fixator. This novelty is can lead to frequent interruption of an endoscopic inter- installedonthetrocarbeforeinsertionandthensuturedto vention and to its prolongation. theabdominalwall.Interventiontime,frequencyoftrocar Laparoscopicaccesssystemshave2components:anouter corrections, and the time loss through correction were sleeveorportandremovableinnertrocarusedtofacilitate registered. Standard statistical analyses were performed. insertion.Theportremainsinplacetoallowinsufflation Results: The cohort comprised 131 patients; 51 patients and passage of instruments. Regarding their mode of were consecutively randomized into group A, 38 into insertion, the variety of available laparoscopic access groupB,and42intogroupC.Meaninterventiontimewas systems can be classified into 2 categories: bluntly di- different, shortest in C and highest in B. Frequency of lating-tip-trocarsandcuttingbladed-tip-trocars.Bladed- interruption of the intervention due to adjustment of the tip-trocars incorporate a sharp plastic or metal blade that device and time loss through adjustment was lowest in cutsthroughtissuelayersasforceisapplied.Dilating-tip- group C (fixator (cid:1) plain sleeve) and highest in group B trocars bluntly separate and dilate tissue as force is ap- (plain-sleeve) (0.47 vs 0.29, P(cid:2)0.05 and 2.13 minutes vs plied. The insertion of the trocar has to be easy, and 0.69 minutes, P(cid:2)0.05). nontraumatic to the underlying viscera; the defect size should be as minimal as possible. Dilating-tip-trocars are Conclusion: Wall-anchoring components lead to higher designed to minimize the complications associated with the insertion of the device into the abdominal wall, and DepartmentofObstetricsandGynecology,Pius-Clinic,Oldenburg,Germany(Drs they seem to have favorable effects on vascular and vis- Tchartchian,DeWilde);DepartmentofNeurology,UniversityofGreifswald,Ger- many(DrDietzel);SouthernCaliforniaReproductiveCenter,BeverlyHills,Califor- ceralinjury,abdominalwallhematoma,ortrocar-site-pain nia USA (Dr Surrey); Clinic of Minimally Invasive Surgery, Evangelic Hospital compared with cutting-trocar systems.1-4 Dilating-tip tro- Hubertus,Berlin,Germany(DrBojahr). cars and bladed-tip trocars have been compared before, Study performed at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pius-Clinic, addressingthequestionofinjuryofviscera.5Management Oldenburg,Germany. of trocar-site hernia is another aspect of the various ap- Addresscorrespondenceto:RudyL.DeWilde,Pius-HospitalOldenburg,Georg- straße 12, 26121 Oldenburg, Germany, Telephone: (cid:1)49 441 229 1501, E-mail: proachesthataremadetooptimizetheattributesoftrocar [email protected] systems.4,6 DOI:10.4293/108680810X12785289144034 For preventing the dislodgement of the port, attempts are ©2010byJSLS,JournaloftheSocietyofLaparoendoscopicSurgeons.Publishedby theSocietyofLaparoendoscopicSurgeons,Inc. made by giving more structure to the port’s surface, like a 196 JSLS(2010)14:196–199 spiralthreadforscrewingtheportintotheabdominalwall, (C): fixator plus 5-mm plain sleeve trocar. (Inno- orbysewingthedevicedirectlyontotheabdominalwall.7 vamed) bladed-tip trocar like in (B). The fixator is in- stalled on the port before insertion. It consists of 3 parts: Trocar designs have evolved in response to complication atriangularperforatedplateoftransparentplastictohold rates and surgical ergonomics. Displacement of surgical the port. The port is fitted with a plastic nut. For a better devices during laparoscopy can be more stressful for the fit of the nut, differently sized rubber rings are provided operating surgeon than during open surgery due to im- and inserted through the hole of the plate that has a pairedviewandmanualaccesstotheoperationfield.The connection-threadtoscrewthepartstogether.Thenuton physical and visual interface has been shown to increase the trocar sleeve can be screwed to the plate with a the workload of the surgeon.8 The trocar as access-pro- correspondingscrewingtool.Theportisinsertedasusual, viding device has to fulfil the demands of easy and min- and the plate is sutured at 3 points over the insertion imally traumatic handling, it has to remain reliably at- point. The defect size is ca. 5mm after removal plus 3 tached to the insertion site throughout manipulation with suture marks. endoscopicalinstruments,andithastomaintainthevalve function to preserve the insufflation of the abdomen. Patients who were scheduled for gynecological laparo- Regarding their dislodgement behavior, we evaluated 3 scopic interventions in the Pius Hospital Oldenburg, access systems in a comparative study: one dilating-tip Germany between November 2006 and July 2007 were (A): the sleeve of this trocar is fitted with a spiral-thread; consecutively randomized into the trocar groups A-C one bladed-tip (B): common working trocar with a plain after written, informed consent. For a subgroup analysis of smooth sleeve; and third(C): an innovation in the field of thedistributionofmajororminorsurgicalinterventioninthe access-providing systems, a trocar fixator that is used in groups, the type of intervention was registered in the com- combination with (B). The objective of this device is to monmannerinto2groups: minor - adnexal interventions prevent the trocar from overinsertion and secondly to singleorincombinationwithtreatmentofendometriosis, stabilize it broadly based on the abdominal wall and by and/or adhesiolysis; major - interventions on the uterus, being sutured at 3 points over the insertion point. This ie, laparoscopic-assisted supracervical hysterectomy and combinationoftrocarpropertiesisanoveltytothefieldof myomectomy. Each intervention was logged by a nurse, accesssystems.Theaimofthestudywastodeterminethe and time was measured with a stopwatch. Intervention trocar system with the most favorable dislodgement be- time was measured from the moment of incision in the haviour regarding the time-sparing effect. Tissue-anchor- umbilical area until the last suture. All interventions were ingcomponentsofportstryingtoenhancethestabilityof performedbythesamesurgeon.Twotrocarsofeachtype thesystemintheabdominalwallthroughouttheinterven- at a time were placed at conventional insertion sites for tionhavenotbeeninvestigatedinastudybefore,though gynecological laparoscopic intervention in the lower ab- the necessity of a better stability of the port system has domen; the optic-trocar was placed conventionally in the been a matter of consideration, and suturing the port to umbilicalareaandwasnotregardedinthisstudy.All-over the abdominal wall with a single wall-anchoring suture intervention time and the duration of interruption of the and without additional devices has been previously de- intervention for correction of the trocars were registered. scribed in a small series.5 StatisticalanalysiswasperformedwithSSPS16.Theover- all difference between the groups was calculated with a multivariate analysis, and Pearson’s correlation and re- MATERIALS AND METHODS gression analysis was used for calculating significances. P(cid:2)0.05 was defined as significant. Access Systems (A): 5-mm thread-fitted trocar. (Aesculap) bluntly di- RESULTS lating-tip.Thesleeveisfittedwithaspiralthreadtoscrewthe portintheabdominalwallandprovideabetterholdinthe See Table 1 for details of the 3 groups. Included in this tissue.Defectsizeafterremovalca.7mm. analysis were 131 patients; 51 consecutive patients were randomizedintothegroupA(thread-fittedsleeve),38into (B): 5-mm plain sleeve trocar. (Storz) bladed-trocar- group B (plain sleeve), and 42 into group C (fixator plus tip.Thetrocarsleevehasasmoothsurface.Defectsizeof plainsleevetrocar).Therewasasignificantoveralldiffer- ca. 5mm after removal. ence in the parameters between the 3 groups. The mean JSLS(2010)14:196–199 197 SavingTimeDuringLaparoscopyUsingaNew,WallAnchoringTrocarDevice,TchartchianGetal. Table1. ResultsforEachAccessSystem GrpAThread-fittedSleeve GrpBPlainSleeve GrpCFixatorPlusPlainSleeve Meanoperationtime(min)(range,10to310) 74.6 80.3 62.1P(cid:2)0.05 Meanno.ofcorrections(range,0to15) 0.96 4.63P(cid:2)0.05 1.10 Meantimelossthroughcorrection(min) 0.69 2.13P(cid:2)0.05 0.69 intervention time was significantly different in the 3 The value of the fixator in avoiding major vessel injury groups, being shortest in group C with 62.1 minutes (fix- can only be evaluated in very large series of patients, ator plus plain sleeve) and longest in the group B with because the frequency of major vessel lesions is rela- 80.3 minutes (plain sleeve trocar). The frequency of cor- tively low. Dislodgment of trocars is more likely to rectionsofthedisplaceddevicewassignificantlylowerin occur in obese patients.5 The obesity state of the pa- group C (fixator (cid:1) plain sleeve) and group A (thread- tients included in this study has not been assessed; in fitted sleeve) and highest in group B (plain sleeve trocar) further comparative studies the obesity state of the (C: 1.1 resp. A: 0.96 vs. B: 4.63, P(cid:2)0.05). The time loss patient should be registered, adjusting for this risk fac- through adjustment was significantly shorter in group C tor for trocar dislodgement. Furthermore the patients’ (fixator (cid:1) plain sleeve trocar) and longest in group B responseandacceptanceoftheadditionalsuturemarks (plain sleeve trocar) with 2.13 minutes vs 0.69 minutes that remain after the use of the fixator combination (P(cid:2)0.05). In these 2 parameters, there was no significant have not yet been investigated. difference between group A (thread-fitted trocar) and group C (fixator (cid:1) plain sleeve trocar). Desufflation of the abdomen and subcutaneous emphy- sema are some of the sequelae of dislodgement of port The subgroup analysis of the types of interventions re- systems,besidesthedisadvantagesduetoprolongationof vealed no significant difference in the distribution of ma- the surgical procedure. Since economical considerations jor gynecological and minor gynecological interventions in surgery typically comprise the minimization of inter- in the 3 groups. vention time, an evaluation of surgical devices regarding Therewasaweakpositivecorrelationbetweenoperation theirtime-sparingmodificationscouldbeusefulforwork- timeandfrequencyofcorrection(rsquare0.25),showing ing endoscopic surgeons. the prolongation of the surgical procedure through cor- recting of the device, overall and in the subgroups. 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