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VOLUME :19, ISSUE 1 ONLINE EDITION AND MIGRANT EXODUS cHLer EDITOR Dr Joss acab EDITORIAL BOARD HG. Gerenighese Ir Comins 4G. Or, Coovarghess Mar Yutos Fr. Dr. ogy . George Fr B.0.Thomas STUDENTS EDITOR ASSISTANTS Dr. Within Mathew Br Rie Geevaghese Br. Wilson Abrakarn Br. Emmanuel Thomas St Vandana Sink Br Stffin Joseph p40 BUSI Joshy P facob LAYOUT pace serTine Astus Grapes, Modoc, ella, Phone 88505781 Sahayatra NOLUME 39,1880 ONLINE EDITION Editorial ‘ar! for Healing and Soldat Covidosphere inthe masqfsolne amcineac0mns500 6 Meaninglessness of name’ and Ineflectiveness of ‘definition 8 Black it beaull” A shes! Wille Up ? vole ors tac on ur crscedantad shu lone £0019 19 Render us gel ative acto sks ere chtected i 2 9 spreaore vlog nay ing avd ney cou Ss weed intro contompotar soe cay” Avaren ctl se rl angi ine Saisn nO bbeng ‘ures nva/adepersani blanch, hs rencisa Sevan Rom ie igh pope ci Tumonky, ies Gesorages become psrson: by baire vo Crrs. rorsorhoce b net ‘Goch commun vr baings ard wth woe Taucircudig tetng ord rontg ome Awe ge coated Raporstte's patie is han time fe Senave Sionaien by aubtsng orices ond sho ctor! to io 9 0 eeo0gca feeneing a tesain ares 8 woh ne wh Hom laveressing ubsshions condions fee the etrienl pandemic win Frases ay God sinew oun out poser iss of Fr-Dr Joss Jacob Sahayat@p hice "ART FORIHEALING AND SOLIDARITY INTHE COVIDOSPHERE A. 1D G GI ovis Ore ot the svting paradoxes we bene diring the ong. “Cnvitemie Ieecelown ie that when mast muman heat and carta ‘lsappecrec torn or roadts, rds broke fort Ino singing 10 eke Up husron eines in mustial egacitice tke New York. Wher ust ord became so clear “ro exciting exmorience of viewing mountain ins ke ore Hrmaiayes on fre places. Tris it an aye aosrer. I proves once ‘spain that orale ery cf poets ors ecco ‘ulurotogists, shlosoprers and a! lovers of inet Ite o cari fest roving to 1 foal anniiation secause ot the Bal press ec S808 rac eee e frlsts aoross ine globe tured anes to ature the Inexrauat bie source foal te, “er insight ona nspkoten he Cows ors, Th hos been eremouscr20'vy the lel of art pattouery setting, scubrue and music ‘ning he ackriawn when art worked ant existed onine iraviduelly andl in arouse Mary o! fem ‘responded 12 the rew tougn “er eracve ein Fh varying degrees crophet c, thoracautic, cri consolatory ond anocayyptic elements a: ew earls ard 9 social ordar exarnpttying jusice, peace ord tra intercamnectesines fel fe Ail communico'es far mare deeply ond etiecaly than verbal ana discus thesloay, fa inthe Fstory the 300y of Chet ord created eenrutie- fd hetity sctwoor Shrsr ars, Tre theolagica fon! llogerracnia or ihwas raticaty BU uy one of ne nmsl eapee ed Chis theologians of aniquly, Gregory of Nazanaus) ignored the metagherical pereaolc and othe figualive emersions ‘of human language. ine lnguisic erin locked ol aesthetic ses, simply cert "oke Into accu tat eas chays:pocen oarbes, ‘ona whout praise ne ld’ teaen onyhing Acknely racqiested by the Feitay, et me present to you three of Ine seven mocast poring: acre during theloceown. hay ry to convey sore ascect ofthe suman cordon ‘UE 18 SUE ofa slook'n ecosmicsering Ethers rps cut ae Fame che clock 9 me cca ime ol igh nel cay repsares ar ale. 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