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Preview Rutherford Journal of Church & Ministry, Issue 2:1, Spring 1995

ISSUE2.1-SPRING 1995 1 Contents 1 GuestEditorial DavidWright 4 Preachingthe Word: Cerebral or Emotional? DavidWright David Searle 10 The Sin unto Death O f one thing we may be sure: cause ofthe growing acceptance, in Andrew Bonar challenging issues about sectors ofmixed denominations, of sexual relationships other sub-Christianpatternsofbehaviour (as 12 Preachingfrom the than (heterosexual) marriage will not they have hitherto been universally. Psalms(I) go away, whatever the General Ass regarded), internalchurchdivisions are Alan Harman embly ofthe Church ofScotland or likely to widen. The cohesivenessofa anychurchorgandecides in 1995.The bodylike the Church ofScotlandwill 15 Prayer reason for this is sinIple-that the surely be tested as never before-if George Philip acceptance ofsuch relationships is (which God forbid) it tolerates elders widespread in our society, and in living together outside marriage or 18 Reflections on Andrew particular has deep roots in influential practising homosexuals pairing offin Bonar's Diary areas ofBritish culture, both popular the manse.. Alastair Morrice and more sophisticated. Pastors and teachers who are sens Another reason is more worrying: itive to the signs ofthe times will 21 Visitation some ofthe opinion-formers within already be equipping their cong Elizabeth Frost themainstreamchurchesseemto view regations, especially at the younger these developmentsa11110Stasbearersof end, to live.againstthestream. Isome 25 Alien amongst the Able fresh wisdom from God. The social timeswonderifministers are director Bodies realities ofsexual behaviour are no explicit enough in their teaching on Susie Easton longer, itseems, to be evaluatedin the sexual morality. Apropermodestymay light of God's once-for-all self haveitsplace,butsometimestoomuch 26 Ann AlIen meets Alistair revelationin Christ; theymay even be is taken for granted. Why is it that Stewart held to constitute norms which,the from time to time students turn up in churches ignore at their peril. As the universityCUsneverhavingheardthat 29 Book Reviews present Archbishop ofYork once put sex outsidemarriageiswrong? It isan it, unless the Church ofEngland odd situation ifevery other means of changes itsmindon divorce, itwilllose communication that influences our touchwiththepeople-asthoughthe livescallsaspadeaspadeapartfrom the latter is more to be feared than de pulpit. parting from what that Church Moreover,we haveto be ready with believes to be the mind of-God. Such more than straight affirmation, The an attitude informs many a revisionist arguments ofthe revisionists must be approach to these questions, even ifit shown to be wanting. What follows isnot expressed in such naked terms. will attemptto providesomeguidance We may expect, therefore, that for this task. Christianswhosee no reasonto aban Relationships: values versus don traditional teaching grounded in form? Scripture will increasingly find them selves.swimmingagainst the tide. The Itisoftensaidthatwhatmattersisnot Christian lifestyle will become more the structure ofa relationship, butthe and more counter-cultural, and be- qualities that inform it. What gives it 2 THERUTHERFORDJOURNALOFCHURCH& MINISTRY integrity are virtues like trust, open that very fact Inarked him out as It is no new challenge for biblical ness, commitment and acceptance, destined for a highly exceptional Christians to regard deeply ingrained irrespective ofwhetherit conforms to calling amonghis contemporaries. inclinationsororientationsin menand God's design. Much better, so it is We must refuse to let go ofthis women, whethergeneticallycausedor claimed, a partnership that displays starting point. Too many discussion not, as part of the detritus of the these values, whether heterosexual or documents from churches in recent fallenness ofthe race. In this respect, as homosexual, than aloveless shrivelled years have begun elsewhere-with a in others, homosexuality must not be marriage. As countless pop songs put general or common sexuality celeb isolated eitherfrom the reach ofbasic it, love is all you need-scarcely·dif rated asGod's gift. Onlylaterdo they Christian beliefs or from other com ferent from the 'new morality' ofa go on to consider the proper ex parableconditions,suchasalcoholism, generationago OohnRobinson, Harry pressionsofthissexuality.Butthe Bible kleptomania orpaedophilia. Williams etal.)whichopposedlove to knows nothing ofan undifferentiated Lovingthe sinner,hatingthe sin law andfirst taughtChristiansthatsex or abstract sexuality, which may be outside marriage might, with love, be exercisedin differentways. Fromstart This soundsgliband facile, andisoften OK. (Whatafearful responsibilitythat to finish it presents heterosexuality resentedby 'gay' lobbyistsasinsulting. 'newmorality' generationbears for our mencreatedassexual beings for sexual Yetit issurely, asa general phrase, no present disorders!) matching with women, and women more-and no less!-than what the Ifwe take ourbearings from Scrip likewise for men. Toabandonthisbasis core message of Christianity is all ture, this is a false choice. Divinely (which is embodied in the differing about! Ifthe mission ofJesus, and the ordered relationships and God-given anatomiesofmale and female) is"toset reason why the incarnate Son was qualities belongtogether. Thefactthat offon the wrongfoot at the outset. giventhis humanname, was to saveus some marriages go sour isno warrant So the biblicalcasefor disapproving from our sins, then not only the dis for dispensingwithmarriage. Thereis ofhomosexual conduct does not rest tinction between sinner and their sins no basisin Scripturefor believingthat on a few contested texts, but on a butalsotheseparationofonefrom the love and other Christian qualities widelypervasivefeature ofthe revealed otherlie at the heart ofthings. Again, justify or hallow an improper rel wisdomofGodfor humanlife.Yetthe this approach to homosexuality sets it ationship. It is undeniable that explicit New Testament references in the context ofthe gospel which cohabitingcouplesmayshowdeepand (Rom. 1:26-27, 1 Cor. 6:9) carry a encompasses 'allsortsand conditionsof selfless affection for each other, and heavier punch than revisionists allow. men'. I emphasize this point in the thata'gay' partnershipmaybe marked (See my CuttingEdge series booklet faceofdenials, implicitorexplicit, that by enviable mutual care. (We have no TheChristian Faith andHomosexuality, homosexuals need, or can benefit interest in rubbishing all such rel and morefullymy article in Evangelical from, thecentralmessageofthe Chris ationships as fired by selfish Quarterly 61, 1989, pp. 291-300, tian gospel, whichsummonsusall-or gratification.) But they fall short in 'Homosexuality: theRelevanceofthe rather, only sinners, not the right varyingdegreesofGod'splanfor one Bible'.) eous!-to faith and repentance. to-one relationships in which alone is Notforgetting the fall Humanidentity-increationand sexual fulfilmentto be found. Honour in Christ amongthieves may be trulyadmirable, Against thisbackclothofGod's creative butit does not sanction thieving. blueprint, the many distortions of One reason why revisionists resent sexual disposition and behaviour in 'love the sinner, hate the sin' is that Startingat the beginning: the human society have to be understood theytreathomosexualityasconstitutive heterosexualnorm in terms ofthe fallenness ofall hum ofaperson'sidentity. Talkofsundering Therearefew things asfundamentalin ankind. In the case ofhomosexuality, a man or woman from his or her the biblical revelation as the divine this applies to orientationaswell asto homosexualityisthus felt asathreatto orderingofheterosexualmonogamy. It behaviour, and this will not change if their essential being. What they de is found throughout Scripture-for orwhen agenetic explanationfor the mandisacceptancespecificallyas'gay' example, in two ofthe Ten Comm homosexual conditionisdiscovered. or lesbian. andments, in the. teaching ofJesus, There is no mileage in denying or Thissenseofhurtcallsfor asensitive where it is reaffirmed and its impli resisting the identification ofgenetic response. It lnay well be the case that cations deepened, and in Ephesians as factors aswholly or partly responsible whenwe talk about homosexuality in an image ofthe love between Christ for homosexual tendencies. To do any public.gathering, one or lnore of and his church. To excise or override otherwise would be to take refuge in those listening will feel that their thisfoundationisto do deepstructural something like God-of-the-gaps whole being is under challenge. We damage to the teaching ofScripture. theologyin reverse, asthough only in need to be aware ofthis possibility, And ifit is objected thatJesus, the the gaps in current genetic science withoutacceptingthe assumptionsand perfecthumanbeing,wasnotmarried, couldonediscernthe effectsofthe fall. instinctsit represents. Itmay be under- ISSUE 2.1- SPRING 1995 3 standable, in asociety so preoccupied tradition has probably erred in the relevance ofthe Old Testament and with (heterosexual) sexualfulfilmentas direction oflegalism, but this is no most ofthe NewTestamentapart from ours appears to be, why persons of excuse for swinging to the other the Gospels on.the grounds oftheir different sexual disposition should extreme ofcheap grace that makes no historical relativism (they reflect the perceive their identity so much in moral demands and expects no moral social and cultural worlds in which terms ofthis difference. renewal. they originated), butasksquestions of Butit issurely far healthierto insist the Gospels in atotally non-historical Reading the Biblewhole: or, that our worth ashuman beings con fashion. Ifany ofthe Bible is his againstseparatingwhatGodhas sists in our being created in God's toricallyconditioned, allofitis.There joinedtogether image and recreated in Christ. No is no core-gospel (not even 'God is highervaluecanbeplaced on aInan or The revisionist liberalism that isnow love') which comes to us except in a woman than this. It is a particularly ready to accept non-rnarital particular vocabulary (first-century worrying feature of the 'gay' and heterosexual and same-sex relation Greek in this case), from a particular lesbian Christian movement that it ships often seems a throwback to the context (that of1John, its authorand seeks recognition ofhomosexuals Jesus-only liberalism ofan earlier era. recipients). 'God is love' is true in a precisely in terms oftheir homo The Old Testament and Paul are biblical sense, i.e. as biblically warr sexuality, instead ofas creatures of largely pensioned offas incurably anted, only when 'God' and 'love' are God, sinfullike allofusbutcapable of patriarchal, in an exclusive appeal to giventheirfirst-centurycontextualised beingremadein Christ. Others do not theJesus ofthe Gospels. Yeteven this meanings-not asany modern might rest their personal identity in their isnotfreefromselectivity-citingJohn care to conceive ofGod and love! heterosexuality! 8:11a but omittingJohn 8:11b. A Note well: the sound response to church in the Reformed tradition 'Butthat's allpatriarchalism!' isnot to Acceptance and non-acceptance should be the last to excise the Old try to carve out some reserved ter The domination oflate twentieth Testament from the Bible like Mar ritory free ofthis plague, but to insist century liberal Christianity by an cion, ifit isfaithful to its true genius. that there isno self-revelation ofGod almost antinomian inclusivism is ref (Itisalarmingthat sorne ofthe strong except that given under such socio lected in the way 'acceptance' has estpressure for changeiscomingfrom cultural limitations. Jesus was not ousted 'forgiveness'. Forgiveness rec individuals who openly disown alle incarnate except as aJew in first ognizes, and acceptance often giance to the Reformed tradition of centuryPalestine, norcrucifiedexcept implicitly denies, the needfor repent Christianityin particular.) 'under Pontius Pilate', and the New ance. Christ accepts us assinners, but It is difficult to take seriously asan Testament comes to us only in Hel accepts us in forgiveness, not in mere argument in favour of accepting lenistic Greek. We eitheraccept-and recognition that we are who we are. homosexual behaviour thatJesus said gloryin!-thescandal ofparticularity, And where there is room for.for nothing about it. Ifthis isindeed the or set about creatingourownreligion giveness(andthereisno acceptanceby case,it would not be surprising.Jesus in embarrassment at the once-for-all God without it), there is room for saidnothingaboutagreat many topics givenness ofhistoric Christianity. hearts and lives to be changed. Jesus thatwere notliveissuesin Palestine in So the debate about homosexuality refused to condemn the adulteress to his day-like social security schemes, turns out to encapsulate a number of the punishIllentJewish law required, democracyandvotes for all,and equal the critical issuesin the battle to hold buthisacceptanceofheraccompanied payfor women (and even aboutmany on to aChristianitythat isrecognisably a sharp summons to abandon her that presumablywere, likenationalism, the faith ofourfathers. Thealternative adultery. Muchthe samecanbe saidof housing the homeless, disarmament is a faith that is made in our own the use of'affirm' (except that gram and the care ofthe terminallyill)And image, and made anew in every gen matically it is much odder to say'the itisagreed that homosexualitybecame eration. Butofafaith in whichwe see gospel affirms me'I). an issue for the Jews only when they the reflection, narcissistically, ofour Evangelical churches above alloth spread into the Hellenistic world Gust contemporary society's values and ers should be places where the good asearlier it had beenanissuefor Israel aspirations, one thing is sure-it news ofa forgiving and welcoming only when encountered alnong its cannot save contemporary society. A Godisheard in unmistakeabletones by Canaanite neighbours}. gospel read offeven thebest oftoday's sinners ofall kinds-including the This argument from the silence of insights and wisdom will be so dif notorious offenders ofthe Gospels. Jesus isa kind ofnegative prooftext ferent (a gospel) that it will not be Butthereisno hintin the Gospelsthat ing-andreflectsanaivelyunhistorical (another) gospel at all. Jesus approved or tolerated prostitutes treatmentofthe Gospels. Assuch, itis continuing to ply their trade or tax- anotherinstanceofthe arbitraryselec David Wright is Senior Lecturer in gatherers continuing to fleece tivity thatthe revisionist caserelieson Ecclesiastical History at New College, tax-payers. The Scottish Reformed throughout: it severely restricts the Edinburgh 4 THERUTHERFORDJOURNALOFCHURCH& MINISTRY Preadiing least twofold. First, in general people use their brains less and less today. Technology provides instant know ledge. We areno longerencouragedto think for ourselves. The television advertisements, to saynothing ofthe the content ofl1lanyprogrammes, assume that peopledon'twantto think.While road-menders, carpenters and crofters ofScotland could hold their own a hundred years ago in profound phi or losophicaldebate, oftenatsecondyear university level, Joe Public today doesn'teven knowwhatphilosophyis. Many in our congregations have a reading age ofabout eight years. I recall the numbed sense ofdisbelief with which I discovered, as a young minister, that certainofl1lyelders who were professional men-s-bank man agers, headteachers and businessmen ---couldn'tactually think! AsIcame to know them in their homes, I found DavidSearle their staple reading matter was The Sunday Post. Take them away frorn theirprofessional expertise, and invite them to explore a new area ofthink ing, and my awful discovery was that theirbrains had atrophied. T he charge is often brought mounting 'an assault on our reason'. Sub-Christian against evangelists that their Hehad beenthrownto the groundby preaching is too emotional. the Holy Spirit, he claimed, because But there is asecond reason why this Some ofthem are distinctly thin on he had been too cerebral in his matter ofthe rational element in our contentand majorinsteadon plucking approach to faith. He had lost touch preaching is a contemporary issue at the heart strings. They tell senti withspiritualpowerand thatwaswhy, demandingourattention. Whilemost, mental stories aiming for conversions against all reasonable explanation, he ifnot all,Scottish homes used to have viathe emotionsoftheiraudience.We had experienced the phenomenon of aBible,most nowadaysdon'tevenhave haveallheardthatkindofpreaching. It uncontrollablelaughterand othersthe a book. The shelves are lined with can be very well done, people are accompanying animal noises. video tapes offilmswhich, ratherthan moved-e-sornetimes to tears-but at Well,isittrue that reformedpreach expandingthe mind, debase and defile the end ofthe day,when one actually ersgenerally aretoo intellectual? Isour it. That being so, 1110st ofthose in analysesthe message,ithasbeenalmost approach to faith, and to that preach Scottish Churches today listen to our without Biblical content. ing which is God's appointed preaching frorn a starting point of Onthe otherhand, reformedtheo instrument through which the Holy almost complete ignorance. SOIne of logians are often accused ofbeingtoo Spirit brings people to faith, too our elders have views, strongly held, cerebral. In his article onNewAge in cerebral?Dowe emphasisethe place of which are not merely sub-Christian, thefirstissue ofTheRutherfordJournal, the mind too much? Ought we to butareevenanti-Christian.We can no JohnDranestates thatreformed theo work far more on our hearers' em longerassume abasicunderstandingof logians 'have most easily worn the otions? Ought we to seek to reach Scripture and the Christian faith. rationalistlabel'. their wills via their emotions and be Many young ministers begin in con content to by-pass theirbrains? gregations where the faith sincerely An assaultonreason heldisno longer a 'Christian' faith. Mental stagnation Oneyoungmanwho hasbeencaught Little wonder, then, that so luany up into the Toronto Blessing wroteto This question is not ~implyan aca preachersabandonthe great endeavour tell me about his experience and demic one. It is actually a pressing to bringpeople to faith by addressing informed me that the Holy Spiritwas contemporaryissue.Theproblemisat their minds. They have taken a route ISSUE 2.1- SPRING 1995 5 out through the back door, and have The effect ofthese physical pheno mighty God in which mere mortals said, 'We can'tbeat them, sowe'lljust mena-e-healings, demonicactivity and find they must put their hands over have to join them'. Many sermons the castingoutofdemons-c-all created theirmouths. have becomebanal in the extreme-e-a a huge stir with people flocking from The presence ofthe Holy Spirit is few stories, with the sort of exp miles around. awesome. In my limited experience, lanation which pretends the text Whatwasthe Lord'sresponseto this when the Spirit comes in power, one contains no theology at all. excitement?Even acursoryreadingof yearns to bowlow, to hide one's face, My question is, therefore, 'Where the Gospels tellsusthat he did every and the tearscannotbe keptback. The oughtwe to be in this final decade of thingin His powerto avoidit. Hesaw only possible initial response is to the centuryin thiswholeareaofmind itasamajorobstacleto Hisrealminis- surrender oneself to God with a totality that reaches into every compartment, every nookand cranny, When the Devil asked the Lord to bow down ofone'sinnermostsoul. Icannotthink ofawordto describe one's emotionsin and worship him, he was not askingJesusfor the presence ofGod less appropriate than excitement. Adoration, yes. a song! Excitement, no. Emotionalintoxication and emotions? Have we been too try ofpreaching. No crowd bent on Yet, in so many churches today, and cerebral? Have we neglectedthe erno witnessingsupernatural activity wants especially in youth rallies, the aim tionalappeal?Dowe needachangeof to listen seriously; they want to spec seems too oftento be to excite. There direction?' Ihave certainpropositions. tate. So when those whom the Lord is no worse preparation for the Theyareallconcerned, eitherdirectly healed, and whom he sternly com preaching.ofthe Word ofGod than or indirectly, with preaching. And I manded to say nothing to anyone excitement through pure emotional bring them before you in the con about their healing, disobeyed and ism. I recall speaking in Northern victionthatpreaching, empoweredby broadcasttheirgood news, he couldno Ireland at a Youth Rally which was the Holy Spiritwhoworks in response longeropenlyenterthe towns, buthad held in myformerchurch. Theremust to believing prayer, isthe single most to hide away in the remoter areas have been about 900 to 1000 young important activity any minister of (Mark 1:45). people gathered. (That is not un Christisever called upon to do. EarlierinMark1,SimonPeterwent common in the Province). A musical to look for the Lord because He had group had been brought in to lead disappeared, and the crowds wanted what they called 'TheWorship'. That Emotional excitementis Him after the evening ofhealing in large gathering had had over an hour to be avoided as far as Capernaum: Simon and his com ofsinging. possible panions went to look for him, and When Istoodto speak, few wanted whenthey foundhim, they exclaimed: tolisten. Theyhadbeenintoxicatedby I don'twant to comment on the Tor 'Everyone is looking for you!' Jesus drums and beat and a kind ofsinging onto Blessing movement which replied, 'Let usgosomewhereelse-to whichhad excitedthememotionally. I recently has come to Scotland, apart the nearby villages-so I can preach found that before Icould get through from makingthis oneobservation: itis there also. That iswhy I have come' to them, I had to overcome the spirit not difficult to fill achurch, or even a (Mark 1:36ff.). thatwasabroad in the gathering. That stadium, ifemotionalexcitementislaid isnot the only occasion when I have Silence on. That is not to say that everyone had that experience. who hasespoused the Toronto move My first proposition, then, is that Tmeworship ment is motivated by emotionalism. emotionalexcitementisto be avoided But it is to assert that wherever one as far as humanly possible. I believe We need discernment, therefore, to findsphysicalphenomenabeingmani with allmy heart that there is a huge know the difference between the fested, the crowds will flock. difference between emotional excite presence ofGodand emotionalexcite ment and the presence ofthe Holy ment. Sometimes, Iknow, the two can Physicalphenomena Spirit. lain Murray, surely one ofthe overlap as the Spirit works in spiteof Weonly haveto turnto the Gospelsto world's leadingauthoritieson Revival, the excitement. Butmostly, the Spirit seethis. People in the Lord's daywere hastold usthat the effectofthe Spirit's absents Himselffrom the spirit of no different to people today. Certain presence has alwaysbeen, in the first excitement for reasons which I hope miraculous phenomena accompanied instance, silence; a silence that can be we shallsee. Worship is not making a the Lord's own ministry, aswe know. felt; a silence in the presence ofAl- jolly, loud noise or singing our heads 6 THERUTHERFORDJOURNALOFCHURCH&MINISTRY off. Worship is nothing to do with whichthey arefullyaware,namely,the situationto hisAreopagiticain Athens. that. Worship isthesurrenderofourwills recent crucifixion and resurrection of Therehavebeenmany studies done of toGodtoserve Him asHisslaves allour Jesus ofNazareth. He ties in those this sermon, and we haven't time to days. recent events, along with the phe- look at them today': Suffice it to say The third temptation ofour Lord nomenon ofPentecost itself, to the that I believe it hasbeen satisfactorily should teach us that. When the devil Old Testament scriptures. He shows demonstrated that Paul's approach asked the Lord to bow down and howthese events-theministry, death remains essentially an appeal to the worship him, he was not askingJesus and resurrection ofthe LordJesus minds ofthe Athenians and that Luke for a song! He was asking for our along with the outpouring ofthe records for us a 1110del ofpreaching Lord'ssurrenderto him; he wasasking Spirit-fulfil scriptures which his whichisaddressedto anaudiencewho for capitulation, allegiance, for the hearers already know and believe. had no prior knowledge ofthe Lord pledge ofhis will in life-longservice. Third, he callsthem to repentance God, an approach which brilliantly Thatisworship. Singingcanbe almost and faith in Christ. crossesthe cultural gap and builds the incidental to worship. You can have Now we know that in Acts 2 we necessary bridge over which Paul will hours ofsingingwithoutanyworship. only have the merest skeleton outline later cross to bring the full Christian Worship, you must know, liesatthe ofPeter's preaching. We know that gospel. heartofthe Ten Commandments. The because Luke tells us so: (Acts 2:40) Dramaticconversions first and second commandments are 'With many other words he warned built around trueworship ofGod and them and he pleaded with them...' Move on with me to consider for a prohibition offalseworship. 'Love so But before Peter came to what your moment the anguish through which amazing, so divine, demands my soul, homiletics teachermightcallhis'app Saul ofTarsus had to pass during the my life, my all'. That, in the final lication', he explainedand expounded three daysofhisblindness after he had analysis,isworship. the Scriptures the people knewin the encountered the risen Lord on the I haven't strayed from my point. light offacts ofwhich they were fully Damascus road. We tendto emphasise Modernhappy-clappysinging canvery aware. that encounterand to talk and thinkas subtly cross the line into emotional Thattends to be the Actspatternof ifthat was Paul's conversion. But try excitement. When it does, you might preaching in Jerusalem and in the and get into his mind and follow his aswell close your Bible and put your synagogues. We might call it, 'The thinking ashe prayed for those three sermonin yourpocket, becausewhen fulfilment pattern', because it isbased days. the congregation has been stirred up on the Old Testament Scriptures. Its His assumptionshad been,first, that likethat no onewillreallywant to hear methodology is to demonstrate that Jesus was a criminal who had been the preaching ofthe Word ofGod. the events ofthe Lord's life, together cursed [excommunicated]by hiscruci withthe growthofHisChurch, canbe fixion; second, that Christians were a explained and understoodin the light bunchofdeludedheretics who needed Preaching is addressed ofOld Testamentpromises. annihilating, and he was genuinely to people's minds You must see that it isprimarily an serving God in vigorously seeking to appeal to the mind. Luke summarises dojustthat; third, thathe himselfwas One only has to take aBible in one's for usthe apostolic synagoguepreach attaining righteousness through strict hands and turn the pages over from ing: (Acts17:2-4) 'Ashis customwas, observance ofthe law. Genesis to Revelation to seethat God Paul wentinto the synagogue, and on Try and understandthe massiveshift is addressing himselfto men and wo three Sabbath days he reasoned with in the thinking ofSaul ofTarsus. His men first and foremost through their them from the Scriptures, explaining anguish as he discovered that the minds. Let us focus on this more and proving that the Christ had to cursedNazarenewho had beencut off particularly. Look at some of the suffer and rise from the dead. "This from the people ofGod-even from preachingin the Actsofthe Apostlesto Jesus I am proclaiming to you is the God himself-by hanging on a tree, see this demonstrated for us. Take Christ", he said. Some ofthe Jews thisJesus was actually Lord! His mind Peter's great sermon on the Day of were persuaded and joined Paul and was grappling with the Scriptures he Pentecost. What is the methodology Silas, as did a large number ofGod knew so well. The Holy Spirit was inherentin his preaching? fearing Greeks and not a few leadinghiminto anewunderstanding prominentwomen.' ofIsaiah53, Psalm 22,Jeremiah31, as PreachinginActs to Jews well asofthe whole Levitical system. PreachinginActsto Gentiles First, he speaks to them about what These Christians-what ofthem? they already knowandbelieve. He takes What about preaching to Gentile Followers ofthe Way? They must be the passage from Joel 2, and then audienceswhowere notfamiliar with right! In persecuting them, he had quotations from Psalms 16 and 110. Scripture? We have to go for an ex beenpersecutingtheirLord. And what Second, he speaks of events of ample ofhowPaultackled that kindof ofthe Law,in whichhe wasso deeply ISSUE2.1 - SPRING 1995 7 schooled and to which he was both 20:18. osition? That's all very well, but intellectually and emotionallybound? avaYYEAAro-announce, explain; see consider SOIneofthese NT words: All along, it had been aschool-master John 4:25; 16:13, 14, 15; Acts 20:20. speak out, conversewith, narrate [the to lead him to the Christ and he had a1tayyEAAOl-announce from one preachernarrates astory, there should never realised it. Righteousness was place to another;seeMatt. 11:4;12:18. often be narrative in our sermons], not by the law at all; it was through OtaYY£AAOl-announce throughout interpret/explain, reason, makeknown faith in the risen Saviour. Paul had to theworld; see Luke 9:60; ROIl1. 9:17. /unfold, announce, declare, bring square all he knew ofthe Old Test £~aYY£AAOl-announce publicly, good news, speak boldly, call to wit alnent (and who would deny that his declare; see 1Pet. 2:9. ness, give solemn evidence, urge/ knowledge and grasp ofthe OldTest l(ataYYEAAOl-announce, proclaim; persuade, confess, cry aloud, teach, amentwas imrnensel) with the fact of see Acts 4:2; 13:5, 28. pass on, warn, admonish, define, the risenJesus who hadrevealedhim £uaYYEAAt~oJ..L<Xt-bring good news; strengthen, eomfort, exhort, reprove, selfto him asLord. see Matt. 11:5; Luke 3:18; 4:18; Acts rebuke, chide, instruct. I don't for one 1110Inentwant to 5:42 Ifind the versatility and broadnessof detractin anyway from themysteryof 1taPP1l0t~0f..1at-speak boldly; see the NT's portrayal ofpreaching very regeneration. Neverthelessitwouldbe Acts 9:27£;14:3; Ephesians 6:20. challenging. Isuspectthatmuchofmy foolish, even dishonest, to deny that J..Laptup£Ol-bear witness, testify; see preachingfor thepast thirty-fouryears Paul's mind grappledwiththeologyin John 1:7,8, 15; Acts 10:43. has been far too narrow in its scope. the most remarkable way. His mind E1ttJ..LaptUp£o>--call to witness; see 1 Holy Spiritunderstanding wasenlightenedbythe HolySpirit,so Peter5:12. thathispaststrictreligiouslifebecame OtaJ..LaptuP0J..L<xt-givesolemn evid We must be careful not to think that like refuse, dross, dung! What a ence, warn; seeLuke 16:28; Acts2:40. preaching addressed to the mind has conversion! My conclusion is that 1t£t9ro---urge, seek to persuade; see anything to do with a·oongregation's preaching is addressed to our people's Acts 13:43; 17:4; 18:4; 19:8. IQ. The understanding comes from minds, oJ..LoAo)'EOl-publiclydeclare, confess; the Holy Spirit. We allknowbrilliant seeJohn 1:20; Heb. 13:15. minds which cannot grasp the sim Morethan 30NTwords for l(pa~Ol-cry aloud; see John 1:15; plicityofthestatement, 'Godsoloved preaching 7:28, 37; 12:44; Acts 23:6. the world that He gave His only be I recently came across a short para 1tP0<Pllt£uro-declarethe will ofGod, gotten Son'. Yet we know simple, graph in the article on khrussw, 'I prophesy; see Luke 1:67; Acts 2:17; uneducated folk with very little int preach', in Kittel.' The point is made 19:6. ellectual apparatus who understand that in the New Testament there are OtOaOl(ro-teach; seeMatt. 5:2; 7:29; Romans 8 with a clarity and delight about30 synonyms used for khrussw. I 9:35; Acts 4:2, 18. which isastonishing. took time to look up each word and 1tapaOtOOlf..1t-handover,handdown; In thatregard, contrastthemeaning discoveredthatthewriterhad actually see 1 Cor. 11:2, 23; 15:3; 2 Pet. 2:21. oftwo words in our list, 'teach' and omittedseveral. Here are afew ofthe VOU9EtEro-admonish,warn, instruct; 'instruct'. Is the distinction between NT words used ofpreaching: seeActs20:31; 1Cor. 4:14; Col. 1:28. 'teaching' and 'instruction' the dis (rov AOYOV) op8o'tof..1£ro-define;see tinction between the theoretical and A£y(O--speak, mean, tell; see Matt. 2 Till1. 2:15. the practical? Theclinical instructorin 5:33ff. 1tapal(CXAEOl-strengthen, exhort, the hospital works on the wards help AaAero-talk, say;see lCor. 2:6f. plead; seeLuke 3:18; Acts2:20; 14:22; ing the student nurses to put into a1to<p9£YY0f..1at-speak out, utter 15:32. practice the theory they have learned forth; see Acts 2:14; 26:25. EAEYXOl-reprove, rebuke, expose from the tutors in the classroom; the 0f..1tAEro-comll1une, converse with; error, correct; seeJohn 6:18; 2 Tim. instructor on the mechanical eng see Acts 20:11. 4:2. ineering course takes the students to OtlTYE0f..1at-relate, narrate; see Luke Emtlf..1aor-rebuke,chide, censure; see the workshop and helps them strip 8:39; Heb. 11:32. 2 Ti1l1. 4:2. down an engine and put it together £~ll)'EoJ..Lat-interpret, expound; see again. 'Instruction' suggests to me a Full-orbedNTpreaching John 1:18; Acts 15:12ff. process whichisvery practical. With OtaAEY0J..Lat-:-address, preach, reason; We need a full-orbed picture ofNT outthe 'teaching' element, it isalmost see Acts 17:2, 17; 18:4, 19. preaching. What are we doing when certainly a waste oftime. But com Ot£Pf..1llvEuro-interpret, explain; see we stand andpreach? Thinkofsome of binedwith good teaching, instruction Luke 24:27; 1 Cor. 14:5, 13,27. your sermons ofthe past months. will form mature solid Christian men YVOlpt~0l-n1akeknown; see Luke What did you do? Did you expound and women. Nevertheless, it is still 2:15, 17;John 15:15; 17:26. doctrine? Ifyou did, whatpercentage directed to the understanding-the aYYEAAro-report, announce;seeJohn ofyour sermon was doctrinal exp- better understanding-ofwhat has 8 THERUTHERFORDJOURNALOFCHURCH& MINISTRY been taught. Let me quote: 'Paul in Romans has Beauty: Psaltn 27:4; 29:2; Desire: been expounding great and mighty Psalm 40:8; 42:1; 63:1. Somequestions about our doctrines ofgrace. Nowin chapter 12 What do we find? We find that in preaching we havethisword, Therefore. Theorder variably godly emotion-e--and our So, do we warn, persuade, reason, expose in Scripture is always the Sa111e, First Bibles are packed with godly enl. error, chide, exhort, strengthen, declare?Do exposition, then exhortation. First otion--arisesfrom anunderstandingof we bringgoodnews? Ohfor goodnews come the divine indicatives-what thewill, purposes, goodness, love and in our pulpits! We have some dep God has done for us. Then come the holiness ofGod.Withagreaterknow ressive characters in Scottish pulpits divine imperatives-what God de ledgeofGodcomes deeperemotional who have no good news to tell. Their mands ofus'. experience. The shallowerthe under sermonsare99%badnews. Yes,preach My preaching for thirty-four years standing, the thinnerthe emotion; the thesinfulness ofsin. Yes,preach death hasbeenbasedon that paragraph. 'First greater the understanding, the deeper to self. But never preach any ofthat exposition, thenexhortation.'Because the emotion. withoutthejoyand gloryandlife and in my Bible, the argument is from Guiltisatitsmostintensewhenthe love and assurance of our blessed mindto will!Theexhortationisalways knowledge ofGod's lawsand character Redeemer. down-to-earth, massively relevant, are most clearly understood. Fear and Do we define, rightly dividing the anchored in the real world ofwork, holyaweofGodare greatly heightened wordoftruth? Dowe converse---create home,living, growingold, dying. The as knowledge of God is increased. a mental dialogue with our people? Bible is earthed in the real world of Confidence and assurance grow strong when understanding of covenant mercy is clearer.Joy reaches its zenith many ofus send shells which explode when the grace ofa good and loving God is grasped. It is not only the harmlessly in some place in the Church where Psalmswhichtellthisstory. Ourwhole Bibles tell the"same story. So what, u-e no one is sitting. need...direct hits then, are the lessons for preaching today? Addresspeople's minds Preaching, you see, dies when it be service, temptation, the world's all comes a monologue. Ifourpreaching urements, Satan's stratagems and We live an apostate age, in which is a monologue, without feedback, accusations, grace to live by. Is our much ofoursocietyhasbecome quite withoutan ongoingexchangeofheart preachingin this realworld? pagan. Those who minister in pulpits and soul betweenthepreacherandhis withoutanevangelical traditioncannot hearers, thenit hasbecomesterile and assume their congregations know the thepotentialfruitofrighteousnesswill 1iulygodly emotions Scriptures.Theymustbegin, therefore, never form or mature butwill wither sprtng from an ever teachingthe WordofGodwithaview on the stalks. greater understanding of to bringing understanding of the Dowe explain, interpret, makeknown, the truth of God. character,ways,laws,holinessand love declarethetruthofGod? Dowe address of God. They need to use the full people? Yes, address real people? So About two weeks ago, I embarked on scope ofBiblicalpresentationwe have much preaching is to the middle dis a reading ofthe Psalms looking for justseen. tance. We fire oursalvos,but into the evidenceofemotions.Whatdid Ifind? Ifourownknowledge ofpreaching, air.IknowthatKingHaroldwaskilled AsW~ Nicolsonused to say, 'Boys-a asit is portrayed for us in Scripture, at the Battle ofHastings by an arrow days!'Boys-a-days!DidIfind emotion! increases, then our style ofpreaching shotinto the air. Butmany ofus send Let me share with you alittle ofmy will be expanded and will perhaps shells which explode harmlessly in discoveries. Here isjust a small sel begin to include elements and aspects some place in the church where no ection ofemotion which leapt out at which we never utilisedbefore. What one is sitting. We need, Sunday by me from the Psalms as I skimmed we will be doing will be addressing Sunday,directhits. Notnearmisses.So through them: Guilt: Psahn 32:3-5; ourselves in many differentwaysto the address people! 38:4; Fear: Psalm 111:10; 119:120; minds ofour hearers. Away back in 1959, while I was 119:161; Confidence: Psalm 91:1-2; Perhaps a reference to music will studying divinity, the tape ofJames Jealousy for God's glory: Psalm illustrate. Thinkofthemanymoodsin Philip's 1958 Keswick address on 119:126, 136, 139;Joy: Psalm 119:35, afine piece ofmusic. Those listening Romans 12:1 came into my hands. 47,62,111, 162, 171;Sorro~:Psalm can be carried to great heights, and That address hadaprofound effect on 43:5; 119:136; 119:153; Pleasure: thenbe takendownto solemndepths, my own life and subsequent ministry. Psalm 16:3,6, 11; Appreciation of and then swept away into some ro- ISSUE2.1- SPRING 1995 9 mantic dream, and then taken on Becausethe greaterourappreciationof mustdo that. We must 'instruct', that tiptoe into S0111e mysterious valley. the salvation ofour God, the loftier is, show the relevance ofwhat Amos A much 1110re crude illustration is will be our praises ofhim. Flat, dull, said 800 years before Christ for the thatagoodfighterin the ringwill vary lifelesssingingalmost alwayspoints to people ofGod2000years afterChrist. his punches. He will box defensively, acongregationuntaughtin the truthof We do that, but also preach with and 1110ve about lightly, drawing his Scripture. The key to praise lies emotion. Preach with fire. Fire that opponent cunningly into an through the mind, warms. Fire whose flames bring unguarded 11~0111entwhen he will corpses from the stiffcoldlifelessstate Avoidslush unexpectedly land an uppercut that oftheir deadness to stir and know the sends the other reeling; then he will Please don't allow your congregations poweroftheHolySpiritbeginningto draw back, keepinghisownguard, and to sing pap and slush. I have been in flow in theirveins. Fire whose flames onceagain will lure his opponentinto gatherings where grown adults, ed cast lightinto the darkestplaces. aInOlnent ofhesitationwhenastraight ucatedpeople,havebeenexpectednot Oh, preach with fire! Don't climb left will again send his opponent only to sing words which could have those pulpit steps unless and until the reeling; butthis time, he will follow it beenwrittenbyMcGonagall, to music fireofGodburnsin yoursoul. For itis up with another powerful blow and which was so bad that it made me aswe bring together into holy union another, until he gets either aknock wince, but also words which were our theology and the fire ofholy out or the towel isthrown in. vacuous, banal and often such bad emotion that the words we speakwill We have to go for that knock out! theology as to be misleading, ifnot cut to the heart, and will reach the We have to box for it with skill and altogetherfalse.(What,for example,is consciences and wills ofthose listen patience, waiting the opportunity the the Biblical warrantfor singing, 'Make ing. HolySpiritwill give,perhapsnotuntil lny flesh life melt away'?) Because the One final thought. Many ofour the ninth or tenthround, after along, item being sung had been in intro people are longing for us to speak to exhausting fight that has sapped our duced by some platitudinous rubbish, themlike that. Theyare cryingoutfor strength and demandedmore than we people felt obliged to join in, though a word that will address their minds thought we could ever give. Such is theyfelt somehowthis waslittle more and tell themabouttheirtemptations, our address to the minds and con than sentimentality. their worries, their battles, their sciences ofmen and women. I suspect that some ofthe modern sorrows, theirjoys, their daily work, song-writers are undermining true their families, their homes, their Choosinghymns The second lesson regards the hymns My preachingfor thirty-Jour years has been we choose. I know that we are aware hymns shouldhave reasonablepoetryand basedon that paragraph. 'First exposition, be set to singable music. But there is a third criterion. It isthat any hymnwe then exhortation.' use must have Biblical content. It must havesoundtheologyembeddedwithin it. Christian piety, on the one hand, and neighbours, their money-and just Singingis a crucial pathway to our implanting seriously false ideas about howallofthatcomesunderthemigh people'sminds. Aswell asprovidingan grace and sanctification on the other ty graceandpowerofGod. So preach opportunity for adoration, singing hand. Put the hymns you choose with fire, the fire of God in your shouldbe partofagrand campaignof throughthethreesieves:poetry, music bones, in yourheartsandonyourlips. enlightenment. Go backfor amoment and-above all-content. Remember, So may the Holy Spirit honour and to my earlier comments about emo Paul said, In understanding bemen! authenticateHis writtenand Incarnate tionalsinging. Ihaveno problemwith Word. Theologyonfire a certain kind ofemotional singing. Myproblemiswhenpeoplesing their The final lesson-in aword-is that Notes heads offbutby-pass theirminds in so true preachingis theology on fire. If I am indebted to an unpublished MTh doing. Spiritual singing (which will there is one thing that the Church of Dissertation: The Cognitive Element of certainlybe emotional-how couldit Godneeds today it istheologyonfire. Conversion in the Acts of the Apostles, not be, when God has created us Ifyouwantto emptyyourchurchjust TerenceJHarkin, NewCollege, 1994. emotional beings!), will be with un preach pure theology. Did Paul ever 2 TheologicalDictionaryoftheNewTestament, derstanding ofwords that express the preach pure theology? I hardly think ed. Kittel, Vol3, p703. mighty doctrines ofgrace. so. His theology was ablaze with Ifyou long for better singing from passion andlove for God. yourcongregations, gofor theirminds, Lift Biblical truth into 1995. We 10 THERUTHERFORDJOURNALOFCHURCH& MINISTRY HistoricalSermons __ne Sin D a sermon by Andrew Bonar T he sin mentioned here is not the earthlyCanaan,were notdelivered Ifany man see his brothersin a the same asthe sin against the over to eternal death. Moses himself sin which is not unto death, he Holy Ghost. The persons (we might add Aaron and Miriam) is shall ask, and he shall give him spoken of, in the latter sin, are the an example ofthe same thing. In him life for them that sin not unto Scribes and Pharisees-it is the we see a believing man suffering death. Thereisasin unto death: malignant enemies ofChrist who are temporal death for his sin, yet still a I do not say that he shall pray the criminals. In the formersin,that is, child of God, and an heir of the forit.All unrighteousnessissin: the case before us in our text, it is a heavenly Canaan. and there is sin not unto death Christian brother thatisthe offender: Ifanymanseehisbrother sin.We must (1John 5:16, 17). God's chastisement beware ofconfounding the two sins But have we any casesofthis kind in and the two parties. The sin unto Deathmaymeaneithertemporalor the New Testament? Ifwe have, they death is spoken ofas that which a eternal death; either the death ofthe will tend greatly to confirm our believer couldcommit;hutno believer soul, or that ofthe body.Inthe passage interpretationofthe passagesbefore us, could possibly be guilty of the before us, it seems to me to mean the and shew that, in allages,God's wayof blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. latter.Thesinuntodeath, wouldmean dealing with his saints has been the asininvolvingtemporaldeath, though same;and that, while in some instances Canwefallfrom grace? he would not exclude the doer ofit therewaschastisement,in the shape of This clears thewaysofar, or atleastit from his kingdom. pain, or disease, or lossofproperty, or narrows the ground, and so facilitates The difference between these two loss offriends, in others there was chastisementin the shape ofdeath. In the case of Moses, we have this Does it not assume the possibility offalling paternalchastisement,involvingdeath; in the case ofJob, we see it involving from grace, and deny the 'perseverance ofthe lossofsubstance, lossoffamily,lossof health, butstoppingshortofdeath; but saints'? in the New Testament, we shallsee it in the infliction ofdeath upon the our inquiry. While removing one kinds ofsinsmay be illustratedby the child ofGod. difficulty, does it not introduce case of Israel in the desert. The Themost remarkableinstance ofthe another? Does it not assume the generationthat cameoutofEgypt died kindisin the Corinthianchurch. That possibilty offalling from grace, and in the wilderness, because oftheir churchwasin many respectsnobleand deny the 'perseverance ofthe saints'? murmurings. Yet many ofthese were Christ-like, comingbehindinnogift.Yet We think not. But, asmuch depends believing men and women, who, therewas much sin in it, and many of on the meaningofthe expression, asin thoughthus chastisedbythe infliction its members were not walking as untodeath. We mustfirst take up this. oftemporal death and deprivation of becomethsaints. Speciallyin reference to

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