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Preview Sarcocornia pillansii[i] (Moss) AJ Scott

The influence of Pleistocene dynamics on the South African salt marsh species Sarcocornia pillansii (Moss) A. J. Scott (Amaranthaceae): Inferences from phylogeography and species distribution modelling Dimitri A Veldkornet Corresp., 1 , Anusha Rajkaran 1 , Janine B Adams 2 1 Department of Biodiversity and Conservation Biology, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa 2 Botany, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Corresponding Author: Dimitri A Veldkornet Email address: [email protected] Glacial–interglacial climate oscillations during the Pleistocene played a significant role in shifting species distributions. During this period (26 500 - 19 000 years ago) the sea level was 120 m lower than it is currently with large areas of the Southern African continental shelf being exposed. This formed a barrier to cold-water dispersal of various aquatic organisms between the west and east coast. This study explores the influence of past climatic conditions on the salt marsh species Sarcocornia pillansii (Moss) A. J. Scott using species distribution modelling and multi-locus phylogeography. The area under curve (AUC) values were considered ‘good’ (> 0.80), indicating that the models had high specificity and sensitivity. The AUC was greater for the Maxent model (AUC = 0.881) compared to the Bioclim model (AUC = 0.837) under current conditions. Climate simulation of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) indicated greatest habitat suitability in estuaries along the west (Orange River Estuary to Langebaan) and east (Algoa Bay to Keiskamma) coast of South Africa. This pattern is reflected in the phylogeographic analysis where a greater number of haplotypes were found in estuaries west and east of the greater continental shelf. The nuclear DNA dataset that included 97 sequences eight ribotypes whereas the chloroplast DNA for 94 sequences that were resolved into four haplotypes. The results suggest that species survived in these estuaries (as refugia) during Pleistocene climate cycles. Post-LGM increases in sea level along the south coast allowed confluence between isolated river systems, offering opportunities for dispersal among populations. PeerJ Preprints | https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.26927v1 | CC BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 12 May 2018, publ: 12 May 2018 1 The influence of Pleistocene dynamics on the South African salt marsh species 2 Sarcocornia pillansii (Moss) A. J. Scott (Amaranthaceae): Inferences from 3 phylogeography and species distribution modelling. 4 Veldkornet DA*1, Rajkaran A1, Adams JB2 5 *[email protected] 6 1Department of Biodiversity and Conservation Biology, University of the Western Cape, Bellville, 7535 7 2Department of Botany, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, PO Box 77000, Port Elizabeth, 6031 8 9 10 11 Corresponding Author: 12 Dimitri Veldkornet 1 13 email address: [email protected] PeerJ Preprints | https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.26927v1 | CC BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 12 May 2018, publ: 12 May 2018 14 Abstract 15 16 Glacial–interglacial climate oscillations during the Pleistocene played a significant role in shifting species 17 distributions. During this period (26 500 - 19 000 years ago) the sea level was 120 m lower than it is 18 currently with large areas of the Southern African continental shelf being exposed. This formed a barrier 19 to cold-water dispersal of various aquatic organisms between the west and east coast. This study explores 20 the influence of past climatic conditions on the salt marsh species Sarcocornia pillansii (Moss) A. J. Scott 21 using species distribution modelling and multi-locus phylogeography. The area under curve (AUC) values 22 were considered ‘good’ (> 0.80), indicating that the models had high specificity and sensitivity. The the 23 Maxent model (AUC = 0.881) performed better compared to the Bioclim model (AUC = 0.837) under 24 current conditions. Climate simulation of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) indicated greatest habitat 25 suitability in estuaries along the west (Orange River Estuary to Langebaan) and east (Algoa Bay to 26 Keiskamma) coast of South Africa. This pattern is reflected in the phylogeographic analysis where a greater 27 number of haplotypes were found in estuaries west and east of the greater continental shelf. The nuclear 28 DNA dataset that included 97 sequences eight ribotypes whereas the chloroplast DNA for 94 sequences 29 that were resolved into four haplotypes. The results suggest that species survived in these estuaries (as 30 refugia) during Pleistocene climate cycles. Post-LGM increases in sea level along the south coast resulted 31 in the meeting between rivers, offering opportunities for dispersal among populations. 32 Key words: cold-water dispersal; habitat suitability; sea level; ancestral haplotypes, population 33 bottlenecks 34 Introduction 35 Phylogeography was first introduced by Avise et al. (1987) to describe the phylogenetic structure of 36 genealogical lineages within a species across the geographical landscape. Phylogeography provides insight 37 into the current patterns of evolutionary history of subdivisions within species and species complexes and 38 provide new insights into the relationship between earth history and biotic diversification (Hedenas, 39 2011). It can also help in conservation of evolutionary significant units (Chung et al., 2014) where species 40 with low haplotype diversity and population extant can be considered as more vulnerable. Historical 41 considerations about the distribution of genetic diversity have also contributed to our understanding of 42 invasion biology and can be used to address issues surrounding cryptic biodiversity (Beheregaray, 2008). 43 The possible scenarios that are responsible for the current phylogeographical patterns in species are often 44 difficult to disentangle (Avise, 2000; Potts et al., 2013). Along the Southern African coastline two major 45 forces has been suggested to have influenced the phylogeography of most taxa: marine biogeography and PeerJ Preprints | https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.26927v1 | CC BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 12 May 2018, publ: 12 May 2018 46 climate oscillations during the Pleistocene (Teske et al., 2011). Teske et al. (2011) reviewed the current 47 knowledge on South African coastal phylogeography and concluded that most coastal taxa are divided 48 into regionally confined genetic lineages whose distributions are linked to southern Africa’s three marine 49 biogeographic provinces. On the southwest coast, phylogeographic breaks that coincide with the 50 biogeographic disjunction between cool temperate and warm-temperate biota have been reported near 51 Cape Town (e.g. Teske et al., 2006 the northernmost breaks in this region have been identified on the 52 central southeast coast and the southernmost breaks were reported near Port Elizabeth (Mmonwa et al., 53 2015). The third area coincides approximately with the transition zone between subtropical and tropical 54 biotas on the east coast (e.g. Teske et al., 2007) (See Fig. 1). 55 The influence of biogeographic boundaries have been well documented in other taxa along the South 56 African coastline, where phylogeographic patterns in coastal marine organisms reflect historic properties, 57 driven by dispersal abilities (Reynolds et al., 2014; Toms et al., 2014). Along the South African coastline 58 there is little evidence suggesting major geological vicariances that could have driven species divergence. 59 However, climate oscillations during the Pleistocene had a major effect on the coastal morphology. During 60 the Last Glacial Maximum (26 500 – 19 000 years ago) the sea level was 120 m lower than it currently is. 61 This allowed for large areas of continental shelf to be exposed, particularly south of Cape Agulhas (Swartz 62 et al., 2009; Carr et al., 2010; Fisher et al., 2010; Teske et al., 2011). The exposure of the Agulhas Bank 63 resulted in the southern tip of Africa being about 200 km south from current and colder water 64 temperatures in the region during that time may have presented a cold-water dispersal barrier (Teske et 65 al., 2011). 66 Recently Potts et al., (2016) explored the phylogeographic pattern of the upper intertidal salt marsh plant 67 species, Juncus kraussii Hochst., along the west, south and east coast of South Africa. A phylogeographic 68 break was found along the south coast within the warm temperate coastal biogeographic zone. Their 69 results suggest that this break may have been driven by the rapid shifts in shoreline along the south coast 70 in response to Pleistocene climate cycles. It was also recommended that the phylogeography of South 71 African salt marsh species be explored to aid conservation planning in terms of priority protection and 72 management. In this study, we explore the influence of past climatic conditions on the supratidal salt 73 marsh species Sarcocornia pillansii using species distribution modelling and multi-locus phylogeography. PeerJ Preprints | https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.26927v1 | CC BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 12 May 2018, publ: 12 May 2018 74 Materials and Methods 75 Taxonomic clarification and leaf material collection 76 Sarcocornia pillansii is an erect to decumbent shrub that can grow up to 70 cm high (Plate S1, 77 supplementary information). The shape of the segments is cylindrical to slightly obconical. Segments 78 appear strongly succulent 8 to 20 mm long and 2 to 4 mm (dried and fresh) wide. There are three flowers 79 per cyme with the seeds being approximately 0.9-1.1 mm long, 0.7-0.9 mm broad, testa tuberculate, 80 papillae 30 μm long (Steffen et al., 2010). According to Kadereit et al. (2006) members of the subfamily 81 Salicornioideae (Amaranthaceae), to which S. pillansii belong, often occur sympatrically or are sometimes 82 organised along ecological gradients such as increasing salinity or flooding. Steffen et al. (2010) found that 83 Sarcocornia pillansii occurs on sandy to clayey soils in saline habitats such as inland salt pans, saline 84 bottoms of intermittent rivers in seasonally arid regions, and it is regularly found dominating supratidal 85 terraces of salt marshes in most of the estuaries spanning the West and East Coast of South Africa. The 86 habitats preferred by S. pillansii are always outside direct influence of tides. 87 Sarcocornia pillansii is a widespread species along the South African coasts where it can be found from 88 the Orange River mouth (straddling border between Northern Cape and Namibia) to Umlalazi in KwaZulu- 89 Natal. Mucina et al. (2006) classify the vegetation types bearing this species as Arid Estuarine Salt Marshes, 90 Cape Estuarine Salt Marshes, Cape Inland Salt Pans, and Subtropical Estuarine Salt Marshes (Steffen et al., 91 2010). According to the Adams et al. (2016) this species is distributed in 31 out of 277 estuaries. Leaf 92 material for Sarcocornia pillansii was collected in 31 estuaries (1-6 per estuary) stretching from the Orange 93 River Estuary to the Nahoon Estuary (Fig. 1; Table S1, supplementary information). 94 Species Distribution Modelling 95 The assumption of this study is that modelling of the climate envelope, or niche, assumes that the current 96 species or community distribution is in equilibrium with its environment (Phillips et al., 2006). Within the 97 estuarine environment, the important variables affecting species geographical distribution is related to 98 temperature and rainfall (Zhu et al., 2013; James et al., 2016). Climate (present and past) information was 99 obtained from the Worldclim database (version 1.4; Hijmans et al., 2005; http://www.worldclim.org). 100 These climatic layers (19) are based on weather conditions recorded over 50 years from 1950 to 2000. 101 From the 19 layers, six layers were selected that are deemed important in defining species distributions 102 and represent summaries of annual trends for temperature and precipitation, aspects of seasonality and 103 extreme or potentially limiting environmental factors (supplementary information, Table S2). The climate 104 variables were selected as it will reflect the environmental dimensions in which to characterize the climate 105 niche of Sarcocornia pillansii, and is described in Mucina et al. (2006) and Slenzka et al. (2013). These are PeerJ Preprints | https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.26927v1 | CC BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 12 May 2018, publ: 12 May 2018 106 summarized in Table S2 (supplementary information). There are other climatic variables that affect the 107 distribution of salt marsh species (e.g. elevation relative to mean sea-level and sediment salinity; 108 Veldkornet et al., 2016). However, data on these variables are not available over a large geographical 109 scale. Data layers (vector layer) were downscaled based on the Model the for Interdisciplinary Research 110 on Climate MIROC (Hasumi and Emori, 2004). 111 In this study two distribution modelling algorithms were used: BIOCLIM (profile model) and Maxent 112 (machine learning) (Franklin, 2010). These models were used to calculate current climate suitability, and 113 then projected onto past climate data to develop climate suitability maps the LGM. In order to reduce 114 sampling bias and to facilitate the comparison of outputs from different modelling algorithms the 115 ‘probability of occurrence’ maps were reclassified to binary data (‘present’ or ‘absent’) using the 116 maximum sensitivity plus specificity threshold criterion (Liu et al., 2005). A mask of the estuarine 117 functional zone (EFZ, Veldkornet et al., 2015) was used to sample 2000 background points from the 118 climate layers; Maxent require data of absences (known as background or “pseudo-absences”). Model 119 performance was evaluated for each combination using a standard statistical measure of predictive 120 ability, the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). The AUC statistic ranges from 0.5 121 (model prediction is no better than random) to 1.0 (perfect model prediction of presence versus absence). 122 123 DNA extraction, amplification 124 Total genomic DNA was isolated by using the Qiagen DNeasy Plant Mini Kit(www.qiagen.com) and 125 followed the kit’s protocol. PCR was performed using an EmeraldAmp PCR Master Mix (Takara Bio Inc., 126 Shiga, Japan) with 0.5 mM of each primer. The PCRs were performed in volumes of 25 µl containing 1 µl 127 of template. The PCR protocol consisted of an initial 2 min denaturing step at 94 °C; 40 cycles, each 128 comprising 94 °C for 1.45 min, 55 °C for 30 s, 72 °C for 2 min; and a final 6 min extension step at 72 °C. All 129 PCRs were performed on a GeneAmp 2700 PCR System (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) and 130 were sequenced using both forward and reverse primers. Non-coding chloroplast intergenic spacers 131 sequences were combined and analyzed. The chloroplast gene region trnQ-5’-rps16 (trnQ(UUG) 5'- 132 GCGTGGCCAAGYGGTAAGGC-3'; rpS16x1: 5'-TTGCTTTYTACCACATCGTTT -3') and the 18S-26S cistron, using 133 primers ITS5m (5'-GGAAGGAGAAGTCGTAACAAGG-3') and ITS4 (5'-TCCTCCGCTTATTGATATGC-3') were 134 used in this study (Sang et al., 1995). Sequencing was performed at Inqaba Biotechnical Industries, 135 Pretoria, South Africa). All sequences to be uploaded to GenBank. PeerJ Preprints | https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.26927v1 | CC BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 12 May 2018, publ: 12 May 2018 136 Sequence assembly, alignment and networks 137 Sequences generated were assembled with CODONCODE ALIGNER v5.4 (Codon Code Corp, Barnstable, 138 MA, USA, http://www.codoncode.com) and automatically aligned using the software’s in-built alignment 139 algorithm and then manually checked; potentially misleading sites such as homopolymer repeats were 140 removed for subsequent analyses. Polymorphic sites were verified by eye and then coded using IUPCA 141 ambiguous sites. Haplotypes were identified as any base substitution or indels (insertion or deletion). 142 Haplotypes were split into different lineages for species that had highly divergent sequences. The 143 genealogical relationships among cpDNA haplotypes were estimated using the statistical parsimony 144 method (SP) in TCS version 1.4b1 (Clement et al., 2000). 145 146 Results 147 Climate models performed well at predicting the distribution of the species (Fig. 2). Area under curve 148 (AUC) values were considered ‘good’ (> 0.80), indicating that the models had high specificity (true positive 149 rate) and sensitivity (false positive rate). The AUC was greater for the Maxent model (AUC = 0.881) 150 compared to the Bioclim model (AUC = 0.837). Generally, the Maxent model performed better at 151 predicting the current distribution of Sarcocornia pillansii than the Bioclim model. The LGM model 152 indicates cooler, drier conditions with greater suitability along the west and east coast of the country. The 153 lower water levels in combination with colder water temperatures in the region during the LGM, 154 presented a cold-water dispersal barrier similar to that on the west coast. 155 The nuclear DNA datasets for Sarcocornia pillansii included 97 sequences (Table 1, Table S3, 156 supplementary information) that resolved into eight ribotypes in the statistical parsimony (SP) network 157 (Table 3, Fig. 3). Ribotype A was the most abundant and widespread along the cool and warm temperate 158 region. Ribotype C and D were restricted to the west and southeast coast, respectively. The other three 159 ribotypes (B, F and G) had highly divergent sequences and were found within individual estuaries along 160 the coast. 161 Analysis of chloroplast DNA for Sarcocornia pillansii included 94 sequences (Table 2, Table S4, 162 supplementary information). The dataset was resolved into four haplotypes in the SP network (Table 4, 163 Fig. 4). Two haplotypes (A and B) were widely distributed. Haplotype A was distributed along the coast 164 line in nine estuaries; whereas haplotype B was distributed in ten estuaries). Haplotype C was restricted PeerJ Preprints | https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.26927v1 | CC BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 12 May 2018, publ: 12 May 2018 165 to estuaries along the southeast coast. The Uilkraals Estuary contained one unique haplotype (Haplotype 166 D). 167 Discussion 168 Globally, the Pleistocene glacial–interglacial cycles often had severe impacts on species' range dynamics 169 and evolutionary history (Teske et al., 2011). The ensemble SDM predictions under LGM conditions 170 suggest that the species experienced a dramatic range reduction where conditions along the west and 171 southeast coast had greater suitability for the species. It is therefore likely that the estuaries along the 172 south coast were unfavorable for species persistence and estuaries along the west coast estuaries acted 173 as refugia. This agrees with Steffen et al. (2015) noted that the genus Sarcocornia shows large-scale 174 colonization and probably reached the west coast of South Africa during the Pleistocene. 175 Results from the SDM of Sarcocornia pillansii is mirrored in the phylogeographic patterns observed in the 176 genetic data. The distribution of S. pillansii is restricted to the cool and warm temperate marine regions 177 of South Africa but showed no cool and warm temperate biogeographic separation of haplotypes. It can 178 then be concluded that the current phylogeography of S. pillansii is related to past climatic conditions. 179 Post-LGM formation of links between the Overberg (south coast) and the west coast estuaries (as well as 180 interregional movements of birds) may have resulted in dispersal of the common haplotypes (Potts et al., 181 2013; Slenzka et al., 2013; Teske et al. 2011). Historical links between estuaries or river systems can also 182 explain the abundance of common haplotypes along the south coast. Swartz et al. (2009) explained that 183 along the south coast, lower sea levels than present allowed the confluence between currently isolated 184 river systems, offering opportunities for dispersal among populations. 185 The nuclear dataset also had great divergent sequences, that could also be related to population isolation. 186 Potts et al. (2013) suggests that extremely high sequence divergence between different populations is 187 caused by i) genetic drift during long-term interruption of seed flow or during periods of very small 188 population sizes, ii) lineage sorting of divergent ancestral haplotypes during isolation, or iii) chloroplast 189 capture, i.e., fixation of the chloroplast genome captured from another species into another species. In 190 Sarcocornia pillansii, the highly divergent sequences of high haplotype diversity that suggests a population 191 bottleneck followed by rapid population growth and accumulation of mutations (Mmonwa et al., 2015). 192 Results from this study is similar to that of Potts et al., (2016) for Juncus kraussii Hochst. They suggest that 193 a break shoreline along the south coast may have been driven by the rapid shifts in response to 194 Pleistocene climate cycles. The south coast has the widest section of Agulhas Bank and the intertidal PeerJ Preprints | https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.26927v1 | CC BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 12 May 2018, publ: 12 May 2018 195 ecosystems would have experienced the greatest degree of lateral displacement. Thus, the south coast 196 may have been a long-term killing zone for J. kraussii. In another study Slenzka et al. (2013) found that 197 there are four geographical groupings of Salicornia (an intertidal annual species) lineages: the south coast, 198 west coast, inland salt pans and Overberg including a distinct molecular lineage in the Knysna Estuary. The 199 authors also relate this to regular fragmentation by marine transgression/regression cycles during the 200 Pleistocene. This would explain the distinct molecular difference in the Uilkraals haplotypes. 201 Conclusion 202 The combination of species distribution modelling and genetic analysis clearly highlighted the influence 203 of climatic oscillations during the Pleistocene on the phylogeography of Sarcocornia pillansii. This 204 supratidal species shows unique haplotypes (with divergent sequences) along the west and east coast. 205 These estuaries were refugia for the species and warrants some conservation prioritization. Estuaries such 206 Olifants, Verlorenvlei, Uilkraals, Hartenbos, Knysna, Kariega, Bushmans and Keiskamma need to be 207 prioritized for conservation as it contains ancient rare haplotypes, to main their ecological resilience in 208 the face of climate change. We also suggest that other estuarine species (lower intertidal and across the 209 biogeographic provinces) be investigated as they have different life history strategies dispersal 210 mechanisms. 211 Acknowledgements 212 The authors thanks Dr Alastair Potts (Centre for Coastal Palaeoscience, Nelson Mandela University South 213 Africa) for assistance in statistical analysis. 214 215 References 216 217 Adams JB, Veldkornet D, Tabot P. 2016. Distribution of macrophyte species and habitats in South African 218 estuaries. South African Journal of Botany 107: 5-11. doi.10.1016/j.sajb.2016.08.001. 219 Avise JC. 2000. Phylogeography: the history and formation of species. Harvard university press. 220 Avise JC, Arnold J, Ball RM, Bermingham E, Lamb T, Neigel JE, Reeb CA, Saunders NC. 1987. Intraspecific 221 phylogeography: the mitochondrial DNA bridge between population genetics and systematics. Annual 222 Review of Ecology and Systematics 18: 489-522. 223 Beheregaray LB. 2008. 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124 Total genomic DNA was isolated by using the Qiagen DNeasy Plant Mini Kit(www.qiagen.com) and. 125 followed the kit's protocol. PCR was
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