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Preview RREEF America REIT II RREEF America REIT II

RRRREEEEFF AAmmeerriiccaa RREEIITT IIII Second Quarter 2012 Update IImperiiall CCountty EEmplloyees'' RRettiirementt AAssociiattiion August 15, 2012 RREEF Real Estate www.rreef.com Confidential –Not for Public Distribution Confidential – not for public distribution The information contained herein is for the confidential use of only those persons to whom it is transmitted by RREEF AAmmeerriiccaa LL..LL..CC.. oorr iittss aaffffiilliiaatteess aanndd iiss pprreesseenntteedd ffoorr iinnffoorrmmaattiioonnaall ppuurrppoosseess bbyy RRRREEEEFF AAmmeerriiccaa LL..LL..CC.. oonn bbeehhaallff ooff RREEF America REIT II, Inc. (the “Fund”). This information may not be distributed, circulated, quoted, or otherwise disseminated without the prior consent of RREEF America L.L.C. Each recipient, as a condition to the provision of this information and by virtue of receipt thereof, agrees not to make a photocopy or other copy or to divulge the contents hereof to any other person (other than a legal, business, investment or tax advisor in connection with obtaining the advice of such person with respect to the investment). Failure to comply with the foregoing may result in irreparable damage to the Fund, the shareholders and RREEF America L.L.C., among others. The information should be read and reviewed in conjunction with the important disclosure information entitled “Performance Notes” and “Important Information” later in these materials. Such disclosure information is applicable to all performance data throughout this presentation. This presentation contains forward-looking statements, which should be considered in connection with the statements contained in “Performance Notes” and “Important Information”. These forward-looking statements iinncclluuddee, bbuutt aarree nnoott lliimmiitteedd ttoo, mmaannaaggeemmeenntt’’ss ppllaannss, pprroojjeeccttiioonnss, oobbjjeeccttiivveess, eexxppeeccttaattiioonnss, aanndd iinntteennttiioonnss, aanndd ootthheerr similar statements. These statements are based on the current beliefs or expectations of management which are inherently subject to significant uncertainties and changes in circumstances, many of which are beyond management’s control. The ability of the Fund to successfully achieve the objectives set forth in the business plans and the initiatives described herein will be dependent, in many cases, upon the availability of financing and a market for real estate assets, eeaacchh ooff wwhhiicchh iiss uunncceerrttaaiinn iinn tthhee ccuurrrreenntt eennvviirroonnmmeenntt.. Imperial County –August 15, 2012 2 Table of Contents Section I. RREEF Real Estate Update II. Economic and Market Uppdate III. RREEF America REIT II Update Appendix II. FFundd DDettaiills II. Select RREEF America REIT II Value Propositions III. RREEF Real Estate’s Sustainability Program IV. Biooggraapphieess V. GIPS Composite Reports and Performance Notes PPaaggee iinntteennttiioonnaallllyy lleefftt bbllaannkk.. Section I RREEF Real Estate Update RREEF Real Estate Long tenured manager of real estate assets across the private and public investment spectrum and around the globe RREEF Real Estate's mission is to provide real estate investment management services consistent with our clients' objectives for diversification, preservation of capital and superior long-term risk-adjusted performance. RREEF Real Estate’s Global Footprint RREEF Real Estate at a Glance  A 40-year investment heritage  CCoommmmiitttteedd ttoo llooccaall mmaarrkkeett eexxppeerrttiissee wwiitthh aapppprrooxxiimmaatteellyy 555500 employees in 22 locations around the world Americas  A full service real estate manager with US$52.4/€41.3 billion in  Seattle  Dallas  San Francisco  Atlanta assets under management, nearly 600 institutional clients  Walnut Creek  Boston  Costa Mesa  New York – 3,662properties1, 188+ million square feet  Chicago  Columbia – PPrriivvaattee aanndd ppuubblliicc rreeaall eessttaattee Europe  London  Paris – Core, value-added and opportunistic private real estate  Warsaw  Milan Europe strategies  Frankfurt  Madrid 40% Asia Pacific – Global, regional and domestic real estate securities strategies  Shanghai  Singapore – Global infrastructure securities, branded RREEF Infrastructure  HHoonngg KKoonngg  SSyyddnneeyy  Seoul  Tokyo Asia – Structured real estate debt strategies Pacific 8%  Part of RREEF Alternatives, the alternative investments business Americas 52% of Deutsche Bank A.G.  On June 20, 2012, Deutsche Bank (DB) announced that it RREEF Real Estate AuMby Region ccoonncclluuddeedd iittss eexxcclluussiivvee nneeggoottiiaattiioonnss wwiitthh GGuuggggeennhheeiimm PPaarrttnneerrss over a potential sale of RREEF. The Bank also announced that the Strategic Review of its global Asset Management division, initiated 1PropertycountincludesassetsinwhichRREEF RealEstatehasajointventureinterest. in November 2011, has concluded. PreliminaryasofJune30,2012. Imperial County –August 15, 2012 6 RREEF Real Estate – Americas Creating value through active real estate management since 1975  Long tenured senior professionals – averaging 12 years with the firm and over 25 years of industry experience  $17.2 billion in total assets under management, including approximately 88% in core and 12% in value-added strategies  Over 300 institutional clients, including public, corporate, union and foundations/endowments  Commingled fund manager since 1975; separate account manager since 1986, including $7+ billion in portfolio takeovers  Dedicated teams closed over $35 billion in purchase, sale and financing transactions over the last five years  Regional asset management organization with more than 40 asset managers RREEF Real Estate Property Portfolio 2011 Highlights  RREEF America REITII outperformedNFI-ODCE over 454 properties, 111 million square feet trailing 3-year basis by 114 basis points (net)  RREEF America REIT III share price recovering: 54% net retturn ffor tthhe year Performance1  RREEF Separate Accounts outperformedNFI-ODCE over trailing 3-year basis by 120 basis points (gross)  RREEF’s U.S. House Portfolio yielded +230 bps in relative performance versus NPI for 20112  $980 million in new capital calledfor RREEF America II Capital Raising during 2011, including allocations from 11 new clients  $$111155 mmiilllliioonn iinn nneewwaallllooccaattiioonnss ttoo UU.SS. sseeppaarraattee aaccccoouunnttss  Closed 13 new acquisitions in 2011 totaling $721million, including severalkeyinvestments sourced off market Transactions  Closed 36 sales in 2011, representing $1.2billion in gross RREEF Real Estate Offices sales proceeds Metro Area with RREEF Real Estate Properties  Mark Roberts joined as Global Head of Research PPeerrssoonnnneell UUppddaattee  BBuuiillttoouutt rreeggiioonnaall cclliieenntt rreellaattiioonnss tteeaamm wwiitthh sseevveerraall kkeeyy nneeww hires 1Pastperformanceisnotindicativeoffutureresults.TheperformanceofRREEFAmericaREITIIIisprovidedforillustrativepurposesonlyandnorepresentationismadethattheperformance ofRREEFAmericaREITIIIwillbesimilartoRREEFAmericaREITII.PerformanceofeachindividualREITwillvary. 2 Representshypotheticalperformance. Pleaseseepage89forimportantinformationonhypotheticalperformance. AsofMarch31,2012. Imperial County –August 15, 2012 7 Americas Leadership Team  Americas Management Committee members average 12 years with the firm and 26 years total experience  No recent changes to Americas senior leadership  Alignment, retention of key employees continues to be top priority Americas Management Committee Todd Henderson Jim Carbone Al Diaz Tim Ellsworth Head of Americas Head of Business Development Head of Americas Asset Head of Americas Portfolio Management Management 9 21 17 32 18 28 14 29 Marc Feliciano Laura Gaylord Brian McAuliffe Aimee Samford CIO, Americas Head of Americas Client Relations Head of Americas Transactions Chief Operating Officer 7 18 10 28 7 29 14 19 Investment Functions Portfolio Asset Client Relations/ Management Management CIO/Research Transactions Marketing Fund Finance Operations 49 employees 82 employees 18 employees 17 employees 25 employees 43 employees 15 employees Years with Firm # AsofJune30,2012. Total Years of Experience # Imperial County –August 15, 2012 8 Americas Investment Committee Average total real estate experience of 25 years, 12 years with the firm Name Function Years withFirm Total Years Experience Marc Feliciano Chairman,CIO –Americas 7 18 Jim Carbone Head of Business Development 17 32 Pierre Cherki Global Head of RREEF Real Estate 15 17 AlDiaz Head of Asset Management, Americas 18 28 Tim Ellsworth Head of Portfolio Management, Americas 14 29 TToodddd HHeennddeerrssoonn HHeeaadd ooff AAmmeerriiccaass 99 2211 Brian McAuliffe Head of Transactions Group, Americas 7 29 Mark Roberts Global Headof Research 1 27 KurtRoeloffs GlobalCIO 23 25 Kevin Howley RREEF America REIT II Portfolio Manager 10 32 AsofJune30,2012. Imperial County –August 15, 2012 9 Americas core performance record Delivering attractive core performance for three decades 42% Average Industrial Exposure, 34% Average California Exposure Supppplemental Information: RREEF Real Estate – U.S. Direct Core Compposite vs. NFI-ODCE U.S. Direct Core Composite -Leveraged NFI-ODCE 16% 14.7% 14.7% 1144%% 12% 10% 9.3% 8.4% 8.4% 88%% 7.4% 77.00%% 6.4% 5.8% 6% 4.1% 4% 2% 0.3% 0% -0.4% -2% 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year 10 Year 20 Year 30 Year ++88 bbppss ++117700 bbppss ++7711 bbppss ++220000 bbppss ++118855 bbppss ++114422 bbppss Past performance is not indicative of future results. Returns are shown gross of fees and will be reduced by the advisory fees and other expenses. Industrial and California exposures are basedontheaverageGrossAssetValueofallofRREEFRealEstate’sU.S.directcoreassetssince1976.PleaserefertothefullCompositeNotesand“ImportantInformation”includedatthe endforfurtherinformation. AsofMarch31,2012. Imperial County –August 15, 2012 10

RREEF Real Estate's mission is to provide real estate investment 1 Property count includes assets in which RREEF Real Estate has a joint venture
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