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Preview Saudi Aramco's Dominique Guérillot spoke to Saudi Arabia Oil and Gas about the company's ...

Brazil Oil & Gas, tt_nrg and Norway Oil & Gas EPRASHEED signature series 2009 – Issue 10 www.saudiarabiaoilandgas.com Inside 110000 kkmm EEaasstteerrnn MMeeddiitteerrrraanneeaann SSeeaa RRaavveenn NNiillee DDeellttaa KSA SPE Technical Drillstem Testing for Manifa Symposium Program Deepwater Wells Baker Hughes Incorporated Advancing Reservoir Performance Technology and Expertise to Create More Value from Your Reservoir ** To di cu al at di ©2009 Baker Hughes Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. 25419 Every day, in oil and gas fields around the world, Baker Hughes experts evaluate customer needs, engineer systems to match each application, and deliver advanced technologies that improve operating efficiency and create more value. Our reservoir consulting services help you understand how to exploit the economic potential of your assets. Our drilling, evaluation, completion and production technologies consistently achieve superior results that lower costs, reduce risk, improve productivity and increase ultimate recovery. Whether you are exploiting existing reserves or exploring new fields, Baker Hughes award-winning technologies can help you cut costs and advance the performance of your reservoir. www.bakerhughes.com ** IMAGE AREA TIP ** To move image area up without distorting curve design: group logo, curves and image area, then move it all up. Grab only the 2 anchor points at the bottom of image area with the direct selection tool and pull down. 2009 – Issue 10 Contents EPRASHEED www.saudiarabiaoilandgas.com signature series 8 NOTE FROM KSA SPE TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM AND EXHIBITION CHAIRMAN 10 FROM THE ARAMCO NEWSROOM • CEO’s Advice – Chart Your Future - Page 10 • New Geoseismic Processing Method Patented - Page 11 • Nasser: People Bridge Gap to Future - Page 12 COVER STORY: INNOVATIVE E&P TECHNOLOGIES WORKSHOP HELD 14 IN AL-KHOBAR Two-day workshop to discuss how recent advances in formation evaluation, drilling and completion technologies can maximise performance and production THE ROLE OF OPEN HOLE PACKERS FOR COMPLETION OPERATIONS 20 IN SAUDI ARABIA By Paolo Gavioli, Baker Oil Tools OPTIMIZING POWERED ROTARY STEERING THROUGH BETTER 24 UNDERSTANDING OF THE DOWNHOLE ENVIRONMENT HHaarraaddhh11442255--00 ((AAWWBB)) By F. Al-Bani, N.Galindez and P. Carpen, Saudi Aramco; F. Mounzer and D. Kent, Baker Hughes 77 iinncchh True Vertical Depth (ft)True Vertical Depth (ft)99..662255 iinncchh776666666600999988880055000055000000000000 11000000NNoorrtthh((fftt))TT22ii00ee00 OO00nn 1100,,99555533 00fftt00 00MM00DD 11TT00001100 22000000TT22 33000000 44000000 55EE0000aass00tt((ffHHtt))aarraaddhh6611004400002255--22TT ((33PPWWHHHHHHBB77HHaaaaaa00))rrrrrraa00aaaaaa00rrddddddaahhhhhhddhh111111444444112222224455555522------5500221188--00 11((((((00 AAPPPP00((PPWWWWWWWWBBBBBBBB)))))) WW))WWWW TTeeeeeeDDllllll99llllll pppppp0011aa00aaaa5500tttttt,,hhhhhh994499 fftt MM11DD00000000 DAR NILOLNSCTEEMME NTETSETDI NFLGO FAOTRIN HGI GTHIE PBRAECSKS LUIRNEE RD ETEEPCWHNAITQEURE WELLS: 36 By Sameh Hussein, Baker Hughes Inc - Baker Oil Tools; Tom Scoular and Yuejin Luo, BP Plc. - BP Copyright 2008, Society of Petroleum Engineers PRODUCT GALLONS PER BARREL A STRUCTURED APPROACH TO BENCHMARKING BIT RUNS AND INDENTIFYING GOOD PERFORMANCE FOR OPTIMIZATION OF 42 • Gasoline — 19.4 FUTURE APPLICATIONS • Distillate Fuel Oil — 10.5 • Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel — 4.1 By C. Miller, Saudi Aramco, and R. Duerholt, A. Richards, and N. Briggs, Baker Hughes • Coke — 2.2 • Residual Fuel Oil — 1.7 WHAT’S IN A WET BARREL – AN EXCERPT FROM THE HYDROCARBON • Liquefi ed Refi nery Gases — 1.5 60 • Still Gas — 1.8 HIGHWAY • Asphalt and Road Oil — 1.4 By Wajid Rasheed 74 MANIFA FIELD, CAUSEWAY AND ISLANDS, SAUDI ARABIA By Osamah A. Al-Dakhil and David A. Close 84 KSA SPE TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM 98 EDITORIAL 2009 CALENDAR ADVERTISERS: BAKER HUGHES - pages 2-3, SCHLUMBERGER - pages 4-5, BAKER HUGHES CENTRILIFT - page 7, SAC - page 9, TAM - page 19, HALLIBURTON - page 99 and BAKER HUGHES ATLAS - page 100 CEO and Founder Contacts EPRasheed Wajid Rasheed United Kingdom Saudi Arabia Brazil [email protected] n Akram ul Haq n Ana Felix n Head Office n Mohanned AlSagri PO BOX 3260, Jeddah 21471 [email protected] Tel: (44) 207 193 1602 [email protected] Editors [email protected] Tel: (55) 21 9714 8690 Tel: (966) 557 276 426 n Fabio Jones JC Cunha (Technology) n Brian Passey [email protected] Majid Rasheed [email protected] Houston Tel: (55) 21 9392 7821 Mauro Martins n David Jones n William Bart Goforth n Roberto S. Zangrando CEN-09-25457-Saudia.Arabia.O&G-Ad-rev.indd 1 4/17/2009 3:55:35PM n Sally Cole [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Design [email protected] Tel: (1) 281 793 4314 Tel: (1) 713 304 6119 Tel: (55) 22 8818 8507 Sue Smith Baker Hughes Incorporated Advancing Reservoir Performance Prolonglifeability [pruh-lawng-lahyf-uh-bil-i-tee] n. Skill or ability of Baker Hughes to extend ESP run life. Baker Hughes delivers unmatched design, support and service to help you meet your production performance objectives. And with the widest range of ESP experience, technology and expertise, Baker Hughes can tailor solutions to meet your fi nancial objectives as well. Our fi t-for-purpose ESP technology is designed to deliver engineered expertise that optimizes production at the lowest possible lifting costs. Contact Baker Hughes today to learn how Centrilift Prolonglifeability can advance the performance of your reservoir. www.bakerhughes.com/centrilift ©2009 Baker Hughes Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. COR-09-25419. CEN-09-25457-Saudia.Arabia.O&G-Ad-rev.indd 1 4/17/2009 3:55:35PM 8 NOTE FROM KSA SPE TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM AND EXHIBITION CHAIRMAN NOTE FROM THE CONFERENCE CHAIRMAN Welcome to Issue 10 practices that have been adopted in the various parts of of Saudi Arabia Oil & the world. Gas and the 2009 SPE Saudi Arabia Tech- Th e symposium also features a panel discussion delivered nical Symposium and by renowned industry leaders on Tight Gas reservoirs, an Exhibition area so vital to fuel the economic growth for the region in general and the kingdom in particular. Th e rationale On behalf of the Society of Petroleum Engineers Saudi is to unlock challenges involved in the regional Tight Arabia Section, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you Gas market and have a strategy in place to exploit these to the 2009 SPE Technical Symposium and Exhibition reserves and be able to support the need for natural gas and Issue 10 of Saudi Arabia Oil & Gas Magazine. We supply in the future. are aiming for the technical symposium to be one of the most important events in Saudi Arabia’s petroleum Th is year’s symposium is particularly special, as it falls after sector. the SPE Saudi Arabia Section’s celebration of the 50th anniversary. Please come and join us at what is certain to Th e Program Committee has worked hard to bring you be very successful symposium and Exhibition. an exceptional Technical Symposium under the special theme “Pushing the Technology Envelope for Higher On behalf of SPE KSA, we would like to thank Saudi Recovery”. Th e theme was carefully selected to promote Arabia Oil & Gas Magazine for its support in providing the development and deployment of new technologies full coverage of the event. for enhanced and cost-eff ective discovery and recovery of hydrocarbon reserves. Th is correlates well with the In this issue, you will fi nd articles ranging from current situation, where higher levels of operational Manifa Causeway and Islands, a host of innovative effi ciencies are more than ever needed to reduce overall formation evaluation, drilling and completions papers fi eld development and production costs by deploying as well as ‘What’s in a Wet Barrel – an excerpt from Th e latest technologies. Hydrocarbon Highway, by Wajid Rasheed. Th e program off ers 15 technical sessions with recognized Th e magazine helps promote interaction between keynote and invited speakers, technical presentations petroleum experts within KSA and internationally, and and posters, and special technical sessions. Th e special has proven to provide a valuable channel for technical feature of this year’s event is the exhibition that has been EP publishing. planned for the fi rst time to showcase latest technologies needed to boost the growth of the regional upstream Th ank you all. industry. Th e response to the request for abstracts for papers and posters this year was beyond expectations. After a thorough review the technical committee has Dr. Ashraf Al-Tahini, endeavored to bring the best concepts and case histories to the technical symposium with an aim to share the best 2009 Symposium and Exhibition Chairman 10 From the Aramco Newsroom CEO’s advice – Chart Your Future by Rahmah I. Nawwab Khalid A. Al-Falih gives the opening remarks at the SPE DHAHRAN, April 15, nical content is essential Young Professionals Technical Symposium. 2009 -- Saudi Aramco’s to your development, president and CEO em- the person who also phasized the importance develops critical-think- of self-initiative to a group of young employees during ing, negotiating and problem-solving skills will be better the Society of Petroleum Engineers’ (SPE) 2009 Young positioned not only to contribute optimally to a project Professionals Technical Symposium. but to be more competitive in advancing to more senior levels.” “Just as the company is committed to a long-range program, so should each of you commit to your own He urged young engineers to take advantage of profes- agenda of planning and preparing for the future ahead,” sional societies that provide opportunities for knowl- Khalid A. Al-Falih said. “You must realize the huge im- edge-sharing and networking. “You have already taken portance of self-initiative to your career. Take a look at an important step in this particular arena by your par- your specialties and sub-specialties, and make your own ticipation in SPE International. Here, I would encour- roadmap to build competencies and stay current with age you to take an active role — don’t just be a member; innovation.” be a leader,” he said. He added that expanding knowledge beyond one Al-Falih also noted the company’s commitment to hu- area of expertise is another key to success. “Petroleum man resources development. “Given our ambitious engineers need to know about multiple disciplines, in- project slate and the knowledge- and innovation-in- cluding drilling, completion and production, forma- tensive future of E&P, continuous, calculated human tion, evaluation and geology,” said Al-Falih. “Similarly, a resources development clearly is our fi rst priority. Such broad understanding of applicable fi elds and disci- strategic investments in these precious natural resources plines, such as economics, business, IT, project man- hinge on something even more crucial than oil — and agement and law, is needed as the industry gets more that is our human resources,” he said. complex.” “Everything is possible,” said Al-Falih. “You can advance He stressed the signifi cance of soft skills that might be quickly within your profession, your technical fi eld as overlooked in technical and scientifi c fi elds. “While tech- well as your management career path.” www.saudiarabiaoilandgas.com | SA O&G Issue 10

work-over technologies. It ex- cels at engineering and manu- facturing products and systems to help custom- ers reduce their well costs while enhancing oil and gas recovery. Recent innovations include intel- ligent completion systems, multilateral junctions, sand control completions for horizontal
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