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Table of Contents Section A: Institutional Planning & Mission SU Profile, Fall 2005 .................................................................................................................... A-1.0 Summary of Student Characteristics, Fall 2005 ........................................................................ A-4.0 History of the University .................... .,., ....................................................................................................... A-5.0 University Envirorunent .............................. ., .......... ., ........................................................................ A-6.0 Table 1: Headcount and FTES Enrollments, A Y 1977-78 through 2005-06 ............................ A-7.0 Figure 1: FTES Enrollment: Academic Years 1977-78 through 2005-06 ......................... A-7.0 SU Organizational Chart, 2005-2006 ........................................................ ., ................................. A-8.0 Salisbury University Foundation, Inc., Board Members 2005 .................................................. A-9.0 Board of Regents 2005-2006 Members, December 2005 ........................................................... A-9.1 SU Mission, Vision, and Values .................................................... ., ........................................... A-10.0 President Dudley-Eshbach's letter to the SU Community Regarding the Strategic Plan ........ A-11.0 Summary of Objectives for Emphasis in the SU Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives A Y 2004 - A Y 2008 ................................................................ A-11.1 SU Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives A Y 2004-AY 2008 ................................................ A-12.0 SU 2005 Institutional Performance Accountability Report to MHEC, July 2005 ...................... A-16.0 Managing For Results Key Goals, and Objectives ....................................................................... A-26.0 SU Peer Performance Data, 2005 .............................................................................................. A-31.0 America's Best Colleges: 2006, Online Edition: U.S. News & World Report Top Public Colleges in the North, 2006 ..................................................................... A-33.0 America's Best Colleges: 2005, Online Edition: U.S. News & World Report Select Colleges in the North, 2005 ............................................................................. A-33.0 America's Best Colleges: U.S. News World Report, SU Rankings: 1998-2006 ................... A-34.0 US News Ranking Criteria: 2006 Edition. .............................................................................. A-34.0 ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS, SU: FY 2006-FY 2016 .................................................... A-35.0 Projected Growth Trends through FY 2016: Salisbury University ........................................ A-36.0 SU Campus Map ..................................................... ., ................................................................. A-37.0 j J Section B: Institutional Enrollment & Demographics Table 1: Total Institutional Enrollment: 1996, 2001-2005 ............................................................. B-1.0 Figure 1: Full-Time and Part-Time Institutional Enrollment: 1996, 2001-2005 ............... B-1.0 Figure 2: Percent Full-Time Institutional Enrollment: 1996, 2001-2005 ......................... B-1.0 Table 2: Total Institutional Enrollment by Classification, Race/Ethnicity, and Status: Fall 2005 ....................................................................................................................... B-2.0 Figure 2.1: Enrollment by Race and Classification, Fall 2005 .................................................. B-2.0 1 Figure 3: Total Institutional Enrollment: Headcount, FIT, and PIT Students: 1996, 2001-2005 ..............................................................................B -3.0 Figure 4: Total Institutional Enrollment Since 1980 .......................................................... B-3.0 Table 3: Total Institutional Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and Status: Fall 2005 ........... B-4.0 Figure 5: Total Institutional Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity: Fall 2005 ............................. B-4.0 Figure 6: Total Institutional Enrollment by Sex and Status: Fall 2005 ...................... .., ... B-4.0 Table 4: Total Institutional Demographics: 1996, 2001-2005 ................................................. B-5.0 Figure 7: Total Institutional Enrollment-Percent In-State: 1996, 2001-2005 ................ B-5.0 Table 4: 1: Total Institutional Enrollment by Career and Race: 1985, 1996, 2000-2005 ......... B-5.1 Table 5: Total Institutional Enrollment by Age and Sex: 1996, 2001-2005 ............................ B-6.0 Table 6: Total Institutional Enrollment by State: 1996, 2001-2005 ......................................... B-7.0 Figure 8: Fall 2005 Total Enrollment Residency by Region Map ...................................... B-8.0 Table 7: Total Institutional Enrollment by County of Residence: 1996, 2001-2005 ................. B-9.0 Figure 9: Institutional Enrollment by County ofR esidence: 1996, 2001, 2005 ................. B-9.0 Table 8: Enrollment by Country, Fall 2005 .................. , ........................................................... B-10.0 Figure JO: Number ofS ource Countries for International Students, Fall 2001 to Fall 2005 .................................................................................................. B-10.0 Section C: Program Enrollments, Degrees, and Student Credit Hours: Institutional Summaries Table 1: Institutional Enrollment by School & Discipline: Fall 1996, Fall 2001 to Fall 2005 .......................................... ., .. ,.. ...................................................... C-1.0 Table 1.1: SU: Study Abroad Enrollment, 2001-2005 ....................................................... :. .... C-1.1 Table 2: Enrollment, Student Credit Hours, and FTES Winter Terms and Sununer Sessions 1988 to 2005 ........................................................ C-2.0 Figure 1: Student Credit Hours: % Change Summer/Winter 2000, 2005 .......................... C-3.0 Figure 2: Student Credit Hours: Winter Terms and Summer Sessions 2000-2005 ............ C-3.0 · Degrees Table 1: Number of Minors by School and Program: 2004-05 Degree Recipients ..................... C-4.0 Table 2: Degrees Awarded by Program and Race: Academic Year 2004-05 ............................ C-5.0 Table 3: Degrees Awarded Alphabetically by Program: 1995-1996, A Y 2000-01 to 2004-05 ................................................................................................ C-6.0 Table 4: Degrees Awarded by Academic Years: 1995-1996, AY 2000-01 through 2004-05 ....C -7.0 Figure 1: Degrees Awarded by Academic Years: 1995-96, AY 2000-01 - AY 2004-05 ... C.7.0 Table 5: Degrees Awarded by Race: 1995-96, 2000-01 through 2004-05 ................................. C-8.0 Figure 2: Percent ofM aster's Degrees Awarded to Minority Students: 1995-96, AY 2000-01 through 2004-05 ......................................................................... C-8.0 J 11 l Student Credit Hours l Table 1: CIP and REGIS Codes.,. ....................................................................................... ,. ... ,.. ... C-9.0 Table 2: Total Student Credit Hours and FTES by Discipline & Course Level: Fall 2005 ••••.C -10.0 Table 3: DAY Courses (8:00 am to 5:00 pm) Student Credit Hours and FTES by Discipline and Course Level: Fall 2005 ................................................................. C-11.0 Table 4: NIGHT Courses (After 5:00 pm) Student Credit Hours and FTES by Discipline and Course Level: Fall 2005 ................................................... ;, ............ C-12.0 Table 5: Courses-Unknown Start Time-Student Credit Hours and FTES by Discipline and Course Level: Fall 2005 ..................................................................... C-13.0 Table 6: Total Student Credit Hours by Discipline: Fall Enrollment, 2001-2005 .................... C-14.0 Table 7: Analysis of Annualized FTES, FY 1995 through Fall 2005 ........................................ C-15.0 Figure 1: Total Headcount Verses Annual FTES, Fall 1994 to Fall 2005 ........................ C-15.0 Table 8: Annual Student Credit Hour Production by School, Discipline, and Level Academic Year 2000-01 through 2004-05 ................................................................... C-16.0 Table 9: Annual SCH Production by School, Discipline, and Semester, 2000-01 through 2004-05 ............................................................................................. C-18.0 Section D: Umlergraduate E11rollme11t & Demographics Table 1: Total Undergraduate Fall Enrollment: 1996, 2001-2005 .......................................... D-1.0 Figure 1: Percent Full-time and Part-Time VG Enrollment: I Fall 1996, Fall 2001-Fall 2005 ..................................................................................... D-1.0 Table 2: Total Undergraduate Demographics: 1996, 2001-2005 ............................................ D-2.0 Figure 2: Percent In-State: 1996, 2001-2005 .................................................................. D-2.0 Figure 2.1: Percentage ofN on-Maryland UGs: 1996, 2001-2005 ................................... D-2.1 J Figure 2.2: Number ofI n-State and Non-Maryland UG Residents: 1996, 2001-2005 (includes international students) ........................................................ D-2.1 Table 3: Total Undergraduate Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and Status: Fall 2005 -t+++•• .. F .................. ~ ........................... ,.~~a ..................................... ••·+•·•·•·++" ................... ,, .....~ ,,~P 'I' ..... + .... t ........................... ,f, D-3. 0 Figure 3: Total Undergraduate Enrollment by Race & Ethnicity: Fall 2005 ................... D-3.0 J Figure 4: Total Undergraduate Enrollment by Sex and Status: Fall 2005 ....................... D-3.0 Figure 5: SU Percentage ofM inority Undergraduates, Fall 1996 through Fall 2005 ...... D-4.0 J Figure 6: SU Comparison ofN on-minority and Minority VG Enrollments 1996-2005 ... ~&~ ~ D-4.0 ..... ~.,.. .................................................. ................................................................................................................. 5 J Figure 7: SU Diversity Comparison among Maryland Public Institutions Undergraduate Enrollment, Fall 2004 ............................................................................. D-4.0 Table 4: Total Undergraduate Enrollment by Classification, Race/Ethnicity, and Status: Fall 2005 ............................................................................ D-5.0 Figure 8: Race/Ethnicity ofF T Undergraduates, Fall 2005 ............................................ D-5.0 J iii J l Figure 9: Race/Ethnicity ofP T Undergraduates, Fall 2005 ............................................ D-5.0 1 Table 5: Total Undergraduates by Age and Sex: 1996, 2001-2005 ......................................... D-6.0 Table 6: Total Undergraduate Enrollment by County of Residence: 1996, 2001-2005 ........... D-7.0 Figure JO: Institutional Enrollment by County ofR esidence, 1996, 2001, 2005 ............. D-7.0 Figure 11: Maryland VG Enrollment by County, Fall 2005 Maryland Map ................... D-8.0 Table 7: Total Undergraduate Enrollment by State: 1996, 2001-2005 .................................... D-9.0 1 Figure 12: Fall 2005 VG Enrollment Residency by Region ............................................. D-10.0 Section E: Program Enrollments, Degrees, and Student Credit Hours: Undergraduate Summaries Table 1: Undergraduate Enrollment by School, Discipline, Class, & Status: Fall 2005 ............................................................................................. E-1.0 Table 2: Undergraduate Enrollment by School & Discipline: Fall 1996, Fall 2001 to Fall 2005 ...................................................................................... E-2.0 Table 3: Secondary Education Track Enrollment by Major and Classification, Fall 2005 ....... E-3.0 Figure 1: Secondary Education Enrollments, Fall 2005 ..................................................... E-3.0 Table 3.1: Secondary Education Track Enrollment by Major and Classification, Fall 2000 - Fall 2005 ......................................................................................................... E-3.0 Table 4: Undergraduate Student Credit Hours by Department: Fall Enrollment 2001-2005 .............................................................................................. E-4.0 Degrees I Table 1: Undergraduate Degrees Awarded by School and Honors 2000-01 through 2004-05 ................................................................................................ E-5.0 .j Table 2: Bachelor Degrees Awarded by Academic Years: AY 1995-1996,AY2000-01 through2004-05 ................................................................ E-6.0 Figure 1: Bachelor Degrees Awarded 2004-05 .................................................................. E-6.0 Table 3: Number of Undergraduate Students Graduating with a Secondary Education Track by Major: A Y 1999-00 to A Y 2004-2005 ............................................. E-6.0 J Table 4: 2004-05 Undergraduate Degrees Awarded by Track ....................................................... E-7 .0 Table 5: 2004-05 Degrees Awarded by Major and Concentration .............................................. E-8.0 Figure 2: AY 04-05 Undergraduate Degrees Awarded by Race/Ethnicity ........................ E-8.0 J Figure 3: Undergraduate Degrees Awarded by School, AY 00-01-AY 04-05 ................ E-8.0 iv 1 l Section F: Retention and Graduation Rates, Freshmen and Transfer Summaries Retention and Graduation Table 1: SU Retention and Graduation Statistics for Freshman Class Cohorts, Fall 1985 to Fall 2004 ...................................................................................................... F-1.0 Table 2: SU Retention and Graduation Statistics for Freshman Class Cohorts- BY RACE/ETHNICITY: Fall 1993 through Fall 2004 ...................................................... F-2.0 Table 3: SU Retention and Graduation Statistics for Freshman Class Cohorts- BY GENDER, Fall 1993 through Fall 2004 .......................................................................... F-4.0 Figure 1: SU Six-Year Graduation Rate Comparison Among MD Public Institutions- ALL STUDENTS .............................................................................. F-6.0 Figure 2: SU Six-Year Graduation Rate Comparison Among MD Public Institutions- White, non-Hispanic Students at HBCUs and African-American Students At non-HBC Us ......... ~~~ ........ ~~~ ......................... •t++•fo•f,f,f,f,•fot""'' ~,.,.,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ~~a ............. a~.~~~""' ................... ,,~~. F-6. 0 Figure 3: Comparison of4 , 5, and 6 year Graduation Rates Among Selected USM Institutions First-time, Full-time, Degree-seeking Undergraduates I Graduating from any USM Institution by Institution ofF irst Enrollment ............. F-7.0 Table 4: Comparison of Average Graduation Rates Among Selected USM Institutions First-time, Full-time, Degree-seeking Undergraduates j Average of 1996, 1997, and 1998 Cohorts ...................................................................... F-7.0 Freshmen and Transfers Table 1: Enrollment by Residence and Race/Ethnicity, (Full and Part-Time) New Undergraduate Students, Fall 2005 .............................................................................. F-8.0 J Table 1.1: Enrollment by Residence and Race/Ethnicity Historical, Fall 2001-Fall 2005 ........ F-8.1 Figure 1: Comparison ofN ew Undergraduates by Race/Ethnicity, Fall 'OJ through Fall '05 ........................................................................................................ F-8.1 Table 2: Top Feeder High Schools to SU, Fall 2005 .................................................................. F-9.0 Table 3: Applications/A cceptances/Enrollment, First-Time Freshmen, Fall 2001 to Fall 2005 ........................................................................................................ F-10.0 J Figure 2: First-Time Freshman Application Data- Wicomico County ............................ F-10.1 Figure 3: First-Time Freshman Application Data - Outside Wicomico, J Inside Maryland ........................................................................... ~. ................... F-10.1 Figure 4: First-Time Freshman Application Data- Outside Maryland ............................ F-10.1 J Table 4: Applications/Acceptances/Enrollment, Transfer Students, Fall 2001 to Fall 2005 ... F-11.0 Figure 5: Transfer Application Data - Wicomico County .................................................... F-11.1 Figure 6: Transfer Application Data - Outside Wicomico, Inside Maryland ..................... F-11.1 J Figure 7: Transfer ApplicatiOn Data - Outside Maryland. ............................................... F-11.1 V l Table 5: Applications/Acceptances/Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity, First-Time Freshmen, Fall 2005 ................. ,. ............................................................. ... F-12.0 Table 6: Applications/Acceptances/Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity, Transfer Students, Fall 2005 ...................................................................................... F-12.0 l Table 6.1: NEW Student Enrollment: Undergraduate by School, Discipline & Admit Type, Fall 2005 ............................. ,. ............................................................. F-12.1 1 Table 7: SAT Score Ranges, New Freshmen, Fall 2001-Fall 2005 ....................................... F-13.0 Table 8: Comparison of MEAN SAT scores at Salisbury University, State-wide, and USA, Fall 2001 - 2005 ..... ,. ., . ............................................................. F-14.0 I Figure 8: SU First-Time Freshman MEAN SAT Scores, 2001-2005 ................................ F-14.0 Figure 9: 2005 SAT Mean Scores, USA, State, & SU ....................................................... F-14.0 Table 9: Comparison of2005 SAT Scores by Percentiles for SU, State, and USA ................. F-14.0 Undergraduate Financial Aid , I Table 1: Undergraduate Financial Aid Awards Summary, FY 2002 to FY 2005 ................... F-15.0 Table 2: SU Financial AID Comparisons Among Select Maryland Public Institutions, FY 2004 ............................................................................................... F-16.0 .I Figure 1: SU Select Financial Aid Comparisons Among Select Maryland Public Institutions by Type ofA id in FY 2004 ............................................................. F-17.0 Figure 2: Financial Aid Comparison Among MD Public Institutions by Type ofA id in FY 2004 ..................................................................................... F-18.0 Section G: Graduate Enrollment & Demographics Table 1: Total Graduate Enrollment: 1996, 2001-2005 ............................................................ G-1.0 Figure 1: Full-Time and Part-Time Graduate Enrollment: 1996, 2001-2005 ................ G-l.O Table 2: Total Graduate Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity, Sex, & Status: Fall 2005 ................. G-2.0 Figure 2: Graduate Enrollment by Race and Ethnicity, Fall 2005 ................................... G-2.0 Figure 3: Graduate Enrollment Comparison by Sex and Status: Fall 1996 and Fall 2005 ......................................................... ,, ...................................... G-2.0 Table 3: Total Graduate Demographics: 1996, 2001-2005 ...................................................... G-3.0 Figure 4: Graduate Student Minority Enrollment, 1996, 2001-2005. ............ .., ................. G-3.0 Table 4: Total Graduate Enrollments by Age and Sex: 1996, 2001-2005 .,. ............................. G-4.0 Table 5: Total Graduate Enrollment by State: 1996, 2001-2005 .................... ,.,. ........................ G-5.0 Figure 5: Total Graduate Enrollment by Residency ......................................................... G-5.0 Figure 6: Fall 2005 Graduate Enrollment by Residency by Region Map ........................ G-6.0 Table 6: Total Graduate Enrollment by County of Residence: 1996, 2001-2005 .................... G-7.0 Figure 6.1: Graduate Enrollment by County ofR esidence: 1996, 2001, 2005 ............... G-7.0 Table 7: Graduate Enrollment by Program, Race, and Status: Fall 2005 ................................ G-8.0 Figure 7: Graduate Enrollment by Race, Fall 2005 ......................................................... G-8.0 Vl Table 8: Graduate Student Credit Hours by Department: Fall Enrollment 1996, 2001-2005 ................................................................................ G-9.0 Table 9: Enrollment in Graduate Degree Programs by School and Discipline: Fall 1996, Fall 2001 to Fall 2005 ...................., , ........................................................... G-9.0 Table 10: Graduate Degrees Awarded by Program: 1995-96, 2000-01 through 2004-05 ...... G-10.0 Figure 8: Degrees by Programs: AY 2004-05 ............................................................................ G-10.0 Figure 9: Total Graduate Degrees: AY '95-'96, '00-'01 through '04-'05 ..................... G-10.0 Table 11: 2004-05 Graduate Degrees Awarded by Major and Track ..................................... G-11.0 Table 12: Graduate Non-Degree Enrollment: 1996, 2001-2005 ............................................. G-12.0 Figure JO: Total Graduate Non-Degree Headcount Enrollment: Fall 2001-2005 ., ....................................................................................................... G-12.0 Figure JO.I: Age Ranges ofN on-Degree Graduate Students: Fall 2005 ....................... G-12.0 Table 13: Graduate Financial Aid Awards Summary, AY 2001-02 to AY 2004-05 .............. G-13.0 Figure 11: Graduate Financial Aid, AY 2000-01 throughAY 2004-05 .......................... G-13.0 Section H: Employees Faculty Table 1: Summary of Faculty Characteristics, Includes Full-Time Non-Tenure Track Faculty, Fall 2001-Fall 2005 .......................... ;. .. , ....................................................... H-1.0 I Table 1.1: Race and Gender Summary of Full-time Faculty Characteristics: Fall 2000 -Fall 2005 ............................................................................................... H-1.1 Figure 1: % of Total FIT Faculty Who Are Tenured/Tenure-Track, 2001-2005 ............... H-2.0 J Figure 2: % ofTotal FIT Faculty With Terminal Degrees, 2001-2005 ............................... H-2.0 Figure 3: Total Full-Time Faculty by Rank and Sex, 2005-06. ............................................ H-2.0 j Figure 4: % of Total FIT Faculty by School, Fall 2005 ...................................................... H-2.0 Figure 5: % of Total SCHs by School, Fall 2005 ............................................................... H-2.0 J Table 2: Faculty Tenure Status by Rank, Department, and School, 2005-2006 .......................... H-3.0 Figure 6: FIT Minority Faculty by School, Fall 2005 ........................................................ H-3.0 Figure 7: Full-Time Minority and International Faculty by School, Fall 2005 ................ H-3.0 J Table 3: Full-Time Faculty by Race, Sex, School, and Department, Fall 2005 ........................ H-4.0 Table 4: Full-Time Faculty by Rank, Sex, & School, Fall 2005 ............................................... H-5.0 J Figure 8: Average Years of Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty Service and Age by Rank, Fall 2005 ..................................................................................... H-5.0 · Table 5: Average Years of Service and Age of Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty by Rank (Up to and including Fall 2005 semester) .......................................... H-5.0 Table 6: Highest Degree Awarded to Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty by State and Institution, Academic Year 2005-2006 ....................................................... H-6.0 Figure 9: All Full-Time Faculty Percentage ofH ighest Degree, Fall 2005 ...................... H-7.0 J vii J Table 7: Highest Degrees Awarded to Full-time Non-Tenure Track Faculty by State and Institution, Academic Year 2005-2006 ........................................................................ H-7.0 1 Table 8: SU SCH to FTEF Ratio, AY 2000-2001 through 2004-2005 .................................... H-8.0 Table 9: SU Students to Faculty Ratio, AY 2000-2001 through AY 2004-2005 ..................... H-9.0 l Staff l Table 1: Number of Employees by Occupational Category, Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and Status, Fall 2005 ......................................................................................................... H-10.0 Table 1.1: Number of Employees by Occupational Category and Race/Ethnicity, Fall 2000 - Fall 2005 ................................................................................................... H-10.1 Table 2: Number of Employees by Occupational Category and Status, Fall 2001 - Fall 2005 .................................................................................................. H-11.0 Section I: Resources Table 1: Tuition and Fees, 2000-01 through 2005-06 .................................................................... I-1.0 Figure 1: 2005-2006 USM In-State Tuition and Fees ......................................................... I-1.0 Figure 2: 2005-2006 USM Out-of-State Tuition and Fees .................................................. I-1.0 Table 2: Operating Revenue by Source: Fiscal Year 2000-Fiscal Year 2004 ........................... I-2.0 Table 3: Operating Revenue, Expenditures: Fiscal Year 2000-Fiscal Year 2004 ..................... 1-3.0 Table 4: Office of Grants and Sponsored Research Funding Report - EXTERNAL GRANTS: FY 2005 and Cumulative External Grants, 2001-2005 ........ I-4.0 Table 5: Library Collections and Transactions, Fall 2001 through Fall 2005 ............................ I-5.0 Table 6: Physical Facilities Inventory, 2005-06 .......................................................................... 1-6.0 Glossary .................................................................................................................................................................. J-1.0 J Vlll Institutional Planning and Mission Salisbury University Strategic Goals for A Y 2004-A Y 2008 Goal I: The University will enhance an academic and learning environment that promotes intellectual growth and success. Goal II: The University will advance a student-centered environment. Goal III: The University will foster inclusiveness as well as cultural and intellectual pluralism. Goal IV: The University will utilize strategic collaborations and targeted community outreach to benefit the University, Maryland, and the region. Total Enrollment by Status: Fall 1995 -Fall 2005 8,000 " 6,682 6,8.5..1 6,816 6,9•42 _7_,0.0 9 7,000 6,0•1 0 5,947 6,0•2 2 6,0•8 0 6,~~6,4-21 ; • +• • • 6,000 • +• • • • 5,883 6,060 6,206 6,199 6,366 6,437 5,000 5,336 5,294 5,391 5,534 5,536 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 6•74 6•53 6•31 5•46 5•24 5•38 6•22 6•45 6•17 5•76 5•72 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 I [~ Total Students ----Undergraduate _._ Graduate

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