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Sara Rodríguez Jimeno Numerical simulation strategies for superadobe walls and arches PDF

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Preview Sara Rodríguez Jimeno Numerical simulation strategies for superadobe walls and arches

e b o d a r e p u s r o f s e i g e t a r t s n o i Sara Rodríguez Jimeno t a s l ue mh c sir a Numerical simulationstrategies for superadobewalls and arches ald cn ria e ms l l ua Nw o n e m Ji z e u g í r d o R a r a S Università degli Studi di Padova 7 1 0 2 a I n o el c r a B Sara Rodríguez Jimeno Numerical simulationstrategies for superadobewalls and arches Barcelona I 2017 Numerical simulation strategies for superadobe walls and arches DECLARATION Name: Sara Rodríguez Jimeno Email: [email protected] Title of the Numerical simulation strategies for superadobe walls and arches Msc Dissertation: Supervisor(s): Sergio Henrique Pialarissi Cavalaro and Luca Pelà Year: 2017 I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. I hereby declare that the MSc Consortium responsible for the Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions is allowed to store and make available electronically the present MSc Dissertation. University: Technical University of Catalonia Date: 14/07/2017 Signature: ___________________________ Erasmus Mundus Programme ADVANCED MASTERS IN STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF MONUMENTS AND HISTORICAL CONSTRUCTIONS 1 Numerical simulation strategies for superadobe walls and arches Erasmus Mundus Programme ADVANCED MASTERS IN STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF MONUMENTS AND HISTORICAL CONSTRUCTIONS 2 Numerical simulation strategies for superadobe walls and arches ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my appreciation for all the people who contributed and helped me during the length of this master program. Specially, I would like to express my gratitude to my advisors Sergio Henrique Pialarissi Cavalaro and Luca Pelà for all their support, useful questions, comments, and feedback through the learning process of this master’s thesis. Many thanks are owed to the many lecturers at Padova University, for sharing their expertise and knowledge throughout the course of the SAHC coursework classes. Special thanks to all the organizers of the SAHC Master program for making this experience possible. I would like to thank the MSc Consortium for the generous financial support, which made it possible for me to participate in the program. My heartfelt thanks to my fellow classmates and friends who helped me throughout the master and made this degree a lot more memorable and fun filled. Erasmus Mundus Programme ADVANCED MASTERS IN STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF MONUMENTS AND HISTORICAL CONSTRUCTIONS 3 Numerical simulation strategies for superadobe walls and arches Erasmus Mundus Programme ADVANCED MASTERS IN STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF MONUMENTS AND HISTORICAL CONSTRUCTIONS 4 Numerical simulation strategies for superadobe walls and arches ABSTRACT The superadobe is a construction technique that consists on building using bags filled with soil and adding barbwire between the courses. It is a simple, durable, sustainable, and affordable technique that has increased in popularity over the last years. Moreover, a remarkable effort was performed in the past years in order to analyse the structural behaviour and characterize the mechanical properties of these constructions. However, since it is a relatively recent technique, no previous studies of complete structures have been performed using numerical strategies and there is still a lack of knowledge regarding its structural response. Consequently, the present thesis attempts to analyse these type of structures using the finite element method, assessing its suitability and applicability to the superadobe. For this purpose, several models of both walls and arches are studied, subjected to different load dispositions and considering three construction types, plain, adding barbwire and stabilizing the infill. Initially two possible constitutive models are considered, Mohr Coulomb and Total strain crack based, and they are evaluated and compared in order to select the most suitable for all the cases studied. Afterwards, all the analyses are performed and calibrated to match the results obtained from the experimental campaigns developed in the University of Bath by Pelly (2009), Vagdama (2010) and Croft (2011). Finally, a sensitivity analysis is also carried out to examine the influence of certain parameters, which had to be adjusted during the analyses, into the structural response of the models. Erasmus Mundus Programme ADVANCED MASTERS IN STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF MONUMENTS AND HISTORICAL CONSTRUCTIONS 5 Numerical simulation strategies for superadobe walls and arches Erasmus Mundus Programme ADVANCED MASTERS IN STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF MONUMENTS AND HISTORICAL CONSTRUCTIONS 6 Numerical simulation strategies for superadobe walls and arches RESUMEN El superadobe es una solución constructiva que consiste en la utilización de bolsas rellenas de tierra apisonadas a las que se les añade alambre de espino entre ellas para aportar cohesión y Resistencia a tracción al conjunto. Es una técnica simple, duradera, sostenible y asequible cuya popularidad ha ido creciendo durante los últimos años. Además, recientemente se ha realizado un notable esfuerzo con el fin de analizar el comportamiento estructural y determinar las propiedades mecánicas del superadobe. No obstante, al tratarse de una técnica relativamente nueva, no se han desarrollado aún estudios de estructuras completas utilizando estrategias numéricas, y existe todavía una carencia de información en lo que respecta a la respuesta estructural de estas construcciones. Por consiguiente, la presente tesis tiene como objetivo el análisis de estas estructuras utilizando el método de los elementos finitos, evaluando su compatibilidad y aplicabilidad al superadobe. Con este fin, se estudian varios modelos, tanto de muros como de arcos, sujetos a diferentes disposiciones de carga y considerando tres tipos de construcción, simple, añadiendo alambre de espino y estabilizando el relleno de las bolsas. Inicialmente se consideran dos posibles modelos constitutivos, Mohr Coulomb y Total strain crack based, se evalúan y comparan a fin de seleccionar el que más se adecúa a todos los casos estudiados. Posteriormente, se llevarán a cabo y calibrarán todos los análisis para hacer coincidir los resultados con los obtenidos en las campañas experimentales desarrolladas en la Universidad de Bath por Pelly (2009), Vagdama (2010) y Croft (2011). Finalmente, también se realizará un estudio de sensibilidad para examinar la influencia de ciertos parámetros, que han debido ser ajustados durante los análisis, en la respuesta estructural de los modelos. Erasmus Mundus Programme ADVANCED MASTERS IN STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF MONUMENTS AND HISTORICAL CONSTRUCTIONS 7 Numerical simulation strategies for superadobe walls and arches Erasmus Mundus Programme ADVANCED MASTERS IN STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF MONUMENTS AND HISTORICAL CONSTRUCTIONS 8

Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions is allowed to store and make available electronically the .. The earthbag technique, which consists on building with bags filled with soil of the place, has . The main advantage of this type of structure is its simplicity, since both the materials
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