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Contents of Volume 71 RURAL SOCIOLOGY Contents of Volume 71 ARTICLES BONANNO, ALESSANDRO AND DouGLas H. Constance. Corporations and the State in the Global Era: The Case of Seaboard Farms ER ee EST eT a ER Brown, Susan L. AND ANASTASIA R. SNYDER. Residential Differences in Cohabitors’ Union Transitions Caro.aN, MIcHAEL S. Do You See What I See? Examining the Epistemic Barriers to Sustainable Agriculture CarROLL MatTTHew S., Lorie L. Hiccins, PatriciaJ .C OHN, AND JAMES BURCHFIELD. Community Wildfire Events as a Source of Social Conflict Co.iins, JANE L. AND Amy Quark. Globalizing Firms and Small Communities: The Apparel Industry’s Changing Connection to Rural Labor Markets Crowe, Jessica A. Community Economic Development Strategies in Rural Washington: Toward a Synthesis of Natural and Social Capital Domina, THursToN. What Clean Break?: Education and Non- metropolitan Migration Patterns, 1989-2004 DurHaAM, RACHEL E. AND P. JOHNELLE SMITH. Nonmetropolitan Status and Kindergarteners’ Early Literacy Skills: Is There A Rural Disadvantage? FREUDENBURG, WILLIAM R. Environmental Degradation, Dispropor- tionality, and the Double Diversion: Reaching Out, Reaching Ahead, and Reaching Beyond GUNDERSEN, CraiG. Are the Effects of the Macroeconomy and Social Policies on Poverty Different in Nonmetro Areas in the United States? GUTHMAN, JULIE, AMy W. Morris, AND PATRICIA ALLEN. Squaring Farm Security and Food Security in Two Types of Alternative Food Institutions JOHNSON, Erik. Changing Issue Representation among Major United States Environmental Movement Organizations ......... JORGENSON, ANDREW K. Unequal Ecological Exchange and Environ- mental Degradation: A Theoretical Proposition and Cross- National Study of Deforestation, 1990-2000 732 Rural Sociology, Vol. 71, No. 4, December 2006 KENDALL, Hou A., LinpA M. Lopao, AND JEFF S. SHARP. Public Concern with Animal Well-Being: Place, Social Structural Location, and Individual Experience LICHTER, DANIEL T. AND KENNETH M. JOHNSON. Emerging Rural Settlement Patterns and the Geographic Redistribution of America’s New Immigrants Mize, Jr., RonaLD L. Mexican Contract Workers and the U.S. Capitalist Agricultural Labor Process: The Formative Era, 1942-1964 PFEFFER, MAX J., JOHN W. SCHELHAS, AND CATHERINE MEOLA. Environ- mental Globalization, Organizational Form, and Expected Benefits from Protected Areas in Central America SAMBISA, WILLIAM AND C. SHANNON STOKES. Rural/Urban Residence, Migration, HIV/AIDS, and Safe Sex Practices among Men in Zimbabwe ScuaFFt, Kar A. Poverty, Residential Mobility, and Student Transiency within a Rural New York School District SnyDER, AnastasiA R. The Role of Contemporary Family Behaviors in Nonmarital Conception Outcomes of Nonmetro Women: Comments on Albrecht and Albrecht (2004) SNYDER, ANASTASIA R., DIANE K. MCLAUGHLIN, AND JILL FINDEIS. Household Composition and Poverty among Female-Headed Households with Children: Differences by Race and Resi- SOUTHWORTH, CaLeB. The Dacha Debate: Household Agriculture and Labor Markets in Post-Socialist Russia TURNER, HEATHER A. Stress, Social Resources, and Depression among Never-Married and Divorced Rural Mothers VARGHESE, JEJI, NAOMI T. KROGMAN, THOMAS M. BECKLEY, AND SOLANGE Nabeau. Critical Analysis of the Relationship between Local Ownership and Community Resiliency __. Voss, PAUL R. AND GUANGQING CuI. Highways and Population ZIEBARTH, ANN. Housing Seasonal Workers for the Minnesota Processed Vegetable Industry BOOK REVIEWS AcrawaL: Environmentality: Technologies of Government and the Making of Sub- 1 SE eo ARR eB nt on eee Eee AUR cee Do SENS Michael Mascarenhas Bett: Farming for Us All: Practical Agriculture © the Cultivation of Sustainability Douglas H. Constance zontents of Volume 71 CarrOLL: Sustainability and Spirituality Brother David Andrews, CSC CAVANAGH AND MANbeR: Alternatives to Economic Globalization: A Better World Is Possible, pid, ee a Oa a ie Aa OM oetere Theodore R. Alter Cowarp ET AL.: Rural Women’s Health: Mental, Behavioral, and Physical Issues Meredith Redlin DE WaaL: Famine that Kills: Darfur, Sudan, Rev. Ed. _.........-.....-------- John J. Green FRASER AND TINKER: Developing Power: How Women Transformed International Development Antrosus: The Global Women’s Movement: Origins, Issues and Strategies Cathy A. Rakowski FREIDBERG: French Beans and Food Scares: Culture and Commerce in an Anxious Age Wesley Longhofer FuMENTO: Bioevolution: How Biotechnology is Changing Our World .. AndrewJ . Knight HAENN: Fields of Power, Forests of Discontent: Power, Conservation, and the State in Mexico Vivian Amantana HINDMARSH AND LAWRENCE: Recoding Nature: Critical Perspectives on Genetic Engineering Ruth M. Mendum LEE AND FIELD: Community and Forests: Where People Meet the Land Tom Beckley LERNER: Diamond: A Struggle for Environmental Justice in Louisiana’s Chemical Corndor E. Helen Berry Rex R. Campbell MOL AND VAN BuurEN: Greening Industrialization in Asian Transitional Economies: China and Vietnam David A. Sonnenfeld STREET: Photographing Farmworkers in California René P. Rosenbaum SumnNER: Sustainability and the Civil Commons: Rural Communities in the Age of Globalization Brian Depew Taytor, BryAN, AND GoopricH: Social Assessment: Theory, Process and Techniques, 3” edition Burpce: The Concepts, Process and Methods of Social Impact Assessment: Rabel J. Burdge and Colleagues Angela Mertig THOMPSON AND TRAPHAGAN: Wearing Cultural Styles in Japan: Concepts of Tradition and Modernity in Practice Deborah Wilson Lowry VAN DER PLoEG: The Virtual Farmer: Past, Present and Future of the Dutch Peasantry .... Anne van den Ban

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