RULERS OF EVIL Useful Knowledge About Governing Bodies F. TUPPER SAUSSY OSPRAY BOOKMAKERS Copyright © 1999 by Frederick Tupper Saussy All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or trans- mitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Published by Ospray Bookmakers, Reno, Nevada Further information: Pastoral Business 1223 Wilshire Boulevard, No. 855 Santa Monica, California 90403 World rights inquiries: The Peter Fleming Agency [email protected] 15200 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 204 Pacific Palisades, California 90272 ISBN 0-9673768-0-7 First Edition OSPRAY BOOKMAKERS IS AN IMPRIMATUR OF THE ORDER OF SIMON PETER, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA “The worst thing you can do in life is underestimate your adversary.” —PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON, C BS News, March 31, 1999 xx The Capitol dome* 1 Time Magazine Cover* 6 Fasces* 8 The Washington Nunciature* 11 Emperor Constantine* 12 Mithras & David† 14 Pope Gregory IX Excommunicating the Holy Roman Emperor* 18 Pope Clement VII & the Holy Roman Emperor* 21 Martin Luther* 26 Ignatius de Loyola* 34 The Baphomet* 36 Map of Troyes* 42 Fingerstroke of God* 46 Giulia Farnese* 54 The Spirit of Trent (after Sebastiano Ricci)* 62 Ignatius in Heaven† 96 Lorenzo Ricci† 114 Castel Sant’Angelo* 116 Washington in Masonic Regalia* ILLUSTRATIONS 124 Charles Thomson* 128 Cardinal Robert Bellarmine* 134 John Stuart, Lord Bute* 146 Bishop John Carroll* 154 Archbishop von Hontheim* 166 King George III* 186 East India Company Flag† 202 American Graffiti† 204 The Mosaic Seal† 226 L’Enfant’s Plan of Washington* 228 Congressional Medal of Honor† 232 Seal of Georgetown University‡ 234 Persephone, Goddess of the Capitol‡ 246 “Apotheosis of Washington”§ 248 Constantino Brumidi* 252 Rev. Charles Chiniquy* 257 The States§ / The Virgin pursues evildoers§ 258 Young America§ 259 Jehu worshiping Shalmaneser II† 261 Mercury 6k Morris§ 293-5 The Annu Signature*, †, ‡ * sketch by the author † author’s collection ‡ photographed by the author § Architect of the Capitol Introduction: ix Preface ix Foreword xi Orientation xiii 1: Subliminal Rome 1 2: Missionary Adaptation 9 3: Marginalizing the Bible 15 4: Medici Learning 19 5: Appointment at Cyprus 27 6: The Epitome of Christian Values 35 7: The Fingerstroke of God 43 8: Moving In 55 9: Securing Confidence 63 10: Definitions 77 11: The Thirteen Articles Concerning Military Art 85 12: Lorenzo Ricci’s War 97 13: The Secret Bridge 117 14: The Dogma of Independence 129 CONTENTS 15: The Madness of King George III 135 16: Tweaking the Religious Right 147 17: A Timely Grand Tour 155 18: The Stimulating Effects of Tea 167 19: Death and Resurrection of Lorenzo Ricci 187 20: American Grafitti 203 21: Jupiter’s Earthly Abode 227 22: The Immaculate Conception 235 23: The Dome of the Great Sky 247 24: The Mark of Cain 265 25: The Two Ministries 279 Appendix 293 A: Fifty Centuries of the Annu Signature 293 B: Superior Generals of the Society of Jesus 296 c: Glossary 298 D: Notes 303 E: Bibliography 313 F: Index 318 RULERS OF EVIL Introduction PREFACE T HE ONLY PEOPLE in the world, it seems, who believe in the conspiracy theory of history are those of us who have stud ied it. While Franklin D. Roosevelt might have exaggerat ed when he said “Nothing happens in politics by accident; if it happens, it was planned that way,” Carroll Quigley – Bill Clinton’s favorite professor at Georgetown University – boldly admitted in his Tragedy & Hope (1966) that (a) the multitudes were already under the control of a small but powerful group bent on world domination and (b) Quigley himself was a part of that group. Internet conspiracy sites strive to identify the conspiratorial factions. We get pieces here and pieces there. The world is run by Freemasons, some say. Other say Skull & Bones, and a loose con federation of secret societies. CIA gets lots of votes, along with Mossad (though I suspect these factions are merely tools) and, of course, “the British.” A major frontrunner is the International Banking Cartel. When Victor Marsden published The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in 1906, which purported to be a Jewish plan to ix