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Preview Rutaceae-feeding Agonopterix Hübner (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae) in Illinois

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 107(1), 2005, pp. 162-175 RUTACEAE-FEEDING AGONOPTERIX HUBNER (LEPIDOPTERA: ELACHISTIDAE) IN ILLINOIS T. L. Harrison and M. R. Berenbaum Department of Entomology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 320 Morrill Hall, 505 South Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801, U.S.A. (e-mail: tharriso@uxl. cso.uiuc.edu) — Abstract. The most recent taxonomic treatment ofNorth American moths ofthe genus Agonopterix Hiibner (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Elachistidae) recognized two Rutaceae- feeding species, Agonopterix nigrinotella (Busck) and Agonopterix pteleae Barnes and Busck. Ecological, morphological, and molecular data presented in this paper indicate that four species ofAgonopterix feed as larvae on Rutaceae in Illinois. Agonopterix costima- cula Clarke (revised status) and A. pteleae feed on hoptree, Ptelea trifoliata (Linnaeus). Both of these species are multivoltine. Agonopterix nigrinotella and a previously unrec- ognized species, described here as Agonopterix paulae Harrison, n. sp., feed on prick- lyash, Zanthoxylum americanum Miller. Agonopterix nigrinotella is univoltine, whereas A. paulae is bivoltine. Larval feeding tests determined that each of the four species is strictly monophagous and that literature reports ofA. nigrinotella on Carya sp. andAgon- opterix argillacea (Walsingham) on Ptelea trifoliata are apparently erroneous. Diagnoses and dichotomous keys are given for identifying mature larvae and adults of the four Rutaceae-feeding species. Key Words: Microlepidoptera, Gelechioidea, new species, voltinism, food plant speci- ficity, Rutaceae, Zanthoxylum, Ptelea, mitochondrial DNA, Cytochrome Oxidase II, North America, Illinois Although the North American component ofA. nigrinotella (Busck 1908), which was of the genus Agonopterix Hiibner has been described as Depressaria nigrinotella. Sub- studied more extensively than have most sequently, Barnes and Busck (1920) de- other "microlepidoptera" groups on this scribed Agonopteryx [sic} pteleae, and continent (Clarke 1941, Hodges 1974, Ber- Clarke (1941) described Agonopterix cos- enbaum and Passoa 1999), and larval food timacula. Clarke proposed that A. pteleae plants are known for almost all species, and A. costimacula feed as larvae only on complete life histories have been evaluated Ptelea trifoliata (L.), and that A. nigrino- for only a few (Hodges 1974). Because of tella feeds only on Zanthoxylum american- such inadequate life history information, the um Miller. complex of Nearctic Rutaceae-feeding spe- Hodges (1974) recognized A. pteleae as cies centered around Agonopterix nigrino- a distinct species but relegated all otherRu- tella (Busck) represents an element of the taceae-feeding Agonopterix to A. nigrino- genus that has remained unresolved. tella (with A. costimacula sunk as a junior The earliest description ofa Nearctic Ru- synonym of A. nigrinotella). Hodges ac- taceae-feedingAgonopterix species was that knowledged that more than one genital type VOLUME NUMBER 107, 1 163 was present in the moths ascribed by him other drawings, were done through a Wild to A. nigrinotella. His justification for re- M5 microscope equipped with a Wild M5 taining all of these entities under one spe- Zeichentubus drawing tube, at magnifica- cies name was that a single genital type tions of 25X to 40X; larvae were sub- could be found in moths representing more merged in 70% ethanol in a clear glass de- than one of the color forms that he recog- pression slide. Names of primary setae fol- nized, and that males of a single genital low those given by Stehr (1987). type had been reared from both Z. ameri- For study of genitalia, the entire abdo- canum and P. trifoliata. men of each dried specimen was pried off Field investigations conducted by S. Pas- with forceps. The abdomen was macerated soa in the 1980s revealed a diverse fauna in 20% potassium hydroxide in distilled ofRutaceae-feedingAgonopterix in Illinois, water for eight to 24 h, and then dissected with larvae utilizing both of the two native in 70% ethanol. Iridectomy scissors were rutaceous plants found in the state, Ptelea used to make a longitudinal slit in the lat- trifoliata (Linnaeus) and Zanthoxylum eral membrane, beginning at the anterior americanum Miller. The apparent presence end of the abdomen and running posterior ofall ofthe relevant moth and plant species to the hind margin of the 7th (females) or in this same geographic area suggested that 8th (males) abdominal segment. Genitalia a study of Rutaceae-feeding Agonopterix in were stained overnight in 63% ethanol, Illinois could provide a clear resolution to 27% distilled water, and 10% mercuro- species identities within this problematic chrome. While in the stain, genitalia were group; presented herein are the results of positioned for viewing in ventral aspect and such a study. were kept in this position with glass chips laid over them. After staining, they were Materials and Methods cleaned with a 00000 gauge sable brush in For rearing and for food plant specificity 70% ethanol; from here, they were either trials, larvae were placed individually in 30 placed directly into a vial of 70% ethanol ml plastic snap-lid cups containing a small for storage or were immersed briefly in amount of leaf material. In food plant spec- clove oil and then mounted in Canada bal- ificity trials, first-stadium larvae were sub- sam on microscope slides. jected to no-choice feeding tests on plants For genetic analysis, adult moths were other than the known field hosts: A. pteleae frozen alive, and genomic DNA was ex- and A. costimacula on Z. americanum, A. tracted following the protocol of Sperling paulae and A. argillacea on P. trifoliata, et al. (1994). A 522-bp fragment of mito- andA. nigrinotella on both P. trifoliata and chondrial Cytochrome Oxidase II (COII), on two species of Carya Nuttall, the latter homologous with mitochondrial genome genus having been recorded as a food plant positions 1691 through 2212 of Ypononieu- by Hodges (1974). After 24 h, each larva ta malinelhis Zeller (Sperling et al. 1995). was placed in a new cup containing the was amplified by polymerase chain reaction field host and was reared to adult, to con- (PCR) (Saiki et al. 1985, 1988) using prim- AGCGCCTCTCCTT- firm its identity and its normal state of ers C2-J-3138 (5' health. TAATAGAACA 3') and C2-N-3661 (5' CCACAAATTTCTGAACATTGACCA Larvae to be preserved for morphologi- 3') cal study were placed for 24 h in XAA so- (Simon et al. 1994). Each PCR sample was lution (10% xylene, 80% absolute ethanol. sequenced for its cnlirc length in hiuh 5'- 10% glacial acetic acid, saturated with dis- 3' and 3'-5' diicctions. by using the op- tilled water) and then transferred to 70% posing terminal primers: sequencing was ethanol, 30% distilled water for permanent done in the l'ni\ersit\ ot" Illinois Automat- storage. Drawings of larvae, as well as all ed Sequencing Labi>rator\. (^nc iniiixiJual 164 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON ofeach species was sequenced, with the ex- (1861, 1870), Rebel (1899), and Hanne- ception that partial sequence was obtained mann (1953). The following is a description from a second individual ofA. costirnacula. of the novel insect. Abbreviations of Institution and Collec- — tion Names. USNM: National Museum of Agonopterixpaulae Harrison, new species Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA; INHS: Illinois (Figs. lA, 2A,—3A, 4A, 5A) Natural History Survey, Champaign, Illi- Adult (Fig. lA). Forewing length, nois, USA; JRW: Collection of James R. 10.0-10.5 mm. Antenna: Pedicel dark Wiker, Athens, Illinois, USA; SCP: Collec- brown, ringed with ochreous in apical one- tion of Steven C. Passoa, Columbus, Ohio fourth; flagellum shining gray brown, USA. slightly paler ventrally than dorsally. Labial palpus: Basal segment light brown with Results and Discussion blackish-brown lateral patch; second seg- One ofthe insects involved in the present ment 6X as long as first, clear light brown study is a described species,A. costirnacula. medially, light brown flecked with dark This species is currently placed as a junior brown laterally, numerous dark-brown synonym ofA. nigrinotella. scales ventrally where scales assume a fan- like arrangement, giving segment a dilated Agonopterix costirnacula Clarke, 1941, appearance; third segment smoothly scaled, revised status acuminate, nearly as long as second, ochre- The original description and type mate- ous brown with dark-brown bands at one- rial are as designated by Clarke (1941). In sixth and two-thirds length, and finely this paper, we provide ecological, morpho- tipped with dark brown at extreme apex. logical, and molecular evidence to support Maxillarypalpus: Minute, folded over base the conclusion thatA. costirnacula is a valid of haustellum, whitish brown. Haustellum species. clothed in whitish-brown scales. Face: One ofthe insects in this study proved to Smoothly scaled, shining whitish brown, be a previously undescribed species. This with a small number of blackish-brown species did not correspond to type material scales near compound eye. Head: Roughly of the three Nearctic Rutaceae-feeding scaled, ochreous with medial brown line; Agonopterix species mentioned above, nor occipital scale band pale ochreous medially, with Agonopterix argillacea (Walsingham) brown laterally. Thorax: Terga and tegula or Apachea barberella (Busck), two addi- ochreous overlaid with brown; a pair of tional Nearctic Depressariinae species that whitish-ochreous tufts on metathoracic ter- have been recorded from Rutaceae (Hodges gum. Proleg: Coxa whitish ochreous, dust- 1974). ed with brown except at apex; lateral sur- Likewise, we determined that the novel face pearl white with a few brown scales; species does not represent an introduced femur whitish ochreous, heavily dusted population of one of the three European with brown medially, with a concentrated species of Rutaceae-feeding Agonopterix, brown blotch laterally; tibia slightly shorter A. rutana (Fabricius), A. fun'ella (Treitsch- than femur, with somewhat dilated appear- ke), andA. pupillana (Wocke), nor ofeither ance due to loose scaling, clear pale ochre- oftwo additional Rutaceae-feeding Depres- ous laterally, pale ochreous dusted heavily sariinae of Europe, Depressaria ruticola with brown medially; tarsus equal in length (Christoph) and Horridopalpus clictamnella to tibia, with basal tarsomere 3X as long as (Treitschke). Larvae, adult moths, and gen- each of remaining four, brown, apices of ital morphology of the European species basal two tarsomeres and entire apical tar- were illustrated variously by Stainton somere ochreous. Mesoleg: Coxa pale VOLUME NUMBER 107, 1 165 Fig. 1. Right mesothoracic wings ofNearctic Rutaceae-feedingAgonopterix: dorsal aspect. A.A. paiihie. B. A. nigrinotella. C, A. pteleae. D, A. costimacida. Scale = 5.0 mm. ochreous with central brown patch, scales each tarsomere ochreous laterally. Mesow- at apex overlying region of trochanter; fe- ing: Length, 9.8 mm. Upper surface ground mur pale ochreous dusted with brown; tibia color medium ochreous brown; a small, subequal to femur in length, scales arranged blackish-brown patch at base of costa. base to give a dilated appearance, pale ochreous of wing otherwise ochreous to one-tenth with a brown lateral blotch near base and a length, then met by a nan'ow band ofblack- brown band at three-fourths length; a pair ish brown, this band broken above fold by of apical spurs, both brown, medial one 3X an outward projection of basal ochreous as long as lateral; tarsus equal to tibia in color; only a slight diffusion ofdark-brown length, basal tarsomere as long as remain- scales extends apically from blackish- ing four combined, brown, apices of all tar- brown band; a small, blackish-brown spot someres and entire apical tarsomere ochre- on fold, a second, similar spot almost di- ous. Metaleg: Coxa and femur as for me- rectly anterior to it. and a third such spot soleg; tibia slightly longer than femur, with anterior and basal to second; six or seven loose scaling giving dilated appearance, al- blackish-brown strigils on costa; each of most entirely pale ochreous, with a few two most prominent of these, at four-fifths scattered brown scales; two pairs of spurs, wing length, with a similar blackish-brown at approximately one-half tibia length and mark immediately below it; a gra\ish- at apex, shining ochreous, medial one 3X brown blotch sits o\cr end o\' cell, this as long as lateral in both pairs; tarsus almost blotch not reaching costa; at its postcroai"*- as long as tibia, basal tarsomere slightly ical margin containing a small but distinct longer than remaining four combined, whitish spot; \eins R4, Rs. and M, delin- ochreous medially, brown with apex of eated apically b\ blackisli-hrown streaks; — PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 166 scaling becoming slightly paler than ground mature larvae in central Illinois occurring in apical one-eighth of wing; outer edge of in late June/early July, and again in late wing membrane marked by four or five July. small, blackish-brown spots; fringe conco- Geographic range. Agonopterix paulae lorous with ground, with no discernible has been recorded from Illinois counties lines; underside shining grayish ochreous, Piatt, Jo Daviess, Vermilion, Coles, Men- anterior one-sixth ochreous with occasional ard, and Marshall (the known populations dark strigils, extreme apex ochreous with ofZ. americanum and A. paulae on the for- fine points of brown. Metawing: Slightly mer M. O. Glenn farm, historically record- shorter than mesowing; upper surface shin- ed as "Putnam Co., 111.", actually occur in ing pale ochreous, outer margin of wing the northern part of Marshall County). The membrane finely scaled with brown; fringe insect may occur over the entire eastern pale ochreous basally, darker ochreous api- USA, wherever the food plant is found, as cally, with faint, incomplete lines nearouter was suggested forA. nigrinotella by Clarke margin of wing membrane and near fringe (1941). The status of this species on native apex; underside pale ochreous, mottled ir- Rutaceae species that occur in areas other regularly with brown in anterior one-third than the Midwest is not presently known, and around margin of wing membrane. Ab- as is likewise true for the other three Ne- domen: Upper surface shining pale ochre- arctic Rutaceae-feeding Agonopterix spe- ous dusted with brown; underside ochreous, cies. with large, lateral black blotches on seg- Diagnosis (for quantitative measurements ments III through VII forming nearly a con- of some ofthe character states—listed below, tinuous line; small, medial, paired black consult the keys to species). The mature spots on segments IV through VII; a pair larva ofA. paulae is unique among the Ru- of lateral black dashes on terminal seg- taceae-feeding species in having black ments. markings on the thorax and anal shield. — Larva (Fig. 2A). Neonate yellow with Agonopterix nigrinotella lacks these mark- dark-brown head capsule; larvae of sub- ings but has prominent pinacula at the bases sequent stadia pale green with roughly con- of the D setae on most of the body seg- colorous head capsule; area of stemmata ments, whereas A. pteleae and A. costima- black in all stadia; in second and subse- cula are pale green with no black markings quent stadia, a black blotch appears on lat- or pinacula on the body (a blackish marking eral surface of prothorax, and in third and on the genal area of the head may in all subsequent stadia a black lateral stripe ap- four species display individual variation pears on anal shield. Length of mature lar- from absent to prominent). The adult ofA. va, 18.5 mm—(n = 5, range 18.1-19.2 mm). paulae can be distinguished from A. nigri- Biology. The larval food plant is Z. notella by the much less uniform coloration americanum. Eggs are laid either singly or of the mesowing, and from A. pteleae by in small masses. In the latter case, larvae the absence ofupturned scales on the dorsal initially feed communally between twoleaf- surfaces of the mesowings and thorax. It lets that they have silked together, and their can be separated from A. costimacula, feeding at this stage creates a distinctive which it most closely resembles, by the rel- patternofdamage in whichthe affectedleaf- atively dark, ochreous-brown ground color, lets assume a singed appearance. While still presence of a diffuse, blackish-brown area in the first stadium, the larvae leave the surrounding the pale spot on the cell in the communal leaflets and establish themselves mesowing, and presence of several black- individually; from this point on, they live ish, longitudinal vein-streaks in the outer in the rolled margins of leaflets. There are part of the forewing of A. paulae (A. cos- evidently two generations per year, with timacula with relatively pale, clay-brown VOLUME NUMBER 107, 1 167 Fig. 2. Mature larvae of Nearctic Rutaceae-feeding Agonopteri.w left lateral aspect. A. A. paiilae. B, A. nigrinotella. C,A. pteleae. D, A. costimaciiki. Segments illustrated are, from left to right, head, first and second thoracic, first abdominal, and eighth through tenth abdominal. Scale = 5.0 mm. ground color, with no dark area other than juxta is quadrate and similar to that of A. a narrow ring suiTounding the spot on the nigrinotella and A. costinuiciiUi. In the fe- cell, and no vein-streaks). In the male gen- male genitalia (Figs. 4A. 5A). the anterior italia of A. paiilae (Fig. 3A), the clasper is margin of A8 is broadly squared (narrowly much straighter (less curved), and the valve squared in A. nigrinotclln. Figs. 4B, 5B. is relatively longer and narrower, and more and broadly rounded in A. pteleae. Figs. sharply curved dorsad at about half its 4C, 5C). Overall. A. paiilae is similar to A. length, than in the other three species. The cosfiniaciila (Figs. 4D. 5D). except that in PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 168 Fig. 3. Genitalia of male adults of Nearctic Rutaceae-feeding Agonopterix: posteroventral aspect, valvae reflected laterally, aedeagus removed. A, A. paulae. B, A. nigrinoteUa. C, A. pteleae. D, A. costimacula. Scale = 0.5 mm. A. paulae the "plate" in the center of the as larva on Zanthoxylum americanum, anterior margin is thickened only at its lat- USA: Illinois, Piatt County, University of eral margins, whereas inA. costimacula, the Illinois-Robert Allerton Park, Lost Garden entire anterior and lateral margins of the Trail, 28-VII-1994; iss. 28-VIII-1994 plate are thickened. Also, in A. paulae, the (USNM). Allotype female: same locality ostium bursae extends posterad almost to and dates as for holotype (USNM). Para- the posterior margin of A8, whereas in A. types: ten specimens, with same collection costimacula the posterior extremity of the data as for holotype, emergence dates from ostium is relatively far removed from the 26-VIII-1994 to 4-IX-1994 (USNM, INKS, posterior margin of the segment. Finally, JRW, SCP); one specimen, collected as lar- the eighth abdominal sternum in A. paulae va on Zanthoxylum americanum, USA: Il- bears setae only in the posterolateral areas, NW linois, Menard County, 5 mi. ofGreen- whereas in A. costimacula, setae are distrib- view, R. & C. Baugher property, T19N, uteEdtyomvoelromgyu.c—h Tohfitshespsetceirensumi.s named in R7W, Sec. 12, 13-VII-2001, T Harrison/J. honor of Paula D. Harrison, wife of the se- Wiker, iss. 5-VIII-2001 (JRW); five speci- nior author, in recognition of the immense mens, same data as for preceding except contribution that she has made to his life collected by J. Wiker, 29-VII-2002, iss. 26- and career, including valuable field assis- VIII-2002 (JRW); one specimen, collected tance on some of the earliest excursions as larva on Zanthoxylum americanum, during which t—his species was collected. USA: Illinois, Coles County, NChWarleston, Type series. Holotype male: Collected Lake View Park, T12N, R9E, V4 Sec. VOLUME NUMBER 107, 1 169 24, 13-VII-2000, T. Harrison, iss. 3-VIII- Lateral 2000 (INHS). Margin Biologies of Rutaceae-Feeding Agonopterix Species in Illinois — Larval food plant specificities. Hodges (1974) reported that male genitalia ofa sin- gle type were seen in specimens of "A. ni- grinotella'' reared from both Z. american- um and P. trifoliata, implying that at least one of the entities identified as A. nigrino- tella is capable of utilizing both plants. In the present study, field-collected larvae of all four Rutaceae-feeding Agonopterix spe- cies displayed strict monophagy; further- more, in no-choice food plant-switching Fig. 4. Medial plates ofanteriormargins ofeighth tests done with neonates ofthree ofthe spe- abdominal sterna in female adults of Nearctic Ruta- cies (and with fed first-stadium larvae of ceae-feeding Agonopterix (plate absent in A. pteleae): the fourth species, A. nigrinoteUa), each ventral aspect. A, A. paulae. B. A. nigrinoteUa. C. A. species accepted only the food plant that it pteleae. D, A. co.stimacula. Scale = 0.5 mm. was observed to utilize in the field. We conclude that each of the four Ne- test is not definitive, because only two Car- arctic Rutaceae-feeding Agonopterix spe- ya species were provided, and because fed cies is strictly monophagous, with A. pau- first-stadium larvae (the earliest stage that lae and A. nigrinoteUa feeding as larvae we could obtain), rather than neonates, only on Z. americanum, and A. pteleae and were used, and they might have been irre- A. costimacula utilizing only P. trifoliata. versibly conditioned to feed only on Z. It is noteworthy that this is the same con- americanum (Zalucki et al. 2002). Given, clusion drawn by Clarke (1941), except that however, the uniqueness of the Caiya re- he apparently did not examine any speci- cord, the strict monophagy seen elsewhere mens ofA. paulae, as he did not recognize in Nearctic Rutaceae-feeding Agonopterix it as a separate species. (in laboratory tests involving unfed first- Hodges (1974) reported that A. nigrino- stadium larvae of three of the four species, teUa has been reared from Caiya. In the and in all field observations), and the dis- USNM collection are specimens of A. ni- junct taxonomic relationship of Juglanda- grinoteUa (identity confirmed by our own ceae and Rutaceae. we conclude that it is examination) that are labeled as having doubtful that A. nigrinoteUa utilizes Carya been reared in Ohio, by the late Annette as a food plant. The record of A. nigrino- Braun, from an unidentified species of Car- teUa on Carya is tentatively assessed as a ya. Excepting this record, Caiya has never misidentificalion ofthe food plant, awaiting been listed as food plant for A. nigrinoteUa a definitive test in which neonates ofA. ni- nor for any other Nearctic Agonopterix spe- grinoteUa are offered all Carya species tiial cies. During the present study, we attempt- occur in Ohio. ed to rear A. nigrinoteUa on leaves of two Clarke (1941) named onl\ '\Salix spp."" common Carya species ofthe eastern USA. as food plant for 4. argilUucci. but Hodges C C. ovata (Miller) Britton and glabra (1974) also listed /'. iriJolitHd. In feeding (Miller) Britton. Larvae refused both spe- trials conducted in ilic picscni siiid\. unfed cies, and they fed and developed normally neonates of A. argillacea refused /'. irijol- when transferred to Z. aniericaiuini. This iahi: they fed and dcxclopcti nornKill\ when PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 170 Fig. 5. Eighth abdominal sterna of female adults of Nearctic Rutaceae-feeding Agonopieri.x; ventral aspect. A,A. paulae. B, A. nigrinotella. C, A. pteleae. D, A. costimacula. Scale = 0.5 mm. transferred to the field host, an undeter- characteristic ofOecophorinae, Pleurotinae, mined species of Salix Linnaeus. We con- and Deuterogoniinae. Type 3, in which pu- clude that the record of A. argillacea on pae over-winter, is seen in Cheimophila Ptelea is an error. — Hiibner, Semioscopis Hiibner, Epigraphia Phenology and voltinism. L'vovskiy Stephens, and most Diurnea Haworth. Only (1975), commenting on the European Oec- Diurnea phryganella (Hiibner) exhibits ophoridae (traditional sense, including De- Type 4, in which winter is passed in the egg pressariinae, Amphisbatinae, and Oeco- stage. Hodges (1974) reported that North phorinae), noted that almost all species are American species ofAgonopterix for which univoltine. The four exceptions include life histories are known are generally uni- Pseudatemelia josephinae Toll, which re- voltine and follow the Type 1 program, but quires two years per generation, and three that a few species lay eggs in late summer, species that go through two or more gen- and in these the egg is the over-wintering erations per year: Endrosis sarcitella (Ste- stage (apparently similar to Type 4). phens), a synanthropic stored grain pest; Our findings with Rutaceae-feeding and one species each of Depressaria Agonopterix in Illinois indicate that, al- Haworth and Amphisbatis Zeller. L'vovskiy though all four species over-winter as also outlined four different patterns of uni- adults. Type 1 univoltinism is seen in only voltinism seen in European Oecophoridae one ofthe four species, A. nigrinotella (Fig. (Fig. 6A). Type 1, with wintering as adults, 6B). In this species, mature larvae are pres- is seen in Agonopterix, Depressaria, and ent in central Illinois only from late May Martyrhilda Clarke. Type 2, in which partly into very early June. grown larvae are the wintering stage, is Although the time required to complete VOLUME NUMBER 107, 1 171 a single generation (Fig. 6C) is similar in the biology of A. pteleae is that in central all four Rutaceae-feeding species, the sea- Illinois it occurs in markedly lower num- sonal cycles in the three species other than bers than doesA. costimacula, to the degree A. nigrinotella differ from Type I univoltin- that field collections of Agonopterix larvae ism. In A. paulae, young larvae were col- from P. trifoliata usually yield only the lat- lected at AUerton Park, Piatt County on 3 ter species. There is, however, circumstan- June, 1999, at the time when A. nigrinotella tial evidence that A. pteleae is multivoltine. was completing larval development. These First, a single A. pteleae adult was reared A. paulae larvae matured, pupated, and from larvae collected in late May at Forest emerged as adults in early July 1999. These Glen Nature Preserve, Vermilion County, adults did not mate in the laboratory; how- Illinois; this corresponds to the initial co- ever, mature larvae appeared once again on hort of A. costimacula, several individuals Z. americanum at Allerton Park during late of which were reared from the same collec- July 1999. No Agonopterix larvae have tion that produced the individual ofA. pte- been found on Z. americanum later in the leae. Second, adult female A. pteleae were year than the late-July generation ofA. pau- collected at UV light in mid-June at Sand lae. Given the timing ofthese observations, Ridge State Forest, Mason County, Illinois. it appears likely that A. paulae is bivoltine. The scale vestiture of these insects at the The two Ptelea-f&&dmg species display a time of collection was nearly pristine (the pattern that is even less readily interpreted vestiture of overwintered Agonopterix as strict univoltinism than that seen in A. adults is usually almost completely absent paulae. In central Illinois, mature larvae of from months of wear). This strongly sug- A. costimacula appear in a fairly synchro- gests that the moths at Sand Ridge State nized initial cohort in late May. Shortly af- Forest were first-generation offspring of terward, larvae of all different stages can adults that had over-wintered from the pre- be found, and this situation remains contin- vious year, as does the timing (they were uously throughout the remainder of spring collected at the same time that moths would and summer, ending only with leaf senes- have appeared from the known late-May cence (which usually occurs in early Sep- larval cohort at Forest Glen). Furthermore, tember). when the Sand Ridge moths were caged in Although this pattern strongly suggests the laboratory, they laid fertile eggs, which multivoltinism forA. costimacula, we could the univoltine offspring of wintered adults not summarily rule out the possibility that would not have done. Third, A. pteleae the different temporal cohorts oflarvae that adults emerged in late August from two pu- appear throughout the late spring and sum- pae collected from sleeved P. trifoliata at mer are the result of remarkably staggered Charleston, Coles County, Illinois. It there- oviposition by a single generation of over- fore appears that, as in A. costimacula, A. wintered adults. This scenario, however, pteleae is multivoltine with several gener- was cast into doubt (at least as the sole ex- ations produced from late spring through planation for the phenology of this species) summer, although this supposition should by our observation in the laboratory ofmat- be confirmed by observation of A. pteleae ing in a pair of adult A. costimacula that at a single site. we had reared from early-season larvae, be- Genetic Differences in the Four havior highly suggestive of a second gen- Nearctic Rutaceae-Feeding Species of eration. The situation in A. pteleae is probably Ac;()\'()I'ti:ri\ the same as in A. costimacula, akhough the Sequences ol" ihc niilochoiulrial COll evidence of multivoltinism in this species is fragmcnl \'\\^n^ Agonopterix costiniiuuUi. A. not as strong. A major difhculty in studying nigrinolclUi. Agonopterix juilvijH'nnclla

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