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Salem College Academic Catalog PDF

2009·13.7 MB·English
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Academic Catalog 2009 2010 - Salem College Winston-Salem, North Carolina Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://www.archive.org/details/salemcollegeacad20092010 The Salem College Undergraduate Catalog ineludes the olTieial announcements ofacademic programs and policies. Undergraduate students are responsible for knowledge ofinformation contained therein. Although the listing ofcourses in this catalog is meant to indicate the content and scope ofthe curriculum, changes may be necessary and the actual offerings in any term may differ from prior announcements. Programs and policies are subject to change from time to time in accordance with the procedures established by the faculty and administration ofthe College. Salem College welcomes qualified students regardless ofrace, color, national origin, sexual orientation, religion or disability to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities ofthis institution. Salem College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges ofthe Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award the baccalaureate and masters degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call (404) 679-4500 for questions about the accreditation ofSalem College. The Department ofTeacher Education and Graduate Studies at Salem College is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), www.ncate.org. This accreditation covers initial teacher preparation programs and advanced educator preparation programs at Salem College. All specialty area programs for teacher licensure have been approved by the North Carolina Department ofPublic Instmction (NCDPI). The Salem College School ofMusic is an accredited institutional member ofthe National Association ofSchools ofMusic (NASM). Salem College is an equal-opportunity educational institution as defined by Title VI ofThe Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Salem College Undergraduate Catalog is published eveiy year by Salem College, 601 South Church Street, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101. Phone: (336) 721-2600. 811 C0LLP:GECALP:NDAR 2009-2010 7 SALEM COLLEGE 9 SalemCollege: AHistory 10 SalemCollegeStatementOFValues 1 Salem College Mission Statement 11 The HonorTradiiion 1 TheHonorCode 12 Campus BuildingsANDFacilities 12 Academic ComputingFacilities 13 AthleticFacilities 13 Library Services 13 BeyondTHECampus 14 ComeVisit! 15 ADMISSIONS 16 Traditional-AgeAdmissions 16 RequiredHigh SchoolProgram 16 ProcedureforAdmission 17 Martha H. FleerCenterforAdultEducation Admissions(forWomenandMenAge23 andOlder) .1 ProceduresforAdmission 18 Non-DegreeEnrollment 18 AdvancedPlacement/Credit 18 AdmissionTOTHECollegeHonorsProgram 19 EarlyAdmissions 19 TransferAdmissions 19 Traditional-Age (23 andunder) TransferAdmissions 19 AdultStudent (Age23 andover) TransferAdmissions 20 TransferCreditPolicy 20 InternationalAdmissions 21 ServicesFORStudentsWITH Disabilities 22 FINANCIAL INFORMATION 23 Fees 23 ResidentStudents- TraditionalAge (under23yearsold) 23 Non-ResidentStudents- TraditionalAge (under23years old) 23 Students In theFleer CenterforAdultEducation (23+years old) 24 MusicFees 24 SpecialFees 24 ParkingFees 25 InstallmentPayments 25 OtherFinancialInformation 25 RefundPolicy 26 FeesforInstruction 26 FeesforRoom andBoard 26 Appeals 26 FINANCIAL AID 27 AidBasedUpon Need 27 ApplyingForNeed-BasedFinancialAid 27 Application Deadlines 28 Notification ofAward 28 AwardRenewal 28 SatisfactoiyAcademicProgress (SAP) 28 FinanckilAidforSltiilcnls in the Marihci II. Fleer CenterfarAdult Education 30 NEED-BAStD Programs 31 Graiits/Scholurships 31 Loans 31 WorkPrograms 32 AidWithout RegardToNeed 32 Grants 32 HonorScholarsltips 32 MeritScholarshipsfur Traditiunal-AgeStudents 33 MeritScholarshipsforStudents in the MarthaII. Fleer Centerfor.4dult Education 34 Other FinancialAidPolicies 35 Tuition Exchange 35 Loans 35 Veterans Benefts 35 InslallinentPaymentPlans 35 FinancialAidforStudy OffCampus 36 SpecialInformationforFifth-Year TraditionalStudents 36 STUDENT AFFAIRS 37 Residence Life 37 CareerDevelopmentandInternships/International StudentServices 37 HealthandCounselingServices 38 Health Services 3S CounselingServices 39 StudentActivitiesANDOrganizations 39 ReligiousLife 40 Athletics 40 CenterforWomenWriters 41 Cultural Events 42 TheAlumnaeAssociation 42 ACADEMIC PROGRAM 43 Salem Signature-SalemCollege'sGeneralEducation Program 43 Salem Signature Competencies 43 JanuaryTerm 44 AcademicAdvising 45 DEGREES AND REQUIREMENTS 47 General RequirementsGoverning UndergraduateDegrees 47 RequirementsforASecondBaccalaureateDegree 48 Academic Majors 48 MajorsandDegreesAvailable 49 AcademicMinors 49 General Requirements forthe BachelorofArts(B.A.), BachelorofScience(B.S.)or Bachelorof Music(B.M.) 50 Saletn Signature Requirements: Traditional-AgeStudents 50 Salem Signature Recpilrements: B.A.. B.S. andB.M. Students in the Martha II. Fleer Centerfor.Adult Education 51 CoursesApprovedforSalem Signature InterdisciplinaryorDisciplinaryDimensions 52 General Requirements FORTHE BachixorOFScience in BusinessAdministration (B.S.B.A.) 55 SalemSignatureRequirements: B.S.B.i. Students in the MarthaH. FleerCenterforAdult Education 55 SPECIAL ACADEMIC OPPORTUNITIES 56 Pre-Professional Programs 56 The Women InScience andMathematics Program 56 Pre-MedlcalProgram 56 Pre-Law Program 57 ClinicalLaboratoryScience Program/Major 58 International Studies 58 IntenuilionalRelations 5H InternationalBusiness 5H Model UnitedNationsProgram 59 Off-CampusPrograms 59 StudyAhmad 59 January TermStudy 59 Januaiy Term in Cuernavaca, Mexico 59 Off-CampusSummerStudy 59 Dean Smith 59 AcademicSemesteror YearAbroad. 60 WashingtonSemesterProgram 61 WakeForest University/Salem College Cross-Registration 61 OtherSpecialOpportunities 61 CollegeHonors Program 61 IntegrativeStudies Major 62 Internships 63 ACADEMIC REGULATIONS 64 EnrollmentPolicies 64 Registration 64 AcademicLoad. 64 Drop/AddPolicy 65 Withdrawal 65 LeaveofAbsence 66 ClassAttendance 66 CreditandPlacementOptions 66 ProficiencyExaminations 66 AdvancedPlacement Credit 67 CollegeLevelE.xamination Program (CLEP) Exams 68 InternationalBaccalaureate Credit 69 CreditforPriorLearning 69 GradingPolicies 70 GradingSystem 70 Incomplete (GradeI) 71 Failing Grade (Grade F) 71 Audit Courses 71 Pass/No CreditCourses 72 Pass/No CreditOption 72 GradesANDTranscripts 72 Fresh StartPolicy 73 Academic Standing 73 Classification 73 AcademicProbation 73 AcademicAdvisoiy 74 Exclusion- Traditional-Age(under23) Students 74 Exclusion -Students in the MarthaH. Fleer CenterforAdultEducation 74 Readmission afterExclusion 74 AcademicHonors 75 Latin Honors 75 Dean's List 75 IndependentStudy 75 DirectedStudy 75 Internships 76 SummerStudy 77 Salem CollegeSummerSchool 77 SummerSchoolal OtherInstitutions 77 OtherAcademicPolicies 78 AcademicAppeals 78 Student GrievancePolicy 78 Examinations 79 Program ofInstitutionalEffectiveness 79 DepartmentalSeniorExperience/Seminar 79 COURSES OF INSTRUCTION 80 Accounting 80 Accounting Major (B.S.) 80 AccountingMajor (B.S.B.A.) SI AccountingMinor 81 Accounting Courses (ACCTj 82 Art ' 84 StudioArtMajor(B.A.) 84 StudioArt Minor 85 Art Courses (ARTS) 85 ArtHistory 89 ArtHistoryMajor (B.A.) 89 ArtHistotyMinor 89 ArtHisloiy Courses (ARTH) 89 ArtsManagement 93 Arts ManagementMajor (B.A.) 93 Arts ManagementMinor 94 Arts Management Courses (ARMN) 94 Biology 96 Biology Major(B.A.) 96 Biology- Major(B.S.) 96 Biology Minor 96 Biology Courses (BIOL) 97 BusinessAdministration 102 BusinessAdministration .Major (B.A. orB.S.B.A.) 102 BusinessAdministration Minor 103 BusinessAdministration Courses (BUAD) 104 MarketingMinor 106 Marketing Cour.ses (MKTG) 106 Finance Courses (FINC) 107 Chemistry 108 Chemistiy Major(B.A.) 108 Chemistiy Major (B.S.) 108 Chemistiy Minor 108 Chemistiy Courses (CIIEM) 108 Clinical Laboratory Science 1 12 ClinicalLaboratoryScience Major(B.S.) //-"' CollegeCourses 14 1 College Courses (COLL) 114 College HonorsCourses 1 15 CollegeHonors Courses (HONR) 115 Communication 1 16 Communication Major (B.A.) 116 Communication Minor 118 Communication Courses (COMM) 118 Computi:r ScienceandComputer Information Systems 121 ComputerScience Courses (CPSCj 121 ComputerInfornuilion Systems Courses (CINS) 121 CreativeWriting 123 Creative Writing Major (B.A.) 123 Creative Writing Minor 124 Creative Writing Courses (CRWR) 124 Dance 126 Dance Minor 126 Dance Courses (DANC) 126 Economics 128 Economics Major(B.A.) 128 Economics Minor 128 Economics Courses (ECON) 129 Education 131 Education Major (B..4.) in Elementary (K-6) or General Curriculum SpecialEducation (gradesK-12) 132 LicensureProgramsfor Candidates In Middle/HighSchool(grades 6-12) andModern Foreign Languages (gradesK-12) '. '^ ^ '^....^..../ii Education Courses (EDUC) 134 English 139 English Major(B.A.) 139 English Minor 139 English Courses (ENGL) 139 French 144 French Major (B.A.) 144 French Minor 144 French Courses (FREN) 144 German 148 German Courses (GERM) 148 History 151 Histoiy Major (B.A.) 757 Ifistoiy Minor 757 Histoiy Courses (HIST) 757 Integrative Studies 155 IntegrativeStudies Major(B.A.) 755 InteriorDesign 156 InteriorDesign Major (B.A.) 156 InteriorDesign Courses (ARTI) 757 International Business 159 InternationalBusiness Major (B.A.) 759 InternationalRelations 161 InternationalRelations Major(B.A.) 161 JanuaryTermCourses 163 January Term Courses (JANX) 163 Mathematics 165 Mathematics Major (B.A.) 765 Mathematics Major (B.S.) 765 Mathematics Minor 765 Mathematics Courses (MATH) 765 Music 169 Music Major (B.A.) 770 MusicEducation Major(B.M.) 770 Music Major(B.M.) 777 Music Minor 772 Music Theater(Voice) Minor 772 Music Courses (MUSI) 772 Not-for-ProfitManagement 180 Not-Jor-Profil Maiiai^cinenl Major (B.A.) 750 Nol-for-Pro/i! ManaiieiuciU Minor 181 Not-for-ProJit Mciuagemoit Courses (NFPM) 181 Philosophy 184 PhilosophyMajor (B.A.) 184 Philosophy Minor 184 Philosophy Courses (PHIL) 184 Physical Education 187 PhysicalEducation Courses (PHED) 187 Physics 192 PhysicalScience Courses (PHSC) 192 Physics Courses (PHYS) 192 Political SciHNCE 193 PoliticalScience Minor 193 PoliticalScience Courses (POLl) 193 Psychology 196 Psychology: Major(B.A.) 196 PsychologyMinor 196 Psychology Courses (PSYC) 196 Religion 199 Religion Major (B.A.) 199 Religion Minor 199 Religion Courses (RELl) 199 Salem Signature 203 Salem Signatiu'e Courses (SIGN) 203 Science(Interdisciplinary)Courses 206 ScienceInlerdisciplinaiy Courses (SCIE) 206 Sociology 208 Sociology Major (B.A.) 208 Sociology Minor 208 Anthropology Courses (ANTH) 208 Sociology Courses (SOCl) 209 Spanish 213 Spanish Major (B.A.) 213 Spanish Minor 213 Spanish Courses (SPAN) 213 Women'sStudies 217 Women's Studies Minor 217 Women's Studies Courses (WMST) 218 SALEM SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS 219 EndowmentScholarships 219 Term Scholarships 223 AWARDS AND PRIZES 224 HONOR ORGANIZATIONS 227 EMERITI FACULTY/ADMINISTRATION 229 ORGANIZATION OF THE COLLEGE 231 BoardofTrusILLS2009-2010 231 BoardOK Visitors2009-2010 232 Administration, Faculty andStaff 233 College Faculty 240 INDEX 246

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