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Alan Gibbons RUSSIA How the rev ution w RUSSIA Haw the revolution was last Alan Gibbons This pamphlet is a re-working of the arguments first outlined in an excellent essay written by Chris Harman in 1969. 1t owes much to the original; both the overall viewpoint and many of the illustrations from the history of the revolution. The reason many of us felt we needed a new version of 'How the Revolution was Lost' is this: in the decade since Chris wrote his pamphlet, the revolutionary left has grown consider ably, from student groups to small revolutionary socialist parties. The audience of the SWP and its weekly paper 'Socialist Worker' is no longer to be found mainly among students, but among working people. Unlike the students who took to the streets in the late sixties, our audience today often has neither the time nor the opportunities to pore over the writings of Trotsky and Lenin. Many people who read this pamphlet will not know what a Soviet was, or have more than the vaguest outline of the events of 1917. We felt we needed to fill out Chris's arguments in a little more detail. I hope this pamphlet will lead its readers to explore further the wrinngs of Marxists and socialists today. Alan Gibbons t Socialist Workers Party Introduction When a wave of revolt swept western Europe and America in 1968, and the biggest general strike in history rocked the French government, a new generation of socialists was created. Tens of thousands of people rediscovered socialist ideas during those heady months. The kind of socialism we in the Socialist Workers Party fight for was being reborn in the streets, in the factories, offices, and colleges. But that same year Russian tanks rumbled into the streets of Czechoslovakia, crushing the 'Prague Spring' as they had crushed the infant workers' democracy in Hungary twelve years earlier. 'Look', said the people who could find no excuse for the barbarities being committed by the Americans in Vietnam, the hypocrisy of a sell out Labour government, the batons of the Paris police, 'Your side's no better.' How could it happen? How could a 'socialist' country use armed force to destroy the aspirations of millions of working people? Indeed, how had a revolution which seemed to hail an end to tyranny in 1917 degenerated into the repressive police state which exists in Russia and Eastern Europe today? To answer these questions, we have to turn to the early years of the Russian Revolution. Millions of half-starved workers and peasants made history when they emerged from the bloody battlefields of the First World War to overthrow the Tsar, absolute ruler of Russia. The first workers' government of an entire nation was born. But they seized power only to leave it a dozen years later in the hands of a new ruling class, hardly less brutal and despotic than the one they had overthrown. rnwr Some members of the Petro grad Soviet First published April 1980. Produced and distributed for the SWP by Socialists Unlimited, 265 Seven Sisters Road, London N4 2DE. ISBN 0 905998 10 3 Typesec by Printacolor Services (TU), IOI Praed Street, W2 INT. Printed by East End Offset Ltd (TU), PO Box 82, London E2. I The Road to October There were two revolutions in Russia in 1917. The first occurred in February. It must have been very like the overthrow of the Shah of Iran in our own times. The Tsar's regime had lcst the 1 support of virtually the whole population, and was swept away by a vast uprising of workers, peasants and soldiers. Even many from the privileged classes wanted the Tsar to go. Tired or war and corruption, the Russian people demanded a new society. But what kind of society? There was no way the women textile workers who had sparked the February revolu tion could identify with the hopes of their boss. There was no way the peasant could share the aims of the landlord who had bled his family dry these many years. It seemed the whole world was being turned upside down, yet the workers still toiled for the boss, the peasant for the landlord. The unity of purpose they may have felt in dumping an unpopular monarch was to vanish like the morning mists before the realities of Russia in 1917. To the new premier, Kerensky, the aim was the kind of society we have in Britain today. Let the masses vote for whoever they will. Let them have their toothless parliaments. The real power would still rest with those who were born to wealth and privi lege. Kerensky wanted to make Russia safe for the employers to make their profits. But the workers and peasants had other ideas. They hadn't fought and died to suffer more of the same only under another name. For months there was this uneasy balance of power in Russia. First the huge workers' demonstrations and strikes would paralyse the government. Then that same government would be prodded by the bosses into putting the workers in their place with gun and baton. Victory had to fall to one side or the other. In October, the breaking point came. Kerensky's government was by now totally discredited. It was incapable of giving the vast majority of the population - the workers and peasants - what they wanted. Instead of peace, it gave them fine words about fighting on until the war was won. Instead of bread, it gave them continued hunger. Instead of land, it gave them the landlords' rack-renting bailiffs. The government which took power through the revolution of 3 October 191 7 was of a kinJ the world had never seen before - a workers' socialist republic. This second revolution was the product of two social movements which took place at one and the same time. In the countryside, home of the vast majority of Russia's enorm ous population, the struggle was between two property-owning classes, the landowners and the peasants. The despised, impover ished and oppressed peasants saw the old power shaken. They had risen in revolt before, but never before had their masters' grip on the reins of power looked so unsure. The peasants seized the estates of the landowners and began dividing them into individual plots. It seemed they could achieve their long cherished ambitions: to own their own patch of land and farm it as they liked - free of the landlords who demanded extor tionate payments in rents, taxes and produce. They had their own peasant party, the Social Revolutionaries, to represent their interests. In the towns and cities, the revolution bore a different face. Here, the struggle was between new classes thrown up by the rapid development of industry as Russia tried to drag herself into the twentieth century. There were the employers who made massive fortunes out of the huge, new manufacturing plants and were determined to hang on to them at all costs. Ranged against them was the enemy industrialisation had created, a numerically tiny but powerful working class marshalled in the enormous factories. These workers sensed their power and learned a new philosophy, radically.different to the centuries-old ideas their peasant fore- /\ mcssaK<" JI-om the Jio/shcviks 4 fathers had accepted in the unchanging villages. They learned socialism. They wanted to decide how to use what they made. They wanted to elect their own managements. They wanted the marvellous new technology which was rising everywhere around them to be put at the service of every man, woman and child in Russia, not just the miserable money-grubbing employing class. In 190 5 the workers had challenged the Tsar in a series of mass strikes, but they faced a peasant army still loyal to the Tsar. They paid dearly for their failure to defeat the old order during years that followed of imprisonment, shootings, poverty, and police terror. But the workers learned from their defeat. They discovered from their own experience of organising strikes that they were able to manage the day-to-day running of society better than their rulers. In Petrograd in 1905, they had organised their own workers' council, made up of delegates elected from workplaces all over the city. From economic demands, they grew to organise politi cal strikes in defence of mutineering sailors at the Kronstadt naval base who were threatened with execution. We know this body better by its Russian name, the Soviet. The Chairman of the Petrograd Soviet or workers' council, Leon Trotsky, has explained how it worked: 'The Soviet is in reality an embryo of a revolutionary government. It organises street patrols to secure the safety of the citizens ... It takes over. .. the post office, the tele graph and the railroads ... It made an effort to introduce the eight-hour <lay ... The first wave of the next revolution will lead to the creation of Soviets all over the country.' Trotsky was right. What began as a kind of giant strike com mittee was forced, in the dislocation and chaos of revolution, to develop into an alternative government. Twelve years after the first Soviets appeared, they became the basis for the national government of October 1917, a government infinitely more democratic than any parliament. You didn't just put a cross on a ballot and watch them sell you out for the next five years. The delegates to the Soviets were subject to recall by the voters and had to explain themselves regularly at workers' mass meetings. They i11volvcd the mass of working people. American journalist john Reed wrote this eye-witness account: 'No political body more sensitive and responsive to the popular will was ever invented. And this was necessary, for in time of revolution, the popular will changes with great rapidity. For example, during the first week of_Dec~mber 191 7, there were mass parades and demonstrations m favour of the Constituent Assembly - that is to say, against the Soviet Power. One of these parades was fired 5 on by some irresponsible Red Guards and several people killed. 'The reaction to this stupid violence was immediate. With in twelve hours the complexion of the Petrograd Soviet changed. More than a dozen Bolshevik deputies were with drawn and replaced by Mensheviks [moderate socialists) . And it was three weeks before public sentiment subsided - before the Mensheviki were one by one retired and the Bolsheviks sent back.' Can you imagine our rulers responding in 12 hours? We're lucky if they take notice in 12 months! Working people could exert control over national decision making bodies on a day-to-day basis after October 1917 in a way that has never been possible in capitalist societies. A lot of people who don't want to believe that working people can control their own lives try to convince us that the revolution in Russia was nothing like this. They never mention the torrent of debate and argument, the flood of newspapers, the active democracy of the revolution in ferment. They paint a very different picture, with Lenin, Trotsky and the Bolshevik Party as dark, conspiratorial villains plotting in secret to seize power. This is sheer nonsense. The Bolsheviks formed the new Soviet government because they had proved over twenty long years of struggle that they were the best fighters against the rotten Tsarist regime. Just before the October revolution, the Bolsheviks won a majority in the Soviets. So it was with the support of virtually the whole working class that they mounted the insurrection which toppled the bankrupt Kerensky regime. Little wonder the old system went down like a pack of cards. So bloodless was the insurrection that more people died in the making of Eisenstein's silent film about it than died in the real thing! A moderate socialist called Martov, a Jam es Callaghan-type figure who had no love for the Bolsheviks, wrote at the time: 'Understand, please, what we have before us after all is a victorious uprising of the proletariat - almost the entire proletariat supports Lenin and expects its social liberation from the uprising.' The Bolshevik Party in July 1917 had 176,000 members. When you think that there were just three million workers in the towns you can imagine the enormous support it had. In Britain, it would add up to a party of 2Yi million members! And these weren't the passive card-holders you get in the Labour Party. They were active party workers. By the time the Bolsheviks came to form the first Soviet government, something like one worker in every ten was a member of the Bolshevik Party. 6 The October revolution could not have happened without the coming together of the revolution in the towns and the revolu tion in the countryside. Without the industrial power of the workers, the peasant revolt would have become just one more uncoordinated failure. Without the support of the millions of peasants in the army, the workers would have been crushed, as they were in 190 5, by sheer force of numbers and military strength. Though they did unite, the workers and peasants shared no long-term identity of interest. What united them was the alliance of their enemies - the big industrialists and the great land owners - against them. When the workers rose in insurrection in October they had the sympathy of the peasants and the army, made up as it was mainly of peasant recruits. The revolution was initiated, led and completed by the organised working class, drawing in behind it the peasant masses. Because the workers' insurrection allowed them to seize and hold the land, the peasants accepted the new Soviet power. And, by accepting the rule of the Soviets, the peasants accepted the majority party of the Soviets, the Bolsheviks, and its right to be the party of government. In the first months of Soviet Russia, theJeasants continued to accept the leadership of the workers, an the workers' party, the Bolsheviks. After all, the land was being divided up between them. Their hopes were being fulfilled. But what would happen if the interests of the workers and the peasants came into conflict? This was the question which would haunt the revolution. 2 Days of Hope So the workers held power. The dream of generations of social ists had come true. The working people had overthrown the old ruling class and held power through their own workers' govern ments, the Soviets. ] ohn Reed has described the feelings of the Russian workers: '!\cross the horizon spread the glittering lights of the capital, immeasurably more splendid by night than by day, like a dyke of jewels on the barren plain. The old work man who drove held the wheel in one hand, while with the other he swept the far-gleaming capital with an exultant gesture. "'Mine!" he cried, his face alight, "All mine now' My Petrograd ! " ' 7 TO ALL WORKERS OF PETRO GRAD! Comrades I Tile •evolution ls wtnnlng, the Revolution has won. All the power bas passed over to our Soviets. The first weeks are the most dHficult ones. The broken reaction mast be finally crashed, a fall triumph mast be secured for oar endeavors. The worklng·class ought to -must-show in these days THE GREATEST FIRMNESS AND ENPURANCE Well might they celebrate their new power. From the offices of the Bolsheviks who formed the first Soviet government poured decree after decree. They announced workers' control of the factories, they abolished the death penalty, they announced the separation of state and education from the church, and they announced full freedom of religion - ending the anti-semitic terror which had ruled Russia for hundreds of years. They embarked on a great experiment in education, ending the dictatorship of the teacher. They launched a mass campaign to teach reading and writing to the millions of illiterate people in Russia. They swept away the degrading legislation which had crushed women for centuries. Marriages could be dissolved by either partner. Children born out of wedlock were given equal rights with the children of married parents. They announced the provision of free abortion on demand. And to spell out that these weren't just the empty promises of a self-seeking elite, they announced that government officials would be paid the average wage of a skilled industrial worker. Hope was in the air. The freedom they had won almost intoxi cated the Bolsheviks. How else can we explain their naivety in releasing General Kaledin, later to become the leader of the White Armies who fought against them, solely on the promise that he would not fight against them? But people do not, unfortunately, make history in circumstances of their own choosing. The Russia now ruled by the Soviet government was a grim place. Shattered by the ravages of the First World War, its railways, communications and industry dislocated, Russia was not the kind of place in which past socialists had expected the workers to seize power. Until then, all socialists had expected that workers would first take over in the wealthy, advanced countries of western Europe and north America. The material basis of socialism would be high productivity, sophisticated technology and a high level of human skill. 8 Travel the nine-tenths of Russia still shrouded in backwardness and ignorance in 1917, and you would have compared it to Europe in the Middle Ages or India today, rather than to an advanced capitalist nation. As early as the summer of 1918 the situation in which the Bolsheviks sought to create their new world was already desperate. There was cholera in the capital city, Petrograd. Famine stalked the country. Opponents of the workers' state resorted to assassination, the Bolshevik leader Lenin being shot and seriously injured. The Bolsheviks looked beyond the frontiers of their devastated country for help. The only way a socialist republic could survive in Russia, where the working class was a minority of just three million out of 160 millions, would be with the aid of other, more developed socialist states, they said. Workers' republics in great, industrial nations like Germany and France could send tractors and machinery to improve the lot of the peasants, so winning their loyalty to Soviet Russia. They could help Russia industrialise rapidly and drag her by the bootstraps into the twentieth century. The alternative would be even deeper crisis, worse shortages, and ultimately the end of the peasants' support for the Soviet state. The Bolsheviks had no doubt that it had to be international socialism - or destruction. Lenin returned to this question time and time again: 'We are living not only in a state, but in a system of states, and it is inconceivable for the Soviet Republic to exist alongside of the imperialist states for any length of time. One or the other must triumph in the end.' And: 'We have always staked our play upon an international revolution and this was unconditionally right. We have always emphasised ... the fact that in one country it is impossible to accomplish such a work as a socialist revolution.' And again, in March 1919: 'The absolute truty is that without a revolution in Germany we shall perish.' Nor was this the dreaming of a few idealists. In those days the whole world seemed to be in the rapids of revolution. In Germany and Austria the monarchy collapsed and workers', sailor~' an? soldiers' coun~ils we~e set up. In Hungary and Bavaria, Fmland and Latvia, Soviet governments briefly came to power. In Italy the factories were occupied. The Turkish Sultan was overthrown. The British Army was fought to a standstill by the Irish national liberation movement. Even here in Britain terror gripped the ruling class and gunboats were anchored on the Mersey and the Clyde. 9

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