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gis-asia-cover.qxp 3/23/2007 2:57 PM Page 1 MARCH 2007 VOL 11 ISSUE 3 20 GIS EDUCATION: TRAINING, PLACEMENT AND PROSPECT Satyaprakash 32 STATUS OF SURVEYING AND MAPPING IN LAOS, PHILIPPINES: GATHERING MOMENTUM Saurabh Mishra 34 TRENDS IN GEOSPATIAL EDUCATION FOR WORKING PROFESSIONALS Abdul Rashid Bin, Mohamed Sharif 36 ONLINE STUDY RESOURCES: REMOTE SENSING AND GIS Ananya Ghosh 38 PICTURE THIS... 42 TECH WATCH 44 BLOGBUSTER 48 PUBLICATIONS www.gisdevelopment.net GIS-contents.qxp 3/23/2007 2:59 PM Page 5 President M P Narayanan Editor in Chief Ravi Gupta Managing Editor Maneesh Prasad Publisher Sanjay Kumar Honorary Advisor Prof. Arup Dasgupta Sr. Associate Editor (Honorary) Dr. Hrishikesh Samant Associate Editor Dr. Satyaprakash NNoorrtthh AAmmeerriiccaa Regional Manager Annu Negi EEuurrooppee Regional Sales Manager Niraj SSoouutthh EEaasstt AAssiiaa PPaacciiffiicc Regional Manager Sunil Ahuja Assistant Editor Saurabh Mishra Manager Sales Kavitha Seras South Asia Regional Sales Manager Shivani Lal Dy. Manager Sales Anupam Sah Vivek Rawat 20 SAunba nEydait oGrhosh GIS Education: Training, Placement and Prospect - Satyaprakash MMiiddddllee EEaasstt Regional Manager Swati Grover Regional Sales Manager CCOONNTTEENNTTSS Abdul Rashid Bin, Prashant Joshi Mohamed Sharif Manager Sales Sharmishtha Seth EDITORIAL 05 LETTERS 07 The article outlines the structure Sub Editor NEWS 08 EVENTS 50 of the geospatial courses offered Neha Arora in Malaysia... LLooccaattiioonn 28PERSPECTIVES Product Manager Niraj Sr. Asst. Editor This is an attempt to present the 36 ONLINE STUDY RESOURCES: Anamika Das views of eminent academicians REMOTE SENSING AND GIS Sub Editor representing different regions of Harpreet Rooprai Ananya Ghosh Asia, namely, the Middle East, PPoorrttaall Manager South Asia and South East Asia, Compilation of websites that Karunesh Kumar Maurya on the status of GIS education in offer online tutorials on Remote Dy. Manager their respective countries. Sensing and GIS. GISDEVELOPMENTWEEKLY Anshu Garg Sr. Sub Editor Harsha Vardhan 32STATUS OF SURVEYING Sub Editor Log on to Deepak KB AND MAPPING IN LAOS, SSooffttwwaarree DDeevveellooppmmeenntt GGrroouupp PHILIPPINES: GATHERING www.gisdevelopment.net Team Leader MOMENTUM to subscribe to weekly ezines Kumar Vikram Team Member Saurabh Mishra Viral Pandey The article gives a glimpse of SDDree. ssCiiggrennative Designer geospatial scenario of the two GIS Development Asia Pacific is intended for those interested and involved in GIS Prashanto Sarkar ASEAN nations... Deepak Kumar related activities. It is hoped that it will Assistant Graphic Designer 40 LEARNING THROUGH serve to foster a growing network by Manoj Kumar Singh Bb@GIS INSTITUTE keeping the community up to date on TTrraaiinniinngg aanndd RReesseeaarrcchh TTeeaamm many activities in this wide and varied Course Co-ordinator Satyaprakash field. Your involvement in providing Neeraj Budhari relevant information is essential to the EEvveennttss An instructor's view of UNIGIS success ofthis endeavour. Vicky Kalra, Albert Ahmed, Rupal Mehta Professional course... Marketing Co-ordinator GIS Development Asia Pacific does not Megha Datta Sales Co-ordinator 38 PICTURE THIS... necessarily subscribe to the views Uma Shankar Pandey expressed in the publication. All views Manager - Accounts 42 TECH WATCH expressed in this issue are those of the Yatindar Mohan Srivastava contributors. It is not responsible for any Dy. Manager - Accounts 44 BLOGBUSTER loss to anyone due to the information Anju Rawat provided. RSuegmisitt r aKtuiomna Cr o-ordinator 34 TRENDS IN GEOSPATIAL 46 CONFERENCE REPORT Circulation GIS Development Pvt. Ltd. Printed and Published bySanjay Kumar. Vijay Kumar Singh EDUCATION FOR WORKING 48 PUBLICATIONS PressYashi Media Works Pvt. Ltd. B-88, Okhla Industrial Area, PROFESSIONALS PSehcatsoer --1 I1I, , NGeawu tDamelbhui d- h1 1N0a g0a2r,0 N. Ioniddiaa, PInubdliicaat ioEdni tAodrdRresasvPi -G8u2p, ta GIS DEVELOPMENT: ASIA PACIFIC | MARCH 2007 Vol. 11 Issue 3 7.qxp 3/23/2007 3:00 PM Page 7 Feedback Reader’s Column Google Earth line where most of our large towns and cities are located. Its really shocking to see the Google view of strategic Indian Manu Parulekar, Mumbai, India places. We saw detailed views of the Sardar Patel National Police Academy, during our LBSNAA academy tenure. This is very risky for the country's security. There should be strict action against This is the best effort the country has made. This information such acts and prior permission should be made mandatory will be very helpful to town planners, NGO's, disaster before putting any such view online by any of the search management groups & hordes of others. engines. Is there no international norm guarding such acts? Sutanu K. Ghose, India Smita Pandey, IAS(P), West Bengal, India India to build comprehensive The news about 'Google Earth to blur key Indian sites...' is most SDI for Delhi probably the result of arm twisting done by the Indian govern- ment. All those concerned about high resolution data, please do It is a good start for India but other countries of Asia should also care to have a look at the recently published book on Indian Aer- invest in promotion of GIS to be able to manage crisis. India can ial Photographs by Kunal Verma - 'Ocean To Sky'. I sincerely take a lead as I had emphasised to Indian delegates in Colombo hope this comment does not result in an 'Official' ban on this during the Water Conference. I still doubt if my point of view very nice piece of work. I thank GIS Development in keeping the was really understood. Let USA, Europe and Russia come crusade against map censorship active. forward to face the global challenges like tsunamis and Navjot Kalra, New Delhi, India earthquakes. M. Shahjahan Bhatti, Pakistan Way cleared for faster implementation of India's NSDI; NATMO to launch Golden Map Service 4,800 Survey of India maps to be Really good news for the future. released into public domain Surendra Pal Singh, India This is what I have been waiting to hear all my life. This is excel- lent for my motherland. Satellite killing test by China against Sanjib K. Ghosh, Professor Emeritus, USA international convention: ISRO chief The euphoria over the announcement by the Head, NSDI, that From what I see, China has to go the other way around to fourty eight hundred topographical maps will be available in succeed in outer space but not through satellite killing tests! the open domain, is to say the least very heartening. All that I Ngereja. M. Mgejwa, Tanzania am surprised about is that how come none have asked about the total maps which cover the country? To shed some light on the facts well hidden - India is covered by approximately 5100 topographical maps at a scale of 1: 50,000. Out of these 4800 ffeeeeddbbaacckk Send in your to were anyway, always available across the counter from Survey of India offices. Why isn't anyone from our geospatial commu- [email protected] nity hollering for the release of the so called 'restricted' maps which by the way are the 300 odd sheets that cover the coast- MARCH 2007 GIS DEVELOPMENT : ASIA PACIFIC 7 8-18.qxp 3/23/2007 3:23 PM Page 8 News industrial policies and ille- To begin with, the entire such as change detection in gally expropriating farmland map of Kolkata will now be buildings and areas, recast- for construction, according to available at the click of a ing past events, crowd moni- the official. The Chinese gov- mouse. toring. It will also help in ernment has seen checking www.hindu.com planning and organizing excessive growth of land events such as Common- 3D mapping of supply as an effective way of wealth Games. This database Delhi proposed curbing runaway fixed-asset will be a major resource in investment and cooling the The Department of Science & disaster management, utili- CHINA economy. Some of the other Technology, Survey of India ties management and even measures taken to tighten (SOI) and the Ministry of enhanced property tax col- China using remote land supply last year include Urban Development lection besides security man- sensing to check illegal higher taxes on urban land (MOUD), have come together agement. land use use and stripping local gov- to make the data based on 3D www.pib.nic.in China is using satellite ernments of their authority city model available for the ISRO to launch remote sensing techniques to spend the money from capital city of Delhi. The 3D OCEANSAT-2 in to check illegal land use in land sales. mapping of National Capital 2008 90 cities, said an official with www.english.people.com.cn Territory of Delhi is sched- the Ministry of Land and uled to be completed within Ahmedabad, India, 14 Febru- Resources on February 27. three years. The project is ary 2007 - India will get According to officials in the INDIA estimated to cost over Rs. 100 sharper eyes to track rav- ministry's Bureau of Law crores (US$ 2 million), which aging cyclones and forecast NATMO to launch would soon be recovered by monsoon when the Indian Golden Map way of enhanced revenue Space Reserach Organisation Service collection. This was (ISRO) launches the indige- Kolkata, India, 15 February announced at a Press Confer- nously-built INSAT-3D and 2007 - Using the latest devel- ence jointly addressed by OCEANSAT-2 satellites next opments in IT, the National Urban Development Minis- year. The OCEANSAT-1, Atlas and Thematic Mapping ter, S. Jaipal Reddy and Kapil launched in May, 1999, has Organisation (NATMO), Sibal, Minister for Science & payloads specifically tailored India, would map the entire Technology and Earth Sci- for the measurement of Enforcement and Supervi- country down to the village ences. physical and biological sion, the techniques will help level using spatial technolo- Survey of India (SoI) would oceanography parameters. find out and check illegal gy through its Golden Map prepare 3D maps for 400 OCEANSAT-2 will play an land use in time and give full Service. The programme was cities in five years. The data important role in forecasting play to the role of govern- launched at the concluding generated by the maps the onset of monsoon and its ment macro-control in land ceremony of NATMO's gold- would be shared with all the subsequent advancement supply. Satellite pictures en jubilee on February 16. planning agencies and even over the Indian peninsula. using remote sensing tech- According to Prithvish Nag, the emergency and security The mission will involve a niques can show the chang- Director, NATMO, this is the services in future. In Delhi, total estimated cost of Rs ing of a city's newly used era of Web cartography in the SoI would also embark 129.15 crore (about $32 mil- land for construction in a mobile communication. on a project in which the lion) with a foreign period, thereby find out NATMO seeks to take a lead- underground utilities would exchange component of Rs whether the involved land ing role in this field through be mapped and used in real 86 crore (about $21 million). use breaks laws. its Golden Map Service proj- time to monitor problems With the realisation of the The government check will ect. Under this project, the and also plan for the future. OCEANSAT-2 mission, India focus on activities like entire country will be The temporal data generat- will have the capacity to approving lands in contrary mapped on large-scale maps ed will be of great signifi- cover many applications per- to government plans and right upto the village level. cance for many applications taining to ocean and meteor- 8 GIS DEVELOPMENT : ASIA PACIFIC MARCH 2007 8-18.qxp 3/23/2007 3:23 PM Page 9 ology. OCEANSAT-2 satellite will be just a few restrictions National Spatial Database: will have a Ocean Colour on the use of data. "This (the Monitor which will help project) will be rolled out GIS Based Web Services identify potential areas for through public-private part- fishery. It will also carry nerships (PPPs). Anyone, radar scatterometer which including academics, can use will measure the sea surface the data. There will be a fee level winds. to be paid." said Mr. Sibal. www.hindu.com www.timesofindia.indiatimes.com 4,800 maps to be GPS, remote sensors to released under check infiltration India's NSDI Border Security Force of India India's National Spatial Data will soon be banking Infrastructure (NSDI) mis- upon sensors and Global sion that languished for Positioning System along the more than two years with borders with Pakistan and various departments, is Bangladesh as part of efforts NSDI for India is an initiative undertaken jointly by finally ready for take-off. By to check infiltration.The Department of Science and Technology and Department March-end, all 4,800 SoI technology will help the bor- of Space, Government of India. It is aimed at encouraging maps would be available in der force boost its intelli- collection, aggregation and distribution of spatial data the public domain, many of gence gathering, counter-ter- on different themes on a common defined set of stan- them for the first time. All rorist activities and check dards and formats by different mapping agencies in the 4800 maps are part of infiltration, a concern both at India. This infrastructure of data will provide metadata the 1:50,000 scale series. the Indo-Pak and Indo- of all the data available with participating agencies and Work will also begin on the Bangla borders. facilitate users to obtain data as per requirements with a 40 cities project (1:10,000 As part of the efforts, about simple and smooth procedure from a common platform. scale). 20 BSF officers were given OObbjjeeccttiivvee:: To create/integrate, maintain, disseminate The NSDI promises to training in remote sensing digital spatial database at All India Level over GIS at change the way citizens look and geographic information National Informatics Centre (NIC) Headquarter. at their world. The scheme system technology at the SSaalliieenntt FFeeaattuurreess:: aims to use GIS to meld satel- Centre for Disaster Manage- • Bringing together many Geospatial data sources and dis- semination through a web-based approach. lite imagery and good old ment Studies under the aegis (cid:127) National Geospatial Framework consisting of the referenc- toposheets with data on of Guru Gobind Singh ing system built around standard datasets with an appropri- water resources, flooding, Indraprastha University. ate institutional arrangement. rainfall, crop patterns, civic The BSF Director General (cid:127) Created and maintained to certain defined common stan- layouts to produce 3-D digi- A.K. Mitra said the objective dards; Information upto Village level, the smallest unit of tal maps. In other words, the behind use of satellite imag- administration. NSDI network aims to super- ing and digital data was to RRiicchh SSppaattiiaall DDaattaa CCoonntteenntt ccoommpprriissiinngg:: impose all the spatial data improve border manage- (cid:127) Administrative Boundaries-State, District, taluk, Block and village locations for the entire country. onto a digital map. Once ment to the maximum possi- (cid:127) Village Boundary Database for six states and shall further ready , the NSDI will act as ble extent. India shares more extend to four other States; Major Town Locations an online database to main- than 14,000 km of border (cid:127) Communication Layers like Road (national highways, state tain such data layers and with six countries. He also highways etc) and Railway Network. base maps in an easily added that “for border sur- (cid:127) Natural Resource layers like Major Rivers, Green Areas, retrievable form. veillance, India needs per- Sanctuaries etc. India's Union Minister for sistent coverage over previ- (cid:127) Supplemented with Satellite Imagery, Toposheets and other Science and Technology, ously exposed areas. The Raster Datasets. Kapil Sibal, said that there large amount of data gener- www.gis.nic.in MARCH 2007 GIS DEVELOPMENT : ASIA PACIFIC 9 8-18.qxp 3/23/2007 3:23 PM Page 10 News ated can make sense only if the private agency will pho- tion Communication Tech- mation system (GIS) technol- automation is achieved to a tograph the hoardings and nology (ICT), such as the E- ogy and other information certain level in processing send the image using the Tanah project which com- such as the extent of the and identification of possible Global Positing System back prises areas in land adminis- flood, the number of people areas of intrusion. Hence, to the computers at the tration like disposal, registra- involved could help to estab- BSF needs to be equipped Municipal Corporation of tion of titles, transfer lish flood relief operations with positioning systems Delhi (MCD) office. approvals and many others," for the particular river basin. like GPS and feed the data This will allow anyone to he said. He was speaking to In addition, the flood hazard real time into GIS". log in and check the status of reporters after delivering his maps could include probabil- www.saharasamay.com illegal hoardings in the city. keynote address at a confer- ities of depths of flood inun- www.hindu.com ence entitled `Industry Meet' dation for risk assessment in GPS to be used jointly organised by the min- a flood plain.This would help for identifying istry and GIS Development in determining the flood unauthorised MALAYSIA Sdn Bhd. insurance premiums more hoardings www.bernama.com.my reasonably based on the Ministry integrat- Global Positioning System is degree of flood vulnerability. ing database of Japanese experts to proposed to reduce visual In some developed coun- land records assist development of pollution caused by illegal tries, flood hazard maps are flood hazard maps hoardings across New Delhi. The Natural Resources and easily accessible to the public The first city in the country Environment Ministry is in Malaysia will seek help from for public awareness and the midst of integrating the Japanese experts to develop education. country's database of land a flood hazard mapping sys- www.bernama.com.my records into one system to tem which will enable the ensure the effectiveness on country to forecast the the implementation of its effects of global warming. JAPAN projects under the Ninth Natural Resource and Envi- Japan launches Malaysia Plan (9MP). Accord- ronment Deputy Minister 4th spy satellite ing to the Ministry officials, Datuk S. Sothinathan said the application of GeoInfor- the system will enable the Japan launched its fourth to use this system, it will also mation Technlogy (GIS) will government to predict the spy satellite on February 24, assist the handful of munici- help in the integration of worst case scenario of flood improving its ability to mon- pal inspectors in keeping ille- this database system as well disasters in 50 to 100 years itor potential threats includ- gal hoarding at bay. as applying animation due to climate change that ing North Korea, whose mis- The new project envisages effects such as video and had already taken its toll sile and nuclear tests have engaging a private agency to sound. globally. spooked the region. An H-2A identify unauthorised hoard- Deputy Secretary-General II "This will be a guide for rocket, delayed three times ings, prepare an exhaustive of the ministry, Mohd future action on how to by bad weather, finally lifted data about them and con- Ibrahim Abu Bakar said since organise action during flood, off from the southern island stantly update officials on land matters were under the the location of the relief cen- of Tanegashima, carrying a their status. purview of the respective tres and the best route to radar satellite that joined As part of this project, all states, an integrated data- reach the disaster area" since two optical satellites and authorised hoarding will base of land records will be floods have been one of the another radar satellite now have a computer chip developed soon for every most devastating natural that will carry its unique state in Malaysia. disasters in East and South- identification number that "We want to achieve an east Asia. can be traced. The new sys- updated, effective, efficient Sothinathan also elaborat- tem is scheduled to become and accurate National Land ed upon the fact that the operational in next two Administration System via flood hazard maps coupled months. The inspectors from the utilisation of Informa- with the geographic infor- 10 GIS DEVELOPMENT : ASIA PACIFIC MARCH 2007 8-18.qxp 3/23/2007 3:23 PM Page 11 already in operation. With used to build Konus space- Asia's pollution brews the full complement of four craft (for the research of satellites, Japan will be able gamma-ray bursts and solar storms over Pacific to monitor any point on flares), Micro Mars spacecraft Earth once a day, govern- (for Mars research and ment officials have said. The surrounding space) and rocket also carried an experi- the placement of various mental optical satellite, devices in the interests of the aimed at improving the level Russian Academy of Sci- of detail obtained from the ences. The first launch is next generation of satellites. scheduled for 2008”. Micro- Japan's spy satellite pro- satellites will be launched as gramme was initiated after additional payload to heavy North Korea launched a bal- spacecraft. listic missile in 1998 that www.inform.kz flew over Japan. www.cnn.com VIETNAM Vietnam to launch its RUSSIA own remote sensing Pollution from Asia is helping generate stronger storms Russia to launch satellite by 2010 over the North Pacific, according to new research. first micro-satel- Vietnam plans to harness Changes in the North Pacific storm track could have an lites in 2008 space technology by building effect on weather across the Northern Hemisphere. Russia intends to launch its its own remote sensing satel- Satellite measurements have shown an increase in first research micro-satellites lites in the next decade, a top tiny particles generated from coal burning in China and in 2008, the Federal Space space official has said. Prime India in recent decades, researchers report in the latest Agency said on Monday, Minister Nguyen Tan Dung issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sci- March 5, 2007. has recently approved a pro- ences. The team, led by Renyi Zhang of Texas A&M Uni- gramme for space technolo- versity, studied pollution and clouds between 1984 and gy research and applications 2005, concluding that increasing particles enhanced the that will last until 2020. The cloud updraft to generate more intense thunderstorms Space Technology Institute than previously. Comparing 1984-94 with 1994-2005 (STI) will be responsible for they found an increase of 20 percent to 50 percent in the design and manufacture deep convective clouds. of small satellites. It plans to The Pacific storm track, they noted, plays a critical role launch the first small remote in global atmospheric circulation, and altering this sensing satellite by 2010. weather pattern could have a significant effect on the cli- The agency said that the The programme is designed mate. "The intensified storms over the Pacific in winter Lavochkin Research and Pro- to assist the country’s eco- are climatically significant," the researchers wrote. "The duction Center is developing nomic growth by making intensified Pacific storm track can also impact the global a unified Karat micro-plat- space technology an impor- general circulation." A particular threat, they added, is form for astrophysical, Earth tant industry in the next the potential for increased warming of polar regions. remote sensing and other decade, and to use that The research was supported by National Science Foun- fundamental research micro- industry to survey and moni- dation, Department of Energy and the National Aeronau- satellites, which will operate tor natural resources, the tics and Space Administration (NASA). for at least five years. environment and natural RRaannddoollpphh EE.. SScchhmmiidd,, TThhee AAssssoocciiaatteedd PPrreessss According to the space hazards. (http://www.theolympian.com/101/story/68954.html) agency, “the platform will be www.vietnamnews.vnagency.com.vn MARCH 2007 GIS DEVELOPMENT : ASIA PACIFIC 11 8-18.qxp 3/23/2007 3:23 PM Page 12 News carried a larger sediment es in Asia and the Middle lites from the Alcântara Base, load than during regular East, and provides early in the northeastern Brazilian rainfall and river flow. Low warning. Pine Gap is also state of Maranhão. The first rainfall preceding the linked to a new Space Based launch should take place by increased flow means that Infrared System (SBIRS) of 2009, according to the Brazil- potentially harmful pollu- satellites which give imme- ian Space Agency (AEB), tants such as pesticides, her- diate warning of missile which completed 13 years of bicides and fertilisers have launches anywhere on earth existence on February 10th, had time to accumulate, hav- and are a key part of the cur- 2007. The company is expect- ing a significant impact on rent US administration's ed to earn profit of roughly AUSTRALIA the marine ecology of the Missile Defence programme. 10% of the global satellite reef. The United States is also launching market, worth Satellite images show The CSIRO used images involved in the operation of US$ 10 billion, over the next river pollution threaten- from NASA satellites to build another base at Northwest eight years, since countries ing Great Barrier Reef up a picture of what was Cape in Western Australia, that own satellites will need Pesticide-rich plumes of sedi- happening during these which acts as a signals base to pay to use the base and ment spewing out of Aus- extreme events which may for US nuclear submarines in the launching technology. tralian river mouths have have gone unnoticed above Asia and the Pacific. Another Another goal of AEB is to been shown to reach the the surface but could have facility at Geraldton inter- launch a third satellite, built Great Barrier Reef, the lasting consequences for cepts mobile telephone sig- in partnership with China, world's largest coral reef sys- coastal waters. nals and communications in which will provide images of tem, threatening to damage www.edie.net a region extending from the the national territory, such Antarctica to Siberia. as deforested areas in the US to build www.domain-b.com Amazon Basin. military satellite http://www.anba.com.br communications base in Australia BRAZIL The United States will build a USA Brazil, Ukraine to new military satellite com- jointly establish NASA, Virgin Galactic munications base in Aus- space company to Explore Future tralia according to Australian Cooperation the coral and other marine foreign minister Alexander An agreement between the life that make up the natural Downer. The agreement, it Brazil and Ukraine seeks to NASA officials signed a wonder. Australia's Com- would appear, has been establish Brasília - a joint memorandum of under- monwealth Scientific and arrived at after three years of venture company for rockets standing on February 21 with Industrial Research Organi- secret negotiations between and satellites, that should a U.S. based company, Virgin sation (CSIRO) has published the two governments. begin operating this year. Galactic, LLC, to explore the satellite images which show The new base, to be located Brazil will open up its space potential for collaborations that the commonly-held at Geraldton, 400 km north base in Alcântara, in the on the development of space belief that river waters of the city of Perth, will relay northern Brazilian state of suits, heat shields for space- would disperse before reach- signals and intelligence to Maranhão while Ukraine ships, hybrid rocket motors ing the reef was not always US forces in the Middle East will provide its rocket and hypersonic vehicles true. and Asia. According to launching technology. The plumes are the result of Downer, construction of the The objective is to enter the heavy rainfalls in northern base will start in a few competition for the global Queensland in late January months. The United States satellite launching market, and early February 2007 fol- already operates a base at worth US$ 10 billion. The lowing a long dry season. Pine Gap, near Alice Spings, partnership is aimed at The resulting flood waters which tracks missile launch- launching rockets and satel- 12 GIS DEVELOPMENT : ASIA PACIFIC MARCH 2007 8-18.qxp 3/23/2007 3:24 PM Page 13 capable of traveling five or that a Web-based service, 3D laser mapping more times the speed of which could be up and run- sound. The memorandum is ning in three to five years, technology tracks dinosaurs only a framework to explore could improve reporting on potential collaborations. It disasters, the coordination of does not include training of a response, the dissemina- NASA astronauts, an agree- tion of information and pro- ment to buy seats on a Virgin mote resident-to-resident Galactic flight, or provision assistance. of technical advice by NASA Ben Shneiderman, profes- to Virgin Galactic. sor and founding director of “This understanding with the HumanComputer Inter- Virgin Galactic affords NASA action Laboratory at the Uni- an opportunity to work with versity of Maryland, and col- an emerging company in the league Jennifer Preece, pro- commercial human space fessor and dean of the uni- transportation industry to versity's College of Informa- support the agency’s explo- tion Studies, outline their 3D Laser Mapping has supplied a high performance laser ration, science and aeronau- idea for a community scanning system to assist with a European research proj- tics mission goals,” said S. response grid ect to map the footprints of dinosaurs. The project, jointly Pete Worden, director of The researchers point to the undertaken by the University of Manchester and Univer- NASA Ames Research Center. success of Web-based social sitat Autònoma de Barcelona, used an advanced RIEGL The agreement with Virgin computing services such as laser scanner with integrated digital camera and satellite Galactic was negotiated MySpace and Craigslist.com, positioning technology to accurately record and locate through NASA’s Space Portal, which service millions of individual dinosaur footprints. The project is tracing the a newly formed organization users every day. If local, state movements of dinosaurs and is assessing the effects of in the NASA Research Park at and federal agencies adopted weathering and erosion on the footprints. Ames, which seeks to engage a similar model, they could “This project would simply not have been possible new opportunities for NASA establish a two-way line of without the laser scanning system,” said Dr David Hod- to promote the development communication between getts, Lecturer in Reservoir Modelling and Petroleum of the commercial space individuals and emergency Geology, School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmen- economy. The memorandum responders. The idea is to tal Sciences at The University of Manchester. “Due to the of understanding will be in establish a website where fragile environment and the sensitivity of the site we effect for two years and stip- community members regis- were not permitted direct contact and therefore all meas- ulates that neither NASA nor ter in advance. Such a site urements had to taken remotely. Laser scanning allowed Virgin Galactic will be could link to community the rapid, high resolution digital mapping of an other- required to pay any fees or groups that already exist, wise inaccessible site.” provide funds to support the such as parent-teacher asso- The project will document and record the effects of areas of possible collabora- ciations, tenant organiza- weathering and erosion on the dinosaur relics and tion. tions or wildlife clubs, for provide a permanent record in order that researchers can www.nasa.gov.in example. People would visit understand the move- the site regularly as active ments of these Web-Based Emergency members of their group, ancient rep- Response Proposed building their community tiles. The data In the age of wireless Inter- and trust. In the face of an generated by the net and mobile phones, casu- emergency, alerted members laser scanner will be used to alties occuring due to lack of could contact fire and law produce highly detailed and communication might be enforcement personnel via accurate 3D models. avoided. Researchers suggest email or mobile phone with www.directionsmag.com MARCH 2007 GIS DEVELOPMENT : ASIA PACIFIC 13 8-18.qxp 3/23/2007 3:24 PM Page 14 such details as location, pho- Force Station in Florida on GITA's 2007 Lifetime in giving everyone access to tos and even video. The web- February 18. The launch was Achievement Award. The the basic spatial literacy site could also be accessed by delayed by one day because award recognizes an individ- that’s needed to use the tools emergency responders, who of high upper-level winds. ual’s outstanding contribu- effectively. could, for example, send a Racing into space on the tions and long-standing “I’m immensely honored by warning via email or text flaming power of three rock- commitment to the geospa- this award, especially as it message to registered users et stages and nine solid rock- tial industry. comes from an organization living in a danger zone. Or et motors, the five THEMIS The presentation was made that emphasizes the impor- thanks to GPS-enabled cell probes separated from the during GITA’s Annual Con- tance of education in the phones, they could locate Delta 2 rocket more than an ference held between March broad and expanding members on a geographical hour after launch. 4-7, 2007, at the Henry B. geospatial community. This map and contact them with The satellites will disperse Gonzalez Convention Center is a very exciting time to be specifics about where to go around Earth to monitor in San Antonio, Texas. working in this area, particu- and what to do. powerful geomagnetic sub- Goodchild is a professor of larly for the younger genera- Paying to use social net- storms in the Earth's atmos- geography at the University tion,” Goodchild said. working as an infrastructure phere that can damage com- of California, Santa Barbara; www.spatialnews.geocomm.com for emergency response munications satellites, dis- chair of the Executive Com- could be a challenge. Ben able power grids and shoot mittee, National Center for Shneiderman and Preece high levels of radiation Geographic Information and EUROPE suggest that a community down on spacewalking Analysis (NCGIA); associate Envisat response grid could be paid astronauts and airplane pas- director of the Alexandria completes five for with user fees collected sengers flying over northern Digital Library Project; and successful years by Internet service providers. latitudes as well as intensify director of NCGIA’s Center www.dsc.discovery.com the Northern Lights or auro- for Spatially Integrated Launched from Kourou in ra borealis. NASA is under- Social Science. French Guiana on the night THEMIS Launched taking the mission to investi- Goodchild received his of 28 February 2002, ESA’s Successfully gate what causes auroras in bachelor’s degree from Cam- Envisat spacecraft marks its Taking multitasking to new the Earth's atmosphere to bridge University in physics heights, NASA launched five change in appearance and in 1965 and his Ph.D. in geog- THEMIS (short for Time dissipate. Discovering why raphy from McMaster Uni- History of Events and the light of auroras can fluc- versity in 1969. He first Macroscale Interactions dur- tuate and fade will provide encountered geographic scientists with important information systems and details on how the planet's computer mapping in the protective magnetosphere late 1960s, when it was a works and on the sun-Earth struggling high-end comput- connection. ing application, and said he fifth year in space. Having www.nasa.gov.in is particularly gratified by orbited Earth more than the response the technology 26,000 times, the world’s Michael Goodchild has received in universities. largest and most complex Receives GITA’s Goodchild expressed his environmental satellite ever Lifetime Achievement pleasure on the fact that vir- launched has travelled a Award tually anyone with a Web distance of more than The Geospatial Information browser can make use of 1,000,000,000 kilometres, & Technology Association geospatial tools; but, at the nearly the equivalent of trav- (GITA) announced on March same time he said that elling to Jupiter and back. ing Substorms) satellites 7 that Michael F. Goodchild geospatial professionals Generating some 280 Giga- aboard a single Delta II rock- of Santa Barbara, California, have only begun to recognize bytes of data products daily, et from Cape Canaveral Air has been presented with how far they still have to go Envisat has gathered 14 GIS DEVELOPMENT : ASIA PACIFIC MARCH 2007

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