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Savage Worlds: Super Powers Companion PDF

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Preview Savage Worlds: Super Powers Companion

SUPER POWERS COMPANION Written and developed by Shane Lacy Hensley, Clint Black, Paul “Wiggy” Wade-Williams Additional Material and Editing by Adam Loyd, Jodi Black, Matt Cutter, Norm “No Relation” Hensley, Mike McNeal, Steve Todd, Preston DuBose, Ed Wetterman, Joel Kinstle, and Piotr Korys Cover Art by Tomek Tworek Interior Art by Aaron Acevedo, Storn Cook, Kieron O’Gorman, John Hunt, Richard Clark, Cheyenne Wright, Adam Bray Dedicated to Stan Lee. Excelsior! WWW.PEGINC.COM Savage Worlds, artwork, logos, and the Pinnacle logo are © 2014 Great White Games, LLC; DBA Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Savage Worlds, all associated characters, logos, and artwork are Copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. 11 CCOONNTTEENNTTSS Chapter One: Heroes ..........................3 Chapter Four: Powers ........................17 Making Characters .........................3 Activation .......................................17 Rising Stars ......................................4 Generic Modifiers ..........................18 Campaign Power Levels ................4 Power Types ...................................21 New Hindrances .............................5 Matter Construct ............................35 New Edges ......................................7 Typical Minion ...............................37 Background Edges .........................7 Super Sorcery Backlash ................44 Combat Edges .................................7 Power Summaries .........................48 Leadership Edges ...........................7 Chapter Five: Headquarters .............51 Social Edges .....................................7 Building ..........................................51 Chapter Two: Setting Rules...............8 Condition ........................................52 Comic Book Combat ......................8 Rooms..............................................52 Combined Attacks ..........................8 HQ Extras .......................................54 Finishing Move ...............................8 Example HQs .................................55 Knockback .......................................8 Chapter Six: Rogues Gallery ............56 Synergy ............................................9 Citizens ...........................................56 Death & Defeat ...............................9 Cops .................................................56 Power Stunts ..................................10 Criminals ........................................57 Power Tricks...................................10 Atlanteans .......................................58 Super Strength ...............................10 The Dark Brood .............................59 Superhuman Strength ...................11 Aliens ..............................................59 Heavy Weaponry ...........................11 Pulp Super Villains........................61 Chapter Three: Gear ..........................12 Street Fighters ................................64 Personal Equipment ......................13 Four Color Villains ........................79 Extreme Range ...............................13 Heavy Hitters .................................91 Armor ..............................................14 Cosmic Level Threats ...................93 Close Combat Weapons ................14 Index .....................................................96 Ranged Weapons ...........................14 Special Ammunition .....................16 Vehicles ...........................................16 22 HHEERROOEESS There are few settings as popular or as Race exciting as those of the super heroes. From Humans begin play with a free Edge of the shadowy pulp champions of the past their choice, and must meet the requirements to the complicated villains and vigilantes of the Edge as normal. Other races—undead, of the present, this Companion provides constructs, or even aliens from other you with additional rules, new Edges and worlds—are also possible, but you’ll create Hindrances, common gear, and a megaton those with the appropriate super powers so of customizable super powers! that you can tailor your race exactly as you This first chapter shows you how see it. Just like humans, custom to construct your brave hero or races get a Free Edge of their fiendish villain—or “super.” choice at the beginning of Let’s get started! play and must also meet the requirements of the MAKING Edge as normal. You might also CHARACTERS consider using the racial abilities system found Before you start sorting in Savage Worlds or the through super powers, Science Fiction Companion it helps to answer a few if a race is particularly questions, such as: How common in your setting. did your character get her powers? Is there a Traits “theme” to them? What Traits are figured as sort of powers does she usual. All skills from have? What moves her the Savage Worlds rule to do what she does? book are allowed in Answering these a supers campaign questions will help unless your GM you pick Traits, Edges, says otherwise. If Hindrances, powers. you’re running supers Once you have your idea, make in a Victorian setting, a character using the usual Savage for example, it wouldn’t Worlds rules with a few exceptions: make much sense to have Knowledge (Computers). 33 Super Karma Heavy Hitters are the most powerful of the planet’s heroes. They’re the first Super powered characters are larger than line of defense against megalomanaical life, with faults and responsibilities as great world-conquerers, invading aliens, natural as their miraculous powers. For this reason, disasters, and legions from Hell. supers may take one additional Major Hindrance during character creation. This Cosmic champions may be a match for can be used normally, or to grant them 5 Heavy Hitters, but most also have the ability extra Power Points at Pulp and Street Fighter to travel and survive deep space. Battling level, or 10 for Four Color heroes and up (see planetary threats is routine—campaigns Campaign Power Levels, below). These usually feature threats to a system, a reality, bonus points do not increase the character’s or life itself. total for purposes of determining his Power CCAAMMPPAAIIGGNN PPOOWWEERR LLEEVVEELL Limit—see below.) Level Power Points CAMPAIGN POWER LEVELS Pulp Heroes 15 Street Fighters 30 Super heroes and villains start with all their powers up front. The number of Power Four Color 45 Points characters get depends on the Power Heavy Hitters 60 Level of the GM’s campaign: Cosmic 75 Pulp Heroes are mostly normal men and After play begins, advances may be used women with a few low-key powers, like the normally for Traits and Edges. The Power Shadow. Their foes range from shadowy Points and New Power Edges are not manipulators to grisly killers to mad available. scientists leading armies of crude robots. Street Fighters are supers who mostly Power Limit tackle criminals, bank robbers, and gangs. Supers may not spend more than one third Their foes are usually after money or revenge, of their Power Points in a power (use the and threaten cities rather than countries or total after all Modifiers are accounted for). A the world. Street Fighter hero, for example, can have up Four Color characters are powerful super to 10 points in a single power, so he could beings who take on city-wide menaces. buy 4 levels of attack, melee, for 8 points, Most wear colorful costumes and are well- and still have 2 points left over to buy the known by the public. Four Color heroes have Multiple Attacks Modifier (10 points total). powerful arch-nemeses who often gang up This maintains the particular flavor of a against them, or rule large and well-funded campaign so characters in a “Street Fighters” organizations made up of specialized setting aren’t running at the speed of light, lieutenants and legions of loyal minions. for example. RRiissiinngg SSttaarrss In some comics, heroes start with a few CCAAMMPPAAIIGGNN PPOOWWEERR LLEEVVEELL powers and learn more as they mature. This is especially appropriate if the supers are Level Initial Power Points younger individuals. Pulp Heroes 5 Heroes in these types of campaigns start Street Fighters 10 with a certain number of Power Points Four Color 20 depending on the Power Level of the campaign. Heavy Hitters 30 Rising Stars may take the Power Points Cosmic 50 s Edge (no more than once per Rank as usual) e Power Limit: Characters may never o to add 5 additional points to their existing r spend more than their Initial Power Points e abilities, or new ones (there is no New H in any power (total, after all Modifiers are Power Edge). accounted for). 44 NNEEWW Dependent (Major) It may not be an intrepid reporter or a loyal HHIINNDDRRAANNCCEESS butler, but your character has some person to which he is completely devoted and will Alien Form (Major) do anything to protect. This may be his wife or girlfriend, one of his children, a minion, Your character is completely alien in or even a pet. appearance: a glowing ball of energy, an amoeba with tentacles, a large floating The Dependent is a Novice Rank character brain, and so on. He suffers –4 to Charisma, and, while scrappy in her own right, just and his physiology is nearly impossible for isn’t up to par with the rest of the party. humanoids to figure out. Healing rolls made For whatever reason, this doesn’t stop the to help the hero are made at –4. Numerous Dependent from getting involved—often. roleplaying instances should also be a She constantly requires saving, reveals team major challenge as well—he can’t get into secrets, or otherwise causes your champion restaurants, wear a flak jacket, fit into a car, no end of grief. Of course, every now and and so on, as defined by his odd shape. then, the friend might just save the hero’s life, but such instances should be rare. Your alien’s form may grant him special perks, but these must be bought as powers. If the Dependent ever dies, your hero If a glowing ball of energy wants to be able is grief-stricken until he gets reasonably to pass through walls, for example, take the permanent justice…or revenge! This might intangibility power. In other words, if your mean putting a villain in jail or—for a character doesn’t have a power, his form villain—defeating a hero in a painful and doesn’t grant it to him “for free,” no matter elaborate death trap. Justice doesn’t have to how you describe it. be truly permanent—just long and lasting rather than fleeting and temporary. Allergy (Major/Minor) Until then, the affected character receives Your character suffers an aversion to a only one Benny at the beginning of each common condition or substance, such as game session (but Luck and other bonuses water, fire, cold, sunlight, etc. Exposure to apply normally). that substance (generally within six feet of Distinctive Appearance (Minor) it) inflicts a –2 penalty to all your character’s Trait rolls as a Minor Hindrance. Your super’s appearance is somewhat As a Major Hindrance, your hero suffers a different from others of his race (a blue- –4 penalty to all Trait rolls and his Pace is skinned human, a talking gorilla, etc.), and is halved. This continues while exposed and for relatively easy to spot, even out of costume. 2d6 rounds after the substance is removed or This makes the character easier to track shielded somehow. down and pick out of a crowd and can even cause troublesome social problems among Dependency (Major) his own people. The creature must consume or have The appearance must be present in and contact with some sort of relatively common out of costume to count as a Hindrance—all substance periodically. Creatures from supers are distinctive in costume. water-based worlds, for example, might Gimmick (Major) need to immerse themselves in water one hour out of every 24 while a vampire might Your character must change clothes, get need a pint of blood each night. angry, drink blood, summon mystic al If the character doesn’t have the required energy, swallow a pill or potion, or otherwise contact, she suffers Fatigue each day until perform some task (taking at least one action) Incapacitated. A day after that, she perishes. to access his powers—all his powers. Each hour spent recovering with the Whatever the case, the hero can be appropriate substance restores a level of prevented from using his powers if he H Fatigue. cannot enact his “gimmick.” The hero cannot er use any of his powers—or Edges or Traits o e bought with Power Points—without it. s 55 Two Characters: If your super hero trans- reduced to 1 and he suffers Fatigue that can forms into a completely different person, cause death. This continues while exposed both “characters” should be made separately, and for 2d6 rounds after the substance is with the “normal” person created as a removed or shielded somehow. A level of normal Novice character. Advances gained Fatigue is recovered every minute after the through play may be added to either form, substance is removed. but not both. The substance should be relatively uncommon or avoidable, such as gold, holy Monologuer (Major) ground, or immersion in water. Very rare Some villains are known for gloating over substances—chunks of your alien’s home their foes when they should be killing them, planet, lotus flowers—are possible as well, and some heroes can’t resist a chance to but foes will eventually discover it. lecture or chastise evil-doers. Ruthless (Minor/Major) Any time the character’s Action Card is a Club, he must make a Smarts roll at The character will do most anything to –2 or spend his action announcing his accomplish her goals. As a Major Hindrance, opponents’ doom, making excuses for his she’ll harm anyone and everyone who gets failures, reveling in his success, or in her way. As a Minor Hindrance, scolding those around him for she stops short of true harm their misdeeds. The talkative to anyone except those who character may only take directly oppose her. free actions during his Terminally Ill (Major) monologue. Your character suffers Mania (Minor / Major) from a terminal and The character has a incurable illness and serious and negative will die soon. At the mental illness of some beginning of every game kind, such as the lack of session, draw a card. A empathy toward others or face card means your hero’s a psychopathic compulsion symptoms are acting up this to cause harm. Both reduce session. Whatever the specifics Charisma by 2 to those who know may be, he suffers a –1 penalty to all of it. A Minor Mania occurs infrequently or his Trait rolls this game. isn’t often likely to get the character killed. A Joker means your hero is about to die. At A Major Mania is a more-or-less full time some point in the game session, preferably obsession with serious consequences if after accomplishing an important goal or caught or discovered. an act of personal redemption, he dies. The Game Master should always give a dying Out Of My League (Minor) hero a few last rounds of action to commit A character with this Hindrance may not some noble sacrifice. spend more than one fifth of his total Power Points in any one power (instead of the usual Weakness (Major/Minor) one-third). He still has the same number of Your character is more susceptible to a points; they just have to be divided between specific Power Type (see page 21), such as more powers. See page 4 for more on Power ice and cold, fire and heat, radiation, magic, Limits. darkness, light, air, sound, and so on. Power Negation (Major) He suffers +4 damage when hit by an attack of that type, or –4 to resist other types Exposure to a certain substance or of effects. condition robs your hero of all his super As a Major Hindrance, the hero or villain is powers, including Edges and Traits bought s incredibly vulnerable to the Power Type and e with Power Points. Near contact with the o should avoid it at all costs. He still resists at substance causes the hero to make a Vigor r e roll each round. If the roll is failed, his Pace is –4 but damage is doubled. H 66 NNEEWW EEDDGGEESS Mastery Requirements: Novice, Arcane Some Edges are restricted or changed in a Background (Super Powers) supers campaign, while a few new ones are One of the hero’s powers, chosen when this listed below. Edge is taken, ignores the –2 penalty when Restricted Edges: Any other version of using Power Tricks (or the target does not Arcane Background, Arcane Resistance, gain a +2 to resist)—see page 10. Gadgeteer, Holy Warrior, New Power, No Take the Hit Mercy, Power Points, Rapid Recharge, Soul Drain, and Wizard. Requirements: Novice, Vigor d10+ Altered Edges: Champion, Mentalist, These bruisers are good at rolling with and Mr. Fix-It are available with no Arcane punches, are lucky, have fate on their side, Background as a Requirement. or are perhaps just really tough. They add +2 to Soak rolls made to eliminate wounds. BACKGROUND EDGES LEADERSHIP EDGES Arcane Background (Super Powers) Team Leader Requirements: Novice Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+ This Edge replaces the version from Savage Team leaders excel at getting people to Worlds in a supers campaign and is a free work together like the idiomatic well-oiled Edge (on top of the usual free Edge for being machine. If a character with this Edge is human). It grants a number of Power Points present when a Cooperative roll is made, the equal to the Power Level of the campaign lead character does not have to be designated (see Campaign Power Levels, page 4). beforehand. The participant with the highest No arcane skill is required. Super powers total is automatically considered the lead. work “at will” and require no roll unless the specific power says otherwise. See page SOCIAL EDGES 17 for more information on activating and using powers. Dynamic Duo The Best There Is Requirements: Novice, Arcane Requirements: Novice, Arcane Background (Super Powers), Spirit d8 Background (Super Powers) The hero chooses one other specific This hero has one very potent power. Her character. When assisting this partner in Power Limit with one power is half her a successful Combined Attack, he adds +2 maximum Power Points, rounded up. See points of damage per power level, and 3 page 4 for Power Limits. points with a raise (see Combined Attacks, page 8). This Edge may be taken multiple COMBAT EDGES times to apply to additional allies. If the partner should die or leave the Combat Sense campaign, the hero may, with the Game Requirements: Seasoned, Fighting d8+, Master’s permission, choose a new team Notice d8+ member to replace him. This should usually take place after the two fight together for a The super has the perception, skill, and battle or two. agility to handle multiple foes. Opponents halve any Gang Up bonuses against him Team Player (round down). Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6 Improved Combat Sense Team players fight like well-oiled machines Requirements: Veteran, Combat Sense when standing beside their trusted allies. A H Team Player counts as an additional adjacent e Opponents gain no Gang Up bonus against r ally for purposes of determining Gang Up o this warrior. e bonuses. This still cannot exceed the normal s maximum Gang Up bonus of +4. 77 SSEETTTTIINNGG RRUULLEESS Blood & Guts, Born a Hero, Fanatics, Example: Two fire blasters, a super strong Heroes Never Die, and Joker’s Wild are all brick, and a scrapper (the lead) combine standard Setting Rules in supers campaigns, attacks against a heavily armored giant as are the new Setting rules below. robot. The two blasters have five levels in ranged attack and roll their Shooting. One gets a normal success against the target COMIC BOOK COMBAT (adding +5 damage) and another gets a raise The epic fights of comic books require a (+10 damage). The super strong hero (8 few changes to the basic combat rules: levels) then makes a Throwing roll to hurl the scrapper at the target and gets a raise, Combined Attacks adding +16 damage. The lead character has Heroes and villains can combine their a Str+5d6 melee attack. His Fighting roll attack powers for truly spectacular results. is successful, so he rolls Str+5d6 and adds (Combining a non-attack power with an (5+10+16=) +31 points of damage to his attack uses Synergy instead, see page 9.) total! The robot is turned into a pile of junk. To combine attacks, the heroes tell the Finishing Move Game Master their plan. If she approves, the “lead” character (the one rolling damage) Super heroes and villains are notoriously spends a Benny. To affect a target with hard to kill. Wild Cards with Arcane Heavy Armor, the lead character must inflict Background (Super Powers) are immune to Heavy Weapon damage. Finishing Moves. Instead, helpless heroes The group acts on the slowest participant’s and villains suffer the effects of the Drop Action Card (the faster characters should (opponents gain +4 to attacks and damage go on Hold until the last hero’s card comes against them). up). The supporting characters make Knockback normal attack rolls as their action using a Any super powered attack causing 20 skill connected to their contributing power points of damage or more to a normal-sized (Shooting for ranged powers, Fighting for foe causes the target to fly backwards 2d6”. close combat,Throwing if the lead character The damage threshold is 10 for Small and is hurled at the target to make a melee attack, Tiny targets, 30 for Large, 40 for Huge, and or whatever best fits the narrative). 50 for Gargantuan. This occurs whether the Assuming the lead character is successful attack is Soaked or not. with his own attack, each supporting ally Targets fly in a direct line unless the adds +1 to his damage total per power level attacker makes a Called Shot at –2 to choose in their relevant ability, or +2 with a raise. the direction of the knockback. If the victim hits an object, he takes 1d6 damage for 88 every 2” of knockback generated. Inanimate DDeeffeeaatt TTaabbllee objects along the path, such as walls, trees, or vehicles, are automatically hit, but characters Card Result get an Agility roll at –2 to avoid flying heroes 2 The Death of…: The character unless they’re caught unaware. Those who dies a tragic death. Her friends don’t get out of the way suffer a d6 damage should prepare eulogies and read for every 2” of knockback as well. them aloud when the hero or Synergy villain is eventually laid to rest. Sometimes a power might work particularly 3–5 Marked: The hero is Exhausted well in a given situation, or in tandem (see below) and permanently with another power. A character dowsed wounded. The GM and player by a water controller, for example, might can work together to determine take additional damage from an electrical the most likely injury based on attack right after, or a villain subjected to a the circumstances of his defeat, particularly personal and terrifying illusion but it should result in a Major might suffer a penalty when resisting the fear Hindrance such as One Arm, One power. This is called Synergy. Eye, or One Leg, or the loss of an If two powers affect a target in the same Edge, a Trait step, or two Power round (and only in the same round—this Points worth of abilities. The is comic book combat, after all), the Game injury may not be healed through Master might decide they have Synergy. The normal means (restoration could first power works as usual. The second gains occur as the result of some epic a +2 effect modifier that’s added to damage quest or being, however). or the active skill roll, or used as a negative 6–10 Exhausted: The character is modifier in case of powers like resisting fear Exhausted from the mental and or paralysis. physical trauma of his defeat. Sometimes powers might create negative This Fatigue can only be restored Synergy as well. If a villain with fiery blasts after 1d6 days regardless of other hits a hero who’s just been dowsed by water, powers or abilities. for example, reduce the damage (or effect for Jack Fatigued: The character is passive powers) by 2. Queen Fatigued for 1d6 days from the Unarmed Defender mental and physical trauma of his defeat. This Fatigue can only be Attackers ignore the Unarmed Defender restored after 1d6 days regardless rule in supers campaigns. of other powers or abilities. DEATH & DEFEAT King Down But Not Out: The hero picks himself up and carries on In comic books, heroes and villains are after the encounter is over. often defeated, disappear, or beaten into Ace Not Today: The hero retains his unconsciousness, but they very seldom die. wounds but stabilizes and is no Heroes who would otherwise perish by longer Incapacitated. the regular Savage Worlds rules are Defeated Joker Transformed: The character instead. Draw on the Defeat Table should “dies” (or perhaps disappears), your character meet such a terrible fate. and is Exhausted as above. Back From the Dead When she returns, however, she has changed in some drastic Even when heroes and villains die in comics S way. The player may completely e they rarely stay dead. If a player wants to t reconfigure her Power Points, t bring a dead character back rather than make i n perhaps as a dark reflection of her a new one, he and the GM simply need to g work up an appropriate story, and perhaps former self, or even an “ascended” R form depending on her nature or u allow the rest of the team to be the ones who l background. e somehow rescue the fallen comrade from the S cold hands of Death. 99

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