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Preview Safety & Health: SH 1997: Vol 155-156 Index

ARTICLE INDEX Education and Training Trauma on the Shop Floor,” by Eliza- “On the Border Business Booms, “Will Virtual Reality Become the beth Agnvall,” Vol. 156, No. 3, But at What Cost?” by Mark Hallett, Standard in Safety Training?” by September 1997, pp. 84-88. Vol. 156, No. 5, November 1997, pp. 54-59. Darcy Lewis, Vol. 155, No. 1, Janu- “Southpaws Seek Safety in a Right- ary 1997, pp. 38-43. Handed World,” by Dan Emerson, Internet Environment Vol. 156, No. 6, December 1997, “W eb Sites Address Workplace Vio- pp. 62-66. “Lack of Support Slows Superfund lence,” by Dale O. Ritzel, Vol. 155, Reform,” by Lani Sinclair, Vol. 155, Health and Wellness No. 1, January 1997, pp. 101-103. No. 1, January 1997, pp. 44-48. “Sick asa Dog? Work Can Wait,” by “Check Out the NTIS Web Site,” by Darcy Lewis, Vol. 155, No. 3, March “We're on the Road to Cleaner Air,” Dale O. Ritzel, Vol. 155, No. 2, by Lani Sinclair, Vol. 155, No. 2, 1997, pp. 72-73. February 1997, pp. 94-96. February 1997, 50-53. “How to JugglJeo b Stress,” by Sandy “Get the Scoop on Your Professional “Recycling: Beyond Bottles and Graham, Vol. 155, No. 4, April Organizations, by Dale O. Ritzel, 1997, pp. 32-39. Vol. 155, No. 3, March 1997, pp. Cans,” by Sandy Graham, Vol. 155, No. 6, June 1997, pp. 56-62. “Include Supermom in Your Safety 262-264. Plan,” by Catherine B. Kedjidjian, “NIOSH on the Net: A Valuable “Will Safe Pesticide Use Take Root Vol. 156, No. 2, August 1997, pp. Resource,” by Dale O. Ritzel, _ on the Farm?” by Mark Hallett, Vol. 32-37. Vol. 155, No. 4, April 1997, pp. 156, No. 1, July 1997, pp. 80-85. International 111-112. “Blueprints for Green Design,” by “Tap Into the Power of Older Work- “News You Can Use from the Sandy Graham, Vol. 156, No. 5, ers,” by Mark Hallett, Vol. 155, No. Internet,” by Dale O. Ritzel, November 1997, pp. 36-43. 2, February 1997, pp. 28-34. Vol. 155, No. 5, May 1997, pp. Ergonomics 171-172. “ISO 14000: Is Certification Right “Is Sitting Hazardous to Your for Your Company?” by Darcy Lewis, “Discover Ergonomics on the Health?” by Sandra Swanson, Vol. Vol. 155, No. 3, March 1997, pp. Internet,” by Dale O. Ritzel, 155, No. 4, April 1997, pp. 40-44. 74-78. Vol. 155, No. 6, June 1997, pp. “Ways to Reduce Computer Eye 118-119. “Say Goodbye to the Shiftwork Strain,” by Todd Savage, Vol. 155, Blues,” Vol. 155, No. 4, April 1997, “Agricultural Safety Sites Grow on No. 3, March 1997, pp. 60-64. pp. 60-64. the Web,” by Dale O. Ritzel, Vol. _ “Put Ergonomics to the Test,” by 156, No. 1, July 1997, pp. 133-135. “Repetitive Strains Still Plague Eu- William Brough, Vol. 155, No. 3, ropean Meat Industry,” by Marc “Take Another Look at Ergonom- March 1997, pp. 84-86. Davis, Vol. 155, No. 6, June 1997, ics,” by Dale O. Ritzel, Vol. 156, “Dollars and Sense: Make Your Er- pp. 78-81. No. 2, August 1997, pp. 109-111. | gonomics Budget Goa Long Way,” “Skin Cancer Toll Climbs “Down “Read Up Before You Link Up,” by by Darcy Lewis, Vol. 155, No. 5, Under,” by Peter Spielmann, Vol. Dale O. Ritzel, Vol. 156, No. 3, May 1997, pp. 46-53. 156, No. 1, July 1997, pp. 86-89. September 1997, pp. 202-204. “Beware of the Evil Twins: Sprains “Southeast Asia Battles Burning “Commercial Sites Provide Valu- and Strains,” by Janet Willen, Vol. Workplace Issue,” by Mark Hallett, able Services,” by Dale O. Ritzel, 155, No. 6, June 1997, pp. 70-73. Vol. 156, No. 3, September 1997, Vol. 156, No. 4, October 1997, pp. “How to Cook Up an Ergonomics pp. 68-72. 195-197. Resource Center,” by Sandra “Eastern Europe Struggles W ith Safety “OSHWEB Provides a World of _ Swanson, Vol. 156, No. 2, August and Health Issues in a Fragile Information,” by Dale O. Ritzel, | 1997, pp. 38-41. Economy,” by Mark Shuman, Vol. Vol. 156, No. 5, November 1997, “How to Prevent Cumulative 156, No. 4, October 1997, pp. 90-94. pp. 106-108. = Safety +Health December 1997 101 “Will You Be Ready When Disaster “Different Signs for Different 156, No. 2, August 1997, pp. Strikes?” by Dale O. Ritzel, Vol. Times,” by Robert Derocher, Vol. 46-47. 156, No. 6, December 1997, pp. 155, No. 3, March 1997, pp. 48-51. “Expect the Unexpected: How to 104-106. “Anchor Your Safety Program With Protect Your Workers in a National Occupational Health/ Voluntary Standards,” by Sarah Disaster,” by Sarah Wortham, Vol. Industrial Hygiene Wortham, Vol. 155, No.°3, March 156, No. 3, September 1997, pp. 1997, pp. 52-58. 48-54. “Protect Worker Health Through ‘People Power,” by Sandy Graham, “No Magic Formula for Lab PPE,” “Save Your Skin: Use Gloves Cor- Vol. 155, No. 2, February 1997, pp. by Sandy Graham, Vol. 155, No. 3, rectly,” by Thomas H. Kabaker, Vol. 36-41. March 1997, pp. 66-70. 156, No. 3, September 1997, pp. 56-60. “When Should You Monitor Your “Confined Spaces: The Only Con- Workers’ Health?” by Sarah stant Is Change,” by Robert “Do You Take Your Fire Extin- Wortham, Vol. 155, No. 5, May Derocher, Vol. 155, No. 4, April guishers for Granted?” by Lani 1997, pp. 54-59. 1997, pp. 46-50. Sinclair, Vol. 156, No. 3, September 1997, pp. 62-66. “EMFs: Are We Paranoid orJ ust Play- “Build a Safe Work Site for Every ing It Safe?” by Darcy Lewis, Vol. Size, Shape and Sex,” by Lisa “Does Your HazMat Team Have the 155, No. 5, May 1997, pp. 60-63. Robbins, Vol. 155, No. 4, April Right Stuff?” by Sandy Graham, 1997, pp. 52-55. ‘ Vol. 156, No. 4, October 1997, pp. “Respirator Standard Spurs Safer 62-68. Products, Lower Prices,” by Janet “How to Pitch Rooftop Safety!” by Willen, Vol. 155, No. 5, May 1997, Sarah Wortham, Vol. 155, No. 4, “A Little Rest Goes a Long Way,” by pp. 66-71. April 1997, pp. 56-59. Darcy Lewis, Vol. 156, No. 4, Octo- ber 1997, pp. 70-77. “Check Toxins at the Door,” by Ri- “Brace Yourself for a Tornado,” by chard M. Petreycik, Vol. 156, No. Arthur F. Brubaker, Vol. 155, No. “How to Handle Mercury Safely,” 5, November 1997, pp. 50-53. 4, April 1997, pp. 70-72. by Lewis Johnson, Vol. 156, No. 4, October 1997, pp. 98-100. “Cool Off Without High Costs,” by “Companies Prepare for Heart At- tacks With Improved Technology,” J. Carey Smith, Vol. 155, No. 5, “Don’t Stand for Chemical Expo- May 1997, pp. 78-80. sure,” by Sarah Wortham, Vol. 156, by Sandy Graham, Vol. 156, No. 6, No. 5, November 1997, pp. 44-48. December 1997, 68-71. “Violence on the Home Front,” by Sue Kapp, Vol. 155, No. 6, June Off-the-Job Occupational Safety 1997, pp. 64-68. “20 Items No Home Should Be _ “Take the Chill Out of Winter Without,” by Carla Merolla, Vol. Work,” by Janet Willen, Vol. 155, “Contact Lenses in the Workplace: 155, No. 1, January 1997, pp. No. 1, January 1997, pp. 26-30. More Than Meets the Eye,” by Rich- 54-56. ard M. Petreycik, Vol. 155, No. 6, “Set Your Sights on MSDS Provid- June 1997, pp. 74-77. “Why Do People Smoke?” by Brenda ers,” by Hongjie Wang and Yan Shoss, Vol. 155, No. 2, February Hong, Vol. 155, No. 1, January “Hot Tips for Burn Treatment,” by 1997, pp. 54-56. 1997, pp. 58-60. Ray Clouatre, Vol. 155, No. 6, June 1997, pp. 90-92. “Get the Facts on Carbon Monox- “Mines Are Safer Than Ever,” by ide,” by Mick Hans, Vol. 155, No. Janet Willen, Vol. 155, No. 2, Feb- “The Quest for Women’s PPE,” by 3, March 1997, pp. 82-83. ruary 1997, pp. 46-49. Sandy Graham, Vol. 156, No. 1, July 1997, pp. 60-65. Regulatory Affairs “Arm Your Workers With the Proper Protective Clothing,” by Ri- “Hold Onto Your Hard Hat: Side- “Brace Yourself for the Return of chard M. Petreycik, Vol. 155, No. Impact Helmets Enter the Safety Ergonomics,” by Patrick R. Tyson, 2, February 1997, pp. 60-62. Scene,” by Robert Derocher, Vol. 155, No. 1, January 1997, pp. Vol. 156, No. 2, August 1997, 23-25. “UCLA Study Shows Back Supports pp. 42-45. Can Reduce Injuries,” by Richard “Many PEL Issues Still Unresolved,” M. Petreycik, Vol. 155, No. 2, Feb- “Ford Opens Its Doors to a Safe by Mick Hans, Vol. 155, No. 1, ruary 1997, p. 64. Solution,” by Kenneth E. Salter, Vol. January 1997, pp. 32-37. 102 December 1997 Safety +Health “In Safety, Seconds and Inches Sepa- Derocher, Vol. 156, No. 6, Decem- “Unintentional-Injury Deaths Up rate Life From Death,” by Patrick R. ber 1997, pp. 54-57. 4th Straight Year,” by Alan F. Tyson, Volume 155, No. 2, Febru- Hoskin, Vol. 156, No. 4, October “Safest Mines Go Above and Beyond ary 1997, pp. 23-25. 1997, pp. 96-97. MSHA Standards,” by Janet Willen, “A Fond Farewell to a Friend of Vol. 156, No. 6, December 1997, Traffic Safety Safety,” by Patrick R. Tyson, Vol. pp. 58-61. “Steer Clear of Truck Blind Spots,” 155, No. 3, March 1997, pp. 33-35. by Darcy Lewis, Vol. 155, No. 1, Safety and Health Management January 1997, pp. 50-53. “The OSHA Shuffle,” by Patrick R. “How to Run a Successful Safety- Tyson, Vol. 155, No. 4, April 1997, Incentive Program,” by Doug Toft, “Are Cell Phones Dangerous on the pp. 25-27. Vol. 155, No. 1, January 1997, pp. Road?” by Sarah Wortham, Vol. 62-65. 155, No. 2, February 1997, pp. “Will Congress Step Onto OSHA 42-45. Territory?” by Patrick R. Tyson, “How Much Safety Training Do Vol. 155, No. 5, May 1997, pp. Employees Understand?” by Joseph “Adult Drivers: Legal But Lethal,” 31-33. R. Kelbus, Vol. 155, No. 2, Febru- by Kevin Johnson, Vol. 155, No. 3, ary 1997, pp. 58-59. March 1997, pp. 80-81. “Targeting Inspections Just Got Easier,” by Patrick R. Tyson, Vol. “Safety Success Stories,” by Catherine “Are Entry-Level Truck Drivers 155, No. 6, June 1997, pp. 29-31. B. Kedjidjian, Vol. 155, No. 6, June Safe?” by Kevin Johnson, Vol. 155, 1997, pp. 38-42. No. 4, April 1997, pp. 66-68. “Who Will Be OSHA’s New Leader?” by Patrick R. Tyson, Vol. “Safe Design Improves Your Bot- “Educate Your Driver; About High- 156, No. 1, July 1997, pp. 25-27. tom Line,” by Sarah Wortham, Vol. way Signs,” by Peter Haapaniemi, 156, No. 1, July 1997, pp. 66-71. Vol. 55, No. 5, May 1997, pp. “This Is No Half-Baked Ergonom- 72-74. ics Case,” by Patrick R. Tyson, Vol. “PEP Up Your Safety Program,” by 156, No. 2, August 1997, pp. Sarah Wortham, Vol. 156, No. 1, “Commercial Driver's Licensing July 1997, pp. 76-79. Makes the Grade,” by Deeann 25-27. Glamser, Vol. 155, No6,. Ju ne 1997, “Job Outlook ’98,” by Sandy Gra- “Has OSHA Passed All the Easy pp. 86-89. ham, Vol. 156, No. 3, September Standards?” by Patrick R. Tyson, 1997, pp. 40-46. “Open Your Eyes to the Hazards of Vol. 156, No. 3, September 1997, Nighttime Driving,” by Carol pp. 35-37. “How to Promote a Positive Safety Silverman Saunders, Vol. 156, No. Attitude,” by Sherry Gannaway, Vol. “Has OSHA Settled the Ergonom- 1, July 1997, pp. 90-93. 156, No. 5, November 1997, pp. ics Debate?” by Patrick R. Tyson, Workers Compensation 60-62. Vol. 156, No. 4, October 1997, pp. “Are You on Track to Reduce 49-52. Safety Forum Claims?” by Gary L. Hahn, Vol. “When OSHA Comes A-Knockin’ “Everyone Wins With Safety 156, No. 2, August 1997, pp. ...)” by Sarah Wortham, Vol. 156, Teams,” by Matthew J. Key, Vol. 20-21. No. 4, October 1997, pp. 78-82. 155, No. 5, May 1997, pp. 76-77. “Are Standardized Reporting Re- “Follow the Rules of Safety With quirements Around the Corner?” by “A New Boss at OSHA,” by Patrick Hazardous Materials,” by John M. Scott Richardson and Gary Knoble, R. Tyson, Vol. 156, No. 5, Novem- ber 1997, pp. 27-31. Fogel, Vol. 156, No. 1, July 1997, Vol. 156, No. 3, September 1997, pp. 98-99. pp. 28-29. “Dear Returns to Rescue OSHA,” “Open Up Safety in Confined “Can Suicide Be Considered a W ork- by Patrick R. Tyson, Vol. 156, No. Spaces,” by R. Craig Schroll, Vol. Related Death?” by Daniel B. 6, December 1997, pp. 22-24. 156, No. 2, August 1997, pp. Hartshorn, Vol. 156, No. 4, Octo- “Top OSHA Violations: Same Old 48-49. ber 1997, pp. 102-103. Tune?” by Al Karr, Vol. 156, No. 6, Statistics “Companies Can Use Case Data to December 1997, pp. 46-49. “Work-Related Deaths Decline,” by Help Prevent Injuries,” by Karen “Negotiated Rulemaking Scores Big Alan F. Hoskin, Vol. 155, No. 5, Wolfe, Vol. 156, No. 5, November With Steel Erectors,” by Robert May 1997, pp. 82-83. 1997, pp. 64-65. Safety+Health December 1997 103

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