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San Rafael Rock Quarry Conforming Amended Reclamation Plan 2010, Updated October 2012. PDF

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Preview San Rafael Rock Quarry Conforming Amended Reclamation Plan 2010, Updated October 2012.

45LeveroniCowl 4158539850 Novato Novato,CA 94949 Fax4158839835 Petaluma wowcswst2ccm Sacramento CSWST2 CSW/StuberStroeh EngineeringGroup, InC. Engineers I LandPlanners I Surveyors I LandscapeArchitects October 8, 2012 Robert Beaumont Director ofPublic Works County ofMann 3501 Civic Center Drive San Rafael, CA 94903 RE: SAN RAFAEL ROCK QUARRY CONFORMINGAMENDED RECLAMATION PLAN PERMIT #Q-72-03, AMENDMENT #1, CAMINE #91-21-0008 DearBob: On behalfofMs. Aimi Dutra and the Dutra Group we are providingthe final copies ofthe San RafaelRock Quarry’s (SRRQ) Conforming Amended Reclamation Plan (CARP) that respond to your letter datedAugust 31, 2012. Pursuant to your letter ofAugust 31, the CARP has been conditionally approved. Includedin this submittal are 4 hard copies ofthe CARP binderwith a date ofOctober 8, 2012, four full-sized copies ofthe Plan Sheets included in the CARP and one PDF on a CD which has electronic copies ofall the complete CARP. We understand that this submittalwill satisfy Condition ofApproval (COA) #15 ofthe Board of Supervisors’ September 28, 2010 approval ofthe San Rafael Rock Quarry Surface Miningand QuarryingPermit, Amendment #1. The FinancialAssurance Cost Estimate (FACE) has been updated to include costs for the test plots as requested. We understandthatwe are notrequired to provide additional financial assurances at this time. Furthermore,we understand that the Office ofMine Reclamation (OMR) has 45 days from the August 31 County letter to provide written comments, ifthe director so chooses. With respect to Attachment 1, we have updated the CARP as follows: 1. EXH-9 has been changed to show thatpond fine mixing ratio is “up to 4:1”. 2. We will provide a complete geotechnicalreportwith the Phase I Gradingapplication. The reportwill speak to temporary and final slope aspects and provide geotechnical justification for 2:1 and 1.5:1 slopes. 3. The text on Page 14 has been expanded to include all sevenvegetation types as well as notations where local baselines generally occur. 4. The notation on Page 14 referringto “these areas” has been clarified to refer to the three additional preserved areas as noted in the paragraph above. \V:\AD-NOV\WP\I\169806\2010Reclm,Pk.n2OI2-r0-08C4RPIQ Reved\2O12-10-8CoverLemerdocx - CSWST2 Mr. Robert Beaumont County ofMann October 8, 2012 Page 2 5. The note on G-1 referring to the marsh restoration plan has been revised to reflect the submittaldate ofSeptember 28, 2012. 6. The note on G-4 referring to the relocated boardinghouse has been removed. 7. The Plan sheets, CS-i, CS-2, CS-3, EXH-11, EXH-15a, EXH-15-b, EXH 16a, and EXH-16b have been redone to incorporate the County’s comments. 8. We have added EXH-14c and EXH-14d to show the invasive species on the grassy knoll. 9. The missingpages ofthe Engeo Reporthave been included. Bob, thankyou to you andyour stafffor the review and comments on the CARP. We believe this concludes the work on the CARP to satisfy COA #15 ofthe September 28, 2010 approval. The CARP documentwill provide the County a guide to review SRRQ’s implementation ofthe reclamation plan. Ifyou agree with this, please provide us with a letter confirming our understanding that COA #15 has been satisfied so that as SRRQ moves forwardwith preparing the Grading Plan application for Phase 1 reclamation, the County and SRRQ are mutually agreeable to the parameters outlined in the approval and clarified in the CARP. Ifyou have any questions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, CSW/STUBER-STROEH ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. Al Comwell AGC:gmp Enclosures cc: BillDutra Aimi Dutra Ross Campbell AaronJohnson () MollyJacobson W:\AD-NOV\WP\1\169806\2010RedamPIan\2012-1O-08CARPIO Revised\2012-IO-8CorerLrttterdocx - The San Rafael Rock Quarry Conforming Amended Reclamation Plan of2010 Updated October 8, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Reclamation Plan CARP 10 A. Introduction 1 B. Definitions 2 C. Design and Construction Standards 3 D. Reclamation Grading 7 E. Revegetation 13 F. Soil Treatment Post Installation 18 G. Planting ofBackfill 18 H. SoilAmendment Maintenance 19 I. Revegetation Types and Methods 19 J. Implementation Plan 37 2. Drawings / Exhibits EXH-1 Cover Sheet (Former/yEl in the 2004 Submitta’) EXH-2 Boundary Map (Former/yE2 in the 2004 Submittai EXH-3 Existing Conditions (Dec. 2009) (Former’yE3 in the 2004 Submittai) EXH-4 AerialPhotograph ofPresent Conditions (2004) (Eormer E4 in the 2004 Submittat) EXH-5 Activity Areas During Phases 1-4 (Former/yE5 in the 2004 Submittai) EXH-6 Future Land Uses (Former’yE6 in the 2004 Subrnittai) G-1 Phase I Grading G-la Phase la Grading G-2 Phase 2 Grading G-3 Phase 3 Grading G-4 Phase 4 Grading EC/RV-1 Phase I Erosion Control and Revegetation (Former/y RV1 in the 2004 Submittai) EC/RV-2 Phase 2 Erosion Control and Revegetation (Forrner!y RV2 in the 2004 Submittai) EC/RV-3 Phase 3 Erosion Control and Revegetation (Eorrnery RV3 in the 2004 Submittai) EC/RV-4 Phase 4 Erosion Control and Revegetation (Former’y RV4 in the 2004 Submittai) CS-I ENGEO Cross Sections Plan View — CS-2 ENGEO Sections, 1 & 2 CS-3 ENGEO Sections, 3 EXH-7 South Hill Brow EXH-8 Main Pit Brow EXH-8a Recommended Safety Bench Detail (ENGEO Figure 14) EXH-9 Mixing Sequence EXH-10 Overburden Overlay on Cut Rock Surface EXH-l1 Main Quarry Bowl Section EXH-12 North Face ofQuarry Exposed Rock — 2012-10-08169806TOC.docx November 29, 2010 Rev: l0/3/12618/2012 The San Rafael Rock Quarry ConformingAmended Reclamation Plan of2010 Updated October 8, 2012 EXH-13 Final Pit Plan EXH-14a ARP-04 Eucalyptus Limits EXH-14b Aerial Photo ofExisting Stockpiles EXH-15a North Face Phase 2 Berm Sections EXH-15b North Face Phase 2 Berm Profiles EXH-14c ARP-04 Grassy Knoll Limits EXH-14d ARP-04 Grassy Knoll DisturbedArea EXH-16a South Hill Phase 4 SW Sections EXH-16b South Hill Phase 4 SW Profiles 3. Required Documentation A. Statement ofResponsibility B. Notifications to Persons with an Interest in the Land C. Property Description D. 2003 Title Report 4. Supplemental Information A. ENGEO Letter Dated November 23, 2010 B. Dutra Letter datedJune 6, 2012 C. ENGEO Letter Dated May 15, 2012 D. FinancialAssurance Cost Estimate (FACE) 5. Appendices (provided on compact disc) Part 1 ENGEO Evaluation ofQuarry Slope Stability and Preliminary Geotechnical Reconnaissance 2004 Part 2 WyDie and Norrish Report Part 3 Moffatt and Nichol Report Part 4 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Part 5 Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) Part 6 LSA Biological Recommendations Part 7 Soil Sample Survey 0 November 29, 2010 2012-1008169806TOC.docx Rcv: 11)/5/12(,/8/2012 The San Rafael Rock Quarry Conforming Amended Reclamation Plan of2010 Updated October 8, 2012 SECTION 1: RECLAMATION PLAN CARP1O - The San Rafael Rock Quarry Conforming Amended Reclamation Plan of2010 A. INTRODUCTION In 2004 the San Rafael Rock Quarry (SRRQ) submitted the application for the Amended Reclamation Plan 2004 (ARPO4) to bring the SRRQ reclamation plan into compliance with the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (SMARA) mandated by the State ofCalifornia and administered by County ofMann (County) as the Lead Agency. The County accepted the application as complete onJanuary 14, 2005. Since that time the County has completed an exhaustive review ofthe application, including the preparation ofDraft and Final Environmental Impact Reports (DEIR and FEIR), and preparation ofa staffrecommendation and 172 Conditions ofApproval (COA). The FEIRwas certified by the County Board of Supervisors on October 27, 2009. The Board ofSupervisors subsequently approved the Amended Reclamation Plan on September 28, 2010. Since the EIRidentifies a number ofmitigations to reduce inipacts and those mitigations are incorporated into the Conditions ofApproval and required modifications to ARPO4 submitted in 2004, COA #15 requires the SRRQ to “...submit a conforming reclamation plan incorporating these condition and approvals granted to the Permittee (SRRQ). within 60 . .“ days ofPermit approval. The following document constitutes ConformingAmended Reclamation Plan 2010 (CARP1O) which represents SRRQ’s understanding ofCOA #15 based on the best projections available at this time ofthe sequencing ofthe reclamation activity during the next 14 years. ARPO4was an update to ARP82 which was the operating reclamation plan in place since its approval c. 1983. CARPIO, like ARPO4 maintains the intent ofARP82 but provides additional detail and updates ARP82 to reflect the existing conditions present in 2010, the constraints of the COA, and the anticipated mining plan using 2010 knowledge. Since the approval ofARPO4 required almost 6 years to complete, the conditions represented as “existing” in 2004 have changed. Miningin SRRQ has continued since 2004. Since SRRQ was enjoined fromworkingin the Northeast quadrant, SRRQ began mining the South Hill in the Southwest Quadrant. As the existing conditions have changed, knowledge ofthe rock resource is more complete today than in 2004. The approach to mining the pit in the Southeast Quadrant has also been updated. The basic limits ofthe area to be reclaimed and the intent to mine the rock resource to the depth contemplated in ARPO4 have not changed. However, based on additionalinformation on the extent ofthe rock resource along the north side ofthe quarry bowl, the bowl has been extended northward to the point defined in COA #2 (100-feet north ofthe quadrant line) as we expect to encounter the rock resource to that location and beyond. In summary, this document contains information necessary to: 1. Describe the design and construction standards for reclamation to be used in the Conforming Reclamation Plan ofthe SRRQ mine and surroundingproperty. Page 1 November 29, 2010 169806\ConforrrnngRecPc2O1()-REV20121(-()8.dccc Rev: 3/11/2011;6/7/2012; 10/8/2012 The San Rafael Rock Quarry ConformingAmended Reclamation Plan of2010 2. Demonstrate compliance with the terms ofthe California State Mining Reclamation Act (SMARA), particularlywhere it has been updated in the years since 1982 and subsequent activity since the submittal ofARPO4. 3. Respond to comments in the December 14, 2009 letter from the Department of Conservation (Office ofMine Reclamation) prepared by Beth Hendrickson andJoshua Goodwin. 4. Describe a phased implementation plan for reclamation ofthe SRRQ site that will take place parallel to the completion ofmining under the Mann County Conditions of Approval dated September 28tI, 2010. (Mann County Surface Mining and Quarrying Permit, Permit # Q-72-03, Amendment #1). The CARP covers the property known as 1000 Pt. San Pedro Road, APNs 184-010-09, -15, -16, -18, -19, -20, -44, -45, -47, -48, -51 and -52. B. DEFINITIONS COA: Conditions ofApproval — Overburden: Rock and dirt which overlays the rock resource and is not suitable for — aggregate, rip rap or other high quality aggregate products Pond fines: Very fine material that is a by-product ofwashing aggregate to remove — fines. This process was discontinuedin 2004. Pond fines were stored in one oftwo stockpiles in the Northeast Quadrant shown on the Existing Conditions maps or in a small stockpile at the northeast corner ofthe Southeast Quadrant. Brow berm: Berm at the north side ofthe pit which block quarry operations from — nearby residents. This berm will be “rolled over” to maintain screening, allow work to continue on the haul road to the bottom ofthe pit, and maintain the rock face along the north side ofthe quarry for final reclamation Topsoil: The thin layer oforganic material on the surface ofthe overburden that — supports vegetation. Since most vegetation on the site is non native species and the only area ofsignificant topsoilis on the west end ofthe South Hill, top soil will not be stockpiled during reclamation as originally anticipated inARP 04. The soil in most areas requiringvegetation will be amended overburden. This will allow SRRQ to better control non-native species and provide an adequate mediumwithinwhich to revegetate the site. The small area oftopsoil from the west end ofthe South Hillwill be placed on the final contoured grading ofthe easterly end ofthe South Hill immediately after it is stripped during phase IV. ARP82 Amended Reclamation Plan 1982. — ARPO4 Amended Reclamation Plan 2004. — CARP10 Conforming Amended Reclamation Plan 2010. 0 — Page 2 November 29, 2010 1698O6\ConfornngRecPIn-2O1OREV2012-1O-08.docx Rev.: 3/11/2011; 6/7/2012; 10/8/2012 The San Rafael Rock Quarry Conforming Amended Reclamation Plan of2010 C. GENERAL DESIGNAND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS The SRRQ has developed a plan with the analysis ofconsulting firms ENGEO, Inc. and Wyllie and Norrish, Rock Engineers that will establish slopes created during the mining phases that will become the final slopes to support the reclamation and post-mining uses for future development. The consultants have generated a series ofrecommendations which are summarized below. The ENGEO report appears in Appendix A, and the Wyffie and Norrish report appears in Appendix B, ofthis document (see CD). Quarry slopes will occur in two primary areas: a. The side slopes ofthe Main QuarryBowl which will be largely underwater when the bowl is converted to a harbor. b. The south slope ofthe South Hill after quarrying is complete. The mining standards for each area are similar but, due to the fact that each area will be reclaimed by a different approach, the Main QuarryBowl will be reclaimed by creating a harbor and the quarried surface ofthe South Hillwill become a land based development with terraced slopes above, it is appropriate that the standards for the slopes in the two areas be treated separately as follows: a. Main Quarry Bowl (Exhibit 8a formerly Figure No. 14, ENGEO 09/2004) — • Average overall quarry slope: no greater than 60 degrees • Face slopes: 75 degrees or less where required by rock structure • Benches: 30-feet minimum at 90-foot vertical intervals • Minimum Overall Factor ofSafety at 350’ MSL depth: (Flooded Condition) Seismic 1.15, Static 1.50. • Lip ofthe quarry to be set at +10 MSL. • Access to benches for maintenance, no planting on benches. b. South Hill (Exhibit 7) • Average overall quarry slope: no greater than 60 degrees • Face slopes: 75 degrees • Benches: 30-feetwide at 45-foot intervals • Minimum Overall Factor ofSafety: Seismic 1.15, Static 1.50 • Main development surfaces to be created atvarying elevations from +75-feet to +30-feet MSL to afford future sites with views to San Francisco Bay. The final surfaces will be no lower than surfaces shown in ARP82. • Main development surfaces will contain fill over the underlyingrock up to 25- feet. • Space for debris catchment area and berm will be provided between the toe of the slope and future development. Page 3 November 29, 2010 169SO6\CoforrrnngRecPlm-20104{EV2012-1O-OS.docx Rev.: 3/11/2011;6/7/2012; 10/8/2012 The San Rafael Rock Quarry ConformingAmended Reclamation Plan of2010 • Access to be provided to the benches for maintenance. No plantingis anticipated on benches due to unsuitability ofthe rock as a substrate for plants and to maintain a clear access for maintenance equipment. • Top ofthe slope between the face and the preserved woodland to be revegetated. c. MainBowl Configuration It has always been the intent ofSRRQ (and its predecessor, Dillingham Corporation) to mine rock alongthe north face ofthe main bowl until quality rock was no longer available above elevation 10. The 1982 reclamation plan demonstrated this intent along with the proposal to maintain a berm as a buffer between quarry and aggregate operations and the homes north ofPt. San Pedro Road. Since the northerly extent ofthe rock has yet to be determined, the September 28, 2010 conditions ofapproval limit SRRQ to a point 100 feet north ofthe quadrant line separating the Northeast and Southeast Quadrants (COA #2). Additional rock has been exposed along the north face ofthe quarry since 1982 better defining the extent ofthe quality rock. As anticipated in the original Reclamation Plan submitted in 1976, it is SRRQ’s intention to mine the competent rock to its northerly limit at the 10-foot contour. The attached Exhibits 11 and 12 show the extent ofthe exposed quality rock and the approximate elevation. Extending those contact points to the proposed northerly edge ofthe quarry shown on cross sections demonstrate the best available knowledge ofthe expected northerly extent ofthe mining operation. This “brow” then sets the limits ofthe quarrying operation and determines the “top” ofthe final north face ofthe quarry slope. While it has been determined that the quarry is stable in submerged conditions during seismic activity with slopes of75 degrees and benches 30-feet wide every 90 vertical feet for an overall angle of60 degrees, moving the brow to the north allows the operator the option ofreducing the slope angle, based on the conditions encountered, potentially increasing the overall safety factor. The bench at approximately -30 will be widened to accommodate potential backfill over the rock face to allow moorages and appropriate slope protection (see Exhibit 8). The CARP is responding to the approved project and conditions by showing that the quarry bowl will be mined to a point no greater than 100 feet north ofthe quadrant line as long as the competentrock remains above elevation 10. Furthermore this line will be one ofa smooth curve concave to the south for the most southerly location ofthe quality rock/ elevation 10 interface to further stabilize the quarry face in conformance with COA #26. COA # 2 states that the Mining shall not occur in the Northeast Quadrant except to the extent that rockis encounteredwhen establishing the bench at the north edge ofthe Quarry Bowl. In no case shall it extend beyond 100 feet to the north ofthe line separating the northeast and southeast quadrants. CARP10 understands this and has depicted the “most northerly extent” ofthis condition to accurately depict the possible extent ofthe mine. As noted in various ENGEO reports the bedding ofthe rock on the north face is varied and as the face was developed Page 4 November 29, 2010 1698O6\Conform,rgRcPIan-2010-REV20121008.docx Rev.: 3/11/2011; 6/7/2012; 10/8/2012 The San Rafael Rock Quarry ConformingAmended Reclamation Plan of2010 during the approval process ofARPO4, several adverse beddingwere discovered. As a part ofclosing the mine SRRQ will be blasting the north face to a clean condition rendering the rock slope safe based on the slopes recommendedby the geotechnical engineer. We intend to begin that work immediatelyafter approval of CARP10-U12. The first order ofwork will be to move the overburden material above the rock on the north side away from the bowl to create a stable berm (so that the adjacent residents continue to be shield from the sights and sounds ofthe quarry and aggregate operations) with 2:1 side slopes and at least a 50 bench to the ultimate “edge” ofthe quarry bowl2. This is depicted on Exhibits 15a and 15b. Once the 50’ bench is established it is the Quarry’s intention to provide an additional 30 to 50 feetwhere the lip ofthe quarry will be defined and where pre-splitting the rock will begin. This additional 30 to 50 feetwillprovide an appropriate buffer zone as mining progresses to the bottom ofthe pit should adverse beddingbe encountered. The cross sections on Exhibit 15b depict the very best geotechnical understanding ofthe rock along most northerly limit ofthe north wallwhich complies with COA 2and the appropnate slopes and benches thatwill be mined to leave the pit in a safe condition at the end ofmining. 2. Public Health and Safety. Reclamation ofthe SRRQ property will be an ongoing effort as outlined herein. The suggested four phases ofreclamation will occur concurrently with continued mining operations. As long as the mine is active, the mine and the property, with the exception ofthe Marsh, is surrounded by fencing and locked gates. The secure site keeps the public out ofthe facility while the operation is closed. During the operation, visitors must check in at the office and are escorted around the site ifthey have a legitimate reason to be on the property. As is noted ultimate reclamation will be accomplished through a development project. This will render the site as safe since hazards associate with mining and operationwill be removed during reclamation. The quarry bowlwillbecome a marina, and access to the anticipated docks will be private and secured by fencing and gates. Any public facilities associated with the marina will be designed to meet all appropriate safety requirements that are within government ordinances in place at the time ofconstruction. (1) 2 This addresses the issues raised in Eric Steger’s May 30 e-mail on his comments on the ENGEO May 15, 2012 letter. 3. Drill holes. Wells. and Other Bored Ground Penetrations: Any holes on the property will be constructed according to County, State and Federal Laws and ordinances. Ifwells or other holes are abandoned because there is no further need or reason to leave them operational, they will be abandoned according to the regulations then in effect. The active miningrequires drilling blasting holes. The holes are drilled in full compliance with the Blasting Plan which is a part ofthe Quarry Permit 1698O6\ConEormgRcPl-2O1O-REV2O12-1O-O8.dox Page 5 November 29, 2010 Rev.: 3/11/2011; 6/7/2012; 10/8/2012

We will provide a complete geotechnical report with the Phase I Grading application. The report will speak to temporary and . Rcv: 11)/5/12 (,/8/2012
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