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McCarthy, Kevin From: CLECentercom <CL:ConterDemailelmeurn> Sent: Thursday, December 14,2027 12:82 AM To: Zappa, Steven Subject ont give and we're giving you 4036 of your Cit ta CLECenter.com cam 348.0406 Our gift to you during this holiday season... Save 40% on the latest, on-demand CLE courses featuring premier content from high-ranking attomeys PROMO CODE: CLEDECHD Premium ce Subscriptions Bundios Tae ze many Personalized online 3s you would lee tor 12 MOLE. Ouyarse ‘uit nignihs, ne aediienat fees. An unliruied selection uf causes. Individual Courses Chack out our kalest cours, provides by inlluzncers in te legal inclasiry. Buy any cout snd geta ore creat course for fraa, compliance bundlle 0 built your an bundie, a ot SOWUISI Our Feature’ Caves nw ince comaaeny duym ad of ALM prodtets rom: ALM L$Poow surat one Law JouRs A Trusted. Affordable, Insiant. GLECenter.cora wowe LES szapyatatey venyeounttn pty AE PLLA McCarthy, Kevin Frone indaeicatbiesess. coms Sent: Tos Subject: lance City Street Surv Sanna STREET SURVIVAL® 2018 | LOCATION: Bally's Casino & Resort 1900 Pacific Avenue, Atlantic City, NJ O84 ! DATE: February 21-72, 2018 8:00am - 5:00pm current igs imyportanl ta tetas Auliout i nen. Instructors garter, ane human: pefonn. 00 and cealiny with ress while engaging examine the Fnac teat vitca andl ileal ie on the rection shiz hes (Our 2017 fou is rales 1 ls ascidian pence of and the public hes serv COURSE 1OPICS INCLUDE: + Hamar Perterasa + Sans Research & + -eyal Saromnetors of Force + Urstestansing & Traian ss Joye! & Eational Hach + Polisi 4 Video ae + Guardars of Democracy + Street Interviews de Reading Peco = Commanration Sw + Pre-Atack Cass § Be-esca ation + Voice ana Re ay Related! Danes + Fe onioue Aseoule REGISTER ONLINE @ calibrepress. com Single Registratio Groups of 3+: §203 per person Groups of 6+: $289 per parson For more information or to register a larger group, please contact Linda Arnold: (620; 250-3287 oF lindasieat beeess oan rs eas a een ap logy as ost? mene ee Mie upto nee aon eens McCarthy, Kevin Frome CLE Dtacter, ResecaleC:F = Notifications Thekusedaetroupcom. Sent: ruestay, Eacember 14, 204 112 ax Tos ‘opal, Step: un Subject Hasteing Bicoi, Blochchaia, & Digital Currncy Law C14 Hal Gute for 62 biecourt Ifyou are brvaag trouble viewing this enail, click Ware ¢ Bitcoin, Blockchain, & Digital Currency Law CLE ‘Wednesday, Dec. 20, Noor ~1:30.PM. Oe-Minate, Live Te!ephonie Seminar Registration iacledes eccess to comolote course é reference materia] Click to Learn More: Finat Chance for $20 Discount Rossdale CLE A Notional Tendes in Legal Lducelion Roglstered attendees will automatically he e-mailed a complimentary recording and Podcast of the full-lengeh seminar two days after the teleconference and receive FULL CLE & MCLE CREDIE (where available) if they connot attend the (eleconference, Denetits View Benefirs The huge expansion in Bitcoin & digital currencies ir ssites across the nation aud globul!y has led toa sign:ficant need for atlomeys proficient in the cuting-edge use uf relsted Legal and regulatory issues, The laws wary greatly and have been in lux wi the probiferation af Fortune 500 ‘companies, governments, and start-ups seeking to take advantage of this growing use af eurrency, The faculty for this seminar feamres several leading, autherities on the subject. This comprehenseve programa on vietual currency law will introduce you fo foc most relevant issues ane. practical solutions, including Blockchsin, distrituted ledger, the growth of eryptouurrencies, Bitccin innovation, role of Cigita] currencies in financial reensactions, ‘Smart €onteacts," cormplianec & avoidant strategies, and virtual currency tvanemissions. Che fawul.y will also cover the changes and progress on the latest logal develepruculs ud Tilare regulations, Registriion inclades online aozess to course aud reference malcriats that serve as a helpfil guide to Ue numerous pies smd wschmigues discussed in the pngram Key Agenda P View Compluie Agenda + Masoring Biteoin, Blockefucn, é Digital Cemency Law + An Overview 07 Biteoin & Virmal Currencies . involving Digital Currencies + Blockchitin & Distributed Ledger Legal Issues + Profiting from the Growth of Cryplocurrencies + Issues fived by Fortune 500 Companies, Governments, and Startups: + 'Simart Contacts” + Case Law Update Complicnce & Avoidance Strategies Virlucl Cucreney Tsausitissions Role of Digical Currencies in Financial Trarsactions Biteoin Innovation Interactive Question & Answer Session with Lae Experts Faculty Detailed Faculty Information, + Rebecea J. Simmons, Partner at Sullivan & Cromwell LLP + Peter Hardy, Pactner at Ballard Spabr LLP + Andrew Comiter, Parner at Comiter, Singer, Baseman & Braun, LLP Credit Detailed CLE Cred formation E ACCREDITATION: Rossdale CLE is a national leader in attorney education ind has trained thousands of attorneys, paralegals, and other legal professionals. CL jurisdictions aeross the enuniry. Visit the seminar ‘webpage to Iam more about CLE & MCLE credit for she program, Only registeree attendees will receive continuing education credit. ‘Who Should Attend? Atrarneys, judges, paralegals, and legal ass Registered attendees will automatically be e-mailed a complimentary recording and Podeast ength seminar two days after the teleconference a PULL CLE & JE CREDIT (where ayailable) if they cannot attend the teleconference. Click to Learn More: Final Chance for $20 Discount THE ROSSDALE GROUP. A National Leader in Altorney Education ‘The Rossilsle Group. LLC 1172 Sina h Dixie Highway, Swit Miami. FL 33146 Ifyou ne longer wich to receive futuce «mh abonl Cootinury gol Fensalian Senin ck Fs MeCarthy, Kevin Fron Srayng Comecte wth Vou Tees (8 Program frem Caanning Bete Company sce? chaning Ealecants Sent: “kurscay Ascersher 14,2217 1202 PM Te! Zappal, Stephen Subject: eop narents and tens tlkiwg abous napertant suas with sis aren effective rege Prolene eatin sl a Wren 2 coms ta keeping tepnaners avay rom drugs, violonee, ret Ustingueney. parent engage oilcal ~ especialy during the atidslo and! way high zchool yasrn ‘wher peer provsurss high and rsky hehavia-s are move Ukely. (Hn why wu offer ‘Staying Gonnectad with Your Teen --a flexible, prover-o‘osive amarar thal rings Forents and logus Icgalkar a Ira etfectve communizatan and cenfic- resolution kil “This sclence-besed scrias ol viles- and vcrksnop-based meduls hols paniianls marove tay communizaia ars arity banding in aréer to xedueo or da ‘sdolescent participation in surly anton) ehavine ising substances abuse dlnquercy, toon pregsancy. school drapott, and youth valence). Newis an ideal ime 10 Bem more shout nls progian, so tts yal be seady to mmplemsnt IE vEKh the naw schoo! year this fall Leam more atout ihe Staying Connected with Your Teen’? pragia’n acre! Praclical and flexible to implement! Ths program can be implemented 3s 2 formal parenting workshers iv (va 2-our sessions, of a6 @ sovervunitsa Fpsced home-stuly program Lt pers and beans en completa on heir cin sel cule ‘The Staying Connected with Your Teen® program works! ‘The Staying Connected with Your Teen program is racagnized by the Ollce of Jnseaile ustieg ane Resinqueney Proveation (MDP) nit erating of Erect (OJJ0P's Madel Progrems Guide. O.UDE has rated the Staying Comected with Your Tran pengiam effective ie Fes. cing + favorable stitutes about susstance | ‘abuso initio of substance abuse a” se + violent behavior Research hes shown the sef-adrinistored vorsion of ha pragram la ae efieetive in reaching and positively impacting behaviors of Fai iae whe are unleay ta atts requarly scl-eculed yroup meetings Jue . busy sehelukes or reluotence t discuss. ‘amily issues in pub.” Fine more dotals aout the Staying Connected with Your Teen program hee’ — ‘See a free online preview of tae program hare! ought joutytheC-anang you ould eke lorose har eral ol oko jo. srwtot gorse e-nly Sck ee rosie, You ey aot 9 900490 fab to sie Compass vierespeat you" ane ted pey ne eager sane ne recur [Channing Bete Company McCarthy, Kevi From: PurigelRabers <RFanigalallegheryecteas > Sent “Tsay, lecemae 14,2007 12:20 8 To: Manning, ltfiey President judgeesteran, Jad Acie alga koa wancer KelgeR.cleyXe 7 ludgetboraonsk, Coward Jnyetaherty Thomas ucgelgrelei Philp udgeMaria Antony .usgeDariel, Denna to Judge-Nauhaus, Leret Judgertanges Hil cr Sina, Kevin ledgesTode, Rady Suagezouteza, ate igecalley, HancZapinre, SlephernHoi HanyDeb freemaa'Donnely, Cut Jearse Rieder Alegent OU St3aD, hol :RARRE.L, PaMHayes, WermDeagyfarahscram WiFamLeasuve, Sandy Moor FeogiRedmar, Patria Shee, Lorn -olvath Luc ecerere, Shanan.ng, Stephani: fa, Fallfoerdz lola MariesScherer, Frank Felon, A artPunbar ExonCoaweedia LissCrvisyrs, CharlenesCalling, KetarynEssaein, Stpleon Masia, rune Subject ental Heath Cour grashatios zerany 2087 Astachmente Mental teak Gaurl ination. de

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