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Routledge Handbook of Sustainability and Fashion PDF

324 Pages·2014·5.199 MB·English
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ROUTLEDGE HANDBOOK OF SUSTAINABILITY AND FASHION The clothing industry employs 25 million people globally, contributing to many livelihoods and the prosperity of communities, women’s independence and the establishment of significant infrastructures in poorer countries. Yet the fashion industry is also a significant contributor to the degradation of natural systems, with the associated environmental footprint of clothing high in comparison with other products. Routledge Handbook of Sustainability and Fashion recognizes the complexity of aligning fashion with sustainability. It explores fashion and sustainability at the levels of products, processes and paradigms and takes a truly multidisciplinary approach to critically question and suggest creative responses to issues of: • fashion in a post-growth society; • fashion, diversity and equity; • fashion, fluidity and balance across natural, social and economic systems. This handbook is a unique resource for a wide range of scholars and students, in the social sciences, arts and humanities, interested in sustainability and fashion. Kate Fletcheris Professor of Sustainability, Design, Fashion at the Centre for Sustainable Fashion, University of the Arts London, UK. Mathilda Tham is Professor of Design at Linnaeus University, Sweden, and metadesign researcher at Goldsmiths, University of London, UK. ‘Containing the work of leading thinkers and activists, this handbook is a much-needed volume, which broadens and deepens our understanding of the complexities of the conjoining of sustainability and fashion. A truly collaborative initiative, in its content and method, it provides guidance, challenges, but also a positive way forward for sustainability and fashion to coexist, despite what sometimes seem to be overwhelming odds.’ – Hazel Clark, Parsons The New School for Design, USA ‘Many books document, describe and perhaps even explain fashion. What this book adds is the desire to change it. No one reading the extraordinarily diverse content is left with any doubt as to the complexity, but also the urgency, of that ambition. Starting with a movement from the study of systems to a concern with consequences.’ – Daniel Miller, University College London, UK ‘Fletcher and Tham have gathered together a stellar cast of academics, researchers, practitioners and activists who offer their perspectives on sustainability viewed through the lens of fashion. Through concise essays and case study snapshots the reader is challenged and guided to think more deeply about sustainability as a matter of personal, local and globally interconnected agency.’ – Sandy Black, University of the Arts London, UK ‘Fashion and sustainability can be hard to grasp due to its complexity. This seminal handbook offers a wide range of good suggestions and perspectives; from very hands-on propositions to highly abstract theoretical inquiries, each and every chapter provides good examples for action and exploration of issues relevant for both scholars, students, and industry.’ – Vibeke Riisberg, Kolding School of Design, Denmark ‘Sustainable fashion has in the past often seemed gestural, borrowing from the discourse of sustainable design to only ever slightly lessen a massive problem. This selection proves that sustainable fashion design is now a conceptually mature field with much to teach other disciplines of design.’ – Cameron Tonkinwise, Carnegie Mellon University, USA ROUTLEDGE HANDBOOK OF SUSTAINABILITY AND FASHION Edited by Kate Fletcher and Mathilda Tham Routledge earthscan Taylor & Francis Group LONDON AND NEW YORK from Routledge First published 2015 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN and by Routledge 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2015 Kate Fletcher and Mathilda Tham The right of the editors to be identified as the authors of the editorial material, and of the authors for their individual chapters, has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Trademark notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Routledge handbook of sustainability and fashion/edited by Kate Fletcher and Mathilda Tham. pages cm. – (Routledge international handbooks) Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Fashion – Environmental aspects. 2. Clothing trade – Environmental aspects. 3. Sustainability. I. Fletcher, Kate, 1971- editor of compilation. II. Tham, Mathilda., editor of compilation. III. Title: Handbook of sustainability and fashion. TT515.R8317 2015 338.4′7687 – dc23 2014007889 ISBN: 978-0-415-82859-8 (hbk) ISBN: 978-0-203-51994-3 (ebk) Typeset in Bembo and Minion Pro by Florence Production Ltd, Stoodleigh, Devon, UK To our kids (J, C, P, RL) and all others This(cid:2)page(cid:2)intentionally(cid:2)left(cid:2)blank CONTENTS List of figures xi List of tables xiii List of contributors xiv Introduction 1 PART I Framing and expanding sustainability and fashion 13 1 Other fashion systems 15 Kate Fletcher 2 Sustainability and fashion 25 Joanne Entwistle 3 Nature’s systems 33 Louise St. Pierre 4 A whole new cloth: politics and the fashion system 43 John Thackara PART II Sustainability and fashion as seen from other places and disciplines 53 5 The real challenge of sustainability 57 John R. Ehrenfeld vii Contents 6 Economic growth and the shape of sustainable fashion: contextualizing fashion sustainability in terms of consumer-led economic growth 64 Ann Thorpe 7 Prospect, seed and activate: advancing design for sustainability in fashion 74 Jonathan Chapman 8 Speed 82 Carolyn Strauss 9 African second-hand clothes: Mima-te and the development of sustainable fashion 91 Amanda Ericsson and Andrew Brooks 10 Fashion and sustainability in the context of gender 100 Mirjam Southwell 11 Spirituality and ethics: theopraxy in the future of sustainability within the supply chain 111 Sue Thomas 12 Consumption studies: the force of the ordinary 121 Ingun Grimstad Klepp and Kirsi Laitala 13 Accidentally sustainable? Ethnographic approaches to clothing practices 131 Sophie Woodward 14 The world in a wardrobe: expressing notions of care in the economy and everyday life 139 Joe Smith PART III Perspectives on refining fashion from within 147 15 A history of sustainability in fashion 151 Sasha Rabin Wallinger 16 Branding sustainability: business models in search of clarity 160 Simonetta Carbonaro and David Goldsmith 17 Towards fashion media for sustainability 171 Else Skjold viii Contents 18 The role of science and technology in sustainable fashion 181 Greg Peters, Hjalmar Granberg and Susanne Sweet 19 The new synthetics: could synthetic biology lead to sustainable textile manufacturing? 191 Carole Collet 20 The fashion system through a lens of zero-waste fashion design 201 Timo Rissanen 21 Fashion brands and workers’ rights 210 Liz Parker PART IV Visions of sustainability from within the fashion space 221 22 Fashion as material 223 Lynda Grose 23 Fashion design 234 Dilys Williams 24 Fashion and community 243 Lizzie Harrison 25 Openness 253 Amy Twigger Holroyd 26 Mending 262 Jonnet Middleton 27 ‘A suit, of his own earning’: fashion supremacy and sustainable fashion activism 275 Otto von Busch 28 Futures of futures studies in fashion 283 Mathilda Tham Conclusions 293 Index 299 ix

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