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Rwandan Economy at the Crossroads of Development: Key Macroeconomic and Microeconomic Perspectives PDF

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Frontiers in African Business Research Gouranga G. Das Rukundo Bosco Johnson   Editors Rwandan Economy at the Crossroads of Development Key Macroeconomic and Microeconomic Perspectives Frontiers in African Business Research Series Editor Almas Heshmati, Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping, Sweden This book series publishes monographs and edited volumes devoted to studies on entrepreneurship, innovation, as well as business development and management- related issues in Africa. Volumes cover in-depth analyses of individual countries, regions,cases,andcomparativestudies.Theyincludebothaspecificandageneral focusonthelatestadvancesofthevariousaspectsofentrepreneurship,innovation, business development, management and the policies that set the business environ- ment.Itprovidesaplatformforresearchersgloballytocarryoutrigorousanalyses, to promote, share, and discuss issues, findings and perspectives in various areas of business development, management, finance, human resources, technology, and the implementation of policies and strategies of the African continent. Frontiers in African Business Research allows for a deeper appreciation of the various issues around African business development with high quality and peer reviewed contri- butions. Volumes published in the series are important reading for academicians, consultants, business professionals, entrepreneurs, managers, as well as policy makers,interested inthe private sectordevelopment of theAfrican continent. More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/13889 Gouranga G. Das Rukundo Bosco Johnson (cid:129) Editors Rwandan Economy at the Crossroads of Development Key Macroeconomic and Microeconomic Perspectives 123 Editors Gouranga G.Das Rukundo BoscoJohnson Department ofEconomics Department ofEconomics HanyangUniversity Schoolof Economics Ansan-Si,Gyeonggi-do,Korea(Republicof) University of Rwanda Kigali, Rwanda ISSN 2367-1033 ISSN 2367-1041 (electronic) Frontiers in AfricanBusiness Research ISBN978-981-15-5045-4 ISBN978-981-15-5046-1 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-5046-1 ©SpringerNatureSingaporePteLtd.2020 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinor for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictionalclaimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbytheregisteredcompanySpringerNatureSingaporePteLtd. The registered company address is: 152 Beach Road, #21-01/04 Gateway East, Singapore 189721, Singapore To the fondest memory of my Parents, who instilled within me the value of development without divisiveness, and replenished my credence that the world—despite odds–will always emerge a better place for all. —Gouranga To my Wife and our two Boys, who have always been beside me on the academic trajectory —Johnson Foreword TheGreatestEscapeinhumanhistoryistheescapefrom povertyanddeath.…BuildingontheEnlightenment,the IndustrialRevolution,andthegermtheoryofdisease,living standardshaveincreasedbymanytimes,lifespanshave morethandoubled,andpeoplehavefullerandbetterlives thaneverbefore.Theprocessisstillgoingon. —AngusDeaton.Page23,In‘TheGreatEscape:Health, Wealth,andtheOriginsofInequality’.PrincetonUniversity Press. ThequoteabovebyaNobelLaureateinEconomicsisaptonetostartthisforeword asithighlightsthatsalientfeatureofeconomicdevelopmentisacontinuousprocess despiteupsanddowns.Inlessthanthreedecades,Rwandahasmanagedtoundergo an impressive economic and social transformation, serving as a model for many Africancountrieswhichaspiretoatruerenaissance.Comingfromfaraway,aftera 3-yearcivilwarthatdestroyedexistingeconomicandsocialinfrastructure,Rwanda isnow experiencing robust economicgrowth,a sharp reductionin poverty,and an improvementininfrastructure.However,despitesignificantprogress,muchremains to be done to put the economy on the path of sustainable development. From this point of view, the book offers a nice tale about how a developing country could turn failure into real success and what should be done to maintain growth momentum. It also brings hope to many countries around the world, cur- rently facing civil wars and conflicts, that with enlightened leadership, strong determination, and disciplined people, success is possible. The book begins by assessing the macroeconomic framework to give an idea ofthemaineconomicchallengesfacingthecountry,focusingmainlyoninvestment as a basis for economic activity and on the financing needed to achieve higher growth. Given the key role of the private sector in job and wealth creation, the book focuses on the performance of Rwandan companies, especially SMEs, supporting the analysis with success stories on which the country could build on to achieve higher economic performance. vii viii Foreword Since no success could be achieved without the existence of an appropriate ecosystem and a good legal framework, the book attaches great importance to the role of entrepreneurial culture in stimulating investment and innovation and to the role of tax incentives in shaping the economic structures and channeling invest- ments to priority areas. Whatisappealingaboutthebookisthatitusesconcreteexamplesofsuccessto show how developing countries could achieve economic transformation and pro- motesustainablegrowth.Thebookalsoshowsthewayforwardtoconsolidategood economic performance and meet existing challenges. ThereismuchtolearnfromRwanda’sexperienceonhowtotransformnegative feelings and anger into a determination to fuel development and progress. This editedbookisavaluableadditionintheareaofgrowthanddevelopmenteconomics with commendable blends of theory and practice. I would like to thank the editors for this compilation of research papers, the contributors for offering us a complete analysis of the Rwandan economy, and advise readers to browse the 13 chapters of the book to learn more about the resurgence of Rwanda. February 2020 Imed Drine, Ph.D. Lead Economist Country Strategy and Cooperation Department Islamic Development Bank Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Associate Professor of Economics University of Sousse Sousse, Tunisia Preface and Acknowledgements The book is a timely and relevant study on the aspects of development of the Rwandaneconomyandtheunderlyingdriversthatcouldshapetheevolutionofthe economy,polity,andsociety.ThisismorepertinentinconsideringtheGovernment ofRwanda’sStrategicRoadMap(SRM)forEconomicDevelopment,theNational Strategy for Development 2017–2024. In other words, given the plans and road map adopted by the Republic of Rwanda, we need to investigate what are the implications for those agendas, identify the “pillars” of success, and highlight the policies that need to be formulated for effective implementation of those high-profileobjectives.Thisbookistheoutcome ofahigh-profileconferenceheld inKigali,CapitalofRwanda.Theconferenceentitled“4thInternationalConference on Eastern Africa Business and Economic Watch (4th EABEW—2019)” was held during June 12–14, 2019 at theCollege of Business and Economics, University of Rwanda. The theme of the research was “Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation.” What could be more appropriate theme than discussing sustainable and inclusive development in the context of less-developed economies aspiring to make progress in the fast-track highway of socio-economic and structural transformation. Thevolumeisrichbecause,asthesectionplansshow,itcoversbothmicro-level and macro-level analysis. Given the fact that the world economy is inflicted with problems of macroeconomic adjustments, conflicts, trade wars, and rise of pro- tectionism, the current economic scenarios in the developing and least-developed economies are not so promising in an interconnected world.Thus, the necessity of “global” as well as “national, local, or regional” problems and policy dimensions are crucial. This book—taking Rwanda as a case in hand—is important in the context of African continent undergoing structural changes. The essays comprise contributions on various microeconomic and macroeco- nomic policy angles that are crucial for a less-developed economy to embark on a roadtorecoverytoconvergewiththedesiredtrajectory.Organizationofthebookis based on three major themes: (i) Macroeconomic Constraints: Monetary Policy, ix x PrefaceandAcknowledgements Investments, and Population; (ii) Firms’ Performance, SMEs, and Role of Entrepreneurship; and (iii) Entrepreneurship and Business Performance: Strategies and Policies. Theconferencepapersarefurtherrevisedandupdatedtoofferacollectionof12 empirical studies that have an overall focus on macroeconomic policies such as savingsamongtheruralpoor;sustainedinvestmentsinanddevelopmentofcapital markets; role of entrepreneurial sustainability; role of innovations for firms’ per- formance;healthcare reforms; thebenefitsoftechnology,policyincentivessuchas taxbenefitsforpromotinggrowth,andstrategicconsiderationssuchasmarketingor positioning strategies; export strategies; and productivity enhancement via pro- cessing and profit sharing. It enhances the readers’ knowledge about the factors that influence inclusive growth on a sustained basis via better technologies and innovations favoring pro- ductivity, firm performance, and their positive externalities in the food, nutrition, andhealthsectors.Asitcoverstop-downandbottom-upapproachesandstrategies for development, the insights are truly pragmatic and realistic for policy interven- tionsnecessaryforRwanda’sgradualtransitioningfromagriculturetoanindustrial transformation. Thetopicsareorientedtodevelopmentandgrowthininvestments,businessand entrepreneurial growth, innovation, and others. The main methods of interest include the quantitative techniques used such as the econometric models, and the resultstheyportraytothereaders.Alltopicsuggestedinthebookareofinterestas they are diverse and linked to the development agenda of Rwanda’ development strategy.Thereaderswillderivenewanalyticaltechniquesusedinthechapters,the methodologiesusedinthedifferent chaptersofthebook,andmostimportantlythe policy recommendations aimed at supplementing the existing policy frameworks for Rwanda’s growth. Thebookwillbereadbyvariousscholars,students,andthepublicinRwanda.It canbeusedas“reference”bookforanyDevelopmentEconomicscourse,graduate course, or for research only courses. In particular, the book addresses the issues under thefollowingmajorareas: Macroeconomics,Microeconomics,Businessand entrepreneurship, Firm performance and innovation, Economics of Development. Ansan-Si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea (Republic of) Gouranga G. Das Kigali, Rwanda Rukundo Bosco Johnson AcknowledgementsWithnoexception,alikeotherworks,thisbookistheoutcomeofcollective effortofmanypeople.It’sourpleasureto offeroursincerestthankstothosewhoseinspiration, help, and advice have shaped this work. The contributors are researchers and academics from- diversebackgrounds,andthustheircontributionshavemadethisbooka“salad-bowl”ofmultiple ingredients with wide range of perspectives. First of all, the conference was organized with the valuablesupportoftheGlobalLaborOrganization(GLO)andtheirintellectualstalwarts,fellows, andotherpersonnel.Withouttheirmoralandintellectualsupport,thisbookwouldnothaveseen- the daylight. Special thanks are due to Almas Heshmati—the Academic Lead of the GLO Research Cluster on “Labor Markets in Africa” and the GLO Fellow/s, who have given us the opportunitytoeditthisvolumeandimbibedwithinusaspiritof“can-do”attitude,withoutwhich

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