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Preview Sachihiro OMURA, Preliminary Report of the General Survey in Central Anatolia

Preliminary Report of the General Survey in Central Anatolia (2006) Sachihiro OMURA Tokyo 1 INTRODUCTION general survey. The Japanese Institute of Anatolian Archaeology of 06-01 Çoraklık the Middle Eastern Culture Center in Japan conducted Ankara province, Şeferlikoçhisar district, Akarca its annual archaeological survey in Central Anatolia village. Investigated as Eski Mezarlık in 1993 (Omura from 10 October through 23 November 2006, in Konya 1995a: p.220, Fig. 4-13~15). The site (Fig. 3) is located and Ankara provinces. The survey started after the close in grid L-29 (Figs. 1, 2), 1.2 km northeast of Akarca, on of the 21st excavation season at the site of Kaman- the slope of a gentle hill. Latitude 39°11’00”, longitude Kalehöyük. The purpose of the general survey has been 33°13’48”. Dimensions 80 m east-west, 60 m south- threefold: to identify archaeological sites in Central north, and 7 m high. The area surrounding the site is Anatolia; to ascertain the boundaries of the stratigraphy currently used for agricultural cultivation. The artifacts that has been identified during the excavations of belong to the Late Bronze Age (Fig. 4-1~7), the Late Iron Kaman-Kalehöyük; and to assess the condition of the Age (Fig. 4-8~14), and the Ottoman Period (Fig. 4-15). sites surveyed by this program in previous years. The following team members participated in the 06-02 Aksoy Harman Yeri 2006 general survey: Dr. Sachihiro Omura, Dr. Masako Ankara province, Şereflikoçhisar district, Omura, Dr. Kimiyoshi Matsumura, and Mr. Yusuf Benli Büyükkışla village. The site (Fig. 5) is located in grid from Konya Archaeological Museum. L-30, on the western edge of the village, on the gentle slope of a hill. Latitude 39°12’00”, longitude 33°15’30”. Dimensions 85 m east-west, 130 m south-north, and 4.5 2 AREA OF THE SURVEY IN 2006 m high. The artifacts belong to the Roman Period (Fig. 6-1~8). It is believed to date to a single cultural period. In 2006, the general survey was carried out in Kulu district in Konya province, Bala, Haymana, and 06-03 Veli Yurdu Gölbaşı districts in Ankara province, and Keskin district Ankara province, Şereflikoçhisar district, in Kırıkkale province. These areas are grids L-28, L-29, Büyükkışla village. Investigated as Veliyurdu in 1992 L-30, J-30, K-27, K-28, K-29, and K-30 (Figs. 1, 2). (Omura 1994: p.322, Fig. 12-1~3). The site (Fig. 7) is These districts are located in the west and southwest of located in grid L-29, 3.5 km northeast of Büyükkışla, on Kızılırmak. We conducted the general survey in 1992, the hill situated between mountains. Latitude 39°13’30”, 1993 and 1995 in these areas. longitude 33°14’00”. Dimensions 142 m east-west, 338 m south-north, and 39 m high. There are traces of illegal digging on the top of the mound. The artifacts belong to 3 SITES INVESTIGATED IN THE 2006 the latter half of the Iron Age (Fig. 8-1~13). GENERAL SURVEY 06-04 Küçük Hüseyin Tepesi 2 In total, 40 sites in 8 grids were investigated in the Konya province, Kulu district, Yazıçayır village. 46 S. OMURA AAS XVI Investigated as Küçük Hüseyin Tepesi II in 1993 (Omura 16-1~6), the Early Bronze Age (Fig. 17-1~10), the 1995a: p.221, Fig. 5-5~13). The site (Fig. 9) is located in Middle Bronze Age (Fig. 18-1~8), the Late Bronze Age grid L-29, 3.5 km west of Yazıçayır, on a level area, near (Fig. 18-9, 10), and the Iron Age (Fig. 18-11). the national highway running from Ankara to Adana. Latitude 39°12’30”, longitude 33°04’23”. Dimensions 71 06-08 Yanıkhöyük m east-west, 117 m south-north, and 2 m high. The site Ankara province, Gölbaşı district, Gölbek village. is currently used for agricultural cultivation and has been The site (Fig. 19) is located in grid K-28, 3.5 km cut into by farming equipment. The artifacts belong to northeast of Gölbek village, on the hill situated in the the Early Bronze Age (Fig. 10-1~4). dry Sulakiye Lake. Latitude 39°21’00”, longitude 32° 52’00”. Dimensions 164 m east-west, 238 m south- 06-05 Karahamzalı north. The surrounding area of the site is currently used Ankara province, Bala district, Karahamzalı for agricultural cultivation. The artifacts belong to the village. Investigated as Karahamzalı in 1993 (Omura Middle Bronze Age (Fig. 20-1, 2), the Late Bronze Age 1995a: p.222, Figs. 5-16, 17, 6-1~3), Mera in 2004 (Fig. 20-3~7), and the Iron Age (Fig. 20-8~12). (Omura 2005: p.58, Figs. 55, 56-1~17). The site (Fig. 11) is located in grid L-29, 300 m north of Karahamzalı 06-09 Kepenekli Tepesi Altı village, on the gentle slope of a hill. Latitude 39°13’43”, Ankara province, Gölbaşı district, Gölbek village. longitude 33°02’35”. Dimensions 1,500 m east-west, The site (Fig. 21) is located in grid K-28, 2 km north 1,000 m south-north. The northern part of the site is cut of Gölbek, on the base of Kepekli Tepesi. Latitude 39° into by the road running from Karahamzalı to the north 20’30”, longitude 32°51’00”. Dimensions 200 m east- and there are some traces of illegal digging on the site. west, 400 m south-north. The site is currently used The artifacts belong to the Roman Period (Fig. 12-1~16). for agricultural cultivation. The artifacts belong to the Roman Period (Fig. 22-1~13). 06-06 Taşlıhöyük Ankara province, Gölbaşı district, Gölbek 06-10 Çanak Tepesi Altı village. Investigated in 1992 (Omura 1994: p.321, Fig. Ankara province, Gölbaşı district, Gölbek village. 10-14~16). The site (Fig. 13) is located in grid K-28, The site (Fig. 23) is located in grid K-28, 4 km north of 4 km northeast of Gölbek, 3 km southwest of Gölbağı Gölbek, 1.5 km northwest of Yanıkhöyük, at the base of village, near the road running from Gölbağı to Gölbek, Çanak Tepesi. Latitude 39°21’30”, longitude 32°53’30”. on the hill situated in the dry Sulakiye Lake. Latitude 39 Dimensions 210 m east-west, 330 m south-north. The site °20’30”, longitude 32°53’30”. Dimensions 161 m east- is currently used for agricultural cultivation. The artifacts west, 88 m south-north. The site is currently used for belong to the Roman Period (Fig. 24-1~10). agricultural cultivation. The artifacts belong to the Early Bronze Age (Fig. 14-1~6, 8~10) and the Middle Bronze 06-11 Canımana Age (Fig. 14-7). Konya province, Kulu district, Canımana village. The site (Fig. 25) is located in grid L-28, in the middle of 06-07 Demirhavan Canımana, on the gentle slope of a hill. Latitude 39°14’ Ankara province, Gölbaşı district, Gölbek village. 30”, longitude 32°51’00”. Dimensions 187 m east-west, Investigated in 1992 (Omura 1994: p.321, Fig. 11-1~3). 162 m south-north, and 16 m high. The southern area of The site (Fig. 15) is located in grid K-28, 4 km north of the site is currently used for agricultural cultivation and Gölbek village, at the bottom of a ravine. Latitude 39°22’ the edge of the mound has been cut into with agricultural 00”, longitude 32°50’30”. Dimensions 141 m east-west, machinery and other implements. The northern part of 107 m south-north, and 10 m high. The surrounding area the site is occupied by an Islamic cemetery. Gravestones of the site is currently used for agricultural cultivation. of the Roman Period are used in the walls of the The artifacts belong to the Chalcolithic Period (Fig. cemetery. The artifacts belong to the Early Bronze Age 2007 Preliminary Report of the General Survey in Central Anatolia (2006) 47 (Figs. 26-1~9, 27-1~9), the Middle Bronze Age (Fig. 06-15 Dikilitaş Höyük 28-1~3), the Late Bronze Age (Fig. 28-4~9), and the Iron Ankara province, Haymana district, Yenice village. Age (Fig. 28-10~12). Investigated in 1993 (Omura 1995a: p.228, Fig. 10-4~7). The site (Fig. 35) is located in grid K-27, 1 km northwest 06-12 Yağlı Ören of Yenice, on the gentle slope of a hill. Latitude 39° Ankara province, Gölbaşı district, Gölbek village. 17’00”, longitude 32°40’30”. Dimensions 137 m east- Investigated in 1992 (Omura 1994: p.318). The site (Fig. west, 116 m south-north, and 5.5 m high. The road to 29) is located in grid K-28, 1 km southwest of Gölbek, Yenice passes along the eastern side of the site. The site on the gentle slope of a hill, near the road leading from is currently used for agricultural cultivation. The artifacts Gölbek to Balçikhisar. Latitude 39°18’30”, longitude belong to the Early Bronze Age (Fig. 36-1, 2), the Middle 32°48’30”. Dimensions 141 m east-west, 131m south- Bronze Age (Fig. 36-3~8), and the Late Bronze Age (Fig. north, and 7.5 m high. The surrounding area of the 36-9). site is currently used for agricultural cultivation. The artifacts belong to the Early Bronze Age (Fig. 30-1~3), 06-16 Sığırcık Höyük 2 the Middle Bronze Age (Fig. 30-4), the Late Bronze Age Ankara province, Haymana district, Yenice village. (Fig. 30-5~9), and the Iron Age (Fig. 30-10~12). Investigated as Sığırcıkçiftliği II in 1993 (Omura 1995a: p.228). The site (Fig. 37) is located in grid K-27, 0.5 km 06-13 Zelihan southwest of Sığırcıkçiftliği, on the gentle slope of a hill. Ankara province, Haymana district, Yenice village. Latitude 39°19’30”, longitude 32°39’30”. Dimensions Investigated in 1993 (Omura 1995a: pp.228~229, Fig. 151 m east-west, 160 m south-north, and 7.5 m high. 10-8, 9). The site (Fig. 31) is located in grid K-27, 2 The site is currently used for agricultural cultivation. The km southeast of Gölbek, on the hill situated between artifacts belong to the Early Bronze Age (Fig. 38-1~12). mountains. Latitude 39°15’00”, longitude 32°41’30”. Dimensions 107 m east-west, 109 m south-north, and 06-17 Sığırcık Höyük 1 3 m high. The site is currently used for agricultural Ankara province, Haymana district, Yenice village. cultivation. The surface of the site shows evidence of Investigated as Sığırcıkçiftliği I in 1993 (Omura 1995a: having been excavated with agricultural machinery and p.228, Fig. 10-1~3). The site (Fig. 39) is located in grid implements. The artifacts belong to the Early Bronze Age K-27, in the middle of Sığırcıkçiftliği, on the gentle (Fig. 32-1~3), the Middle Bronze Age (Fig. 32-4), the slope of a hill. Latitude 39°19’30”, longitude 32°40’ Late Bronze Age (Fig. 32-5, 6), and the latter half of the 00”. Dimensions 116 m east-west, 147 m south-north, Iron Age (Fig. 32-7~9). and 6 m high. The northern side of the site is currently used for agricultural cultivation and houses are built on 06-14 Ayaz Höyük the southern side of the site. The artifacts belong to the Ankara province, Haymana district, Yenice village. Early Bronze Age (Fig. 40-1), the Late Bronze Age (Fig. Investigated as Ayaz Höyük I in 1993 (Omura 1995a: 40-2~4), the Iron Age (Fig. 40-6), and the Roman Period p.229). The site (Fig. 33) is located in grid K-27, 1 km (Fig. 40-5, 7, 8). west of Yenice, on the gentle slope of a hill. A stream running from west to east flows along the southern base 06-18 Karasüleymanlı Höyük of the mound. Latitude 39°16’30”, longitude 32°40’ Ankara province, Haymana district, Karasülenmanlı 00”. Dimensions 147 m east-west, 123 m south-north, village. Investigated in 1993 (Omura 1995a: p.230, Fig. and 5 m high. The site is currently used for agricultural 10-16). The site (Fig. 41) is located in grid K-27, 2 km cultivation. The artifacts belong to the Early Bronze Age west-northwest of Karasüleymanlı, on the bottom of a (Fig. 34-1~11). narrow valley, on the western side of the road running from Yenice to Haymana. Latitude 39°22’00”, longitude 32°35’30”. Dimensions 106 m east-west, 192 m south- 48 S. OMURA AAS XVI north, and 6 m high. The south slope is a gentle incline. 06-22 Yavşan Özü There is evidence of illegal digging at the foot of the Ankara province, Bala district, Sofular village. The mound. The site is currently used for agricultural site (Fig. 51) is located in grid K-29, 2 km southeast of cultivation. The artifacts belong to the Early Bronze Age Sofular, on the gentle slope of a hill leading to a stream. (Fig. 42-1) and the Late Bronze Age (Fig. 42-2~12). Latitude 39°17’00”, longitude 33°06’30”. Dimensions 75 m east-west, 80 m south-north. The site is currently 06-19 Kale used for agricultural cultivation. The artifacts belong to Ankara province, Gölbaşı district, Çimşit village. the Iron Age (Fig. 52-9), and the Byzantine Period (Fig. Investigated as Kale-Çimşit in 1993 (Omura 1995a: 52-1~8). p.219, Fig. 4-3~6). The site (Fig. 43) is located in grid K-28, in the middle of Çimşit, on the slope of a hill. 06-23 Höyük-Elmalık Latitude 39°25’55”, longitude 32°53’43”. Dimensions Ankara province, Bala district, Sofular village. 170 m east-west, 140 m south-north, and 13 m high. The Investigated as Höyük-Sofular in 1993 (Omura 1995a: slopes in which the buildings were set have been sharply p.220, Fig. 4-7~12). The site (Fig. 53) is located in grid cut away, and the cut-away sections have exposed walls K-29, 4.5 km southeast of Sofular, on the gentle slope of sun-dried brick, baked clay and hearths. The area of a hill. Latitude 39°05’30”, longitude 33°08’30”. around the mound is occupied by the houses of Çimşit Dimensions 220 m east-west, 360 m south-north, and village. The artifacts belong to the Early Bronze Age 13 m high. The road to Sofular passes along the mound’ (Fig. 44-1~3), the Middle Bronze Age (Fig. 44-4~7), and s west and a stream flows from southwest to northeast the Late Bronze Age (Fig. 44-8~11). along the mound’s north side. The surrounding area of the site is currently used for agricultural cultivation. The 06-20 Gence Höyük artifacts belong to the Late Bronze Age (Fig. 54-1~3) and Ankara province, Gölbaşı district, Bezirhane village. the Iron Age (Figs. 54-4~8, 55-1~12, 56-1~9). Investigated as Gence in 1993 (Omura 1995a: p.219, Fig. 4-1, 2). The site (Fig. 45) is located in grid K-28, on the 06-24 Kırıkpınar gentle slope of a hill, near the national road running from Ankara province, Bala district, Sofular village. The Ankara to Adana. Latitude 39°28’30”, longitude 32°53’ site (Fig. 57) is located in grid K-29, 5.5 km south of 00”. Dimensions 107 m east-west, 117 m south-north, Sofular, on the gentle slope of a hill. Latitude 39°15’00”, and 10 m high. The mound and its surrounding area are longitude 33°06’00”. Dimensions 300 m east-west, 280 currently used for agricultural cultivation. The artifacts m south-north. A stream flows from south to north along belong to the Early Bronze Age (Fig. 46-1~9), the the mound’s east side. The artifacts belong to the latter Middle Bronze Age (Fig. 47-1~18), and the Late Bronze half of the Iron Age (Fig. 58-1~12). Age (Fig. 48-1~10). 06-25 Köyönü 06-21 Osarı Ankara province, Bala district, Yaylalıözü village. Ankara province, Bala district, Sofular village. The The site (Fig. 59) is located in grid K-29, in the northern site (Fig. 49) is located in grid K-29, 2.5 km southwest edge of Yaylalıözü, in level terrain leading to the gentle of Sofular, on the slope of a hill. Latitude 39°17’00”, slope of a hill. Latitude 39°22’00”, longitude 33°05’00”. longitude 33°04’30”. Dimensions 420 m east-west, Dimensions 55 m east-west, 75 m south-north, and 1 m 180 m south-north. There is an Islamic graveyard in high. A stream flows from west to east along the mound’ the southern area of the site. The artifacts belong to the s south side. The artifacts belong to the Roman Period Byzantine Period (Fig. 50-1~10). The site is believed to (Fig. 60-1~3). date to a single cultural period. 06-26 Külhöyük Ankara province, Bala district, Suyugüzel village. 2007 Preliminary Report of the General Survey in Central Anatolia (2006) 49 Investigated as Külhöyük-Suyugüzel in 1992 (Omura north of Yukarı Hacıbekir, on a low hill situated between 1994: p.323, Fig. 12-11~14). The site (Fig. 61) is located low mountains. A stream flows along the east side of in grid K-29, on the gentle slope of a hill. Latitude 39° the site. The northern area of the mound is occupied 20’00”, longitude 33°13’30”. Dimensions 184 m east- by marshy ground. Latitude 39°21’00”, longitude 33° west, 198 m south-north, and 21 m high. The surrounding 16’00”. Dimensions 170 m east-west, 140 m south- area of the site is currently used for agricultural north, and 6 m high. The surrounding area of the site is cultivation. There are traces of illegal digging at the currently used for agricultural cultivation. The artifacts base of the western slope and on the eastern slope. The belong to the Early Bronze Age (Fig. 70-1), the Late west side of the site was cut into by a bulldozer to build Bronze Age (Fig. 70-2~3), and the Iron Age (Fig. the road leading to Suyugüzel. The artifacts belong to 70-4~16). the Early Bronze Age (Fig. 62-1~6), the Late Bronze Age (Fig. 62-8,13), and the Iron Age (Figs. 62-7, 9~12, 06-30 Külhöyük 1 63-1~11, 64-1~10). Ankara province, Bala district, Sarıhöyük village. Investigated as Külhöyük-Sarıhöyük in 1992 (Omura 06-27 Sarıhöyük 1994: p.322, Fig. 12-7~10). The site (Fig. 71) is located Ankara province, Bala district, Sarıhöyük village. in grid K-30, 2.5 km north-east of Sarıhüyük, on the Investigated as Şedikhöyük in 1992 (Omura 1994: gentle slope of a hill. Latitude 39°19’30”, longitude 33° p.322, Fig. 12-4~6). The site (Fig. 65) is located in grid 18’30”. Dimensions 175 m east-west, 140 m south- K-30, on the northwestern edge of Sarıhöyük village, north, and 6 m high. The site and its surrounding area are on the edge of the gentle slope of a hill. Latitude 39° currently used for agricultural cultivation. The artifacts 18’44”, longitude 33°17’25”. Dimensions 150 m east- belong to the Early Bronze Age (Fig. 72-1~11) and the west, 180 m south-north, and 19 m high. The northern Middle Bronze Age (Fig. 72-12, 13). slope has been cut down to about 4 m with bulldozers or graders. Walls of sun-dried brick, stone walls, hearths, 06-31 Külhöyük 2 and earthenware sherds are visible in the exposed cross Ankara province, Bala district, Sarıhöyük village. sections. The south foot of the mound is occupied by The site (Fig. 73) is located in grid K-30, 2.5 km houses. The artifacts belong to the Late Bronze Age (Fig. northeast of Sarıhüyük, on the gentle slope of a hill. 66-1), the Iron Age (Fig. 66-2~10), and the Ottoman Latitude 39°19’30”, longitude 33°18’30”. Dimensions Period (Fig. 66-11). 77 m east-west, 70 m south-north, and 7 m high. The surrounding area of the site is currently used for 06-28 Mezarlık agricultural cultivation. The artifacts belong to the latter Ankara province, Bala district, Yukarı Hacıbekir half of the Iron Age (Fig. 74-1~9). village. Investigated as Mezarlık-Yukarı Hacıbekir in 1993 (Omura 1995a: pp.216~217, Fig. 1-10, 11). The site 06-32 İğdeli (Fig. 67) is located in grid K-30, on the southeastern edge Ankara province, Bala district, Sırapınar village. of Yukarı Hacıbekir village, on the gentle slope of a hill. Investigated in 1993 (Omura 1995a: p.216, Fig. 1-8, 9). Latitude 39°20’00”, longitude 33°16’30”. Dimensions The site (Fig. 75) is located in grid K-29, 300 m west of 70 m east-west, 90 m south-north, and 4 m high. The site Sırapınar, on a slightly elevated hill. The east and south is currently used for Islamic cemetery. The northern area sides are steeply sloped and consist largely of rock. of the site is occupied by marshy ground. The artifacts Latitude 39°27’30”, longitude 33°13’00”. Dimensions belong to the Early Bronze Age (Fig. 68-1~12). 20 m east-west, 40 m south-north. The artifacts belong to the end of the Iron Age (Fig. 76-1~13). 06-29 Bostanhöyüğü Ankara province, Bala district, Yukarı Hacıbekir 06-33 Gök Höyük village. The site (Fig. 69) is located in grid K-30, 2 km Ankara province, Bala district, Sırapınar village. 50 S. OMURA AAS XVI Investigated Gök Höyük in 1993 (Omura 1995a: p.216, village. Investigated as Büyükkaletepe in 1991 (Omura Fig. 1-1~7). The site (Fig. 77) is located in grid K-29, 4 1993: p.368, Fig. 5-2~7). The site (Fig. 87) with a km northeast of Sırapınar, on the gentle slope of a hill. terrace on its north side is located in grid J-30, 0.8 km Latitude 39°27’00”, longitude 33°14’30”. Dimensions northwest of Köprüköy, on a rocky hill. The north and 170 m east-west, 120 m south-north, and 9 m high. It east sides are steeply sloped and largely consist of rock. descends gently towards the west. The surrounding area The Kızılırmak river flows from south to north along of the site is currently used for agricultural cultivation. the site. The top of the site is flat and some architectural The artifacts belong to the Early Bronze Age (Fig. remains that seem to be part of a city wall were identified 78-1~12), the Middle Bronze Age (Fig. 79-1, 2), and the at the top of the east slope. A well-paved road running Late Bronze Age (Figs. 79-3~7, 80-1~9). south-north was identified at the foot of the west slope. Latitude 39°35’00”, longitude 33°25’30”. Dimensions 06-34 Yavaşlar 200 m east-west, 300 m south-north, and 15 m high. The Ankara province, Bala district, Afşar village. The artifacts belong to the Late Bronze Age (Figs. 88-1~14, site (Fig. 81) is located in grid K-29, 5.5 km north-east 89-1~11) and the Iron Age (Fig. 90-1~8). of Sırapınar, on the gentle slope of a hill. Latitude 39°25’ 00”, longitude 33°07’00”. Dimensions 100 m east-west, 06-38 Tümülüs-Köprüköy 110 m south-north, and 2.5 m high. The surrounding area Kırıkkale province, Keskin district, Köprüköy of the site is currently used for agricultural cultivation. It village. The site (Fig. 97) is located in grid J-30, on a is likely that the mound was once much higher, but with gentle slope of a hill. Latitude 39°35’00”, longitude the introduction of farm machinery, much of it has been 33°25’00”. Dimensions 26 m east-west, 34 m south- carved away. The artifacts belong to the Middle Bronze north, and 2 m high. The surrounding area of the site Age (Fig. 82-1~7), the Late Bronze Age (Fig. 82-8~12), is currently used for agricultural cultivation. There is and the Iron Age (Fig. 82-13~15). evidence of illegal digging on the top. No artifacts. 06-35 Afşar 06-39 Kızlar Höyük Ankara province, Bala district, Afşar village. The Kırıkkale province, Keskin district, Kesikköprü site (Fig. 83) is located in grid K-29, in the middle of village. Investigated as Kız Tepesi in 1991 (Omura Afşar, on a slightly elevated hill. The north, south and 1993: p.370, Fig. 7-1, 2). The site (Fig. 91) is located east sides are steeply sloped and largely consist of rock. in grid K-30, 1.5 km northwest of Kesikköprü, on the The top and east side of the site is occupied by houses. river terrace of the Kızılırmak. The east side of the site is Latitude 39°27’00”, longitude 34°04’00”. Dimensions shaved off by erosion. Latitude 39°24’30”, longitude 33° 90 m east-west, 88 m south-north. The artifacts belong to 23’30”. Dimensions 130 m east-west, 180 m south-north. the Iron Age (Fig. 84-1~9). The site is used currently for agricultural cultivation. The artifacts belong to the Late Bronze Age (Fig. 92-1) and 06-36 Köle Yayla the Roman Period (Fig. 92-2~9). Ankara province, Bala district, Afşar village. The site (Fig. 85) is located in grid K-29, 2.5 km south of 06-40 Ankeşe Höyük Afşar, on the gentle slope of a hill. The site is currently Kırıkkale province, Keskin district, Kesikköprü used for agricultural cultivation. Latitude 39°25’30”, village. The site (Fig. 93) is located in grid K-30, 1.2 km longitude 33°04’00”. Dimensions 142 m east-west, 224 southwest of Kesikköprü, on the gentle slope of a hill. m south-north. The artifacts belong to the Roman Period Latitude 39°23’00”, longitude 33°23’30”. Dimensions (Fig. 86-1~9). 155 m east-west, 180 m south-north, and 10 m high. The surrounding area of the site is used currently for 06-37 Büklükale agricultural cultivation. There are traces of illegal Kırıkkale province, Keskin district, Köprüköy digging on the top and northern slope. The artifacts 2007 Preliminary Report of the General Survey in Central Anatolia (2006) 51 belong to the Early Bronze Age (Fig. 94-1~11), the 4-3 Stratum IId Middle Bronze Age (Fig. 95-1~14), and the Late Bronze Earthenware sherds typical of those from Stratum Age (Fig. 96-1~10). IId at Kaman-Kalehöyük were not collected in this general survey. 4 RESULTS OF THE 2006 GENERAL SURVEY 4-4 Stratum IIIa AND COMPARISON WITH KAMAN- Earthenware sherds of the Stratum IIIa Hitttite KALEHÖYÜK Empire Period were collected at Çoraklık, Demirhavan, Yanıkhöyük, Canımana, Yağlı Ören, Sığırcık Höyük1, In 2006, we surveyed 40 sites in Konya and Ankara Karasüleymanlı Höyük, Kale, Gence Höyük, Gök provinces. We were able to collect sufficient materials to Höyük, Yavaşlar, Büklükale, and Ankeşe Höyük in the carry out a comparison with Stratum II and Stratum III of 2006 survey. In particular, many were found at Büklükale Kaman-Kalehöyük. Stratum II, the Iron Age, is divided and Ankeşe Höyük. into four main levels, IIa, IIb, IIc, and IId. Stratum III, the Middle and the Late Bronze Ages, is divided into IIIa, 4-5 Stratum IIIb and IIIc IIIb, and IIIc. Earthenware sherds of Stratum IIIb–Old Hittite Period and IIIc–Assyrian Colonial Period were collected at Demirhavan, Dikilitaş Höyük, Kale, Gence Höyük, A large number of earthenware sherds dated to Yavaşlar, Büklükale, and Ankeşe Höyük. However, the periods after the Roman Period were collected at Aksoy painted earthenware sherds typical of Stratum IIIc and Harman Yeri (06-02), Karahamzalı (06-05), Kepenekli similar to those excavated from Kültepe-Karum were not Tepesi Altı (06-09), Çanak Tepesi Altı (06-10) and Osarı found. (06-21). 4-6 Stratum IVa and IVb 4-1 Stratum IIa Stratum IV of Kaman-Kalehöyük is subdivided In the 2006 general survey, some of the typical into Stratum IVa and IVb. In Stratum IVa, half of the earthenware types from Stratum IIa at Kaman-Kalehöyük earthenware sherds unearthed are wheel-made and were identified at Çoraklık (06-01), Veli Yurdu half are hand-made. In Stratum IVb however, most of (06-03), Canımana (06-11), Zelihan (06-13), Höyük- the earthenwares are hand-made. Earthenware sherds Elmalık (06-23), Kırıkpınar (06-24), Külhöyük (06-26), contemporary with those from Stratum IVa and IVb Sarıhöyük (06-27), Bostanhöyüğü (06-29), Külhöyük are confirmed at Küçük Hüseyin Tepesi 2, Taşlıhöyük, 2 (06-31), İğdeli (06-32), Yavaşlar (06-34), Afşar Demirhavan, Ayaz Höyük, Sığırcık Höyük 2, Gence (06-35), and Büklükale (06-37). Painted earthenware Höyük, Mezarlık, Külhöyük 1, Gök Höyük, and Ankeşe sherds typical of those from Stratum IIa were collected Höyük. at Külhöyük (06-26). Grey ware and krater sherds like those unearthed from Stratum IIa were gathered at Veli Yurdu (06-03), Yanıkhöyük (06-08), Höyük-Elmalık 5 CONCLUSION (06-23), Bostanhöyüğü (06-29), Yavaşlar (06-34), and Büklükale (06-37). The 2006 general survey was carried out mainly in Ankara and Konya provinces, especially the region 4-2 Stratum IIc between national highway 260 and the national highway A few earthenware sherds typical of Stratum IIc at leading to Adana, E90—that is, Bala and Haymana Kaman-Kalehöyük were collected at Bostanhöyüğü, but districts. As mentioned above, earthenware sherds of in general, very few sherds of this period were gathered Stratum I, the Ottoman and the Byzantine Periods, were in this survey area. collected at many sites. The sites of this period are 52 S. OMURA AAS XVI almost flat, and no sherds from other cultural periods Age gave up their cities built on the small mounds and were found on them. moved to medium-sized mounds in later periods. Earthenware sherds of the late Iron Age were Chalcolithic earthenware sherds were identified collected at Veli Yurdu, Höyük-Elmalık, Külhöyük, and only at Demirhavan. This means that this 2006 survey Sarıhöyük; all these sites are trapezoidal. It is interesting region was not settled in the Chalcolithic Period and that not many sherds from other cultural periods were began to have settlement towns in the Early Bronze Age. found at these sites. This suggests that this period might be represented by a thick cultural layer at these mounds. The tendency was also seen during the 2005 BIBLIOGRAPHY season. In the 2006 survey, not many earthenware sherds of Stratum IId and Stratum IIc type were found. This Fujii, S suggests that the survey region is outside of the cultural 1995 “Hacibeyli Höyük; A Pre-Pottery Neolithic Site sphere corresponding to these two strata. The typical in the Yay-Gölü Lake Basin, Central Anatolia,” gray earthenware and kraters of IIb and IIa at Kaman- BMECCJ VIII, pp. 131-152. Kalehöyük were found at a few sites such as Höyük- Ishimaru, K. Elmalık, Bostanhöyüğü, and Büklükale. It is noteworthy 2001 “Inland-Water Diatom Assemblages in Central that these two kinds of earthenware were found together Anatolia, Central Turkey,” AAS X, pp.141-166. at sites. Kobayashi, K. and A. Mochizuki Typical Hittite earthenware sherds were found 2001 “X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis and Source together at Karasüleymanlı Höyük, Gence Höyük and Identification of Obsidian Artifacts Found Büklükale. At Büklükale in particular, a large number during the 1999 General Archaeological were collected and very few sherds of other cultures Survey,” AAS X, pp.167-172. were found. Furthermore, some architectural remains Mikami, T. and S. Omura were identified on the site. This suggests that Büklükale 1988 “1986 Kırşehir İli Sınırları İçinde Yapılan Yüzey might be a Hittite town. In addition, a large number Araştırmaları,” V AST, pp. 123-156. of earthenware sherds of the Middle Bronze Age were Mori, M. and S. Omura collected at the base of the site. 1989 “1988 Kırşehir Yozgat ve Nevşehir İlleri Yüzey Many typical earthenware sherds of the Middle Araştırmaları,” VII AST, pp. 295-310. Bronze Age were collected at Demirhavan, Gence Höyük Naruse, T. et al. and Ankeşe Höyük. The shape of these sites is a medium 2002 “Sedimentary Environmental Changes Over sized mound. On these mound sites, sherds of the Early the Past 60,000 Years at Karayazı Alluvial Bronze Age and the Late Bronze Age were also collected Fan, Anatolian Plateau, Turkey,” AAS XI, along with those of the Middle Bronze Age. This implies pp.153-157. that these sites were occupied from the Early Bronze Age Omura, S. to the Late Bronze Age. This tendency is seen in other 1989 “1987 Kırşehir İli Sınırları İçinde Yapılan Yüzey areas. Araştırmaları,” VI AST, pp. 555-570. Earthenware sherds of the Early Bronze Age were 1991 “1989 Yılı Kırşehir, Yozgat, Nevşehir İlleri collected from the mounds of Demirhavan, Canımana, Sınırları İçinde Yürütülen Yüzey Araştırmaları,” Ayaz Höyük, Sığırcık Höyük 2, Gence Höyük, Mezarlık, VIII AST, pp. 69-89. Külhöyük 1 and Gök Höyük. These mounds can be 1992 “1990 Yılı Orta Anadolu’da Yürütülen Yüzey divided into two groups: small and medium-sized. Only Araştırmaları,” IX AST, pp. 541-560. Early Bronze Age sherds were collected on the small 1993 “1991 Yılı İç Anadolu’da Yürütülen Yüzey mounds, while sherds from the Early Bronze Age to the Araştırmaları,” X AST, pp. 365-386. Late Bronze Age were gathered on the medium-sized 1994 “1992 Yılı İç Anadolu’da Yürütülen Yüzey mounds. This suggests that people in the Early Bronze Araştırmaları,” XI AST, pp. 311-336. 2007 Preliminary Report of the General Survey in Central Anatolia (2006) 53 1995a “1993 Yılı İç Anadolu’da Yürütülen Yüzey 2000b “Preliminary Report of the General Survey in Araştırmaları,” XII AST, pp. 215-244. Central Anatolia (1999),” AAS IX, pp.40-96. 1995b “A Preliminary Peport on the Archaeological 2001a “1999 Yılı İç Anadolu’da Yürütülen Yüzey Survey in Central Anatolia (1994),” AAS IV, pp. Araştırmaları,,” XVIII AST-2, pp. 83-88. 49-107 (in Japanese). 2001b “Preliminary Report of the General Survey in 1996a “1994 Yılı İç Anadolu’da Yürütülen Yüzey Central Anatolia (2000),” AAS X, pp.37-86. Araştırmaları,” XIII AST, pp. 243-272. 2002a “2000 Yılı Orta Anadolu’da Yürütülen Yüzey 1996b “A Preliminary Report of the General Survey Araştırmaları,” XIX AST-2, pp. 303-307. in Central Anatolia (1994),” BMECCJ IX, pp. 2002b “Preliminary Report of the General Survey in 135-192. Central Anatolia (2001),” AAS XI, pp.45-112. 1996c “A Preliminary Report on the Archaeological 2003a “2001 Yılı İç Anadolu’da Yürütülen Yüzey Survey in Central Anatolia (1995),” AAS V, pp. Araştırmaları,” XX AST-2, pp. 271-274. 71-126 (in Japanese). 2003b “Preliminary Report of the General Survey in 1997a “1995 Yılı İç Anadolu’da Yürütülen Yüzey Central Anatolia (2002),” AAS XII, pp.37-88. Araştırmaları,,” XIV AST, pp. 283-302. 2004 “Preliminary Report of the General Survey in 1997b “A Preliminary Report on the Archaeological Central Anatolia (2003),” AAS XIII, pp.37-86. Survey in Central Anatolia (1996),” AAS VI, pp. 2005 “Preliminary Report of the 2004 General Survey 67-107 (in Japanese). in Central Anatolia,” AAS XIV, pp.55-96. 1998a “An Archaeological Survey of Central Anatolia 2006 “Preliminary Report of the 2005 General Survey (1995),” BMECCJ X, pp. 78-131. in Central Anatolia,” AAS XV, pp.63-102. 1998b “A Preliminary Report on the Archaeological Survey in Central Anatolia (1997),” AAS VII, pp. 85-128 (in Japanese). 1998c “1996 Yılı İç Anadolu’da Yürütülen Yüzey Sachihiro Omura Araştırmaları,,” XV AST, pp. 41-50. The Japanese Institute of Anatolian Archaeology of 1999 “A Preliminary Report on the Archaeological the Middle Eastern Culture Center in Japan Survey in Central Anatolia (1998),” AAS VIII, 3-10-31 Oosawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0015 pp. 79-144 (in Japanese). Japan 2000a “1998 Yılı İç Anadolu’da Yürütülen Yüzey [email protected] Araştırmaları,,” XVII AST-2, pp. 25-29.

Omura, Dr. Kimiyoshi Matsumura, and Mr. Yusuf Benli from Konya Archaeological Museum. 2 AREA OF THE SURVEY IN 2006. In 2006, the general
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