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Rufus Woods Lake Site #3 Steelhead Trout Net Pen Aquaculture PDF

206 Pages·2011·3.65 MB·English
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Preview Rufus Woods Lake Site #3 Steelhead Trout Net Pen Aquaculture

Rufus Woods Lake Site #3 Steelhead Trout Net Pen Aquaculture Pacific Aquaculture, Inc. Draft NEPA Environmental Assessment November 2011 Prepared by: Vicki Morris Consulting Services, Rensel Associates Aquatic Sciences, and Margenex International Prepared for and Issued by: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10 NPDES Permits Unit Seattle, Washington Table of Contents Page GLOSSARY G-1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1-1 1.1 Project Proponent 1-1 1.2 Proposed Action 1-1 1.3 Siting Criteria 1-2 1.4 Location and Summary of Site Characterization 1-2 1.5 NEPA Lead Agency 1-3 1.6 Environmental Assessment Required 1-3 1.7 Action Area 1-4 1.7.1 Aquatic Environment Action Area 1-4 1.7.2 Terrestrial Environment Action Area 1-5 1.7.3 Human Environment Action Area 1-5 2.0 PURPOSE AND NEED FOR THE PROJECT 2-1 2.1 Present Conditions of Net Pen Aquaculture in Rufus Woods Lake 2-1 2.2 Existing Water Quality Permit Issued by CCT for Pacific Aquaculture Rufus Woods Lake Steelhead Net Pen Aquaculture Sites #1 and #2 2-1 2.3 Proposed Project Description: Site #3 2-3 2.4 Purpose and Need for the Project 2-3 3.0 THE PROPOSED ACTION AND ALTERNATIVES 3-1 3.1 Applicant’s Preferred Alternative 3-1 3.1.1 Principal Features 3-1 3.1.2 Farm Management Proposal 3-4 Culture Methods 3-4 Fish Feeding Methods 3-5 In-Water Discharges 3-7 Best Management Practices 3-8 Harvest Methods 3-8 Mortalities 3-9 Intentional Releases 3-9 Use of Disease Control Chemicals and Therapeutants 3-9 3.1.3 Upland Support Facilities to be Constructed on Tribal Leased Land 3-10 3.1.4 Construction Proposal 3-11 i Rufus Woods Lake PAI Site #3 Draft NEPA EA Table of Contents: 11/21/11 3.1.5 Permits and Approvals Required 3-14 3.2 Alternative Sites Considered 3-14 3.2.1 Site Selection Criteria 3-14 3.2.2 Alternative Sites Evaluation 3-17 3.3 No Action Alternative 3-19 4.0 EXISTING ENVIRONMENT AS IT PERTAINS TO THE PROJECT 4-1 4.1 AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT 4-1 4.1.1 Bottom Characteristics 4-1 Bathymetry at the Site and in the Vicinity 4-1 Reservoir Bottom Substrate Classification 4-1 Sediment Quality 4-3 4.1.2 Water Column 4-3 Physical Circulation 4-3 Water Quality 4-6 Macronutrients 4-6 Dissolved Oxygen 4-13 Turbidity 4-14 Other Water Column Parameters 4-15 4.1.3 Aquatic Plants and Algae 4-17 Phytoplankton 4-18 Periphyton 4-18 Macrophytes 4-20 4.1.4 Aquatic Animals 4-22 Zooplankton 4-22 Benthic Invertebrates 4-23 Fish 4-23 Birds 4-25 Mammals 4-25 Threatened, Endangered, and Protected Aquatic Species 4-25 Exotic Species 4-26 4.1.5 Navigation 4-27 Relationship of the Proposed Site and Steelhead Net Pen Structure to Boat Traffic within Rufus Woods Lake 4-27 Subsistence Fishing and Sport Fishing Practices Around Steelhead Net Pens 4-27 Aids to Navigation, USCG Permit Required 4-27 ii Rufus Woods Lake PAI Site #3 Draft NEPA EA Table of Contents: 11/21/11 4.2 TERRESTRIAL ENVIRONMENT 4-28 4.2.1 Land Use 4-28 4.2.2 Topography and Soils 4-28 4.2.3 Air Quality 4-29 4.2.4 Floodplains 4-30 4.2.5 Wetlands 4-31 4.2.6 Prime or Unique Agricultural Lands 4-31 4.2.7 Terrestrial Floral Communities 4-31 4.2.8 Terrestrial Faunal Communities 4-33 4.2.9 Threatened, Endangered and Protected Terrestrial Species 4-33 4.3 HUMAN ENVIRONMENT 4-35 4.3.1 Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation 4-35 4.3.2 Areas of Recognized Archaeological or Historic Value 4-35 4.3.3 Socioeconomic Issues 4-36 Population 4-36 Housing 4-36 Employment 4-37 4.3.4 Environmental Justice 4-37 4.3.5 Transportation 4-38 4.3.6 Noise 4-39 4.3.7 Light and Glare 4-39 4.3.8 Areas of Recognized Scenic Value 4-39 4.3.9 Areas of Recognized Recreational Value 4-41 4.3.10 Public Lands 4-41 4.3.11 Public Services 4-41 4.3.12 Utilities 4-41 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES AND MITIGATION MEASURES FOR THE PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE 5-1 5.1 AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT 5-1 5.1.1 Bottom Characteristics 5-2 Bathymetry at the Site and in the Vicinity 5-2 Reservoir Bottom Substrate Classification 5-2 Sediment Quality 5-2 iii Rufus Woods Lake PAI Site #3 Draft NEPA EA Table of Contents: 11/21/11 5.1.2 Water Column 5-5 Physical Circulation 5-5 Water Quality 5-6 Macronutrients 5-6 Total Ammonia Nitrogen 5-12 Dissolved Oxygen 5-13 Turbidity 5-13 Other Water Column Parameters 5-15 5.1.3 Aquatic Plants and Algae 5-16 Phytoplankton 5-16 Periphyton 5-17 Macrophytes 5-18 5.1.4 Aquatic Animals 5-20 Zooplankton 5-20 Benthic Invertebrates 5-20 Fish 5-21 Birds 5-24 Mammals 5-24 Threatened, Endangered, and Protected Aquatic Species 5-25 Exotic Species 5-25 5.1.5 Navigation 5-26 5.2 TERRESTRIAL ENVIRONMENT 5-27 5.2.1 Land Use 5-27 5.2.2 Topography and Soils 5-28 5.2.3 Air Quality 5-29 5.2.4 Floodplains 5-30 5.2.5 Wetlands 5-30 5.2.6 Prime or Unique Agricultural Lands 5-31 5.2.7 Terrestrial Floral Communities 5-31 5.2.8 Terrestrial Faunal Communities 5-32 5.2.9 Threatened, Endangered and Protected Terrestrial Species 5-33 5.3 HUMAN ENVIRONMENT 5-34 5.3.1 Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation 5-34 5.3.2 Areas of Recognized Archaeological or Historic Value 5-34 iv Rufus Woods Lake PAI Site #3 Draft NEPA EA Table of Contents: 11/21/11 5.3.3 Socioeconomic Issues 5-36 Population 5-36 Housing 5-36 Employment 5-36 5.3.4 Environmental Justice 5-37 5.3.5 Transportation 5-37 5.3.6 Noise 5-38 5.3.7 Light and Glare 5-40 5.3.8 Areas of Recognized Scenic Value 5-41 5.3.9 Areas of Recognized Recreational Value 5-41 5.3.10 Public Lands 5-42 5.3.11 Public Services 5-42 5.3.12 Utilities 5-43 5.4 INDIRECT EFFECTS 5-43 5.5 CUMULATIVE EFFECTS 5-43 5.5.1Cumulative Nutrient Loading Effects in the Aquatic Environment 5-44 5.5.2 Cumulative Effects in the Terrestrial and Human Environment 5-48 6.0 CROSS-CUTTER ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS, COORDINATION AND 6-1 CONSULTATION 6.1 APPLICABLE FEDERAL REGULATIONS AND EXECUTIVE ORDERS 6-1 6.1.1 Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act 6-1 6.1.2 Clean Air Act 6-1 6.1.3 Clean Water Act 6-1 6.1.4 Safe Drinking Water Act 6-2 6.1.5 Coastal Zone Management Act 6-2 6.1.6 Coastal Barrier Resources Act 6-3 6.1.7 Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Regulations 6-3 6.1.8 Endangered Species Act 6-4 6.1.9 Essential Fish Habitat 6-4 6.1.10 Farmland Protection Act 6-5 6.1.11 Migratory Bird Treaty Act 6-5 6.1.12 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 6-6 6.1.13 National Historic Preservation Act 6-6 6.1.14 Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act 6-7 6.1.15 Noise Control Act 6-7 6.1.16 Wild and Scenic Rivers Act 6-7 6.1.17 Executive Order 11514, Protection and Enhancement of Environmental Quality 6-8 6.1.18 Executive Order 11593, Protection and Enhancement of the Cultural Environment 6-8 v Rufus Woods Lake PAI Site #3 Draft NEPA EA Table of Contents: 11/21/11 6.1.19 Executive Order 11990, Wetlands 6-8 6.1.20 Executive Order 11988, Floodplains 6-9 6.1.21 Executive Order 12898, Environmental Justice 6-9 6.1.22 Executive Order 13175, Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments 6-10 6.2 RELATIONSHIP TO CONFEDERATED COLVILLE TRIBES CODE OF LAWS 6-10 6.2.1 Title 4-1: Fish, Wildlife and Recreation 6-10 6.2.2 Title 4-3: Land Use and Development 6-11 6.2.3 Title 4-4: Cultural Resources Protection 6-11 6.2.4 Title 4-8: Water Quality Standards 6-12 6.2.5 Title 4-9: Hydraulics Project Permitting 6-14 6.2.6 Title 4-15: Shoreline Management 6-14 6.2.7 Title 10: Tribal Employment and Contracting 6-16 6.3 AGENCIES AND PERSONS CONSULTED, CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED 6-17 7.0 SUMMARY OF MITIGATION 7-1 8.0 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 8-1 9.0 LIST OF PREPARERS 9-1 10.0 LITERATURE CITED AND REFERENCES 10-1 APPENDICES A Biota of Rufus Woods Lake and Environs A-1 vi Rufus Woods Lake PAI Site #3 Draft NEPA EA Table of Contents: 11/21/11 List of Figures 3.1-1 Pacific Aquaculture, Inc. (PAI) existing steelhead trout net pen aquaculture 3-2 Site #2: Rufus Woods Lake, Columbia River, Washington 3.1-2 Steel net pen array center walkway, side walkway, and typical deck grating 3-3 3.1-3 Pneumatic feed delivery system 3-6 3.1-4 Feed barge alternative to pneumatic feed delivery system 3-7 3.1-5 Fish oil boom and skimmer 3-8 3.1-6 Anchor pin and vibratory head 3-12 3.1-7 Anchor pin installation barge 3-13 3.2-1 Alternative sites considered for PAI Rufus Woods Lake steelhead trout net pen aquaculture Site #3; two existing fish farms; and U.S. Army Corps of 3-16 Engineers’ managed forested wildlife area 3.2-2 Pacific Aquaculture, Inc. (PAI) Preferred Alternative Site #3 3-18 4.1-1 Bathymetry map of PAI Preferred Alternative Site #3 (October 2010) 4-2 4.1-2 Bathymetry map of PAI Preferred Alternative Site #3 vicinity with schematic of proposed net pens and anchor lines shown 4-2 4.1-3 Ten-year mean daily discharge and 95% confidence intervals at Grand Coulee Dame for the period March 2001 through March 2011 4-4 4.1-4 Plots of current velocity at PAI Preferred Alternative Site #3 and Existing Site 4-5 #1 net pens showing extreme ranges, 50% of observations, and average flow 4.1-5 Current velocity frequency plots at PAI Preferred Alternative Site #3 and PAI 4-5 existing Site #1 by depth strata 4.1-6 Example drogue plot from Rufus Woods Lake circulation study (Rensel and Siegrist 2010) 4-7 4.1-7 Mean monthly and standard deviation of ammonia-N, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, nitrite plus nitrate, total persulfate nitrogen, monthly orthophosphate and total phosphorus at Ecology Station 53A070 downstream of Grand Coulee 4-10 Dam: 2000 through 2009 4.1-8 Mean monthly ammonia-N, orthophosphate, nitrite plus nitrate and total phosphorous for Ecology Station 53A070 downstream of Grand Coulee Dam: 2000 through 2009 4-11 4.1-9 Mean monthly and standard deviation N to P (nitrogen to phosphorous) ratio in grams weight units at Ecology Station 53A070 downstream of Grand Coulee Dam: 2000 through 2009 4-13 4.1-10 Mean monthly water temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and turbidity at Ecology Station 53A070 downstream of Grand Coulee Dam: 2009 through 4-14 2009 vii Rufus Woods Lake PAI Site #3 Draft NEPA EA Table of Contents: 11/21/11 List of Figures, continued 4.1-11 Mean monthly chlorophyll a pigment concentration for Ecology Station 53A070 downstream of Grand Coulee Dam: 2000 through 2009 4-16 4.2-1 Central arid steppe vegetation typical of upland parcels adjacent to Rufus Woods Lake steelhead trout net pen aquaculture sites 4-32 4.3-1 View of and from the Narrows Downstream site 4-40 4.3-2 View of and from the Mah-Kin Rapids site 4-40 4.3-3 View of and from the High Bank Bight site 4-40 4.3-4 View of and from PAI Preferred Alternative Site #3 4-40 4.3-5 CCT designated camping area adjacent to PAI existing Site #1 4-43 5.5-1 Mean monthly and standard deviation of ammonia-N, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, nitrite plus nitrate, total persulfate nitrogen, monthly orthophosphate and total phosphorus at Ecology Station 53A070 downstream of Grand Coulee Dam, and at Ecology Station 31A070 below McNary Dam, year 2000 through 5-45 2009 5.5-2 Mean monthly and standard deviation of calculated N:P ratios at Ecology Station 53A070 downstream of Grand Coulee Dam, and at Ecology Station 31A070 below McNary Dam, year 2000 through 2009 5-46 5.5-3 Mean monthly and standard deviation of water temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and turbidity at Ecology Station 53A 070 downstream of Grand Coulee Dam, and at Ecology Station 31A070 below McNary Dam, year 2000 through 2009 5-47 5.5-4 Mean monthly chlorophyll a at Ecology Station 53A070 downstream of Grand Coulee Dam, and at Ecology Station 31A070 below McNary Dam, year 2010 through 2011 5-48 5.5-5 Pacific Aquaculture, Inc. proposed processing plant 5-50 viii Rufus Woods Lake PAI Site #3 Draft NEPA EA Table of Contents: 11/21/11 List of Tables 3-1 Matrix comparison rating of site selection criteria for an additional Pacific Aquaculture steelhead trout farm site in Rufus Woods Lake, Columbia River, with ratings from 1 (least desirable) to 3 (best) 3-20 5.1-1 Summary of existing and proposed fish farm annual production in Rufus Woods Lake and factors used to calculate waste phosphorus production 5-8 5.1-2 Summary of expected fish feed use, waste feed, and fate of feed-origin phosphorus in Rufus Woods Lake for existing net pen sites and PAI Preferred Alternative Site #3 5-9 5.1-3 Summary of soluble total P produced by each fish farm in Rufus Woods Lake and comparison to annual low P flux (September) and high P flux (May) months for water entering the lake at Grand Coulee Dam 5-10 5.3-1 Construction noise attenuation 5-39 6.2-1 Colville Confederated Tribes class I water quality criteria applicable to Rufus Woods Lake 6-13 7-1 Summary of proposed mitigation measures for the Rufus Woods Site #3 steelhead trout net pen aquaculture project 7-1 ix Rufus Woods Lake PAI Site #3 Draft NEPA EA Table of Contents: 11/21/11

Rufus Woods Lake Steelhead Net Pen Aquaculture Sites #1 and #2. 2-1. 2.3 .. aquaculture Site #3; two existing fish farms; and U.S. Army Corps of View of and from the High Bank Bight site. 4-40 .. bankruptcy and renamed it Pacific Aquaculture, Inc. The operation has been rearing steelhead in the.
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