ROYAL BABY ARRIVES, P. 38 Pretty Boy Mayweather Stays Unbeaten Page 48 VOL 24 NO. 287 Monday, May 4, 2015 U.S. 0.75 CENTS / NAf. 1.50 / EC$ 1.75 CUPECOY--The Atlantis Group afoot to construct a 120-room ho- inaugurated its Starz City concept tel and commercial centre in the and celebrated the rebranding of area. Atlantis Casino to Starz Casino “We have to upgrade our prod- on Friday. uct and that is what I try to do my- The rebranding of the casino self with my small environment,” marks the “first step” of a bigger Corallo said in a brief interview. project that will include a hotel “This is a first step of a bigger and commercial centre. project. Coming soon will be a A large cross section of the com- hotel and commercial centre. We munity, including several digni- have to upgrade our product. taries, attended the inaugura- “I have been here since I was tion of Starz City. Atlantis World under 17 years old,” he said, add- Group owner Francesco Corallo ing “St.Maarten is my place and I told The Daily Herald during the hope to give a little contribution inauguration that plans were Continued on page 7 Cu11e Generation New Status STM drum band was among a number of musical acts performing during the day and evening. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC/ preme Court Mariano German HARBOUR VIEW--Governor Mejia, and the Vice Minister Eugene Holiday recently paid of the Cabinet of the President a three-day official visit to the Zoraima Cuello, charged with Dominican Republic from April disaster management. The latter 27 to April 30, to promote the provided the governor with an partnership and to strengthen outline of her ongoing disaster MARIGOT--Retired fisherman Fish Day was originally con- ident of the Economic, Social and ties between St. Maarten and the management initiatives and her Grégoire Ratchel was honoured ceived by the Collectivité’s Arts Cultural Council Georges Gumbs Dominican Republic. plans to establish cooperation by the Collectivité for his lifelong and Culture Department to for the opening ceremonies. Governor Holiday was received with other Caribbean countries in contribution to the community at commemorate St. Martin’s hard- Also present were President of by Dominican Republic President this field. The vice minister also the opening of the 13th Annual working fishermen. Today it has Fishermen’s Association Fort-de- Danilo Medina at his presidential provided the Governor with a Fish Day celebration in French evolved into a major cultural France, Martinique, Mirella Me- palace. They discussed issues of tour and briefing of the recently Cul-de-Sac on Sunday. event showcasing the best of local raut, whose delegation attends mutual interest including the po- established 911 emergency call He was presented with a entertainment and cuisine under every year in connection with the tential for cooperation that ben- and CCTV monitoring centre for plaque by First Vice-President the slogan “From the Sea to the agreement between the fisher- efits both countries. the city of Santo Domingo. Guillaume Arnell and Vice- Pot.” New branding and logos men associations of Martinique Holiday also held discussions Holiday, considering the his- President Wendel Cocks. Each have given the event a fresh im- and St. Martin, and head of the with the President of the Su- tory of the people of St. Maarten year a fisherman is tradition- age this year. Chamber of Commerce’s Fishing IN BRIEF Continued on page 10 ally selected for the honour. A Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs Commission, Gary Page. delighted Ratchel (82) from St. and Acting Minister of Public Opening remarks were made by (cid:2) Philipsburg James spent a few minutes rem- Health, Social Development First Vice-President Guillaume REMEMBRANCE iniscing with the audience over and Labour VSA Rita Bourne- Arnell, Marcel Gumbs and Préfet DAY CEREMONY how it was “back in the day.” He Gumbs joined the French-side Chopin. had a varied career as a sailor, Vice Presidents and Councillors, Marcel Gumbs acknowledged The public is invited to attend the ceremony on Captain Hodge Wharf transporter of cargo and a fish- Préfet Philippe Chopin, and Pres- fishing is hard work and joked today at 9:00am in remembrance of erman. Continued on page 8 those who fought and died in World War II. Page 4. (cid:2) Marigot FIVE-YEAR THE FASTEST IN MILESTONE THE CARIBBEAN Agence Regional de Santé of Guade- loupe, St. Martin and St. Barths cele- brated a five-year milestone on Friday, with a summary of five main achieve- ments since April 1, 2010. Page 4. (cid:2) Philipsburg VILLAGE COOK OUT Jenny Hanley of “How You Like It” booth #15 is the winner of the sec- ond annual Village Cook Out com- petition held at Carnival Village on Sunday. Page 11. Editorial 2 THE DAILY HERALD, Monday, May 4, 2015 Win-win after all Inter AmeMriecmanb ePrr oesf st hAes sociation Not everyone will be happy, but news that work on Rockland Estate Published by Rain Forest Adventure Park is to start this summer (see Saturday The Caribbean Herald NV paper) should not surprise anybody. After all, it already was clear Bush Road 22 that the company had been awarded a long lease for the necessary St. Maarten Dutch Caribbean land at Emilio Wilson Estate (EWE), even though Government P.O.Box 828 at the request of Parliament bought that property from its private CoC # 6997.0 owners to preserve it as natural-cultural-historic patrimony. RBC Royal Bank St. Maarten USD acc. 8200000002129383 The thought then obviously had been not to allow any major com- NAf acc. 8200000404075271 mercial development there, but the lease agreement at US $1.20 per square metre nonetheless was signed, also to help pay for the President R.F.Snow purchase. The latter basically meant the eco-adventure park op- Managing Director posed by several local environmentalists was still on, as the build- Mary Jane Hellmund Publisher/ Managing Director WEATHER ing and monument permits already had been acquired back in Paul De Windt 2012 and will require only a few modifi cations. Editorial Today: Generally fair and hazy. Gordon H. Snow Apparently the UP/De Weever/Marlin-Romeo/US party coalition Winds: East-Southeast to East, 5-15mph. (Managing Editor) now supports this or at least isn’t making any noise about it. Peo- Rajesh Chintaman Sea conditions: Light to moderate. (Night Editor) ple may think of that what they want, but it does regard a claimed Margaret Brooks Seas: 3-5 feet. investment of some US $13 million. J(uEdmy aFiilt Ezpdaittorirc)k Forecast high: 31°C 88°F Moreover, concerns over the impact on L.B. Scott Road traffi c re- Alita Singh Forecast low: 26°C 79°F portedly are being addressed with a roundabout or turning lane JoDhanrl evnaen HKoerdkgheof SYNOPSIS: The region’s weather is being affected by a dry at the entrance to be designed with input of the Ministry of Infra- Fiona Van Kampen stable atmosphere. Therefore, no signifi cant precipitation is structure. In addition, the – at least stated – intention is to cooper- Thomas A. Burnett Jr. (Sports) John Halley (photos) expected for the next few days. Visibility will be reduced by ate with Emilio Wilson Cultural and Historical Park Foundation, Marie Brown (assis.) the presence of signifi cant haze in the atmosphere. Sea condi- St. Maarten Nature Foundation and others to create a “sustain- Correction Saresa Gray tions will remain light to moderate during the next few days. able experience.” Sharon van Arneman SPECIAL FEATURES: None. Perhaps most important, the venture promises to create 60 much- Lesley Vieira needed permanent jobs. At the same time the negative effect on Clive Hodge Outlook until Tuesday evening: Generally fair and hazy. Phyllis Meit nature is to be kept at a minimum and compensated with reforesta- Cindy Carter Sunrise: 5:44am. tion and ongoing maintenance of the adjacent Emilio Wilson Park, Kathren Weeks Sunset: 6:34pm. Correspondents where the renovation of various existing features also is planned. Suzanne Koelega (Neth.) A nature park supposedly will be established on an appropriate Brenda Carty (Anguilla) Althea Merkman (Statia) SMART PLAY SXM DAILY NUMBERS CURAÇAO yet-to-be-determined section of the project site, while the old RForbaenrst vLaunc kDorcukn (eSnt .( SMaabrati)n) S0AT1U0R3D0AY 5SU4N8D3A1Y S0AT7U8R9DA6Y 0SU5N2D3A9Y SA1T8UR1D3AY S8U3N4DA1Y plantation house is to be restored and used as a walk-through mu- Lay-Out seum for all visitors. A school programme was announced as well. Richard James 52880 38424 12328 78481 3403 2977 With the growing number of guests who drive its one-pillar tour- Rodolphe O. Boirard 88548 48484 25422 98878 4467 7562 Stephen Morris ism economy, it’s no secret that “The Friendly Island” well could Operations Manager/ Results displa(cid:2)y(cid:3)(cid:3)e(cid:4)(cid:5)d (cid:6)(cid:7)a(cid:7)re(cid:6)(cid:7) p(cid:8)r(cid:4)o(cid:7)v(cid:9)i(cid:10)de(cid:11)d(cid:12) (cid:13)a(cid:14)s(cid:4)(cid:15) a(cid:13) (cid:12)s(cid:4)e(cid:16)(cid:17)rv(cid:4)(cid:11)ic(cid:12)e(cid:4)(cid:18) t(cid:12)o(cid:13) (cid:6)r(cid:19)e(cid:12)a(cid:20)d(cid:4)e(cid:15)r(cid:16)(cid:4)s(cid:21) o(cid:17)f(cid:11) T(cid:11)h(cid:6)(cid:12)e(cid:22) (cid:14)D(cid:4)(cid:23)a(cid:17)il(cid:16)y(cid:16)(cid:12) H(cid:13)(cid:24)e(cid:4)r(cid:10)al(cid:15)d(cid:6) (cid:7)a(cid:4)n(cid:17)d(cid:25)(cid:19) (cid:26)a(cid:12)re(cid:27) (cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:3)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:8)(cid:9)(cid:10)(cid:11). use a new and interesting quality attraction to help keep the desti- Managing Director Steven De Windt nation in the spotlight. If the idea really is to “accurately celebrate Offi ce Manager the history, culture and nature of St. Maarten” and the initiators Mijke Stenz Rosalie Davis (assis.) make good on their word, the entire Rainforest Adventure saga Accounting might turn out to be a “win-win situation” after all. Ada van Luling Mercedes De Windt Advertising Moira Marcelle (Chief) Stephanie Culbert Harmen Rijsdijk Cecilia Vazquez Saskia Van Leeuwen Latoya Philips (assis.) Graphics Mark Martelly Evadney Henriques Chanaz Calor Cleon Frederick Agenda St. Maarten / St. Martin Mark Persaud Special Editions ClaEuLtLdhuRiiselceyanicnn neBd Jepuao tr PiuFnoerbentyteeetrr ts o n DMaatye 4 VGersasnedle ur of the Seas PPilearc e 8A:r0r0iv al 1D7e:p0a0r ture MAgaednutr o eKdKevmaIiWweyyr a Ayen mNFaisecrISi hedK tamimenyyog ea n eCtta th1sltu .a3abtth0t 7e oWp. f3. Smit0fhotp..el m BMS.u ta.i aldMritneagna rotAennc a TAdhceuamrdsy-- WTCOTehhpOl:.e- EMC2n.-:eWE8 lM,Nl.) V .o’F So:r M gc:D leo9oEsn-s1tSder2.aKd .1y3,, 20TF,- u / rT /o2WFen-rl5te.isd ,:5t a r 94Sey-2 ea1-t9:22 a1.913m0740-01- 1.5/ .(p2om-p8p., oTseitel: SmcS(SaKte.All Ae:MF t5LsEa4C a)12 Lrs4TtUte4 eTBn3l:u/2 Se +(tSsJ1.d Te-Ma7.n ya2n r1iMotf-eif5nA rt5) hAA.0 eR4l lm2iTa2Eon1Nnc t/ewhS .FwT Fo.w or. rsEM alqoAfceuRasatTxliimoItNyn. THE DCAAILLLYI NHGE RALD ST. MAARTEN WSKTrEip. ApMTaAH bAEuRRildT IiENnNgF, O TJ:Ou 1aU2nR3cIhSoT Y OraFuFsICquEin blvd. #6, K7J:CI0WI0 ApSmNt. I HS oMlSlaaOanrUdt eAHnLo IuG(sJAeA Y1CsEt E&S ) 3rmde eMtionngd aayt 5ES4-Am2F-aE7i9l :4 Hw0Ao, mVFEaexNn:s, [email protected] msahaerltteenr .naentd sup- csoamfe .sxfmac GebS+o: oT+ks:.a fMeh sttxpAms: /R/ ST. MAARTEN PPOhiLlipICsbEu rSgT teAlT. I5O4N2-2222 tSeTl. M+1A 7A2R1T-5E4N9 0Z2O0O0, fax. +1 721-542-0664 tWhee dnPehsildipasyb uorfg t heJu mbioleneth Laibt r7a:r3y0 epv.mer.y B ulassi-t pHoorttl intoe : v9ic3t3im3;s O offf icfaem 9i2ly7 7v;i oFleanx:c e9.3 6P8OB 636; POLICE MUNICIPALE Telephone SHiOmTp sLoINn EB a1y0 8tel. 545-5500 MOpaedna mdaei lEy s1ta0t ea:m te -l .6 5 p4m3-.2030 nPeHsIsL IaPtStirBeU reRqGu irTeOdA.STMASTERS CLUB bi- CstUreSeTt O1M1-Sb ;D ETPeAl. R5T4M2E-1N0T0,0 E/5.4C2. - 1R0ic0h8a; rdFsaoxn: tGeEl. N(0D0A5R90M) E5R90IE 87.61.55 542-5253/542-5597/ EFIMREER DGEEPNACRYT M 9E11NT OAdcmtoibsesrio-Mn:a Arcdhu l9ts a: m$1 -0 5, kpidms. $5. mdaoyn othf lye vseersys mioonns the vaetr yth feir sLti barnadry tchoirndf eTrheunrcse- 5C4O2A-1S0T0 1GUARD, (24 HRS): 913 tFeIlR. E(0 0D5E9P0A) R59T0M 5E2N.3T0 .00/02 542-0931/543-7236 THeOl.S 5P4I2T-A6L001 or 919 CinOg L1Es tB. ATYhu CrsOdaMyM oUfN mIToYn tCh OaUt NSCuInL :F mloeweet-r rSoTo mM AaRt 8T:I0N0 Mp.UmS.EUM LSEatGuArdLa yA I9D:0 C0EamNT -E 1R2, .L0a0w n Coolinni.c ,F orepee na edvveisrey tAeMl. B(0U0L5A90N)C 5E90 52.30.40 FAX 542-5913 M24e-dhiocuarl CEmenetregre, nCcayy S Heirllvice Kati n7d:3e0r pGmarten School, Union Rd. Cole Bay FOrpoenntsintrge ehto 7u,r sP fhroilimps Mbuarrgc,h t e1ls 5t:42-4917 oBnu ildpinegrs, otenla. l5 4l2e2g3a3l 7issues. Administration TCeel.ll .( 0(000559900) )5 69900 5 527-0-103-5-228 E-Mail: tAeMl. B54U3L-A11N1C1E or 910 SREORTVAIRCYE CmLeUeBtinSg at Divi Little Bay, every MSaotnudrdaayy - &F rSiduanyd: a 1ys0: ac.lmos. etdo. 4 p.m. TRHoaEd ,R #E3D4 CSiRmOpSsoSn, B SayT,. TMeAl. A54R5T-E23N3, 3 A/2ir3p0o4rt, FHaOxS. P(0IT0A59L0 t)e 5l.9 (00 02599-008) -51910 52 25 25 [email protected] Philipsburg tel. 542-2111 or 912 Wednesday at 12:20 p.m.(Tuscan Restau- ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Fax. 545-5263. Cell. 586-5330 (24/7) Email: DISPENSAIRE Marigot [email protected] MEDICAL EMERGENCIES rant) Rotary Mid Isle meets every Tuesday 7 Mon-Sun, 6-7pm, Red Cross Building, Airport [email protected] 8 a.m. - 3p.m. tel. (00590) 590 87.50.93 celadsitsoifir ieadls@@ththeeddaailiylyhheerraaldld.c.coomm faFrnoodrm mh6o:e0ldid0ica paymls , e -am 8lle: 0pr0ga etainemcni teassn odaf dfhtueerrri necguli nnwdicee erh kmoeunerdnss-, pRamto t,aP arhyti lMiSpausrnbyru’issrg eB omJouenbe,i tlSse ieme vpeLsriboyrn aT Bruyea syC.d aoyn faetr e7nacme RbTeeolaa. cd5h.8 1nS-e1ax8ttu 7tro5d ar/e y5s 4taa4nu-d3r a2Sn0tu3 8n.d3a0y- 9a:3t 0Mamul.l et Bay SP/ 5AO5LB3Vo4Ax658T12I8O e4Nm TaAeiRll:/ fMjaoxYn:a 5U_4a4nu5iog4nu2 s4Rt od(@ 752h91o )t5Cm4oa4lei-l5. cB4o2am4y D8C I.aSR.Pm.OE.. NS- 3S.S Ap. I.(RmCE.e tnOetler. lré(,0 aR0ne5ss9e0a)r 5ch9,0 O 8r7g.a3n7i.z2a1tion, A41N6G-2U3I8L1L/4SA1A/62B-62A48-8419(7s-a3l1e3s)8 tr5mioo4aon3nme-,1d D1o f1fra .1mt hF (ie.el y BxS .s1 c,M )tD:o aDrras. rr H.ct eAa. nnD. AMegrkoere idtntohidc ,tea hDllel ,rC .eD eAmrn.. e tFHer.gre ,eB rtlnoeeculs.y-:, rGReovoroeatmarnyrd. a 1 RcCs oatC tsaaleunry bdB ce4oluatfh bc Sh SSt aC.t .t lMuuMrbada aaSrtryiutn ena nNdt a7oSyprud m n am rtai se7te e:H3 t 0moa lptlea .temhnteds. Srwsoxtwa.m wdMa .tsiaedxals mr+fota5eui5ndn3 sd2Afao6ItuD2ion6Snd/ a+Ft5oio8un8n.4od6rag3t i6;o Fna c5e5b oWoekl:f are FSAgeaTNnc.DMee brAaPoAlRo mRkO:oT FSnEEtXNhSMl yS CImSOHaeNlAevAtaPinLtTigo EsWnR eAO vrMemOrEyyFN th BihrdUo lSMdIsoN nEthdSeaSiyr R0SR5EeO9sRT6cVA u7IReC0,Y9 ES 2 eC9Cc2Lluu.UrbiBt yS)S iusn osne ts tarensdt abuyr a2n4t ,h oGurras nadt fransv4an1d6r-u7n3e3n735(@edgimt) ekGell.,n v,D aDrn.r .G OL..s cBKhrny,o sDlo, rnD. ,r G.D A.r ..S gDnhcaoetesr,im nDgar ,.a DnPdr. . DAGrr-.. HLCIooOumNsmeS u Bmneietayec tChin eCgn laturtbe t. hLeio Unps pDeer nP rinin cSeuscsk eQru arter N(cid:2)TeA(cid:3)l.T(cid:4) (cid:4)(cid:5)U5(cid:6)4R(cid:3)4E(cid:7)-(cid:8) 4F(cid:9)(cid:10)2O6(cid:11)(cid:7)U7(cid:3),N(cid:3) (cid:11)DF(cid:9)(cid:12)aA(cid:13)xT.(cid:14) (cid:9)I(cid:15)O5(cid:16)4N(cid:17)(cid:11)4 (cid:5)S-(cid:9)4(cid:18)T2(cid:19).6 (cid:20)M(cid:18)8(cid:21).AE(cid:14)A(cid:9)m(cid:22)Ra(cid:23)Ti(cid:4)l(cid:3):E (cid:9)(cid:24)Nin(cid:25)f(cid:26)o(cid:9)@(cid:27) aDMtIA AthABeRE DTTeEElNtSa, HForetFeeOl baUlto N7oD:d0-A0gT lpuImOcoN.s e tesOtiFn g evSeTry. C7L:Ia4Os5Nep S.Bm eF.aircsht aCnludb t heivrde rTy uTehsudrasyd aayt Nata daillac, 318-24S0T1A/3T1I8A- 2936/ SUX. TMja dAenni.mal Welfare Foundation Ambu- Gmaorndtehn a te 7v epr.ym .1st and 3rd Tuesday of the nAaNtuIMreAfoLuSn dRa. tFioRnIsExNmD.oSrg Tbuhrugr sPdhaayr mfroamcy 5 V:0o0g e- s6 s:3tr0e ept.,m P. hailti pthseb uPrhgi l(iopps-- MMaUrSigEoUt Mat S7.T3.0 M pA.mR.TIN fax 318-2136 lance Team 520-8887 ST.MAARTEN LEO CLUB meeting at the (cid:28)(cid:25)(cid:17)(cid:4)(cid:6)(cid:23)(cid:29)(cid:9)(cid:30)(cid:25)(cid:9)(cid:31)(cid:25)(cid:4)(cid:25)!(cid:25)(cid:9)(cid:22)(cid:3)(cid:16)(cid:11)(cid:3)(cid:7)(cid:14)(cid:9)(cid:10)(cid:17)"!(cid:5)(cid:23)(cid:16)(cid:9)(cid:24)(cid:25)(cid:26)(cid:9)(cid:27)(cid:9) posite library). Tel.: 542-3001 located Fichot Street nr 7 (behind the Catholic CRIME STOPPERS ANYMOUS TIP LINE: Lions Den every 1st, 3rd Saturday every Email: [email protected], www.arfsxm. USO St. Maarten/St. Martin (USA military), Church) Open from 9am to 1pm, and from 3pm 543-TIPS(8477) month at 11:00 am org contact Janet Lambert 5577616 or 00590 590 to 5pm tel. (00590)590 56.78.92. TELEPHONE INFO Tel-em: 542-2211 PHILIPSBURG JUBILEE LIBRARY 294406. Islands THE DAILY HERALD, Monday, May 4, 2015 3 WILLEMSTAD--AVA the company’s Supervisory company must demonstrate Airways Curaçao says it Board Chairman Giovanni that it has a lease agree- took notice “with astonish- Atalita that it was the best ment for aircraft that it will ment” of an announcement business plan he’d ever operate,” said the company by then interim Minister of seen. president. Traffic, Transport and Spa- On November 27, 2014, Despite the fact that the tial Planning Jose Jardim a delegation representing law does not mention the during a televised interview the airline met with the company’s investors, on Nature Foundation Manager Tadzio Bervoets conducts presentation for Divi Little Bay that the airline’s economic CCAA and also SOAB. On January 17, 2015, former Beach Resort staff. permit was rejected be- this occasion the airline’s Minister Earl Balborda re- cause the company did not President Olivier Arrindell ceived a letter in which the have all the documents in gave a detailed explanation investors informed govern- order. of the business plan. Derby ment of their intentions On December 30, 2013, then proceeded to send the to finance 100 per cent of AVA officially requested minutes of the meeting in- the AVA Curaçao project. its economic permit and dicated that all points were “This is contrary to what LITTLE BAY--Nature conducts various activi- St. Maarten is one of the on May 22 received a re- complied with in the busi- AVA heard on television, Foundation has started ties with regards to nesting few places in the region that ply from the Director Os- ness plan except for one when Minister Jardim an- presentations in resorts females including beach has a nesting population of car Derby of the Curaçao that’s not required by law. nounced that the airline’s and beach concession areas surveys, nest excavations, sea turtles, so all should be Civil Aviation Author- AVA had to indicate who permit was rejected be- around the country as part tagging activities, and nest done to protect their nesting ity (CCAA). He confirmed the investors are. “It’s im- cause they did not meet of the management of the success research. areas. having received the letter portant to explain that the that requirement,” stated endangered sea turtle popu- The Foundation also re- Sea turtle population num- and that AVA’s request was law only has four require- Arrindell. lation for the ongoing nest- lies heavily on volunteers bers have plummeted to being processed. ments for an economic “AVA will not lose its fo- ing and breeding season. to assist it in its Sea Turtle dangerously low numbers In August of that same permit. These are that the cus. AVA is a tremendous The first presentation was activities and welcomes any throughout the past cen- year CCAA indicated that business plan has to be project, which will be very carried out for staff at Divi volunteers who would be tury due to human impacts, it had enlisted the assis- beneficial for Curaçao; the beneficial for Curaçao. Little Bay Beach Resort. interested in working with bringing many species close tance of the Government majority of the sharehold- AVA’s competition will not Information was given sea turtles. Beach commu- to extinction. In order to re- Accountants Bureau SOAB ers must have the Dutch be InselAir, but other com- to resort and Aquamania nities in particular are in the verse this trend, all sea tur- to evaluate the business citizenship; the majority of panies in the region such as Watersports staff by Na- best position to help ensure tle species are now protect- plan presented by AVA the Directors must have the Copa Airlines from Pana- ture Foundation Manager that females nest safely, that ed by international laws and in December 2013. Derby Dutch citizenship and be ma,” he added. Tadzio Bervoets about the nests are left undisturbed treaties as well as local laws. supposedly also informed registered in Curaçao; the importance of protecting and that hatchlings make it To report nesting activity or the species, what to do in safely to the sea. illegal activity, call the Sea case a sea turtle nest hatch- This year, the Nature Turtle Hotline 9229 or call es or a turtle is seen on the Foundation also urges res- Nature Foundation office beach, how to control light- taurants and beach bars at 5444267 or e-mail info@ ing on the beach and who to along the major nesting contact in the event a turtle beaches to refrain or limit is seen. the use of beach bonfires AMSTERDAM--The Aru- rent cooperation and to their internship at HOH Resort staff are one of the and artificial lighting that ba Government and VU further develop projects. between 2010 and 2015. most important allies on St. can seriously reduce the University Medical Centre The number of internships Medical and management Maarten in ensuring these survival rate of sea turtles. Amsterdam VUmc recent- will be expanded. The large staff of VUmc paid several endangered creatures nest The Nature Foundation ly signed a Memorandum quality improvement tra- working visits in connection and hatch successfully, said asks that people also do not of Understanding (MOU) jectory for nursing care, with trainings. Bervoets. drive on the nesting beaches to prolong the cooperation which started in 2014, will Contacts between VUmc Nature Foundation ac- and that they walk their dog between VUmc and Aru- continue until 2018. and HOH date back to tively manages the sea turtle on a leash. ba’s Dr. Horacio E. Oduber About 25 of VUmc’s stu- 2005, and the first formal population on St. Maarten, Sea turtles have existed for Hospital (HOH). dents do their practical cooperation agreement was particularly during the nest- well over 180 million years, Aruba’s Minister of Public care internship at HOH signed in 2010. ing season. The Foundation even before the dinosaurs. Health, Elderly Care and on a yearly basis. About Sports Alex Schwengle on 150 VUmc students did April 18 signed the MOU, which covers the period 2015 to 2020. The MOU focuses on exchange of (medical) students, quality care programmes, training programmes and exchange of staff. The renewed agreement seeks to continue the cur- Islands 4 THE DAILY HERALD, Monday, May 4, 2015 afford a dog house. Animal Defenders also stressed that pets, if they must be leashed and kept outside, are kept on a long leash in addition to being provided with shelter and that they are given adequate water and food. “Pets are an important part of the family and they also need affection, protection and nourishment. We urge the population to realise Délégué Territorial for the ARS Pascal Godefroy and Stanley Hanson (left) talks to reporters these basic needs for their about the health authority’s main accomplishments in the past fi ve years. pets and recognise them as important members of their families,” said the group. The group thanked all vol- unteers, Caribbean Eagles and Nature Foundation workshop for making this MARIGOT--Agence Re- It was noted the chikun- ber 5, 2014, between Direc- The fi rst dog house delivered and occupied by satisfi ed ten- project possible. Leroy la gional de Santé (ARS) of gunya virus that arrived on tor General of ARS Patrice ant. Paix was especially thanked Guadeloupe, St. Martin the island December 6 and Richard, and President of COLE BAY--Animal advo- quirement for dogs living for helping with distribution and St. Barths celebrated a 30, 2013, in St. Martin and the Collectivité Aline Han- cacy group Animal Defend- in St. Maarten’s sometimes of the fi rst doghouses. fi ve-year milestone on Fri- St. Barths affected 13 to 15 son. ers recently donated the volatile climate. Dogs can The group has also started day, with a summary of fi ve per cent of the population Six guidelines were pro- fi rst seven doghouses to less easily burn, become dehy- with a spay/neuter cam- main achievements since of both islands. The ARS vided; nutrition and ac- fortunate families and their drated or become ill if they paign. Stray dogs are caught April 1, 2010. initiated a series of ac- tion on obesity, prevention pets to protect their pets are exposed to the elements and sterilized, limiting the Délégué Territorial for tions to fi ght the epidemic of diseases transmitted against the elements. The for long periods of time. It number of strays in the St. Martin Pascal Gode- including regular fogging, by mosquitoes, establish- doghouses were built by vol- was, therefore, decided to country. To contact Animal froy, and Stanley Hanson home interventions, and ment of a local council of unteers as part of the SXM focus the project on provid- Defenders, visit Facebook in charge of vector control, communicative and aware- mental health, establish- Doet Project. ing shelter to pets from fam- page Animal Defenders talked to reporters at a ness actions. ment of screening actions “We have been noticing ilies who may not be able to Sint Maarten. press conference. The epidemic phase for development disorders many animals being kept on (phase three - monitor- in children and the el- leashes outside and exposed ing programme) ended on derly, and implementation to the elements (sun, rain April 30, 2014, and May 22, of guidelines for a Youth and wind) so we decided 2014, in St. Martin and St. Health Plan for St. Martin that this would be an excel- Barths, respectively. and creation of a medical lent project to both provide Hanson said the chikun- and social department. A shelter for the animals and PHILIPSBURG--The Dr. Lloyd Richardson and 4. King Willem-Alexander gunya situation currently senior citizens home of 29 to create awareness that our public is invited by gov- Prime Minister Marcel and Queen Máxima will is “quiet” and mosquito beds was established in St. pets are an important part ernment to attend the Re- Gumbs are slated to lay be present for the Remem- fogging was suspended on Barths on December 12, of our family,” stated Mer- membrance Day ceremony wreaths in remembrance of brance Day events in Am- the French side due to a 2014, in cooperation with cedes De Windt of Animal on Captain Hodge Wharf those who fought and died sterdam, the Netherlands. diminished risk. “But, that the hospital in St. Barths. Defenders. today, Monday, at 9:00am. in World War II. Residents may visit web- does not mean cases will The fourth achievement Doghouses, or shelter for Governor Eugene Holi- Government will again re- site not spring up occasionally was the development of dogs, are an important re- day, Parliament President member all those – civilians and go to the link “war vic- so we have to remain vigi- regional cooperation on and soldiers – who have tims” to fi nd a list of names lant,” he indicated. health between St. Martin been killed or murdered in of persons from Saba, St. Godefroy confi rmed epi- and St. Maarten. The two the Kingdom of the Neth- Eustatius, St. Maarten, Cu- demic phases are over but sides of the island signed erlands or anywhere else in raçao, Aruba, Bonaire and “chikungunya, like dengue, a Declaration of Intent to the world in war or during some from the Netherlands will still stay with us for fi ght chikungunya on April peace-keeping operations who lost their lives during many years.” 4, 2014, and on March 24, since the outbreak of the World War II in the Carib- The second achievement 2014, a Letter of Intent World War II. bean and elsewhere while has been the establishment signed between Louis-Con- The Kingdom of the sailing on various types of of a local health contract stant Fleming Hospital and Netherlands marks Re- vessels or fl ying in an air- (2014-2017) signed Decem- the St. Maarten Medical membrance Day on May craft. Center to follow the April 3, 2012, signing in Paris of a health cooperation agree- ment between France and The Netherlands for Gua- deloupe and St. Martin, and Saba, St. Eustatius and St. Maarten. The last accomplishment was the establishment of a Youth Health Plan for St. Martin developed in late 2014, to address the specifi c problems of youth health. A number of key actions were validated including a Youth Health Passport and awareness programmes on sexually transmitted diseas- es and addictions. Islands THE DAILY HERALD, Monday, May 4, 2015 5 featured several water mini stage show was held slides; a zorb ball where featuring performances kids could walk on water from amongst other reign- and a dunk tank, were big ing Calypso Monarch Lil hits amongst many of the Blossom, TelCell Break- children present. through 2015 winner Seren- Other attractions for ity, Generation New Status children included bounc- STM Drum Band and St. ers, rock climbing, bungee Maarten Dance Theatre. jumping, face painting, The event was spiced up balloon moulders, a photo with the Rotary Club of St. booth and more family-ori- Maarten’s grand raffl e of a ented attractions. A steady brand new Audi Q5. Tick- stream of families entered ets for the raffl e were sold The bouncers were also a big hit amongst children. the Village throughout the by Rotarians at the event. day for the event. The second annual Vil- PHILIPSBURG--The St. Carnival Village was At one point the musical lage Cook Out competition Maarten Carnival Village transformed into a fun park entertainment was so good was also held (see related was taken over by excited with many activities spread a group of kids gathered in story). CD Rankin provid- children and their families throughout for children front of the stage and be- ed musical entertainment, on Sunday, for the Bounce to participate in. Children gan dancing to the tunes while King Verse was Mas- and Splash Family Play Day fl ocked to all of the activi- being played. ter of Ceremonies (MC) and Village Cook Out. ties: the water park which Once the rides closed a for the event. Children bungee jumping at the Bounce and Splash event. BELAIR--St. Maarten’s Kingdom, Dr. Hosam Kas- ophthalmology and is pres- public “to make use of this Lions Club will be hosting aby at Belair Community ently the consultant oph- unique opportunity to get a presentation on eye care Centre, Tuesday, May 5, thalmic surgeon in the UK vital information on the ad- and surgery by ophthal- 7:00-9:00pm. with a special interest in vances in today’s world of mic surgeon from South- According to the Lions the anterior segment and eye care and eye surgery,” end University Hospital in Club, Kasaby has a vast oculoplastic surgery. it was stated a press release. Westcliff-on-Sea, United amount of experience in In his presentation, Dr. There will be a question- Kasaby will inform the pub- and-answer session, during lic about recent advances which the public will have in ophthalmology cover- the opportunity to pose ing modern laser cataract questions to Dr. Kasaby. surgery and lens implants, refractive surgery, corneal transplantations, glaucoma, PHILIPSBURG--Parlia- is open to the public and diabetes and the eyes, the ment’s Permanent Com- will be live on St. Maarten eye in systematic diseases, mittee for Kingdom Affairs Cable TV Channel 120, the red eye, and lumps and and Inter-Parliamentary Pearl Radio FM 98.1, www. bumps around the eyes. Relations meets on Tues- and St. Maarten Lions Club day, May 5, starting at is calling on the general 10:00am in Parliament House. The meeting is to approve of its decision list and to fi nalise prepara- tions for the tripartite and Inter-Parliamentary King- dom Consultation IPKO set for May 25 to 29, in The Hague. The parliamentary session 6 THE DAILY HERALD, Monday, May 4, 2015 Islands THE DAILY HERALD, Monday, May 4, 2015 7 PHILIPSBURG--United and greet with recipients, Culture, Youth and Sports Nations Educational, Sci- Education Minister Rita the knowledge gained entific and Cultural Organ- Bourne-Gumbs wished from the training. She also isation (UNESCO) study Darroux and Lake suc- commended Lacorbiniere- grant recipients Donne cessful completion of their Hodge for taking advan- Darroux and Nkomo Lake courses at IIEP. tage of this opportunity to will be participating in the Bourne-Gumbs said she obtain funding and profes- International Institute looked forward to their sional development for the for Educational Planning sharing with the staff at staff in her department via Atlantis World Group owner Francesco Corallo greets United People’s (UP) party leader (IIEP) specialised cours- the department and within UNESCO. Member of Parliament (MP) Theo Heyliger during the opening of Starz City on Friday es programme in Paris, the Ministry of Education, evening. France, in May 2015. IIEP is a UNESCO edu- cation policy research and professional training in- stitution created in 1963. PHILIPSBURG--Prime ery year, May 3 is a date Its research and training Minister Marcel Gumbs is- which celebrates the funda- programmes are geared sued a congratulatory mes- mental principles of press to strengthening national sage to the press corps of freedom, to evaluate press capacities to analyse and St. Maarten and St. Martin freedom around the world, formulate sound education on World Press Freedom to defend the media from policies and realistic educa- Day, observed on Sunday, attacks on their indepen- tion plans, and to manage May 3, under the theme dence and to pay tribute effectively education re- “Let Journalism Thrive! to journalists who have lost sources such as personnel Towards Better Report- their lives in the exercise of and finance, a press release ing, Gender Equality, and their profession. stated. Media Safety in the Digital Darroux, a policy and re- Age.” search worker at the De- Gumbs said in the mes- partment of Education, sage: “The right to freedom has been admitted into the of expression allows jour- UNESCO/IIEP specialised nalist to inform about what Guests at the Starz event were treated to dancing entertainment. Micro-Planning and School is going on in order for civil Mapping course, which will society to be informed of ‘FIRST STEP’ OF ‘BIGGER PROJECT’... be held May 11-22. developments taking place Lake, a financial officer here and abroad. At the Continued from page 1. at the Department of Edu- same time, journalism cation, has been admitted comes with a responsibil- to upgrade this product.” product to a higher level. The inauguration featured into the UNESCO/IIEP ity.” The project is expected to “Entertainment is what we guests being treated to food specialised course Educa- Civil society, he added, get off the ground in Sep- have done in 25 years and and cocktails provided by tion Budgets and Financial expects quality journalism tember and to take about a it’s what we do today; it’s the restaurants and bars in Management, which will be which enables residents year to be completed. what we will do tomorrow Starz City as well as enter- held May 25 to June 5. to make informed deci- An Atlantis official told and this is what we are of- tainment by Groupo Niche The study grant request sions about developments guests the facility had “re- fering you tonight as we salsa group. was submitted to the St. within their community. “I newed” itself to take St. celebrate the introduction A number of dignitaries Maarten National Com- encourage all journalists Maarten’s entertainment of our new Starz City con- attended the event, includ- mission for UNESCO by to continue to uphold the centre to a higher level. cept.” ing United People’s (UP) Department of Education principles of fair and re- “We produce and offer en- Establishments located in party leader Member of head Sidonia Lacorbiniere- sponsible reporting,” said tertainment and … our sec- Starz City include Basilico Parliament (MP) Theo Hodge in an effort to en- Gumbs. tor, like any other sector, International restaurant, Heyliger, UP MPs Silvio sure her staff receives the In 1993, the United Na- provides and shares in the Thai Savanh, Temptation, Matser and Franklin Mey- capacity building necessary tions (UN) General As- success of St. Maarten as a The Delight Restaurant ers, and independent MPs for them to execute their sembly established World tourist destination. and Tapas Bar, Equinox, Frans Richardson and Cor- tasks effectively, the release Press Freedom Day. Ev- “Like any other normal, Blue Fin, Shak Eat, Calla- nelius de Weever. said. professional and success- loo Bar and News Café. During a recent meet ful business, constant im- provement and renewal of its services are essential to its continued success and for the continued success of St. Maarten’s tourism in- dustry and St. Maarten as a whole. And that’s what we are doing today. We have improved and renewed ourselves for the purpose of bringing our and St. Maarten’s entertainment Islands 8 THE DAILY HERALD, Monday, May 4, 2015 FISH DAY CEREMONY Continued from page 1. Fish Day attracts scores of residents and visitors who enjoy the entertainment and choice of local food from 50 stands. A sombre moment as elected officials standing in a boat remember past fishermen after a wreath was laid in the water in the channel off Pinel Island. about not arguing over the price of fish. “I understand some fisher- men go out all night to fish and come back next morn- ing. I love fish, but sorry, night time is for sleeping and not to be in another creature’s territory, but on the other hand if they didn’t go out we would not get fish.” On a more serious note he referred to recent agree- ments made about demar- Grégoire Ratchel reacts after being presented with a plaque cation of sea borders. by First Vice-President Guillaume Arnell and Vice-Presi- “St. Maarten/St. Martin dent Wendel Cocks for his contribution to the community has very small amounts at the opening of Fish Day on Sunday.z of water where fishermen Elected officials were then del Cocks and Territorial can say they are fishing taken out in a boat to the Councillor for Culture Rol- in our waters,” he dis- channel between the point lande Questel in recogni- closed. “There have been and Pinel Island where a tion of his company’s spon- complaints where fisher- wreath was placed in the sorship since 2009. men from St. Martin have water in memory of fish- From midday onwards, and been restricted from fish- ermen who passed after a after blowing of the conch ing in Anguillian waters prayer by Pastor Hodge. shell by Silviane Troudart, and needed a license but There was a light hearted emcees Ricky Da Phox and when the new Govern- moment when a fishing pot Old Man Paben introduced ment is in place in Anguilla was brought up and Guil- a packed agenda of enter- we should, in the spirit of laume Arnell and the Préfet tainment and activities that working together, request released a small fish and a were due to continue on a meeting to talk about giv- crayfish, reminiscent of the into the evening. ing our fishermen an easier US ceremony of pardoning Security was tight in the way to fish in their waters.” a turkey at Thanksgiving. Fish Day Village with pa- Gumbs also invited com- Managing Director of trols of Police and Gen- panies from the Dutch side Caribbean Liquors and To- darmes visible. Visitors to follow the lead of Carib- bacco Georges Gréaux Jr. were frisked airport-style at bean Liquors and Tobacco was later presented with the entrance. The event at- in sponsoring major events a commemorative poster tracts approximately 10,000 on the French side. by Vice-President Wen- visitors throughout the day. Islands THE DAILY HERALD, Monday, May 4, 2015 9 By Mathias S. Voges 24, 1942; SS Potlatch, June rescued by the Norwegian 27, 1942; SS Thomas McK- ship Tamerlane, were tak- PHILIPSBURG--Al- ean, June 29, 1942; and en to Rio de Janeiro and though not directly in- SS Anglo-Canadian, June subsequently travelled to volved during World War 25, 1942. Some of their England on the Highland II, St. Maarten played lifeboats ended up in St. Monarch. its role in accepting and Maarten. Delany’s lifeboat encoun- taking care of castaways. The 115.6-metre-long tered bad weather on the Many freighters and oil 16.2-metre-wide British 10th day at sea, with heavy tankers were intercept- SS Willimantic had a crew winds that tore the little ed, torpedoed, sunk or of 37 men and was mas- masts off the boar. The wrecked by German U- tered by Captain Leon seamen tied the pieces of boats and to a lesser ex- Otto Everett, and was the masts together and tent by Italian submarines. on its way to Charleston, continued more slowly, The German submarine South Carolina. Willi- but at least going forward. U-156 mastered by Werner mantic’s engineer had to They sighted an island 12 SS Willimantic Hartenstein sank 19 ships stop the ship to perform miles to the Southwest, in the Caribbean area and some mechanical work at The ship was struck badly a German naval chart and bers. which turned out to be damaged four ships. In the 2:00am on June 24, 1942. and after six of his men said: “I give this into your In an effort to prevent Saba, on July 5 at 3:00am, harbour of San Nicolas, This became disastrous were killed, Captain Ev- charge, a present for Mr. sunstroke and to assist the Afterwards they also Aruba, it destroyed and for the ship’s crew, as the erett gave the order to Churchill.” wounded crew members, made out St. Barths and sank the oil tankers Oran- German submarine U-156 abandon ship. Although The U-boat circled they were bathed each St. Kitts. Although it was jestad, Pedernales and Ar- assumed the steamer was shelling continued, two the ship and then disap- day with salt water. No farther away, Delany de- kansas at Eagle Refinery some kind of decoy ship lifeboats managed to peared, leaving the sur- wounded men died from cided to go to St. Maarten. on February 16, 1942. and had stopped to utilise push away with a total vivors drifting around in their wounds during the They rounded Pointe The Italian submarine an underwater listening of 32 men. Captain Ev- two lifeboats. The crew 14 days spent at sea. Blanche by 9:00am and Morosini spent 28 days in device to detect subma- erett was taken prisoner removed any rings or per- Second Officer Delany entered the Great Bay the area and torpedoed rines. The last torpedo of war and left the ship’s sonal belongings from the and the officer in charge of harbour. Some of the crew and sank the Dutch pas- fired missed and, hav- papers and the crew in the bodies floating on the sur- the second lifeboat found dived into the water and senger-cargo vessel MS ing no more torpedoes in charge of Second Officer face, hoping they could themselves 800 miles east swam ashore. A crowd of Tysa on June 29, 1942. stock, Captain Hartens- Frank Delany. Captain pass them on to the fam- of Antigua. The two life- islanders gathered around Captain Y. Leenders and tein attacked with his Hartenstein gave Delany ily of the dead crew mem- boats both set off South- the boat and helped the Chief Officer Johan Pi- guns. west, but although initially wounded from the boat. eter Cornelis Roggeveen Willimantic’s radio of- tied together, were soon The lifeboat had berthed from Scheveningen, Hol- ficer tried in vain to send separated. The officer of by 9:30am amid the land, and the crew of the out SOS messages, but the second lifeboat de- “grandest and most hospi- Tysa managed to survive the submarine intercepted scribed their ordeal at table people imaginable,” for days at sea and arrived and jammed them. Six of sea. After seven days the according to Delany. in Marigot, St. Martin, on the crew were killed in 14 survivors and two gun- They were treated like July 8, 1942. They were the attack: Senior Radio ners in this lifeboat were Continued on page 10 moved to Philipsburg the Officer Francis Youds next day and stayed at Pa- (23), Third Radio Officer sanggrahan Guesthouse George Ellis (18), Able and at private homes. The Seaman Donald McNeil injured were treated at St. (37), Third Officer Harry Rose Hospital. Kenneth Hartley (25), As- Some other ships that sistant Steward Hassan became victim and were Ali, and Ordinary Seaman sunk by torpedo boats Charles James Mummery were SS Willimantic, June (24). Cu5c287: Poem by Timothy Gaffrey Cu5b287: Poem by Leslie Kehoe Islands 10 THE DAILY HERALD, Monday, May 4, 2015 CASTAWAYS IN ST. MAARTEN... Continued from page 9. Philipsburg. The crew was given a tour of the island and enjoyed their stay. Kehoe’s son later wrote that his father had found an island that was mainly producing sugar cane and tropical fruit. An interest- ing sight for them was the solitary policeman they met in town dressed in a smart uniform and boots. He wore a rifle across his shoulder and his trans- port was a black Raleigh bicycle. Poem by Len Stillman The crew of SS Williman- From left: Governor Eugene Holiday meets Dominican Republic President Danilo Me- dina at the Presidential Palace. heroes. Some of the crew wrote about hisfather’s tic shared their experience stepped from the boat to experience that when he at sea with the castaways HOLIDAY PAYS OFFICIAL VISIT... the quay only to fall flat, awoke, he could not stop of the MS Tysa, who ar- as they were not used to the heaving, tossing in rived in St. Maarten five Continued from page 1. solid ground. They walked bed. He rubbed his eyes days later. with San Pedro de Macoris, in St. Maarten. the governor highlighted as though they were drunk and did everything to stop Although life was easy visited the city where he Holiday, in addition to the the long-standing friend- and had to be carried by the bed’s pitching. and relaxing with tropical was welcomed by and held governmental meetings, ships and relations which the islanders. The wound- The bed was not moving, warmth and no thought of talks with the Provincial visited the Zona Colonial exist with the Dominican ed men were taken to St. of course; it was his awak- war, the crew was still rest- Governor Felix de los San- in Santo Domingo where Republic, St. Maarten Rose Hospital run by the ened mind still tossing and less and anxious to be on tos. Following the meeting, he received an outline and the Kingdom of the Dominican sisters. The rotating in a wild and rest- their way. With the Dutch Holiday toured San Pedro about the private sector in- Netherlands. “Since be- rest of the crew – Delany, less sea. He tried to climb local steamer Baralt they de Macoris and visited lo- vestment in the restoration coming a country within Timothy Caffrey, John out of bed, but fell on the left for St. Thomas. The cations associated with the of that historic area. He the Kingdom in 2010, St. Claire, Jim Curran, Leslie floor. Eventually it passed, departure was a mixture period at the end of the also received a briefing and Maarten has found it im- Kehoe, George McIntyre but the experience was of sadness and joy: joy at 19th and the beginning of tour of the marine terminal portant to participate in and Leonard Stillman – something he did not wish going homeward, but sad- the 20th centuries, when of Punta Caucedo, which is regional organisations such were allocated to various to revisit. ness at leaving some of the large numbers of people an important and growing as the Association of Ca- houses in town. Other families also took recovering crew members from the English speaking container port in the Carib- ribbean States, as well as Kehoe was billeted in in crew members of the behind at St. Rose Hospi- Caribbean migrated to San bean through which goods to strengthen ties with our the house of Mr. and Mrs. late Willimantic. Some tal and their new friends Pedro de Macoris to work are shipped weekly to St. Caribbean neighbours to O’Connor. He was placed stayed with the Cartys, the who had made them feel in the sugar cane industry. Maarten. help achieve our socio-eco- in a luxurious bed and fell Conners, the De Weev- so welcomed. The guided tour includ- On April 29, Holiday nomic goals,” he said. asleep. Kehoe’s son later ers and other families in ed stops at, amongst oth- was the guest of honour at Referring to the strong ers, the local museum, the the King’s Day reception, historic and cultural ties fire department and three hosted by the Ambassa- between the peoples of St. churches. Evidence of the dor of the Kingdom of the Maarten and the Domini- migration of St. Maarten- Netherlands Mrs. M. van can Republic, he stated: ers to San Pedro de Maco- Drunen Littel, where he “This opens the door for ris in that period was found met officials of the Domini- building formal partner- in existing records of family can government, private ships based on shared val- names from that period and sector and members of the ues and ideas that benefit was accentuated by the fact Dutch Community in the our people and communi- that the Governor met with Dominican Republic. ties. That is cooperation people who have their roots Addressing the reception, which can contribute to the building and maintaining of strong communities in which our citizens can live safe, free and in prosper- ity.” PHILIPSBURG--Review of a travel guideline for Members of Parliament (MPs) is on the agenda for a Central Committee meeting of Parliament on Tuesday, May 5, starting at 2:00pm in Parliament House. Also on the agenda is the approval of the Pe- titions Committee work method. The parliamentary session is open to the public and will be live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 120, Pearl Radio FM 98.1, via the Internet at www.pearl- and