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Preview Saravali Of Kalyana Varma Santhanam R. ( Astrology)

ye "ah ‘Brat PSSA fi SHASTRE INDO-CANAGTAN IneTITY 7, GOLF LINKS, Nev? OELMI- Mee IRDIA, SSS aerate: SARAVALI KALYANA VARMA anractt (Gimeermaniecfen) RANJAN PUBLICATIONS 16 Ansar Koad, Daragaaj ‘New Del 1(0002 (tna) Published by LNIAN PUMEICATIONS, 46, Ansari oad, Darren) NEW DELHE-NIC002, hous 27 $8 35 B i ‘Wit the Publisers lcs ifkion = 1983 Pri! Re, 20,90 USE 20,00 Print in dia Published hy Rax}ia Publistions, 16, Auswti Road, ‘Daryaganj, New Delhi- (10002 and Print by Amar Puntiog Dives, DELHI 0009 PROLEGOMENA mnigotent and allnerading Gayatri, Ganesa and the Grass hate all ben exeoelingly merifl in eaabliog us tw place before the renfing public this tonuniental wrestien, SARAFALL, with my English rendering and commentary Kolyars Varma, the famnors author of shi futous work vasa king oso allay a place called. Vyaybrapals, whieh place somsof us trace in modern Madya Prades and yet sone in modera Gujamt, He ig so enced an Karma Deva, Hr cusl have daucished before the VOch century as Dhatotnala @E6.A.D) eeveratially ceerred to-04¢ lustriousuulbor a ‘us various comoteatucies om works like Bcibr fata, eibut Sunita ete, A-statement akin to out author's date at mide 1M century i, dower, inerodile. ering Bantotpal's erence and ststersnis bY various writers, aur suthor seemed to belong #9 the 6th vvatury, thurs irwmodiaely after the ‘Great seater, Yoruba Mibio, Dring the time of Kalvana Forma, there wero only a few literary goms on astrology, viz, Parasaa Horo, Bribot ates, Fira Sara sic. Out anor fetle the imitation of Brihar Tatas (side sox 2, ch 1 lafez) and hes taken the ‘guintoseove of Mobicehi Purasra’s Hora Sastre, apare from ‘thor gtest works ike ribut Tataka, 22 could’ be seen in shapers Tike "Nothvas Yoga. Th: Gresk pandits, Yavona- ‘oharyas, Vere more ofe2 acknowledged by him, bit bold assertion of his rejecting theie sunertaous doctrines, being Sigaficane (vide sloka 4 ch 1). Lf Gecher remains in gratlode tomany a progznitor Wee Sulya, vlaruyaoa (ecaltuooovsly Aheauchor of frakma Suras), Chanakya, Chudanaci, Har, ‘Maniehd, eakma Ssunda ee, A the radar progresses through the Work, fe Js sure to fst as(ologicaly enlightened and find an invsile recepene —anow sourse of suldance in Katsaba Vatma's wove which Doquesth to us the unparalel and ungurpaed wialomn of the wage, ‘ ‘The uuthor's vist study and scientific teatment of tho subject, wble exposition aad iniicablegyie will be evident From the provided guidelines, por from being ua astcologer ‘of igh Satitada, tho king exhibas his Wtorary aptitede a the Jengvage of he Gods, is, Sorsort, through muny slokas. He rau adept in tridioosl qedicine also, rade ch. 11, dealing ‘with combinations la oounteraee Tange cul. Not aly this he bad reasonable knowledge of Yors fo: Body Coats, us be folere to Rati Kitsa (in ch M1, sloka 4). (lau? Aoirais & ‘process of yagie leaning of the lower intestines to steagthen Abdominal moicle and-cuse digestive and urinary diovdere ‘and ehronie constipation) Most later authors sommeaad or erbatve borrowed Hie sole of our mufhor, Mentonable among thess aes" Hn hada of Hora Ratna, Vaidyaathe of Jonska Purge und Mamgesyace ot Phale Deaplka apert from the withor of Jord Sarsfea, Tha two works, iva Raina, and Jataky ‘Soradecpa Hho latter publihod from Taajore la Sawai), ‘owe Jot lo Serva, Many important aspects oF preditive asology have heen wellexplined by the suhar in the follaving ages ‘Anast froma onizary pslieinary ‘information, dhe chapters on ‘arises (esis) aml. Lacie coneeation, combinations for Rovunciatioa, Nubbuss Yous, pManetyry Coajnaction et. may ‘rove ‘useful in delineation of hororeeprs scentfeally and ‘urporeully, Special mention need be made of chapters 22 ‘through 26 sbieh dos] ath efforts af plants posited in various Sqr, These postions saad tn give maid eects iCuspested Dy olker planets, less to whlch elles haw Doce sven by the toithor siuitareously. Jo there chapters, one eds aspecle feteen the Sun-VennieMersnry mutual, in cotraition to kaowa princinles. ‘The vuhor hicert® mentions about the baual wapeels iach. 4, slokus 52-33, Appareally the seid aspects among Sum-Vewws-Meroury are only meat to. be ‘poral, Similar aspects contin in chapters 27-29, Thee die tassios could be found in Mura Ratna and Jataka Saraduepa also. As partial aspect are posstle betworn th Sam, Mercury fed Venes untnalls, one ean infer that Kalyana Varun ef, 5 40 limited ocbs only, in ho relevant context. Full aspects ‘amaaot be extended between these ane!s, [Exlensive und usefid commentary wih notes and quoter tions from w lorge numer of tex ia Snaseril, Tumi, Teug, Hindi ond English have boca ndded by me in uppropdnte contests, Foe the inost difielt aspects havs been Wcidly fad tintelyaxpained for tha benef ofa aseraed, accor ing to saymite, Thoggh masiwum offaits Lave besa wade to. keep this Inne-awnited craic rit of longueury passihly ‘atrorg could have found thoi way int the eax, Wa can oly sok the broadminded teadees to view on” shor-comings teaveaty. ‘The Publisher, Ranjan Pabtiustions, bave fulitled the task ofthis teats seeing its print in Poglah forthe dest time in a coraoadable way and with thele usual risioauey enthusiasm. “Ey cris act they cam the gratitude of cany axious readers of this divine esence Wenow goto thet praying Goddess Saraswat 10 bestow us the required “digestive power’. New Dai Ry SANTHANAM May 10, 1983, é ANEPITOME OF ASTROLOGICAL NADIS| Ay B, Sonthonam ‘brought out forthe fst time im English. ‘The ssador hovld dot misiake this for the. general individual readings by Nadi setologers.Namarous apharims ste piven Jn this txt af cullad out from esloeqnt weather, viz. Satya , Bhiga Naadi Nadi, Bhufenga Nadler, ‘There ore many attempis, ix uoique and Biberto_ vo- ‘published bine in this work. or exemple, tabu’ vga of Fall ‘denoted, nay declared, 93 Scorpio und itis ststed thet ifthe ‘Moon joias Rabu inti sign, 0 Libran willbe distessed aad ddullyited. In view of the’ fact chee Ayamames in che lisy to afl the principles in thls cert, one sigm ‘mende into 150 equ! alvisions, che nathor, eis hoped thet this work ail by tery analy evelved by tbe aauslogioalfaveraity. THE SECRETS OF ASHTAKAVARGA ‘By B. Santtonons ‘An anossomingly origi] treatise compiled by. Acbiry Muknadr Datvaga of Gharsal in Sonserit, during bis Abram Ie, Ths work NASHTA JATAKAM with Mf, Saarhunam's English (aosltion i aleoady familiar 19 the ceaders, Oar present attguntis (2 expand the availsbiliy of Mokunda's ragoiicentieoatter to one and 2B, Muleind Daivagna ws one niher chun Makanda Rama, the illusions commentator Dt Brains Coane, wor the name of Avnpthat. Reference 10 drywaytha itl, reverence coald be found ia ate Sx Y Subramanya Sustl’s preface to bis Eagiah transation of Proana Grane.

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