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Sanitary Sewers Design - Saudi Arabian Water Environment PDF

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1 (SAWEA) Workshop 2010 Outline (cid:1) Objective (cid:1) Overview Sanitary Drainage System (cid:1)(cid:1) SSttaannddaarrdd RReeffeerreenncceess (cid:1) Design (cid:1) Materials 2 SAWEA) Workshop 2010 Objective Address the minimum requirements for Sanitary SSeewweerrss SSyysstteemm tthhaatt aarree llooccaatteedd iinn SSaauuddii AArraammccoo facilities 3 (SAWEA) Workshop 2010 General Overview of Sanitary Drainage System 4 (SAWEA) Workshop 2010 Overview of Sanitary Drainage System Business Manhole Residence VVeenntt Vessel Local Main Cleanout Sewer Line Manhole Manh Catch Basin Water Seal ole Manhole Vessel Funnel s Vent Pumps Force Main Water Wate Air gap Manhol Pipe Seal r e Cleano CB C Seal ut B CB Typical Catch Basin Pump Bases (CB) Water TreatOmily Weantetr Lift station Plant 5 5 SAWEA) Workshop 2010 Sanitary Drainage System Sewer Line BBuuiillddiinngg Typical Manhole References (cid:1) Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards (cid:1) SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse & Disposal (cid:1) SAES-B-068 Electrical Area Classification (cid:1) SAES-G-005 Pumps (cid:1) SAES-H-002 Internal and external Coatings (cid:1)(cid:1) SSAAEESS--HH--000033 CCooaattiinngg RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss ffoorr CCoonnccrreettee SSuurrffaacceess (cid:1) SAES-L-105 Piping Material Specifications (cid:1) SAES-M-006 Security and General Purpose Fencing (cid:1) SAES-Q-001 Design and Construction of Concrete Structures (cid:1) SAES-S-020 Industrial Drainage and Sewers (cid:1) SAES-S-060 Plumbing Code (cid:1) SAES-S-070 Installation of Utility Piping Systems (cid:1) SAES-Z-004 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System. 7 (SAWEA) Workshop 2010 References (cid:1) Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications (cid:1) 01-SAMSS-029 RTR (Fiberglass) Sewer Pipe aanndd FFiittttiinnggss ffoorr GGrraavviittyy FFllooww (cid:1) 01-SAMSS-034 RTR(Fiberglass) Pressure Pipe and Fittings (cid:1) 12-SAMSS-024 Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Manhole and Access Covers with Frame 8 (SAWEA) Workshop 2010 References (cid:1) Saudi Aramco Standard Drawing (cid:1) AB-036380 Sanitary Sewer Manhole Precast Concrete Plan, Section and Detail (cid:1) Saudi Aramco General Instruction (cid:1) GI-0151.006 Implementing the Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code 9 (SAWEA) Workshop 2010 References (cid:1) Industry Codes and Standards (cid:1) American National Standards Institute (cid:1) ANSI A14.3 Safety Requirements for Fixed Ladders (cid:1) American Society for Testing and Materials (cid:1)(cid:1) AASSTTMM AA5533 PPiippee,, SStteeeell,, BBllaacckk aanndd HHoott--DDiippppeedd,, ZZiinncc--CCooaatteedd,, WWeellddeedd and Seamless (cid:1) ASTM D1785 PVC Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80, and 120 (cid:1) ASTM D2564 Solvent Cements PVC Plastic Piping Systems (cid:1) ASTM D2665 PVC)Plastic drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe and Fittings (cid:1) ASTM D2855 Making Solvent Cemented Joints with PVC Pipe (cid:1) ASTM D3212 Joints for Drain and Sewer Plastic Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals (cid:1) ASTM D3311 Drains, Waste, and Vent (DWV) Plastic Fittings Patterns (cid:1) ASTM D3350 Polyethylene Plastics Pipe and Fittings Materials (cid:1) ASTM F585 Insertion of Flexible Polyethylene Pipe into Existing Sewers 10 (SAWEA) Workshop 2010

Sewers System that are located in Saudi Aramco facilities ASTM A53. Pipe, Steel ASTM F585 Insertion of Flexible Polyethylene Pipe into Existing Sewers.
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