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Saskatchewan Public Accounts 2003-04. Main financial statements PDF

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Preview Saskatchewan Public Accounts 2003-04. Main financial statements

Accounts ublic 2003-04 Volume 1 Main Financial Statements Saskatchewan ^x ExLibris /l@t) Universitatis Wgw Albertensis PublicAccounts,2003-04 1 Table of Contents Page Transmittal Letters 3 Introduction to the Public Accounts 4 Sources of Additional Information 4 Financial Reporting Structure 5 General Revenue Fund Financial Statements ResponsibilityforGeneral Revenue Fund Financial Statements...... 9 Provincial Auditor's Report 11 Statementof Financial Assets, Liabilities, and Accumulated Deficit. 13 Statementof Revenue, Expenditure, and Accumulated Deficit 14 Statementof Cash Flow 15 Notestothe Financial Statements 16 Schedulestothe Financial Statements Schedule 1 -Accounts Receivable 24 Schedule 2- LoanstoCrown Corporations 24 Schedule 3-OtherLoans 25 Schedule 4-Accounts PayableandAccrued Liabilities 26 Schedule 5- Deposits Held 26 Schedule 6- Debt 27 Schedule 7-Sinking Funds 28 Schedule 8- DebtbyMaturity 29 Schedule 9-Guaranteed Debt 30 Schedule 10- Revenue 32 Schedule 11 - Losson Loansand Investments 33 Schedule 12- NetChangein Non-cash OperatingActivities 33 Schedule 13- InvestingActivities 34 Fiscal Stabilization Fund Schedule ofTransfers and Accumulated Balance 37 Summary Financial Statements ResponsibilityforSummary Financial Statements 41 Provincial Auditor's Report 43 SummaryStatementof Financial Assets, Liabilities, and Accumulated Deficit 45 SummaryStatementof Revenue, Expenditure, and Accumulated Deficit... 46 SummaryStatementof Cash Flow 47 Notestothe SummaryFinancial Statements 48 Schedulestothe Summary Financial Statements Schedule 1 -Accounts Receivable 58 Schedule 2- Loansand Mortgages Receivable 58 Schedule 3- Investmentin GovernmentBusiness Enterprises 60 Schedule 4-OtherInvestments 63 Schedule 5-Accounts PayableandAccrued Liabilities 67 Schedule 6-OtherLiabilities 67 Schedule 7- Unearned Revenue 67 Schedule 8- Public Debt 68 Schedule 9- Sinking Funds 69 Schedule 10- Public DebtbyMaturity 70 Schedule 11 -Guaranteed Debt 72 Schedule 12- Revenue 74 Schedule 13-Gainsand Losseson OtherInvestments 75 Schedule 14- NetChangein Non-cashOperatingActivities 75 Schedule 15- Reporting Entity 76 General Revenue Fund - Details of Debentures 78 GlossaryofTerms 87 This page leftblank intentionally. PublicAccounts,2003-04 3 To HerHonour The Honourable Lynda Haverstock LieutenantGovernorofthe Province of Saskatchewan May Please YourHonour: It The undersigned hasthe honourtosubmit herewiththe main financial statements ofthe Governmentofthe Province of Saskatchewanforthefiscal yearended March 31, 2004. Respectfullysubmitted, HarryVan Mulligen Ministerof Finance Regina, Saskatchewan June 2004 The Honourable HarryVan Mulligen Ministerof Finance We havethe honourof presenting herewith the main financial statements ofthe Governmentofthe Province of Saskatchewanforthefiscal yearended March 31 2004. , Respectfullysubmitted, Ron Styles Terry Paton DeputyMinisterof Finance Provincial Comptroller Regina, Saskatchewan June 2004 4 PublicAccounts,2003-04 Introduction to the Public Accounts The 2003-04 PublicAccounts ofthe Governmentof Saskatchewan are organized intotwo reports: Volume 1 containsthe General Revenue Fund Financial Statements and the SummaryFinancial Statements. These are the main financial statements ofthe Governmentof Saskatchewan. Italso contains information on the Fiscal Stabilization Fund. The General Revenue Fund Financial Statements accountforthefinancialtransactions ofthe General Revenue Fund and the Province of Saskatchewan Sinking Funds. All public moneyis paid intothe General Revenue Fund exceptwherethe Legislative Assembly has directed otherwise. The General Revenue Fund is availableforappropriationforthe public services of Saskatchewan. The SummaryFinancial Statements consolidatethefinancial transactions ofthe General Revenue Fund, Crown corporations, agencies, boards and commissions. Theseconsolidated statements provideafull accounting ofthefinancial affairs and resources ofall entitiesforwhich the Government is responsible. The Fiscal Stabilization Fund was established April 1, 2000. Its purpose isto stabilizethefiscal position ofthe Governmentfrom yeartoyearandtofacilitatethe accomplishmentof long term objectives. Volume 1 alsocontains detailed information on public issue debentures and debentures issued tothe Ministerof Finance of Canada. Volume 2 containsthefollowing: • details onthe revenue and expenditure ofthe General Revenue Fund; and • other information includingfinancial information on the assets, liabilities and residual balances of pension plans and trust funds administered bythe Government, and a listing of remissions oftaxesand fees. Internet Address The PublicAccounts are available on the Internet at: http://www.gov.sk.ca/finance/paccts Sources of Additional Information Financial Statements Compendium Thefinancial statements of various government boards, agencies, commissions, pension plans, special purposefunds and institutions, as well as Crown corporations which are accountabletothe TreasuryBoard are available on the internet at: http//www.gov.sk.ca/finance/paccts Annual Reports of Saskatchewan Crown Corporations This is acompendium ofthe financial reports of Crown corporationsthatare accountabletothe Crown Investments Corporation. Budget Address The Governmentof Saskatchewan presents a budget each year, usuallyearlyin the spring. Atthistime, adocument containingthe BudgetAddress and budget papers is tabled. Saskatchewan Estimates The Government’s spending estimates forthe yearcommencing April 1 are presented tothe members ofthe Legislative Assemblyfollowing presentation ofthe BudgetAddress bythe Ministerof Finance. The Estimates outlinethe detailed estimates of revenue, expenditure, loans, advances, and investmentstothe Legislative Assemblyforapproval in theform of TheAppropriationAct. Province of Saskatchewan Interim Financial Reports Updates onthe General Revenue Fund’s revenue, expenditure, surplus, and debtalso provided in financial reports prepared afterthefirstquarter, at mid-yearand afterthe third quarter. UNIVERSITYLIBRARY UNIVERSITYOFALBERTA PublicAccounts,2003-04 5 Financial Reporting Structure + Financial Control and Reporting Financial Reporting 1 ExamplesofCICCrowncorporationsare:SaskEnergy,SaskPower,SaskTel,SGI,andSTC. 2 ExamplesofTreasuryBoardCrowncorporationsare:AgriculturalCreditCorporationofSaskatchewan,SaskatchewanLiquorand GamingAuthority,SaskatchewanCropInsuranceCorporationandSaskatchewanPropertyManagementCorporation. General Revenue Fund Financial Statements

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