RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics INSTITUTE OF ORIENTAL STUDIES VOLGOGRAD CENTER FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH HISTORY & MATHEMATICS Trends and Cycles Edited by Leonid E. Grinin, and Andrey V. Korotayev ‘Uchitel’ Publishing House Volgograd ББК 22.318 60.5 ‛History & Mathematics’ Yearbook Editorial Council: Herbert Barry III (Pittsburgh University), Leonid Borodkin (Moscow State University; Cliometric Society), Robert Carneiro (American Museum of Natural History), Christopher Chase-Dunn (University of California, Riverside), Dmitry Chernavsky (Russian Academy of Sciences), Thessaleno Devezas (University of Beira Interior), Leonid Grinin (National Research Univer- sity Higher School of Economics), Antony Harper (New Trier College), Peter Herrmann (University College of Cork, Ireland), Andrey Korotayev (National Research University Higher School of Economics), Alexander Logunov (Rus- sian State University for the Humanities), Gregory Malinetsky (Russian Acad- emy of Sciences), Sergey Malkov (Russian Academy of Sciences), Charles Spencer (American Museum of Natural History), Rein Taagapera (University of California, Irvine), Arno Tausch (Innsbruck University), William Thompson (University of Indiana), Peter Turchin (University of Connecticut), Douglas White (University of California, Irvine), Yasuhide Yamanouchi (University of Tokyo). History & Mathematics: Trends and Cycles. Yearbook / Edited by Leonid E. Gri- nin and Andrey V. Korotayev. – Volgograd: ‘Uchitel’ Publishing House, 2014. – 328 pp. The present yearbook (which is the fourth in the series) is subtitled Trends & Cycles. It is devoted to cyclical and trend dynamics in society and nature; special attention is paid to economic and demographic aspects, in particular to the mathematical modeling of the Malthusian and post-Malthusian traps' dynamics. An increasingly important role is played by new directions in historical research that study long-term dynamic processes and quantitative changes. This kind of history can hardly develop without the application of mathematical methods. There is a tendency to study history as a system of various processes, within which one can detect waves and cycles of different lengths – from a few years to several centuries, or even millennia. The contributions to this yearbook present a qualitative and quantitative analysis of global historical, political, eco- nomic and demographic processes, as well as their mathematical models. This issue of the yearbook consists of three main sections: (I) Long-Term Trends in Nature and Society; (II) Cyclical Processes in Pre-industrial Societies; (III) Contemporary History and Processes. We hope that this issue of the yearbook will be interesting and useful both for histo- rians and mathematicians, as well as for all those dealing with various social and natural sciences. The present research has been carried out in the framework of the project of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. ‛Uchitel’ Publishing House 143 Kirova St., 400079 Volgograd, Russia ISBN 978-5-7057-4223-3 © ‘Uchitel’ Publishing House, 2014 Volgograd 2014 Contents Leonid E. Grinin and Introduction. Modeling and Measuring Cycles, Andrey V. Korotayev Processes, and Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 I. Long-Term Trends in Nature and Society Leonid E. Grinin, Mathematical Modeling of Biological and Social Alexander V. Markov, Evolutionary Macrotrends . . . . . . . . . . 9 and Andrey V. Korotayev Tony Harper The World System Trajectory: The Reality of Constraints and the Potential for Prediction . . . . . 49 William R. Thompson Another, Simpler Look: Was Wealth Really Determined and Kentaro Sakuwa in 8000 BCE, 1000 BCE, 0 CE, or Even 1500 CE? . . 108 II. Cyclical Processes in Pre-industrial Societies Sergey Gavrilets, Cycling in the Complexity of Early Societies . . . . 136 David G. Anderson, and Peter Turchin David C. Baker Demographic-Structural Theory and the Roman Dominate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Sergey A. Nefedov Modeling Malthusian Dynamics in Pre-industrial Societies: Mathematical Modeling . . . . . . . . 190 4 Сontents III. Contemporary History and Processes Andrey V. Korotayev, A Trap at the Escape from the Trap? Some Demographic Sergey Yu. Malkov, and Structural Factors of Political Instability in Modernizing Leonid E. Grinin Social Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Arno Tausch and Labour Migration and ‘Smart Public Health’ . . . . 268 Almas Heshmati Anthony Howell Is Geography ‘Dead’ or ‘Destiny’ in a Globalizing World? A Network Analysis and Latent Space Modeling Approach of the World Trade Network . . . . . . . . . . 281 Kent R. Crawford and The British-Italian Performance in the Mediterranean Nicholas W. Mitiukov from the Artillery Perspective . . . . . . . . . 300 Alisa R. Shishkina, The Shield of Islam? Islamic Factor of HIV Prevalence in Leonid M. Issaev, Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314 Konstantin M. Truevtsev, and Andrey V. Korotayev Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 Guidelines for Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 Introduction Modeling and Measuring Cycles, Processes, and Trends Leonid E. Grinin and Andrey V. Korotayev The present Yearbook (which is the fourth in the series) is subtitled Trends & Cycles. Already ancient historians (see, e.g., the second Chapter of Book VI of Polybius' Histories) described rather well the cyclical component of historical dynamics, whereas new interesting analyses of such dynamics also appeared in the Medieval and Early Modern periods (see, e.g., Ibn Khaldūn 1958 [1377], or Machiavelli 1996 [1531] 1). This is not surprising as the cyclical dynamics was dominant in the agrarian social systems. With modernization, the trend dynam- ics became much more pronounced and these are trends to which the students of modern societies pay more attention. Note that the term trend – as regards its contents and application – is tightly connected with a formal mathematical analysis. Trends may be described by various equations – linear, exponential, power-law, etc. On the other hand, the cliodynamic research has demonstrated that the cyclical historical dynamics can be also modeled mathematically in a rather effective way (see, e.g., Usher 1989; Chu and Lee 1994; Turchin 2003, 2005a, 2005b; Turchin and Korotayev 2006; Turchin and Nefedov 2009; Nefe- dov 2004; Korotayev and Komarova 2004; Korotayev, Malkov, and Khal- tourina 2006; Korotayev and Khaltourina 2006; Korotayev 2007; Grinin 2007), whereas the trend and cycle components of historical dynamics turn out to be of equal importance. It is obvious that the qualitative innovative motion toward new, unknown forms, levels, and volumes, etc. cannot continue endlessly, linearly and smoothly. It always has limitations, accompanied by the emergence of imbalances, increas- ing resistance to environmental constraints, competition for resources, etc. These endless attempts to overcome the resistance of the environment created conditions for a more or less noticeable advance in societies. However, relatively short peri- ods of rapid growth (which could be expressed as a linear, exponential or hyper- bolic trend) tended to be followed by stagnation, different types of crises and set- backs, which created complex patterns of historical dynamics, within which trend and cyclical components were usually interwoven in rather intricate ways (see, e.g., Grinin and Korotayev 2009; Grinin, Korotayev, and Malkov 2010). 1 For interpretations of their theories (in terms of cliodynamics, cyclical dynamics etc.) see, e.g., Turchin 2003; Korotayev and Khaltourina 2006; Grinin 2012a. History & Mathematics: Trends and Cycles 2014 5–8 5 6 Introduction. Cycles, Processes, and Trends Hence, in history we had a constant interaction of cyclical and trend dy- namics, including some very long-term trends that are analyzed in Section I of the present Yearbook which includes contributions by Leonid E. Grinin, Alexander V. Markov, and Andrey V. Korotayev (‘Mathematical Modeling of Biological and Social Evolutionary Macrotrends’), Tony Harper (‘The World System Trajectory: The Reality of Constraints and the Potential for Prediction’) and William R. Thompson and Kentaro Sakuwa (‘Another, Simpler Look: Was Wealth Really Determined in 8000 BCE, 1000 BCE, 0 CE, or Even 1500 CE?’). If in a number of societies and for quite a long time we observe regular repetition of a cycle of the same type ending with grave crises and significant setbacks, this means that at a given level of development we confront such rigid and strong systemic and environmental constraints which the given soci- ety is unable to overcome. Thus, the notion of cycle is closely related to the concept of the trap. In the language of nonlinear dynamics the concept of traps will more or less corre- spond to the term ‘attractor’. Continuing the comparison with nonlinear dy- namics, we should say that a steady escape from the trap will largely corre- spond to the concept of a phase transition. In this Yearbook particular attention is paid, of course, to the Malthusian trap. The escape from the Malthusian trap in historical retrospect was incredi- bly difficult (see, e.g., Korotayev et al. 2011; Grinin 2012b). Periodically, at- tempts were made to get out of this trap. However, for many millennia no so- cieties managed to achieve a final steady escape from it, but those attempts in the long run led to a systematic increase in the level of technological develop- ment of the World System. The problems of the mathematical modeling of the Malthusian trap dynam- ics are analyzed in the article by Sergey A. Nefedov (‘Modeling Malthusian Dynamics in Pre-Industrial Societies: Mathematical Modeling’) in Section II of the present issue of the Yearbook. This section also includes the article by Ser- gey Gavrilets, David G. Anderson, and Peter Turchin (‘Cycling in the Com- plexity of Early Societies’), as well as the one by David C. Baker (‘Demo- graphic-Structural Theory and the Roman Dominate’). These articles deal with various cycles in the historical dynamics of pre-Modern social systems that are rather tightly connected with demographic macroprocesses. The first arti- cle of the next section also deals with the problems of the escape from the Malthusian trap. Section III deals with Modern history and contemporary processes and in- cludes the contribution by Andrey V. Korotayev, Sergey Yu. Malkov, and Leonid E. Grinin (‘A Trap at the Escape from the Trap? Some Demographic Structural Factors of Political Instability in Modernizing Social Systems’) con- tinuing the discussion on the issues of the Malthusian and post-Malthusian traps. This issue is also touched upon in the contributions by Arno Tausch Leonid E. Grinin and Andrey V. Korotayev 7 and Almas Heshmati (‘Labour Migration and “Smart Public Health”’), An- thony Howell (‘Is Geography “Dead” or “Destiny” in a Globalizing World? A Network Analysis and Latent Space Modeling Approach of the World Trade Network’), Kent R. Crawford and Nicholas W. Mitiukov (‘The British-Italian Performance in the Mediterranean from the Artillery Perspective’), as well as Alisa R. Shishkina, Leonid M. Issaev, Konstan- tin M. Truevtsev, and Andrey V. Korotayev (‘The Shield of Islam? Islamic Factor of HIV Prevalence in Africa’). Articles in this section are devoted to some rather interesting aspects and events from the Second World War to the prospects for change of the age com- position of the Earth's population in the coming decades. What appears valu- able is that the contributors have managed to somehow formalize these proc- esses, and to apply various mathematical techniques to the analysis of the re- cent historical processes. References Chu C. Y. C., and Lee R. D. 1994. Famine, Revolt, and the Dynastic Cycle: Population Dynamics in Historic China. Journal of Population Economics 7: 351–378. Grinin L. E. 2007. The Correlation between the Size of Society and Evolutionary Type of Polity. History and Mathematics: The Analysis and Modeling of Socio-historical Proc- esses / Ed. by A. V. Korotayev, S. Yu. Malkov, and L. E. Grinin, pp. 263–303. Mos- cow: KomKniga/URSS. In Russian (Гринин Л. Е. Зависимость между размерами общества и эволюционным типом политии. История и математика: анализ и моделирование социально-исторических процессов / ред. А. В. Коротаев, С. Ю. Малков, Л. Е. Гринин, с. 263–303. М.: КомКнига). Grinin L. E. 2012a. From Confucius to Comte. Formation of the Theory, Methodology and Philosophy of History / ed. by A. V. Korotayev. Moscow: LIBROKOM. In Rus- sian (Гринин. Л. Е. От Конфуция до Конта. Становление теории, методологии и философии истории / отв. ред. А. В. Коротаев. М.: ЛИБРОКОМ). Grinin L. E. 2012b. State and Socio-Political Crises in the Process of Modernization. Cliodynamics 3: 124–157. Grinin L. E., and Korotayev A. V. 2009. Social Macroevolution: Growth of the World System Integrity and a System of Phase Transitions. World Futures 65(7): 477– 506. Grinin L., Korotayev A., and Malkov S. 2010. A Mathematical Model of Juglar Cy- cles and the Current Global Crisis. History & Mathematics. Processes and Models of Global Dynamics / Ed. by L. Grinin, P. Herrmann, A. Korotayev, and A. Tausch, pp. 138–187. Volgograd: Uchitel. Ibn Khaldūn `Abd al-Rahman. 1958 [1377]. The Muqaddimah: An Introduction to His- tory. New York, NY: Pantheon Books (Bollingen Series, 43). Korotayev A. 2007. Secular Cycles and Millennial Trends: A Mathematical Model. Mathematical Modeling of Social and Economic Dynamics / Ed. by M. G. Dmitriev, A. P. Petrov, and N. P. Tretyakov, pp. 118–125. Moscow: RUDN. 8 Introduction. Cycles, Processes, and Trends Korotayev A., and Khaltourina D. 2006. Introduction to Social Macrodynamics: Secu- lar Cycles and Millennial Trends in Africa. Moscow: KomKniga/URSS. Korotayev A., and Komarova N. 2004. A New Mathematical Model of Pre-Industrial Demographic Cycle. Mathematical Modeling of Social and Economic Dynamics / Ed. by M. G. Dmitriev, and A. P. Petrov, pp. 157–163. Moscow: Russian State Social University. Korotayev A., Malkov A., and Khaltourina D. 2006. Introduction to Social Macrody- namics: Secular Cycles and Millennial Trends. Moscow: KomKniga/URSS. Korotayev A., Zinkina J., Kobzeva S., Bogevolnov J., Khaltourina D., Malkov A., and Malkov S. 2011. A Trap at the Escape from the Trap? Demographic-Structural Factors of Political Instability in Modern Africa and West Asia. Cliodynamics: The Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical History 2(2): 276–303. Machiavelli N. 1996 [1531]. Discourses on Livy. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Nefedov S. A. 2004. A Model of Demographic Cycles in Traditional Societies: The Case of Ancient China. Social Evolution & History 3(1): 69–80. Turchin P. 2003. Historical Dynamics: Why States Rise and Fall. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Turchin P. 2005a. Dynamical Feedbacks between Population Growth and Sociopoliti- cal Instability in Agrarian States. Structure and Dynamics 1: 1–19. Turchin P. 2005b. War and Peace and War: Life Cycles of Imperial Nations. New York: Pi Press. Turchin P., and Korotayev А. 2006. Population Density and Warfare: A Reconsidera- tion. Social Evolution & History 5(2): 121–158. Turchin P., and Nefedov S. 2009. Secular Cycles. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Usher D. 1989. The Dynastic Cycle and the Stationary State. The American Economic Review 79: 1031–1044. I. LONG-TERM TRENDS IN NATURE AND SOCIETY 1 Mathematical Modeling of Biological and Social Evolutionary Macrotrends* Leonid E. Grinin, Alexander V. Markov, and Andrey V. Korotayev Abstract In the first part of this article we survey general similarities and differences between biological and social macroevolution. In the second (and main) part, we consider a concrete mathematical model capable of describing important features of both biological and social macroevolution. In mathematical models of historical macrodynamics, a hyperbolic pattern of world population growth arises from non-linear, second-order positive feedback between demographic growth and technological development. Based on diverse paleontological data and an analogy with macrosociological models, we suggest that the hyperbolic character of biodiversity growth can be similarly accounted for by non-linear, second-order positive feedback between diversity growth and the complexity of community structure. We discuss how such positive feedback mechanisms can be modelled mathematically. Keywords: social evolution, biological evolution, mathematical model, bio- diversity, population growth, positive feedback, hyperbolic growth. Introduction The present article represents an attempt to move further in our research on the similarities and differences between social and biological evolution (see Grinin, Markov et al. 2008, 2009a, 2009b, 2011, 2012). We have endeavored to make a systematic comparison between biological and social evolution at different levels of analysis and in various aspects. We have formulated a considerable number of general principles and rules of evolution, and worked to develop a common terminology to describe some key processes in biological and social evolution. In particular, we have introduced the notion of ‘social aromorphosis’ * This research has been supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Project No 14-11-00634). History & Mathematics: Trends and Cycles 2014 9–48 9 10 Modeling of Biological and Social Macrotrends to describe the process of widely diffused social innovation that enhances the complexity, adaptability, integrity, and interconnectedness of a society or social system (Grinin, Markov et al. 2008, 2009a, 2009b). This work has convinced us that it might be possible to find mathematical models that can describe im- portant features of both biological and social macroevolution. In the first part of this article we survey general similarities and differences between the two types of macroevolution. In the second (and main) part, we consider a concrete math- ematical model that we deem capable of describing important features of both biological and social macroevolution. The comparison of biological and social evolution is an important but (un- fortunately) understudied subject. Students of culture still vigorously debate the applicability of Darwinian evolutionary theory to social/cultural evolution. Un- fortunately, the result is largely a polarization of views. On the one hand, there is a total rejection of Darwin's theory of social evolution (see, e.g., Hallpike 1986). On the other hand, there are arguments that cultural evolution demon- strates all of the key characteristics of Darwinian evolution (Mesoudi et al. 2006). We believe that, instead of following the outdated objectivist principle of ‘either – or’, we should concentrate on the search for methods that could allow us to apply the achievements of evolutionary biology to understanding social evolution and vice versa. In other words, we should search for productive gen- eralizations and analogies for the analysis of evolutionary mechanisms in both contexts. The Universal Evolution approach aims for the inclusion of all mega- evolution within a single paradigm (discussed in Grinin, Carneiro, et al. 2011). Thus, this approach provides an effective means by which to address the above- mentioned task. It is not only systems that evolve, but also mechanisms of evolution (see Grinin, Markov, and Korotayev 2008). Each sequential phase of macroevolu- tion is accompanied by the emergence of new evolutionary mechanisms. Cer- tain prerequisites and preadaptations can, therefore, be detected within the pre- vious phase, and the development of new mechanisms does not invalidate the evolutionary mechanisms that were active during earlier phases. As a result, one can observe the emergence of a complex system of interaction composed of the forces and mechanisms that work together to shape the evolution of new forms. Biological organisms operate in the framework of certain physical, chemi- cal and geological laws. Likewise, the behaviors of social systems and people have certain biological limitations (naturally, in addition to various social- structural, historical, and infrastructural limitations). From the standpoint of Universal Evolution, new forms of evolution that determine phase transitions may result from activities going in different directions. Some forms that are similar in principle may emerge at breakthrough points, but may also result in evolutionary dead-ends. For example, social forms of life emerged among