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by  P Lacey
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Sale of Land, Rivington, 1611 John Rylands Library ref RYCH/579 This Indenture: made the Thirtith daie of March in the yeares of the Raigne of oure most grac[i]ous Sov[er]aigne Lord James, by the grace of God, of England, Fraunce and Ireland, King, defendo[ur] of the Faith etc, the Nynth, And of Scotland the fower and Fortieth, Betweene Richard Hutton, S[er]iant att lawe, Thomas Tyldisley of Orford in the Countie of Lancaster, esquier, and Katheryn Pilkington of Rivington in the said Countie, late sister of Robert Pilkington of Rivington in the said Countie of Lancaster, esquier, deceased, upon th’one p[ar]tie, And George Aynesworth of Rivington in the said Countie of Lancaster, Husbandman, upon th’other p[ar]tie, Witnesseth that they, the said Richard Hutton, Thomas Tildesley and Katheryn Pilkington, for and in Considerac[i]on of the some of one Hundred and Fortie pound[es] of lawfull money of England to them hereafter to bee well and truelie satisfied and paid by the said George Aynsworth, his heires, executo[ur]s, administrato[ur]s and assignes, and ev[er]y or any <of> them, by these p[rese]ntes, Have Graunted, aliened, bargained, sould, enfeoffed and Confirmed, and by theise p[rese]ntes, for themselves, their heires and assignes, Doe graunt, alien, bargayne, sell, infeoffe and Confirme unto the said George Aynsworth, his heires and assignes, All that one mesuage or Capitall howse called the Ferneley al[ia]s the newe hall of Rivington, w[i]th th’app[ur]ten[au]nc[es], scituate and beinge in Rivington aforesaid, And one close or p[ar]cell of land, w[i]th th’app[ur]ten[au]nc[es], in Rivington aforesaid, [calle]d the barne flatt, One other closse or p[ar]cell of land, w[i]th th’app[ur]ten[au]nc[es], in Rivington aforesaid, called the North Church hill, One other closse or p[ar]cell of land, w[i]th th’app[ur]ten[au]nc[es], in Rivington aforesaid, called the south church hill, One other closse or p[ar]cell of land, w[i]th [th’appurtenaunces], in Rivington aforesaid, called the Rydinge, adioyninge to Andertons tenem[en]t, One other closse or p[ar]cell of land, w[i]th th’app[ur]ten[au]nc[es], in Rivington aforesaid, called the great meadowe, One other closse or p[ar]cell of land, w[i]th th’app[ur]ten[au]nc[es], in Rivington aforesaid, … … Sale of Land, Rivington, 1611 John Rylands Library ref RYCH/579 … … [clo]sse or p[ar]cell of land, w[i]th th’app[ur]ten[au]nc[es], in Rivington aforesaid, called the Midle meadowe, One other closse or p[ar]cell of land, w[i]th th’app[ur]ten[au]nc[es], in Rivington aforesaid, called the Cow carr, One other closse or p[ar]cell of land, w[i]th th’app[ur]ten[au]nc[es], in Rivington … … [A]nd one other closse or p[ar]cell of land, w[i]th th’app[ur]ten[au]nc[es], in Rivington aforesaid, called the Ridinge, lying on the west side of the newe alehowse, <W[i]th such Co[m]mon of pasture and turbarie as unto the said p[re]mises, or any part thereof, is nowe belonginge, or usually occupied w[i]th the same>, And alsoe the herbage and pasturage of soe much of that one close of ground called the Milne crofte … … used to and w[i]th the mylne kilne and milne hills, the milne Dames and other things used or to be used w[i]th[in] … … of them in Rivington aforesaid, And alsoe the herbage and pasturage of the lane leadinge from the said … … toward[es] Bullogh more through out all the said lane, And alsoe libertie to digg for and gett Claye <… …> for nece[ssarie] … … the said mesuage or tenem[en]t or the said p[ar]cells of land in and upon the said closed called the … … in Convenient plac[es], and libertie to make gapps overthwart the said lane, soe farr as the same doth adioyne upon anie p[ar]te of the … … of necessarie thing[es] from one closse to another of the said Closses hereby graunted, <And also all usuall passages and waies belonginge to the said p[re]mises or therew[i]th usually occupyed>, To [have and] to hould the said mesuage, tenem[en]t, Closses of land and other the liberties, Freedomes and proffitt[es], w[i]th th’app[ur]ten[au]nc[es], to the said George Aynsworth, his heires and assignes, for ever, And the said Richard Hutton for himselffe, his heires, executo[ur]s, [administratours] and assignes, Doth Coven[au]nt, graunt, Conclude, Condiscend and fullie agree to and w[i]th him, the said George Aynsworth, his heires, executo[ur]s, administrato[ur]s and assignes, and ev[er]y of them, by theise p[rese]ntes, That the said mesuage, tenem[en]t, Closses of land and other the liberties, [freedomes] and profitt[es], w[i]th th’app[ur]ten[au]nc[es], before in and by theise p[rese]ntes menc[i]oned and intended to bee graunted, bargained and sould as aforesaid, and ev[er]ye p[ar]te and p[ar]cell thereof, the daie of the date hereof, Sale of Land, Rivington, 1611 John Rylands Library ref RYCH/579 Are and bee, and soe shall henceforth for ever Continue, remaine and … … the said George Aynsworth, his heires and assignes for ever, free, Cleare and Clearelie acquited, exon[er]ated and dischardged, or otherwise from tyme to tyme and att all tymes hereafter, upon Reasonable request in that behalfe to bee made by the said George Aynsworth and his … … anie of them, to the said Richard Hutton or his heires, saved and kepte harmeles, Losseles and indempnified of and from all and all manner of former and other bargaines, sailes, guyft[es], graunt[es], Leases, Joyntures, Dowers, estates, uses, lymittac[i]ons, Coven[au]nt[es] and agreem[en]t[es] [where]by and whereup[on] anie uses bee or maie bee Created, hadd or raised to alter, Change, incumber or defeate all or anie parte of th’estate of him, the said George Aynsworth, his heires and assignes, or anie of them, of and in the said p[re]misses, w[i]th th’app[ur]ten[au]nc[es], or of or in anie p[ar]te or p[ar]cell thereof, the assignem[en]t of Dower to Elizabeth, nowe wiffe of Thomas Brockett, gentlman, and late the wiffe of the said Robert Pilkington, excepted and foreprised, And of and from all Recognizanc[es], Statut[es] M[er]chant and of the Staple, Annueties, Fees, Joyntures, Dowers, tytles of dower, intayles, accompt[es], Condempnac[i]ons, Judgm[en]t[es], extent[es], execuc[i]ons, issues, fynes for alienac[i]on, liveries, ouster le maynes, Am[er]ciam[en]t[es], forfeitures, debt[es] of Record, intrusions, Rent[es], Rent[es] chardge, Rent[es] Sect[es], arrerag[es] of Rent[es], and of and from all other Chardg[es], [tytles], trobles and incumbranc[es] whatsoever heretofore hadd, made, done, knowledged or suffered, or hereafter to bee hadd, made, done, knowledged or suffered of the said p[re]misses or anie p[ar]te thereof (except the p[re]misses formerlie excepted) by him, the said Richard Hutton, his heires or assignes, or anie of them, or anie other p[er]son or p[er]sons whatsoev[er], lawfully clayminge by, from or under him, the said Richard Hutton, his heires or assignes in any wise (except before excepted), And further alsoe that the said Richard Hutton, his heires and [“and” repeated] assignes, and all and ev[er]y other p[er]son and p[er]sons haveing and clayminge or w[hi]ch hereafter shall or maie have, clayme or lawfully p[re]tend to have anie estate, right, tytle, interest, use, possession, Rev[er]c[i]on, Rem[ainde]r, clayme or demand whatsoever of, in or unto the said p[re]misses afore in and by theise p[rese]ntes menc[i]oned to bee graunted, bargained and sould, or anie p[ar]te or p[ar]cell thereof, Att all and ev[er]y tyme and tymes hereafter w[i]thin the space of seaven yeares nowe next ensueinge, att and upon the reasonable request, Cost[es] and Charg[es] in the lawe of him, the said George Aynsworth, his heires and assignes, Sale of Land, Rivington, 1611 John Rylands Library ref RYCH/579 Shall and will make, doe, knowledge, suffer, execute, accomplish and p[er]forme, or cause and procure to bee made, done, knowledged, suffered, executed, accomplished and p[er]formed, all and ev[er]y such further and other Act and Act[es], thing and thing[es], devise and devises, Conveyance and Conveyances, assurance and assuranc[es] in the lawe whatsoever, Bee it by Deed or deed[es], inrolled or nott inrolled, Th’inrolm[en]t of theis p[rese]ntes, fyne or fynes w[i]th proclamac[i]on, feoffem[en]t or feoffm[en]t[es], w[i]th warrantie from him, the said Richard Hutton, his heires and assignes, against him, the said Richard Hutton, his heires and assignes onelie or otherwise w[i]thout warrantie, Recov[er]ye w[i]th voucher or vouchers over, and by ev[er]ye or anie or so manie of the waies, meanes and devises aforesaid or otherwise, bee it by matter in deed or matter of record or as by him, the said George Aynsworth, his heires or assignes, or by his or their Counsell learned in the lawe, shalbee reasonablie devised or advised for the further, better and more p[er]fect assurance, suertie, suer making and Conveyinge of the said p[re]misses w[i]th th’app[ur]ten[au]nc[es] above menc[i]oned to be graunted, bargained or sould unto him, the said George Aynsworth, his heires and assignes, for ever, absolutelie, w[i]thout anie manner of Condition or clause of Redempc[i]on or revocac[i]on and according to the teno[ur], forme, effect, true intent and meaninge of theis p[rese]ntes, Soe that the said Richard Hutton, his heires nor assignes, nor anie of them, bee thereby inforced for the doeing thereof to travell above the space of three myles from the place of his or their sev[er]all being[es] at the tyme of such request made, And further alsoe that all and ev[er]y Conveyaunce and Conveyanc[es], assuranc and assuranc[es], estate and estat[es] whatsoever hereafter to bee hadd, made or executed of the said p[re]misses before in theise p[rese]nts menc[i]oned or intended to bee graunted, bargained and sould, or anie p[ar]te or p[ar]cell thereof, by the said Richard Hutton solely by himselffe or Joyntlie w[i]th anie other p[er]son or p[er]sons Imeadiatlie from and after the making and p[er]fecting thereof for the Considerac[i]ons aforesaid shalbee, And alsoe that all such p[er]son and p[er]sons to whom such Conveyanc[es], assuranc[es] or estat[es] shalbee made, hadd or executed of the said p[re]misses, or anie p[ar]te thereof, and their heires, shall from tyme to tyme, and att all and ev[er]ye tyme and tymes thencefurth, stand and bee seised for ever of, for and in the said p[re]misses, w[i]th th’app[ur]ten[au]nc[es], to and for th’onelie use and behooffe of him, the said George Aynsworth, his heires and assignes for ever, accordinge to the true intent and meaninge of theis p[rese]ntes and to none other use, intent or p[ur]pose in anie wise; Sale of Land, Rivington, 1611 John Rylands Library ref RYCH/579 So as in and by the same assuranc[es] or anie of them there be nott Conteyned, expressed or implyed anie other, further or greater warrantie but onelie against him, the said Richard Hutton, his heires and assignes. And Thatt hee, the said George Aynsworth, [his heires and] assignes, and ev[er]ye of them, shall and maie, att all and ev[er]y tyme and tymes for ever hereafter, lawfully, peaceablie and quietlie have, hould, use, occupie, possesse and enioy all and sing[u]ler the said p[re]misses, w[i]th their app[ur]ten[au]nc[es], and ev[er]y p[ar]t and p[ar]cell thereof (except [before excepted]), And shall likewise receyve, p[er]ceive and take to their and ev[er]y of their owne use and uses for ever, All and ev[er]ye the Rent[es], issues and proffitt[es] whatsoever from tyme to tyme Comeing, growinge, increasinge, renuinge or arysinge of, out of or for the said p[re]misses, [or anie parte or parcell thereof], (except before excepted), w[i]thout anie lett, suite, troble, denyall, expulsion, evicc[i]on, eiecc[i]on, interrupc[i]on, molestac[i]on or other incumbrance whatsoever of him, the said Richard Hutton, his heires or assignes or anie of them, or of anie other p[er]son or p[er]sons whatsoever, by [his, their or anie of theire] consent[es], assent[es], meanes and procurem[en]t[es] in anie wise. And the said Thomas Tyldesley for himselffe, his heires, [executours, administratours and assignes], doth Coven[au]nt, graunt, Conclude, [“Condiscend” omitted?] and [“fullie” omitted?] agree to and w[i]th him, the said George Aynsworth, his heires, executo[ur]s, [administratours and] assignes, and ev[er]y of them, by theise p[rese]ntes, That the said mesuage, tenem[en]t, Closses of land and other the p[re]misses, w[i]th [th’appurtenaunces, before in and by theise presentes] menc[i]oned and Intended to bee granted, bargained and sould as aforesaid, and ev[er]ye p[ar]te [and parcell thereof, the daie of] the date hereof, are and bee, and soe from hencefurth for ever shall and maie Continue, remayne and … … [the said George Aynsworth], his heires and assignes for ever, Free, Cleare and clearelie acquited, exon[er]ated and dischardged, or otherwise [from tyme to tyme and att all tymes] hereafter, upon reasonable request in that behalfe to bee made by him, the said George Aynsworth his heirs and assignes, to him, the said Thomas Tyldisley, his heires and assignes, saved and kepte harmeles, losseles and indempnified of and from all and [all manner of former and other bargaines], sailes, guift[es], graunt[es], estates, leases, uses, Lymittac[i]ons, Coven[au]nt[es] and agreem[en]t[es] Sale of Land, Rivington, 1611 John Rylands Library ref RYCH/579 Where[by and] whereupon anie uses bee or maie bee Created, hadd or raysed to alter, change, incumber or defeate all or anie p[ar]te of th’estate of him, the said George [Aynsworth, his heires or assig]nes, or anie of them, of and in the said p[re]misses, w[i]th th’app[ur]ten[au]nc[es], or of or in anie p[ar]te or p[ar]cell thereof, the assignem[en]t of Dower to Elizabeth, nowe wiffe of Thomas Brockett, gentlman, and late the wiffe of the said Roberte Pilkington, [excepted and foreprised, And of] and from all Recognizances, Statut[es] m[er]chant and of the Staple, Anueties, fees, Joyntures, Dowers, intailes, accompt[es], Condempnac[i]ons, iudgm[en]t[es], extent[es], execuc[i]ons, issues, fynes for alienac[i]on, am[er]ciam[en]t[es], forfeitures, debt[es] of record, intrusions, Rent[es], Rent[es] [chardge, Rentes Sectes, arrerag[es] of] Rent[es], And of and from all other chardg[es], tytles, trobles and incumbranc[es] whatsoever heretofore hadd, made, done, knowledged or suffered, or hereafter to bee hadd, made, done, knowledged or suffered of the said p[re]misses or anie p[ar]te thereof (except before [excepted) by him, the said Thom]as Tyldisley, his heires or assignes or anie of them, or anie other p[er]son or p[er]sons lawfully clayminge by, from or under him, the said Thomas Tyldisley, his heires or assignes in any wise, And further alsoe that hee, the said Thomas [Tyldisley], his heires and assignes, and all and ev[er]y other p[er]son and p[er]sons having or clayminge or w[hi]ch hereafter shall or maie lawfully have, clayme or p[re]te[n]d to have anie estate, right, tytle, interest, use, possession, rev[er]c[i]on, Rem[ainde]r, claime or demand whatsoever of, in or unto the said p[re]misses afore in and by theise p[rese]ntes menc[i]oned to bee graunted, bargained and sould, or anie p[ar]te or p[ar]cell thereof, att all tyme and tymes hereafter w[i]thin the space of seaven yeares nowe next ensueinge, att and upon the reasonable request[es], Cost[es] and Chardg[es] in the lawe of him, the said George Aynsworth, his heires and assignes, Shall and will make, Doe, knowledge, suffer, execute, accomplish and p[er]forme, or cause and procure to bee made, done, knowledged, suffered, executed, accomplished and p[er]formed, all and ev[er]y such further and other reasonable Act and act[es], thing [and] thing[es], devise and devises, Conveyance and Conveyances, assuranc and assuranc[es] in the lawe whatsoever, Sale of Land, Rivington, 1611 John Rylands Library ref RYCH/579 Bee it by Deed or deed[es], inrolled or nott inrolled, inrollm[en]t of theise p[rese]ntes, fyne or fynes w[i]th proclamac[i]on, feoffm[en]t or feoffem[en]t[es], w[i]th warranty from [him, the] said Thomas Tyldisley, his heires and assignes, onelie or otherwise w[i]thout warrantie, Recov[er]ie w[i]th voucher or vouchers over, and by ev[er]ye or anie or so manie of the waies, meanes and devises aforesaid or otherwise, bee it by matter in [deed] or matter [of rec]ord, as by the said George Aynsworth, his heires and assignes, or by his Councell learned in the lawe, shalbee reasonablie devised or advised for the further, better and more p[er]fecte assurance, suertie, suer makinge and Conveyinge [of] the said [premiss]es, w[i]th th’app[ur]ten[au]nc[es], above menc[i]oned to be graunted, bargained and sould unto him, the said George Aynsworth, his heires and assignes, for ever, absolutlie, w[i]thout anie mann[er] of Condic[i]on or Clause of Redempc[i]on or revocac[i]on and accord[ing to the] intent and true meaning of theis p[rese]ntes, And soe that the said Thomas Tyldisley, his heires nor assignes, nor anie of them, bee not thereby inforced for the doing thereof to travell above the space of three myles of <from> his or their sev[erall] aboad[es] and being att the tyme of such request made, And further alsoe <that all> and ev[er]y Conveyance and Conveyanc[es], assuranc and assuranc[es], estate and estat[es] whatsoever hereafter to bee hadd, made <or> executed of the said p[re]misses or of anie p[ar]te or p[ar]cell thereof before in and by theise present[es] menc[i]oned and intended to bee bargained and sould by the said Thomas Tyldesley solelie by himselffe or Jointlie w[i]th anie other p[er]son or p[er]sons Imeadiatlie from and after the making and p[er]fecting thereof for the Considerac[i]ons aforesaid shalbee, And alsoe that all such p[er]son and p[er]sons to whom such Conveyance, assurance or estate shalbee made or executed of the said p[re]misses, or of anie p[ar]te thereof, and their heires, shall from tyme to tyme, and att all and ev[er]y tyme and tymes thenceforth, stand and bee seised for ever of, for and in the said premisses, w[i]th their app[ur]ten[au]nc[es], (except before excepted), to and for th’onelie use and behooffe of him, the said George Aynsworth, his heires and assignes for ever, according to the true intent and meaninge of theis p[rese]ntes and to noe other use, intent or p[ur]pose in anie wise, Soe as in and by the same assurances or anie of them there be nott Conteyned, expressed or implyed anie other, further or greater warrantie but onelie against him, the said Thomas Tyldisley, his heires and assignes, Sale of Land, Rivington, 1611 John Rylands Library ref RYCH/579 And that hee, the said George Aynsworth, his heires and assignes, and ev[er]y of them, shall and maie, att all and ev[er]y tyme and tymes for ever hereafter, lawfully, peaceably and quietlie have, hould, use, occupie, possesse and enioye all and singuler the said p[re]misses, w[i]th their app[ur]ten[au]nc[es], and ev[er]y p[ar]te and p[ar]cell thereof (except before excepted), And shall likewise receive, p[er]ceive and take to their and ev[er]y of theire owne uses and behooffes for ever all the rent[es], issues and proffitt[es] whatsoever from tyme to tyme comeinge, growinge, increasinge, renueinge and arysinge of, out of and for the said p[re]misses, or anie p[ar]te or p[ar]cell thereof, except before excepted, w[i]thout anie lett, suite, troble, denyall, expulsion, evicc[i]on, eiecc[i]on or interrupc[i]on of him, the said Thomas Tyldesley, his heires or assignes, or anie of them, or of anie other p[er]son or p[er]sons whatsoever, by his, their or anie of theire assent[es], meanes [and procurementes] in anie wise. And the said Katheryn Pilkington, for herselffe, her heires, executo[ur]s, administrato[ur]s and assignes, doth Coven[au]nt, graunt, Conclud, Condiscend and fully agree to and w[i]th him, the said George Aynsworth, his heires, executo[ur]s, administrato[ur]s and assignes, and ev[er]y of them, by theise p[rese]ntes, That the said mesuage, tenem[en]t, Closses of land, w[i]th the liberties, freedoms profitt[es] and other the p[re]misses, w[i]th th’app[ur]ten[au]nc[es], before in by theis p[rese]ntes menc[i]oned to bee graunted, bargained and sould as aforesaid, and ev[er]y p[ar]te and p[ar]cell thereof, the daie of the date hereof, are and bee, and soe shall hencefurth for ever Contynue, remayne and bee unto him, the said Geo[rge] Aynsworth, his heires and assignes for ever, free, Cleare and clearlie acquited, exon[er]ated and dischardged, or otherwise from tyme to tyme and att all tymes hereafter, upon reasonable request by him or anie of his heires to bee made to the said Katheryn Pilkington, her heires and assignes, saved and kept harmelesse, losseles and indempnified of and from all and all mann[er] of form[er] and other bargaynes, sailes, guift[es], graunt[es], estat[es], leases, uses, limittac[i]ons, Coven[au]nt[es] and agreem[en]t[es] whereby or whereupon anie uses bee or maie bee created, hadd or raysed to alter, chang, incumber or defeate all or anie p[ar]te of the estate and tytle of him, the said George Aynsworth, his heires and assignes, or anie of them, of and in the said p[re]misses, w[i]th th’app[ur]ten[au]nc[es], or anie p[ar]te or p[ar]cell thereof, and the assignem[en]t of Dower to Elizabeth, now wiffe of Thomas Brockett, gentlman, and late the wiffe of the said Roberte Pilkington, excepted and foreprised, Sale of Land, Rivington, 1611 John Rylands Library ref RYCH/579 And of and from all recognizanc[es], statut[es] m[er]chant and of the Staple, Anuyties, fees, Joyntures, Dowers, intayles, accompt[es], Condempnac[i]ons, Judgm[en]t[es], extent[es], execuc[i]ons, issues, fynes for alienac[i]on, liberties, ouster le maines, am[er]ciam[en]t[es], forfeitures, debt[es] of record, intrusions, Rent[es], Rent chardg[es], Rent sect, arrerag[es] of Rent[es], acquittanc[es] and of and from all other chardg[es], tytles, trobles and incumbranc[es] whatsoever heretofore hadd, made, Done, knowledged or suffered, or hereafter to bee hadd, made, done, knowledged or suffered of the said p[re]misses or anie p[ar]te or p[ar]cell thereof, except before excepted, by her, the said Katheryn Pilkington, her heires or assignes, or anie of them, or anie other p[er]son or p[er]sons whatsoever lawfully clayminge by, from or under the said Katheryn Pilkington, her heires or assignes, except before excepted, And further alsoe that shee, the said Katheryn Pilkington, and the heires and assignes of her, the said Katheryn, and all and ev[er]y other p[er]son and p[er]sons having or lawfully clayminge, or w[hi]ch hereafter shall or maie have or lawfully clayme or p[re]tend to have anie estate, right, tytle, interest, use, possession, Rev[er]c[i]on, Rem[ainde]r, claime or demand of, in or to the same p[re]misses afore in and by theise p[rese]ntes menc[i]oned to bee bargained and sould, or anie p[ar]te or p[ar]cell thereof, Att all and ev[er]y tyme and tymes hereafter w[i]thin the space of seaven yeares nowe next ensueinge, att and upon the reasonable request, costes and charges in the lawe of him, the said George Aynsworth, his heires and assignes, Shall and will make, Doe, knowledge, suffer, execute, accomplish and p[er]forme, or cause and procure to bee made, Done, knowledged, suffered, executed, accomplished and p[er]formed, all and ev[er]y such further and other act and act[es], thing and thing[es], Devyse and devyses, Conveyance and Conveyanc[es], assurance and assuranc[es] in the lawe whatsoever, Bee it by deed or deed[es], inrolled or nott inrolled, Th’inrollment of theise p[rese]ntes, fyne or fynes w[i]th proclamac[i]on, feoffm[en]t or feoffm[en]t[es], w[i]th warrantie from her, the said Katheryn Pilkington, and her heires, against her, the said Katheryn Pilkington and her heires onelie or otherwise w[i]thout warrantie, Recov[er]y w[i]th voucher or vouchers over, and by ev[er]y or anie or so manie of the waies, meanes and devises aforesaid or otherwise, Sale of Land, Rivington, 1611 John Rylands Library ref RYCH/579 Bee it by matter in deed or matter of record or as by him, [the said George Aynsworth, his heires or assignes, shalbee] reasonablie devysed or advysed, Counselled or required for the better, further, and more p[er]fect assurance, suertie and suer makinge and Conveying of the said p[re]misses, w[i]th th’app[ur]ten[au]nc[es], above menc[i]oned to be bargained and sould unto him, the said George Aynsworth, his heires and assignes, for ever, absolutlie, w[i]thout anie mann[er] of Condic[i]on or clause of Redempc[i]on or revocac[i]on, and according to the true intent and meaninge of theis p[rese]ntes, Soe that the said Katheryn Pilkington, her heires nor assignes, nor anie of them, bee nott thereby inforced for the dooinge thereof to travell above the space of three myles from the place of their sev[er]all aboad[es] and being att the tyme of such request to bee made, And further alsoe that all and ev[er]y Conveyance and Conveyanc[es], assuranc and assuranc[es], estate and estat[es] whatsoever hereafter to bee executed, hadd and made as aforesaid of the said p[re]misses, or of anie p[ar]te or p[ar]cell thereof, in and by theise p[rese]ntes menc[i]oned or Intended to bee bargayned and sould as aforesaid by her, the said Katheryn Pilkington solely by herselffe or Jointlie w[i]th anie other p[er]son or p[er]sons Imeadiatlie from and after the making and p[er]fecting thereof for the Considerac[i]ons aforesaid shalbee, And alsoe that all such p[er]son and p[er]sons as to whom such Conveyance, assurance or assuranc[es] and estat[es] shalbee made, hadd or executed of the said p[re]misses, or of anie p[ar]te thereof, and their heires, shall from tyme to tyme, and att all and ev[er]y tyme and tymes thencefurth, stand and bee seised for ever of, for and in the said p[re]misses, w[i]th their app[ur]ten[au]nc[es], (except before excepted), to and for the onelie use and behooffe of him, the said George Aynsworth, his heires and assignes for ever, according to the true intent and meaninge of theis p[rese]ntes, and to noe other use, intent or purpose in anie wyse, And that hee, the said George Aynsworth, his heires and assignes, and ev[er]y of them, shall and maie, att all and ev[er]y tyme and tymes for ever hereafter, lawfully, peaceably and quietlie have, hould, use, occupye, possesse and enioye all and sing[u]ler the said p[re]misses, w[i]th their app[ur]ten[au]nc[es], and ev[er]y p[ar]te and p[ar]cell thereof (except before excepted),

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