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Preview Safran Magazine n°15 - Techspace Aero

JANUARY 2014 – # 15 THE MAGAZINE FOR SAFRAN'S CUSTOMERS AND PARTNERS SPECIAL REPORT HELICOPTERS: NEW PROJECTS FROM SAFRAN P. 8 TOMORROW: MICRO-SENSORS GROW UP / P. 28 MARKETS: BETTER ID THROUGH FACIAL RECOGNITION Contents MARCHÉS News breaks P. 04 Tomorrow P. 08 Micro-sensors grow up Special report P. 10 Helicopters: new projects from Safran Panorama P. 18 2013 Paris Air Show Highlights Markets P. 22 22 Safran and the A350: a successful team effort 24 Cassiopée, the expanding constellation 26 A400M: innovation in 4/4 time 28 Better ID through facial recognition Insight P. 32 31 The White Bird, a transatlantic pioneer 32 Safran and suppliers, a balanced partnership 34 Diversity – a source of strength for Safran Interview P. 36 Brazil: winning strategic alliances Interview with Othon Zanoide de Moraes Filho, Chairman and CEO, Queiroz Galvão Defesa. 22 Markets SAFRAN AND You can also check out the latest Safran news on: • www.safran-group.com THE A350: A • www.facebook.com/GroupeSafran • twitter.com/Safran SUCCESSFUL The Safran magazine - 2, bd du Général-Martial-Valin, 75724 Paris - France - Cedex 15 - Email: [email protected] - Publication Director: Pascale Dubois - Editorial Director: TEAM EFFORT Marie-Laure Dufour - Executive Editors in Chief: Alexia Attali, Céline Groult - Editor in Chief: Martin Bellet - Written by: D. Baudier, M. Bellet, E. Dumoulin, C. Fressoz, F. Lert, P. Michaud, G. Sequeira-Martins - Translation: Don Siegel, ID Communications - Production: With the first flight of the A350 XWB, one of - Printed by: Imprimerie Vincent, certified IMPRIM’VERT on PEFC accredited paper - ISSN 1960-7164 - The articles the most audacious jetliners of its generation, and illustrations published in this magazine may not be reproduced without prior authorization. Cover: © Anthony Safran consolidates its position as a strategic Pecchi / Eurocopter Airbus partner. 02 _ January 2014 _ Safran Magazine Editorial MARCHÉS Exemplary behavior, an imperative! Safran SDteéppuhtya nCeh iAebf Erixaelcutive mberti / Ma Officer, Corporate Office © Thierry orporate social responsibility (CSR) has long been an integral part C of Safran’s strategy. In effect, we have to show exemplary behavior to pave the way for smooth growth at Safran. Exemplary behavior means developing innovative products and processes to address increasingly stringent environmental requirements. Whether for the new LEAP engine, or the electric green taxiing system (egts), Safran is actively working on ways of reducing CO 2 and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, as well as the noise generated by its systems. Exemplary behavior also means continuously strengthening protection measures for our people. While the science of “accidentology” has made considerable strides in recent years, risks are always present, whether at workstations, in the professional environment or during travel. We have to stay alert: ensuring each person’s safety is everybody’s business! “Corporate social responsibility is an Another major facet of our integral part of Safran’s strategy.” strategy is developing the full potential of the 65,000 men and women who work for Safran. This is clearly reflected in the commitments we have made concerning hiring, training, career management, mobility, the workplace and our social model. Last, but hardly least, exemplary behavior means ensuring a sustained culture of integrity within Safran. A number of initiatives deployed by Safran demonstrate the importance of fighting corruption, including our ethics charter, a dedicated entity, and strengthened vigilance in our international endeavors. Safran’s commitment to CSR was formalized in 2012 to address the expectations of our employees, customers, investors, suppliers and shareholders, as well as Airbus analysts and the communities where we operate. Today, over and above financial madier / pcoenrftorribmuatnesc em aonred tphraond uevcet rq tuoa iltist yv, aalu ceo. mNpoawn iyt’’ss ustpa ntoc eu so tno sroedcioaul brlees opuorn esifbfoilrittsy. Ra S. © Safran Magazine _ January 2014 _ 03 News breaks MARCHÉS TECHNOLOGY AGAINST CRIME: ANTICIPATE AND INNOVATE Safran was a partner in the first international homeland security and technology forum, Technology Against Crime (TAC), held in France in July 2013. Organized by the Aviation Fanredn Icnhte Mrpinoils, ttrhye o ifn ttehren Ianttieornioarl Dassault cwriitmh i1n9al0 p moleicmeb oerrg caonuiznattriioens,, © the event brought together WBUSINESS AVIATION key security players (public Safran to power Falcon 5X authorities, industry, researchers, etc.) from about 60 countries. They discussed A t the annual NBAA (National Business Aviation Association) the challenges of the fight Convention in Las Vegas in October 2013, Dassault Aviation against criminality and the officially announced its selection of the Silvercrest engine to technologies that could help power its upcoming Falcon 5X business jet. This was the second them. Safran Chairman and selection of the new engine being developed by Snecma (Safran), already CEO Jean-Paul Herteman gave chosen by Cessna in 2012 for its Citation Longitude. Several other a speech on “The Industrial Safran companies are also contributing to the Falcon 5X: Aircelle approach to preventing and (nacelles and thrust reversers), Sagem (engine control units and flap fighting crime”. According to actuation system), Techspace Aero (low-pressure compressor, forward Prefect André Viau, secretary chamber and lubrication system for the engine, adaptation of test general of the TAC science stands and test equipment), Turbomeca (design of the centrifugal stage board, this biannual event on the Silvercrest compressor), Labinal Power Systems (wiring could well become the harnesses) and Microturbo (partner to Pratt & Whitney AeroPower for “security and technology the auxiliary power unit and its installation kit). Davos”. WAUTOMATION An ambitious research partnership O n September 4, 2013, Safran and auto parts maker Valeo signed a partnership agreement to conduct research in assisted and autonomous driving. The aim is to pool their expertise in order to accelerate the development of innovative products and create new markets. The agreement identifies four main areas of collaboration: driver attention monitoring; 360° visibility for wrap-around views of vehicle surroundings; visibility in extreme weather for driver assistance; and vehicle robotization/ dronization, to enhance the autonomy of land vehicles. The joint research agreement will euvneivnetrusaitlliye sin, calsu wdee lol uatss iindneo rveasteivaerc shm caelln bteurssin aensds es. hinkstock T 3 1 0 2 © 04 _ January 2014 _ Safran Magazine WPRODUCTION Messier-Bugatti-Dowty plant in Malaysia D uring an official trip to Malaysia in July 2013, French Prime Minister Jean- Marc Ayrault visited the site of Messier-Bugatti-Dowty’s future plant in Sendayan. This Safran company is the world leader in landing and braking systems. The new 10,000 square meter plant, now under construction, will produce and refurbish carbon brakes for commercial airplanes, especially for the two leading single-aisle jet families, the Boeing 737 Next-Generation and the Airbus A320/A320neo. Messier-Bugatti- Dowty already works with 18 operators in the rfoegr i2o3n0, p ariorvcirdaifntg i nw sheerevlisc aen ind Mcaarlbayosni ab,r pakluess Safran another 420 now on order. The Sendayan BD / M pplraenste wncilel f iunr tthhee rc osturnetnrgy,t hwehne Srea tfwraon o’st her Ribas / Galrroeuapd yc ohmavpea onpieesr,a Mtioonrpsh. o and Turbomeca, © Franck Decision-makers Jorge Ortega , General Manager of Labinal Power Systems North America Wiring and Services Division “Labinal Power Systems is one of the most multi-cultural companies of Safran. The one common objective shared by all of our teams is customer satisfaction. This commitment is reflected in the multiple awards we have received over the years. We diligently work to improve our customer service by developing innovative electrical products, offering end-to-end solutions and providing more effective support. Labinal Power Systems is also preparing our future leaders to continue on this path. I am proud to lead such a dynamic organization.” Mr. Ortega was appointed Vice President and General Manager of Labinal Power Systems’ North America Wiring and Services Division in December 2006. He began his career at Westinghouse, holding various operational functions before joining Labinal in 1993. He held different program management and operational positions, and in 2000 was promoted to President of Labinal de Mexico with the main objectives of developing and growing the company’s business in Mexico. R. D. © Safran Magazine _ January 2014 _ 05 News breaks MARCHÉS SAFRAN WDEFENSE CONSOLIDATES A400M now in service EXPERTISE IN “MORE ELECTRIC” AIRCRAFT On January 1, 2014, Safran consolidated its expertise in electrical systems and equipment within Labinal Power Systems. This new company, combining Labinal, SSaaffrraann EPonwgienre, eAreinrogs Soeurrvciec easn,d Military Technofan, offers an unrivaled bus combination of expertise in © Air electrical systems (generation, distribution, conversion, wiring T he delivery of the first production Airbus A400M military transport and ventilation) and the to the French air force on September 30, 2013 was celebrated not associated Research & only at the Orleans-Bricy air base in France, but also in Seville, Spain, Technology capabilities. home of the assembly plant. Safran is a major contributor to this new- Labinal Power Systems will be generation airlifter, including the TP400 turboprop engine via the the new world leader in aircraft European consortium EPI1, landing gear, wiring etc. (see article on page electrical systems, enabling 26 for further details). A total of 174 aircraft have been ordered to date Safran to bolster its position in by eight countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the “more electric” aircraft Malaysia, United Kingdom and Turkey. market. 1. Europrop International : Snecma (Safran), Rolls-Royce, MTU Aero Engines, ITP. WCOMMITMENT Women in industry WE-IDENTITY Albania opts for e-services I n 2008 the Albanian government granted m men’s Foru in pManaordrt pdnhiesorts rthihbiepu tcwioointnhc o etfhs besi ioloomnc eafotl rroi ctrhg IeaD n pdirzooacdtuiuomcnte,i notns , Wo © Albanian-American Enterprise Fund, via a joint company called Aleat. The concession S afran participated in the creation of a network dubbed was renewed in 2013 for a period of ten “Women in Engineering”, launched during the 2013 years, in an agreement that also provides for Paris Air Show at the initiative of women executives in use of a secure e-services platform dubbed the French company Altran. The first network bringing Morpho Trusted Identity Services. This together senior women managers from the international platform allows Albanian citizens to carry out engineering community, it seeks to enhance the various governmental operations (tax attractiveness of this sector, a key to innovation and returns, requests for birth certificates, etc.), competitiveness, but one in which women are still largely a as well as private operations (banking, legal, minority. Safran also participated in the Women’s Forum for insurance and other transactions). Other the Economy and Society in Deauville, France, in October services could eventually be added, including 2013. Several women managers from Safran took part in secure money transfers, an electronic roundtable discussions on women in engineering signature for a notarized act, telephone professions. subscriptions, etc. 06 _ January 2014 _ Safran Magazine WPROPULSION SMOOTH SAILING LEAP under test! A fter setting a new record in June 2013 for the G round tests of the new fastest solo crossing of the LEAP turbofan engine North Atlantic in a monohull kicked off in September boat (in 8 days, 5 hours and 2013, right on schedule for 20 minutes), the Safran this successor to the CFM56, Open 60 ocean racer, which had already recorded skippered by Marc some 5,800 orders and Guillemot and Pascal commitments at October 31, Bidégorry, finished second 2013. The engine is now in the Transat Jacques undergoing a vast ground and Vabre transatlantic sailing flight testing program, leading race in November. Marc to certification in 2015 and Guillemot will also be service entry on the Airbus cRNohomuvempme, tsbicnehgr e 2idn0u t1lhe4ed. R fooru te du Avhfoea3rrv 2stehi0 obenne e7seo 3no i7 fnc t hM2hoe0As 1LeXE6n a .Ab nOyPdt Behbnoeyger iinnge M International F Comac of China for the C919. © C Decision-makers Karen Bomba, President and CEO of Morpho Detection, Inc., Safran “Without exception, Safran’s customers expect leading-edge technologies, applied to solve current and emerging needs; innovation is key. At Morpho Detection, we are at the heart of an industry that endeavors to keep our aviation, critical infrastructure and populations safe. We develop technologies and products that not only detect anomalies to be further investigated, but in fact specifically identify threats.” Karen Bomba has been named President and CEO of Morpho Detection, Inc. She began her career at Northrop Corporation’s Advanced Systems Division facilities, working on the structures and systems for the B-2 bomber program. She then held various management and executive positions with aerospace companies especially Hitco Carbon Composites. In Safran 2(S0a0fr0a,n M) ass. BEoxmecbuat jiovien Vedic Me Pesressieidr-eBnutg aantdti GUeSnAe ral binal / Manager, and was named Chairman and CEO in Soissons / La 2OM0ps0e. Br4ao.t mAinfbgtae O rr fehfteiucrre anrpe opdfo tZiono tSlmtaeefkrn aCtn oi nma s2p 0Ca0nhia8ei sram,s I anCnch .a iiennf d 2 008, Pierre Chief Executive Officer of Labinal in 2010. © Safran Magazine _ January 2014 _ 07 Tomorrow MARCHÉS TECHNOLOGY TELECOMMUNICATIONS MICRO-SENSORS Movement detection for smartphones GROW UP In early 2013 Sagem (Safran) acquired the Swiss Safran company Colibrys, specialized in micro-sensors Stephane Charpentier / btSaecatcqrshaeutdnies ogiotlynioo g anMyn..d EH MDeerSvv é(em lBoipocmuroae-zneilzte, acStte rSona-imogere mVch,i caeexn piPclraaeilsn isdsy esttnhetim sf osla)r test HBmlEeoAaosdLuT prHreeCmsAesRnuEtre © What exactly are MEMS and how are they used? MEMS are simply very tiny electromechanical systems, engraved in a material such as silicon at a scale as small as a micron. Devices measure up to several millimeters and are mainly used as sensors or actuators. First developed back in the 1970s, MEMS are now used in many different sectors, including automobiles (fuel level indi- cators, airbag triggers, etc.), medicine (blood pressure measurement), telecommunications (cell phones) and aerospace (pressure sensors, accelerometers, etc.). brys And where does Colibrys stand © Coli in this market? Colibrys is a Swiss company that designs and builds high-performance micro-sensors to mea- both airplane and helicopter manufacturers sure acceleration and vibration, based on sili- (Airbus, Bombardier, Dassault Aviation, Euro- con MEMS technology. Calling on the same copter, HAL, etc.). Colibrys works for many fabrication processes as in the semiconductor other sectors, including energy, robotics, auto- industry, this technology allows the volume motive, rail, instrumentation and construction. production of MEMS that combine small size, high performance and low cost. How does the acquisition Colibrys was a long-standing supplier to of Colibrys benefit Sagem? Sagem, which uses its components in various One of the main advantages of this company is inertial navigation systems that it supplies to that it offers a world-renowned product range 08 _ January 2014 _ Safran Magazine How does a MEMS AUTOMOBILES accelerometer work? Fuel level monitoring, One of the key areas of expertise at airbag triggering Colibrys is its ability to develop MEMS accelerometers capable of measuring infinitesimal movements precisely, reliably and repeatedly, at reasonable cost. Each MEMS comprises three superimposed plates, with the middle DEFENSE one acting as a pendulum suspended Missile guidance, between the two others by a micro-spring. attitude and heading reference systems, While the accelerometer itself measures navigation systems several millimeters on each side, the distance AVIATION between the suspended plate and the Pressure sensors, lower plate is only about two microns! accelerometers As soon as the MEMS experiences an acceleration, the middle plate moves and causes a change in current, measured by a microcontroller. brys Coli © navigation applications: missile guidance, atti- The new Colibrys plant tude and heading reference units, navigation in Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, which systems, etc. – and that explains the advan- makes MEMS. tages of acquiring a company that masters this technology. What are Colibrys’ development objectives? First of all, Colibrys must retain its position as an independent MEMS supplier. At the same time, we’ll help them move up the value chain, by which I mean enabling them to produce and expertise. Sagem has long built MEMS- silicon MEMS with even higher performance, based accelerometers for its own needs, but that could be used on platforms requiring with quartz technology, which offers higher high-precision guidance. We will obviously performance than silicon technology for now, be leveraging synergies with Sagem to help but is also much more expensive. We believe Colibrys enhance the design of its sensors that silicon-based MEMS, for both accelerom- and associated electronics. Furthermore, eters and gyros, will continue to enhance their we’re looking at the possibility of making performance and become widely used in both MEMS-based gyros and, in the longer run, aerospace and defense. They will eventually integrating them in miniature inertial refer- become a differentiating technology in inertial ence systems. ■ Safran Magazine _ January 2014 _ 09 HELICOPTERS: NEW PROJECTS FROM SAFRAN Despite the – temporary – turbulence affecting the rotorcraft sector, Turbomeca has never developed as many new engines and technologies as today. 10 _ January 2014 _ Safran Magazine Safran Magazine _ January 2014 _ 11

Jan 1, 2014 28 Better ID through facial recognition. Insight. P. 32. 31 The White Bird, a transatlantic pioneer. 32 Safran and suppliers, a balanced.
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