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San Francisco for Dummies (ISBN - 0470385235) PDF

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spine=.675” Travel With tips and recommendations from the experts at 5th Edition Find your way around the City by the Bay Open the book S Meander down the most crooked and find: a Sa n Fra nc i s c o street in the world, escape from n Alcatraz, explore Chinatown, climb (cid:127) Down-to-earth Telegraph Hill, stroll along the trip-planning advice F Embarcadero, and hop on a cable car. r Enjoy world-class shopping, check out (cid:127) What you shouldn’t miss — a and what you can skip the local food scene, and sip your way n around Wine Country. This friendly (cid:127) The best hotels and restaurants c guide keeps you on the go to enjoy for every budget i the best of San Francisco. s (cid:127) Lots of detailed maps c o travel smart @ www.dummies.com $17.99 US / $19.99 CN / £11.99 UK ISBN 978-0-470-38523-4 5 t h E d i t i o Paula Tevis n spine=.675” FSSrAAaPNNSnO AAaBBcANNOOniDDsCLALLRRCcIIoEENNrAAosEeAASSS I AFFaaSSAAFAc nRRUUoSrLLIIgaTTDDIafN emZZ nGGCOODl eEENNeFGesEEnrtaOtMManoLNNiclUUDiGAAsBBIINEcRRoTTMMeeoNAl’’ GdLLWW aa TZPe GuuOMMcco’onOOPPLiiAhhLo irr OOGeeOOnDlRToatttNNEEEDDgSV VSaatGLLBC NTSieSSaPMM1CcllaaATRaao uuGGnAaA0ABlTGAllPkkinHPlili l1TmmfrEOOARPY ReePleleANNfiiGiAE ePl ldtC l KBEteLLSSMMSSNNW yyTHlaLAAaaaaoBgIEalDDAdaaSAAttFFC1uEroEiTTAeaamHooTrIee nnd Onr0EECMuaRRA A’’ttrrCoAR ePvv1LL. tAVNNeesQQcc CEET HOGG nLeo aaee E EHAAuu RR PPE GGsddO GG i oott ee rr B nEERR SS ooNllaaSii nnAA PP EddCCssAAt T aaSSSttP tt A ooTTaaBee Aee T NNFFiiEaa Sff nnPnnnn1CA EEA T TccTSAaa RR OnnH((YEFFWW TC Sii5SSiiNGG eeAA1ffRR TMEb Ab AA8B aaSS iiAAOOA AAll ll GD0BEccu uP ccAASSIIuuHH2TTTDC NN LLNNAssREaaaaOE ErEEr8 DDll NNAA ss AEiR ttCaaCC aaaSS LLoN oRR 0CCt aaBrrGRREE O CH IInnaall aalySSIooSS SSNNSBBnNENnNNAAOll ff iiOH yIInnBBddHHww AAccCCzz iiArr SS AA tt RNNhha iiMM OOGGaaEESSRRNNCee9 dd ooTTICCmm DDrrFWFWppODDHAA yyaa2NNggn RR AIS’’ SJJiiPP oorrLLffooOOPTTuuCCeeBssRR RREEhhN1LaaiiAAnnUU hhEEnnoonnAWWFFiiAA aaEErrGeepp PeeBBddaeeUUppyyrrggN nnllSSSS))AAErrrr ff--LLooIIssssppBBBGG LDmmLLoaoaaCytt SSOOSSSSaaaRReeRReeaaDDaEEyyyPPrrnnuurr aappTIrrb llaasiieenLLFF BBrSSnnaarrSISIlFFBBBcc ttCCsse1arrnnIIdFFiiAArrrwwlAAaa’’..aaFFhhhhabbssniiinnyy0ttrrl..orrnnYEEYsdddnneUU’’d1mmyyggllullaa gggsoo ssSssFFrLLAAttteee nnerrooRRTTiaaNNiiaaSSacrrccll eennAAknnpp8OOaaiiZZssnAA BBccoossNN0dd..PppOOiiccASMSMArrssaeeTT3ll ttooaaccaaaaAANNr5FrrKKook8aaCCmmBnnkkEECCWW0LLraaCCttAAeeRRrrAeeAeeaaCCSSaaUUqqlloommooeeddaaNuuNZZrryaanoo8yylliiaannFCFCeeMMnnoo4DDnnddcSSooVVPPrriieeOOyyUBUBssaattssiiizziissaaooUUee5nnccnnSyyiieeRRRstt ddSSrrNN8lliiaaannddeeMMNvvkkllceeett000TTneeeenni rreesmmmrrAA7oooaaddeaa iCllCjjtIIttPOO8reeffz ooNNiiOIOIwwooee FvttiBBinn0ayyLLCCSSroottrrwaarrottnnbiiee--AAyiioyoykk’’i.ddnnlHHlltt2raaSSll oMooggAAaaSUSUaaBBdd4aaannMMeenncttyyddiinnaaeerraaPPnnwwddddAiippnnvvnneeraaaatoorrhAAfeferrunniiHHooLLrroorrrrrLLddccttFkkllssrrraallHHwiiiioottddyooii.aallttffDD8oo9llaassyyuu2aass02ssyymm386yySbbCCww888ee1u1aaPPAAF0iMM0uu0rrtts0aaaaa ttttllAAppku1oorrttooeeillmLLnVVnnddeeroooollCCAASSVVNNuuoottfBiiAArrBBaaooaaAAeeillnnssttaeNNrr6aassTTiillwwssiiyttCCG8ddnnlllttR Rmm’’rFFeaaedLLigg0rrEEoozooRRB B 8ooyiiyeezWWFFoonnAAlnn1AA8UUy0NN5YYccII02GGLL 6oom88BCC8DDEE804aIrrIi0LLSS0yddIICCFFOOEE California Cable Car LineCable Car TurnaroundJewish Museum 24Alcatraz Island Ferries 17S F’ANRANCISCOSGolden GatGolden Gate Golden Gate Lombard Street (the Asian Art Museum 25Powell-Mason Cable Car LineInformation1 Bridge Bridge Bridge“crookedest street”) 19T SCalifornia Academy Powell-Hyde Cable Car LineOPIGHTSMetreon 23of Sciences 8Museum of the African California Palace of the PIER 39PIER 39PIER 39Fort PointFort PointFort PointDiaspora 21Legion of Honor 2FISHERMAN’SFISHERMAN’SFISHERMAN’SSan FranciscoSan FranciscoSan Francisco1416WHARFWHARFWHARFPIER 39 16The Cannery 13BayBayBay...tttSSS hhh11cccaaa15eeeBBBGOLDEN GATEGOLDEN GATEGOLDEN GATESan Francisco Museum Chinatown 141713...dddvvvlllBBBNAT’L REC. 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Go to www.dummies.com or call 1-877-762-2974 to order direct. 01_385234-ffirs.qxp 12/3/08 8:06 PM Page iii San Francisco FOR DUMmIES ‰ s 5 TH EDITION by Paula Tevis 01_385234-ffirs.qxp 12/3/08 8:06 PM Page iv San Francisco For Dummies®,5th Editon Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc. 111 River St. Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774 www.wiley.com Copyright © 2009 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permit- ted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400, fax 978-646-8600. 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For technical support, please visit www.wiley.com/techsupport. Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books. ISBN: 978-0-470-38523-4 Manufactured in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 01_385234-ffirs.qxp 12/3/08 8:06 PM Page v About the Author A California native, Paula Tevismade many treks to San Francisco as a young girl before moving to her favorite city in 1983. After an eclectic but blessedly brief career that included stints in the com- puter and nonprofit sectors, she and her husband produced a couple of children in quick succession, and Paula happily relin- quished the 9-to-5 world for the 24/7 one that parenting brings. Upon regaining consciousness, Paula recalled a childhood ambi- tion and declared herself a writer. From her humble beginnings word-processing cookbook manuscripts for a local publisher, Paula metamorphosed into a freelance copy editor and soon received her first break as a professional writer with Parenting magazine, crafting a column on kids who cook. Over the years, she has contributed articles and essays to Family Funmagazine, the San Francisco Chronicle,Citysearch.com, Frommer’s Las Vegas, Frommer’s New Orleans,and Variety.She is the co-author of California For Dummies and author of the original Frommer’s San Francisco with Kids. 01_385234-ffirs.qxp 12/3/08 8:06 PM Page vi 01_385234-ffirs.qxp 12/3/08 8:06 PM Page vii Author’s Acknowledgments Thanks to my dear cousins Irene Levin Dietz and Ina Levin Gyemant, who have added so much to my life in San Francisco for over 30 years. Eating in the city wouldn’t be the same without Bev Chin or the guidance of Patricia Unterman; revisiting my favorite neighborhoods is an even greater pleasure with my cadre of friends, including Marjie Graham, Vicki Pate, Cynde Ahart Wood, Helene and Charles Wright, Andrea and Jeff Tobias, and Sarah Wilcox. Thanks also to Donna Joyner for her Wine Country insights. Living, no matter where, is pretty terrific and lots of fun with my husband, Mark Katz, and our very wonderful daughters, Madeleine and Lili. 01_385234-ffirs.qxp 12/3/08 8:06 PM Page viii Publisher’s Acknowledgments We’re proud of this book; please send us your comments through our Dummies online registration form located at www.dummies.com/register/. Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following: Editorial Cartoons: Rich Tennant (www.the5thwave.com) Editors:Alexia Travaglini and Marie Morris, Development Composition Services Editors; Suzanna R. 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