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Savage Aliens PDF

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Special Thanks to: Playtesters Ian F White Joshua Hayes Goran Tormac 2 Savage Aliens Chapter 1: A History of the Xenomorph Problem Chapter 2: Colonial Marines Chapter 3: The Universe Chapter 4: The Corporations Chapters 5: Character Creation Chapter 6: New Rules Chapter 7: Xenomorphs Chapter 8: Gamemastering Aliens 3 C h a p t e r 1 : A h i s t o r y o f t h e X e n o m o r p h P r o b l e m 4 The closing years of the responsible for numerous com- 20th Century saw a fading of munist takeovers. the great Nations and a rapid As the corporations grew, increase in the power and influ- they wove together the eco- ence of multi-national Corpora- nomic interests of the Nations tions. These Corporations were of the world, and the specter of not restricted to a single field; large-scale warfare was re- their interest were vast, cover- duced. With head-to-head war- ing all aspects of industry and fare economically unaccepta- economics, as they diversified ble, the advanced states set- into every field that held profit. tled for venting their hostilities They were also not defined by and waging wars in Third World country, society, or ideology. In nations. industry, in business, and in the This trend continued media, the multi-nationals be- through the following decades, came more powerful and more as the corporations prospered visible. and the interdependence of The first planet to have a the major Nations of Earth grew. scientific colony on it was Mars. Tensions did not end, but were The moon followed soon there- kept under control and re- after. Needless to say, Earth’s leased in ways that did not space exploration was not unit- damage anyone’s ability to ed; many different countries make money. Humanity entered have established colonies in the age of Space in an atmos- space. The major colonizers phere of controlled tension but are: The United Americas (USA, not outright war. Canada, parts of South Ameri- The Age of Space came in ca), China, Japan, The European the wake of two tremendous Federation, and Russia. Though technological breakthroughs. rare, conflicts have occurred The first was the reactionless between countries in space. Displacement drive, which al- The most significant cases are lowed Humanity to travel quick- between UA and China, be- ly and cheaply within the Solar cause of the differences in System. The Jump Drive soon government between these followed, expanding on the two powers; diplomatic unrest principles behind the Displace- has occasionally turned into ment Drive and taking Humani- war. China is believed to back ty out into the stars. As tech- the notorious PRA, a communist nologies were perfected, explo- extremist group that has been ration craft went out from Earth. 5 The search for minerals where Humans can live. and other raw materials was On every habitable world, colo- only a secondary goal of the nies have been established. explorers; those things were They have expanded at vary- available within the Solar Sys- ing rates, depending on the tem itself, in amounts that would corporate support they have keep humanity supplied for received and the qualities of many years. The most im- the worlds. Shiploads of people portant things the stars held and equipment are sent to were knowledge, the potential each Colony, and eventually of new habitable planets to the colonies begin to send ease the population pressures items of value back to the rest of Earth, and the opportunity to of Humanity; unusual life forms study new life forms. and mineral combination, the The greatest value for the product of local industries, and corporations lay in the life after a generation, skilled work- forms. Each world is like a gi- ers. gantic laboratory, where the These skilled workers are forces of nature have experi- part of the rapidly growing pop- mented on for billion of years. ulations of the colonies, and the The creatures produced in corporations have developed those laboratories, and the many techniques for managing complex chemicals contained them successfully. Colonists within them, possess abilities far have developed many tech- beyond those available to Hu- niques for making them suc- manity. Many of these abilities cessfully. are nearly miraculous. Colonists are taught to live The expansion into Space active, disciplined lives, to max- had been a slow progress, imize their economic value and since useful systems were rare reduce the risks of living in the and the effort involved in es- colonies. Good educations are tablishing colonies was great. available for those who are not. Still, at least six Earth-like worlds By contrast, the disorganized have been found, and dozens state of the population of Earth more that are at least habita- means that there are relatively ble. fewer people who are well dis- On other worlds, the pro- ciplined and well-educated, as cess of terraforming is under- the quality of life diminished on way, as hostile environments Earth. The value of trained, en- are slowly changed into places ergetic, and obedient workers 6 from the colonies increase. In addition to the above aspects of corporate life, a ma- jor part of each corporation’s management approach has been the establishment of a corporate military force. These forces are not large, but they are well trained, and have the best equipment their Corpora- tion can afford. With Colonies on many worlds, the power and influence of the Corporations rose rapidly. As they became more powerful, they became more of a threat to the Nations of Earth. The sit- uation was a very delicate one; the nations had far larger ar- by seeing corporate property. mies, but the Corporation con- Finally, one small crisis got out trolled space and vital high of control and erupted into war- technology. The same econom- fare. Dozens of other small ic interdependence, which pre- wars began within weeks, and vented war among the Nations the Earth spun into chaos. For- now, prevented the Nations tunately, the wars remained lim- from harming the Corporations. ited; few nuclear or biological weapons were used. Tensions between the in- creasingly wealthy Corporates The wars lasted for five and the Governments of Earth years. The war concluded with increased. The governments the formation of a joint council felt threatened. They saw the to oversee the affairs of both fabric of society changing and Corp and government for the thought they might not be a betterment of humanity. Out of part of the future of humanity. violence came the Interstellar Every political weapon was Commerce Commission (ICC), a used, including diplomacy, brib- coalition of Corporation and Na- ery, blackmail, and economic tions, which united Humanity. pressure. Separatist move- This organization was in charge ments were created to destabi- or regulating activities among lize Nations, which responded 7 its members, and the Colonial itarily and economically. There Marine Corps was created as are still underground rebel its military arm under the char- movements on most Colonies, ter that they did not have to but they pose little threat to the answer to any single corpora- ICC at present. tion. The wars had taught eve- The colonies, having sup- ryone that it would be valuable ported the Corps in the war, to have some sort of “police thought they would win more force” to discourage them from independence from external using violence to solve their rule. problems. The creation of the ICC Throughout the wars, the confirmed society's view that colonies strongly supported the the colonies were nothing more Corporations. They wanted to than Corporate property. Many remain free from the nations, colonies rebelled. They were al- and many believed they would ways going to lose. The ICC, receive status as independent Corporate forces and the CMC entities with increased control waged economic and military over their own affairs. When the warfare and overpowered all ICC was formed, it became clear but one corner of resistance. this would not be the case; the The rebel system of Alexandria Colonies were treated as cor- sealed itself off from the rest of porate property. Another cycle humanity. Soon after, the Union of hostility, tension, and intense of Progressive People formed diplomacy began, an eventual- from several rim colonies and ly several Colonies rebelled. set up a military border. Their The Colonial Marine Corps, sup- size is small but fortified. At- ported by corporate forces was tempts to retake their territory given the job of bringing the re- proved fruitless. Alexandria bels back under control. acknowledges the UPP's inde- The cause of the Colonies pendence but the ICC does was in danger from the begin- not. ning. The tremendous financial The Colonial Marine Corps and military resources available was created at the same time to the ICC meant that their loss- as the ICC. The intent was that es could be quickly replaced, the Colonial Marines, funded by while the colonies were very coalition of all the space-going weak in technology, industry, Nations, would be an inde- and population. One by one, pendent force that would re- the Colonies were defeated mil- 8 solve disputes among the Na- patrolled and unmonitored for tions and Corporation, and keep months or even years. It wasn’t the peace in the Colonies as until later, from secret grants well. Each nation had its own from corporations that believed portion of the force made up of the ICC to be corrupt, did they its own citizens, but they manage to compete again. shared equipment, training, and 2122 - First contact with Aliens doctrine. They were led by the creatures on LV-426. The Colonial Marine Corps High freighter "Nostromo" made Command, which included rep- landfall on the planet, one of resentatives from several na- the crew members was infected tions. and subsequently the crew Most of the power belongs and the ship was destroyed by to the Corporations, however, the drone that emerged. Sole and the Nations have little influ- survivor, ence among the stars. Their Ellen Ripley, escaped in a only tool is the Colonial Marine Capsule, the "Narcissus" and Corps, and its power is dwin- floated homewards towards dling. Every year, the Colonial Earth (we assume). Marines fall a little further be- Between 2155 and 2160 - Col- hind in technology; their weap- ony set up on LV-426, which ons are not upgraded, their was subsequently known as supplies and other equipment "Acheron." Due to a sheltering fail to incorporate the latest im- mountain range and the dire provements, and their ships are meteorological conditions, the faced with the improved de- colonists failed to find the signs available to the Corpora- "Jockey ship." tions. 2179 - The Narcissus was The shortage of personnel found floating by a remote min- is also a growing a problem for ing vessel with Ellen Ripley on the Colonial Marines. They board. She was brought back have not replaced the losses to gateway station in orbit suffered during the wars around Earth where it was against the rebel colonies, and learned that she was been in the additional drain imposed by hypersleep for 57 years. Her the current turmoil has made story was not believed by the the problem even worse. For ICC and she was stripped of her the Colonial Marines, the loss of rank and duties. One corporate a single Strike Team can mean executive, Carter Burke, be- that large areas will remain un- 9 lieved enough of the story to yet another drone that infected ask the colonist on LV-426 a local dog and ended up ar- "Acheron" to go and have a guing the look at the grid references pro- loss with a corporate bigwig vided by Ripley. Earth subse- who resembled her beloved quently lost contact with the Bishop. She threw herself into a colony. boiling vat of molten lead Burke, Ripley and a strike team //ENTER HERE FOR CL2 & of Colonial Marines made their TL2// way to Acheron and had a bad In 2185, the CMC secretly fund- time of it all. The survivors; Rip- ed its own group to investigate ley, Rebecca "Newt" Jordon, the reports concealed from Corporal Dwight Hicks and a them events on LV-426, or synthetic Bishop headed back Acheron. The organization towards earth in their vessel goes without a name and the Sulaco. doesn’t officially exist. Not even Weyland-Yutani knew of their //Enter Here For CL1 and TL1// existence. The group was ordered to investigate the reports on the 2179 or 2180 - The Sulaco had rim and return in a year with a some of the Alien eggs left on board (Ripley apparently failed to check before she went into hypersleep) and the emerging face-huggers caused an electrical fire on the Sulaco, which then jettisoned the sleep capsules in an escape pod. The pod found its way to the nearest inhabited planet "Fiorina 161 - Fury" a cor- porate penal colony. Newt and Hicks failed to sur- vive the landing and Bishop was scrapped carelessly by the inmates. Ripley found she was carrying an Alien queen in- side her, lost more people to 10

ited; few nuclear or biological . freighter "Nostromo" made ed a trip to the Alien Proteus, a . home planet of the aliens. Like a bee, they give.
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