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Satanism: A Beginner’s Guide to the Religious Worship of Satan and Demons Volume I: Philosophy PDF

170 Pages·2010·23.19 MB·English
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Preview Satanism: A Beginner’s Guide to the Religious Worship of Satan and Demons Volume I: Philosophy

Copyright © 2010 Bro1:her Nero Devirs Mark Publishing 5403 Everhart Rd.PM B #17 Corpus Christi, TX 78411-4805 All dghts Kserved. No part o f 化is publication may be reproduced or tra打smitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information s1:orage and retrieval system,witho山 permissio打 in writing from 化e author. Brief p过ssages may be quoted. Library o f Congress Control Number: 2010936550 ISBN 978-0-9842108-0-0 PRO化 CT MANAGER: Robert J. Womack Acknowledgements First and foremost, I would like 化 thank Satan and his Demons for 化eir guidance throughout my life, without which this book would not have been poss化le. Secondly, I would 1化e 化 thank Brother Obitus o f the Black Coven o f Sathanas for his help in putting this book together. And last but certainly not least I would like 化 thank Sanctuary of Satan fbr their continued support and guidance through the years. You are one o f the most genuine Satanic groups out there and not 1:0 acknowledge the things you have achieved over 化e years would be the highe巧 fb m of disrespect, so agai打化anks 化r all your help and understanding. Table of Contents Chapter FORWARD INTRODUCTION I. SATAN SATAN AND DEMONS: OBJECTIVE FACT OF THE UNIVERSE SATANIC UNITY AND THE ANTICHRIST PACTS WITH SATAN AND DEMONS THE AFTERLIFE AM I A SATA饥 ST? VII. THE IMPORTANCE OF STANDING UP FO民 YOUR犯 LF AND SATAN VIII. SA TA M SM,FAM正Y , AND CHILDREN n XII. MODERN SATANISM, ANTON 80 LAVEY, AND THE SATANIC BIBLE XIII. THE USE OF THE LABEL "R EV ERSE CHRISTIAN 打 Y " XIV. THE IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING A 89 MAGICKAL JOURNAL BOOKS ON SATANISM 96 XV I. DAILY PRAYER 101 XV II. MARRIAGE, SEX, AND 110 RELATIONSHIPS XVIII. ANIMAL SA CRffICE APPENDIX: HOLY TEXTS OF T皿 YEZimS 131 THE AL-JILWAH 133 THE POEM IN PRAISE OF SHEIKH ADI 139 WAR COMMENTARY 142 Forward 二 wo山d definitely have 化 say that the book you now hold in your liands has been a long time coming, and I wo山d know better 化an 3iost. I first met the author, Brother Nero, over eight years ago. I was new 化 Satanism at the time, and found myse化 lucky enough :〇 run into Nero and become a student o f his. As the years passed, I 云ventually found my化If working with Nero on many projects, 如me more successful 出an 0化ers. Ultimately, I have filled 化e role his official (and sometimes unofficial) personal assistant many dmes, still continue 化 do so now and then, and probably always Tvill. Nero began his life as a Satanist at the age o f twelve, and con- :rary 化 what many o f his de杠actors may 化11 you, his Satanism was ~ot the result o f rebellion against a strict Christian upbringing. In fact, his childhood was virtually devoid o f any serious, meaningful spirituality, Christian or otherwise. Instead, Nero devoted his life :a Satan and His cause as a 化suit o f personal spiritual revelation, •.'Mch happens more often in Satanism than one would think. The last twenty-five years o f Nero’s Ufe have more than pre­ pared him 化 write a volume such as this. After spending time as an -Tjtiate o f bo也 the O.T.O, (Ordo Templi Orientis) and 化e Temple : f Set, it soon became apparent to Nero that these i打stitutions were ~3t adequate vehicles for his religious convictions, and so, in 1992, 二云 founded his own religious body; H.O.M.E. (Homed Order’s , Jagickal Exist;ence.) Unlike the O.T.O. and 化e Temple o f Set, H.O.M.E. was organized as a Satanist body dedicated 1:0 traditional rdigious worship of the Devil instead o f being primarily a magical rrder. Over the years,H.O.M卫. saw many highs and lows. I became r-volved with H.O.M.E. in 2002, and tried my best to help Nero 2::Meve his dreams. However, despite mine and others help, it was 二如 enough !:〇 save H.O.M.E. from it’s eventual demise in 2004. 二le fadors involved in the death o f H.O.M.E. are myriad and 化 ± is day remain a source o f 化nsion between former Priests o f the 立der and Brother N巧0, most notable among those former Piri巧ts rdng Brother Myrmydon, present High Priest o f 化e Cathedral of 过 Black Goat. I won’t go into details o f what happened between Mr. Myrmydon and Nero, except that Myrmydon had issues with certain policies, and he simply said, "thumbs 合own 化 that." So much 拓r 也e past. Since 也at time, Nero has kept a low profile, being content to continue his ministry by regularly releasing audio sermons 化也e public. That is, until now. Nero has finally decided to start preserving his teachings in printed format, which is something that many people, including myself, have urged Nero !;〇 do for years. This book is unUke any o化er book 一。二T - •二.1 一 一 、 一 • 一I — 一 published on the theory and practice o f Traditional Satanism. Nero LZt过鸟,_1 holds no punches,化118 no ^n山shit, and won’t pull your leg. He ,■五 -I may shock you, he may even 出 sturb you, but he definitely will not -一*一— —I bore you or fail 化 show you 也e thoughts o f a man who has truly devoted his life and soul to the Lord o f Darkness. I f you are unacquainted wi化 Nero’s way o f 化inking, I don’t want 化 take away from the impact o f his ideas by analyzing them in this forward before you read them in his own words. Many Satanists who read this book may disagree with a few, or a lot, o f 也e 化ings said in here. Hell, I myself don’t agree completely with ALL of Nero,s views, but one 化ing is s u r e :化is man is not > ; -三— kidding. He practices everything he preaches (and then some, for 也at matter.) So, without any further rambling on my part, I am proud to present to you the first book by Brother Nero, a man who was once my High Priest, is now my boss at Devil’s Mark Publishing, and who will always be a deeply loved and cherished friend. To quo化 a famous dead bald guy: "Here is Satanic thought from a truly Satanic point o f view." - Brother Obitus Introduction O v e r the years, there have been many books written on the subject o f Satanism, but very few of them that have been presented from the perspective o f those who actually worship Satan. In my opinion, there has never been a book produced 化at taices an in-depth look at the religious beliefs and practices o f those who worship Satan, or has given an adequate cosmological and theological basis for these beliefs. More often than not, when books are written or documentaries are produced about Satanism, they rarely mention those o f us who believe in the literal exi巧ence o f Satan and worship him as our god. Not only do these Slmmakers and writers not mention us, but many o f them act like we don,t even exkt. In their minds, people who actually worship Satan seem to be just as much a myth or superstition as they believe Satan himself to be. The -jnage o f Devil Worshipers, as some people like 化 call ■js, is so negative that many people in our society find it almost impossible to believe that anyone would willingly worship Satan. " never occurs 化 tjiem that maybe their perception o f Satan or Satanists is incorrect, or that they may have been misinformed about what we believe and why. If Satan chooses 打ot to answer someone who calls out to him, or he doesn't feel the need to prove his existence :〇 atheists, scientists, or run-of-the-mill skeptics, it doesn’t mean he does not exist. It simply means 化at for whatever reason, Satan has chosen not to reveal himself :〇 出ese people. Just like us, Demonic spirits can choose who they want to communicate with. They are under no obligation to prove themselves or their exist;ence. They do not have to justify who they are to anyone, especially not 化 people who do not have any respect for t:hem. The primary goal o f this book is to promob the religious worship o f Satan as a serious faith and way o f life. My secondary goal in writing this book is to preserve the H.O.M.E.* approach 化 Traditional Satanism. It is my hope this book will provide you with much o f the information you will need to get started on your path in Satanism. I also hope it provides you with the information you need to start making Satan and his Demons an important part o f your everyday life, because that is what worshiping Satan is all about - building a relationship with Satan and his Demons. Practicing Satanism without developing a relationship with Satan and the other Demonic spirits is 1 化e drinking beer without the alcohol. What's the point? You get nothing out o f it. Over 化e years I have met many Satanists, and I have seen many o f them become obsessed with obtaining knowledge, power, or 化at one occult secret that will make them a great magician. 了he majority o f them overlook the most important occult secret o f all, which is building a relationship with Satan and the Demons. In order to build that relationship you must be able !;〇 humble yourself enough to accept tliat there are forces and beings in this universe more knowledgeable and more powerful than yourself. You mu巧 also understand that Satan and the Demons are not fairy godmothers or genies 也ere to 扣脚 1 your every wish. They are spiritual entities who all have individual personalities and personal preferences just like we do, and making a • Homed Order’s Magickal Existence. A Traditional S如anism Church founded by Brother Nero in 1992. He served as High Priest of 化at organization until it’s demise in 2005. - Ed, connection with them and developing an understanding o f them takes time. This relationship goes both ways, and if you help them, they will help you. If you show ± em respect, more often than not they will do the same in return. The spiritual bond I am talking about is not something you can get by joining a Satanic group or by reading books on Satanism, It is a connection 化at is between sach individual Satanist and the Demonic spirits. You :annot describe it or even understand it if you have never experienced it for yourself. It is a gift that only Satan can give. That is the true secret o f this religion. It is the one Tiling that di巧inguishes 化e real Satani巧s from the people —'vho 1 化e !;〇 dress up in black robes and wear pentagrams ■jst because they think Satan is cool. If you ask any serious Trad扣onal Satanist what it is 2ke, they would 化11 you wi出out exception 化at Traditional Satanism is one o f the mo巧 difficult religions : 3 practice. As a Traditional Satanist, you are truly an rutcast in the eyes o f most people in our society. Not rnly are you persecuted by Christians and atheists for vhat you believe, but you are likely to be criticized by 二odern Satankts, Wlccans, Thelemites, and countless :dier religious groups, simply because you worship Sstan. The only group 化e genei'al public hates more 化an 二ey hate us are white supremacists. You certainly will not get any argument from me that Traditional Satanism is one o f the 1;oughest religions to fallow because o f 化e negative impression 化e public has 二 f our religion. However, I can also say wi化 all sincerity 二at Tra出tional Satanism can be one o f the most —云warding and uplifting spiritual journeys you can take. ~ ia t is, if you understand that there truly is a genuine rrsauty in ttie 化ings which our society calls evil, and a

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