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S-NUMBERS SEQUENCES FOR HOMOGENEOUS POLYNOMIALS ERHANC¸ALIS¸KAN ANDPILAR RUEDA Abstract. Weextendthewellknowntheoryofs-numbersoflinearoperatorstoho- 5 mogeneouspolynomialsdefinedbetweenBanachspaces. Approximation,Kolmogorov 1 and Gelfand numbers of polynomials are introduced and some well-known results of 0 the linear and multilinear settings are obtained for homogeneous polynomials. 2 n a J 5 1. Introduction ] A A. Pietsch [18] introduced s-numbers as a tool for the study of linear operators F between Banach spaces. The success of the linear operator theory gave rise to consider . h a multilinear and polynomial analogue that was proposed firstly by A. Pietsch and t a m followedbymanyresearchersinthelastdecades(see[8]andthereferencestherein). The [ theory of s-numbers of multilinear operators among Banach spaces has been recently 1 developed byD.L.Fernandez, M.MastyloandE.B.daSilva[13]. Whiletheproperties v 5 of s-numbers of linear operators are well-known, the analogous theory of homogeneous 8 7 polynomials has not been checked as far as it should have been. We mention only the 0 0 particular case by A. Brauns, H. Junek and E. Plewnia [6] and the unpublished [7]. . 1 The aim of this paper is to elaborate the corresponding theory of s-numbers in the 0 5 context of homogeneous polynomials. It is worth mentioning that in many situations 1 : dealing with polynomials instead of multilinear mappings has proved to be a subtle v i subject that has needed different approaches and that has yielded to different results. X r For instance, when trying to generalize absolutely summing operators to a non linear a context, different approaches have been required, and whereas factorization theorems have been stated in the multilinear case, the search for a factorization scheme for dom- inated polynomials has turned out to be difficult and only partial results have been obtained (see [2, 3, 4]. The main purpose of the present paper is to undertake a study of the basics on s-number sequences for polynomials, that include: approximation numbers a˜ and their relation with the adjoint and the biadjoint of a homogeneous n Date: January 6, 2015. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 46G20; Secondary 46B28, 46G25. Keywords andphrases. Banachspaces,homogeneouspolynomials,s-numbers,approximation,Kol- mogorov, Gelfand numbers,themeasure of of non-compactness. The second authorwas supported by MICINN MTM2011-22417. 1 2 E.C¸ALIS¸KANANDP.RUEDA polynomial introduced by Aron and Schottenloher; Kuratowski and Hausdorff mea- sures of non-compactness of homogeneous polynomials; Kolmogorov numbers d˜ and n their relation with the approximation numbers; Gelfand numbers c˜ , the equivalence n between P being compact and limn→∞c˜n(P) = 0 and their relation with Kolmogorov numbers. Some of the proofs we present are inspired by the linear/multilinear ones, whereas other use techniques from polynomial theory. Our aim is to present the theory from the point of view of polynomials and relate it to the linear or multilinear case with linearization techniques that will provide shorter proofs than coming from the classical theory. Furthermore, the results obtained for homogeneous polynomials can be considered extensions of the linear ones. Section 2 is devoted to fix notation and state some basic definitions and preliminary results. Inaquitenaturalway,weintroducethenotionofm s-numbersequenceform- − homogeneous polynomials and relate it with the classical s-number sequences of linear operators. Section 3 contains the essentials of the n-th approximation number a˜ (P) n of an homogeneous polynomial P and its coincidence with the n-th approximation number of the adjoint P∗ of P in the sense of [1]. Compactness of homogeneous polynomials is treated in Section 4 by means of Kuratowski and Hausdorff measures γ and γ˜ respectively. We prove that γ(P) γ˜(P∗) and γ(P∗) γ˜(P) among other ≤ ≤ inequalities. As an application, we recover the well-known result that a homogeneous polynomial is compact if and only if its adjoint is compact. As an attempt to quantify the non compactness character of a polynomial, we study the polynomial notion of Kolmogorov numbers d˜ and the polynomial m-lifting property. In particular we prove n that d˜ (P) = d˜ (P ), where P is the linearization of an m-homogeneous polynomial n n L L P defined on a Banach space X. Moreover, d˜ (P) = a˜ (PQ), where Q is the canonical n n metric surjection from ℓ (B ) onto X defined by Q( λ ) = λ x, λ 1 X { x} Px∈BX x { x} ∈ l (B ). Finally, wedealwithGelfand’snumbersc˜ adapted tothepolynomialcontext. 1 X n We obtain characterizations of compactness of homogeneous polynomials, this time, in terms of Gelfand numbers, and we prove that c˜ (P∗) d˜ (P), c˜ (P) = d˜ (P∗) and n n n n ≤ c˜ (P) 2√nc˜ (P∗). n n ≤ 2. Notation and preliminaries The symbol K represents the field of all real numbers or complex numbers, N repre- sents the set of all positive integers. S-NUMBERS SEQUENCES FOR HOMOGENEOUS POLYNOMIALS 3 The letters X, Y and Z will always represent (real or complex) Banach spaces. The symbol B represents the open unit ball of X and B the closed unit ball. We denote X X by X∗ the dual Banach space of X, and by κ the canonical embedding of X into the X bidual X∗∗ of X. Given a subset C X, let Γ(C) denote the closed balanced convex hull of C. ⊂ 1 1 Let 1 p , with the conjugate index p′ given by + = 1 (where p′ = 1 if ≤ ≤ ∞ p p′ p = ), let ℓp(X) (1 p < ) (resp., ℓ∞(X)) denote the set of all sequences (xn)∞n=1 ∞ ∞ ≤ ∞ in X such that X xn p < (resp., (xn)n is bounded), and let c0(X) denote the set k k ∞ n=1 of all sequences (x )∞ in X such that x 0 in X. n n=1 n −→ Given a continuous m-linear mapping A : X X Y, the map P : X ×···× → −→ Y, defined by P(x) = A(x,...,x) for every x X, is said to be a continuous m- ∈ |m t{izmes} homogeneous polynomial. (mX;Y) will denote the vector space of all continuous m- P homogeneous polynomials from X into Y, which is a Banach space with norm P = k k sup P(x) : x 1 . When Y = K we will write (mX) instead of (mX;K) and {k k k k ≤ } P P when m = 1, (X;Y):= (1X;Y) is the space of all continuous linear operators from L P X to Y. Let m := (mX;Y), that is, m is the class of all m-homogeneous P SX,Y P P polynomials defined between Banach spaces. Denote by := m the class of all P SmP continuous homogeneous polynomials defined between Banach spaces. Let P (mX;Y). We define the rank of P as the dimension of the linear span of ∈ P P(X) in Y: rank(P)= dim([P(X)]). In a natural way, we introduce the notion of an m s-number sequence for m- − homogeneous continuous polynomials. Let m N and for each n N let s : m n ∈ ∈ P −→ [0, ) be a mapping. The sequence s= (s ) is called an m s-number sequence if the n ∞ − following conditions are satisfied for any n,k N: ∈ (S1) Monotonicity: For every P (mX;Y), ∈ P P = s (P) s (P) ... 0. 1 2 k k ≥ ≥ ≥ (S2) Additivity: For every P,Q (mX;Y), ∈ P sk+n−1(P +Q) sk(P)+sn(Q). ≤ (S3) Ideal-property: For every P (mX;Y), S (Y;Z), T (W;X) ∈ P ∈ L ∈ L s (SPT) S s (P) T m. n n ≤ k k k k (S4) Rank-property: Let P (mX;Y). ∈ P rank(P)< n = s (P) = 0. n ⇒ Furthermore, if m = 1 the following condition has to be added: 4 E.C¸ALIS¸KANANDP.RUEDA (S5) Norming-property: s (Id : ℓn ℓn) = 1, n N, where Id is the identity n 2 2 → ∈ mapping on the n-dimensional Hilbert space ℓn. 2 If (s ) is an m s-number sequence for each m N, then (s ) is called an s-number n n − ∈ sequence. Note that this notion coincides with the usual notion of s-number sequence for linear operators whenever m = 1. Given P (mX;Y), let P denote the linearization of P; that is the unique con- L ∈ P tinuous linear operator P : ˆπs X Y such that P(x) = P ( x). The correspon- L m,s L m ⊗ → ⊗ dence P PL determines an isometric isomorphism —denoted by ImX,Y— between ↔ (mX;Y) and the space L( πs X;Y) of all continuous linear operators from πs X m,s m,s P ⊗ ⊗ to Y. Let I : m and I : be the correspondences whose restrictions to m P −→ L P → L each component (mX;Y) is equal to ImX,Y. P If T (X;Y), let T : πs X πs Y be the continuous linear map given by m,s m,s m,s ∈ L ⊗ ⊗ → ⊗ T( x) = T(x). m,s m m ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ Our first interest is to relate the linear and the polynomial notions of s-number sequences. N Proposition 2.1. If the mapping s = (s ) : [0, ) is an s-number sequence n L −→ ∞ (in the linear sense) then, s I : m [0, )N is an m s-number sequence. m ◦ P −→ ∞ − Proof. We will pay attention just to the ideal property. This property follows from the fact that (SPT) = SP T and T = T m, for all P (mX;Y), L L m,s m,s ⊗ k⊗ k k k ∈ P T (W;X) and S (Y;Z). (cid:3) ∈ L ∈ L Injectivity, surjectivity and multiplicativity have been proved useful tools for s- number sequences. Let us extend these properties to the polynomial context. (J)Anm s-numbersequences = (s )iscalledinjectiveifgivenanymetricinjection n − j (Y;Z), i.e., j(y) = y for all y Y, s (P) = s (jP) for all P (mX;Y) n n ∈ L k k k k ∈ ∈ P and for all Banach spaces X. (S) An m s-number sequence s = (s ) is called surjective if given any metric n − surjection q (Z;X), i.e., q(B )= B , s (P) = s (Pq) for all P (mX;Y). Z X n n ∈ L ∈ P (M) An s-number sequence s = (s ) is called multiplicative if, for u (Y;Z) and n ∈ L P (mX;Y), ∈P sk+n−1(u P) sk(u)sn(P), k,n N. ◦ ≤ ∈ N Proposition 2.2. Let s = (s ) : [0, ) be an s-number sequence for linear n L −→ ∞ operators. S-NUMBERS SEQUENCES FOR HOMOGENEOUS POLYNOMIALS 5 (1) If s is injective then s I is injective. m ◦ (2) If s is surjective then, s I is surjective. m ◦ (3) If s is multiplicative then s I is multiplicative. m ◦ Proof. (1) Let j (Y;Z) be a metric injection and P (mX;Y). Then, ∈L ∈ P s I (P) = s (P )= s (j P ) = s ((j P) ) =s I (j P). n m n L n L n L n m ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ (2) Let q (Z;X) be a metric surjection and P (mX;Y). If q : πs Z m,s ∈ L ∈ P ⊗ ⊗ −→ πs X denotes the linear map given by q( x) := q(x), then m,s ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗q(B⊗πms,sZ)= ⊗q(Γ(⊗πms,sBZ)) = Γ(⊗πms,sq(BZ)) = Γ(⊗πms,sBX)= B⊗πms,sX. Hence, for any P (mX;Y) and any metric surjection q (Z;X) we have ∈ P ∈ L s I (P q)= s ((P q) )= s (P q) = s (P ) = s I (P). n m n L n L n L n m ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦⊗ ◦ (3) Let u (Y;Z) and P (mX;Y). Then, ∈ L ∈P sk+n−1 Im(u P) = sk+n−1((u P)L)= sn+k−1(u PL) ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ s (u)s (P ) = s I (u)s I (P). (cid:3) k n L k m n m ≤ ◦ ◦ The theory of ideals of homogeneous polynomials between Banach spaces has been developed in the last decades by several authors, so theextension of the dualprocedure to polynomial ideals is a natural step. In this paper we provide many results on homogeneous polynomials in connection with their adjoint concerning measure of non- compactness and s-numbers. First we need the definition of the adjoint of a continuous homogeneous polynomial. Definition 2.3. (Aron–Schottenloher [1]) Given a continuous m-homogeneous poly- nomial P (mX;Y) between the Banach spaces X and Y, the adjoint of P is the ∈ P following continuous linear operator: P∗: Y∗ (mX) , P∗(ϕ)(x) = ϕ(P(x)). −→ P It is clear that P∗ = P . k k k k AfterthisdefinitionbyR.AronandM.Schottenloher,andaftertheworksofR.Ryan [21, 22], the adjoint of a polynomial became a standard tool in the study of spaces of homogeneous polynomials and in infinite dimensional holomorphy (see, e.g. [9, 10, 17] and references therein). We refer to [9] or [16] for the properties of polynomials in infinite dimensional spaces, and to [15] for the theory of Banach spaces. 3. Approximation numbers of homogeneous polynomials Similar to the linear case we define the n-th approximation number a˜ (P) of any n homogeneous polynomial P (mX;Y) by ∈ P 6 E.C¸ALIS¸KANANDP.RUEDA a˜ (P) := inf P Q : Q (mX;Y), rank(Q)< n . n {k − k ∈ P } If we denote a (T) := inf T L : L (X;Y),rank(L) < n , T (X;Y), then n {k − k ∈ L } ∈ L a˜ (P) = a (P ). n n L If a = (a ) is an s-number sequence on , Proposition 2.1 gives that a˜ = a I is n m L ◦ an m s-number sequence on m. Therefore, a˜ = a I is an s-number sequence. − P ◦ Proposition 3.1. Let (s ): (mX;Y) [0, )N be an s-number sequence. Then n P −→ ∞ (i) For all P (mX;Y) we have s (P) a˜ (P), n N. n n ∈ P ≤ ∈ (ii) For all S (Y;Z), P (mX;Y) and all k,n N we have sk+n−1(SP) ∈ L ∈ P ∈ ≤ s1(S)a˜n(P) and sk+n−1(SP) ak(S)sn(P). ≤ Proof. (i) Let P (mX;Y). Then for any R (mX;Y) with rank(R) < n, we ∈ P ∈ P have s (P) s (P R)+s (R)= P R +s (R) = P R . Hence, by definition n 1 n n ≤ − k − k k − k of a˜ (P) we have s (P) a˜ (P). n n n ≤ (ii) Let R (mX;Y) with rank(R)< n. Since rank(SR)< n, it follows that ∈ P sk+n−1(SP) sk(S(P R))+sn(SR)= sk(S(P R)) ≤ − − S s (P R) I m S s (P R)= S P R . k X 1 ≤ k k − k k ≤ k k − k kk − k Hence by definition of (a˜n) we get sk+n−1(SP) s1(S)a˜n(P). ≤ The proof of the second inequality can be obtained in a similar way. (cid:3) Remark 3.2. If P (mX;Y) has finite rank then P has finite rank. Hence, L ∈ P rank(P) = rank(PL) = rank((PL)∗) = rank(ImX,K P∗) = rank(P∗). ◦ It is worth mentioning that our use of polynomial techniques allows us to reduce to the linear case many proofs instead of adapting all calculations to the new setting. Proposition 3.3. Let m 2 and let X and Y be Banach spaces. For every polynomial ≥ P (mX;Y) we have a (P∗) a˜ (P), n N. Furthermore, if there exists a linear n n ∈ P ≤ ∈ projection π of norm 1 from Y∗∗ onto κ (Y) then, for every P (mX;Y) we have Y ∈ P that a (P∗) = a˜ (P), n N. n n ∈ Proof. SinceImX,K isanisometricisomorphism,itfollowsfrom,e.g., [19,p. 152, 11.7.3. Proposition] that an(P∗) = an(ImX,K P∗)= an((PL)∗) an(PL)= a˜n(P). ◦ ≤ For the second assertion, we use the analogous property for linear operators [13, Proposition 3.3] to get that a˜n(P) = an(PL) = an(PL∗)= an(ImX,K◦P∗) = an(P∗). (cid:3) S-NUMBERS SEQUENCES FOR HOMOGENEOUS POLYNOMIALS 7 Remark 3.4. Thetechniquewehave usedinthissection makes useofthelinearization of continuous homogeneous polynomials. A similar technique works for continuous m- linear mappings. For each integer m N, let (X ,...,X ;Y) be the Banach space of 1 m ∈ L all continuous m-linear mappingsA: X ... X Y, endowed with thesupnorm 1 m × × 7−→ A = sup A(x ,...,x ) : x 1, i = 1,...,m . If T (X ,...,X ;Y) there 1 m i 1 m k k {k k k k ≤ } ∈ L is a unique continuous linear operator T (X ˆ ˆ X ;Y) such that T (x L 1 π π m L 1 ∈ L ⊗ ···⊗ ⊗ ... x ) = T(x ,...,x ), and the correspondence T T determines an isometric m 1 m L ⊗ ↔ isomorphism between (X ,...,X ;Y) and (X ˆ ˆ X ;Y). This could yield 1 m 1 π π m L L ⊗ ···⊗ to alternative proofs in [13] based in the well-known linear case. 4. Compactness of homogeneous polynomials The results in this section shows that the natural extensions of Kuratowski and Hausdoff measures to polynomials keeps the harmony between linear and non linear theory. Let be a metric space. The Kuratowski measure α(A) of non-compactness of a X bounded set A is defined by ⊂ X α(A) = inf ε> 0 :A may be covered by finitely many sets of diameter ε . { ≤ } In case that we consider just finitely many balls of radius ε to cover A, the infimum ≤ is called the Hausdorff ball measure β(A) of non-compactness of A, that is β(A) = inf ε > 0: A may be covered by finitely many balls of radius ε . { ≤ } For every bounded set A we have that β(A) α(A) 2β(A). ≤ ≤ Let X and Y be Banach spaces. Since continuous m-homogeneous polynomials are bounded on bounded sets, we can extend the Kuratowski, and the Hausdorff measure of non-compactness of linear operators to polynomials in a natural way: for any P ∈ (mX;Y)theKuratowski and the Hausdorff measure, respectively, ofnon-compactness P of P is defined by γ(P) := α(P(B )) and γ(P) := β(P(B )) X X e Note that P is compact if and only if γ(P) = γ(P) = 0. e Remark 4.1. (see [11, Theorem 2.9]) Suppose X and Y are Banach spaces and let T (X;Y). Then γ(T) γ(T∗) and γ(T∗) γ(T). ∈ L ≤ ≤ e e Lemma 4.2. Let X be a Banach space. Then β(C) = β(Γ(C)) for any C X. In ⊂ particular, β(Γ(P(B ))) = γ˜(P). X 8 E.C¸ALIS¸KANANDP.RUEDA Proof. Let ǫ,δ > 0. It suffices to be shown that if C can be covered by finitely many balls of radius ǫ then, Γ(C) can be covered by finitely many balls of radius δ+ǫ. Assume that there are x ,...,x X such that C N x +ǫB . Take i,j 1 N ∈ ⊂ ∪i=1 i X ∈ 1,...,N . Since the set C := αx +βx : α + β = 1 is compact, there are i,j i j { } { | | | | } z1 ,...,zLi,j X such that C Li,j(zk +δB ). If x˜ x +ǫB , x˜ x +ǫB i,j i,j ∈ i,j ⊂ ∪k=1 i,j X i ∈ i X j ∈ j X and k 1,...,L is such that αx +βx zk +δB then, ∈{ i,j} i j ∈ i,j X αx˜ +βx˜ zk α x˜ x + αx +βx zk + β x˜ x i j i,j i i i j i,j j j k − k ≤ | |k − k k − k | |k − k αǫ+δ+ β ǫ = δ+ǫ. ≤ | | | | Hence, Γ( N x +ǫB ) N ( Li,jzk +(δ+ǫ)B ) N ( Li,jzk +(δ+ǫ)B ). (cid:3) ∪i=1 i X ⊂ ∪i,j=1 ∪k=1 i,j X ⊂ ∪i,j=1 ∪k=1 i,j X Consider the m-homogeneous polynomial J : X (mX)∗ given by J(x)(B) := −→ P B(x), x X, B (mX). SinceP∗∗ J = κ P, thefollowing theorem can beproved Y ∈ ∈ P ◦ ◦ also with similar techniques to the ones given in [13, Theorem 2.1]. However, we will use polynomial techniques related to tensor products to show that the polynomial case admits shorter proofs. Theorem 4.3. Let m 2 and let X and Y be Banach spaces. Then ≥ (1) γ(P) γ(P∗) and γ(P∗) γ(P), ≤ ≤ e e (2) 1γ(P) γ(P∗) 2γ(P) and 1γ(P) γ(P∗) 2γ(P). 2 ≤ ≤ 2 ≤ ≤ e e e for every P (mX;Y). ∈ P Proof. (1) Since PL(B⊗πms,sX)= PL(Γ(⊗m,sBX)) = Γ(PL(⊗m,sBX)) = Γ(P(BX)), we obtain γ(PL) = α(PL(B⊗πms,sX)) ≥α(P(BX)) = γ(P). Then, γ(P) ≤γ(PL) ≤ γ˜(PL∗) = γ˜(ImX,K◦PL∗)= γ˜(P∗), where the first equality follows from being ImX,K an isometric isomorphism. Now Lemma 4.2 gives that ∗ ∗ ∗ γ(P ) = γ(ImX,K◦PL)= γ(PL) ≤ γ˜(PL)= β(PL(B⊗πms,sX)) = β(Γ(P(BX))) = γ˜(P). (2) By using part (1), 21γ(P) ≤ 12γ(P∗) = 12β(P∗(BY∗)) ≤ 21α(P∗(BY∗)) ≤ α(P∗(BY∗)) = γ(P∗) e γ(P) = β(P(B )) α(P(B )) 2α(P(B )) = 2γ(P), X X X ≤ ≤ ≤ e S-NUMBERS SEQUENCES FOR HOMOGENEOUS POLYNOMIALS 9 and 1γ(P) = 1β(P(B )) 1α(P(B )) = 1γ(P) 1γ(P∗) γ(P∗) 2 2 X ≤ 2 X 2 ≤ 2 ≤ e e e = β(P∗(BY∗)) α(P∗(BY∗)) = γ(P∗) γ(P) 2γ(P). (cid:3) ≤ ≤ ≤ e e As a consequence, we get R. Aron and M. Schottenloher result on compactness of polynomials: Corollary 4.4. [1, Proposition 3.6] Let m 2 and let X and Y be Banach spaces. ≥ Then for every homogeneous polynomial P (mX;Y) we have that P is compact if ∈ P and only if its adjoint P∗ is compact. The next result generalizes [12, Proposition 2] (see [13, Theorem 3.1] for the multi- linear case). Proposition 4.5. Let m 2 and let X and Y be Banach spaces. Then ≥ a (P) a (P∗∗)+2γ(P) n n ≤ e for all n N and all P (mX;Y). ∈ ∈ P Proof. a˜n(P) = an(PL) ≤ an(PL∗∗)+2γ(PL) = an((ImX,K ◦P∗)∗)+2γ˜(P) = an(P∗∗ ◦ I∗ )+2γ˜(P) = a (P∗∗)+2γ˜(P). (cid:3) mX,K n Corollary 4.6. Let m 2 and let X and Y be Banach spaces. ≥ (1) If P (mX;Y) is a compact operator, then a˜ (P) = a (P∗) for every n N. n n ∈ P ∈ (2) For every P (mX;Y) we have that a˜ (P) 5a (P∗), n N. n n ∈P ≤ ∈ Proof. (1) Since P∗ is a linear continuous operator between Banach spaces, we have a (P∗∗) a (P∗) (see, e.g., [19, p. 152, 11.7.3. Proposition]). If P is compact, then n n ≤ γ(P)= 0 and hence, by Theorem 4.5 and Proposition 3.3, we get e a (P) a (P∗∗)+2γ(P)= a (P∗∗) a (P∗) a˜ (P). n n n n n ≤ ≤ ≤ e (2) a˜n(P) = an(PL)≤ 5an(PL∗)= 5an(ImX,K◦P∗)= 5an(P∗). (cid:3) An alternative proof follows from the well known fact that P is compact if and only if P is compact (see [21]) and the corresponding property for linear operators, that is, L a˜ (P) = a (P ) = a (P∗)= a (I P∗) = a (P∗), for all n N. n n L n L n ◦ n ∈ LetP (mX;Y). Thequantity a˜(P) := lim a˜ (P) 0doesnothelpwhentrying n ∈ P n→∞ ≥ tomeasurethecompactnessofP. EvenifP isapproximable(andsocompact)whenever a˜(P) = 0theconverseis,ingeneral,nottrue. Ifweconsidertheapproximationproperty (shortly, AP) on Y, then any compact m-homogeneous polynomial P (mX;Y) ∈ P 10 E.C¸ALIS¸KANANDP.RUEDA can be approximated by finite-rank m-homogeneous polynomials (see [5, Proposition 2.5]). Hence, similarly to the (multi)linear case, if the space Y has the AP, then P (mX;Y) is compact if and only if a˜(P) = 0. However, by [1, Proposition 3.3] ∈ P (see also [17, Theorem 4.3]) we know that (mX) has the AP if and only if, for every P Banach space Y, the space of all finite-rank polynomials (mX;Y) is norm-dense f P in the space of all compact polynomials (mX;Y), or equivalently, any compact m- k P homogeneous polynomial P (mX;Y) can be approximated arbitrarily and closely ∈ P by finite-rank m-homogeneous polynomials. Therefore if the space (mX) has the AP, P then P (mX;Y) is compact if and only if a˜(P) = 0. Let us remark that, there is a ∈ P reflexive separable Banach space X with basis such that (2X) does not have the AP P (see [1]). Hence, for this space X, which has the AP, there is a Banach space Y such that there is a compact polynomial P : X Y which cannot be approximated by −→ finite-rank polynomials. Note that it turns out that this space Y also cannot have the AP by [5, Proposition 2.5]. As in the (multi-)linear case, we use Kolmogorov numbers to measure how far a polynomial is from being compact. We define the n-th Kolmogorov number d˜ (P) of a polynomial P (mX;Y) by n ∈ P d˜ (P):= inf ε > 0 : P(B ) N +εB , N Y, dim(N ) < n . n X ε Y ε ε { ⊂ ⊂ } For P := T (X;Y) we write d (T) := d (P). n n ∈ L e Kolmogorov numbersarerelated toapproximationnumbersviatheequality d (T) = n a (TQ) , n N, T (X;Y). Recall that Q is the canonical metric surjection from n ∈ ∈ L l (B ) onto X, defined by 1 X Q( λx ) = X λxx, λx l1(BX) { } { }∈ x∈BX (see [19, p. 150-151], and for the multilinear case see [13, Theorem 4.1].) To get the polynomial version of this result we will use the next proposition and the study of the lifting property for polynomials by Gonza´lez and Guti´errez [14]. Proposition 4.7. Given P (mX;Y), d˜ (P) = d (P ). n n L ∈ P Proof. Clearly d˜ (P) d (P ). On the other hand, if P(B ) N + ǫB then n n L X ǫ Y ≤ ⊂ PL(B⊗πms,sX)= Γ(P(BX)) ⊂ Γ(Nǫ+ǫBY) = Nǫ+ǫBY ⊂ Nǫ+(ǫ+δ)BY for all δ > 0. Hence, d (P ) ǫ+δ for all δ > 0 and so, d (P ) d˜ (P). (cid:3) n L n L n ≤ ≤ As in the linear case, P (mX;Y) is compact if and only if d˜(P) := lim d˜ (P) = 0. n ∈ P n→∞ Also it is obvious that d˜ (P) = 0 whenever rank(P) < n. Propositions 2.1 and 4.7 n

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