ISBN8 1- 85 78 7 2--77 97 881857 87725 SannasaD arshan y Witkhi nrde gar�d asn,dp rem A[,. ·� . .-rt. ars A TreatiosnTe r aditiaonnadCl o ntemporaSrayn nyasa ·SwamNii ranjanSaanraansdwaa ti Lecetsgu irvdeunr itnhogen e SyaenyaanrsT ari aning • Courhseeal tdG angDaa rshMaunn,g iern, 1991 YogaP ublicatTirounsstM ,u ngerB,i harI,n dia SrPia nchdashnPaamr amahamAslaa kBha ra © 1993 Alrli ghrtess ervNeod p.a rotf tphuibsl icamtaiyob ne r eproduced, transmitted or as rteotrreides vyiasnlt eimn,a nyf ormo rb ya ny meansw,i thopuetr missiinow nr itifnrgo mY ogaP ublicatTirounsst . The termsS atyan�nYdoag a®a ndB ihar Yoga®r egairset ered trademarokwsn edb yI nternatiYoongaaFl e llowsMhoivpe ment (IYFM)T.he u seo ft hes amei nt hibso oki sw itphe rmissainodn shoulndo ti na nyw ayb et akeansa ffecttihnevg a lidoiftt hyem arks. PublishbeySd r Pia nchdashnPaamr amahamAslaa kBha ra First edition 1993 PublishbeyYd o gaP ublicatTirounsst Reprintweidt h corrections 2005 ISBN8:1 -85787-72-7 Publisahnedrd istribYuotgoaPr u:b licatTirounsst , GDaanrgsah an, MungerB,i haIrn,d ia. PrintaetdT homsonP res(sI ndiLai)m iteNde,w D elhi, 110001 SWAMSII VANASNADRAA SWATI SwamiS ivananwdaas boartnP atta madaiT,a miNla du,i n1 887A.f ter serviansga medicdaolc toirnM alaya, he renouncheids p ractiwceen,t t o Rishikaensdhw as initiatDeads hinto namis annyaisna1 92.4 by Swami VishwananSdaar aswaHtei t.o ured extensitvherloyu ghoIuntd iian,s piring peoplteo p ractiysoeg aa ndl eada divilnief Hee. f oundetdh eD ivinLei fe SocieattyR ishikeisn1h 9 36,t he SivananAdyau rvedPihca rmaicny1 945t,h eY ogaV edantFao rest Academiyn 1 948a ndt heS jvananEdyaeH ospiitna1 l9 57. During hisl ifetSiwmaem iS ivanangduai detdh ousanodfsd iscipalneds aspiraanltolsv etrh ew orladn da uthoroevde 2r0 0b ooks. . / SWAMSIA TYANASNADRAA SWATI AI SwamiS atyanawnadsa boartn m ora, .UttParra desihn1, 9 23I.n 1 943h em et SwamiS ivananidnaR ishikaenshd adoptetdh ·Dea shnamsia nnyawsaay · ofl ifIen1. 9 55h el efhti gsu rua'ssh ram tol ivaes a wande.rinmge ndicaanntd latefro undetdh eI nternatYioognaa l · Fellowsihn1i 9p5 6a ndt heB ihaSrc hool ofY ogai n1 963O.v ert hen ex2t0 y ears SwamiS atyanantdoau reidn ternation allayn da uthoroevde r8 0 booksI.n 1987h e founded SiMvaatnhaa,nc dhaa ritianbsltei tfuotarii odni ng rurdaelv elopmeanntdt, h e Yoga ReFsoeuanrdcah� iIon1n 9.8 8h e renuoncehdi sm issioand,o ptiknsgh etsraan nyaasnad,n owl ives asa paramahamssaan nyasin. SWAMNII RANJANASNAARNADSAW ATI SwamiN iranjananwaansdb ao rni n MadhyaP radeisnh1 960A.t t hea geo f fouhre j oinetdh eB iha'Src hooolf Yoga andw asi nitiateDda sihnntaosm ain nyasa att hea geo ft enF.r om1 971h et ravelled overseaansd t ouremda nyc ountrfioers then ex1t 1y earIsn.1 983h ew asr ecalled toI ndainad a ppointPerde sidoefnB tih ar SchooolfY ogaS.i ncteh ehne hgausi ded thed evelopmeonftG angaD arshan, SivananMdaat hY,o gaP ublicatTirounsst andt heY ogaR esearFcohu ndatiIon1n 9.9 0h ew asi nitiaasta e d paramahamasnad i n1 993a nointperde ceptionsr u ccesstioo n SwamiS atyananBdiah.a Yro gaB harawtais 'f oundeudn dehri s directiino1 n9 94H.e hasa uthoroevde r2 0 books gaunidd es nationaanldi nternatyioognapa rlo grams. SWAMSIA TYASANGASNAARNADSAW ATI SwamiS atyasangan(aSnadtas awnagsi ) borno n 24thM arch1 953i,n C han dorenagoWrees,tB engaFlr.o mt hea ge of2 2s hee xperienac seedr ioefsi nner awakeninwghsi chl edh ert oh erg uru, SwamiS atyananFdrao.m1 981s het rav ellecde aselewsistlhhy e r guirnIu n dia and overesasa ndd evelopiendt ao scholwairt dh eepi nsigihnttt oh ey ogic andt antrtirca ditaisow nesl als m odern sciencaensdp hilosopShhieei ssa. n e ffi ciencth anneflo r tthrea nsmisosfih oenr gurtue'asc hinTghse. establishomfeS nitv ananMdaat hi nR ikhiah_eircs r eatiaonnd missioann,ds heg uideasli lt asc tivitthieerwseo ,r kintgi reletsos ly uplitfhtew eakearn du nderprivialreegaSeshd.e e mbodiceosm pas siowni tchl earre asoann d tihsef oundatoifoh ne rg uru's vision. MessageN ew Sannyasins to Sannyianss omate raenloy r der. It ac iosm pslipertielt iufea,l Botehx otaenredis co teric. Manifestoaftu inoqnu acloifinesdc itoaukpselnsae cses Andt hlei gohaft t msahni .n es I J!Vhy sadhfaron saaa nnyasin? Lehti smt aansad w it.n ess Lehti s·tma ansad n on-doer. Varioyuosgp ar actices Constgirtopusrtsae c ftroi csaea sn nyasin� Fotrh epsrea cdtoin coeetrs a dicate Thder oosfis n nleifer, Nodro t hberiy ntghk en oewdlge Of ttrhsueipe r it. As annysahsoieunnl tdie nrat soh rlaimf e Andst tahye frroqe u iatl eo npger iod, Ina l ifeo sfip raintsd e rvice, Andt hurse nhdiemr self Humbalneed g oless. Foars anniyna s Theirnseo thaissn agd hana, Andn othaisan nug l timate. Evetnhs et aotfte u riya Isn on-exfroi ssata ennnty asin, Becasuasnen yiatsso aa t ttaoitenaq lu ilibrium. Thseip risttuaisate let ernal, Itis a lywsta here. Thiass a nnyhaastsiok n n ow. Renoutnhsceae c trherdae nacddh otpht eu ft Andrn eountchaees sociation Witthhp er evrileoautsi ons, Togetwhietcrha sttreis,be ec,t . Altlh ecsoen sttihgteru omtsaesn . Gradutahsletl ayog fsea sn nywaimslaaln ifest, ·Th es iproifst e rvwiiuclnelof ld Variousst aogfsea sn ansya. Gurisut hmea sktyeef rroa s aynanisn. Don ogtot he wwraoyn g Wheny oaur ceo nvalescing. Don oitgo nrteh e rsualnensy aosfa . Livbeyy osuerlf, Frefreo ma ttachment. Don oatt tmeanridar gcee remonies, Burial , Very few scewaehn .y Whens annybalsoao ms Andk noewdlgdea wns · And puonwofelrd s, Its anctifies phoisstteoriryty .a nd Onsei nsgalnen yasin Cabne t hcer eaotfao ner op ch, A seoefir n tuition Andam asteormfita nrddii otn. Keeipntgh aibsl ianyz oeu mri nd, Steipns taon ansya. SwamiS atyanandSaa raswati