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"IAM" ACTIVITY OF SAINT GERMAIN FOUNDATION The "I AM" Activity represents the Original, Permanent, and Highest Source of the Ascended Masters' Instruction on the Great Laws of Life, as first offered to the western world by the Ascended Master Saint Germain, through His Accredited Messengers, Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Ballard. Inthe early 1930s the Ballards established Saint Germain Foundation and Saint Germain Press, Inc. which under Saint Germain's Guidance, have expanded into worldwide organizations that offer to mankind the true Ascended Master Teachings on the Great Cosmic Words, "IAM"! Saint Germain Foundation strives to keep the "I AM" Ascended Master Instruction in Its pure, unadulterated form, free from any human interpretation, personal monetary gain, or proselytizing, as It is a Gift from the Great Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings to bring Illumination and Perfection to mankind. Hundreds of "I AM" Temples and Sanctuaries exist throughout the world, where the Teachings are applied in "I AM" Decree Groups. The Books of the Saint Germain Series are available in many libraries, bookstores, or directly from Saint Germain Press {address below). For further information, please contact: SAINT GERMAIN FOUNDATION SAINT GERMAIN PRESS 1120 Stonehedge Drive Schawnburg, Illinois 60194 United States of America {847) 882-7400 or {800) 662-2800 www.SaintGerrnainFoundation.org www.SaintGerrnainPress.com T DEDICATION HIS Series of Books is dedicated in Deepest Eternal Love and Gratitude to our Beloved Ascended Masters, Saint Germain, Jesus, Nada, the Great Divine Director, our Beloved Ascended Messenger Guy W. Ballard, The Great White Brotherhood, The Brotherhood of the Royal Teton, The Brotherhood of Mount Shasta, the Great Ascended Masters from Venus, the Great Cosmic Beings, the Great Angelic Host, the Great Cosmic Light, and those other Ascended Masters whose Lov- ing Help has been direct and without limit. T TRIBUTE HE hour is at hand when the humanity of this Earth must give more recognition to the Activity of the Great Ascended Masters and Angelic Host who are constantly pouring out Their Transcendent Light and Assistance to mankind. There must come more conscious cooperation between the outer physical life of humanity and these Great Beings who are the Protectors and Teachers of the human beings in this world. There is a Special Group of these Great Ones working at the present time with America to stabilize and protect Her. Among Them, the Ascended Masters Saint Germain, Jesus, Nada, Cha Ara, Lanto, Cyclopea, the Great Master from Venus, Arcturus, the Lords of the Flame from Venus, and one known as the Great Divine Director are working here very definitely by establishing Tremendous Pillars and Rays of Light in America. They are also focusing Great Outpourings of Light at certain other points on the Earth. They pour out Their Rays of Light through the consciousness of all individuals who will accept Them, harmonize their feeling, and turn their attention unto the "Mighty I AM Presence." If the people will VI TRIBUTE Vll acknowledge this Great Host of Perfected Beings and call Their Ascended Master Consciousness into the Hearts and minds of mankind, They can give Assist- ance and Protection without limit to those who make the Call, and through them, reach the rest of human- ity. Only the Ascended Master Consciousness, which is the "Mighty I AM Presence," can ever reestablish order and security upon this Earth. Only Its Consum- ing Flame of Divine Love can ever dissolve the fear in the feeling of the people. Only as the individual turns his attention to these Great Ascended Masters and asks Their Blessing upon the rest of mankind is the connection made and the Door opened by which Their Help can come through, releasing Its Perfec- tion unto humanity and the Earth itself. The Ascended Master always points each one to two things: first, the individual must look unto his own Divinity, God, the "Mighty I AM Presence," for all good, keeping his attention upon It and giving It his.first and greatest Love; second, he must harmonize his feeling by pouring out Divine Love as a FORCE to bless everywhere. To the person who will do so, these Great Beings will give Assistance without limit, for They work only and always through the Divine Self of the individual. The Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain is the Emissary from The Great White Brotherhood Vlll TRIBUTE who of His own Volition and Great Love is doing certain Protective Work and bringing certain Illumi- nation into America at the present time. He speaks of Her often as "The Jewel of My Heart-for whom I have labored for centuries." Beloved Jesus has of- fered to give a Special Service in connection with Beloved Saint Germain and has said: "These Rays of Light which We pour out are very Real, Tangible Currents of Energy, containing within Them all good things, and blessing you according to your accept- ance." As in the days of old and in all Golden Ages, these Great Perfected Beings who have attained the "Vic- tory" through human embodiment, will walk and talk face to face with mankind upon Earth. They will explain the Original Divine Way of Life once again, that human concepts may be cleared and Eternal Truth be revealed. This Book carries the definite Radiation of the Ascended Masters who are working for America at this time, and is charged with Beloved Saint Germain's Ascended Master Consciousness of Free- dom and Victory in the Light. Human fears and limitations shall be cut away; the Earth shall be set into Divine Order once again, and filled full to overflowing with "The Light of God that never fails." GODFRE RAY KING FOREWORD T HIS Book contains the second group of Exper- iences which I was privileged to have through the Love and Assistance of the Beloved As- cended Master Saint Germain. In the first Book, Unveiled Mysteries, He revealed many, many things which have been held in secret and sacredly guarded for many centuries. In The Magic Presence my Experiences were the results of applying the Knowledge He had previ- ously revealed. In the various Retreats of The Great White Brotherhood which we visited, I was shown the Tre- mendous Work They do for mankind through Their Messengers who are sent into the outer world. The good They constantly pour out to this Earth and its humanity is beyond any power of words to de- scribe. All They accomplish is done through Divine Love, for They never use a destructive force at any time and never intrude upon the Free Will of the individual. Those who are Their representatives give everything as a glad free service of Love, and know no such thing as failure. The purpose of this Book is to reveal to the individual the whereabouts of his own Divine Self, IX x FOREWORD God, the "Mighty I AM Presence," that all who desire may return to their Source, receive their Eternal Inheritance, and feel once again their Divine Self Respect. If the student or reader of this Book will feel himself going through these same experiences, ask- ing the Ascended Masters to illumine his conscious- ness by the Light of the Cosmic Christ, he will receive that Outpouring of Love which is the Open Door to all good things, and which sets mankind free. America is blest beyond any other part of the Earth, and because of Her Great Blessing, She must pour out Great Light. She is the "Cup" through which The Great White Brotherhood can ever expand the Great Divine Love of the Universe and set mankind Free. For that reason, Their Work in America is of very great importance; and if it be necessary for Her Protec- tion, then "that 'Light as of a Thousand Suns' shall descend and consume all selfishness from the Earth." The Truth, Explanation of Law, and my Ex- periences given in this Book are real, true, and eternal. The Retreats, people, and instruments I saw and associated with while with the Ascended Masters are real, physical places and things, and Tangible, Liv- ing, Breathing Beings. They were not imaginary nor symbolic and are not to be interpreted in any such way. The Truth of everything in this Book is for the FOREWORD XI reader to accept or reject as he chooses. If he does not accept or agree with it, that does not remove the Truth or Its Activity from the Universe; but if he can accept the Truth herein contained, he can only be blest thereby, and his world will be a greater and more wonderful place in which to live. The Great Ascendec Master Saint Germain has told us that the Books of the Saint Germain Series in the Ascended Masters' Octave of Light are bound in Covers of Jewels. May we also value and obey the Words of the Ascended Masters contained herein, and become Their Great Love, Victory, Perfection, Illumi- nation and Freedom to all Life forever. If the student or reader can feel the Great Rays of Light and Love poured out by these Ascended Mas- ters, and can live constantly in adoration to his own "Mighty I AM Presence, " he will positively become the Full Manifestation of Perfection, and will have his Eternal Freedom from the limitations of Earth. May the Great Love, Light and Happiness of the Ascended Masters flood the Being and world of every- one who reads this Book! May It forever be a Blazing Golden Sun illumining the way to Peace, Prosperity and Freedom, until everyone becomes a Great Heart of ever-expanding Perfection, and experiences the Full Victory of his Ascension. In the Eternal Service of "The Light of God that never fails," GODFRE RAY KING THE MAGIC PRESENCE BY CHANERA "I AM" the Presence, the Eternal One, "I AM" the God-Source-the Great Central Sun; "I AM" the Love-Breath, the Heartbeat of Light, "I AM" the Power in Wisdom and Might. "I AM" the Seer, the All-Seeing Eye, "I AM" the sunlight, the earth, and the sky; "I AM" the mountain, the ocean, the stream, "I AM" the quiver in morning's bright gleam. "I AM" the Blessing in Angels and Love, "I AM" the Life, flowing in, 'round, above; "I AM" the Glory all had once in Me, "I AM" the Light Rays that set mankind Free! "I AM" the One Heart that hears every Call, "I AM" the Legion of Light answering all; "I AM" the_Scepter of Light's Loving Power, "I AM" the Master, each moment, each hour. "I AM" the Spheres, every song that they sing, "I AM" the Heart of Creation-Its swing; "I AM" all forms, never two quite the same, "I AM" the Essence, the Will, and the Flame! "I AM" Myself, all Beings, and You; "I AM"-"The Magic Presence"-the God-Self come through! CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. A Strange Occurrence..................................1 II. Revelations..................................................17 III. Subterranean Marvels.................................57 IV. Divine Romance.........................................90 V. The Great Command .............................143 VI. The Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood. ..................................................................16 9 VII. The Mysterious Message......................... 219 VIII. The Conquering Power......................... 247 IX. The Ascension of Daniel Rayborn. ........ 270 X. Closing Experiences and Our Journey to Arabia............................... 295 XI. The True Messenger of Divine Service...................................... 344 I THE MAGIC PRESENCE BY GODFRE RAY KING CHAPTER I A Strange Occurrence LEFT you, my reader, at the end of Unveiled Mysteries, with the Great Ascended Master Lanto sending forth His Blessing to America and mankind from the Retreat in the Royal Teton. In this book I shall describe another group of important and wonderful experiences which I was privileged to have during those months of associa- tion with our Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain. I received a Message from Him one morning, enclosing a letter of introduction to a Mr. Daniel Rayborn at the Brown Palace Hotel in Denver. The next day as I entered the hotel to inquire for him, I met an old friend, Mr. Gaylord, whom I had known for years. He was accompanied by an elderly gentle- man whom he presented at once, and who, to my surprise, proved to be Mr. Rayborn. I gave him the I THE MAGIC PRESENCE 2 letter of introduction, and after a few moments chat, we agreed to have dinner together that eve- ning. The next day found us all en route to the Diamond K Ranch in Wyoming, one of the Rayborn mining properties where the Experiences described in this Book began. Little did I realize that day what my association with him would mean, and to what it would lead later. Such Experiences make one realize how Perfect the Great, Wise, All-Pervading Intelli- gence is that directs us unerringly to persons, places, and conditions when and where they are most needed. My impression of Rayborn was very pleasant, for his whole attitude was one of harmony and kindli- ness, and at the same time I felt that he was a man of strong character with a keen sense of honor. He had a finely-shaped head, classic features, iron gray hair, and clear, piercing blue-gray eyes. He stood very erect and was fully six feet two inches in height. He had a son eighteen and a daughter sixteen years old who had just returned from school in the East. We reached our destination, where the children met us at the train. After chatting a moment, we entered the Rayborn car and were driven to the ranch, a distance of about twenty miles. The son, Rex, was a tall, splendid, good-looking young chap with the same classic features as his father whom he A STRANGE OCCUR NCE 3 resembled strongly. He was at least six feet one inch in height with abundant, light brown, wavy hair, and piercing violet-blue eyes. The daughter, Nada, was strikingly beautiful with a strange sort of old- world dignity and grace. She was about five feet seven, slight of build, with hair like her brother's, and deep blue eyes. There was a certain charm about all three Rayborns which everyone felt imme- diately. The wonderful location and beauty of the house and grounds enchanted us, for it lay at the entrance to a narrow valley extending westward into the embrace of the Great Rockies. To the north, a towering peak rose to a height of over eight thou- sand feet. The house, facing south, was built of blue- gray granite, making one think of the turreted castles of medieval times in Europe and the ancient buildings of the Far East. The grounds immediately surrounding it were beautifully laid out and per- fectly maintained. The building itself was large and rectangular in shape with a tower on each corner- the one at the southwest, facing the mountains, forming a large circular room on the third floor. The rest of the structure was only two stories high and had evidently been built for many, many years. Daniel Rayborn, at the time he was twenty, had inherited the entire estate from an uncle who trav- eled extensively, was deeply interested in Higher

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