Rydberg States of Helium in Electric and Magnetic Fields of Arbitrary Relative Orientation 7 1 Ondˇrej Tk´aˇc, Matija Zˇeˇsko, Josef A. Agner, Hansju¨rg 0 2 Schmutz, Fr´ed´eric Merkt LaboratoryofPhysicalChemistry,ETHZurich,CH-8093Zurich,Switzerland n a E-mail: [email protected] J 6 December2015 ] h Abstract. AspectroscopicstudyofRydbergstatesofhelium(n =30and45) in magnetic, electric and combined magnetic and electric fields with arbitrary p relative orientations of the field vectors is presented. The emphasis is on two - m specialcaseswhere(i)thediamagnetictermisnegligibleandbothparamagnetic ZeemanandStarkeffectsarelinear(n=30,B≤120mTandF =0-78V/cm e ), and (ii) the diamagnetic term is dominant and the Stark effect is linear (n = h 45,B =277mTandF =0-8V/cm). Bothcasescorrespondtoregimeswhere c the interactions induced by the electric and magnetic fields are much weaker . s thantheCoulombinteraction,butmuchstrongerthanthespin-orbitinteraction. c Theexperimentalspectraarecomparedtospectracalculatedbydeterminingthe i eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian matrix describing helium Rydberg states in the s externalfields. Thespectraandthecalculatedenergy-leveldiagramsinexternal y fieldsrevealavoidedcrossingsbetweenlevelsofdifferentm valuesandpronounced h l m-mixingeffectsatallanglesbetweentheelectricandmagneticfieldvectorsother p l than 0. These observations are discussed in the context of the development of a [ methodtogeneratedensesamplesofcoldatomsandmoleculesinamagnetictrap 1 followingRydberg-Starkdeceleration. v 8 3 PACSnumbers: 32.80.Ee 6 1 0 . Keywords: Rydberg state, Stark effect, Zeeman effect, m mixing 1 0 7 1 Submitted to: Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics : v i X r a Rydberg States of Helium in Electric and Magnetic Fields of Arbitrary Relative Orientation 2 1. Introduction examined in Rydberg states of rubidium [29,30], sodium [31] and barium [32,33]. Rydberg atoms in The investigation of the effects of external magnetic strong perpendicular electric and magnetic fields are and electric fields on atomic spectra is an important of interest because they exhibit a potential energy activity in atomic physics. Many theoretical and surface for the electron motion that has two minima experimental studies have been made to understand [34,35]. A narrow and deep potential well is centered the energy-level structure of Rydberg atoms in atthenucleusandarisesfromtheCoulombinteraction, magnetic, electric and combined electric and magnetic whereasashallowerwelloccursatlargedistancesfrom fields [1,2]. However, most studies were performed for the nucleus. The first experimental evidence of a only one of the two fields or for the special cases of field-inducedpotentialminimumatlargedistanceswas parallel or perpendicular orientations of the electric reported by Fauth et al. [36] following observation of and magnetic field vectors. Many studies of the effects the large electric dipole moment associated with these of magnetic fields were performed using strong fields, states. Rydbergatomsinstrongperpendicularelectric for which the diamagnetic contribution is dominant, andmagneticfieldsarealsoofinterestforstudyingthe starting with the early work of Jenkins and Segr´e quantum-mechanical properties of systems for which [3] and the discovery of quasi-Landau resonances by the corresponding classical behaviour is chaotic [37, Garton and Tomkins [4]. Zimmerman et al. [5] 38], which is the case when the interactions with the studied the diamagnetism of Na Rydberg states by external fields become comparable in strength to the high-resolutionspectroscopyandanalyzedindetailthe Coulomb interaction [39,40]. magnetic-field dependence of the level structure from Only a few theoretical studies have been devoted the low to the high field regime. The effects of high to the behaviour of Rydberg atoms in electric and magnetic fields were also explored experimentally in magnetic fields with arbitrary relative orientations. the Rydberg states of other atoms, including barium Calculationsforweakexternalfieldsusingperturbation [6],helium[7],rubidium[8]andhydrogeninthequasi- theorywerereportedin[41,42]andtheeffectsofstrong Landau regime [9]. electric and magnetic fields were studied in [43,44]. ThepureStarkeffectwasalsostudiedinnumerous In their theoretical study of the hydrogen atom in Rydbergatoms, includingthealkaliandalkaline-earth combined electric and magnetic fields with arbitrary metal atoms [10–13] and the rare gases [14–17] and in relative orientations, Main et al. [45] predicted large molecules [18–21]. avoided crossings between eigenstates of the same Early experiments on Rydberg states in parallel approximately conserved n values, a phenomenon electric and magnetic fields were performed in lithium which was interpreted as a quantum manifestation of [22–24], hydrogen [25] and helium [26]. These intramanifold chaos. studies also presented complete analyses of the OurmotivationtostudythespectrumofRydberg observed structures, from which resulted a detailed states of He in electric and magnetic fields with arbi- understanding of the relevant physical processes and traryrelativeorientationsoriginatedinexperimentsin a classification of the Rydberg states according to which we seek to develop a new trap-loading scheme different types of behaviour in the fields. In all cases, for cold paramagnetic atoms and molecules in super- excellent agreement between measured and calculated sonicbeamsrelyingonRydberg-Starkdecelerationand spectrawasobtained. Recently,theRydbergspectrum trapping [46]. The strategy we follow to increase the of Rb was studied in the presence of strong magnetic density of cold trapped atoms and molecules consists andweakparallelelectricfieldsinthen-mixingregime, of first decelerating and deflecting the Rydberg atoms with the goal of preparing states of large dipole usingaRydberg-Starkdecelerator[46–48], loadingthe moments and large optical excitation cross sections atoms in an off-axis electric trap and waiting for them for possible applications in quantum information to radiatively decay to the ground or a metastable processing [27]. state, i.e., the 1s2s 3S = 2 3S state in the case of 1 1 An experimental study of Rydberg states of H He. Superimposing a magnetic trap on the electric in strong perpendicular magnetic and electric fields trapwouldenableustoincreasethedensityoftrapped was reported by Weibusch et al. [28]. The effect atoms at each cycle of our experimental procedure. A of perpendicular electric and magnetic fields was also similarstrategy,butbasedonmultistageStarkdeceler- Rydberg States of Helium in Electric and Magnetic Fields of Arbitrary Relative Orientation 3 ationratherthanRydberg-Starkdeceleration,hasbeen pursued to trap NH molecules [49]. Figure 1 shows the distributions of electric (red arrows) and magnetic (blue arrows) fields in the overlaid electric and magnetic traps. The electric trap is generated by four electrodes in quadrupole configuration, and the magnetic trap, with a field minimum at the centre of the electric trap, is created by two permanent magnets placed above and below the plane of the figure. Atoms trapped in such electric- and magnetic-field distributions experience all possible relative orientations between the electric- and magnetic-field vectors. Whereas the weak electric fields we use for trapping (F < 250 V/cm, see figure 1) will not influence the behaviour of the ground Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the overlaid electric and state or metastable states accumulating in the trap, magneticquadrupoletrapwiththemagnetic(bluearrows)and one can anticipate that the magnetic fields of up to electric(redarrows)fielddistributioninthecentralplane. The electric trapping fields are generated by applying ±50 V to 50 mT will influence the Rydberg-Stark deceleration the four parallel cylindrical metallic rods used as electrodes in and trapping processes. The success of Rydberg- a quadrupolar arrangement. The quadrupolar magnetic-field Stark deceleration and trapping experiments critically distributioniscreatedbytwopermanentmagnetsinnorth-north depends on the ability to carry out realistic particle- configurationpositionedinthecenterofthefourelectrodesabove and below the plane of the figure, as indicated by the dashed trajectory simulations and these in turn require a circle. Themaximalsizesoftheredandbluearrowscorrespond good knowledge of the field dependence of the energy to250V/cmand47mT,respectively. levels. The purpose of the study presented in this articleistodevelopandvalidateefficientproceduresto compute the energy-level structure of Rydberg atoms effect on the deceleration and trapping efficiency, (and molecules) in electric and magnetic fields of emphasis is placed on the characterization of avoided arbitrary relative orientation. Spectroscopic studies crossings between the Rydberg states in energy-level of Rydberg states of He in magnetic, electric and maps in which the energy eigenvalues are plotted as a combined magnetic and electric fields with arbitrary function of the electric field, the magnetic field, and relative orientations are presented here as a necessary the angle between the field vectors. step in our overall strategy. This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 Procedures to compute Rydberg spectra in pure contains the descriptions of the experimental setup electric fields, pure magnetic fields, and parallel and and the method of calculating the spectra of Rydberg perpendicular electric and magnetic fields are well heliuminexternalfields. Theexperimentalspectraare established, as reviewed above. We nevertheless chose presented and discussed in Section 3, where they are to present such spectra because (1) pure Stark and alsocompared withcalculated spectra. The discussion Zeeman spectra are essential to calibrate the field starts with the simplest case of Rydberg helium strengths by comparison between experimental and spectra measured in pure magnetic and pure electric computed spectra, (2) the field strengths themselves fields, continues with the special cases of parallel and are crucial to accurately set the angle between electric perpendicular fields and ends with the general case and magnetic fields, and (3) spectra recorded for of fields with arbitrary relative orientation. A brief parallel and perpendicular electric and magnetic fields conclusion is given in Section 4. are useful, as limiting cases, in the validation of the procedure devised to calculate spectra for arbitrary 2. Methods anglesbetweentheelectric-andmagnetic-fieldvectors. At the n values around 30 used and the typical 2.1. Experimental setup fields of 0-250 V/cm and 0-50 mT relevant for our A schematic view of the experimental setup is planned trapping schemes, the Stark and Zeeman presentedinfigure2. Acoldsupersonicbeamofhelium interactions are much below the range where quantum is formed by expanding pure He gas into vacuum from chaos is expected. These interactions can be a reservoir held at a stagnation pressure of 2.5 bar adequately treated by perturbation theory, which is using a pulsed valve. The valve is cooled to 130 K the approach we follow in the analysis of our spectra. with liquid nitrogen, resulting in a beam velocity of Because adiabatic transitions between Rydberg states 1200 m/s. Triplet 2 3S helium (called metastable He of different electric dipole moments have an adverse 1 or He* hereafter) is produced in an electric discharge Rydberg States of Helium in Electric and Magnetic Fields of Arbitrary Relative Orientation 4 in the high-pressure region at the exit of the nozzle, coils. When the magnetic-field vector points parallel as described in [50]. After passing a skimmer, the He* to the He* beam and the He+ flight axis (z(cid:48) axis in atoms enter a photoexcitation and ionization region figure 2), the Lorentz force does not deflect the ions. surrounded by four parallel cylindrically-symmetric Consequently, the maximal value of the magnetic field electrodes and by two pairs of coils in Helmholtz in z(cid:48) direction is only limited by the current that can configuration. The separation between the outer two be applied to the coils, i.e., 200 A, corresponding to electrodesinthestackis1.5cmandthefourelectrodes B = 280 mT. When the magnetic field is applied par are equally spaced. The inner two electrodes are used in the direction perpendicular to the ion flight axis, to ensure the homogeneity of the electric field in the the Lorentz force deflects the ions, which makes it photoexcitation region. To generate magnetic fields impossible to record spectra for B >20 mT. perp perpendicular (parallel) to the electric field, two coils The laser polarization used for the experiments is areusedwithacenter-to-centerdistanceof50mm(33 chosensoastobepredominantlyperpendiculartoboth mm) and inner and outer radii of 84 (44.5) and 114.6 the electric and magnetic fields, implying the selection (75.1) mm, respectively. The number of windings of rule ∆m =±1 for the transition from the 2 3S state l 1 each coil is 70. to the Rydberg states. In some experiments, the laser TheHe*atomsareexcitedtoRydbergstatesusing polarization was slightly tilted (less than 5◦), so that a pulsed (repetition rate 25 Hz, pulse duration ∼3 them =0componentinthepureZeemanspectraand l ns, pulse energy 150 µJ) narrow-band (full width at the 31s level in the pure Stark spectra and the spectra half maximum 150 MHz) UV laser with a wavelength recorded for parallel fields could also be observed. tunable in the region between 260.41 and 260.88 nm The effects of the slightly tilted polarization on the for transitions from the 2 3S state to Rydberg states spectra recorded in combined electric and magnetic 1 with n between 30 and 45. To generate the UV fields are too weak to be observed. The calibration laserradiation,acontinuous-wavesingle-modetunable of the magnetic field is performed by measuring the IR diode laser (power 30 mW, wavelength 782 nm) Zeeman splitting for a range of currents applied to is pulse amplified using three successive dye cells the two pairs of coils and determining the relationship operated with the dye Styryl 11 and pumped with the between current and magnetic field for each pair of second harmonic (532 nm) of a Nd:YAG laser. The coils separately. Since the beam velocity is parallel output (1 mJ/pulse) of the dye amplification stages to the applied electric field, the motional Zeeman is frequency doubled with a BBO crystal, and the effect is zero. The motional Stark effect resulting doubledlight,withawavelengthof∼391nm,ismixed from the magnetic-field component perpendicular to in another BBO crystal with the fundamental IR laser thebeampropagationaxisis0.09V/cmforB =8mT output to get the desired UV radiation. The vacuum and is negligible compared to the typical electric-field wavenumber of the UV laser radiation is determined strengths used in this work. from the wavenumber of the IR radiation, which is measured using a wavemeter (accuracy 3σ (cid:39) 200 2.2. Theoretical treatment MHz). The He Rydberg atoms (n = 30 or 45) are The Hamiltonian describing a He Rydberg atom in detected by field ionization with a pulsed electric field of 2 kV/cm, which also extracts the He+ ions toward combined electric and magnetic fields with a relative orientation specified by the angle α is given in atomic a detector consisting of a pair of microchannel plates units by in chevron configuration. The joint effects of the laser bandwidth and Doppler broadening led to single transitions having full widths at half maximum of 1 1 Hˆ =Hˆ + B(ˆl −g Sˆ )+ B2(xˆ2+yˆ2) 0.007 cm−1. Consequently, all calculated stick spectra 0 2 z e z 8 wereconvolutedwithaGaussianline-shapefunctionof +Fzˆcosα+Fxˆsinα, (1) 0.007 cm−1. if the z axis is chosen to coincide with the magnetic Figure 2 schematically illustrates the relative field. The magnetic field is given in atomic units orientations of the molecular beam, the laser beam, thelaserpolarization(F(cid:126) ),theaxisofthecylindrically of h¯/(ea20) = 2.35×105 T and the electric field in L atomic units of E /(ea ) = 5.14 ×109 V/cm. Hˆ symmetricelectrodestackusedtogeneratetheelectric h 0 0 field (F(cid:126) ) and the axes of the two solenoid pairs used is the unperturbed (zero-field) Hamiltonian of the dc helium atom. The zero-field energies are calculated to produce the magnetic fields (B(cid:126) and B(cid:126) ). The par perp from Rydberg’s formula using the known quantum atomic beam propagates in a direction parallel to the defects for triplet (S = 1) helium (δ = 0.2967, δ electric field. The magnetic field can be produced at s p = 0.0684, δ = 0.0029 and δ = 0 [51]). The arbitraryangletotheelectricfieldinthey(cid:48),z(cid:48)planeby d f,g,... secondtermintheHamiltonian(1)istheparamagnetic adjustingthecurrentsflowingthroughthetwopairsof Rydberg States of Helium in Electric and Magnetic Fields of Arbitrary Relative Orientation 5 y´ Coils z´ x´ B Nozzle He* beam perp F F dc L Discharge B par Electrode MCPDetector stack UV laser Figure2. Schematicdiagramofthephotoexcitationregiondisplayingtheelectrodestackusedtogeneratetheelectricfieldandthe two solenoid pairs used to produce the magnetic field. The directions of the atomic beam, the electric field (F(cid:126) ), the laser beam dc polarization(F(cid:126)L)andthemagneticfields(B(cid:126)par)and(B(cid:126)perp)generatedbythetwopairsofsolenoidsareindicated. term and ˆl and Sˆ are the orbital and spin angular- very weak spin-orbit coupling, Sˆ and ˆl couple more z z momentum operators of the Rydberg electron in the strongly to the magnetic field than to each other direction of the magnetic field (z axis), respectively, and precess independently about the magnetic-field and g ≈ −2.00231 is the electron g factor. The direction. The total angular momentum Jˆ = ˆl + Sˆ e diamagnetic term B2(xˆ2 + yˆ2) can be neglected if of the Rydberg electron is no longer a constant of n4B << 1 and does8not play a significant role at n = motion,butJˆz =ˆlz+Sˆz is. Thissituationcorresponds 30 for the magnetic field strengths used in the current to the Paschen-Back regime, which describes the n study, except for the spectra recorded at magnetic = 30 and 45 Rydberg states of He explored in this field strengths above 100 mT. The last two terms in work accurately, because the spin-orbit interaction is the Hamiltonian (1) describe the interaction with the very weak in a light atom such as He and scales as electric field along the z and x axes. ∼ 1 . The Paschen-Back regime and the selection n3 If an electric or a magnetic field is applied, the rules ∆S = 0, ∆mS = 0 allow us to ignore the orbital angular momentum quantum number l is no spin part of the Hamiltonian. All spectra presented longer a good quantum number. Only the projection in this article were recorded in the regime where the of the orbital angular momentum onto the axis of the magneticinteractionismuchweakerthantheCoulomb field, l =m ¯h, with m = -l, -l+1, ..., l, is a constant interaction but at the same time much stronger than z l l of motion. The same is true for parallel electric and the spin-orbit interaction. The spectra for magnetic- magnetic fields. When these fields are not parallel, field strengths beyond 100 mT were calculated using also the cylindrical symmetry is broken and not even Hamiltonian (1) but disregarding the electron spin. m is a good quantum number any more. TheHamiltoniancanalsobeexpressedinacoordinate l Thediamagnetictermisdiagonalinm butmixes system with the z axis chosen to coincide with the l alllstatesofthesameparityaccordingtotheselection electric field rule ∆l = 0,±2 without restriction on ∆n. The Hˆ =Hˆ +Fzˆ+ 1Bˆl cosα+ 1Bˆl sinα. (2) Stark Hamiltonian (last two terms in Hamiltonian 0 2 z 2 x (1)) has components along the x and z axes and This coordinate system is not suitable for expressing couples states according to the selection rule ∆l = thediamagneticinteraction, andthisHamiltonianwas ±1. The z component conserves the quantum number used only for weak magnetic fields (B < 20 mT). In m , whereas the x component mixes states differing this case, the paramagnetic term along the x axis is l in ml by ±1. Both components can couple states diagonal in l and n but mixes states with ∆ml = of different n values, but at the electric fields used ±1. To compute the Rydberg-excitation spectra, the in this investigation the coupling between adjacent n Hamiltonians (1) or (2) are expressed in matrix form manifoldsissmallcomparedtothecouplingwithinone using |nlml(cid:105) = Rnl(r)Ylml(θ,φ) basis functions and n manifold. The paramagnetic term is diagonal in n, l the line positions and intensities are derived from its and m . eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. l In the cases of a strong magnetic field or of a The number of states that need to be included in the calculations to accurately reproduce the level Rydberg States of Helium in Electric and Magnetic Fields of Arbitrary Relative Orientation 6 positions depends on the electric- and magnetic-field the gradual integration of the d Zeeman levels in the strengths [14]. For the electric- and magnetic-field high-lmanifold,and(3)anasymmetricsplittingofthe strengths used in the present investigation to record pm =±1levelswithrespecttothezero-fieldposition l spectra around n = 30 (F ≤ 78 V/cm and B ≤ 280 of the p state. mT), the basis set had to include all states with n For magnetic fields below 230 mT, the l mixing of = 29 - 32, l = 0, ..., n-1 and m = -l, -l+1, ..., l, the optically accessible 30p level with nonpenetrating l i.e., a total of 3726 functions, to correctly reproduce l = 3, 5, 7, ..., 29 levels induced by the diamagnetic the line positions. Using Hamiltonian (2) instead of term of the Hamiltonian [see Hamiltonian (1)] is (1) enables one to reduce the size of the basis set and still extremely weak, so that only the 30p level to include only states with |m | ≤ 2 in calculations could be observed within the sensitivity limit of l performed for large electric fields and small magnetic our experiments. Calculations based on formula (3) fields. No significant difference was found in the indicatethattheintensitiesoftransitionstothehigh-l spectra calculated for perpendicular fields of 78 V/cm manifold of n = 30 Zeeman levels are more than 1000 and B < 20 mT with either a full |m | ≤ l basis set times weaker than the transitions to the p state and l or the reduced |m | ≤ 2 basis set. The radial part of thatthesetransitionswouldonlybecomeobservableat l the matrix elements was computed using R (r) radial magnetic fields of ∼750 mT, which are, unfortunately, nl functions evaluated numerically for l = 0 - 2 using not accessible with our solenoids. Consequently, only Numerov’s integration method in combination with the third effect of the diamagnetic term listed above the known values of the quantum defects, following can be observed experimentally at n = 30. the procedure described by Zimmerman et al. for Figures 3(b) and (c) depict the Zeeman spectra alkali-metal atoms [11]. The spectra for magnetic- recorded in the vicinity of the 2 3S → 30 3P transition field strengths below 20 mT were calculated with the foraperpendicularpolarizationoftheUVlaser[figure Hamiltonian (2) including the full m = -l, ..., l basis 3(c)] and for a slightly tilted polarization [figure 3(b)] l set. Calculations based on Hamiltonian (2) with the and compares the spectra with the spectra calculated truncated basis of m states were exploited in the for ∆m = ±1. The observation of the m = 0 l l l calculation of correlation diagrams, when the use of a componentinfigure3(b)makesitpossibletorecognize full m basis made it more difficult to assign quantum the asymmetric splitting of the m =±1 levels. l l numbers to a given state. To verify that our numerical procedure to Single-photon excitation from the metastable 2 calculate Zeeman spectra correctly accounts for the 3S level with radiation polarized linearly in the x(cid:48),y(cid:48) diamagnetic term, spectra were also measured for n 1 planeprovidesaccesstothel=1,m =±1components = 45 at a field of 272 mT. At this n value and this l of the Rydberg wave functions. Consequently, the magnetic-field strength, the diamagnetic interaction, relative spectral intensity I of a transition to the which scales as ∼ n4, is strong enough to induce i Rydberg states i mixed by the Stark and Zeeman significant l mixing and to make all Zeeman levels of effects can be determined as negative parity observable, as illustrated by figure 4. (cid:12) (cid:12)2 The pure Zeeman spectra follow the general trends of I =(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:88)c(i) +c(i) (cid:12)(cid:12) , (3) the diamagnetic Zeeman effect discussed in previous i (cid:12) n11 n1−1(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) articles [7,9,52] and are labeled with the state index n K, which, at n = 45, ranges from 0 to 42 in steps of where c(i) and c(i) represent the coefficients of 2 [7]. A dashed vertical line, called the separatrix in n11 n1−1 the |n11(cid:105) and |n1 − 1(cid:105) basis functions in the i-th earlier work [7,9,52], divides the Zeeman levels into eigenfunction. two groups regarded as ”vibrational” and ”rotational” states [7]. 3. Results and discussion 3.2. Spectra recorded in pure electric fields 3.1. Spectra recorded in pure magnetic fields Figure 5 presents the results of calculations of the Figure 3(a) presents the energy-level structure calcu- Stark effect of (S = 1) He Rydberg states with n in lated for n = 30, ml = ±1 levels of He for magnetic the range 29 - 31. The calculations were carried out fields in the range 0 - 250 mT. The main effect of starting from Hamiltonian (2) with B = 0 T using the field is to split each zero-field level into the two only m = ±1 levels in the basis, which rules out any l ml =±1 components separated by 2µBB. The effects contribution from ns levels. The quantum defect of of the diamagnetic term of the Hamiltonian become thenpseriesislargeenoughsothattheplevelsappear apparent at fields beyond ∼100 mT as (1) a splitting wellseparatedfromthemanifoldofhigh-l(l≥2)Stark of the high-l manifold (l>2) of Zeeman levels into 27 levels and are subject to a quadratic Stark shift at low levels for each of the ml = 1 and ml = -1 group, (2) fields. The field at which neighboring Stark manifolds Rydberg States of Helium in Electric and Magnetic Fields of Arbitrary Relative Orientation 7 K = 42 ... 6 4 2 0 38333.0 -1 m (a) ml = +1 1.0 42 ... 6 4 2 0 c / 30(l > 2) 3ber 8332.8 ml = -1 u.0.5 m 30d a. 3venu 8332.6 ensity / 0.0 ml = -1 ml = +1 Wa Int 38332.4 ml = +1 -0.5 30p Experimental 38332.2 ml = -1 -1.0 Calculated Separatrix 0 50 100 150 200 250 38400.4 38400.6 38400.8 38401.0 B / mT Wave number / cm-1 Figure 4. Experimental and calculated spectra of the ∆m = l a.u. 1.0 (b) ml = -1 Experimental ml = +1 l±ev1eltsraonfstihtieonns=fro4m5mthaenif2ol3dSa1tsatamteagonfehtieclifiuemldtBo t=he27Z2eemmTa.n y / calculated sit nten 0 .5 ml = 0 I 0.0 u. 1.0 (c) ml = -1 ml = +1 sity / a. n(a =) 31 30 V/cm 6 0.7 V/cm 78 V/cm n 38340 e 0.5 Int -1 m er/ c 38335 n = 30 k = 28 0.0 b m 38332.1 38332.2 38332.3 38332.4 nu 30p -1 e 38330 Wavenumber/ cm av k = -28 W Figure 3. (a) Magnetic-field dependence of the energy-level structure of n = 30, ml = ±1 Rydberg states of helium. 38325 n = 29 Experimental and calculated spectra of transitions from the 2 3S1 state of He to the 30 3P, ml = ±1 states recorded in a magnetic field B = 230 mT with the laser polarization vector 0 20 40 60 80 100 perpendiculartothemagnetic-fieldvector(c),andslightlytilted F / V/cm awayfromtheperpendiculararrangement(b). 38337.5 (b) 78 V/cm 1 start overlapping - this field is known as Inglis-Teller - m c38337.0 VfiFeI/Tlcdm=[1b3,ne15t53w]-eaiesnnd7n1cV=an/2cb9meabnceadtlwc3ue0le.antend=in30ataonmdic31unanitds 8a3s umber/ 3 8336.5 n = 31, k = -29 of 30T, h60e.7exapnedrim78enVt/aclmSta(irnkdsicpaetcetdrabryecvoerrdtiecdaladtafisehledds Waven n = 30, k = 28 38336.0 lines in figure 5) are compared with calculated spectra in figure 6. Apart from the line corresponding to the 31s level (this line is present in the experimental 38335.5 spectra because of the slight tilt of the UV laser 60 65 70 75 80 85 polarization vector away from a perfect perpendicular F / V/cm arrangement (see Section 2.1), but absent from Figure 5. (a)Electric-fielddependenceofthe|ml|=1energy the calculated spectra), the agreement between levels of Rydberg helium (n = 29 - 31). The electric-field strengths of 30, 60.7 and 78 V/cm at which the Stark spectra experimental and calculated spectra is excellent. The were measured are indicated as vertical red dashed lines. (b) spectrarecordedforn=30consistof29equallyspaced Magnified view of the region of avoided level crossings marked byabluerectangleinpanel(a). Rydberg States of Helium in Electric and Magnetic Fields of Arbitrary Relative Orientation 8 3.3. Spectra recorded in parallel electric and magnetic n = 30 manifold n = 31 manifold 1.0 fields (a) F = 30 V/cm Experimental 0.5 Calculated The case of Rydberg atoms in weak parallel electric 0.0 31s and magnetic fields has been extensively studied 0.5 i n hydrogen [25], lithium [22,23], helium [26] and a.u.1.0 (b) F = 60.7 V/cm -27 -23 -19 -15 -11 theoretically in alkali-metal atoms [54]. The results y / 0.5 26 28 k -29 -25 -21 -17 -13 -9 o btained in the present study for the S = 1 states ensit0.0 31s of He are briefly summarized here for completeness. Int0.5 T he emphasis is placed on the two special cases where the diamagnetic term has only minor effects and both 1.0 (c) F = 78 V/cm paramagnetic Zeeman and Stark effects are linear (n 0.5 =30,B =120mTandF =30-78V/cm),andwhere 0.0 the diamagnetic term is dominant and the Stark effect 0.5 i slinear(n=45,B =277mTandF =0.7-8V/cm). 1.0 A comparison between experimental and calcu- 38332 38334 38336 38338 -1 lated spectra in the vicinity of the n = 30 manifold Wavenumber/ cm for B = 120 mT and F = 30, 60 and 78 V/cm is pre- Figure 6. Experimental and calculated Stark spectra of sented in figure 7. Figure 8(a) provides an overview of Rydbergheliumfortheelectric-fieldstrengths(a)F =30V/cm, (b)F =60.7V/cmand(c)F =78V/cm. the calculated energy level structure for B = 120 mT and F in the range 0 - 78 V/cm (blue lines) and also displayssectionsofthespectra(blacklines)calculated k = -28, 1.0 ml = 1 k = 28, (a) F = 30 V/cm at F = 30, 60 and 78 V/cm. At 60 and 78 V/cm, 0.5 ml = -1 the effect of the magnetic field is to split the ml =±1 0.0 components of all Stark states in doublets separated 31s 0.5 Calculated ml = -1 by 2µBB. At 60 V/cm, the splitting is almost exactly Experimental ml = +1 half the spacing between adjacent Stark states so that 1.0 y / a.u.0.5 ... 24 26 28 = k (b) F = 60 V/cm tAhte3s0peVct/rcumm,atphpeeaSrtsaraksamsainnigfloeldregcounlasrisstesrioefs3o0fllinineess. ensit0.0 31s instead of the 29 lines expected for a |ml|=1, n = 30 nt0.5 Stark manifold. The reason for the additional line is I 1.0 thefactthattheZeemandoubletshavethesamespac- ... 8 10 12 14 16 = k (c) F = 78 V/cm 0.5 ing as the adjacent members of the Stark manifold. 0.0 Consequently,eachoftheinner28linescorrespondsto 0.5 two transitions, one to the k, ml = -1 state and the 1.0 other to the k+2, ml = 1 state. 38332 38334 38336 38338 The approximate linearity of both Zeeman and -1 Wavenumber/ cm Stark effects implies the existence of n−|ml|−1 sets Figure 7. Experimental and calculated spectra of the of crossings between states of the m = +1 and m = l l transitionsfrommetastableHetotheRydbergstatesofHenear -1 manifolds at electric fields approximately given by n = 30 for parallel magnetic (B = 120 mT) and electric [(a) F the condition (in atomic units) =30V/cm,(b)F =60V/cmand(c)F =78V/cm]fields. B F = ;(i=1,2,...,n−|m |−1). (4) lines (not all shown in figure 6) corresponding to the 3ni l |m |=1 Stark states with Stark index k running from The region where these intermanifold crossings take l -28 to 28 in steps of two. At 78 V/cm [figure 6(c)], place is limited to the electric field range between 1.04 the n = 30 and 31 Stark manifolds partially overlap, V/cm (i = 28) and 29.2 V/cm (i = 1). Not all levels whichleadstoamorecongestedspectrumintheregion undergo all 28 crossings: The k = 28, m = +1 level l of overlap. The crossings between the Stark states of does not cross any other level, the k = 26, m = +1 l different n manifolds are weakly avoided. The avoided level crosses only one level (k = 28, m = -1) and l crossings are difficult to see in figures 5(a) and 6(c), only the k = -28, m = +1 level undergoes all 28 l but can be seen on the enlarged scale of figure 5(b). crossings. The exact nature of the crossings, which resultsfromthefactthatm isagoodquantumnumber l when the fields are parallel, render the appearance of the level structure simple in the range where both Zeeman and Stark effects are linear (see figure 8(a)). Rydberg States of Helium in Electric and Magnetic Fields of Arbitrary Relative Orientation 9 i = ... 3 2 1 (a) ml = +1 mmll == ++56(b) -1 m38333.0 ml = -1 mmll == ++43 38333.0 -1 m Wavenumber / c38332.8 mmll == -+11 mmmmmllll l ===== ++0--1212 38332.8 Wavenumber / c 38332.6 ml = -3 38332.6 ml = -4 ml = +1 ml = -5 ml = -6 38332.4 ml = -1 ml = -7 38332.4 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 F / V/cm F / V/cm Figure 8. Electric-field dependence of the n = 30, S = 1 Rydberg states of helium calculated for a magnetic field B = 120 mT and(a)parallel(α=0◦)and(b)perpendicular(α=90◦)arrangementsofthefields. ThespectraforB =120mT,α=0◦ andF =30,60and78V/cmarealsodepictedinpanel(a)toillustratethestructureofthespectrapresentedinfigure7. The situation changes completely when the fields are perpendicular, as illustrated by the level structure 25 2 25 2 (a) presentedforcomparisoninfigure8(b)(seealsosection u.1.0 tlv3eoa.v4lmeu)l.esas,Tn.myheearvcgooiunidpgeldaintcglrooowfsssfiitneagltdsessatnoofdsdctihafftaeerrsaecnottfewmrieslltlvi-cadlegufireonsuelpdesamdoslf Intensity / a.000...550 ml = -1 ml = +1 Figure 9 compares experimental and calculated 1.0 Class I+II Class III spectraofn=45Rydbergstatesofheliumforparallel 38400.4 38400.6 38400.8 38401.0 fields B = 277 mT and F = 0.7, 3 and 7.9 V/cm, -1 Wavenum ber/ cm 10 -1 10 -1 i.e., in a regime where the diamagnetic interaction is significant. The agreement between experimental u.1.0 (b) a. (red lines) and calculated (black lines) is excellent y / 0.5 for all three electric-field strengths. To characterize nsit0.0 tahnedsdpieacmtraagnreectoicrdeeffdecitns,ththeereagpipmreoxoifmcaotmebcionnesdtaSnttarokf Inte0.5 Class I motion Λ was exploited, given by [22–24,55] 1.0 β Class III Λ =4A2−5A2+10βA , (5) 38400.0 38400 .5 38401.0 β z z -1 Wavenumber/ cm where A is the Runge-Lenz vector, A is its projection z (c) along the field axis, and the parameter u.1.0 a. 12F y / 0.5 β = 5n2B2, (6) nsit0.0 e represents the relative strength of the linear Stark Int0.5 interaction with respect to the diamagnetic one. The 1.0 Class I eigenvalues of Hamiltonian (1) (neglecting electron 38399.5 38400.0 38400.5 38401.0 38401.5 spin)canbewrittenasE =E0+Ep+Eds,whereE0 is -1 Wavenumber/ cm the zero-field energy, E is the paramagnetic shift and p Figure9. Experimental(red)andcalculated(black)spectraof E = 1 B2n2(n2+m2+n2Λ ) (7) transitions from the 2 3S1 state of He to n = 45, ml = ±1 ds 16 l β Rydberg states recorded at a magnetic field of 277 mT and electric fields of (a) 0.7 V/cm, (b) 3 V/cm and (c) 7.9 V/cm describes the contribution of the diamagnetic interac- in a parallel arrangement of the field vectors. The positions tion and the linear Stark effect. corresponding to Λ = 25β2 and Λ = 10β−1 are shown in β β Inthecaseofparallelelectricandmagneticfields, panel(a)and(b),respectively,asverticalsolidlines. three classes of states can be observed [22–24,26]: vibrational states with positive (class I) or negative (class II) dipole moment and rotational states (class III). Vibrational and rotational states are separated Rydberg States of Helium in Electric and Magnetic Fields of Arbitrary Relative Orientation 10 states are gradually converted into class I states. At F = 0.7 V/cm 3 V/cm 7.9 V/cm β =0.5, the majority of states already belong to class = 1/5 = 1 38401.5 Iandformlonganharmonicprogressionsendingatthe Class III positions of the two separatrices marked by vertical -1 m lines in figure 9(b). For β > 1, only class I states c / 38401.0 (−1−10β ≤ Λ ≤ −1+10β) exist. This situation er β mb is illustrated by the spectrum displayed in figure 9(c) nu whichwasrecordedatF =7.9V/cmandB =277mT ve38400.5 Wa (β = 1.33) and also by the spectra presented in figure Class I+II 7,forwhichβ (cid:29)1. Thissituationcanbedescribedby 38400.0 twoprogressionsofalmostequidistantStarkstates,one Class I with m =+1 and the other with m =−1, separated l l by 2µ B. B 38399.5 0 2 4 6 8 F / V/cm 3.4. Spectra recorded in perpendicular electric and Figure 10. Electric-field dependence of n = 45, ml = +1 magnetic fields RydbergstateofHecalculatedforafixedmagneticfieldB=277 mTandα=0◦. Verticaldashedlinesindicatetheelectric-field Theexperimentalandcalculatedspectraforperpendic- strengths F = 0.7 V/cm, 3 V/cm and 7.9 V/cm at which the ularelectricandmagneticfieldsarepresentedinfigure spectra presented in figure 9 were measured. Solid lines divide 11 for magnetic fields of 7.2 mT and 15 mT, respec- themapintothreeregionswithβ≤ 1, 1 <β≤1andβ>1. 5 5 tively, and for electric fields F = 30, 60 and 78 V/cm. As explained in Section 2.1, the deflection of the He+ from each other by a separatrix as already discussed ions away from the detection axis by the Lorentz force in Section 3.1. The position of the separatrix is given preventstheuseofperpendicularmagneticfieldslarger by Λ = 25β2 [55]. Class III states transform one by than20mTandreducesthesignal-to-noiseratioofthe β one into class I states when Λ approaches 25β2 or spectra recorded at 15 mT shown in panels (b), (d) β 10β −1 [55]. The field dependence of the m =1 level and (f). The calculated spectra reproduce all features l structure at n = 45 and B = 277 mT is depicted in of the experimental spectra, which consist of regularly figure 10, which reveals a linear Stark effect for both spaced groups of three to five levels. The spacing be- typesofvibrationalstatesandaquadraticStarkeffect tweentheselevelgroupscorrespondstothelinearStark fortherotationalstates. Theinteractionoftheelectric effect. Although m is not a good quantum number l field with the dipole moment induced by the magnetic in this situation, approximate spectral assignment in fieldresultsinpositive(negative)energyshiftsforclass terms of |m | can be performed by exploiting the adi- l II (class I) states. Consequently, a multitude of level abatic correlations to the situation of zero-magnetic crossingsoccurbetweenstatesofclassesIandIIatlow field, where m is a good quantum number and levels l fields. differing in the sign of m are degenerate. l The values of β and Λ determine the ranges in Figure 12(a) shows a selected region of the β which the different classes of states exist [22–24,26]. calculated map of levels in dependence of the At β values below 1, all three classes of states coexist. perpendicular magnetic-field strength at an electric- 5 Classes I and II correspond to the lowest Λ values field strength of F = 78 V/cm. The figure depicts β and are encountered in the ranges (−1−10β ≤ Λ ≤ the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian (2) set up with β 25β2) and (−1 + 10β ≤ Λ ≤ 25β2), respectively, a basis limited to m = −3,...,+3 levels. Also β l whereasclassIIIstatesarefoundintherange(25β2 ≤ shown in the figure are the calculated spectra for B Λ ≤ 4+5β2). The spectrum depicted in figure 9(a), = 7.2 and 15 mT, which correspond to the regions β recordedatF =0.7V/cmandB =277mT(β =0.12) enclosed in blue frames in figures 11(e,f). At these corresponds to this situation, and nicely reveals the magnetic-field strengths, the spectra calculated by structure expected for vibrational (black assignment including only m = −3,...,+3 are almost identical to l marks) and rotational (blue assignment marks) states. the spectra calculated using the full m = −l,...,+l l States belonging to class II with negative dipole basis,indicatinganegligiblecontributionoflevelswith moments are no longer encountered beyond β = 1. |m |>3. 5 l Between β = 1 and β = 1 class I and III states The spectrum measured at B = 7.2 mT and F = 5 coexist and have Λ values in the ranges (−1−10β ≤ 78 V/cm exhibits repeated structures of three peaks β Λ ≤ −1 + 10β) and (−1 + 10β ≤ Λ ≤ 4 + 5β2), (seeregionenclosedinablueframeinfigure11(e)and β β respectively. The spectrum recorded at F = 3 V/cm displayed on an enlarged scale in figure 12(a)). The and B = 277mT (β =0.5) anddepicted infigure 9(b) strongtransitionsaretolevelscorrelatingadiabatically corresponds to this situation. As β increases, class III to a zero-magnetic-field level with |m | = 1, whereas l