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Salah Ad-Deen Al-Ayubi 01 PDF

277 Pages·2013·2.52 MB·English
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Preview Salah Ad-Deen Al-Ayubi 01

IN THE NAME OF ALLAH THE ALL-COMPASSIONATE, ALL-MERCIFUL Salah ad-Deen al-Ayubi Volume One Crusades prior to the Rise of the Ayubid State Table of Contents About the word Lord ........................................................................ i Publisher's Note ............................................................................... i Translator's Foreword ..................................................................... ii Introduction ......................................................................................... 1 PART ONE CRUSADES PRIOR TO THE RISE OF THE AYUBID STATE .. 14 CHAPTER I Historical Roots of the Crusades ..................................... 15 The Byzantines ............................................................................... 15 The Spanish .................................................................................... 16 The Crusaders outflanking manoeuvres ........................................ 19 Colonialism ..................................................................................... 20 CHAPTER II The Most Important Causes of the Crusader Invasion . 23 Religious motives ........................................................................... 24 Political motives ............................................................................. 27 Social motives ................................................................................ 29 Economic motives .......................................................................... 31 Tipping the balance of power in the Mediterranean ..................... 32 Andalusia ........................................................................................ 33 Sicily ............................................................................................... 34 North Africa .................................................................................... 34 The Byzantine Emperor seeks help from Pope Urban II ................ 36 Pope Urban II and his comprehensive plan for the Crusade campaign ........................................................................................ 37 Urban II holds a church council in southern France ...................... 39 Pope Urban II's speech ................................................................... 39 Conclusions to be drawn from Pope Urban II's speech ................. 41 The Pope's consultation following his speech ............................... 45 The Crusader propaganda campaign ............................................. 46 Peter the Hermit ............................................................................ 48 The Muslims are unaware of what is being planned for them ...... 49 CHAPTER III The Beginning of the First Crusade ............................... 50 Crusader strategy after occupation ............................................... 52 Resistance movement during the Seljuk period ............................ 56 The juristic scholar 'Ali ibn Tahir as-Sulami (431-500AH/1039-1106 CE) .................................................................................................. 57 Islamic scholars and judges participate in physical Jihad .............. 60 Poets and their role in the resistance movement ......................... 63 Seljuk leaders of Jihad prior to 'Imad ad-Deen Zangi .................... 65 Kerbogha, regent of Mosul, engages in Jihad ................................ 66 Jekermish and Suqman join forces in Jihad ................................... 68 The Battle of Balikh (the Battle of Harran) .................................... 69 Jekermish and Suqman fall out ...................................................... 71 Jekermish's defeat .......................................................................... 71 The outcomes of the Battle of Balikh............................................. 73 Jekermish persists in Jihad ............................................................. 74 Jihad of Jekermish and Suqman ibn Artuq ..................................... 76 The battle of Merzifon ................................................................... 77 The first battle of Heraclea ............................................................ 78 The second battle of Heraclea ....................................................... 79 Outcome of the battles of Kilij Arslan ............................................ 80 Consequences of the death of Kilij Arslan ..................................... 81 Mawdood ibn at-Tuntash (501-507 CE/1108-1113 CE) ................. 84 Mawdood's first campaign against Edessa .................................... 84 Mawdood's second campaign against Edessa ............................... 86 Mawdood's third campaign against Edessa ................................... 89 Mawdood's campaign — the Battle of Sannabra .......................... 89 The murder of Mawdood ............................................................... 90 Consequences of the campaigns led by Mawdood ....................... 91 Najm ad-Deen Ilghazi, ruler of Mardin .......................................... 94 The Crusaders break the truce ....................................................... 95 Mobilization against the Crusaders ............................................... 95 The Battle of Ager Sanguinis (the 'Field of Blood7) ........................ 96 Consequences of the victory .......................................................... 97 The siege of Antioch and the truce with the King of Jerusalem .... 98 The truce is broken ........................................................................ 98 Rebellion of Sulayman ibn Ilghazi against his father ..................... 99 Suppression of the rebellion .......................................................... 99 The death of Ilghazi and its effect on the Muslims ...................... 100 Balak ibn Bahram ibn Artuq ......................................................... 101 Crusaders besiege Aleppo ............................................................ 102 Balak ibn Bahram is killed ............................................................ 104 Emir of Mosul, Aq Sunqur, wages Jihad to save Aleppo .............. 104 Aleppo confronts the Crusaders .............................................. 104 Betrayal by the Emir of Hillah ...................................................... 106 Crusaders provoke and taunt the people of Aleppo.................... 107 Popular resistance in Aleppo ....................................................... 107 The people of Aleppo ask for help from the Emir of Diyarbakir .. 108 Aq Sunqur al-Bursuqi' s response to the Aleppans' call for help . 108 The assassination of al-Bursuqi .................................................... 110 Deviant groups were one of the greatest obstacles to the Jihad movement .................................................................................... 111 The conquest of Edessa: The most important deed of Imad ad- Deen Zangi ................................................................................... 112 The internal situation in Edessa ................................................... 114 Operations that led to conquest .................................................. 114 'Imad ad-Deen Zangi7 s policies in Edessa.................................... 115 Factors which helped 'Imad ad-Deen Zangi ................................. 116 Anecdotes about the conquest of Edessa .................................... 117 The scholar Moosa al-Armani's clever approach ..................... 117 In Sicily ......................................................................................... 118 A martyr seen in a dream ............................................................. 118 Conspiracy by the inhabitants of Edessa ..................................... 119 Consequences of the conquest of Edessa .................................... 119 John LaMonte's opinion of 'Imad ad-Deen .................................. 121 Poets praise for 'Imad ad-Deen after the conquest ..................... 125 Military events after the conquest .............................................. 125 Ways in which 'Imad ad-Deen Zangi fought the Crusaders ......... 126 'Imad ad-deen's political and military role in Islamic history ...... 131 The Second Crusade ..................................................................... 133 The Seljuks destroy the German army ......................................... 133 The Seljuks of Rum slow the advance of the French army .......... 134 The Crusader attack on Damascus ............................................... 135 How the Christian clergy viewed the Second Crusade ................ 137 The Victory of Damascus in the Second Crusade ......................... 139 Scholars from the Maghreb take part in defending Damascus ... 141 Consequences of the Second Crusade ......................................... 141 CHAPTER IV Wisdom of Noor ad-Deen's Dealings with the Fatimid State ................................................................................................. 145 Roots of the Ismaili Shiites and the Fatimid state ....................... 145 'Ubayd-Allah al-Mahdi ................................................................. 147 'Ubaydi crimes in North Africa ................................................. 148 Exaggerated claims about 'Ubayd-Allah al-Mahdi ....................... 148 Oppression of everyone who disagreed with their madh-hab .... 150 Prohibition on issuing fatwas according to the madh-hab of Imam Malik............................................................................................. 150 Abolishing certain Sunnah practices and adding to others ......... 151 Banning gatherings ...................................................................... 151 Destroying the books of those who followed the Sunnah........... 152 Preventing Sunni scholars from teaching .................................... 152 Abolishing sharia law ................................................................... 152 Forcing people to break the fast before the moon was sighted.. 153 Erasing all reminders of the Sunni caliphs ................................... 153 Bringing their horses into the mosques ....................................... 154 The Maghrebi people's resistance of the 'Ubaydi Fatimid state . 155 Passive resistance ........................................................................ 155 Debate and dialogue .................................................................... 157 Armed resistance ......................................................................... 159 Resistance through writing .......................................................... 162 Resistance by the Sunni poets ..................................................... 163 Al-Mu'izz li Deen-Illah the Fatimid enters Egypt .......................... 163 Other examples of his odes to al-Mu'izz include: ........................ 164 Demise of the Fatimid state in North Africa ................................ 166 The Seljuks work to protect Iraq against Batini, Rafidi Shiism ..... 168 The Nizami schools: Sunni revival and confrontation with Rafidi Shiite thought ............................................................................... 170 Al-Imam al-Ghazali7s efforts in defeating the Batini Shiites ........ 173 Noor ad-Deen's military campaigns against Egypt ...................... 175 Noor ad-Deen's motives for conquering Egypt ............................ 176 The first campaign of Noor ad-Deen - 559 AH/1164 CE .............. 178 Amalric I's second campaign against Egypt ................................. 180 Noor ad-Deen's second campaign ............................................... 182 Amalric's third campaign and Crusader-Fatimid negotiations .... 183 The battle of Babayn .................................................................... 183 The siege of Alexandria ................................................................ 186 Negotiations concerning withdrawal from Egypt ........................ 186 Noor ad-Deen's third campaign against Egypt (564 AH/1169 CE)189 Al-'Adid seeks the help of Noor ad-Deen Mahmood ................... 189 Asad ad-Deen Shirkuh enters Cairo: making the most of opportunity .................................................................................. 190 The slaying of Shawar .................................................................. 190 Asad ad-Deen becomes al-'Adid's vizier ...................................... 191 Death of Asad ad-Deen ................................................................ 191 The conspiracy of the Caliph's confidant ..................................... 192 The battle with the Sudanese troops ........................................... 193 Dealing with the Armenians ......................................................... 195 Salah ad-Deen strengthens his army ........................................... 195 Confronting the joint Crusader-Byzantine attack: the siege of Damietta (565 AH/1170 CE) ......................................................... 196 Reasons for the failure of the campaign against Damietta ......... 197 Factors affecting the Muslims .................................................. 197 Factors affecting the Crusaders ............................................... 198 Factors affecting the Byzantines .............................................. 198 Factors common to both the Crusaders and Byzantines ......... 199 Outcomes of the attack on Damietta .......................................... 199 Najm ad-Deen Ayub arrives in Egypt ........................................... 200 Abolition of the 'Ubaydi Fatimid caliphate .................................. 202 Phasing out sermons in the name of the Fatimid caliph ............. 203 The death of al-'Adid 567 AH/1171 CE ........................................ 205 Muslims rejoicing at the end of the Fatimid state ....................... 205 Lessons from the fall of the Fatimid state in Egypt ..................... 206 Attempted revolt aimed at restoring the Fatimid state .............. 207 The poet 'Amarah ibn 'Ali al-Yamani ............................................ 212 The siege of Alexandria ................................................................ 214 The conspiracy of Kanz ad-Dawlah .............................................. 216 How Salah ad-Deen put an end to the Fatimid madh-hab and legacy ........................................................................................... 216 Humiliating the Fatimid caliph al-'Adid ........................................ 217 Degrading the palace of the Fatimid caliphate ............................ 217 Cancelling the Friday khutbah in al-Azhar Mosque and abolishing the teaching of Fatimid thought there ........................................ 218 Destruction and burning of Shiite Ismaili books .......................... 219 Abolishing all sectarian festivals of the Fatimids ......................... 219 Erasing the Fatimid symbols and currency .................................. 220 Isolating members of the Fatimid dynasty .................................. 220 Weakening the Fatimid capital .................................................... 220 The Fatimids' false claim of descent from the (Messenger (SAAW) ..................................................................................................... 221 Pursuit of the remnants of Shiism in Syria and Yemen ................ 221 Incorporation of the eastern Maghreb ........................................ 225 Incorporation of Yemen ............................................................... 225 Conquest of Nubia ....................................................................... 227 The real story behind the alienation between Salah ad-Deen and Noor ad-Deen ............................................................................... 227 The death of Noor ad-Deen Mahmood ....................................... 233 Notes ................................................................................................ 235 Appendix A ....................................................................................... 256 Appendix B .................................................................................... 261 Dynasties Mentioned in Salah ad-Deen al-Ayubi ......................... 262 Muslims .................................................................................... 262 Crusaders ................................................................................. 263 Appendix C ....................................................................................... 265

Deviant groups were one of the greatest obstacles to the Jihad movement . Lessons from the fall of the Fatimid state in Egypt 206 . The renowned contemporary Arab historian of Islam, Dr. ' Ali M. Sallabi analytical abilities into the research, writing and production of his books in. Arabic.
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