MPR-SAT-FE-72-l JUNE 19, 1972 ‘535) SbTURU 5 LAUNCH w3-33823 !T EWALUATICN EEPJRT-AS-511 ;SIOI (UAS A) 327 p AC CSCL 22c Urclas G3/30 1sa4fJ SATURN V LAUNCH VEHICLE FLIGHT EVALUATION REPORT-AS-511 APOLLO 16 MMION PREPARED 6Y SATURN FLIGHT EVALUATION WORKING GROUP GEORGE C. MARSHALL SPACE FLIGHT CENTER MPR-SAT-FE-72-1 JUNE 19, 1972 SATURN V LAUNCH VEHICLE FLIGHT EVALUATION REPORT-AS-511 APOLLO 16 MISSION PREPARED BY SATURN FLIGHT EVALUATION WORKING GROUP MPR-SAT-FE-72-l SATURN V LAUNCH VEHICLE FLIGHT EVALUATION REPORT - AS-511 APOLLO 16 MISSION BY Saturn Flight Evaluation Working Group George C. Marshall Space Flight Center ABSTRACT Saturn V AS-511 (Apollo 16 Mission) was launched at 12:54:00 Eastern Standard Time (EST) on 16, 1972, from Kennedy Space Center, Complex 39, Pad A. The vehicle lifted off on a launch azimuth of 90 degrees east of north and rolled to a flight azimuth of 72.034 aegrees east of north. The launch vehicle successfully placed the manned spacecraft in the planned translunar coast mode. The S-IVB/ IU impacted the lunar surface within the planned target area. This was thes econd Apollo Mission to employ the lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) during Extravehicular Activity (EVA). The performance of the LRV was satisfactory and as on Apollo 15 Mission resulted in a signi- ficant increase in lunar exploration capability. The total distance traveled on the lunar surface with the LRV on this Mission was 27 kilometers (17 miles). All launch vehicle Mandatory and Desirable Objectives were accomplished except the precise determination of the lunar impact point and time. No failures or anomalies occurred that seriously affected the mission. Any questions or rmnts pertaining to the information contained in this report are invited and should be directed to: Director, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, Alabama 35812 Attention: Chairman, Saturn Flight Evaluation Working Group, S&E-CSE-LA (Phone 205-453-2462) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Page TABLE CF CONTENTS iii 4.2.2 Parking Orbit Phase 4-7 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS vii 4.2.3 Injection Phase 4-9 4.2.4 Early Translunar Otiit Phase a-10 LIST OF TABLES xi SECTION 5 - S-IC PROPULSIOlY ACKNOYLEDGEMENT xiii 5.1 Sumnary 5-l ABBREVlATILW xiv 5.2 S-IC Ignition Transient WISSION PLAN rviii Perfomance 5-l FLIGHT SIRWARY xxi 5.3 S-1C Mainstage Perfomiance 5-3 MISSION OBJECTlVES ACCOMPLISHMENT xxviii 5.4 S-IC Engine Shutdown Transient FAlLURtS AiU ANOMALIES xrvix Performance 5-5 5.5 S-IC Stage Prupellant SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION Ranagemm t 5-6 1.1 Purpose l-l 5.6 S-IC Pressurization Systems 5-7 1.2 Scope l-l 5.6.1 S-IC Fuel Pressurization system 5-7 SECTIOn 2 - EVENT T!sS 5.6.2 WC CCK Pmsurizatiun system s-9 2.1 SumaryofEvents 2-l 2.2 Variable Time and Comanded 5.7 S-IC Pnewtic cuntro1 Pressurp Systulm S-10 S*itch Selector Events 2-l 5.8 S-IC Purge Systems S-10 PCTICW 3 - LAWY OPERATiWS S-It KNKJ Suppression s-v 3.1 3-l SF- S-10 Prelamct llilestones 5.10 S-It Hydraulic Systecn S-10 :::.1 S-IC stage Pm:aunch Problenu ::; 3.2.2 S-II Staq Prelaunch P~ublems 3-l SECTIOIY 6 - S-11 PRWULSIoll 3.2.3 S-IVB Pmlaunch Problems 3-3 3.2.4 IU Stage PrPlawtch Prablenis 3-3 6.1 f-w 6-l 3.3 Terminal Culntbun 3-4 6.2 S-11 Chilldcnm ad Eluild~ lransimt Performa 6-2 3.4 Prapcllant loading 3-4 3.4.1 W-1 Luading 3-4 6.3 S-11 Mainstagr, Performance 6-7 3.4.2 LOX Luading 3-4 6.4 s-11 shutdow Transient 3.4.3 En2 Loading 3-5 Perfuuna 6-9 Ground Support Equipwit 3-6 6.5 S-II Stapc Propllant :-: 1 Gruwid/khiclt I&wface 3-6 lmagwnt 6-11 3:5:2 ClSFC Furnished Gnnmd Stqxport Equipmt 3-7 6.6 S-I! Pressurization Systm 6-13 6.6.1 S-II Fuel Pnxsurizatiun SXTIDN 4 -TRAJECTORY system 6-13 6.6.2 S-II LOX Pwwssurizatian 4.1 S-Y 4-l system 6-15 4.2 Trajectory Evaluation 4-l 6.7 s-11 Pnewtic cuntro1 4.2.1 Ascent Phase 4-l Pressurr Sys'rn 6-19 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Pege Page 8.2.2 Benaing tints 8-3 6.8 S-11 t+ellm Injection sfi- 6-19 8.2.3 Vehicle Dynamic Chrrscterlstics 8-3 longitudinrl Dynnfc 6.9 Paa suppression systen 6-20 Characteristics 8-3 6.10 S-11 HydrrulIc System 6-20 0.2.4 Vibration n-5 8.3 S-11 POGO limiting Backup SEClIOI( 7 - s-IVn PnoPlnsIoI Cutoff system 8-7 7.1 S--V 7-l SECTION 9 - CUIWCE AND NAVICATIO)I 7.2 s-IV6 Chlllddn end Buildw Transient Pcrfomancc for 9.1 S-Y 9-: First Bum 7-2 9.2 Gufdsncc tarprrisons 9-1 7.3 S-In Mainstsgc Pcrfomdnce 9.3 Nwlgrtion end Guidance for First Bum 7-5 Schrr Evaluation 9-10 7.4 S-IVB Shutdown Transient 9.4 Navigation and Guidance performance for First Bum 7-7 System Caqonents 9-22 7.5 S-IVB Pwking Orbit Coast 9.4.1 ST-124M Strbilired Plrtfom Phase Conditlmlng 7-7 w- 9-24 9.4.2 LVOC and LVM 9-24 7.6 S-IVB Chilldowm and Builds Transient Perforunce for SECTIW IO - C;oIITROl AND SEPARATIOW Second Bum 7-7 7-13 7.7 S-M *Instage Perfomance 7-1s 10.1 S-Y 10-l For Second Bum 10.2 s-IC Control systn 7.7.1, kinstage Pmdiction Technique 7-17 Evrluatlon 10-l 10.2.1 liftoff Clearances 10-l 7.0 SiIVB Shutdarn Transient 10.2.2 Inflight Dynirics 10-l Perfomnce for Second Bum 7-17 s-11 Control sysm 7.9 S-WE ftegt Pmpellrnt 7-18 Evrlurtion 10-e I(mrgemnt I-10 10.4 s-IUD Control systcll 7.10 S-IV0 Pmsurirrtlal systcll 10-9 7.10.1 S-IV6 Fuel Pmsurir4tlon 7-20 10.4.1 Control System EwltMlon sfi- &wing First Bum 10-9 7.10.2 s-IVI) LDX Pmsurlzrtim 10.4.2 Control Systea EwluetIon Sfltn 7-24 Ourhg Parking Orbit IO-14 7.11 j-IV8 PlUElvtlC Contml 10.4.3 Control Systcl Evelwtlon Pmsum sysbm 7-24 Chwlng SecendBum IO-15 7-24 10.4.4 Control Systa Evelwtlon 7.12 s-IVB Aurlliry Propulsion 7-24 After S-IVII Second Bum 10-18 sysr-n 7-29 7.12.1 APSl4odulc~PerfolmMec 7-31 10.5 1nstn-mt wtContm1 Propellent Sysm Colponcnts Lvrlurtlon lo-24 Hcl!u Pmssurlutim system 7-31 10.6 separat1al IO-24 &InSvlJeltSa tlgetlcn Of Frllurr 7?--3?1! 1100..66..12 SS--K1/1S -II Second sepwPelatn1eo n Separation MS Extenul Lerkege Cormctfve 7-31 Ev4luet:o 10-a .* ;. ktln 10.6.3 s-1 l/S- *9 seplratiom IO-26 Thnnt SySocll ::; 10.6.4 S-IvB/CW Separation IO-26 7.12.2 APS lbdule 2 PorFom- Pmpellmt Qstcll. SECTION ll- ELECTRICAL WE- w1D EMERGENCY lk!iu Pmsurization Sysm ::g DETECTION CYSTEM ~S$""l LuLspc Comctive 11.1 s-v 11-l Thrust Sysa :z 11.2 S-IC Staqe Electric41 7-41 7.13 S-IVB Orbital kflng Operations 7-41 G-S- 11-l 7.13.1 Fml Tank Wing 7-41 11.3 S-11 Steg+ Electrlul 7.13.2 LOX T&L G@ng end Srfing SYSti 11-l 7.13.3 Cold lcliu m 7-43 11.3.1 S-II 1gntt1on system 7.13.4 Mtmt lkllu oup 743 Electrical Netuort Armly II-2 7.13.5 stat Pneurtic Caltrol sp)rcm %ffnO 7-44 11.4 S-IVB Stage Electrical 7.13.6 Engine Start Tank Srflng 7-r4 srs- II-3 7.13.7 Engine Control spkcfe Lfin9 11.4.1 f-v 11-3 11.4.2 S-IVB Fotwrd B4ttery No. 2 7.14 Nydmulic systa Brthcy Perforunce 11-3 8-l SECT1ale - STWCTIRS 11.5 lnstrumt Uit Electric41 SF- 11-9 8.1 s-v 11.5.1 S-V II-9 ::1' 8.2 total Vehicle StnictumS 11.5.2 Batteq kulysir 11-14 Evelutlon 8.2.1 LoegltudinrlLoed4 iv TAME 0F CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Page Page 11.6 ?,dtUrn v bWqenCy bteCtim SECTION 18 - SPACECRAFT SLWARY 18-l 11-1s System !EOS) SECTlOW 19 - APOLLO 16 INFLICiHT SECTION 12 - VEHICLE PRESSURE EIIVIRCU4MEHT OEIWSTRATION 19-l 12.1 h""dl-y 12-l SECTION 20 - LWAR ROVING VEHICLE 12.2 Base Pressures 12-I 20.1 SWaf-y 20-l 12.2 1 s-IC Base Pressures 12-1 12.2.1 s-11 Base Pressures 12-1 20.2 Deployment 20-3 20.3 LRV to Stewed Payload SECTION 13 - VEHICLE THEPJW ENVIRONMENT Interface 20-3 13.1 SmdV 13-l 20.4 Lunar Trafficability 13.2 S-IC Base Heating 13-I Envirommt 20-3 13.3 S-II Base Heating 13-I to.5 Heel Soil Interaction 20-6 13.4 Vehicle kroheating Thennal 20.6 Locmtion Performance 20-6 Envitlnment 13-6 20.7 Mechanical Systems 20-6 13.5 S-[C/S-II Separation Thermal 20.7.1 Harmonic Drive Environrent 13-7 20.7.2 Iheels and Suspension 2: 20.7.3 Brakes SECTIUU 14 - EPVIROM(EWTAL CONTROL SYSTEMS 20.7.4 Stability z: 20.7.5 Hand Controller 20-B 14.1 S-V 14-1 20.7.6 LO&S 20-D 14.2 S-IC Envirommtal Control 14-l Electrical Systems 20-8 14.3 S-11 Enviromental Control 14-2 ii-x 1 Batteries 20-B 2U:a:2 Traction Drive System 14.4 ILL Lnviroomntal Control 14-2 20.8.3 Distribution System ii: 14.4.1 The~l Conditioning Systeu 20.6.4 Steering UCS) 14-2 20.6.5 kp-Hour Integrator g:; 14.4.2 ST-124M 6as Derring Systm (=f) 14-7 20.9 Control and Display Console 20-10 20.10 Navigation Systeu 20-10 SECTIDN 15 - MTA SYSTEMS 20.11 Craw Station 20-15 15.1 S-f-Y 15-1 15.2 Vehicle Measummnt Evaluation 15-i 2200..1122 -l TShueRfuuaryl 2200--1166 15.3 Atttwm WF Tclenetty Systca 20.12.2 Transportrtion Phase 20-16 Evaluatton 15-l 20.12.3 Evtrawhicular Activity Periods 20-16 15.4 C-Emd Radar SystemEvaluattou IS-4 20.13 Structural 20-19 15.5 Secure bra- Safety Comand System Evaluation 15-7 20.14 Lunar Roving Vehicle Configuration 20-19 15.6 Comand and Commiution Systeu Evaluation IS-7 RPfNDIX A - ATHOSPHEL 15.6.1 Cownd -ication Systeu S-V 15-7 A.1 -ry A-l 15.6.2 CCS Perfocwnce 15-I A.2 Grnaral Ampheric Conditions 15.6.3 ccs S1qlal LOSS 15-10 at hutch Time A-l 15.7 Growl Engineering bras 15-12 A.3 Surface Observations at 1amch Time A-l A.4 llpper Air Measuramts A-l 16-l A.4.1 Yindfpccd A-l 16-l A.4.2 Mind Direction A-2 A.4.3 Pitch Mind bqa*nt YYiandw Colponcnt A-2 A.4.4 torponntuind Shears A-2 A.4.5 Extra Ylnd Data in thAe -2 lilgh 17-l A.4.6 WC fwm 17-l A-2 17-5 A.5 ~~'c Data A.5.1 AtPsphcric Rwsfty ::: 17-5 A.5.2 Optical IdI! of kfraction 17-9 A.5.3 ;:; V SEcna 16 - IMSS CHAMCTERlSflCS 16.1 f-v 16.2 ass Evalvltion SECflDlI 17 - LINAR 119ACT 17.1 5-v 11.2 TranslmarCoestkrmven 17.3 Trajectory Evalwtion 17.4 Lwr 1-t CoM .ionS 17.5 Tracking Dlta TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) A.6 coqwlson of Selected A~spherlc olta for Srturn V Lmmches A-3 APPENDIX 6 - AS-511 S16111FIWT 0011FIGlWlIOW CnmeES 6.1 Intmductlon B-1 vi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Fipw Page figure ’ age 6-9 1-11 fuel Pwp Inlet b-16 Ccmditions 2-l Ground Station Time to 6-10 S-II LOY Tdnk Llllage Vehicle lime Conversion z-2 PtT5SUI-P 6-17 4.1 Ascent Trajectory Positian 6-11 s-11 LOX Pump Inlet collpan son 4-2 Conditions 6-18 4-2 Ascent Trajectory Space- 6-12 S-II Center Engine LOX fixed Velocity and flight feedline Accuntulator Bleed Path Angle Comparisons 4-2 System Performance 6-21 4-3 Ascent Trajectory Acceleration 6-13 S-11 Center Engine LOX Convarison 4-3 feedline Accwwlator fill b-b Dynamic Pressure and Mac3 Transient 6-21 hmher Comparison 4-7 6-14 S-II Center Engine LOK b-5 Launch Vehicle Groundtrack 4-0 feedline Acclnlulator Helium Supply System Performance 6-22 b-6 Injection Phase Space- flxed Velocity and Flight 7-l S-IVB Start Box and Run Path Angle iolrperisons 4-9 Requirements - first Burn 7-3 4-7 Injection Phase Acceleration 7-2 S-IVB Thrust Buildup Transient Comparison 4-10 for First Bum 7-4 5-l S-!C LOX Start Bcx 7-3 S-IVB Steady State Performance Requirements 5-2 - First Bum 7-6 S-2 S-IC Engines Thrust Buildup 5-3 7-4 S-1VB Thrust Decay 7-a 5-3 S-IC Stage Propulsion 7-5 S-IV8 CVS Perfomance - Performance 5-4 Coast Phase 7-9 S-4 f-l Engine Thrust Decay 5-6 7-6 S-IVB Ullage Conditions Durrng Repressurization 5-5 S-IC Thrust Decay 5-7 'sing 02/Q Currier 7-10 5-6 S-IC Fuel Tank Ul'age 7-7 S-IVB 02/H2 Burner Thrust Pressure 5-8 and Pressurant Flwrate 7-l 1 5-7 S-It LOX Tank Ullage Pressure 5-9 7-0 S-IV6 Start Box and Run 6-l S-11 Engine Start Tank Requirements - Second Sum 7-12 Performance 6-3 7-9 S-IYB Steady State 6-2 S-II Engine Helium Tank Perfomance - Seand Bum 7-11 Presswes 6-4 7-10 S-IVB Engine Steady State 6-3 S-11 J-Z Engine Schematic 6-5 Perfornuncc During Sbge Acceptance Test 7-16 6-h J-2 Engine Configuration Changes 6-8 7-11 S-IVB LH2 Ullage Pressure - First Bum and Paming Omit 7-19 6-4 S-11 Engine Punp Inlet Start RequireRnts 6-8 7-12 S-IN LH2 Ullagc Pressure - Second Bum and Translunar 6-5 S-11 Single Engine Thrust Coast 7-19 Buildup Characteristics 6-9 7-13 S-IV6 Fuel Plnp Inlet 6-6 S-11 Propulsion Performance 6-10 Conditions - First Bum 7-21 6-7 S-11 J-Z 0utbw-d Engine 7-14 S-IVB Fuel Pulp Inlet Thrust Decay 6-12 Conditions - Second Bum 7-22 6-8 S-11 Fuel Tart Ullage PrnPrSUre 6-15 vii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (C~~TUNJED) r1gure rdw 7-15 .-ibb Staw r~hrntrcn L"".loprs d-Y 7-:3 b-lfl S-IV6 vrbratlon Spectral 7-16 A!L3l?.SlS 8-9 7-25 9-l Trajectory and ST-124M 7-17 s-la LCI pu* Inlet Flatfom Velocity Com- Conaltlons - Second Gum i-26 parisons. Boost-to4PO (1raJectov-y Minus LVDCl 9-2 7-18 I-IVR Cold Helium Supply History 7-27 9-2 Trajectory and ST-124M Platform Velocity Com- l-19 APS Module 1 Helium ~upoly parisons. Boost-to-TLl Pressure 7-28 (Trajectory Minus LVM! 9-2 7-m S-lb% APS Accumulated Helium 9-3 Cmrparison of LVOC and post- Leakage for Modules 1 dna 2 7-30 flight Trajectory During fp0. 7-21 APS Degulatcr Outlet X Position and Velocity 9-b PITSSUIT T-32 9-d ConQarison of LVDC and Post- 7-22 S-IVB Anblent nellurn Inter- flight Trajector) Dur;ng EPO. connect Spheres Schenlatlc 7-33 \ Posltion and Velocity 9-7 7-23 APS Module 2 Supply Pressure 7-35 9-5 Comparison of LVDC and Post- flight Trajectory Dwing [PO, 7-20 APS Heltum Bottle/Regulator 2 Posi?ion and Velocity 9-8 Discharge Transducer Hountlng 7-36 9-6 Cmperiron of LVLK and Dost- 7-25 APS neltun Pressure flight Trajectory During EPO. Regulator 1854601 7-36 Radius and Velocity 9-9 7-26 APS lieliun Regulator Outlet 9-7 Comdrison of CVGC and Post- Pressure During Pressurization 7-37 flight Trajectoy During 7-27 APS Module 2 Regulator Boost to TLI. I Position end Outlet Pressurn 7-38 Velocity 9-11 7-28 APS neliw Bottle/Regulator 9-8 Cqarison of LVLK and Post- rDbuisncthinagrg e (PTrrodnpSodusCeedr Redesign) i-39 fBliogohst t toT rajTeLctIo. ry V PosDitiounri ng and Velocity 9-12 7-29 S-IVB LOX Drnp and Ortrital Safing Sequnce 7 -40 9-Y Comparison of LVOC and Post- flight Trajectory During 7-30 S-IVB LOX m Parameter Boost to TLI. 2 Positiw and Histories 7-12 Velocity 9-13 7-31 S-Iv9 LOX Tart u11age 9-10 Cmrisons of LVDC and Post- Cce~sure - kcs~d Bum and flight Trajectory Dwifq TrrczJ8Jr.r coils. 743 Boost to TLI, Radius and 8-l LonT;tudinal Acceleraton at Velocity 9-14 Ill and 01 During Thrust 9-11 Continuous Vent Systa, (CVS) Buildw and Launch 8-2 Th-ust and kceleration 8-Z Longitudinal Load at Tim During EW 9-15 of kxinn Bending Ibrent. 9-12 AS-511 P:tch Attltudc Anp?e, CECO and IXCO 8-2 FirSt Bum 9-18 El-3 Bending Moment and Load g-13 G-511 Yaw Attitude An9lc. Factor Distribution dt Tim First Bum 9-19 of krimm Bending r)amt a-3 9-14 AS-511 Roll Attitude Angle. 8-4 Ill AcceleroRtcr Five Hertz First Gum 9-20 Rrsponse During S-It Bum (Lowgittiinrl) 8-4 9-15 ;ztn$ and Actual Pitch - Second Bum 3-23 B-5 IU and m Longitudinal kcelcration After S-IC DECO 8-5 9-16 Comsmded and ktual Tn Attitude - 5econd Bum 9-23 8-6 IU and C% Longitudinal Acceleration After S-1' DECO 84 9-17 lnplitude of Cross-&balysis 9-25 0-Y AS-Sll/AS-510 kaleration and 10-l AS-511 Liftoff Vim Ranauver 10-2 Pressure Dscillatims [kring 10-Z a-511 Reconstructed S-11 Bum (8 to 20 tls Filter) E-8 Liftoff Trajectory 10-3 0-8 AS-511 Pm Inlet Prersurr 10-3 Pitch Plane Dynamics During and Thrust Pad kaltrrticm S-IC Bum 10-4 Oscillations During kcw- lrtor Fill Transient (1 to 10-4 Va Plane Dynaics Ourin 110 Hz Filter) 8-8 S-IC Bum 10-S 10-S Pitch ard Yaw Platte Fme St- Angle qf Attack thing S-IC Bum 10-6 viii