OORRUUNNYYAAMMBBOO MSAMIATI WA RUNYAMBO-KISWAHILI-KIINGEREZA NA KIINGEREZA-RUNYAMBO-KISWAHILI [RUNYAMBO-KISWAHILI-ENGLISH AND ENGLISH-RUNYAMBO-KISWAHILI LEXICON] Josephat M. Rugemalira Languages of Tanzania [LOT] Project University of Dar es Salaam 2002 LOT Publications: Lexicon Series No. 1 Languages of Tanzania Project University of Dar es Salaam P.O.Box 35040 Dar es Salaam. Cover map: SIL International © Languages of Tanzania Project 2002 ISBN 9987 691 01 3 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. ii UTANGULIZI 1. Madhumuni Orodha hii ya msamiati wa Runyambo ni ya kwanza yenye ukubwa kiasi hiki kuandaliwa. Orodha yenyewe imekusudiwa kukidhi mahitaji ya wasomaji wa aina mbili. Kwanza, kama ilivyokusudiwa katika mpangilio wa Mradi wa Lugha za Tanzania, itakidhi mahitaji ya watafiti isimu wanapofanya uchunguzi kwa kulinganisha data za lugha mbalimbali. Pili, katika jitihada za kukuza na kuhifadhi lugha za Tanzania, orodha hii itakidhi mahitaji ya msomaji wa kawaida, hasa yule ambaye lugha yake ya kwanza in Runyambo. Inatazamiwa kwamba msamiati huu utaweka msingi wa kutengeneza kamusi ya Runyambo, kuweka vigezo vya maandishi, na kuweka msukumo wa elimu ya kusoma na kuandika katika jamii ya Abanyambo. 2. Mpangilio Msamiati huu una sehemu mbili. Sehemu ya kwanza inaorodhesha maneno ya Runyambo na maelezo yake katika Kiswahili na Kiingereza. Sehemu ya pili inaorodhesha maneno ya Kiingereza na maelezo yake katika Kinyambo na Kiswahili. Viambishiawali katika sehemu zote mbili vimepangwa kabla ya safu ya maneno ya Runyambo, navyo ni vya aina mbili. Aina ya kwanza ni kiambishiawali cha kitenzi ku/kw. Aina ya pili ni kisabiki kiambishiawali cha nomino a/e/o, kama vile katika a-máte, e-citi, o- rúku. Karibu nomino zote zina kiambishi hiki isipokuwa nomino nyingi za ngeli ya ri (kama vile ikúru, itáma, íju …), majina ya rangi, nomino pekee (k.m Kakúru), na baadhi ya majina ya wanyama. Vivumishi na viwakilishi (vionyeshi, vimilikishi, viulizi) (katika Sehemu ya Kwanza) vimewekewa alama hii(@) katika safu ya viambishi, ikiashiria kuwa vinachukua maumbo ya upatanisho kutoka kwenye nomino husika. Mbali na maumbo haya, ni maumbo machache sana yasiyochukua kisabiki kiambishiawali k.m. bâmbe, nkána, íngaaha, ánga. Nomino zimeorodheshwa kialfabeti kwa kufuata kiambishi cha ngeli katika umoja. Umbo la wingi wa nomino limeingizwa iwapo i) ndilo umbo la kawaida lililopo, kama vile a-máte, e-bica, a-magara, ii) ndilo umbo linalojitokeza mara nyingi zaidi, k.m. iyengo/amayengo iii) linaleta maana maalumu, k.m. e-bihinzi/e-cihinzi, e-bireju/e-cireju, ikúru/a-makúru. iii Vitenzi vimeorodheshwa kwa mashina yake. Minyambuliko ya kawaida, yaani maumbo sababishi, husishi, tendewa, tendeka, na tendeana, hayakuorodheshwa isipokuwa pale yanapokuwa na maana maalum isiyotabirika, kama mifano hii inavyoonyesha: Ku-téma kata [limeorodheshwa] Ku-témera katia [umbo husishi; halikuorodheshwa] Ku-témesa fanya mtu/kitu kikate; saidia kukata [umbo sababishi; halikuorodheswa] Ku-témerera tengeneza barabara kuzunguka shamba ili kuzuia moto [maana maalum; limeorodheshwa] Ku-téera piga, gonga [limeorodheshwa] Ku-téérera kata/punguza majani ya mgomba [maana maalum; limeorodheshwa] Irabu ndefu zinaonyeshwa mara mbili (katika mfumo wa irabu tano) isipokuwa pale zinapotabirika kwa kanuni. Urefu usiotabirika: ku-siba funga [fupi] ku-siiba pitisha siku mahali [ndefu] o-butúzi uyoga [fupi] o-butúuzi ukazi [ndefu] o-musana jua kali [fupi] o-muzáana mtumishi [ndefu] Urefu wa kutabirika: i) irabu inayotangulia mlolongo wa nazali na konsonanti katika matamshi, kwa mfano, ku-jenda, ku-tunta) ii) irabu inayofuata mlolongo wa konsonanti na kiyeyusho katika matamshi, kwa mfano, ku- twâra, ku-twera, ku-tyâza, o-rwôngo, a-kakwânzi. (Katika mifano miwili ya mwisho, kanuni moja tu ya urefushaji wa irabu inatumika). Irabuunganifu moja tu [ei] inapatikana, kwa mfano ku-béiha, ku-beija. Toni ya juu tu imebainishwa; toni isiyobainishwa ni ya chini, kwa mfano o-musúma. Othografia inaficha mabadiliko kama miungano ya sauti na udondoshajisauti katika matamshi. Jitihada imefanyika kubainisha toni kama ilivyo wakati wa kutamka neno moja peke yake lisilo katika kirai. Matamshi ya kirai Matamshi ya peke [omwaanagwééŋkóko] -> o-mwâna gwa e-nkóko ‘chick’ [e amayúkusiira] -> e-nyama ya o-kusiira ‘meat for distribution’ [kutúúŋgíβigúúnju] -> ku-tûnga e-bigúnju ‘keep animals’ iv Maandishi yametumia alama za konsonanti zifuatazo: p b t d c j k g m n ny f v s z zh w r y h Tofauti za lahaja kati ya Karagwe Magharibi (Marungu) na Mashariki (Migongo) hazikubainishwa waziwazi. Tofauti za maneno na maana kati ya sehemu mbalimbali zimeingizwa katika orodha hii bila kujaribu kuonyesha zilivyotawanyika. Hivyo kama neno fulani, kwa mfano, enceréje, linapatikana sehemu moja tu na siyo katika sehemu zingine, hali hiyo haikuashiriwa katika orodha hii. Lakini tofauti za matamshi zimeshughulikiwa kama ifuatavyo: i) Katika tofauti za j/g na c/k kwa sehemu kubwa orodha hii imefuata matamshi ya magharibi (Marungu): Marungu Migongo a-majézi a-magézi o-muceeka o-mukeeka ii) Katika tofauti za zh/z/j na sy/c kwa sehemu kubwa matamshi ya mashariki (Migongo) yamefuatwa. Marungu Migongo o-muzigeizo o-mujigeijo nyensya nyenca a-mazhuta/a-mazuta a-majuta e-ntozho/e-ntozo e-ntojo Mara chache sana maumbo zaidi ya moja yameingizwa. Na tofauti ya s/sh inaonekana kuwa haitabiriki: kwa baadhi ya watu kutoka sehemu mbalimbali, sauti zote s/sh hujitokeza bila kanuni maalum. Lakini watu wengi zaidi hutumia s tu. Hivyo orodha hii imetumia s pekee kila mahali. Maelezo ya Kiswahili na Kiingereza kwa maneno mengi yahusuyo mimea na wanyama ni ya jumla mno. Kwa baadhi ya maneno haya istilahi ya kisayansi imetolewa kama ilivyopatikana katika vyanzo viwili: i) Kanywa, P.P.I. 1986. Orodha ya Miti na Migomba Mkoani Kagera. Rumuli Press. Bukoba; v ii) Taylor, C. 1959. A Simplified Runyankore-Rukiga – English and English – Runyankore- Rukiga Dictionary. East African Literature Bureau. Kampala. Shukrani za dhati ziwaendee watu wote katika sehemu mbalimbali za Karagwe kwa kutoa msaada wa hali na mali katika uandaaji wa orodha hii. Shukrani za pekee ziwaendee Bw. Wilfred Kahumuza na Bi. Zeulia Jeremiah kwa mchango wao katika utafiti wa awali mnamo Agosti/Septemba 2001. Kazi yote kuanzia utafiti hadi uchapishaji wa orodha hii umefadhiliwa na Mradi wa Lugha za Tanzania kwa msaada kutoka Shirika la Maendeleo ya Kimataifa la Sweden (SIDA). [Masahihisho na maoni yapelekwe kwenye anwani iliyoonyeshwa awali au kwa barua pepe [email protected]] vi INTRODUCTION 1.Aims This is the first word list of considerable size to be compiled for Runyambo. It is aimed at two types of users. First, as originally conceived within the framework of the Languages of Tanzania Project, it seeks to serve the needs of research linguists as a reservoir of linguistic data for cross-language comparison. Second, as a contribution to the promotion of the languages of Tanzania, it is addressed to the general user, especially one with Runyambo as mother tongue. In this regard the word list is designed to set standards and conventions in orthography as well as encourage literacy development among the Abanyambo. 2. Organization This lexicon consists of two parts. Part One contains the Runyambo-Kiswahili-English list and Part Two contains the English-Runyambo-Kiswahili list. The prefixes before the Runyambo entries in both parts are of two types. The first is the verb prefix ku/kw, and the second is the nominal pre-prefix (also known as the augment) a/e/o, which depends on the vowel of the class prefix. Most nouns are listed with this pre-prefix. The few exceptions include nouns in the (r)i- class, colour terms, proper names, and some animal names. Adjectives and pronominal forms (demonstratives, possessives, interrogatives) have a special symbol @ in the prefix column (Part One only) indicating their taking agreement markers from the nominals they relate to. This leaves only a handful of other items that do not take the augment (e.g. bâmbe, nkána, ingaaha, ánga). Nouns are listed by the class prefix, usually the singular form only. The plural form of the noun is not listed unless it is the usual form (e.g. a-mate, e-bica, a-magara), or is the most common form (e.g. iyengo/a-mayengo), or has a special sense (e.g. e-bihinzi/e-cihinzi, e-bireju/e- cireju, ikúru/a-makúru). Verbs are listed by the stem. The regular verbal derivations are not listed unless a special sense is involved as exemplified below. Ku-téma cut [listed] Ku-témera cut for/at [applicative derivation; not listed] Ku-témesa cut with, cause to cut [causative derivation; not listed] Ku-témerera make a clearing to keep fire away from farm [special sense; listed] Ku-téera strike, knock [listed] Ku-téérera prune banana plant [special sense; listed] vii Long vowels are indicated by a double spell out, based on the five-vowel system, except where the length is predictable: Lexical length: ku-siba lock [short] ku-siiba pass the day at [long] o-butúzi mushrooms [short] o-butúuzi state of residing [long] o-musana sunshine [short] o-muzáana servant [long] Derived length: i) a vowel before a nasal +consonant cluster e.g. ku-jenda, ku-tunta ii) a vowel after a consonant + glide cluster in word non-final position, e.g. ku- twâra, ku-twera, ku-tyâza, o-rwôngo, a-kakwânzi (in these last two items only one of the lengthening rules will apply). One diphthong [ei] may be discerned as in ku-béiha, ku-beija. Only high tone is marked e.g. o-múswa; low tone is the unmarked default. Only long vowels can carry the falling tone as in ku-twâra. The orthography suppresses morphophonological effects like vowel coalescence and elision, and in most cases strives to mark tone as in isolated pronunciation: Connected speech Isolated pronuncitation [omwaanagwééŋkóko] -> o-mwâna gwa e-nkóko ‘chick’ [e amayúkusiira] -> e-nyama ya o-kusiira ‘meat for distribution’ [kutúúŋgíβigúúnju] -> ku-tûnga e-bigúnju ‘keep animals’ The consonant symbols used in the spelling are shown below: p b t d c j k g m n ny f v s z zh w r y h Dialectal variations between West Karagwe and East Karagwe speakers are not explicitly indicated. Differences in words and senses are included in the list without attempting to show the relative distributions. However, with respect to pronunciation, where the difference consists of the [ /g] and [c/k] alternations the western version has in most cases been followed viii (e.g. listing a-majézi rather than a-magézi; o-muceeka rather than o-mukeeka). But the [z/ ] and [sy/c] alternations generally follow the eastern pronunciation as in o-mujigeijo rather than o- muzigeizo; nyénca rather than nyénsya. In a few cases, more than one version has been entered. An occasional variation on the [z/ ] alternation is [ ] as in a-mazhúta, e-ntozho. The [s/ ] alternation is to a large extent a free variation feature in many idiolects and has been consistently ignored by suppressing [ ]. The explanations for many plants and animal terms are still too general. In some cases a scientific name has been provided thanks to two sources, namely, 1. Kanywa, P.P.I. 1986. Orodha ya Miti na Migomba Mkoani Kagera. Rumuli Press. Bukoba; 2. Taylor, C. 1959. A Simplified Runyankore-Rukiga – English and English – Runyankore- Rukiga Dictionary. East African Literature Bureau. Kampala. In this vein I would like to pay special tribute to two people, Mr. Wilfred Kahumuza and Ms. Zeulia Jeremiah, who took part in the data collection and compilation process in Karagwe district in August/September 2001. Many thanks also to the many people in various parts of Karagwe, who spent hours teaching me more of this language during August and September 2002. The research work and publication of this word list has been made possible by the Languages of Tanzania Project through a grant from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA). *** ix VIFUPISHO – ABBREVIATIONS adj adjective esp. especially intr. intransitive k.v. kama vile lit. literally n noun n.k. na kadhalika pl. plural sb somebody sg. singular sth something tr. transitive v verb [Corrections and comments may be sent to the address shown above or by e-mail: [email protected]] x