Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000 (0000) Printed27January2011 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) RXTE -PCA observations of 1A 1118–61: timing and spectral studies during an outburst 1 Jincy Devasia1,2⋆, Marykutty James1,2†, Biswajit Paul2, and Kavila Indulekha1 1 0 1School of Pure and Applied Physics, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam-686560, Kerala, India 2 2Raman Research Institute, Sadashivanagar, C. V. Raman Avenue, Bangalore 560080, India n a J 27January2011 6 2 ABSTRACT ] E We report detailed timing and spectral analysis of RXTE-PCA data obtained H from observations during the outburst of a transient X-ray pulsar 1A 1118–61 in . January 2009. The pulse profile showed significant evolution during the outburst and h alsosignificantenergydependence −adoublepeakedprofileupto10keVandasingle p peak at higher energy. We have also detected quasi-periodic oscillations (QPO) at - o 0.07–0.09 Hz. The rms value of the QPO is 5.2 % and it shows a significant energy r dependence with highest rms of 7% at 9 keV. The QPO frequency changedfrom 0.09 t s Hz to 0.07 Hz within 10 days. The magnetic field strength calculated using the QPO a frequency and the X-ray luminosity is in agreement with the magnetic field strength [ measuredfrom the energy of the cyclotronabsorptionfeature detected in this source. 1 The 3-30 keV energy spectrum over the 2009 outburst of 1A 1118–61 can be well v fitted with a partial covering power-law model with a high energy cutoff and an iron 0 fluorescence line emission. The pulse phase resolved spectral analysis shows that the 2 partial covering and high energy cutoff model parameters have significant changes 0 with the pulse phase. 5 . Key words: binaries: general - pulsars: individual: 1A 1118-61 - X-rays binaries - 1 0 X-rays: individual: 1A 1118–61- X-rays: stars 1 1 : v i 1 INTRODUCTION sars, the orbital period is expected to be around 350 days. X TheknowncorrelationbetweentheorbitalperiodofBestar r ThehardX-raytransientpulsar1A1118–61wasdiscovered binariesandH EWoftheopticalcompanionalsoindicates a with the Rotation Modulation Collimator (RMC) experi- α asimilarlargeorbitalperiod(Reig et al.1997)for1A1118– mentonArielVin1974(Eyles et al.1975).Pulsationswere 61. However, recently, detection of a 24-day binary period detected in this source with a period of 405.3 s (Iveset al. was reported by Staubert et al. (2010) using RXTE/PCA 1975) and theoptical counterpart of thissource was identi- data. fied as He 3–640 = WRA 793 (Chevalier & Ilovaisky 1975) EinsteinandEXOSATobservationsofthissourcewere which is a highly reddened Be star. The star has a visual carried out in 1979 and 1985 respectively. During these ob- magnitude of V = 12.1 and is classified as a O9.5IV-Ve servationsthesourcewas inaquiescentstateandthelumi- (Janot-Pacheco et al. 1981; Motch et al. 1988) with strong nosity calculated from the EXOSAT/ME observations was Balmeremissionlinesindicatingthepresenceofanextended 0.5-3.0 ×1034 ergss−1 at3-7kpc.Thisconfirmsthatin the envelope. The UV spectrum shows many absorption fea- quiescent state, centrifugal inhibition of accretion was not tures; especially the CIV line indicating a stellar outflow. complete.Threeoutburstshavesofar beendetectedin this The P-Cygni profile gives a wind velocity in the range of 1600±300kms−1 andthegeneralspectralprofileissimilar source. First outburst was in 1974 (Maraschi et al. 1976). The source had a second outburst that was first detected tothatoftheopticalcounterpartsofothertransientsystems (Coe & Payne1985).TheextinctionvalueofA =2.8±0.3 with Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) v on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) in mag. suggested the distance to be 4 kpc. From the Corbet 1991/1992. During this period the source had a peak flux diagram(Corbet1984)forhighmagneticfieldaccretingpul- of about 145 mCrab and a spin down rate of 0.016 s/day (Coe et al. 1994). The source was also observed by the WATCH all sky monitor on Granat (Lund et al. 1992). ⋆ E-mail:[email protected] † E-mail:[email protected] 1A 1118–616 was in quiescence for ∼20 years and be- 2 Jincy Devasia, Marykutty James, Biswajit Paul and Kavila Indulekha came highly active in 2009 January. The main outburst lasted only for about ∼20 days. This third outburst, ob- served by Swift/XRT in January 2009 revealed a pulsa- tion period of 407.68 s (Mangano 2009) indicating a spin- down in between the outbursts. About three weeks after the start of the outburst, the source was also observed with the International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Labora- tory (INTEGRAL/JEM-X/ISGRI) which detected a flar- ing activity after the main outburst (Leyderet al. 2009). Many observations of this source were carried out with Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer/Proportional Counter Array (RXTE/PCA) duringthisperiod, and thecombined analy- sis of the RXTE-PCA and High Energy X-ray Timing Ex- plorer(HEXTE)spectrarevealedacyclotronlineabsorption feature at 55 keV which gives a magnetic field strength of 4.8 ×1012 Gfortheneutron star(Doroshenkoet al. 2010). MostofthetransientHighMassX-rayBinary(HMXB) pulsarsareknowntohaveaBestarcompanion.InBe/X-ray binaries,X-rayemissionisthoughttobeduetotheaccretion of matter by the neutron star from the slow, dense, radial outflowoftheBestar(Negueruela1998).Thesesystemsare observed to exhibit two different types of X-ray outbursts. Figure 1. The top panel shows the RXTE-ASM light curve of One is short X-ray outbursts (Type-I outbursts) lasting for 1A 1118–61 in the 2-15 keV energy band with one day bin size, a few days (L 6 1036−1037 ergs s−1) occuring in several the middle panel shows the RXTE-PCU2 lightcurve witha bin x successivebinaryorbitsatorbitalphaseclosetothetimeof size same as spin period and the bottom panel shows the 15-50 keV light curve from the Swift-BAT all sky monitor with a one periastronpassageandotherisgiantX-rayoutbursts(Type- II outbursts) lasting for several weeks (L >1037 ergs s−1) daybinsize. x andmaystartatanyorbitalphase.Thecurrentoutburstin 1A1118-61 appearstobeaType-IIoutburstbutofshorter imaging instruments: PCA & the HEXTE and an All Sky durationandsmallerpeakluminositythantheType-IIout- Monitor (ASM) that is sensitive to X-ray photons between burstsin most other Be/X-ray binary pulsars. 1.5-12 keV. The data analyzed in this paper are from ob- Wehavecarriedoutadetailedtimingandspectralanal- servations carried out using the PCA detectors. The PCA ysisoftheRXTE-PCAobservationofthissourceduringthe consists of five Xenon proportional counter units, sensitive 2009Januaryoutburst,todetectanyintensityorenergyde- in the energy range of 2-60 keV with a total effective area pendenceofthepulseprofile,aperiodicvariabilitiesandalso of 6500 cm2. A total of 144 ks of useful PCA data was ob- tofindasuitablespectralmodelinthe3-30keVband.One tainedfrom26pointingscarriedoutduringtheoutburst.For component of the aperiodic variabilities seen in X-ray bi- mostofthepointingsonlyoneortwoProportionalCounter naries is the Quasi Periodic Oscillations (QPO), generally Units (PCUs) were ON. The long term light curves of 1A thoughttoberelated totheinnermost regions oftheaccre- 1118–61 are shown in Figure 1 for different energy bands. tion disk. Any inhomogeneous matter distribution or blobs The top panel shows the ASM light curve in 2-15 keV en- of material in the inner disk may result in QPOs in the ergybandwithonedaybinsize,themiddlepanelshowsthe powerspectrum.Thiscangiveusefulinformationaboutthe PCU2 light curve with a bin size same as spin period and interactionbetweenaccretion diskandthecentralobjectat thebottom panel shows the15-50 keV light curvefrom the differentintensitylevels.HMXBpulsarsshowQPOsonlyat Swift-BAT all sky monitor with a one day bin size. For the low frequency, therangeof10 mHzuptoabout1Hz. timing analysis presented in the next section, we haveused Black hole X-ray binaries and low magnetic field neutron Standard1modedataof thePCA having0.125 stimereso- starsshowQPOsoverawiderangeoffrequencyfromafew lutionandGoodXenonmodedata.WehaveusedStandard2 HztoafewhundredHz.StudyingQPOsandtheirvariations modedatafor spectral analysis andthespectral fittingwas withenergyandluminositygivesimportantcluesaboutthe performed using XSPEC v12.6.0. mechanismofQPOproduction.Insection2wedescribethe observations and the data used in the present work. In sec- tion 3 we present the pulsation analysis, the power density spectra, the pulse phase averaged and pulse phase resolved 3 TIMING ANALYSIS spectroscopy using the RXTE-PCA archival data followed 3.1 Pulse profiles by a discussion of theresults in section 4. We created 2-60 keV light curves of the source with a time resolution of 0.125 s from the Standard1mode data. To re- move data acquired during periods of Earth occultations 2 OBSERVATIONS AND DATA andsatelliteunstablepointing,wehavecreatedGoodTime During the 2009 outburst of the pulsar 1A 1118–61, a se- Intervals (GTI) by screening the raw data with an offset ries of observations were carried out with the Rossi X-ray of < 0.02 degrees and elevation angle > 10 degrees. Subse- Timing Explorer (RXTE). The RXTE consists of two non- quently,thebackgroundcountratewassubtractedfromthe Observations of 1A 1118-61 during an outburst 3 250 400 140 07 Jan 350 20 Jan 2−4 keV 80 14−16 keV 200 300 120 250 100 60 150 200 U)−1 200 10 Jan U)−1 330500 21 Jan 80 10400 Counts s PC−1 145500000 12 Jan Counts s PC−1 222230505000000 22 Jan Counts s−1 125000 4−6 keV Counts s−1 6800 16−19 keV Intensity (345000000 13 Jan Intensity (112550000 23 Jan 220500 6−8 keV 456000 19−23 keV 30 300 150 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Pulse Phase Pulse Phase Pulse Phase Pulse Phase 560000 14 Jan 200 24 Jan 200 8−10 keV 25 23−27 keV 150 20 400 150 15 Intensity (Counts s PCU)−1−1 456345645000000000000000000 111756 JJJaaannn Intensity (Counts s PCU)−1−1 1111020068688000000000 322078 JJJaaannn Counts s−1 11111110246024800000000 1120−−1142 kkeeVV Counts s−1110200111000055 227−−3300 kkeeVV 300 60 80 800 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Pulse Phase Pulse Phase Pulse Phase Pulse Phase Figure2.Thepulseprofilesof1A1118–61,inthe2-60keVband Figure3.Energydependentpulseprofilesof1A1118–61indif- obtainedondifferentdaysobservedwithRXTE-PCAduringthe ferentenergybandsobservedwithRXTEduringthepeakphase outburst. ofoutburst light curves. The 2009 outburst lasted for ∼20 days start- oftheoutbursthavingthehighestsignaltonoiseratio.The ingaroundMJD54834andreacheditsmaximumataround profiles generated for different energy ranges are shown in MJD 54845. The source count rate reached a peak value of Figure 3. At low energies, the pulse profile has two peaks about 600 c/s per PCU. In all but the last few PCA obser- with the main peak leading by a phase of about 0.4, a dip vations,thepulsationsataround408sisclearly seeninthe after the smaller peak and a step before the main peak. At light curves. To measure the pulse period and its changes, high energy, the pulse is made of a single asymmetric peak we first carried out a barycenter correction and then ap- aligned with the main peak in the low energy pulse profile. plied the pulse folding and χ2 maximization technique. All Theenergydependenceofthepulseprofileisseentobevery the single data stretches were not long enough to measure complexin1A1118–61.Thesmallerpeak,seenquiteclearly the pulse period with high enough accuracy to investigate inlowenergyrange,becomesweakerwithincreasingenergy the pulse period evolution during this outburst. The most and above 10 keV, instead of a peak, the minimum of the accurate pulse period measurement we obtained from any pulseprofileoccursatthisphase.Thephaserangeatwhich single observation is 407.58 s (MJD 54845). The pulse pro- the minimum and the step occurs in the low energy band, file for each day were created by folding the light curve at growsinintensitywithincreasingenergyandathighenergy the pulse period determined for that day and are shown in this becomes the leading part of the pulse peak. We inves- Figure 2. The pulse profile showed significant evolution in tigated thiscomplex energy dependenceof thepulse profile shapeduringtheoutburst.Atthebeginningoftheoutburst, bycarryingoutpulsephaseresolvedspectroscopydescribed the pulse profile is complex with a smaller peak before the later. mainpeak.Astheoutburstprogressed,theamplitudeofthe second peak decreased and on some days the pulse profile appears to have a main peak, a narrow minimum offset by 3.2 Power Density Spectrum 0.5 spin phasewith respect tothemain peakand twosteps inbetweenthemainpeakandtheminimum,likeashoulder. We created power density spectrum (PDS) from the 2-60 At the end of the outburst, the overall shape of the pulse keV light curves of 1A 1118–61 using the FTOOL-powspec. profileisasimple sinusoid,butwithmanynarrowspikesor The light curves were divided into stretches of length 4096 flares. sandthePDS obtainedfrom each ofthesesegmentsin one To check for any energy dependence of the pulse pro- observation were averaged to produce the final PDS. The files of 1A 1118–61, we created light curves using Good expectedwhitenoiselevelwassubtractedandthePDSwas Xenon mode data. We selected the observation (Obs ID- normalizedsuchthattheintegralgivesthesquaredrmsfrac- P94032/94032-04-02-07)carriedoutonJan14nearthepeak tionalvariability.Apeakataround0.0025Hzcorresponding 4 Jincy Devasia, Marykutty James, Biswajit Paul and Kavila Indulekha 100 7 10 6 1 Hz−1 %) an) 2 0.1 ms ( 5 me O r ms/ 0.01 QP (r 4 10−3 10−3 0.01 0.1 1 3 Frequency (Hz) 5 10 15 Figure4.Arepresentativepowerspectrumof1A1118–61show- Energy (keV) ing a QPO feature at 0.09 Hz (MJD 54841-MJD 54854), spin Figure5.RMSfluctuationinthe0.09HzQPOisshownhereas frequencyanditsharmonics. afunctionofenergy. to the spin frequency and its harmonics are seen clearly in 0.09 all thePDSexcept in thelast few observations. Inaddition tothemainpeak,aQPOfeatureisalsoseenat0.09Hz.The continuum of the power spectrum was fitted with a model consisting of a power law component and a Lorentzian and the QPO feature was fitted by adding another Lorentzian. z) The frequency bins corresponding to the pulse frequency y (H 0.08 c anditsharmonicswereavoidedwhilefittingthecontinuum. en u The QPO feature was detected during the period 54841 to eq 54854MJD.ArepresentativepowerspectrumwiththeQPO O fr P feature, is shown in Figure 4. Q 0.07 The Quality factor (ν/FWHM) of the QPO feature was about 5.4 and the detection significance of the QPO feature, including data from all the days when the QPOs weredetectedis7σ.Thermsfractionalvariabilitycalculated 845 850 from the background subtracted data was 5.2%. Using the Time (MJD−54000) eventmodedata,wehavemeasured theenergydependence Figure 6. Top panel shows the variation of the QPO frequency oftheQPOrmswhichisshowninFigure5.Thermsvalueof as a function of time and the bottom panel shows the energy theQPOisfoundtoincreaseupto9keVandthendecrease. averagedrmsvalueasafunctionoftime. QPOsweredetectedon fivedifferentdaysandaplot of the QPOfrequencyandrmsfractionalvariability onthesedays is shown in Figure 6. The QPO frequency decreased from the fit, with reduced χ2 in the range of 1.0 - 2.0 for all six 0.09 Hz to 0.07 Hz over a span of 10 days along with the spectra.Temperatureoftheblackbodycomponentwasob- decay of theoutburst. tained as about 0.18 - 0.36 keV on different days, which is common for bright accretion powered pulsars (Paul et al. 2002). However, we found that with this model, the pulse 4 SPECTRAL ANALYSIS phaseresolvedspectracouldnotbefittedforallphasebins. For some of the phase resolved spectra, it gives a rather 4.1 Pulse Phase Averaged Spectroscopy highreducedχ2 ofmorethan8.0.Ifthecomplexenergyde- To study the spectral variations during the outburst, we pendence of the pulse profile is produced by different pulse selected observations carried out on Jan 07, 14, 20, 21, 24 phasedependenceoftwodifferentspectral components,the andJan30coveringtheentireoutburst.WeusedStandard2 two should dominate at different energies; one above and modedatacollectedwithPCU2detectoronlytoextractthe one below the energy at which the pulse shape changes, ie. source spectrum. The background spectrum was simulated ∼10keVfor1A1118–61(Figure3).Ablackbodycomponent usingthepcabackest toolandappropriatebackgroundmod- of temperature of a few hundred eV is therefore unlikely to els for bright sources provided by the XTE guest observer producetheobservedenergydependenceofthepulseprofile. facility (GOF) was used. Wehaveused 0.5% systematic er- On the other hand, we find that a model consisting of ror toaccount for thecalibration uncertainties while fitting partialcoveringofapower-lawwithhighenergycutoffanda thespectra.Wefirsttriedtofitthe3-30keVspectrumwith Gaussianlineemissiondescribesallthepulsephaseaveraged amodelconsistingofanabsorbedpower-lawwithahighen- spectra and the pulse phase resolved spectra quite well. A ergy cut off and a Gaussian for the iron line emission. This partialcoveringmodelisknowntofitawiderangeofX-ray did not give a satisfactory fit with reduced χ2 in the range spectra of HMXB pulsars (Mukherjee & Paul 2004). In the of 1.6 - 9.3. Addition of a black body component improved present case, this model does not leave any soft excess and Observations of 1A 1118-61 during an outburst 5 thusdoesnotrequireablackbodycomponent.Thereduced 20 raχfiaarnd2medeingestcithveeaeerlslnsecovooinerbsrlmt.eTasaTaipnlbhloeelendredscfpi1oon.ermgcT1tprrhAeaaesr,ie1dead1rulr1oato8nlor–sgs6oa1gwtriheivoteenhsrnhttmohhhweoeenrdesbeiiexlanssr.tdeFSifiifffgpoteutrererce1detnrσtma7ld.coopadynaes--l Counts cm s keV−2−1−101.50125 (a) Counts cm s keV−2−1−1012.500125 (b) 2 1 1 χ 0 4.2 Pulse Phase Resolved Spectroscopy χ 0 −1 −1 −2 5 10 20 5 10 20 The pulse profiles shown in Figure 3 exhibit strong energy Energy (keV) Energy (keV) dependence. As we have argued, a low temperature black 20 20 (c) (d) body component cannot explain the features above 3 keV. V−1 10 V−110 Sptehsohteatsspioegenairnakevlsooetflsovtteinhgdoaeitssoeepuerttcahbttiursioorssitancom(pdMoyenJtgaDoifal,5lal4wnt8he4oe5bh)RsaewvXrehvTaipcEthei-orPnhfoCarmsAmtaeohddbeesphenruigevlahsaer-- Counts cm s ke−2−1 0.5251 Counts cm s ke−2−10.51252 tions.Energyspectrawereextractedin25phaserangesand 1 1 appropriate background subtraction was done. The partial χ 0 χ 0 coveringmodelgaveacceptablefitforthespectrainallpulse −1 −1 phasebins.Theiron lineparameters andthefirsthydrogen 5 10 20 5 10 20 column density were fixed to the phase averaged value and Energy (keV) Energy (keV) 10 5 (f) the rest of the parameters were allowed to vary. We could (e) n0.o7t0c.oSnoswtreaifnretehzeetEhfeoEldcuatnadnEdcEutfovladlupeasrafmoreptehravsaeslu0e.s2t2oatnhde m s keV−2−1−1 25 m s keV−2−1−10.512 pthheasfereaevepraargaemdevtaerlusewsiftohrpthuelsseetpwhoaspehiassessh.oTwhneivnarFiiagtuiorne o8f. Counts c0.51 Counts c0.2 We found significant variation in all the spectral parame- 2 0.1 2 ters. The second column density and the covering fraction 1 χ 0 χ 0 varied by a large factor. However, we notethat variation of −1 twooftheparameters,thepower-lawnormalizationandthe −2 5 10 20 5 10 20 photon index are correlated and may not be entirely true. Energy (keV) Energy (keV) Figure 7. 3-30 keV energy spectra of 1A 1118–61 are shown here during different stages of the outburst along with the best fitted spectral model and the residuals; (a) the beginning of the 5 DISCUSSION outburst,(b)thepeak,(c)&(d)decayphases,(e)theend&(f) thetailoftheoutburst 5.1 Quasi Periodic Oscillations QPOs have so far been detected in 19 accretion powered high magnetic field pulsars which include mostly HMXBs 2011).SometransientpulsarslikeXTEJ1858+034, showed andafewLMXBs,inbothtransientandpersistentsources. QPOs in all observations while some other transient pul- InTable2wehavelistedthesources,thespinfrequencyν , sarslikeEXO 2030+375, showed QPOsin onlysome of the s theQPOfrequencyν anditsrange,andtheratioofthe outbursts. In the405 s recurrent transient pulsar 1A 1118– QPO two. 61, QPOs are observed in the range of 0.07 - 0.09 Hz in The most commonly used models for explaining the mostoftheobservationsnearthepeakoftheoutburst.The QPO mechanism are Keplerian frequency model (KFM), frequency evolution of the QPO in 1A 1118–61 during the beat frequency model (BFM) and accretion flow instabili- outburstandpresenceofQPOsduringmostoftheoutburst ties. In the KFM, the QPOs arise due to inhomogeneities makes this source similar to the transient XTE J1858+034 at theinneredgeof theaccretion disk modulating thelight (Mukherjeeet al.2006).In1A1118–61,theQPOfrequency curveattheKeplerianfrequency.IntheBFM,theaccretion ishigherthanthespinfrequencyofthepulsarandcanbeex- flow onto the neutron star is modulated at the beat fre- plainedineitherKFMorBFMandsincetheQPOfrequency quency between the Keplerian frequency of the inner edge is a few hundred times larger than the spin frequency, the oftheaccretiondiskandthespinfrequencyν =ν −ν radius at which the QPOs are generated is quite similar in QPO k s (Shibazaki & Lamb 1987). The third model applies only to thetwo models. Wehave, the sources that have luminosities close to the Eddington limit (Fortner et al. 1989). GM 1/3 The occurrence of QPOs in accretion powered pulsars Rqpo =(cid:18)4π2ν2 (cid:19) (1) is quite complex. In some sources like 4U 1626–67, QPOs qpo aredetectedmost ofthetimewhile insome otherslikeCen For an assumed neutron star mass of 1.4M⊙, Rqpo = X-3, QPOs are rare. Recently, in two transient pulsars (KS 9× 103 km. 1947+300and4U1901+03)QPOswereobservedonlyatthe The average 3-30 keV X-ray flux during the period of endoftheoutburstswhenthesourceintensityhadfallentoa QPO detection is 1.95×10−9 erg cm−2 sec−1, which for a fewpercentofthepeakoftheoutbursts(James et al.2010, distance of 4 kpc corresponds to an X-ray luminosity of 6 Jincy Devasia, Marykutty James, Biswajit Paul and Kavila Indulekha Table 1.BestfitSpectralParametersof1A1118–61 Parameter 07Jan 14Jan 20Jan 21Jan 24Jan 30Jan NH1(1022 cm−2)a 1.22(fixed) 1.22(fixed) 1.22(fixed) 1.22(fixed) 1.22(fixed) 1.22(fixed) NH2(1022 cm−2) 284+−4498 216+−2109 218+−2289 371+−112370 341+−4486 639+−9634 CvFract 0.15+0.03 0.17±0.02 0.15±0.03 0.11±0.05 0.26±0.05 0.54+0.03 −0.04 −0.04 PIndex 0.50±0.03 0.30±0.02 0.46±0.03 0.34±0.05 0.55±0.05 0.44+−00..0058 PNorm 0.054+−00..000032 0.083±0.004 0.069±0.004 0.053+−00..000032 0.053±0.002 0.037±0.03 Ecut (keV) 4.96+−00..2107 5.88+−00..1179 5.84+−00..2228 4.88+−00..3228 4.76+−00..2253 5.01+−00..2203 Efold (keV) 12.62+−00..6559 12.38+−00..2284 14.08±0.48 13.12+−00..7942 13.22+−11..0086 8.35+−00..6602 EFe (keV) 6.41±0.06 6.42+−00..0078 6.33+−00..0089 6.30±0.06 6.41±0.08 6.17±0.10 FeEqWidth (eV) 84 41 52 78 86 86 FeNormb 1.34 1.57 1.27 1.76 1.05 0.57 TotalFlux(3-30keV)c 3.25 8.91 5.39 5.03 2.62 1.11 Red-χ2/d.o.f 0.76/47 0.78/47 0.77/47 0.96/47 0.67/47 1.36/47 aTheminimumofNH1 wasfixedtotheGalactichydrogencolumndensityof1.22×1022 atomscm−2 towardsthissourceandwasallowedtovaryonlytothehigherside. b10−3 photons cm−2 s−1 c10−9 ergscm−2 s−1 for3-30keV Equating R with R , we determine a magnetic moment qpo m V) 9 ofµ =3.38×1030 cm3 G,whichforaneutronstarcanon- e 8 30 Flux3−30 k800567 isctarelnrgatdhiuosfo3f.3180×k1m01c2orGre.sTphoendmsatgoneatsicurfifealcdesmtraegnngethticoffitehlde (600 neutronstarderivedusingtheQPOfrequencyandtheX-ray H(2) 400 luminosityisinexcellentagreementwiththestrengthofthe N 200 magnetic field obtained from the cyclotron line absorption 0.5 ct 0.4 feature (4.8 ×1012 G, Doroshenko et al. 2010). ra 0.3 F 0.2 Cv 00..16 PIndex 00..24 5.2 Pulse profile evolution and energy dependence 0.15 Accretion powered X-ray pulsars are known to show inter- Norm 0.1 estingintensitydependenceofthepulseprofile,bothintran- P 0.05 sient and persistent sources (Nagase 1989; Raichur& Paul 8 EcutkeV) 46 2w0a1s0)in.vAesmtiogsatterdeminarkEaXbOlee2x0a3m0+pl3e7o5fwpuitlhseEpXroOfilSeAeTvoolubtsieorn- ( vations (Parmar, White, & Stella 1989) . Evolution of the 14 EfoldkeV) 1102 pacuclrseetipornofiflloewdufrroimngtthheeinonuetbruarcsctrsetiinodnicdaitseccthoatnhgeesneinutrtohne ( 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 star, especially changes in the mass accretion rate. The X- Pulse Phase ray beaming pattern may also change during the outburst depending on the density, dimensions and structure of the Figure8.Variationofspectralparameterswithphaseisshown. Flux (3-30 keV) in units of 10−9 ergs cm−2 s−1 and N in accretion column. The 2-60 keV pulse profiles of 1A 1118– H(2) unitsof1022 atomscm−2 61, presented here also show a complex profile, and profile evolution, as the relatively short outburst reached its peak and then decayed. The pulse profiles shown in Figure 2 are 0.37×1037 ergsec−1.Theradiusoftheinneraccretion disk clearlyintensitydependent,butitisnotasimplefunctionof can be expressed in terms of the luminosity and magnetic intensity.Forexample,forsimilarcountratesperPCU,the moment as Frank et al. (2002) pulseprofileisquitedifferentduringtheriseoftheoutburst R =3×108L−2/7µ4/7 (2) (7-10 January 2009, Figure 2) and during the decay (22-23 m 37 30 January 2009, Figure 2). where L is the X-ray luminosity in units of 1037 erg s−1 Mostaccretionpoweredpulsarsalsoshowstrongenergy 37 andµ isthemagneticmomentinunitsof1030 cm3 Gauss. dependenceofthepulseprofile.In1A1118–61, theposition 30 Observations of 1A 1118-61 during an outburst 7 Table 2.ListofQPOsources Source Type νs νQPO νQPO/νs Reference1 (mHz) (mHz) Transientpulsars KS1947+300 HMXB/Be 53 20 0.38 1 SAXJ2103.5+4545 HMXB/? 2.79 44 15.77 2 A0535+26 HMXB/Be 9.7 50 5.15 3 V0332+53 HMXB/Be 229 51 0.223 4 4U0115+63 HMXB/Be 277 62 0.224 5 1A1118–61 HMXB/Be 2.5 92 36.8 Thiswork XTEJ1858+034 HMXB/Be 4.53 110 24.3 6 4U1901+03 HMXB/? 361.9 130 0.359 7 EXO2030+375 HMXB/Be 24 200 8.33 8 SWIFT J1626.6-5156 HMXB/Be 65 1000 15.38 9 XTEJ0111.2-7317 HMXB/B0.5-B1Ve 32 1270 39.68 10 GROJ1744-28 LMXB 2100 20000 9.52 11 Persistentpulsars SMCX-1 HMXB/B0 1410 10 0.0071 12 HerX-1 LMXB 806 13 0.016 13 LMCX-4 HMXB/O-type 74 0.65-20 0.0087-0.27 14 CenX-3 HMXB/O-type 207 35 0.17 15,16 4U1626-67 LMXB 130 48 0.37 17,18 XPer HMXB/Be 1.2 54 45 19 4U1907+09 HMXB/OB 2.27 69 30.4 20,21 References:(1)James etal.(2010);(2)I˙nam etal.(2004);(3)Finger etal.(1996);(4)Takeshimaetal.(1994);(5)Soong&Swank (1989);(6)Paul&Rao(1998);(7)Jamesetal.(2011);(8)Angelinietal.(1989);(9)Reigetal.(2008);(10)Kauretal.(2007);(11) Zhangetal.(1996);(12)Angelinietal.(1991);(13)Moon&Eikenberry(2001b);(14)Moon&Eikenberry(2001a);(15) Takeshimaetal.(1991);(16)Raichur&Paul(2008);(17)Shinodaetal.(1990);(18)Kauretal.(2008);(19)Takeshima(1997);(20) in’tZandetal.(1998);(21)Mukerjeeetal.(2001) of themain peak is at the same phase in all energies in the also been detected in about 20 bright pulsars, usually at 2-30 keV band, but several other features including a sec- energies above 10 keV. In 1A 1118-61, Doroshenko et al. ondpeakatlowenergy,anarrowdipinthelow energyand (2010) detected a cyclotron absorption feature at ∼55 keV a leading edge of the main peak at high energy are energy using the combined PCA and HEXTE data in the 4-120 dependentfeaturesclearlyseeninenergyresolvedpulsepro- keV band. Considering the complex energy dependence of files(Figure3).Anintriguingaspectisthat,thepulseshape thepulseprofileandfrompulsephaseresolvedspectroscopy changeappearsataround10keV.Strongenergydependence we find that a partial covering power-law model describes of pulse profiles - in other words strong pulse phase depen- the data very well. With a partial covering model we don’t denceoftheenergyspectrum-areknowntobepresentalso see a feature at 8 keV. The 8 keV feature mentioned in inmagnetars(Enoto et al.2010 and references therein)and Doroshenko et al. (2010) and several other contemporary multi component emission models are invoked there to de- papers probably has same reason that a very simple, single scribe the same. However, we find that multi component continuum model is used while the sources have complex spectral model for accretion powered pulsars, including a absorption.Ifthe8keVfeatureisan instrumentartifact, it low temperature black body cannot explain the change in shouldhavebeenseeninallkindsofsources.However,such pulseprofileataround10keV.Forpulsephaseaveragedand a feature has not been reported in the X-ray spectrum of pulsephaseresolved spectroscopy, wehavethereforeused a blackholebinariesandisalsonotseeninthespectrumofthe model that can fit features in themedium energy band. CrabNebula(Kirsch et al.2005;Weisskopf et al.2010).We wouldalsoliketonoteherethatathigherenergy,thepartial coveringabsorptionmodelisthesameasasimplepower-law 5.3 Pulse phase averaged and pulse phase model, and thus the cyclotron absorption feature reported resolved spectra byDoroshenkoetal.(2010)isnotinquestionhere.Linetal. (2010)fittedthe0.5-10.0keVenergyspectrumofthissource The continuumspectra of accreting X-raypulsars are often obtainedwiththeSwift-XRTandfoundthatinthislimited bestdescribedbyapowerlawwithahigh-energycutoffand energyband,thespectraarefittedbestwithtwoblackbody interstellar absorption. And in most cases, the presence of components. However, since the source shows strong hard a Gaussian component, for iron line fluorescent emission is X-ray emission (as detected with Swift-BAT, Figure 1) and also evident. 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