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Preview Sandwell Chronicle, January 19, 2017

Sandwell Thursday,January19,2017 Readbymorethan57,000people Pricewhensold70p BALLET PACKED UP AND READY TO ROLL FOR CINDERELLA STINT HEALTH Sevenin10adults haveexcessweight TENarticulatedlorriespackedwithscen- CinderellawontheBestClassicalChoreog- podrome,thehomevenueofthecompany. eryflats,props,lightingrigs,railsofcos- raphyattheprestigious2011Critic’sCircle Ateachvenuetheproductionmustadapt tumes,flightcasesofwigsaresettorollout National Dance Awards for the choreo- itssetstoworkperfectlyondifferentsized ofBirmingham,asBirminghamRoyalBal- graphicwork.JohnMacfarlane’sdesigns, stagesanddancersmustperforminuptoa MORE than 70 per cent of adults in letbeginsitsUKtourofCinderella. originatedinclosecollaborationwithMr thirdlessspacethanwhenathome,taxing Sandwellareeitheroverweightorobese, Thethree-actballetcloselyfollowsthe Bintleyincludesaagianttickingclockand theingenuityandskillofover50backstage health experts have revealed. A Public traditionalCinderellastoryofthewicked abeautifulcarriage. staffandnearly40dancersnightly. Health England Active People Survey, stepmother,uglysisters,theFairyGod- Birmingham Royal Ballet spokesman Eachvenuerequiresbetweentwoand which collects self-reported height and motherandofcourse,theslipper. DavidHarmonsaid:“Withbeautifulchore- threedaysforeachbuildandfollowingthe weight from adults aged 16 and over, Inabreakfromthecharacterportrayal ographyandclearnarrativetheballetoffers finalnightoftheproductionthetechnical foundoutof3,855,sevenin10adultsin inCinderellathathasdominatedinrecent ampleopportunitiesforactingandcomedy, crewworkstraightonthroughthenightto SaTnhdeweslpllcitarsraiewd4e1xcpesesrwceenigthbt.eingover- years,DavidBintleyreturnedtotheorig- particularlyforthetwosisters,Skinnyand breakdownandloadup. weightand29percentobese.Aspart inalideaofhavingballerinasasthetwo Dumpy.Italsohasgreatfamilyappeal.” Thecontentsofthe10articulatedlorry of National Obesity Awareness Week, sisterswhoare‘uglyontheinside’,rather TheproductionwillbestagedinSouth- trailersinclude31railsofcostumes,eight Sandwellpublichealthofficersareurging thanbeingplayedbytwomen. amptonfromJanuary25beforeheadingfor basketsofshoes,78wigs,250hairrollers, peopletomakechangestotheirdiets. EmilySmithposesinfrontofpartofCinderella’sgiantclock ChBrrisotamdacsasBtalbleyt,tthheecoBmBpCanays’stvheresio2n01o0f Stiaolnfotroda,Ptwlyom-woueetkhraunndaStuBnidremrlianngdhainmaHdidpi-- 1m,0a0ch0inheasirapnidnds,ry4e4rst.utusandtwowashing saPidu:b“Olicbheesaitylthiscbheiecfo,mCoinugnmcilolorerPanredemtGoirlel, ofanissue.”CallHealthySandwell,on Jobs to go as childcare association loses out on £300k [email protected] INQUESTS PLAY CENTRES Tunisiamassacre probesunderway THEfamiliesof30Britonsmassacred onaTunisianbeacharehopingtofi- nallygetsomeanswersaboutwhat happened and whether the atrocity couldhavebeenavoided. FUNDING AXED Theinquestsstartedthisweekwith thestartlingdiscoverythattheattack mastermindisknownandisontherun. Thefamiliesofthedeceased,includ- ingSuzyRichardsfromWednesbury wholostoneofhersons,herbrother andfatherinTunisia,willbeamong thoseexpectingtofindoutexactlywhat happenedonthatill-fateddayonJune 26,2015. PLANNING Welcome for 14 CHILDREN’S play centres and after-school clubs are to Pair make B-line for Tom’s team closeacrossSandwell,resultinginthelossof26jobs. newflatsscheme SandwellAdventurePlayAssociation(SAPA)hasbeenforcedtoaxe14 servicesaftertheboroughcouncilpulledtheplugonits£300,000-a-year funding.Themovewillleaveparentsfacingsignificantdisruptionin iAtSthErCoOugNhDtoBltahceknCeoxutnrtoruynsdinogferhihtaTsVmatadle- HdoOwMnEfSormwiellrbdeocbtourilst’osnurtgheerys.iteofarun- theirday-to-daylives. ent show The Voice. Ebony Wilson, aged PlanstotransformpartofLowerHigh Aswellasplaycentres,SAPAalsoprovideschildcareservices,withstaffpickingup 20,fromSmethwick,isonehalfofCapital Street,Wednesbury,havebeenapproved. childrenfromschoolandlookingafterthematthecentresuntiltheparentsfinishwork. Bwhichmadeitthroughthefirstroundof Somebuildingswillbeknockeddownto Italsorunstwopre-schoolplaygroups. thecompetitiononSaturdaynight. makewayfor14flats.However,thehis- CouncilbossessaidSAPAhadnotbeen Ebony and her Capital B partner Zoe toricfrontagelookingoutontoLowerHigh successfulinapplyingforfundingbutin- ByRichardGuttridge Hedge,21,fromBishop’sCastleinShrop- Streetwillremainandbeincorporatedinto sistedthecashwouldstillbeavailablefor shire,havechoseniconicWelshsingerSir thenewdevelopment.Thebuildingshave otherproviders. TomJonesastheirmentorinthecompe- beenemptyforyearsandpartofthesite The voluntary service operates from beenassuredbythelocalauthorityalterna- titionastheylooktoprogressthroughthe hasbecomeunsafe. centresacrosstheborough,includingat tiveplaceswillbeofferedbutwehaveno laterrounds.Thecompetitioncouldseethe Regeneration chief Councillor Paul RiddinsMoundChildren’sCentreinCra- ideawhereatthemoment.Theplaycentres paircomeupagainstBrownhills’sJason Moore,said:“I’mdelightedthataderelict dKleenyrHicekatPha,rWkeCsolemymCuenntirtyeiCneWnterdeniensbWuersyt, lairtetlebaosrednoinparroevaissiwonithfodrepchriivldarteionntoorpwlaityh. Jafotneerswwowhoingchtohseejutdogbeesloansttweaeemk.will.i.am bThueildreinisgaislwbaeyisnagnbereodugfohrtnbeawckhoinutsoinugs.”e. Bromwich,WiltshireWayPlayCentrein Theideawastheywouldn’tbetemptedinto Performing Lauryn Hill and Tanya HateleyHeath,WallaceCloseandLion crimeandanti-socialbehaviourandwould Blount’sversionofGospelhymn‘HisEyeIs INSIDE FarmPlayCentresinOldburyandthe beencouragedtobegrown-upcitizens.” ontheSparrow’attheblindauditions,Cap- WindmillCentreinSmethwick. CouncillorSimonHackett,headofchil- italBimpressedbothSirTomandGavin GOODLUCKTO Alternative dren’sservicesatSandwellCouncil,said: Rossdalewhoturnedtheirchairsforthe “Itisimportanttoconfirmthatthegrant duo.Butaftermuchdeliberationthepair After-schoolclubsopenforthreeanda fortheseserviceshasnotbeencutandthat choseSirTom. CARINGJENNY halfhoursfromMondaytoFridayandalso thecouncilhasnotwithdrawnanyfinance Theywillnowworkwiththe76-year-old between8amand6pmduringtheschool fromthisarea. singertoprepareforthebattlerounds. holidaystosupportparentswhoareunable “ThetruthisthatSAPAwasunsuccessful Ebony,whousedtobepartoftheBir- togettimeoffwork. inbiddingforgrantstosupporttheservices mingham-basedWorldMusicYouthChoirs SAPAhasbeenbasedinSandwellforal- theyrunbecausetheirbidwasnotofahigh andtheHandsworthfemaleacapellagroup most50yearsbutfundingfromthecouncil enoughstandardtowinfurtherfundingon BlackVoices,said:“Wearesoexcitedtobe willceaseattheendofMarch.Bossessaid thisoccasion. partofTheVoiceUKthisyear.” effortstosourcealternativefundinghad “Inordertoensuretheprovisionofser- TheSmethwicksingeralsousedtobea beenunsuccessful.Atotalof26staffhave vicesmeetlocalneed,thecouncilperiodi- backingvocalistforaTomJonestributeact, beentoldtheywilllosetheirjobs. callyhastoreviewthemtoseehowitcan adding:“Itwaswritteninthestarsforusto DevastatedfieldofficerChrisHarwood offeragreaterflexibilityofservicestoan beteamTom!” said:“Obviouslyweareverydisappointed increasingnumberofchildrenandfamilies. EbonyandZoemetatBirminghamCity andupset.Wearestunned,therealisation Theseserviceswillcontinuetoberunby Universitywheretheyarebothstudying thatwewillhavetoclosehashitus.There voluntaryorganisationstomeettheneedsof applied performance at the Birmingham PAGE5 willbeupheaval(forparents)butwehave childrenandfamilieswithintheborough.” EbonyWilson,fromSmethwick,right,withZoeHedge SchoolofActing. £2. ! LOOK 60 There’s an “APP” for your Local CHEAPEST TAXI * FARES AROUND F S FROM RingBack:Wedeadringyouwhen1minuteaway searchforCountyCars searchforCountyCarsgpc TextBack:Wetextyourphonewhen1minuteaway 0121 505 5555 0121 522 2233 Book,Pre-BookandTrackYourTaxifromtheAPP **ddependdenttonmiilleage Record numbers seek help over debts CONTENTS Residents 2 RHODES 4 urged not 17 LETTERS 7 ARECORDnumberofpeopleareseek- andWSpostcodeareascontactedStep- The Dudley postal area, which in- 19,20 ANRHESAHFEORCOUESS 1220 iaanvrgeearha.egIlnepdtefhobertsBfioinrfma£n1inc3ig,a5hl6a5pmrionpbtolhesemtcSsoadn–edwawrieethlal CT61hh4aenpcgehoea,prelieqtyuinipvtarholeevniadtretedoa,1hu0eplcpafrltlosomeav5et9ro0ytaddluaoyrf-. caclhnuaddreiBtsyeT’wsipdctlaeolynls,,,Kaacincddoduetnrhmteeidanvsfetoerrar,g5Se1t9aomuorfoputohnrett to miss out ary FASTTICKET 21 –2,9w1h9icpheopinleclucodnetsacmteodstaocfhaSraitnydiwnejluls–t ainngdtthheesatomtealpleervioeldotfhedepbrtevrioousesyfreoamr, omwaerdkewdasim£p1r3o,4v5e9m.eTnhtecsoemfipguarreedswtoertehae on scheme u TV 24 sixmonthsaboutdebtstotalling£39.6 £9.4millionto£9.8million.Atotalof previousyear,withtotaldebtfalling n million–anaverageof£13,565foreach 645peoplefromtheWVpostcodearea fromnearly£9.2milliontojustunder Ja PROPERTY 29 person. contactedthecharityduringthefirst £7million. sday, SCPOORNTTACTUS 47-48 WthoeNlvSeeaterrhplyCamh1a,p8nt0go0encpahenaodrpiltWeyadalucsrarolilnssgcotDnhtueadcfilteresydt, dsiexTbmtotooafnl£tdh1e2sb,ot4f1in5la.tshteyaeraera,wthitahttahneacvhearraigtye omnoLrcoerwepdeiinot.tpelBreeutstottrthaaektreeesoaaurrteelfeoenaancrossuorpraegobipnulgye SaANNeDwWYEeLarLrreessoilduetniotsnwtohorehvaievwemthaedier ur halfof2016–seekinghelpwithliabili- helpedwithwasjustover£8million,up areborrowingbeyondtheirmeansand financesareurgednottomissoutona Th EDITORIAL: £Moreca6shbeing.bo6rrowedmtieAsttoottaalllionfg1n,7e7as8rlpye£o2p5cleminilltihohne.DY,WoV fvrioomuos£y7e.a3r.mlilliosncomparedftothuepre- asniornatse.risdecouldsieeanrushofgreposses- csaavshe-tshaevmingmeonneerygyonscthheemirefuwehlbicihllsc.ould onicle TESTEee--Pmmll::Oaa00Rii11Tll::39Ssc80:ah42nro33dn51w.39se24pll05o.c13rht/@[email protected] eperleegTocyphtlreaeiuccigcotetyuitonsnacuiplsbppeheltaitceseirartsle.idsaeTtmahileCedfhrlouoaomtpserswgttiaotrshohuaeennnlpdd- hr PHOTOGRAPHIC:Tel:01902319430 owfotrhkesEbynegregtytiSnwgictcohnssucmheemrset–ogwehthicehr C E-mail:[email protected] andusingtheircombinedbuyingpower ell ATeDl:V0E1R9T0IS2I3N1G9:5N7i3colaCope approved by councillors –iRsensoiwdeonptsenh.aveuntilMonday13Feb- w E-mail:[email protected] ruarytosignupforthelatestauction, d PROPERTY:ColinBailey energysuppliersthencompetefortheir San TEe-ml:a0i1l:[email protected] ecunsetrogmypbryiceosf.feCroinugnctihlleorbPesatulpMososoibrlee, MOTORING:JayneLaHiffe Sandwell’scabinetmemberforregener- Tel:01543465344 ationandinvestment,said:“Thousands E-mail:[email protected] ofresidentshavealreadytakenadvan- tageoftheschemewiththeaveragesav- CLASSIFIED: ingsbeingaround£300ayear.” TEe-ml:a0i1l:[email protected] A £6.6 MILLION investment in Pet ban for neglected dog’s owner whAoncdanit’bsenneofittjufrsotmpeboeptlteerindeSaalsn.dAwneyl-l DTEe-ImlS:Ta0Ri1lI:9Bp0U.2jTo3InO1eN9s9@:9P0eaxuplrJeosnseasndstar.co.uk Sdraenddsweollfspchriomoalsrytoscpraecaeteshaunnd- ounpetocatnheussechtehmeeco.uncil’swebsitetosign helpbuildanewschoolhasbeen Tofindoutiftheycansavemoney, Sandwell approved. residentsneedtocompleteasimpleon- lineformbyFebruary13. Atotalof700spaceswillbecreated Aftertheregistrationperiodcloses, throughextensionsofexistingschools theywillreceivedetailsoftheirnewdeal 51-53QueenStreet andthedevelopmentofanewprimary afterFebruary27. Wolverhampton,WV11ES inSmethwick. They then have until March 28 to Sandwell Council leader Steve Eling decidewhethertoacceptthenewoffer. OpenMondaytoFriday9am-1pmand2pm-5pm said:“Therehasbeenanunprecedented Residentscansignupatwww.sandwell. www.yourchronicle.com growthinthebirthrateoverrecentyears gov.uk/energyswitch and will need a butthishasstartedtoease,however,we copyoftheirlatestgasandelectricity stillhaveahighdemandforschoolplaces. billstohand. Wearemeetingthatdemandwiththisin- vestment.” Careers choice Thecouncilmoneyfromitscapitalfund- ingprogrammewillbereleasedoverthe nexttwoyearsandtheextensionswork call for teens isexpectedtobecompletedbytheendof 2018. Smethwickistheboroughwiththehigh- TEENAGERSagedbetween14and19 estdemand.Thenewfreeschoolcalled areinvitedtoacareerseventinWest ShirelandHighTechPrimarywillcreate Bromwich. 420places. TheConnexionsNewYear,NewStart Supporting eventisatSandwellCollege’sCentral SixthcampusinNewStreetbetween ThecouncilissupportingtheGovern- 10amand2pmonSaturday. ment’sEducationFundingAgencytobuild It’sachanceforyoungpeopletodis- ShirelandHighTechPrimarySchoolwhile cusswhattheywanttodoafterschoolor theagencyidentifiesanexactsiteforthe college.Around45colleges,universities, school. apprenticeshipandtrainingproviders, Proposalshavebeenmadetobuildanew employersandprofessionsincludinglaw eight-classroomteachingblockforStMat- andaccountancywillbethere. thew’sCEPrimarySchoolinSmethwick. SandwellConnexionscareersadvisers ThesitewouldbesituatedonWindmill willalsobeonhandtogiveimpartial Lane. careersinformation,adviceandguid- MeanwhileCrockettsCommunityandSt RottweilerTyson,afterhewasfoundinagardenshed,wherehehadbeenkeptforthreemonths ancesoyoungpeoplecandiscusstheir Gregory’sCatholicprimaryschoolsinthe THEownerofadogwhowasne- Hisowner,SandraSangha,aged hole,wherehewasexposedtowind optionsindetail. town,alongsideLyngPrimarySchoolin glectedforthreemonthsinagar- 42, of David Peacock Close, in andrain.Hewasinaterribleway Formoreinformation,callSandwell WestBromwich,wouldalsoseeclassroom den shed has been disqualified Tipton,appearedatBirmingham andtherewasnofoodorwaterfor Connexionson01215692955. extensions. fromkeepinganimalsfor10years. Magistrates’CourtonJanuary6, him.Sadlyhehadbeeninthisway ProjectstorefurbishReddalHillPrimary Nine-year-oldrottweilerTyson whereshepleadedguiltytocaus- foratleastthreemonths. Jah Wobble set to School,inCradleyHeath,andSummerhill wasinsuchabadwaywhenhewas ingunnecessarysufferingtoTyson. “Tyson’sskinwassocrustyand PrimarySchoolinTipton,wouldalsobe inspectedbytheRSPCAlastyear Aswellasthe10-yeardisquali- sorefromhisskinconditionthat appear in Brum completedunderthenewplans. thattheycouldnottellwhatbreed ficationorder,Sanghawasgivena Icouldn’ttellwhatbreedhewas. Areportbeforecabinetsaiditwasalso hewas.Aswellasbeingemaciated, 15-weekprisonsentencesuspended Hewasveryclearlyneglectedand currently projected that an additional hehadasevereskinconditionfrom fortwoyears,andwasorderedto wassoweakthatIhadtocarryhim 3,845placeswillbeneededinsecondary headtotailandopensoresonhis paycostsof£300anda£115victim fromtheshedtomyvantogethim FORMER bass player for John Lyd- schoolsinSandwellbySeptember2025. legsandeyes. surcharge, tothevets. on’sPublicImageLtd,JahWobble,is TheQ3AcademyLangley,offMoatRoad He was immediately taken to RSPCAinspectorDawnBurrell, “Thereisnodoubtaboutit–he toplayinBirminghaminthesummer. inOldbury,wasthefirstnewsecondary avet,wherehewasputtosleep who investigated the case, said: sufferedterribly.Istillhaven’tfor- HeisbringinghisgroupInvadersofthe schooltobuiltinadecade.Schoolbosses onhumanegroundsashewasso “WhenIlookedintheshed,Tyson gottenthesightofhimcurledupin HearttotheHareandHounds,inKings saiditwillhavemorethan1,500pupilsby poorly. wascollapsedinthecornerbya thecornerofthatshed.” Heath,onJune2.Advanceticketsare 2023. onsalenowat£15. NEW MOBILE PHONE SHOP AND REPAIR CENTREEEEE •• K C 20% SSSS O EEEE LLLL L OFF N • All phone screens and • Wesellnewand • Phone chargers LLLL U laptops repaired on site usedmobilephones • Accessories all •• • • Fast, efficient and • Screens • Sim cards accessories RRRR EEEE R reliable same day service • Cases • Top ups PPPP I AAAA A IIII P RR E R • • U N L L L O E S 58 GREAT BRIDGE, TIPTON DY4 7EW 0121 557 8899 C K • Region set Blakemore sales hit £1.31 billion NEWS IN BRIEF 3 to get £7.5m Councillor follows S FAMILY owned food retail, wholesale members of staff for their efforts He the future and the company’s 2020 a for potholes a&n Sdo dnis stariwb uatnio 0n. 2g rpoeurp c eAn Ft iBnlcarkeeamseo rine sbaaicdk:g “rIotu hnads o bf edeinffi acuchlti etvreadd iangga cinonstd ia- vtaisinioanb,l efo gcruoswedth u apnond lgoennge-rtaetrimng p sruoss-- his grandfather nd profits and a 2.4 per cent increase in tions in the food retail and wholesale perity. w sales from its latest annual accounts. markets together with significant lev- He said: “A F Blakemore has set e on roadways whTihche cWelielblernahteasl l-ibtsa secedn tbeunsairnye sisn, elsC oofs pt rcicoen dtreoflla twioans. ”c ited as a con- oau mt ual tvi-imsioanrk teot snoaltidioinfya li tfso opdo soipteiornat aosr Afo lBloLwAinCgK i nC tohuen ftoroyt sctoeupns coifl lhoirs wgrilaln bde- ll C 2017, recorded annual sales of £1.31 sideration during the year and Mr with a fantastic reputation for service father when he takes over the mayor- h billion with pre-tax profits up from Blakemore pointed to the fact that among trade partners and consumers. ship of a council later this year. ro £7.59 million to £7.60m for the 2015- the business has continued to retain “Collaboration is now required Councillor Marco Longhi, a Con- n TsamatnhhsmeHi Teixlwrol Ethiecue o eofilnnil uWns tG at n aeosotonts o fvrsttc yeta mibora cMepwnokl nmliyitgedleheli elyp vaeanb eomrneten t dath hfoscrooma helrfisce oam lresrnlre.i ie edvngi nvi igtnoe hS.pngaato l aneiatnfd hcf £ rootto7rlhheds.5eess- SChairmatn of thae firm, Pteter Bluakemoree Baa2 l0lspAa1olk6e gea Frfims oinnBwoarglnnea o sc,kb tiedayema le7 dsy.ocy6err aeirpbr eef.escr udhN c laeteti,nhtr ttmeah tsaafiosnn ge£ku,t8 Bsir0nP eh.ges8a tmavaelers.l caainiunntMsddot orrit memlhB-ioelpnarsrvkseo.el evsomitfn oagirlyt lest oh afiel nsi togds re lop opuooeskpnte d-oWdtepa naexthr paerrtaeoidotfi anttiossl ftattrrhhhcoraeemo nbws ueshav soctiiehnlrreoee ws scAssoeg m tonFoupe aeraBc dnlhd aytiiko.ev” eviuhsmesi oeiotn rstehs g eoGt oaerx losbtp.ue eMpnr teofifiosreert scwot2yhieef0il Barell1lorv 7etb.rahis/ en1tteci8iag novr m ettfa oWie nwo mmaacfnnlo aas uctyyaihnooalalerrt-l, icle Thursda £7T.6h7em Woveesrta lMl, iidnlcalunddisn gw £il1l .2r2emce ifvoer iass wthidee ltyo pr ehgoanrdouedr y, J itthye aWndes £t 1M.5i8dmlan fdosr CStoamffboirndesdh Airue.t hTohre- Councillor Longhi iCno luoncacli lploolri tiLcso bnugt- anu WaapGnrooeeItdvnsha etS sor a tlMneonsmsukni decboeh,leun aw intnna icldgsslia s nfilHy,eg xsaw ee dttrdhhh et iefeiocno hfafr uu2 rdan0on, lu1ddsS7niionnh/d 1ggri 81no , f.4pcto4lrsrua,h 0dtnih0res0ees- smashed at Molineux huosanipslW l e ogbixnrletfa trrntwaehd deesf eai Cgnwtnlh a1aierl9firlk7c ’seia8n n-fw 7ocht9oeahi,t ’s essaw tsmscei ttophahiusney .hn otf ircows il lolpi olfhil wc Wottsauu aksrilneee- ary 19, 201 port minister Andrew Jones said: alongside other Walsall mayors of 7 “Roads play a significant part in past generations. everyday life linking people with jobs Councillor Longhi said: “I am really and businesses with customers, which delighted to have been voted mayor is why this government is investing and look forward to a great year being record amounts improving and main- ambassador for the town.” ttoa ihneinlpg mhoigthorwisatyss.” across the country THE iconic Billy Wright statue out- Final peak at blinding jailhouse Experts to make The new funds have been backed by side Molineux has been badly dam- South Staffordshire MP and the Con- aged after a car crashed into it. railways safer servative chief whip Gavin William- The plinth on which the statue of the son. He said: “The state of our roads Wolves and England legend stands was riofsasaehfr msoc“ifirourTdieunnlhe issdeniwtiss.str h Istafate out annib nonrtdudnlde iyi ll bnf dyrrouges ars moio iisdnsnnaer eiwditonvsh euwsseele rrci as£s to h.r1mgio ,nrm0aee 6d aeSn9s ttb,e a0sywtf0oo fls0u oo grrfcwocdeaeert-l priipcAipo 3en0d -o yafe pdaarri-rnotlk di n dm rtiahvnien hgeatdf aosahar lnebyll dyoe.e w eaHhdniraone lnayu grg w rhretseaorh ssoudet urer bssdaca r modioalfrne saiSd hvs. ui unbnisngy-- g‘afPsTPoilnoHtiremedleaiE cvkjtpeaSehys irEee l.Sh B s tC oTplaoiuhihntfcs iiedtaoleud en bfrrSr,aees etmn’sfes o ei’potsrglouu heiHvl asoiie cttuoV ee ssitd ispehcs itctetooalL aoprtlalsiipa aoneiosnnndet- TJssdreiaieHgaaivnlorEwetecl oahodUnyp sgienan xsingvpUa efenterraersitgvc israthe yenrnte sdooomi tlfmowy eg Bnooy(rtirB r ekmt J weoTtif infiothUgghce)ieh le tpanBhf moteemr.r i j ahirnokaenges- got last year and is the latest step in police until next month Birmingham, was opened as a Both universities will continue their our plan to build a country that works pending further inquir- custody suite 125 years ago. partnership and strengthen education tfwtbff£ooooo1uerrr T“1si i aTmelni5honprvmvhecpeeoee ae rst rsdftl oshyu theebvao onlesieunniln dve Wsaner eisin.iononr endauigseifnd st snrsg ssaaMec ,eplsco elsctaiuonmd.rur”cr ultoteeaa cun tncatoertoud fd bncs r seo gemishtms eptt osoreeomtwrerc iec oaiisffit ent umittc tvtrhaahueianlannarlcndygettt The statue tpichthsehmuoaaeserTVrrnv ad oeeaeichso’c, nrlhsr tn ka doeentseyrd eihhad tnn amhi. cnWtooesl e ff utlc,rffsaw d awitttgfroaiheohnhr.te liiugtlc eo,seh ss wt lrwwatttiunhhhbaacgeeesss- atcUnroThoirdohapimAIedwgle’ti e i re nnankd w ‘enaefiiLa ldao dltrlGo s -eos ‘cGcP wrrt krka ieeai ntFdnoams Uierrko 4gi geawpyInh1di I ’a apBnt lsnyll Whils asie ab,anbcta eseeseudsr sd h ueisttwsl ir h cbdnisahlhneuia’dnne ,cit alr‘dgseebdLesp rwai ote bnrsrhcnaieeegsnkest---.. libptVEPminreenraioegUcnreksln ets etssniat-iwtfis Cd nauiaetoevnhdtd ton– ie daeandst rn n ap agssojctfalp oesifelfre oit trlBnttcylywooioieJ.c ma rduTsCl t lPUhcPutaoehirrdr,fnr oeloy teye fof mU esae iessstnBno s isr Bgnoioiravnyrriraier lmiimrt BSlnehswiiini irennBntag y gyageDiN’nhi ghsjacerii aaonnveeemnmixeggrd----,,. improve journey times.” daughter of the late player, said she was ‘so 1933 to serve as a central po- Institute’s green sad’ to hear about the statue. lice station. Co-op in pledge staSthuee twwaese tleefdt tboa sdalyy :d “aMmaang eadr.r Teshtiesd h aafst emr athdee However, it has now been fingered visitor me so sad.” gaifvteern baeni nhgo nfoouunradb ‘lue ndsiuscithaabrlgee’ to remove treats A West Midlands Police spokesman said: “Of- for modern policing. The build- YOUNG Black Country gardener, ficers have arrested a man following a collision ing features a tunnel – through Adam Greathead, will be offering his with a statue outside Molineux on Waterloo which thousands of criminals expertise in his talk at the West Bro- THE Co-op Group is to remove sweets Road, in the early hours of Sunday morning. made the walk to court – heavy mwich Institute next Tuesday. with marketing and packaging aimed A 30-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of steel cell doors, art deco door There will be plenty of colourful at children from its store checkouts drink driving and dangerous driving.” A police officer stands guard on the first floor of the Victorian-style jail handles, old fashioned inter- plants and flowers on show too, plus and provide a range of healthier A Wolves spokesman said: “The club has view rooms equipped with cas- hilarious tales of some of the great ec- snacks. been in contact with West Midlands Police sette players and even stained centrics he has dug up in the course The assurance has been given to over the damage done to the base of the statue glass windows. of his glittering career. The talk starts the West Midlands representative on following a traffic incident in the early hours of Head of Birmingham West at 7.30 in the Central Library, West the Co-op Members’ Council, David Sunday morning. neighbourhood policing unit, Bromwich High Street, access via the Hallam, a former director of the in- “The club’s staff will be assessing the dam- Chief Superintendent Chris rear entrance, admission £3. ternational diabetes federation and age done to the statue with a view to carrying Johnson, said: “We are moving Teen careers invite member of the European Parliament. out restoration work as soon as possible.” to a fantastic new base, which Mr Hallam said: “This is good news The 9ft bronze statue was unveiled in 1996 has been specifically designed for parents who dread having their by Billy’s widow Joy, who called it ‘a wonderful to cater for 21st century polic- TEENAGERS have been invited to a children pining for unhealthy sweets work of art.’ It is considered one of the finest ing. As much as we all love the careers event which is taking place in at checkouts. I just hope every other football statues in the country. site on Steelhouse Lane, it’s West Bromwich. convenience chain follows suit.” The sculpture depicts the former Wolves and almost 100 years old and strug- The Connexions New Year, New The Co-op Group told Mr Hallam: England captain – who earned 105 caps for his gling to cope with the demands Start event is at Sandwell College’s “We will continue to develop the range country – leading out his team. He died in 1994, of modern policing. Central Sixth campus in New Street. of products on offer and will be guided aged 70. “While we are all quite sen- The event, which runs from 10am by our customers on this issue.” Mr The campaign to raise a permanent memo- timental about the place, as and 2pm, on January 21, is open to all Hallam said he would continue to rial to the player was headed by Wolverhamp- a building it doesn’t provide young people aged 14 to 19. monitor the situation carefully and ton councillor Fred Ledsam. value for money or the facilities For further information visit www. would be interested to hear whether The £50,000 funding for the statue was A stained glass window at the station The building’s exterior modern police teams need.” connexionssandwell.co.uk parents thought the ban was helpful. raised by public subscription. G.D. MEMORIALS Concept NEW YEAR SALE NOW ON UPTO BLINDS 50% OFF ‘THE COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALISTS’ WeOffera ALLBLINDS KITCHENS | BATHROOMS | BEDROOMS Varietyof www.idealhomecare.co.uk HeadStones Vertical&RollerBlinds 10REASONSTOHAVE ANIDEALHOMECARE &POrFicrgeoesKmeInSce£lhurda6ebps9:eSD9eienscitVgAsnT NeFFwerCeahetisulodreefSsaCahFsfeaiotrttygenedfabrA•i5RclossYmoaEnnAaso•RvPwalGeialUtaaedAvbRaleAilaNbTEleE 54321.....aWsdLFVFriaeneeRaarsksmEgphitsgeEreimnloarychjeneathboodcjtoumootyitrscaomeihitenpuyedaesroloenpsfrtfsaseoadiwgqgeneceunosdshirtifrosgakareoeobndmcrmsl,vivoese1iismhcsn0feertet0eaos,dwssrmwthofo,rtevafoobetldmuifirisostn2toredir8ersinosgchy,ohtneowmtoafyotrmoosrwrkueotynoarodprnuyasd,t,iwotinleess, ●●●●1C2F5uFh0lolloGiycwFeoeliodrtftLCeDdeoetntsetiagrnisnsIenrcsludedd ••••FWVCCReuoonrnovesdetEeidaVrvneTEanrBtaeolcPitrnikyadsnRsHsfooorfBOBalyinWNdsindEows 9876....GAaiNWnanlIlceCsdrluEucSedIbaCavibnnefeiRngssehfiudtgitpelrtiieepsnctmrlogyesr,roao(eefvtnodlieernlmydceg,tle.aoerritlrccyttscrCh,oioecpmriglaeupinn)mlsdebtoeinftgthh,eebwupihrldoojilenecgpt,rpoljaesctte,ring ●Black(AllPolished) FREE 0800 5875279 10.Qualityproductsatrealisticprices FACTORYSHOWROOM Failtltibnlginodns OpenSevenDaysaWeek COlpoesnedinWgeTdimaneds:SMuno,nO-tFhreir1T0iammes-B4pymA,pSpaotiunrtdmaeyn1t0am-2pm TThheeHHoommeeIImmpprroovveemmenttSSpeciialliistt Unit1,WestBromwichRoad,Tamebridge,Walsall,WS54AN 01214293169 Tel:01215885737 07807371820 01922646222 Establishedover25years www.gdmemorials.com|[email protected] FREEHomeQuote.FASTDelivery 5 Hall Green Road, Stone Cross, West Bromwich, B71 3JS Sandwell libraries among UK best Call to find 4 THEBESTOF PETER peak fitness 7 19,201 RHODES iApSnraNontgdahrwreammeclylomuolefnibtvroroayflruiaaneccstcteioeavrrmidstiioeannsnggdhtatoahvpereaeccbkpeeenusdttt tnshhaeFonwiCcgehuSaaranrentdsedArwfeocedcrlolIun2hn0sat1tdia5tnut-1hctey6ef(fioCrrfeItlPPheFuahsbAielg)idchaeFlbssioyt- “twroeThsohouuelrstdiedenseagpdriieftcreaoetxmfeacdeccsilnleteangnftftraaarnlteodsguuvoglovthlseurbtnnhutmaedneegrknesstt, gmharnaaadrkmdiunmnagletitkhoepfermoaotcvhatiiecdvrtiiitnvbieoegsrcooaaumtgpmohausucrwknleieitbdyarrhaperurnibeo’sst- with effort y figures. useofcomputersandwasthetenth cuts,areprovidinganexcellentser- cuttingopeninghoursorclosingli- ar AREADERtellsmehesawhisdoctor The borough came third out of highestforenquiries. vicetoourresidents.Figuresshow braries.” for charity anu lfarosmtwaeekfu.nTehriasl-wineseukrahnecerecceoimvepdaanny.eJmuasitl 3n6ummbeetrroopfobloitoaknsabuorthroowrietdiesanfdorwtihthe nuAmnbderiotfhvoaldunttheeersseacftoenrdrehcoigrdhiensgt tbhoartromwoerdebtyhaSnanadmwielllilornesbiodoeknstswaenrde voIlfunytoeuerwinagntotrojkoninowingmoarefraiebnodust J keeptellingyourselfit’spurecoincidence. morethan1.7millionpeoplethrough 16,820volunteerhoursduringthe visitors spent more than 216,000 group,askatyourlocallibrary,or y, thedoors,ithadthefourthhighest year.CouncillorRichardMarshall, hoursonlibrarycomputers. fill in the form on website www. sda unAwFilTlinEgRtmoycraercryengtupnies,ceaornetipreodlicceobpeirneg- £numbero7fvisits..5mcabinet mtembeor for leisureb, said: e“Our staffsand vpolunteeres worknsandwetll.gov.uk/liboraries n MbigEgNesItNmGIeTnIinSgitNisowch,artihtey,icsoluonotkriyn’gs ur callsthat,althoughheneverwantedapis- foroutdoorenthusiaststojoinitfor h tol,hefoundhimselfwithoneduringaraid. its Three Peaks Challenge in June, T Ithadfallenoutofanotherofficer’sholster. raisingfundstofightbackagainstthe e disease. nicl ofAaNrmOiTnHgEsRomexe-cboopbbteiellssmcheilltshehipsrobslopoedct. waaTrlekhaeelrsscehtonasltleheenoigrfela,imcdhietisesivgaennmdedegnittvo,ettpahukesemhs hro Hmeysoaldyss:h“Siftomweeroefsthoegyuonugn-gheortbhoebybwieosuoldn sorting out potholes ipnlagcSenboewtwdoenen,SJcuanfeell9Paikneda1n1d,ficlnimalbly- C haveshoteachotherbeforetheyhadgot BenNevis. ell othuetoofffitcheerspareraadllye-oropopmoseddootor.bIneteinrgesatrinmgelyd, tisUNnotwilhthaesgenuadroafnJteaendupalrayc,eMsfeonrinjugsit- w wereexsoldiers.” £49plusacommitmenttoraiseamin- d imumof£500insponsorshiptowards n ATEAMofblacked-upMorrisdancers itslifesavingandlife-changingwork. a startedtheirshowinBirminghamandwere Inreturntrekkersgettransport, S heckledandabusedandforcedtoclear accommodation,foodandthesupport off.Well,whatdidtheyexpect?TheAlve- ofaqualifiedsafetyteamtotakethem cahnuorlcdhtrMadoirtrioisnmofednancclaeimrsbtolacbkeenfoinllgowthinegir ByJackAverty Mystery over fire as restaurant gutted onTthheerme’esmaolsroabalnecohpaplolerntugne.itytoat- facessoasnottoberecognisedbytheir tendatrainingdayintheBreconBea- employers. Bunkum. This practice was THE West Midlands and consonApril30totestfitnesslevels confinedtosmallpartsofWales,centuries Staffordshireistobegiven andequipment,adviceandsupport aoMgnooer.rilsiWkehsiydthehesasAallivlteobcvehecurorcmEhnegteslaaonmdp,owpehusiplcahercwwiaialtlhys tmaockreletphoatnho£le7s.5. million to ffdrriiosecmnodutlnyhteeavtcehCnaotrstisttwye’aosmldpOraonufdteds1os5ioorpnse.arlcaenndt foundedlessthan30yearsago?Lookat TheGovernmenthasrevealed Rachel Oakley, event officer at ovinilrgdt-uupaphllyoitsoaslnloottfhMesoomfrarecisersseivdaeerresedawnohdlidtyeo.truaB’ldllaifitcinokdn- tgrheioceneiavamicnrogousnisnttohtfheemconounenxettyryfienawcaihnllcribaee-l mMipnregeomnvbiionduregtiiebptsirisctetoNautlorhaews--tt,paasekarilfinidefgec:tt“aimTmdvheoei.m”snetdunermtesaawnnidld-l butamodernchoice,andinthemiddleof yeartofillinpotholesaswellas Meningitis Now is committed to multiculturalBrumaverysillychoice. stopthemforming. savinglivesandrebuildingfutures TheWestMidlandswillreceive tornapartbymeningitis,throughre- OH, dear. It’s £7.67 million overall, including search,awarenessandsupport. bbeen another £1.22mfortheWestMidlandsCom- Formoreinformationontheiniti- tterribleweekfor bined Authority and £1.58m for ativeortosignupvisitwww.menin- tthose people Staffordshire.TheGovernmentsay gitisnow.org,orcalltheEventsteam variously de- thefundingfortheWestMidlands, on03451204530. scribedasBre- whichincludesareassuchasHere- mainersorRe- ford,ShropshireandStoke,willlead Celtic folk stars moaners. They toaround144,000potholesbeing deserveanew fixedin2017/18. name, some- In announcing the funding, back at city hall tthhiinnggttooccaappttuurreetthheirgrowingac- transport minister Andrew Jones ceptanceofBrexit,coupledwithundying said:“Roadsplayasignificantpart dismay.ItoyedwithLesMiserablesbut ineverydaylifelinkingpeoplewith TRANSATLANTICSessionswillre- wtccitnheaoaaalhurlmtnol’tdshirnreaftogaamnrrkddaettaohssraoeekBwlGdyEoeeulrtuidchrsmoaauJpdtsopee.nha,Hesnnwtaohs.vmoeStirnneoaGgdmislnsueoepsmarttetegstnhaortewedfme,auTmtolnrecunedthmnteehutrpdsss- vatjwohenhbesdsitcciahnomnugiadsnirtbnweFrutcyharsoytiirunnodteishhnsaietsgsmlerpgsahoomwuivtgnieiohtotrthwsonnrmcaiiumysestsnpsto.rta”mocivsreioirnnssgs-, otnciEtnurenedaglrxtdcF,ntiticaeitmbotRofnr7ooeBu.l.na3kaidtr0rhmeaypr.nm,i9Snd.o,egnAwshAcsmaimielomloenonb’rsfsegicSFfStaeyahcnamiootratsugpterrmihesopohuuenlsenrsyiafdicondHiragiAmnanetlgrs--l standingwiththeYanksovercoffee.Okay, Thenewfundshavebeenbacked Shetland fiddle legend Aly Bain, it’snotapropertradeagreementbutas bySouthStaffordshireMPandthe American singer John Paul White wearegraduallydiscovering,youdonot ConservativechiefwhipGavinWil- andTexan-bornTiftMerritwillalso needatradeagreementinordertoagree liamson.Hesaid:“Thestateofour performduringtheevening. totrade. roadsisconsistentlyraisedwithme The band also features John byresidentsandremainsagreat Doyle, Danny Thompson, Michael FORamateurweatherforecasters,this sourceoffrustrationfordrivers. McGoldrick, Russ Barenberg, John tisheaDsiiaglnliofifcaDnatietsimpeubolfisyheeadr.inAc1c5o9r0d,inegactoh we“Tahreedaenlnivoeurnincegmoenntousrhocwomstmhiatt- TherearoftheRoyaleGardenCaribbeanrestaurantinHighStreet,WestBromwich,whichwasdestroyedbyfire MMacCckuisnkteors,h.DonaldShawandJames ofthefirst12daysofJanuarypredictsthe menttoinvestininfrastructureto AWEEKonsinceahugeblazeguttedarestaurant,fire Opticiansdirectlyoppositetherestaurantfor36years, Ticketscosting£30.50areavailable weatherfortheyeartocome.Theafter- attractbusinesses.” chiefsareyettodeterminethecause.Morethan50fire- recalledhowthefirestarted. fromtheboxofficeon01217803333 noonofJanuary8,forexample,indicates Thefundingallocatedspecifically fightersbattledtosavethefirstandsecondfloorsofthe Shesaid:“Itwasjustbillowingoutdarksmokeand or online at by visiting www.thsh. theweatherforJune.Andtoday’sweather forpotholesispartofmorethan RoyaleGardenCaribbeanrestaurant.Theblazeatthe youcouldseetheflamesroaringinthesky.Wewerein co.uk isasortofsummaryfor2017’sweather £115mtheWestMidlandsisreceiv- restaurantonHighStreet,inWestBromwich,wasjust thefrontoftheshopatthetimeanditwasaquietday overall.Donotthrowawayyeoldesea- ingtoimproveroads,cutcongestion after10.30amonJanuary4. forus.Therewasjustlotsofsmokecomingfromthe Maverick Cope weede. andimprovejourneytimes. Itcamejusthoursafteranarsonattackatanearby backofthebuildinganddozensoffirefightersarrived. Including its £1.22m pothole pizzashop.HighStreetwasclosedthroughouttheday, “Ittooktheroofoffaroundthebackandoneofthe will play Brum Don’t miss Peter Afuuntdh,otrhiteyWisessettMtoidrleacnedivseC£o2m1.b5imne.d buTthpeolbicaeckaroefnthotelrinesktianugrbanotthwtahsemfiroesst.severelyhitbut fl10o.o3r0sa.mIt.jTuhstengowtetwhiecrkeetroaldndtotlheiacvkeejruastftaefrteitrmstaidrdteadyaast Rhodes every Mon- froTmhisthisebhroigkhewnadyoswnmtaoin£t1e4n.a4n5cme bluucskinileyssneos-ohnaeveweaxsplhaiunretdihnotwhethbeloawzen.eSrstahfafdartentueranrbedy theAyftcalbosAedhmoffedth,efrroomadAsaofweeeBhaardbteorss,hutwtoupd.o”orsdown MisApVeErfRoIrCmKingroinckBsitramrinJguhliaamn Cnoepxet day to Friday in your bfrloomcktnheeendastifoonramluplarodauncdtiv£i5t.y79inm- ltoontghiengres.stSahuurtatnetrsearrelmiearitnheidswupeeaktatnhderfreomnotvaesdcahnayrrbeed- frreoamllytwheelrletsotakuereapnitt,usnaidde:r“cTohnetrfiolrebescearuvisceethhaerveeadroenae moTnhteh.59-year-old ex-Teardrop Ex- Express & Star vBeisrtmminenghtafumn,dD.Tuhdleeayu,tShaonrditwyeclol,vSeros- rweimndaoinwsswreemreaisnteildloonpetnhewitthhespmaovkemedenamt.aTghedecuuprsttaaiinrss lotCorfeswhsopfrsohmereWiefsittsBprroemadw.”ich,Wednesbury,Smeth- patlotdheesGslienegeCrlufrboimnTThaemAwrocartdhiawniCllebne- lihull,WalsallandWolverhampton. hangingout.AnnYates,whohasworkedatAttewell wick,TiptonandAstonattendedtheincident. treonFebruary12. IMPORTANT NOTICE Callnow07710434223/01902827879 CREMATIONS IN SANDWELL YOUMAYBEAWARETHATSANDWELLCOUNCILAREOFFERING FAMILIESAVERYBASICFUNERALSERVICEATACOSTOF £1595.WHENWEATHENLEYFUNERALDIRECTORSWHO ARETHEONLYFAMILYOWNED&RUNFUNERALDIRECTORSIN THESMETHWICKANDOLDBURYAREAWHOOFFERAMUCH SUPERIORANDPERSONALSERVICEFOR£1395 SOME£200LESS. FrenchDoors BackDoor Composite PatioDoors PLEASE CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION frontdoor from£649 from£349 from£699 from£649 FREEPHONE 0800 056 6564 ££224499 ££66,,449900 WWinnddowss1122x1122fittttedd CConnsseervaattoorieess33x33ffroomm 24 HOUR SERVICE www.wolverhamptonwindows.co.uk Relocation Jail for upmarket clothes shoplift couple NEWS IN BRIEF 5 of market Hospital x-ray S A COUPLE from Bearwood who smuggle through security detectors scam in Manchester, Edinburgh, a stole clothes worth more than in foil-lined bags. They first struck London, Nottingham and Milton n to Netto site £100,000 on a shoplifting spree at the Michael Kors store in the Keynes. scanner arrives d at designer shops including at the Bullring in January 2015. Birming- It led to 34-year-old Mirela Vasile w Bullring are now behind bars. ham city centre police then picked and a female accomplice being ar- e welcomed wiSfem Iaonrtulty adnrde Mssierde lah Vuasbsialen dst raunckd uhpig hth-een idn vheesitsitgsa atito nH aforlvleoyw iNnigc htwolos rweesrtee da rornes Atepdr ailt 2Io7n luats ta nydea Mr.i rTehlae’ys Ari vSeUd PaEt Ra -BFlAaSckT Cxo-ruanyt rscya hnonsepri thaal.s ar- ll C aHta rluvexyu rNy icohuotllse tasn dL oBuuisr bVeruriyt ttohne, in Stheceu srpiatyc es otaf faf fdeewt awineeekd s3.5-year- hoSmeev einra Rl itchhomuosanndd R pooaud.nds worth wiTllh de eslcivaenrn ehri gaht- qSuaanlditwye lilm Haogsepsi tianl hro length and breadth of the country old Ionut Vasile and a suspected of clothing was found at the ad- a fraction of the time usually taken, n WOLVERHAMPTON market will be – from Scotland to London. getaway driver as they fled The dress. and generate a much lower dose of ic mdfCawrnelaooeTrdmyvv hl eaea efdMl to af esurnatis trortdeank p Saiwet£l ttaua5nr nSrse5ee qsef w .outms . Trtacmoirrilreatleeiy drto. oel ncyIr tae su nr wnsweteeigrildwelell n bp hsreyaieotr vlNmeaoe tc eeutiat ohnittnnoee- CClotheso – Mirela uVasile nthforiardT cihnatiegcnyc gco cl pmoeftpirhtlfteieciscne itsigen d tr coloah o astmcnaog coitnspitcg a t ufobpffo oaadtnnihsadds- MtuhnaEeci onlxgbvqroeuoxriu eropdine s pCD auCetl TclsisetnVmog r bfeooesofr aft e1actr1gho ee2s s0ss h1thh5otoe.wp UilniKfgt tCjaooi Tltsuethrdete a f lloVa raaso nttsh diTlr eaeuste e a sByddei mraamyri stiat.ngengddh cawomenr sCepo ribrooawtcnhy J aileud – Iounupt Vasile rHospimtafroa dSotpslhimalrpa enotiti tvhisdfiaoeiiwrnnlssss g .e tstN l cpolta Hr anucatSuinnse ttidTns n wtrgi Wuns aes aitetqtfh seiuhnetti ay gpcsB. om tbiuiremenmncteotris,mny w gwtehoh ho aiiincnmlhee- le Thursda swcehsetmeren t poa drrta omf athtiec acliltyy .transform the “TLhoisu imsea Hchairnreis iosn a, fgroamm eS WchBanHg, esra. idIt: y, J The Westside scheme includes a enables us to reduce the time needed an multi-screen cinema, restaurants, for each scan by half. We no longer u wtcbaiupaoaWrarnsrsr eost,t nmelhvhtti eelsotynr ot hwte uasales p,maee pndkmpr .doft u oIovpltrnetu iwp bt-Cahsliilrtoeclok u mmroinnepaocygeriv. nlke’c se sa ttproc ar a ecapbel aios.nrcietkaet-, as chiefs seek extra £11 Cntctoohe ieoedndxoea nt tmcoha eimcnn j oeoea vbupe.rat” otthtimeen a sttncsica saniilnnlgyci nem hgth oevetqe un aiepirwmos umennadt- ary 19, 201 Councillor Steve Evans, Cabinet 7 Member for City Environment, said: just world-class “The council is proud to have a legal- ly-binding Royal Charter, which com- ttwmmlfkmorhoeaoceai ettamySnr sctt kot ri ifu eituoaoonystndrtn i h ttcet. ao oierWsaT nsihtfild eht hhoderrserlas eitd istsws.vfic -i eRnecbdiuel lgeeesliad n e,lsas obnni ws ocaaow anip ctlnletekso lie ei osn awskwinwgultlisl,i yetr yotvhp e h emhr a pe.tdo”ala halmmevorvevkew eaiem ne r lhttetkoa hahniperndeett-- CSetlihoxaOrpnneU edefNcrw yotCeeemIdlaLl , r hstwtoo.ai uxtths al ekothheooe kal sdbn so s eerooxtv tutregoarh ts£ hcu1eor1 gu nmene cixilni-tl We’re missing retiring Jenny already MtvCmcRneeeehonuUlrseoissdenbSsii ttecraIayeisaCn ar ect dn e oelw Nols fWte ivhetbaBeehwerrsri aerts aat emY r ihhrmeorineaainnvil vrx ppg.aec hiiloo Tne taonfcghh mfect rersette ah.rhcemtdehe i w aaaYtutrineoo knatcrnihielrnvad eoeglt- corfU C ls ttaanhihhtstiiyees--- The new market on Tuesday, The cash-strapped authority is planning A limited number of tickets are still fWroendtn eosndtaoy C, Flerviedlaayn dan Sdt rSeaettu, rodpapyo wsiitlel to place part of the burden for funding fu- aJviaaxilinab Llelo tyod s Weee pbibaenri astn Dd ih Xariapois,t c Eellleiast- the Wulfrun Shopping Centre, which ture and existing services on taxpayers as nor Turner at the Elgar Concert Hall, it is hoped will boost the numbers of bosses insist council tax must rise if it is tomorrow. For details, log onto https:// shoppers. The old Netto store and to avoid losing millions of pounds from its thebramall.co.uk/events/chinese-new- adjoining buildings were demolished budget. year-concert/ last year. The move will see 48 tented The Government has announced plans to Bright ideas for stalls and 16 purpose-built cabins relax limits on council tax increases to help transfer from Market Square. fund social care, meaning bills could rise by as teenage careers much as six per cent. Get interactive Sandwell Council has revealed its planned spending power up to 2020, on the basis that council tax will rise by the maximum amount. TEENAGERS have been invited to a on the streets Finance chiefs have budgeted for taking careers event in West Bromwich. more than £3.5m extra from council tax over The Connexions New Year, New each of the next three financial years. Start event is at Sandwell College’s Bti2ch0EaaT1lAn 6haT e–c3 t0tisihs0vc ei,sh0t eyeS0tm 0 titr noeewi ertawtiea ltik–tul iilvrtn hnetgr e tta aohpnn aoSsdtpfa ounchrlydaamcwdrl i enpRmlhglo.o ywrisne-- cthenoItut gcihnom ctrheeasat s oewn aw sth oAtiphc hveo fiefw rtrashaste rig mimseepa ofxosirem dsu ixlma ys tef oaMursra. rpcehr, CayoneTFudnno ht2rrgep a fpmleu evSr,o etiopxhnntleteh ,rJ a awcignanhemfudiocap rh1rmuy4 sr a 2 tuito1nin o, 1 sNni 9s fe .vro woipsm eiStn tw 1rte0owea atwm.ll. ley, Oldbury, Smethwick, West Bro- The average Sandwell household currently connexionssandwell.co.uk mwich, Tipton and Wednesbury into pays £1,390 a year in council tax, with £1,200 Grotto’s £4,000 for an interactive game with local people going to the council. rewarded with points and prizes. A six per cent rise would see families paying neo-natal charity More than 200 beeping and flashing an extra £72 on average. ctttsheaeedpniev i serawo cjrpiortsouoh icsr nasnct laeslteryh add.e n sI B nadaer dnweaodatii n nBwk gopeh xyrsiioe czfs,heo t wsbhp seieel yioltt ophbw leeeti lrr dl ca froacoetnkr-- ttoio FBmnuo absnssudsetiisnv tesgoa bfylruo otdohmkgee yaWt thc huainivttscee r hfberaaeolesml innh talghes fec tfo Gawulonlietvchneil rl bnittyamt xlmee dnooutrp.ee - SttmhaHola rOnceh P t£aPh4rEai,t0nRy0. S10T, 0hfh0oe0re l fpcuahe ndiddl desrd tewoicn ea rvtreeais diris taeeni dsee moSd-ano anraes-- their chosen school, community group than £150m since 2010. ta’s Grotto at Northfield Shopping or as individuals. Even with the proposed council tax rise, the Centre, in Birmingham. The scheme kicks off on Wednes- council is still on course for a £19m funding People were able to show support dwawyw F.elebtrsu-daoryth 8i.s .Toorg fi.unkd. out more visit sdhreosrstefadl.l by 2020 which will need to be ad- Jenny Weston, centre, with staff members Vannessa Ilsley, June Mapley, Michelle Gregory and Kylie Turay fFooru tnhdea tBioinrm Tinrguhsta’ms tWinoym beanb’ise sN HbiSg A budget report due to go to the council THE longest serving manager of June Mapley, deputy manager everyone did. That was down appeal funding the opening of the £7m Tumble dryer later this month said: “Sandwell’s total fund- a nursing home in Sandwell has at Woodgreen Nursing Home, to her.” From Brownhills, Ms neo-natal unit at the hospital. ing across the spending review period from retired after 22 years. has known Ms Weston since she Weston received the nation’s top Goon Show in Brum 2015/16 will reduce by 1.2 per cent, assuming For decades Jenny Weston has joined the company in 1992. training accolade in 2002 – the In- causes shed fire the council agrees to implement the full coun- run Woodgreen Nursing Home in She said: “She really helped vestors in People status when an cil tax increase to fund cost pressures in adult Wednesbury and the 74-year-old transform the place. It was a res- assessor visited and gave her the A RECREATION of the classic 1950s social care.” has decided to call time on her idential home before she started award on the spot. radio comedy The Goon Show is com- FIRE crews were called to a shed fire Last month, the Labour leader of Sandwell award-winning career. and she was hired to turn it into It was her dry sense of humour ing to Birmingham. Two of Spike Mil- in Oldbury caused by a tumble dry- Council, Steve Eling, admitted a council tax Known for her dry humour a nursing home. and sense of fun which she will be ligan’s scripts will be performed at er. Eight firefighters tackled the fire rise would have to be considered in order to and approachable demeanour, Ms “She was an assessor and ver- best remembered for by staff and the Midlands Arts Centre, in Cannon which left the shed completely de- fund social care. Weston would hold weekly sherry ifier – none of the staff had NVQ residents however. “She will be Hill Park, on February 11, at 2.30pm stroyed last Tuesday afternoon. Par- He claimed the Government was ‘washing its and sing-along evenings in the qualifications before she started really missed as a manager, but and 7.30pm. Tickets are £15 via 0121 amedics checked a female occupier hands’ of social care by making local authori- nursing home. and within a matter of months even more so as a friend.” 446 3232. over but she did not need treatment. ties pay for it. Free Activities January 2017 Creative Hub for Older People Calendar of Events Every Thursday afternoon from 12th January 1pm-3.00pm Vintage cafe Digital drop-in Information and advice from Age UK Advisor Gary Overton Thursday 19th January 1pm-3.00pm Information and advice on healthcare services in Sandwell with Healthwatch Sandwell All activities and refreshments FREE! Wesley Community Centre, High Street, West Bromwich, B70 8ND (by Lloyds Bank) Registered charity number 1080517 IDBBOS051 03/12 6 IN MY VIEW with Mark Andrews 7 NHS: We 1 0 2 9, y 1 need to ar u n a J be more y, a d s ur realistic h T e cl oni SOME years ago a man came into our WhBank clerky Tanya N elsonp weighing oout coins in u1983 nd inBatches of copins being mooved at thce Royal Miknt in 1983et r office with a complaint about the charity Ch then known as Age Concern. well tphlaeHn ece hdwa hraiitssy d fwuorohioro uh wsa dat shn aosttu spshopomowseenbd ou dptoy. hfraovme “Why do you always ask people for nd their age?” asked our receptionist when Sa fihte, hhaedal tghoyn me.a In siung ghiess tmedid -th5a0ts mpoaysbsieb lay is all about to change could do his own DIY. Which brings me to the “humanitarian crisis” which is supposed to be engulfing the NHS at the moment. There are no easy answers. We have a growing and ageing population and more costly procedures and drugs than ever before, not helped by profiteering drug companies. And while there are plenty of people who say it is all down to funding, these people tend to have a stock reply when wonder people thought they were being short- asked how much extra tax they are pre- Our new £1 won’t just look changed. The reverse designs of the £1 coin pared to pay. very different, its value is represented the UK and its four constituent Nothing. It should be somebody else parts – Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and who pays for it. nothing like it was years ago, England and the first series of designs took flo- Then there are the vast swathes of the as Mark Andrews reports ral emblems as its theme. population who take the attitude that if a Resistance to the coins turned out to be service is free to use, they might as well comparatively shortlived, and the last pound use it. HAD a look at your change lately? notes were phased out in 1988. Besides, there We’ve all met them. They take a fort- Noticed how many shiny new £1 was far more to complain about in 1990, with nTihgehyt coaflfl twheoirrk G ePv ewrhye nti mthee yt hgeeyt isnndeigeezse-. coins have been issued over the tahned i5nptr ocodiuncst.i oBnu ot f wthheil en etwhe s mpoaullnedr £co5i nn ohtaess tion. And rock up at A & E every time they past few months? largely been accepted by the general public, it get a headache. And shout a lot when Well don’t get too attached to them. By has given birth to another problem. Forgery. they don’t get immediate attention. October they will cease to be legal tender. From the start, the £1 coin has been forged A bit like middle-aged men who think A new, 12-sided £1 coin – designed by Wal- on a prolific scale, Ironically, one of the rea- a charity for the elderly should do their sall teenager David Pearce – will enter circu- sons the coins proved so popular with forgers home improvements. lation on March 28, and by October 15 the was the ease of disposing of them in vending Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has familiar round pound will be no more. Given machines. come in for a lot of stick for suggesting that there are thought to be 1.5 billion of these Surveys by the Royal Mint have estimated the four-hour waiting targets should only coins in circulation, it is going to be a very big that up to three in every 100 £1 coins are apply to people with urgent conditions, operation. fakes, and this has been a major driver in the but I tend to think it is a fair point. When the pound coin was introduced on redesign. David Gauke, chief secretary to the If people expect Bupa standards of April 21, 1983, the response was muted to say Treasury, has pledged that the new £1 coin healthcare, we are going to have to start the least. Just 10 months earlier, the 20p piece will be harder to forge than ever before. paying Bupa prices. All of us. Otherwise, had been introduced, with many consumers, Lighter we are going to need a mature debate particularly the older generation, complaining about what we can reasonably expect that it was too small – smaller than the 2p, 5p The new coin will be made from two met- from the NHS. or 10p coins of the day, for example. als, with a gold-coloured outer ring and a sil- And it might mean that while priority is Inflation Walsall youngster David Pearce whose design was chosen from 6,000 competition entries ver-coloured inner ring. It has an image that gcinaigvne c nwo atnoidt tiwthiooilnls hse,a wvtheitor htso egr d e wroniu t jhuin sceto tlnihfeda-ittt.ih oWrneasai ttt.ehna-t ddsrueeepSccrlaploiadrn cwieees hedoin fe t b nhhty heat aethav epcym oo liunonennstfluadgalm’ t seic esowotrniaosn, b ri ftltaehi slwf.tth eaeirstd p mr£ee1orflh reneac opttteshed l a iwntttha laees sguceoenriBninvtee e rtfodohaf rla i etncd ut heahrac rebldei an cn‘noebcik eyninc n owwo mtpaaeusse’ . riamcnphtopraroasedri neuangcp tepp dtro hoiwnapet rm riwa,a tititehnh elt a ton£h d1ae etlihsftee I ins Tmcp oh1aaienn9t er8 wode3af e, tsrjhaoue na slpttso a gfntpoihicernear se l w n£eme1nitw oocnunh ocgtinhtoheigs.n , f hsrw aowhdm eoa rutenhlad esa nlviaoets trtwea gaatoest cwIoliisthfg h sahatelhnltinsgeego hr etc tsthholh yeaifnar slcn o aavom rtnieghnrd eae y rim rs.‘so£ imslu’le eansedlydnl m e plfedobrtguootelmen srdt. i o,ndI btigt fuh ifsotee nr titneh sbnui nodtmt niaahbemn ersg reial dten‘ee1sdrs’. Back in 1967, when prime minister Harold Britain, there had been a not-especially-suc- least 40 years. The number of early £1 coins While the existing pound coin has changed A LOT has been made of the number of Wilson famously assured us that the pound in cessful trial in the Isle of Man. Many people still in circulation is testament to their dura- little since 1983, people’s spending habits celebrity deaths over recent months, but our pockets had not been devalued, a £1 note refused to acknowledge the new coin, causing bility. have, with greater use of plastic and the in- none has made me sadder than that of would have bought a discounted winter coat in them to more or less disappear from circula- Unsurprisingly, the vending trade was very ternet. former Villa, Wolves and England manag- the sale at Shrewsbury’s ABC Warehouse. Or tion. The Manx Treasurer was left with little supportive of the move, too, as it allowed ma- According to figures from the Payments er Graham Taylor. failing that, it would be enough to pay for 10 choice but to print a new batch of £1 notes. chines to be adapted to accept larger amounts Council, cold hard cash accounted for 86 per Maybe it’s because football is a bigger loaves of bread, or six pints of beer in a pub. The original £1 coin was designed by the of money. The launch of the new coin also co- cent of payments in the UK in the mid-1980s, part of my life than film, television or mu- But by the time the pound coin arrived in Bank of England’s chief engraver Eric Sewell, incided with the growth of pay-and-display car but by 2011 this had dropped to 55 per cent. sic. 1983, it did not go so far – enough to buy a who was very proud of his new design. He parking machines. The decline in cash usage has coincided with But maybe it is because the loss of the single pint of Carling Black Label, or five pints said it was very distinctive and could easily Given the pound’s origins, it is perhaps not the rise in automated payments such as direct bright young manager who arrived at Villa of milk. be picked out from lesser coins in a purse or surprising that some people felt the small coin debits and standing orders. Park in 1987 reminds us of our own mor- Today, it will typically buy two pints of milk, pocket of change. But on launch day it was re- had cheapened its value. The oldest currency Debit cards made up almost one fifth of pay- tality. or a single loaf of bread. But forget a trip to ported that some critics said they would spend in the world, the pound took its name from ments by 2011, but they made none when the Either way, he will be greatly missed. your local – a typical pint is now nearer £4. it like loose change because that was precisely its weight in silver during Norman times – £1 coin was first introduced because the debit As far back as 1980, the Royal Mint ob- what it was. 240 old silver pennies weighed one pound. No card was not brought in until 1987. 25 up to % Wooden HUGE Concrete FREE Summer FREE LogCabins VIEW SWW Sheds RANGE Garages FITTING Houses FITTING &GardenRooms ONLINE A off FULLTONGUE&GROOVE II NNN L selected pproductts ETTTT OldBuildingsRemoved EE AsbestosDisposal BaseLayingService R FreeQuotations Pricesfrom DOenlliyvery D&eFliitvteerded Fittedpricesfrom Fittedpricesfrom Fittingserviceavailable 6ftx4ft £239£274 SingleGarage £1599 7ftx5ft £599 WVeitrhaonudtah WallLog44mmT&G CCOONNCCRRETEGARAGEROOF 7ftx5ft £269£309 16ftx8ft 8ftx6ft £725 WVeitrhaonudtah DoubleGlazed REPLACEMENTSERVICE 8ftx6ft £299£344 D16ofutbxle16Gftarage £3099 8ftx8ft £789 IVnecrlaunddeash InsulatedOptions Huge Range Made To Measure Service Lined & Insulated Options Quality At Competitive Prices Showsite(open7days):TildasleyStreet, Visitourwebsite: Callusnow: WestBromwichB709SJ(NexttoStaples) www.bettabuildings.co.uk 01215534682 CoatEtihthiigea’VlaWOsaa lrEp lnirkynehr Rat vtaisyahchYtey e eleprn tost y hupIie t mpe mxukmw ecudmeprehoo ni eIpralbpd nkle ngaarpe ogitrrrrach gre,isten ce abotsreolnau a stthhn tt hhtub eaadhIeee v v ed driepep nitoc fe1hnggufft aee o ’rroctrl norplr reueelsea n nnnt 2sntueet cdpkiaarypae e lt l tprilrdi.sonso ear uttunrgta be op lnsIl,o. ir t dawtcaalr naanete nders-,p asbodp‘ajaBtnrrlerucaldram onkntiescwhceox’dcth.diiicia scnt rIr ee’btaog‘ dsB’ytf bs , i st r oecsoahtefi oipnxn er mmlipisdgiatgveeo e hc oi ur ntaattvftsh rgubee tcpe runodoti ey ssi uGt csh eb qrobtobsys umev.ae ceeiego Oonesrtgu ntghn uoiirm neompru p gn ‘teleefic” uanaunaon bna,ssfta lnyd heunmag ed tsocbr apaiisteunnaor tdsaolgdglp ii pe nbtwgtpoioyerc siuue siozadparsr-fl PtNapTNahnloEHeeIdtrxOf aSH mleP ay parnoLernuu SndoEdbb ti bhailianmeni lasr m rhhgepad- e.sga c airttrlnltoatfiee ihiacmd uc petainlihnaanrleagreg t tw Ac tossi&htttmhhahEeet-. LDAISRCAGLLOINESTAULLATNIONSTPROSJECT MOTANHNEOAGREEDNDEDFRROSOFPMLJSAATCN•AEURCDoTAmBTRpOEYo•sFFW2iItONe0inRI1DdS7ooEHowrss 7Sandwell Ch stoo hwehaattin’sg g, otirnagn sopno?r ta, sf othodis pirs okdnuocctkioinn ga nond aitn ads eac oencoonmoimc cico rsrtuicpkt toor gbaenatis uasti wonit, ha.nd use tNeHntS, aasn da ywohuo leex pise cat leaarcghe •Porches ron HamaWrnoeue faasrc et usspreieniiingmt gc oatshtpesl .csolsyt of livLingE beTingT hiE- RSYaS Trd Vl eATyU WGOoHoA dNTHE EDITOR tptnfiyOhhoevingeeuoeehynp c a tl ioher sone at en iotvnanre ebtij h buelnneourro iuettag edossmh e ktmts eoi onsa att ingnhtwx hs eafo oe pgoc r eeofoe .ofs xtcoBpthotoslruned.e.art-.., ••WCoi•nndPsoaewtrivoR&aeDtpoDoarooiieorrsssr icle Thurs POST EMAIL tribution and do not help d ego trips Sandwell Chronicle, wcoistths iatrso cuanrde .t Yheo uin diteifaelr fi tvhee, •Fascias/Guttering ay, J 5C1h-r5o3n iQculee Eedni tSotrrieael,t seaxnpdrewseslal.ncdhsrotanri.ccloe.@uk iatb’so uat smtraungagglee. but you just •BuildingWork anu StushunOaIca sctb ethlstehosh iitsesvop ye ia c tngoaapoylrsv ee we. raoinnrnmcedr eeernafi stnwisdn haignerlngye LLetenteurmsWa sbohelvore udnrhludam mbbeepet obrn.r ,iTr eWhf eVas 1nE dd1 EiMt SoUra rSeTs eirnrcvleeusd teh ne arsmigeh,tl atodo dcroenswdse annsde tleetlteteprhsoo.ne oboeunftut heBtrf,eeodu drroet,e d nmwft. i hvhTaaeenanhy tdd e pc iaaefen ondxsoptinuwfrlfodaee td r oceewcvonnoesilntstry h tks arp aiinnnitblddo--l •Misted-upUnits ary 19, 20 hhbpeaeoWilcsnlip tgebii teeraasnerl ptset lh oawcancoien tnbd hsu?t thiasledmn ithnaloylgls epsbruie tpicanealgrs- trigger legislation sfiywitiov xiulwe lar isn lwttldr ehie nmetotcs phpcpaea yaccnoiti da uto.la ltnkyoE e tttv hhhneeoeon s liteminum fiioatirrlitlsaesytl,, Window WarehEsotablisuhedovser20eyears Ltd MIPNEDCALFCIREEONOMTF 17 told of our ageing and grow- the food can no longer feed ing population but this those around, and it’s all in seems to be ignored at every IN 2015, after more than year by 24 per cent, to 3,716, danger of collapse. stage. 50,000 people joined the we’ve written to the Secre- That is exactly what has Who are these super hos- NSPCC’s ‘Flaw in the Law’ tary of State for Justice ask- happened in our NHS. 97 Park Lane, Langley, Oldbury B69 4LP pitals for? campaign, the Government ing why the law has been SHAUN HARRISON In my opinion, they seem introduced legislation to delayed. West Bromwich like ego trips for the archi- arm police with new powers This new offence was sup- Votes resulted Website:www.window-warehouse.com Email:[email protected] tects and those in power to tackle paedophiles. posed to mean that the law VISITOURSHOWROOMOPENINGHOURS:Mon-Fri8am-6pmSat8am-1pm who are commissioning It means an adult is could be brought to bear on the building of these hos- breaking the law if they anyone who grooms chil- in park move TELEPHONE: 0121 544 2222 pwihtaeltsh ewri tthh el ihtotlsep itthaolsu agrhet eoif- stieonnd t oa a sne uxnudael rc 1o6m-ymeaurn-ioclad-. dcarseens o tnhlien ep,o yliecte i nh taovoe mbaeneny GOLD PRICES THE ther able to cope, or if they But now – almost two left powerless to take action RE: Your recent article on are user-friendly. years later – the Govern- to protect children. the destruction of parkland We read that already ment is dragging its feet The public have backed in Princes End, Tipton, for tnheewr eM iisd ladnodu bMt eatbroopuotl ittahne agnerde dth.e law is yet to be trig- ohuars caagmrepeadi gtno, iPt aarnlida mpernot- pheooupslien go. f MTaiyp tIo nr etmhaint dt htheye HHHIIIGGGHHHEEESSSTTT IIINNN YYYEEEAAARRRSSS Hospital being big enough. This is despite, over the gress in Scotland shows that voted for those who have Perhaps it’s about time last six years, Scotland has young victims are bravely brought this about. that those spending our recorded 1,537 offences coming forward and begin- I say stop voting Labour, money should talk to the under similar legislation. ning to reveal the sickening Tory and Liberal, vote for staff and service users be- With Childline figures numbers of adults targeting anybody but them We pay fore making decisions in re- also showing the number children for abuse. their wages, they don’t pay 9ct Gold £11.00 Full Sovereign gard to super hospitals. of counselling sessions for ALLY SULTANA ours. Vote them out. LEN HALES children worried about on- NSPCC Midlands FT WOODCOCK Cradley Heath line sexual abuse rose last Campaigns Manager Wednesbury 18ct Gold £22.00 £220 22ct Gold £26.88 Full Kruggerand £940 (price as of 17.1.17) FREE Best rates and pay no commission on all foreign currency EUROS U.S. DOLLARS KITCHENS & BATHROOMS TILES We sell £1 = 1.11 We sell £1 = 1.185 We buy £1 = 1.20 We buy £1 = 1.28 Price Paid 17.1.17 Price Paid 17.1.17 COMFORT HIGH SEAT TOILETS on all January Highly skilled craftsmen are Atoiletwithacoupleofextra installations. ready to take on any repair project, inchesofheightmakesallthe or simply a service of a difference,Largechoiceof treasured timepiece... discreteandstylishmodern Seeinstore Simply pop in and we will give you designs. fordetails a FREE estimate. 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J Police raided a house in Hamil- y, tonRoadinGreatBridgewherethe da minidrugsfactorywasuncovered.A s 31-year-oldmanwasarrestedatthe Thur McrUeaSmLIMconcthailidnirnegnpaotrkscgheolaotlsineinafStaenrdawseulplpwlieerresesnetrvoeudttihcee Morris dancers in city centre are heckled stocenTnTweoelweatsnitnWWgMeadPbnoesusadtiadty:h.“eTriapitdo,n@WTairpd- e wrongproduct. officersconductedadrugswarrant cl Theerrorwassaidtohaveaffecteda‘smallnumber’ofschoolsacross onHamiltonRoadGreatBridgethis roni twhheerbeoaroluetgthe,rhinacslubedeinngseLnotdtgoepaPrreinmtsaraypoSlocghiosoinlginforWwehstatBhraopmpewnicehd,. AdeBscLrAibCedKtChoeunatcrtyioMnsororfispdeaonpcleerwhhaos £m1o“0rT0n,hi0ne0rg0e.pwoausndapwporrotxhsotfredertugvsalfuouenodf h Themistakewasonlyflaggedupaftersomepupilsattheschool,whichhasa heckledagroupofdancerswithblack- intheproperty. wellC Hit-and-run lctSaorcrehgtahoemoeMl.sThuchhselaeoimdodtle’eissnascmteahrektenerwu,Lah.siaLsadaondeGaegwteiellPnaadmrtidhmiestaiaiorcindye cteehnrTuesdrhhceifhrae,dc,eanswneaaceesrrre‘Bsut,rnhowarmcehcasoetgperhtnoaaevbidellefbi’rn.yomWaogArrcolveuesp-- rfiecs“MetAreesda3wn1aiwt-nyhhdeitalheirse-iionrclduainrsmqreeupanialrterileayhst.ea”hsrealbpideinepngolaiocrfe-- Sand probe opens tbSheIPeinSmgEipsdrtuoavckaiedtiewodnaw.si‘tuhnathcceeipctea-bcrlee’amaftbeyr otohnfeysSpapetucuttraodtnaoyirn,sBJdairunmruiainnrggyh7pa,emrwfcohitriycmhcaentnoctoerkes RseoiOazedffidicn3e0trhspeflraeonamrtslytahhteoauLprosrwoopfHeWirltley,dFinnaelsFlidinlaegyys. on woman, 88 wrSohnegspariodduthcteasnudppshlieerwhouadldsbeenmttahke- plaTcheeindfarnocnetrosfbslhaocpkpeenresd.theirfaces Phaamrkp,toBnusnhebiguhrbyoaunrhdoOodxlpeoyliWceotlevaemr- ingaformalcomplaintaseatingpork aspartoftheBorderMorristradition, attendedthepropertyandsharedthe isforbiddeninIslam.TheOakLane whichfeaturesgroupsfromvillages newsofthediscoveryonsocialmedia. wTbcwd8attMaoafoe8HhatkborMew,seineenEcarnawnrdkhnraeithbit2yhdldonholeo1aejeqEioro.hdpnuauwnldopTigneirrzseansBhniapnssvtoeebiiateefrtderkfidarmdnhut.nlfarhjticiouwiostnokvl-Hswlgiapetotahnbunrhowbaydlmeaispim-acnfebrpeaoesrguanhrRitnnsoeseBtroiiudrhnyloeacsvsoentordoetntaioenosnryoesnrm,,jhdntuFanrwawrghOaotesihhecraaaehckddoersss-, sbhcFotgwtsthhhocegeeirhhgnmeeMerliiasodhyotfweects’aoeraahviroylrniraGreiocm,elheesetndii.sahl-onrgitelacsnfaaeofWtriponnmBdhde4crrea:an3ahmo,uamy0in“davcnhieIgnureapfadmwlgocrtwauveatarhuidepnaltgiiseuoilunscoelesfsnhsntr.thpewh,icttaiArtochheewrtyrookrreeitosinrtobieltruimyismtnuhang.epacniecgenipntkotndnhtl.ogsntieueooero3sdsormSuu0n,aupImtsuepanPopemnooerdneSolnkddrstf--, bapuespbathhftbueeepoeDHioiouStrrnappsecaedewgnlelid.vsetedarghBsety,samoaliduecrJcwoinoyteadeieksowhn,y:tfMttfhWpotnse“trlpeohrIdaeotwyrryichurrenpc,efeciersaaeksr.ewiecrnneWsDnefihtgtotdeeaaourrtilnwcamnsshsiccbhhshdeuoeiuineefrtsbrpsfnrghsieoeeesn,ernrottawgfdfhansnrtoeanieordtrvtrsemdhmheaSaa–eleash–lslsmHseunoodrogbormmcaeeueipeoyrndeert.f--, H3a#trivycnoeaeod0CidccuTTaldlvolaylrCsrhwuWve.neea#eddeesTnsMnri.eDsnanheintPnberdgeiianuwinbs£dmsggtCsia2rhsFsouui.caadm”inoglpblt:teemlioiaylycv“wulrenaiOwotishRttmfnisiifioaotlcelhasonchy,edfenep#ir,s‘ohnodsrtwIFalaeinirsldcroiePtegdedrsyioo,bdazsrlmyehet@ietcodeocoheaneLungaCotnsooenvuietawyonelssn’dayr---,. thejunctionwithPeakHouseRoad. “I understand this is not an ac- thisisanEnglishtradition.Theblack- NEC-basedconcrete Mrs Humpherson died later the ceptablereasonaswedonotserve enedfacesaretoprovideadisguise,it sameday. anyproductstochildrenthatcontain hasnothingtodowithrace.Butwhat showhasmortarit SgtChrisRidge,collisioninvestiga- productssuchasgelatineandSIPSis happenedwasunacceptable.” torfromWestMidlandsPolice,said: awareofthisasthemajorityofour TheAlvechurchdancerswereone “Wehavenotidentifiedadriveras childrenhavevegetarianfood. ofseveralmorrisgroupsinthecityon THEUKConcreteShow,nowinits suchyet. “Ihaveinformedourchairofgover- theday,celebratingPloughMonday. seventhyear,willstopoffatBirming- “Inquiries are still ongoing. Ev- nors,NigelEdge,andwillbemaking Theeventmarksthestartofthe ham’sNECnextmonth.ItisEurope’s idence has been gathered but it is aformalcomplaint.”Aspokesmanfor agriculturalyear.MrJefferysaidhis largestdedicatedconcreteshow.The DNAbased.Iamconfidentthatwe SIPSEducationsaid:“Afullandim- group,whichdotheBorderMorris eventisonFebruary15and16. willidentifyasuspectinthenextfew mediateinvestigationisinprogressto dance,donotfacecommondisrup- MorrisDancerswithblackenedfacesinBirminghamcitycentre Toregisterfortickets,visitwww. weeksandanarrestwillbemade.” resolvethismatter.” tionswhenperforming. wereheckled.PicturecourtesyofB4Parking concrete.smart-reg.co.uk/visitors. Make the RIGHT decision this Winter and give RYDALE a ring.... WINTER 3O2unrd SALE 2017 Cleaning Services now available Windows, Doors, Conservatories, to restore all your uPVC Orangeries, Porches, Fascias products.Guttering and Driveways cleaning and Soffit Boards available Nodepositsorstagepayments, Visitoneofthelargest Supplied & Fitted... Repair Service youonlypaywhentheinstallation conservatoryandwindow across the Midlands Available hasbeencommpleted shrowroomsintheUK ULTIMATESECURITYGUARANTEE Ryooeeuprlaccoenstheerveaxtoisrtyinagnrdoocfreoantea Everywindowandconservatoryiscustommadetothemostrigorousqualitystandardsyouwillfindinthe vveryRRoysndeharAAiigloLehLutssaplekyrcoeGudsruuieatccyrtuasrnitteyed comfortableenvironmentanda industry.NoothercompanyintheareahasmoreexperienceandknowhowthanRydale,andthat’swhywe Fulrledqeutaeisltson roomyoucanuseallyearround havebeeninbusinessformorethan30years. MASSIVE DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE ON FEBRUARY INSTALLATIONS OpenWeekdays:9amto5.30pm FREEPHONE08009176060 www.rydalewindows.co.uk LongLane,Blackheath,HalesowenB629LS Saturday:9amto4pmSundayClosed Libraries in Police plea over car 9 S borough are a n d w among best SLEOSEPO EKOC UFIOARLR M ODEL TRAANIANL WOOGRUKEI N&G D LIGAIYTOAyTeULhaiTsr Swis h tTehneH wSISaet uhSradAvaeTy Uo inuR rt DheA Y ell Chronic BLUE Special X Day Offer le nationally X TICKETS HmTahalirfs k tmehdee awSnaitslhe t ahP arlaitc raegney X it etimck et is Thursd THIS SATURDAY sWuep ehra Oveff egrrse aatl lf udna!y YSoaut uhradvaey ! ay, Jan AN army of volunteers and a packed pro- From 9am to 5.30pm ua gramme of activities have put Sandwell li- ry braries among the best in the country ac- 19 coTrhdei nbgo rtoou rgehc ceanmt efi gthuirred so.ut of 36 metropolitan MMOODDEELL TTRRAAIINNSS && SSCCAALLEEXXTTRRIICC LBonIGg GSlEeeRv eM SEHNIRSTWSEAR CONTINENTAL QUILT SETS , 20 wPacoPwesfOeho m PArwtroLrhafkb htyIwueeeeC aydlrarB tE Fs csa1a itoosh0shruns .iraat dtbt H ev iydGebnreTilery,n rui hi r e6evgweaeevy1e lCaett hr,eco rsd.Cado a a siuoiTntnerenonsV ddvp id e htbaooC sievtfStslCfi aii ttcagcwTnha aeed eVsaort miyews nsuo c aatmtafhehorl nnilea es tea t d khc d wrtaieaeoenoarer au kyb n Attnt uh rthtlcdasod ooeo cr lydw6tfioer de.oauw2apgr rc0ogaekeea trn. dR m attw hno P tehadooe defdn uar trn gteriDhvae ehaeceoeeerrrt- waavfrafiIonelinufsisutlTstdtoeihtrhth h ai tsstAh sohi.muh seirc togF dicoehwht io riigrefb ugeeoeuSsyhns rtprat ethernPtufassheoadsunt sere wnbfce onyl eontC1iru lfch tl. h( m 7ce2eFChao d 0ibmraImnn1 Ptedae5uirp Fltnrt- mulh1hAeicotod6eee)fb-n e rpBhposom teunrayoaooorr ffrgd lpLf eilr bblui aaeabrocttm nratho yadrhpmka ry rrTnsi oeveo h c vosbuo2ooi lodmguf1mm irhn6npara, tpcugt0okeths t0wieiaenove0r ergis npdstd hia.otw e cohaoOskoue nruerarmsdkdrst. GDDeCNMH.ilogAORsaOr.csm PARHosD aOnHoNKEltrli1LyABnnL b u£LM YLTye1o,O d2c RRFB 9oCM3AA.A92oOIR94CNd 3SIeHSSAlsTTHMSShhaaii ttAss& N N£, 55.25 3USK2USN4USSXX4AAAEsNssA LLuuuLLLLVtIo TaaaEEEEttY lllooW lllC5 PPPyyy B454 TERRR£££L XXEWAIII122UCCCLLDR251aEEEE... i999Cs A£££999tA121 CR006T... 999ICV999OEA TTRSOTTTSSShhhUaaaiiiStttsss ERS£££815.0.55.5000 AS£SDK£S£S121LAAAIIONN559LLLLU...GG EEE999CBL 999 PPPOSLE RRRIME ZBIII CCCEEBE EEEEWD D££ I£ST11 1SIH09Z4I.. Z.99EP9E99 I9L LOWTTTSSShhhaaaCiiitttsssA SES£££759...559009 17 veAhi c5l8e-.y ear-old man arrested on suspicion of causing death eersts faonrd e nwqausi rthiees .tenth high- aanctdi vuen lickoem omthuenr itbyo rohuughbss Sale Price £110.49 2UXsLu atloly 4 £X4L1.99 TShaits £16.00 LADIES NIGHTWEAR/UNDERWEAR bmINya VdtiEaonnSgT se@hroowuuseld sdt er-mimviiadnillga Snrgedtms .Apanilnanns. p oWonlo ibcoead.iu la.k tA FnLyo_nCeO wLLitIhS iInOfNor_- nreucImto rbhdeairdn got fh1 ev6 o,s8leu2cn0otn evdeo rlhusi ngahtfeteeesrrt whinoe u faracsrt e onwr’ te c caloursetit niengn gcl oiobuprreaanrgiiiennsgg, NCEATWA LHOOGRUNEB YO U20T1 N7 OW! 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U99S STYLETSSha iAtsN D S£IZ1E.S99 Dudley, to be checked over following the smash just before tough budget resulting from sions, to helping run a café. 10am on the Wolverhampton Road, in Oldbury, yesterday. central government cuts, All libraries have friends Jamie Arrowsmith, West Midlands Ambulance spokes- are providing an excellent groups, who are always 174-180 Vicarage Road, Oldbury, person, said: “We were called to the scene of a collision service to our residents. looking for new members. West Midlands B68 8JB between a lorry and a car. “Figures show that more Anyone looking to volunteer Store Hours Monday to Saturday 9 am-5.30 pm “The car driver was fully conscious and treated at the than a million books were or join can ask at a library, Wednesday 9 am-12.30 pm Customer car park scene for lower back pain. He was taken to hospital as a borrowed by Sandwell res- or fill in the form on www. 111 years 0121 552 1684 precautionary check. No other persons were injured.” idents and visitors spent sandwell.gov.uk/libraries trading Happy 2018! has moved to Well, 2016 went by so quickly we thought we’d better get you ready for NEXT year! Transform Your Kitchen Hollybush Garden Don’t leave it another year! Lets make it happen this year - with the No.1 Replacement Kitchen Doors experts Centre & Aquaria January Junction 11 M6 Sale whiwle staockrs lsastt one road shareshill Over 40 Styles & Colours WV10 7LX 0800 088 7044 Buy2get1Free We would like to thank all our customers MadetoSizeDoors NewWorktops NewHandles NewLook! for their support over the years Showrooms: Visit your Get Your DON’Tthrowout and look forward to welcoming you at costlycabinets local showroom or Brochure whenyoucan Hollybush Garden Centre & Aquaria re-usethem! request a FREE We Can home quote! Replace NEW iudk.co.uk. the www.hollybush-garden.com Doors 01384 293654 B2RO0CFoHr1U7RE MondaytoFriday 10am-5.30pm Saturday10-4pm ClosedSunday Doors&More-DoorsHouseWordsleyGreenStourbridgeDY85PD(NexttoSainsburys) c Youngsters on track for more success 10 7 Minibus 1 0 2 9, 1 y ar u an Supporting Local Communities J y, a d s hur CT Minibus provides T e low-cost mini-bus cl ni travel for community o r groups and other h C ell not-for-profit w organisations d n a S Do you need to use a minibus and can’t afford the rates charged by hire companies? Paid Drivers Available Young athletes, left, Iris Oliarnyk, and right, Will Hall, with Sandwell leisure chief, Councillor Richard Marshall MIDAS Training For Your Drivers IT’S going to be a big year for GB para-Olympic team from last sum- part of the England team competing Up to 16 Passengers Sandwell’s top young athletes, who mer’s Rio games. at Athlone in Ireland. Iris won an in- are gearing up for a busy 2017. Seventeen-year-old William Hall dividual bronze medal with a personal Eighteen year old para-swimmer from Cradley Heath is also looking best score of 3446 points. Wheelchairs Assessible Vehicles Scott Hadley, from Tipton, is aiming forward to 2017. Hockey player Will is 2017 will be a big year for Iris, who to build on a brilliant performance at already rated as one of the top eight is already among the top young pen- Competitive Rates the national pra-swimming champion- goalkeepers in the country after an im- tathletes in the country and will now ships in Manchester last month. pressive training camp with England step up to compete in the heptathlon, Special Weekend, Evening and School Holiday Rates Overall Scott achieved four personal Hockey at Loughborough and a star- meaning Iris will add the javelin and best performances from his seven ring role at the Hockey Futures Cup 200 metres to her skills set. races, including winning gold medals competition in September. Will is now Councillor Richard Marshall, cabi- CALL US ON 0845 209 0191 in the men’s 100m Backstroke (cate- setting his sights on breaking into the net member for leisure and chairman gory S8) and the men’s 100m Breast- England U18 squad. of the Gifted & Talented sponsorship stroke (category SB7) representing the Another young athlete who ended board said: “It’s a privilege meeting Orion swimming club. the year on a high is 15-year-old Iris people like Scott, Will and Iris and www.communitytransport.org Scott also picked up two silver med- Oliarnyk, from Oldbury. Iris is already we are really excited at what all of als during the two-day meeting, when representing England in the pentath- our Gifted & Talented athletes will be he was competing with some of the lon and recently won a team gold as achieving in 2017.” Dudley Motor Company GREAT VALUE SERVICING Prices For Cars over 3 years - All prices include Factory include trained Parts, Labour 12 MONTHS ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE* Technicians, andVAT Genuine Parts VAUXHALL ATTENTION Refurbished VAN DRIVERS Premises SERVICE NOWOPEN £149 GREATVALUEVANSERVICINGBYFACTORY * TRAINEDTECHNICIANS HeavyVan Servicing VauxhallRange Calltobookyour Tel: 01384 454100 Servicetoday: Class7MOTBay Dudley Motor Company TrindleRoad,Dudley,WestMidlands,DY27AZ. www.dudleymotorco.co.uk

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