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Topics and Key Vocabulary School Objects: Action Verbs: Communication Objectives sssccciiissssssooorrrsss,,, mmmaaarrrkkkeeerrrsss,,, ssshhheeelllvvveeesss,,, play, stand up, close (your TTTTTTTTTTTTT bbbooooookkksss,,, bbboooxxx,,, bbbaaallllll,,, hhhoooooopppsss,,, eyes/mouth), open (your eyes/ Identify and name school items Understand basic commands jjjuuunnngggllleee gggyyymmm mouth), run, stop, point, IIIIIIIIIIIII Greet someone Identify location of objects UNIT 1 NNNNNNNNNNNNN GGGrrreeeeeetttiiinnngggsss::: say, listen, climb, cut out, look, paste, do, trace, count, Introduce oneself hhheeellllllooo match, draw, clean up, work, UUUUUUUUUUUUU Colors: switch, color, write, paint, pink, red, blue respect, find, wiggle, live, move, eat, walk, watch, put, EEEEEEEEEEEE Numbers: sing, make, stick one, two, three Nature and Science Words: LLLLLLLLLLLL Demonstrative Pronouns: snail, trail this, these PPPPPPPPPPPP Target Language and Structures MMMMMMMMMMMM What is this? It is a jungle Understand prepositions: in, on gym. AAAAAAAAAAAA Understand adverbs: inside, What are these? They are outside SSSSSSSSSSSS hoops. Content Connections Hello. My name is Kayla. Hi. My name is Tony. Math: Music: Identify and trace numbers: Sing and act out songs 1, 2, 3 Move to music Count to 3 Language Arts: Nature and Science: Say and act out chants Observe how snails move Art: Make a snail T1A Overview BF_TE2_U01.indd 16 3/20/14 2:01 PM Amazing and Project Reading and Writing Readiness Identify how snails move Practice motor skills Practice visual discrimination Project: Make a Snail Little Book TTTTT Draw and Color IIIII UNIT 1 NNNNN UUUUU EEEEEEEEEEEEEE LLLLLLLLLLLLLL PPPPPPPPPPPPPP MMMMMMMMMMMMMM Home-School Connection Take home the Little Book Sing songs and say chants at AAAAAAAAAAAAAA home Take home Show Time SSSSSSSSSSSSSS drawings Talk about school items at CCCooommmpppeeettteeennncccyyy---bbbaaassseeeddd EEEddduuucccaaatttiiiooonnn home Competency work within the following formative areas: Discovering Our World: Personal and Social Development: Observe living creatures in nature; Understand the external rules and Amazing page, p. T10 conventions that regulate one’s conduct in different settings; Values Values page, p. T9 Respecting the teacher and listening U NIT 1 T1B Overview BF_TE2_U01.indd 17 3/20/14 2:01 PM Unit Opener Have Big Fun Talking! Do the Find It! Activity Have Jumpy Cricket model the conversation: Point out Jumpy Cricket and say: Look! Jumpy Cricket is playing with balls. Read the A: What’s your name? sentence aloud: Find the balls! Have children Objectives B: My name is Jumpy Cricket. What’s your look for balls in the unit. (Balls can be found on • To predict unit topic name? pages 1, 3, 4, 12, and Little Book p. 2.) • To identify and name school items A: My name is (Mrs. Rogers). • To introduce oneself AFTER PAGE 1 • To understand and follow simple commands Invite pairs to come up. Say the lines and have Check Predictions Vocabulary ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn rrreeepppeeeaaattt ttthhheeemmm aaafffttteeerrr yyyooouuu... HHHaaavvveee ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn uuussseeeTTTTTTTTT Flip through the pages, point to different their names in the conversation. puppet, crayons, table, chair, scissors, paper, pictures, and ask: Can we find this at school? balls, hula hoop, marker, play, stand up, jump, IIIIIIIII EEEnnncccooouuurrraaagggeee ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn tttooo aaannnssswwweeerrr Yes or No. DURING PAGE 1 NNNNNNNNN open (your eyes), close (your eyes), run, stop Ball Game 1 LLLooooookkk aaannnddd ppprrreeedddiiicccttt... LLLiiisssttteeennn... Language A5, UUUUUUUUU Ask volunteers to hold up a hula hoop. This is (a hula hoop). A7 Predict Together Have children line up. The first child throws the What are these? They are (balls). Attach the sssccciiissssssooorrrsss,,, mmmaaarrrkkkeeerrrsss,,, ssshhheeelllvvveeesss,,, bbbooooookkksss,,, ball through the hoop. Continue until all children Find the balls! box, ball, hoops, and jjjjjuuuuunnnnngggggllllleeeee ggggg yyyyymmmmm PPPiiiccctttuuurrreee CCCaaarrrdddsss have participated. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE What’s your name? My name is (Anna). tttttooooo ttttthhhhheeeee bbbbboooooaaaaarrrrrddddd..... PPPPPoooooiiiiinnnnnttttt tttttooooo ttttthhhhheeeeemmmmm aaaaannnnnddddd sssssaaaaayyyyy::::: LLLooooookkk,,, wwweee This is the (principal). (Her) name is (Ms. Gomez). cccaaannn fffiiinnnddd aaallllll ttthhheeessseee ttthhhiiinnngggsss iiinnn ooouuurrr……… Pause and Sing the “Good-bye Song” eeennncccooouuurrraaagggeee ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn tttoooLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL sssaaayyy::: sssccchhhoooooolll!!! Children may A6 Play the audio. Have children listen and Materials uuussseee ttthhheeeiiirrr nnnaaatttiiivvveee lllaaannnggguuuaaagggeee iiifff nnneeeccceeessssssaaarrryyy... NNNeeexxxttt,,, wave good-bye to you and their classmates. Class Audio CD, Jumpy Cricket puppet, scissors, PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP dddiiisssppplllaaayyy pppaaagggeee 111... PPPoooiiinnnttt tttooo ttthhheee sssccciiissssssooorrrsss iiinnn ttthhheee markers, shelves, books, box, ball, hoops, and Portfolio bbboooxxx aaannnddd sssaaayyy::: TTThhheeessseee aaarrreee sssccciiissssssooorrrsss. Have children jungle gym Picture Cards, soft ball, hula hoop MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Gather letter-sized or smaller student repeat sssccciiissssssooorrrsss... RRReeepppeeeaaattt wwwiiittthhh paper and balls. work throughout the year for Level 2 TTThhheeennn,,, pppoooiiinnnttt tttooo ttthhheee bbboooyyy hhhooollldddiiinnnggg aaa mmmaaarrrkkkeeerrr... SSSaaayyy::: Portfolios. Use the Stickers envelope as the BEFORE PAGE 1 TTThhhiiisss iiisss aaa mmmaaarrrkkkeeerrr... PPPoooiiinnnttt tttooo ttthhheee gggiiirrrlll wwwiiittthhh ttthhheee hhhuuulllaaa AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Portfolio. Attach one “Portfolio” Sticker to each hhhooooooppp... SSSaaayyy::: TTThhhiiisss iiisss aaa hhhooooooppp. Have children repeat Sing the “Hello Song” envelope and write the child’s name on it. Add to mmmmmmmaaaaaaarrrrrrrkkkkkkkeeeeeeerrrrrrr aaaaannnnnddddd hoop. Next, ask: What else can A3 Play the audio. Sing along with Jumpy SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS the Portfolio work that children feel good about wwweee fffiiinnnddd aaattt sssccchhhoooooolll??? Point to different classroom Cricket. Encourage children to listen. Have and that shows their progress. ooobbbjjjeeeccctttsss aaannnddd eeellliiiccciiittt ttthhheeeiiirrr nnnaaammmeeesss::: puppet, crayons, Jumpy Cricket greet each child. eeetttccc. Then, play Audio A5. Have children listen. See Workbook page 1. Actions Game Encourage them to mime the actions with you. Have Jumpy Cricket say the following At the end of the song, fill in the missing word: commands and have children do the actions: Fun with (school)! EXTRA ACTIVITY Let’s play! Stand up! Jump three times! Open Next, play the Target Song “My School” (A7). (your eyes)! Close (your eyes)! Shake (your head)! Use Jumpy Cricket to model the questions and School Tour Run! Stop! answers. Point to the Picture Cards on the board Take children on a tour of the school and as the items are mentioned. Have children listen introduce them to the people who work there. and look attentively. Say: This is the (principal). (Her) name is (Ms. Gomez). Ask children to greet each person: Hello, (Ms. Gomez). T1 My School BF_TE2_U01.indd 18 3/20/14 2:01 PM MY SCHOOL 1 5 & A A 7 1111 LLLLLLLLLLLLLooooooooooooooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkk aaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddddd ppppppppppppprrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddddddiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccccccccccttttttttttttt............. LLLLLLLLLLLLLiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnn............. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT IIIIIIIIIIIIIII NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN FFiinndd tthhee bbaallllss!! UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS U NIT 1 1 Unit Preview; FIND IT in the unit: balls M01_BIFU_SB_02_7430_U01.indd 1 2/13/14 5:36 PM BF_TE2_U01.indd 19 3/20/14 2:01 PM A 8–9 2 Listen and say. Find and match. What are these? scissors T I N U EEEEEE markers LLLLLL PPPPPP MMMMMM AAAAAA shelves SSSSSS TTThhheeeyyy aaarrreee sssccciiissssssooorrrsss... books 2 Vocabulary Presentation: scissors, markers, shelves, books Vocabulary Presentation: box, ball, hoops, jungle gym; inside, outside Language Presentation: What are these? They are (scissors). Review: What is this? It is (a book). Language Practice: What are these? They are (hoops). Review: What is this? It is a (ball). M01_BIFU_SB_02_7430_U01.indd 2 2/13/14 5:36 PM BF_TE2_U01.indd 20 3/20/14 2:01 PM A 8–9 2 Listen and say. Find and match. Vocabulary Target Song “My School” AFTER PAGE 2 A7 Play the Target Song “My School.” Display What Are These? all Unit 1 Picture Cards around the room. Use Walk around the room and point to Jumpy Cricket to model the questions and some books. Throw a beanbag to a child and answers in the song. He sings the children’s part. Objectives ask: What are these? Encourage him or her to Walk around the room and have Jumpy Cricket • To identify school items answer: They are books. Repeat the procedure point to the school items as they are mentioned • To repeat names of school items with scissors, markers, and shelves and other in the song. Have children listen and look • To understand and follow simple commands children. What are these? attentively. scissors Vocabulary “Stop, Look, and Listen Chant” TTTTTTTTTTT scissors, markers, shelves, books, look, point, DURING PAGE 2 A4 Play the audio and say the chant for say, run, touch, stop, listen ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn tttooo cccaaalllmmm dddooowwwnnn aaattt ttthhheee eeennnddd ooofff ccclllaaassssss... HHHaaavvveee 2 Listen and say. Find and mmmaaatttccchhhIIIIIIIIIII... A8, ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn llliiisssttteeennn aaannnddd dddooo ttthhheee aaaccctttiiiooonnnsss wwwiiittthhh yyyooouuu... Language A9 PPPlllaaayyy AAAuuudddiiiooo AAA888... PPPoooiiinnnttt tttooo ttthhheee ppphhhoootttooosss oooNNNNNNNNNNNfff What are these? They are (scissors). ttthhheee vvvooocccaaabbbuuulllaaarrryyy iiittteeemmmsss,,, sssaaayyy ttthhheee wwwooorrrdddsss,,, aaannnddd hhhaaavvveee See Workbook page 2. ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn rrreeepppeeeaaattt... UUUnnndddeeerrrllliiinnneee eeeaaaccchhh wwwooorrrddd wwwiiittthhh yyyooouuurrr Materials UUUUUUUUUUU fffiiinnngggeeerrr aaasss yyyooouuu nnnaaammmeee eeeaaaccchhh iiittteeemmm... NNNeeexxxttt,,, iiinnnvvviiittteee Class Audio CD, scissors, markers, shelves, ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn tttooo fffiiinnnddd ttthhheee sssccciiissssssooorrrsss,,, mmmaaarrrkkkeeerrrsss,,, ssshhheeelllvvveeesss,,, books, box, ball, hoops, and jungle gym Picture EXTRA ACTIVITY aaaaannnnnddddd bbbbbooooooooookkkkksssss iiiiinnnnn ttttthhhhheeeee sssssccccceeeeennnnneeeee..... TTTTThhhhheeeeennnnn,,,,, ssssshhhhhooooowwwww ttttthhhhheeeeemmmmm hhhhhooooowwwww Cards, Jumpy Cricket puppet, pencils, beanbag EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE tttttooooo tttttrrrrraaaaaccccceeeee aaaaa llllliiiiinnnnneeeee fffffrrrrrooooommmmm ttttthhhhheeeee ppppphhhhhoooootttttooooo ooooofffff ttttthhhhheeeee sssssccccciiiiissssssssssooooorrrrrsssss markers Say, Run, and Touch tttooo ttthhheee cccooorrrrrreeessspppooonnndddiiinnnggg iiilllllluuussstttrrraaatttiiiooonnn iiinnn ttthhheee sssccceeennneee... BEFORE PAGE 2 LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Place the scissors, markers, shelves, and EEEnnncccooouuurrraaagggeee ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn tttooo tttrrraaaccceee llliiinnneeesss wwwiiittthhh ttthhheeeiiirrr iiinnndddeeexxx books Picture Cards along the chalkboard Vocabulary Presentation fffiiinnngggeeerrr bbbeeefffooorrreee ttthhheeePPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPyyy dddooo sssooo wwwiiittthhh aaa pppeeennnccciiilll... NNNeeexxxttt,,, ledge. Have children form two lines facing Display the scissors, markers, shelves, and books hhhaaavvveee ttthhheeemmm mmmaaatttccchhh ttthhheee rrreeemmmaaaiiinnniiinnnggg ppphhhoootttooosss wwwiiittthhh ttthhheee the board. Call out the name of a school item Picture Cards. Hold up each card as you say cccooorrrrrreeessspppooonnndddiiinnnggg iiilllllluuussstttrrraaatttiiiooonnnsss... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM and choose a child to repeat the word and the word. Say the word again and have Jumpy run and touch the picture. Then he or she can Cricket repeat after you. Encourage children to sssccciiissssssooorrrsss mmmaaarrrkkkeeerrrsss ssshhheeelllvvveeesss bbbooooookkksss say the word again and go to the back of the repeat the words after Jumpy Cricket. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA line. Continue until everyone has participated. PPPoooiiinnnttt tttooo ttthhheee sssccceeennneee aaannnddd ttthhheee ssspppeeeeeeccchhh bbbuuubbbbbbllleeesss... SSSaaayyy shelves Look, Point, and Say SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSttthhheee dddiiiaaallloooggguuueee ttthhhaaattt gggoooeeesss wwwiiittthhh ttthhheee sssccceeennneee::: What are Attach the scissors, markers, shelves, and bbbooooookkksss ttthhheeessseee??? TTThhheeeyyy aaarrreee sssccciiissssssooorrrsss. Play Audio A9 and PPPiiiccctttuuurrreee CCCaaarrrdddsss tttooo ttthhheee bbboooaaarrrddd aaattt ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn’’’sss eeeyyyeee llleeevvveeelll... pppoooiiinnnttt tttooo ttthhheee ppphhhoootttooosss aaasss ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn rrreeepppeeeaaattt... Invite a child to come up. Say: Markers... HHHaaavvveee ttthhheee child point to the corresponding card. Then, say: They are scissors. What are these? They are scissors. Look for markers. Encourage the child to walk What are these? They are markers. around the room and look for markers. Have him What are these? They are shelves. or her point to the markers when he or she finds What are these? They are books. them and say the word: Markers. Repeat with scissors, shelves, and books and other children. books UU NNIITT 11 2 Vocabulary Presentation: scissors, markers, shelves, books Vocabulary Presentation: box, ball, hoops, jungle gym; inside, outside TT122 Language Presentation: What are these? They are (scissors). Review: What is this? It is (a book). Language Practice: What are these? They are (hoops). Review: What is this? It is a (ball). M01_BIFU_SB_02_7430_U01.indd 2 2/13/14 5:36 PM BF_TE2_U01.indd 21 3/20/14 2:01 PM A 10–1 1 3 Listen and say. Find and match. Vocabulary DURING PAGE 3 AFTER PAGE 3 3 Listen and say. Find and match. Sing the Target Song “My School” A10, A11 Play Audio A10. Point to the photos A7 Play the Target Song. Attach all the Unit 1 of the vocabulary items, say the words, and Picture Cards to the board. Use Jumpy Cricket Objectives have children repeat. Underline each word to model the questions and answers in the • To identify school items with your finger as you name each item. Next, song. He sings the children’s part. Have him • To repeat names of school items invite children to find the box, ball, hoops, and point to the school items on the board as they • To understand adverbs: inside, outside jungle gym in the scene. Then, show them are mentioned. Have children listen and look • To understand and follow simple commands how to trace a line from the photo of the box attentively. box What is this? Vocabulary to the corresponding illustration in the scene. TTTTTTTTTT Inside, Outside EEEnnncccooouuurrraaagggeee ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn tttooo tttrrraaaccceee llliiinnneeesss wwwiiittthhh ttthhheeeiiirrr iiinnndddeeexxx box, ball, hoops, jungle gym, inside, outside, play Display page 3. Divide the class into two fffiiinnngggeeerrr bbbeeefffooorrreee ttthhheeeyyy dddooo sssooo wwwiiittthhh aaa pppeeennnccciiilll... NNNeeexxxttt,,,IIIIIIIIII (with a hula hoop), climb (on a jungle gym) ttteeeaaammmsss... PPPoooiiinnnttt tttooo aaannn iiittteeemmm iiinnn ttthhheee sssccceeennneee aaannnddd sssaaayyy::: hhhaaavvveee ttthhheeemmm mmmaaatttccchhh ttthhheee rrreeemmmaaaiiinnniiinnnggg ppphhhoootttooosss wwwNNNNNNNNNNiiittthhh ttthhheee Language corresponding illustrations. The jungle gym is outside. Have a child from team A clap if your statement is correct or make What is this? It is (a ball). UUUUUUUUUU a sad face if it is wrong. If the child’s response It is a hoop. What are these? They are (hoops). bbboooxxx bbbaaallllll hhhoooooopppsss jjjuuunnngggllleee gggyyymmm is correct, he or she wins a point for his or her The books are inside. team. Repeat with other items and alternate The jungle gym is outside. PPPPPoooooiiiiinnnnnttttt tttttooooo ttttthhhhheeeee sssssccccceeeeennnnneeeee aaaaannnnnddddd tttttooooo ttttthhhhheeeee ssssspppppeeeeeeeeeeccccchhhhh bbbbbuuuuubbbbbbbbbbllllleeeeesssss..... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE teams. The team with the most points wins. SSSSSaaaaayyyyy ttttthhhhheeeee dddddiiiiiaaaaallllloooooggggguuuuueeeee ttttthhhhhaaaaattttt gggggoooooeeeeesssss wwwwwiiiiittttthhhhh ttttthhhhheeeee sssssccccceeeeennnnneeeee::::: What Materials ball is this? It is a hoop... PPPlllaaayyy AAAuuudddiiiooo AAA111111 aaannnddd pppoooiiinnnttt tttooo Class Audio CD, soft ball, box, ball, hoops, jungle LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL “Look at Me Chant” gym, scissors, markers, shelves, and books ttthhheee ppphhhoootttooosss aaasss ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn rrreeepppeeeaaattt... A12 Play the audio and say the chant. Have Picture Cards, Jumpy Cricket puppet, pencils, PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP children listen and do the actions with you. Play white paper (one sheet per child), crayons WWWhhhaaattt iiisss ttthhhiiisss??? IIIttt iiisss aaa bbboooxxx... the audio again and encourage children to chant WWWhhhaaattt iiisss tttMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMhhhiiisss??? IIIttt iiisss aaa bbbaaallllll... with you. WWWhhhaaattt aaarrreee ttthhheeessseee??? TTThhheeeyyy aaarrreee hhhoooooopppsss... BEFORE PAGE 3 WWWhhhaaattt iiisss ttthhhiiisss??? IIIttt iiisss aaa jjjuuunnngggllleee gggyyymmm... See Workbook page 3. Vocabulary Presentation AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Display the box, ball, hoops, and jungle gym NNNeeexxxttt,,, pppoooiiinnnttt tttooo ttthhheee bbbooooookkksss aaannnddd sssaaayyy::: Look. The hoops Picture Cards. Hold up the cards as you say the SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSbbbooooookkksss aaarrreee iiinnnsssiiidddeee. Make a gesture to indicate EXTRA ACTIVITY words. Say the words again and have Jumpy iiinnnsssiiidddeee... TTThhheeennn,,, pppoooiiinnnttt tttooo ttthhheee jjjuuunnngggllleee gggyyymmm aaannnddd sssaaayyy::: CCCrrriiiccckkkeeettt rrreeepppeeeaaattt aaafffttteeerrr yyyooouuu... EEEnnncccooouuurrraaagggeee ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn tttooo TTThhheee jjjuuunnngggllleee gggyyymmm iiisss ooouuutttsssiiidddeee. Make a gesture to Draw and Color repeat the words after Jumpy Cricket. iiinnndddiiicccaaattteee outside. Point to different items in the Distribute white paper and crayons. scene and encourage children to say if they are Encourage children to draw and color Yes or No inside or outside. a school item. When the drawings are Display the box, ball, hoops, and jungle gym complete, have children take turns holding up Picture Cards. Have children sit in a circle. Roll their drawings. Have Jumpy Cricket ask each a ball to a child. Hold up a Picture Card and ask child What is it? or What are they? Praise all jungle Is this (a box)? or Are they (hoops)? Encourage efforts. the child to answer affirmatively or negatively. gym Repeat the procedure until all children have participated. U NIT 1 T3 My School Vocabulary Presentation: box, ball, hoops, jungle gym; inside, outside 3 Language Practice: What are these? They are (hoops). Review: What is this? It is a (ball). M01_BIFU_SB_02_7430_U01.indd 3 2/13/14 5:36 PM BF_TE2_U01.indd 22 3/20/14 2:01 PM A 10–1 1 3 Listen and say. Find and match. box What is this? T I N U It is a hoop. EEE ball LLL PPP MMM AAA hoops SSS jungle gym U NIT 1 3 Vocabulary Presentation: box, ball, hoops, jungle gym; inside, outside Language Practice: What are these? They are (hoops). Review: What is this? It is a (ball). M01_BIFU_SB_02_7430_U01.indd 3 2/13/14 5:36 PM BF_TE2_U01.indd 23 3/20/14 2:01 PM 4 Cut out. Look and trace. Paste. TT II NN UU EE LL PP MM AA SS 4 Vocabulary Practice: box, ball, jungle gym, boy, shelves, books; Review prepositions: in, on Language Review: This is (a box). These are (shelves). M01_BIFU_SB_02_7430_U01.indd 4 2/13/14 5:36 PM BF_TE2_U01.indd 24 3/20/14 2:01 PM Cutouts for Unit 1 page 4 page 6 Cutouts for Unit 1 page 4 page 6 Cutouts for Unit 1 page 4 page 6 4 Cut out. Look and trace. Paste. Practice DURING PAGE 4 Let’s clean up! Put the scissors in the box. Put the crayons in the can. We don’t want a messy room! Objectives No, No, No, No! • To identify and name school items Target Song “My School” • To review prepositions: in, on 4 Cut out. Look and trace. Paste. A7 Play the audio and sing along. Use Jumpy • To review demonstrative pronouns: this, these Hold up the Cutouts for page 4. Point to the one Cricket to model the questions and answers. • To practice visual discrimination that depicts a ball in a box. Say: The ball is… 109 Hold up the school items Picture Cards as the • To understand and follow simple commands the box. Have children complete the sentence TTTTTTTTTTT different items are mentioned. with in... RRReeepppeeeaaattt ttthhheee ppprrroooccceeeddduuurrreee wwwiiittthhh ttthhheee rrreeemmmaaaiiinnniiinnnggg Vocabulary Cutouts: TTThhheee bbboooyyy iiisss ooonnn ttthhhZ02_eeeBIF Ujjj_SuuuB_0nnn2_7ggg430lll_Ueee11 _ogggk.indyyyd mmm109... TTThhheee IIIIIIIIIII 2/26/14 5:12 PM box, ball, jungle gym, boy, shelves, books, in, on, TIP: Trash Captain books are on the shelves... HHHeeelllppp ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn tttoooNNNNNNNNNNN cccuuuttt cut out, look, paste, say, do Assign one child to be a Trash ooouuuttt ttthhheee CCCuuutttooouuutttsss... NNNeeexxxttt,,, hhhaaavvveee ttthhheeemmm lllooooookkk aaattt pppaaagggeee Captain. He or she can pass the trash Language 4. Point to each picture and say: TTThhhiiisss iiisss (((aaa bbboooxxx)))... UUUUUUUUUUU basket to each table at the end of This is (a ball). These are (shelves)... TTThhheeennn,,, iiinnnvvviiittteee ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn tttooo tttrrraaaccceee 109 each project. This way trash will not These are (shelves). aaa llliiinnneee fffrrrooommm ttthhheee bbboooxxx tttooo ttthhheee bbboooyyy,,, fffiiirrrsssttt wwwiiittthhh ttthhheeeiiirrr be in the way when the class goes on The (ball) is (in) the (box). iiiiinnnnndddddeeeeexxxxx fffffiiiiinnnnngggggeeeeerrrrr aaaaannnnnddddd ttttthhhhheeeeennnnn wwwwwiiiiittttthhhhh aaaaa pppppeeeeennnnnccccciiiiilllll..... HHHHHaaaaavvvvveeeee ttttthhhhheeeeemmmmm EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE to the next activity. The (boy) is (on) the (jungle gym). tttttrrrrraaaaaccccceeeee aaaaannnnnooooottttthhhhhZ02eeeee_BIFrrrrrU _SlllllBiiiii_nnnnn02_eeeee7430 _fffffU1rrrrr1_ooooook.immmmmndd 1 09ttttthhhhheeeee bbbbbaaaaallllllllll tttttooooo ttttthhhhheeeee ssssshhhhhaaaaadddddeeeeeddddd 2/26/14 5:12 PM The (books) are (on) the (shelves). area and say: TTThhheee bbbaaallllll iiisss iiinnn ttthhheee bbboooxxx. Encourage LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Materials ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn tttooo pppuuuttt aaa sssmmmaaallllll aaammmooouuunnnttt ooofff gggllluuueee ooonnn ttthhheee See Workbook page 4. cccooorrrrrreeessspppooonnndddiiinnnggg CCCuuutttooouuuttt aaannnddd aaassskkk ttthhheeemmm tttooo pppaaasssttteee iiittt iiinnn 109 Class Audio CD, box, book, table, classroom PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP ttthhheee cccooorrrrrreeecccttt bbboooxxx... RRReeepppeeeaaattt ttthhheee ppprrroooccceeeddduuurrreee wwwiiittthhh ttthhheee items, Cutouts, scissors, glue, pencils, Jumpy rrreeemmmaaaiiinnniiinnnggg CCCuuutttooouuutttsss... EXTRA ACTIVITY Cricket puppet, scissors, markers, shelves, Z02_BIFU_SB_02_7430_U11_ok.indd 109 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 2/26/14 5:12 PM books, box, ball, hoops, and jungle gym Picture AAAFFFTTTEEERRR PPPAAAGGGEEE 444 Play Dough Balls Cards, play dough AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Put some play dough in the center of each SSSaaayyy aaannnddd DDDooo!!! table. Show children how to roll the play BEFORE PAGE 4 AAAfffttteeerrr ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn hhhaaavvveee bbbeeeeeennn uuusssiiinnnggg sssuuuppppppllliiieeesss,,, rrreeeaaaddd SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS dough between their palms to make balls. As ttthhheeemmm ttthhheee fffooollllllooowwwiiinnnggg pppoooeeemmm... RRReeeaaaddd iiittt aaa ssseeecccooonnnddd tttiiimmmeee Review in and on children work, walk around the room and ask: aaannnddd aaassskkk ccchhhiiillldddrrreeennn tttooo rrreeepppeeeaaattt eeeaaaccchhh llliiinnneee aaafffttteeerrr yyyooouuu... Have children sit in a semicircle. Put a box What are they? They are balls. TTThhheeennn,,, ddduuurrriiinnnggg aaa ttthhhiiirrrddd rrreeeaaadddiiinnnggg,,, hhhaaavvveee ttthhheeemmm dddooo ttthhheee at the front of the room. Ask: What is it? It is aaaccctttiiiooonnnsss mmmeeennntttiiiooonnneeeddd iiinnn ttthhheee ssseeecccooonnnddd vvveeerrrssseee aaasss ttthhheeeyyy a box. Then, hold up a book and ask: What say the lines. When they have finished, say: is it? It is a book. Next, say: (Jimmy), put the Thank you for cleaning up. book in the box. Then say: The book is in the box. Next, invite another child to come up and We don’t want a messy room! encourage him or her to put the book on the No, No, No, No! table. Then say: The book is on the table. Repeat We don’t want a messy room! the procedure with other classroom items and children. U NIT 1 4 Vocabulary Practice: box, ball, jungle gym, boy, shelves, books; Review prepositions: in, on TT142 Language Review: This is (a box). These are (shelves). M01_BIFU_SB_02_7430_U01.indd 4 2/13/14 5:36 PM BF_TE2_U01.indd 25 3/20/14 2:01 PM

conventions that regulate one's conduct in different settings; Values page, p. T9. Home-School Connection. Take home the Little Book. Take home Show Time drawings. Talk about school items at home. Sing songs and say chants at home. Values. Respecting the teacher and listening. T1B. SAMPLE.
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