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Russian Tanks of World War II. Stalin’s Armored Might PDF

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OF WAR II ~"ORlD STALIN'S ARMORED MIGHT 'RlD WAR II ":f ~'~i STALIN'S·ARMORED MIGHT TIM BEAN AND WILL FOWLER ~ DTpublishing i V UICompany This editionfirst publishedin 2002by MBIPublishing Company, GaltierPlaza, Suite 200 380Jackson Street St. Paul, MN55101 USA www.motorbooks.com Copyright©"AmberBooks Ltd 2002 Allrights reserved. Withthe exceptionofquotingbriefpassages for thepurposeofreview no partofthis publicatio~maybereproduced withoutpriorwrittenpermissionfrom thePublisher. Theinformationinthis bookis true"and completetothebestofour knowledge. Allrecommendations are made withoutany guaranteeonthe partofthe authororpublisher, who also disclaimany liability incurredin connection withthe use ofthis dataorspecific details. Werecognize thatsomewords, modelnames and designations, for example, mentionedherein are theproperty ofthetrademarkholder. We use them for identificationpurposes only. This is notan officialpublication. MBIPublishing Company books are also available atdiscounts inbulkquantity for industrialorsales-promotionaluse. Fordetails writeto SpecialSales Manager atMotorbooks InternationalWholesalers & Distributors, GaltierPlaza, Suite200,380Jackson Street, St. Paul, MN55101 USA. LibraryofCongress Cataloging-in-PublicationDataavailable. ISBN0-7603-1302-4 Editorial anddesign: AmberBooksLtd Bradley's Close, 74-77 WhiteLionStreet, London Nl 9PF ProjectEditor: Charles Catton Editor: VanessaUnwin Design: BrianRust PictureResearch: LisaWren andTRHPictures Printed and bound in Italyby: EurolithoS.p.A., CesanoBoscone(MI) CONTENTS 1. THE BIRTH OF THE TANKARM 6 2. DEEP BATTLE 22 3. LIGHT TANKS 40 4. MEDIUM AND FAST TANKS 60 5. THE T-34 74 6. HEAVY TANKS 106 7. LATE WAR TANKS 126 \ 8. FOREIGN TANKS IN SOVIET SERVICE 144 .9. STALIN'S LEGACY 156 APPENDIX 169 INDEX 174 6 CHAPTER ONE THE BIRTH OF THE KA The Soviet tank arm was based on British and French built tanks captured from White Russian forces and technology from secret overseas purchases. However many of those responsible for creating this new force disappeared during Stalin's purge of the army in the 1930s. On 25 April 1945 the powerful First, Second, Third and Fourth Guards tank armies ofthe RedArmy consolidated the iron grip they had thrown around Berlin, capital ofAdolfHitler's ThousandYear Reich.Ten days previously, these Soviet armoured forces, totalling 4000 tanks and self-propelled guns (out ofa total 6250 available for the assault on Berlin), had broken out oftheir bridgeheads across the River Oder,80-144km (50-90 miles) east ofthe German capital.The First and Second Guards tank armies ofMarshal G.K. Zhukov's 1st Byelorussian Front battered their vvay slowly forwards, at great cost, towards the outskirts ofBerlin through the prepared German defence lines. In stark contrast, theThird Guards and Fourth tank arn1.ies of LEFT:The French Renault FT-17 was the first tank to have a centrally mounted turret armed with a 37mm (1.46in) gun or machine gun.Large numbers were built for service inWorldWar I and those sent to Russia to assist theWhite Russians were eventually captured by the RedArmy. 7 RUSSIAN TANKS ABOVE:A British Royal Marshal I.VKonev's 1st Ukrainian Front, adapt to the requirements ofurban war Artillery sergeant passes a striking from further south, encountered fare. Direct support for the infantry French Renault FT-17 on less resistance and rapidly sliced through generally came from the well-armoured theWestern Front near the German positions racing their rivals to and well-gunned KV-1-s and IS-2 heavy close ofWorldWarI. Over Berlin. However, despite the desire to tanks as well as a range ofself-propelled 3000 were built during the beat each other into Berlin by 26April, guns.The most powerful ofthe SP guns war, and the FT-17 was still all four elite tank armies - supported by was the ISU-152, whose large 152mm in use in the FrenchArmy in 464,000 troops and 12,700 artillery (5.9in) gun proved devastatingin clearing WorldWar II - captured pieces - were actually in position for the houses at short range, quite often by tanks were used by the final assault into the heart ofBerlin. simply blowing whole floors out with a German garrison in the single shell. street- fighting in Paris in VICTORY OFTHEARMOURED GUARDS As Soviet armour pushed into the 1944.The tank was built to Under the cover of the massed fires of centre of Berlin, Red Army officers be used en masse,and little the Soviet artillery corps ringing Berlin, demonstrated their ability to adapt their thought had gone into repair the forces ofthe 1stByelorussian and 2nd forces and tactics to the peculiarities of and maintenance ofthe Ukrainian fronts moved against the last fighting in built-up areas.The most seri vehicle,a feature that would lines ofGerman resistance in a gruelling ous threat came not from German serve to make them very battle of attrition among the shattered armour,but from the hand-held infantry unreliable in action. buildings. Operating in narrow streets antitank weapon, the Panzeifaust. To where close-quarters battle dominated counter this threat, Soviet tank officers the style offighting, Soviet tanks could broke down their large combat units, move forwards only with infantry and such as brigades, into small combat engineer support.The RedArmy utilized groups ofthree tanks.As one tank moved a variety oftanks in the Battle ofBerlin. along the left-hand side of the street, Most prominent in the Soviet inventory another secured the right, whilst the was theT-34/85 medium tanks designed third, slightly to the rear, moved down for high-speed mobile operations in the centre.The tank on the left fired at open terrain, but still flexible enough to targets - or suspected targets - to its 8

Russian Tanks of World War II: Stalin’s Armored Might
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