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m I I LIO M I I ITal TO kq 4 PC •a . gm mif1ii1.iFT. I, 4 0 Kalamullah.Com The Translation of the Meanings of Sahih Al-Bukha^ri Arabic-English Volume 6 Franslated by: Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan Formerly Director, University Hospital Islamic University Al-Madina Al-Munawwara (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) C.. DARUSSALAM Publishers and Distributors Riyadh - Saudi Arabia (cid:9) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission of the publisher or the translator. Published by: tJJ JA.Jl(cid:9) 3l ~LU - DARUSSALAM Publishers and Distributors P.O. Box 22743, Riyadh 11416 Tel. 4033962 Fax: 4021659 - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Printed in July, 1997 Printing supervised by ABDUL MALIK MUJAHID Computerized Typesetting, designing and proof reading carried out at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia under the supervision of Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan assisted by a team of highly qualified persons. © Maktaba Dar us Salam, 1997 King Fahd National Ubrary Cataloging-in-Publication Data Al-Bukhari, Muhammed Lbn Lsmaiel Sahih Al-Bukhari\ translated by Muhammad Muhsin Khan.— Riyadh. 456p., 14x2lcm ISBN: 9960-717-31-3 (set) 9960-717-37-2 (v.6) 1— Al-Hadith Six books(cid:9) I— Khan, Muhammad Muhsin (tr.) - II-Title 235.1 dc(cid:9) 0887/18 Legal Deposit no.0887/18 ISBN: 9960-717-31-3 (set) 9960-717-37-2 (V.6) (cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9) (-~X- I ~ ~- JLi t(cid:9) J- U14JJ r5- jJ 4,(cid:9) JI(cid:9) ULJl LJJ JI ZJl ZLIL J4 (cid:9) a3 (cid:9) Al :)i3Jl j6,. Z(cid:9) L4U(cid:9) . '- ) iI 41 jA J(cid:9) JU LlSj 5J J J(cid:9) JyI JJyL ~J o • LiA rL*i ULU ~Lii çj (cid:9) • J(cid:9) Laj _Jj,v•J fLI (cid:9) J)U Z4LJJ O)U zth 44)Lt U4tiJi t1j .44J jj ZLI '*I3J(cid:9) L)431 (J* lr (cid:9) • JI (cid:9) j AaiLj _ j J(cid:9) LJI iI(cid:9) jJ o )IJc.4 ,(cid:9) • j 4J I J$•_,(cid:9) 41 LLV f#/•._ •I;.-.. ••:.'. .•(cid:9) M CONTENTS OF VOLUME SIX(cid:9) LJI Il 6,WJO CONTENTS OF VOLUME SIX LJ 65— THE BOOK OF (12) CHAPTER. "The fools among COMMENTARY......................21 the people will say, 'What has turned them (Muslims) from their (cid:9) (1) SUR,4TAL-FATIHA ................ 21 Qiblcih....................................... 31 (13) CHAPTER. "Thus We have (1) CHAPTER. What has been said (cid:9) made of you a just nation.............. 32 about Fdtiha-tul-Kittib ...................(cid:9) 21 (14) CHAPTER. "...And We made (2) CHAPTER. "...Not of those who the Qiblah which you used to face, earned Your Anger nor of those (cid:9) only to test those........................ 33 who went astray ..........................22 (15) CHAPTER. "Verily! We have (2) SVRATAL-BAQARAH. ............ 23 seen the turning of your face (cid:9) (1) CHAPTER. "And He taught towards the heaven...................... 33 Adam all the names......................(cid:9) 23 (16) CHAPTER. "And even if you (2) CHAPTER...........................(cid:9) 24 were to bring to the people of the Scripture, all the AyOTt, they would (3) CHAPTER. "...Then do not set up rivals unto Allah......................(cid:9) 25 not follow your Qiblah.................(cid:9) 34 (4) CHAPTER. "And We shaded (17) CHAPTER. "Those to whom with clouds and sent down on you We gave the Scripture recognise him Al-Manna and the quail,..." ........(cid:9) 26 as they recognise their sons............(cid:9) 34 (5) CHAPTER. "And when We (18) CHAPTER. "For every nation said: Enter this town and eat there is a direction to which they bountifully...................................(cid:9) 26 face (in their prayers)..................(cid:9) 35 (6) CHAPTER. "Whoever is an (19) CHAPTER. "And from enemy to Jibril (Gabriel)...............(cid:9) 27 wheresoever you start forth turn (7) CHAPTER. "Whatever a Verse your face in the direction of Al- (cid:9) do We abrogate or cause to be Masjid-al-Hanim ..... .................... 35 forgotten.....................................(cid:9) 28 (20) CHAPTER. "...and (8) CHAPTER. "And they say: wheresoever you are, turn your face (cid:9) 'Allah has begotten a son.' Glory is towards it.................................... 35 toHim.......................................(cid:9) 28 (21) CHAPTER. "Verily! As-Safa (9) CHAPTER. "...And take you the and Al-Marwa are of the Symbols of (cid:9) Maqiim of Ibrãhim as a place of Allah.......................................... 36 prayer..." ..................................(cid:9) 29 (22) CHAFFER. "And of mankind (10) CHAPTER. "And when are some who take others besides (cid:9) Ibrahim and Isma'il were raising Allah as rivals............................. 37 the foundations of the House." ..... 30 (23) CHAPTER. "...Al-Qisds is (cid:9) (11) CHAPTER. "Say: We believe prescribed for you....................... 38 in Allah and that which has been (24) CHAFFER. "...Observing As- (cid:9) (cid:9) sent down to us............................ 31 Saum is prescribed for you.......... 39 CONTENTS OF VOLUME SIX(cid:9) 6 (25) CHAPTER. "...And that you or how you will............................ 51 fast is better for you, if only you (40) CHAFFER. "And when you know." ...................................... 40 have divorced women.., do not (26) CHAPTER. "So whoever of prevent them from marrying their you sights the month, he must (former) husbands........................ 52 observe Saum............................. 42 (41) CHAFFER. "And those of you (27) CHAPTER. "It is made lawful who die and leave wives behind for you to have sexual relation with them, they shall wait for four your wives on the night of As-Saum months and ten days..................... 53 (the fasts).................................. 42 (42) CHAFFER. Guard strictly As- (28) CI-IAPTER. "...And eat and SalawO't, especially the middle drink until the white thread of dawn Saldi..... ................................. ... 55 appears to you distinct from the (43) CHAPTER. "...And stand black thread................................ 43(cid:9) before Allah with obedience.......... 56 (29) CFIAFFER. "...It is not Al-Birr (44) CHAPTER. "If you fear, that you enter the houses from the perform Sakit on foot or riding. back.......................................... 44(cid:9) And when you are in safety.. ." ..... 56 (30) CHAPTER. "And fight them (45) CHAFFER. "And those of you until there is no more Fitnah and who die and leave behind wives...". 57 worship is for Allah (Alone)..... 44 (46) CHAPTER. "And when (31) CHAPTER. "And spend in the Ibrahim said: My Lord! Show me Cause of Allah, and do not throw how You give life to the dead..." 58 yourselves into destruction, and do 46 (47) CHAPTER. "Would any of you good..." ..................................... wish to have a garden with date- (32) CHAPTER. "And whosoever palms and vines ... that you may give of you is ill or has an ailment in his thought." ................................... 58 scalp..." ..................................... 47(cid:9) (48) CHAFFER. "...They do not beg (33) CFIAPTER. "...And whosoever of people at all..." ....................... 59 performs the 'Umra in the months of 47 (49) CHAPTER. "...Whereas Allah Hajj before the Hajj..................... has permitted trading and forbidden (34) CHAPTER. "There is no sin on Ribti (usury) ............................... 60 you if you seek the Bounty of your (50) CHAFFER. "Allah will destoiy Lord..." ..................................... 48 RibO (usury)................................ 60 (35) CHAPTER. "Then depart from the place whence all the people (5 1) CI-IAPTER. "...Then take a depart..." ................................... 48 notice of war from Allah and His Messenger.................................. 61 (36) CHAPTER. "...Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good (52) CHAPTER. "And if the debtor and in the Hereafter that which is is in a hard time then grant him time good..." ..................................... 49(cid:9) till it is easy for him to repay...". 61 (37) CHAPTER. "...Yet he is the (53) CHAPTER. "And be afraid of most quarrelsome of the the Day when you shall be brought opponents................................... 50(cid:9) back to Allah............................... 61 (38) CHAPTER. "Or think you that (54) CHAFFER. "And whether you you will enter Paradise without such disclose what is in your ownselves or (trials) as came to those who passed conceal it.................................... 62 away before you?......................... 50 (55) CHAFFER. "The Messenger (39) CHAPTER. "Your wives are a believes in what has been sent down tilth for you; so go to your tilth when to him from his Lord.................... 62 CONTENTS OF VOLUME SIX(cid:9) LJl (cid:9) 1jij4 1 (cid:9) (cid:9) (3) S(YRATAL-'IMRAN 63 Scripture before you..." ................ 78 (1) CHAPTER. "In it are Verses (16) CHAPTER "Think not that (cid:9) those who rejoice in what they have that are entirely clear." ............... 64 (cid:9) done (or brought about)............... 80 (2) CHAPTER. "...And I seek (17) CHAPTER. "Verily! In the refuge with You for her and her creation of the heavens and the offspring from Shaitdn, the (cid:9) earth, and in the alternation of outcast.".................................... 65 night and day, there are indeed (3) CHAPTER. "Verily, those who (cid:9) signs........................................... 81 purchase a small gain at the cost of (18) CHAPTER. "Those who Allah's Covenant ... and they shall (cid:9) remember Allah, standing, sitting, have a painful torment." .............. 65 and lying down on their sides; and (4) CHAPTER. "Say: '0 people of (cid:9) think deeply..." .......................... 82 the Scripture Come to a word that is (cid:9) (19) CHAPTER. "Our Lord! Verily, just between us and you................ 67 whom You admit to the Fire, (5) CHAPTER. "By no means shall indeed, You have disgraced him..." 83 you attain Al-Birr unless you spend of that which you love.. ." ............(cid:9) 71 (20) CHAPTER. "Our Lord! Ver(cid:9)ily, we have heard the call of one..." 84 (6) CHAPTER. "Say: Bring here the Taurat and recite it, if you are (4)SURATAN-NISA ....................(cid:9) 85 (cid:9) truthful." ................................... 72 (1) CHAPTER. "And if you fear (7) CHAPTER. "You are the best of that you shall not be able to deal peoples ever raised up for (cid:9) justly with the orphan girls............ 85 (cid:9) mankind..." ................................ 73 (2) CHAFFER. "...And when you (8) CHAPTER. "When two parties release their property to them, take from among you were about to lose witness in their presence...............(cid:9) 87 (cid:9) heart.......................................... 74 (3) CHAPTER. "And when the (9) CHAPTER. "Not for you is the relatives and the orphans and the (cid:9) decision..."................................. 74 poor are present at the time of (10) CHAPTER. "...And the division.......................................(cid:9) 87 Messenger was in your rear calling (4) CHAPTER. "Allah commands (cid:9) you back..................................... 75 you as regards your children's (11) CHAFFER. "...He sent down (inheritance)................................(cid:9) 87 (cid:9) security for you............................ 76 (5) CHAFFER. "In that which your (12) CHAPTER. "Those who wives leave, your share is a half...". 88 answered Allah and the (6) CHAPTER. "...You are Messenger... there is a great forbidden to inherit women against (cid:9) reward." .................................... 76 their will, and you should not treat (cid:9) (13) CHAFFER. "Those unto whom them with harshness..." ................ 88 the people said, 'Verily the people (7) CHAFFER. "And to everyone, have gathered against you, We have appointed heirs of that left therefore, fear them.....................(cid:9) 76 by parents and relatives.................(cid:9) 89 (14) CHAFFER. "And let not those (8) CHAPTER. "Surely! Allah who covetously withhold of that wrongs not even of the weight of which Allah has bestowed on them an ttom......................................(cid:9) 90 (cid:9) of His Bounty ............................. 77 (9) CHAFFER. "How then when (15) CHAPTER. "...And you shall We bring from each nation a witness certainly hear much that will grieve and We bring you as a witness (cid:9) you from those who received the against these people?" ................. 92 CONTENTS OF VOLUME SIX(cid:9) LJ1(cid:9) 8 (10) CHAPTER. "...And if you are ill, (25) CHAPTER. "Verily, the or on a journey, or one of you comes hypocrites will be in the lowest after answering the call of nature..." 92 depths of the Fire..." ...................102 (11) CHAPTER. "Obey Allah and (26) CHAPTER. "Verily, We have obey the Messenger and those of sent revelation to you, ... as We sent (cid:9) you who are in authority..." .......... 93 revelation to Nüh and YUnus, HãrUn - (12) CHAPTER. "But no, by your and Sulaiman...............................103 Lord, they can have no Faith, until (27) CHAPTER. "They ask you for they make you judge in all disputes a legal verdict. Say: 'Allah directs (cid:9) between them..."......................... 93 about Al-Kaldia..." .................... 103 (13) CHA.FFER. "...Then they will (5) SVRATAL-MAIDAH .............. 104 be in the company of those on whom Allah has bestowed His Grace........ 94 (1) CHAPTER. "...when you assume (14) CHAPTER. "And what is Ihrd,n for Ijajj or Umra".............. 104 wrong with you that you fight not (2) CHAPTER. "This day, I have in the Cause of Allah....................(cid:9) 95 perfected your religion for you...".. 105 (15) CHAPTER. "Then what is the (3) CHAPTER. "...And you find no matter with you that you are divided water, then perform Tayammum into two parties about the with clean earth.......................... 105 (cid:9) hypocrites9.................................. 95 (4) CHAPTER. "...So go you and CHAPTER................................(cid:9) 96 your Lord and fight you two, we are (16) CHAPTER. "And whoever kills sitting right here.......................... 107 a believer intentionally, his (5) CHAPTER. "The recompense (cid:9) recompense is Hell....................... 96 of those who wage war against Allah (17) CHAPTER. "And say not to and His Messenger, and do mischief (cid:9) anyone who greets you, 'You are not in the land.................................. 108 (cid:9) a believer.................................... 97 (6) CHAPTER. "...And wounds, (18) CHAPTER. "Not equal are equal for equal..." ....................... 109 those of the believers who sit (at (7) CHAPTER. "0 Messenger! (cid:9) home)..." ................................... 97 Proclaim which has been sent down (19) CHAPTER. "Verily! As for to you from your Lord..." ............. 110 those whom the angels take while (8) CHAPTER. "Allah will not (cid:9) they are wronging themselves...". 99 punish you for what is (20) CHAPTER: "Except the weak unintentional in your oaths..." ....... 110 ones among men, women..." ......... 100 (9) CHAPTER. "0 you who believe! (21) CHAPTER. "These are they Make not unlawful the Tayyibat whom Allah is likely to forgive which Allah has made lawful to (cid:9) (cid:9) them..." ..................................... 100 you........................................... 111 (22) CHAPTER. "But there is no (10) CHAPTER. "Intoxicants, sin on you if you put away your arms gambling, Al-Ansdb and Al-Azicim because of the inconvenience of are an abomination of Satan's (cid:9) (cid:9) rain............................................ 101 handiwork.................................. 111 (23) CHAPTER. "They ask your (11) CHAPTER. "Those who legal instruction concerning believe and do righteous good women, say: Allah instructs you deeds, there is no sin on them for (cid:9) about them, and.., orphan girls...".. 101 what they ate.............................. 113 (24) CHAFFER: "If a woman fears (12) CHAPTER. "...Ask not about cruelty or desertion on her things which, if made plain to you, husband's part..." ........................ 102 may cause you trouble................... 114 (cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9) CONTENTS OF VOLUME SIX (cid:9) (13) CHAPTER. 'Allah has not Verily, I am sent to you all as the (cid:9) instituted things like Bahfrah or a Messenger of Allah..." .................129 Sd'ibah, or a Waszlah or a FkIm .. 115 (4) CHAPTER. "And say (cid:9) (14) CHAPTER. "And I was a Hittatun..................................... 130 (cid:9) witness over them while I dwelt (5) CHAPTER. "Show forgiveness, amongst them.............................. 116(cid:9) enjoin what is good, and turn away (cid:9) (15) CHAPTER. "If You punish from the foolish ........................... 130 them, they are Your slaves........... 117(cid:9) (8) SCRATAL-ANFAL ................. 132 (6) SURATAL-AN'AM ................. 118 (1) CHAPTER. "They ask you (1) CHAPTER. "And With Him are about Al-Anfil. Say: 'The spoils the keys of the Ghaib, none knows are for Allah and the Messenger them but He..............................(cid:9) 119 ; .............................................(cid:9) 132 (2) CHAPTER. "Say: He has power CHAFFER. "Verily! The worst of to send torment on you from living creatures with Allah are the (cid:9) above......................................... 120 deaf and the dumb, those who (cid:9) (3) CHAPTER. "It is those who understand not............................ 133 believe and confuse not their belief (2) CHAFFER. "0 you who believe! (cid:9) with Zuim.................................. 121 Answer Allah and Messenger when (4) CHAPTER. "...And YUnus and he calls you to that which will give (cid:9) LUt, and each one- of them We youlife...".................................. 133 preferred above Al- Alamin" ......... 121 (3) CHAFFER. "And when they (5) CHAPTER. "They are those said, '0 Allah! If this is indeed the whom Allah had guided. So, follow truth from You, then rain down (cid:9) (cid:9) their guidance.............................. 122 stones on us................................ 134 (6) CHAPTER. "And unto those (4) CHAFFER. "And Allah would who are Jews, We forbade every not punish them while you are (cid:9) (animal) with undivided hoof...". 122 amongst them, nor will He punish (7) CHAPTER. "...Come not near them while they seek forgiveness.". 135 to A1-FaMahish, whether committed (5) CHAFFER. "And fight them openly or secretly.. ." ................... 123 until there is no more Fitnah and the (8) CHAPTER........................... 123 religion will be all for Allah.......... 135 (9) CHAPTER. "Say: 'Bring (6) CHAPTER. "0 Prophet! Urge forward your witnesses.................. 124 the believers to fight..................... 137 (10) CHAPTER. "The day that (7) CHAPTER. "Now that Allah has some of the signs of your Lord do lightened your (task), for He knows come, no good will it do to a person that there is weakness in you..."..... 137 to believe.................................... 124 (9) SURATAT-TAUBA or BARA'A. 138 (7) SURATAL-ARAF .................. 125 (1) CHAPTER. "Freedom from (1) CHAFFER. "Say: '(But) the obligations from Allah and His things that my Lord has indeed Messenger to those of the forbidden are Al-Faw6hish whether Mushrikiin with whom you made a (cid:9) committed openly or secretly.".... 127 treaty......................................... 139 (2) CHAFFER. "And when MUsa (2) CHAFFER. "So travel freely for came at the time and place four months throughout the land, appointed by Us, and his Lord but know that you cannot escape..." 140 spoke to him...............................127 (3) CHAPTER. "And a declaration (3) CHAFFER. "Say: '0 mankind. from Allah and His Messenger....... 141

Sahih Al-Bukhari\ translated by Muhammad Muhsin Khan.—. Riyadh. 456p., 14x2lcm. ISBN: 9960-717-31-3 (set). 9960-717-37-2 (v.6). 1— Al-Hadith -.
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