, * # d { { I I t I I t I THEA RTO FW OODWORKING HOMEWORI$HOP t t WORKSHOGPU IDE I I R()UTINAGN DS HAPINSGA FETTYI PS t . Wears afetyg lassesa, d ustm ask, . Avoida wkwardh andp ositions . Whenr outingfr eehandc,l amp andh earingp rotectiofno ra ll shaper whenf eedings tock;a lwaysk eep stockt o a works urface. t andr outeor perations. yourh andsc learo f thec utters . Do nots hapeo r routw orkt hat I r Keepr outebr itsa nds hapecru t- . Beforein stallincgu tterosr making is warpedo r thatc ontainslo ose tersc leana nds harpd; iscarda ny adjustmentasl,w aysu nplugth e knotso r foreigno blectss ucha s I thata rec hippedo r damaged. shapeor r router. screws0 r nalls. T . Keepa pushs trcko r pushb lock . Alwayfse edw orka gatnstth er ota- . Periodicalclyh eckf or runouti n nearbvto completecu ts. tiono f thec utters. shapear ndr outecr ollets. I I I SH()P-MADFEE ATHERBOARDS SHOP-MADPEU SHS TICKS I I Pueh otick '/' " x 14" I Notch I I I Pueh stick "/.i'x 5'/.t"x12" I Ftnqerea nd slot e I Featherboardo are ueetl Lo keep eLock preeeed aqainet I,he fence or Lable of a I t.ool ltke a ehaper or a router Lable. They aleo serve as anLi-kickbackd eviceg,a ince t Lhey allow Lhe workptecet o move in only one direction. A baetc feaLherboard deeiqn t te ehown above: t,he lenqLh can be varted t.o euiL the taek af hand. Lonq feather- boarde are clamped Lo Lhe Lable Lo hold I narrow workpteceea qatneL Lhe fence; small' Therea re a number of commercial pueh eticke and pueh blocke er models, Lyptcally3 / by 7 tnchea,c an on the markeL for feedinq atock tnto rouLer Lable b'/r,'tten ochr ehaper be clamped Lo the fence above the biL Lo cuttere, buL you can eaetly make your own ueinq eLock. I hold wtdere Lock aqatnet the Lable.T o ehape l'lo one ehape ie tdeal;a qood pueh ettck deetgn ehould be com- wtde workpieceeo n the ehaper, a epectal fortable Lo uee and auiLablef or Lhe machtne and l;aek aL hand. I featherboard/cutter 4uard ie worLh con- A 45o an4le betweent he handle and baee (tog) te beeL for feed- , t eLrucLinq( eee paqe 138). To make a eLan' tnq narrow eLock betweena feaLherboard and the fence of a I , i daat rodn fee eanthde orbf oaa 'r/d,-,i nccuht -aL h3t0c"k b tooa 4rd5." M matrl;ker aro luotneqr eLra nbolle;c ohr ( mehidadpleer), p wehrmileiLa e ry eocuL aLna4 auplpalry p duoewhn owfatcrkd pwrteLeh' a parallel line about 5 tncheef rom Lhe aure on wider aLock.F or ehaptnq wtde workpteceau etn4 a larEe I miLerede nd. Thenc ut / -tnch-widee lot'e btt, a pueh block( .boLot m) enableey ou Lo apply preeeure a1aineL Lo Lhe marked ltne,c reaLtnqa row of eLur- the fence and l;he table. Whatever Lhe ehape, make Lhe noLch I dy but pliable ftn7ere. Finally,c ul; a noLch in Lhe baee lar4e enouEhL o hold l;he eLock,a nd yeL ehallow for a aupporL board Lhat can be clamped enou4ht o avotd Louchtn4t he Lable.K ound f'he handleeL o pre- at a 90" anqle Lo Lhe featherboard. venLe pltnLeree hould kickbacko ccur. I I I THEARTO FW OODWORKING ROUTING AND SHAPTNG THE ART OF WOODVV'ORKING ROUTING AI.{DS HAPING TIME-LIFEB OOKS ALEXANDRIVAI,R GINIA ST.R EMYP RESS MONTREALN. EWY ORK THEART OF WOODWORKINGw asp roducedby THECONSUUTAN'TS ST.R EMYPRESS Bob fardinico managesw oodworking salesf or Colonial SawC o., a machinery salesa nd service PUBLISHER KennethW inchester companyb asedi n Kingston, Massachusetts. PRESIDENT PierreL 6veill6 He alsor estoresa ntiouef urniture in his home workshopi n Plymouth,M ass. SeriesE ditor PierreH ome-Douglas SeriesA rt Director FrancineL emieux Giles Miller-Mead taught advancedc abinet- SeniorE ditors Marc Cassini( Text) making at Montreal technicals choolsf or more HeatherM ills (Research) than ten years.A nativeo fNew Zealand,h e has Art Directors Normand Boudreault,L uc Germain, worked asa restorero f antiquef urniture. SolangeL aberge Designers Jean-GuyD oiron, Michel Gigudre JosephT ruini is Senior Editor of Horne ResearchE ilitor Iim McRae Mechanixmagazine.A former Shop and Tools PictureE ditor Christopherf ackson Editor of Popular Mechanics,h e has worked as Writers Andrew Iones,R ob Lutes a cabinetmakerh, ome improvementc ontractor Contributinglllustrators GillesBeauchemin,RollandBergera, and carpenter. |ean-PierreB ourgeoisM, ichel Blais, Nicole Chartier, Ronald Durepos, Philippe Gauweau,G €rard Mariscalchi, facquesP errault, Robert Paquet, Routing and Shaping JamesT hdrien p. cm.-(The Art of Woodworking) Administrator Natalie Watanabe Includesi ndex. ProductionM anager Michelle Turbide ISBN0 -8094-9937-(lt rade) SystemC oordinator Jean-LucR oy rsBN 0-8094-9938-(Xli b) Photographer RobertC hartier l. Routers( Tools) Proofteader JudithY elon 2. Woodwork 3. Shapers Indexer ChristineM . Jacobs I. Time-Life Books. II. Series TT203.s.R691 993 684'. 083-dc20 93-18854 Time-Life Booksi s a division of Time-Life Inc., CIP a wholly owned subsidiary of THE TIME INC. BOOK COMPANY For information about any Time-Life book, pleasec all l-800-621-7026o, r write: TIME-LIFEBOOKS ReaderI nformation Time-Life CustomerS ervice President lohn D. Hall P.O.B ox C-32068 Vice-President NancyK , fones Richmond,V irginia Editor-in-Chief ThomasH . Flaherty 2326r-2068 Directoro f Editorial Resources EliseD . Ritter-Clough @ 1993T ime-LifeB ooksI nc. MarketingD irector ReginaH all All rights reserved. EditorialD irector LeeH assig No part of this book may be reproducedi n ConsuhingEditor John R. Sullivan any form or by any electronico r mechanical ProductionM anager MarleneZ ack means,i ncluding information storagea nd retrieval deviceso r systems,w ithout prior written permissionf rom the publisher,e xcept that briefpassagems ay be quoted for reviews. First printing. Printed in U.S.A. Publisheds imultaneouslyin Canada. TIME-LIFE is a trademarko f Time Warner Inc. U.S.A. CONTENTS 6 INTRODUCTION 88 ROTITERIOTNERY 90 Router-madejo ints t2 ROUTERB ASICS 9L Routerj oinery jigs I4 Anatomy of a router 92 Mortise-and-tenoino ints T6 Bits 98 Cope-and-stickjoints 20 Accessories 100 Dovetaili oints 22 Settingu p L07 Gluej oints 25 Basicc uts 108 Boxj oints 29 Routert ables 110 Miter-and-splinjeo ints 34 The router ass urfacer ILz Butterfly keyj oints LI4 Tongue-and-groovjoei nts 36 EDGEF ORMING 115 Rulej oints 38 Basice dges haping 47 Raisingp anels 116 SHAPER 52 Making moldings 11 8 Anatomyo f a shaper 58 Pin routing L20 Cuttersa nd accessories L23 Setupa nd safety 64 GROOVING 128 Basicc uts 66 A galleryo f grooves I34 Frame-and-panedlo ors and accessories 68 Dado cuts I4O GLOSSARY 75 Groovingo n a router table 77 Rabbets I42 INDEX 79 Circularg rooves 81 Patterng rooving I44 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 84 Groovingw ith a pin router 86 Inlaying INTRODUCTION PatrickS pielmano n MAKING ROUTERIIGS esigninagn di nventingro uterji gsa ndf ixturesis s omewhaotf a passioonf mine. Overt hey earsI' vem aden umerousd evices-manyv eryc rude-to simplify, speedu p,o r facilitates eemingliym possiblreo utingt asksT. hesejig sh avem adem y cabinetnakingre, liefc arvings, ignw ork,a ndj usta boute veryo thera reao f woodc ut- ting muche asiear ndm oree conomicaIlf. yout ooka waym y routera ndm y special jigsa ndf ixturesI, wouldb e almosht elplesisn thew orlshop. fig-makingc anb ee asyo r complexs,i mpleo r refinedT. hen eedd ictatews haty ou build andh owy oub uild it. A fewy earsa goI madea simpleb ut verye ffectivreo uter able andf encew ith a coupleo f dollarsw' ortho f materialJ. usrt ecentlyI ,i nveste$d3 3 constructinag newr outert ablec apabloef duplicatingth ec uttinga ctiona ndo per- ationso fferedo nlyb y a $1500p roductionro utingm achine. Manyf eatureosf newr outerss,u cha ss peedch oiceasn de asyd epth-of-cucto ntrols, canb ee xploitedfo r bettera nds afejri g-makingP. lungingc apabilitiys greafto r some jigs,b ut for manyI stillp referto uset hem otoru nit withoutt heb aseB. otht ypesc an beb uilt into routert ablesI.'v ea lsom ountedro uterm otorsh orizontallyo n movable sledws ith a templatfeo llowetro maked uplicatteu rningsY. ouc ana lsom ounta router atv ariousa ngletso thew orkt ableT. hisq rstema llowsy out o createav arietyo f profiles fromj usto neb it. Fore xamplea, r oundn osec anb eu sedt o raisep anelsa ndc ut European-styflien gerp ull stockf or doorsa ndd rawers. Desrgninjigg sg etse asietrh em oreo fteny oud o it. An ideat hati nspireos nej ig will invariablyre surfacien somefo rm to helps olvea differenpt roblemB. eforeb uilding aj ig, I visualizeth eb it makingt hed esiredc ut.T henI figureo ut howt o attachth e routert o thej ig andm oveo neo r theo thert o maketh ec ut.W ith morec omplexjig s, I needt o put togetheor neo r morem ock-upsb eforec onstructingth ef irst working modelI. makeg oodu seo f largeh osec lampas ndb andsawcnr adleso,r V clamping blockst,o holdr outers. I'vem ades coreosf jigst o simplifyta irlyr outinew oodworkinjgo bsl ikes pacing dadoesc,u ttingm ortisesa ndt enonsm, akingv ariousm itersa, nds carfingjo intq I've evenu sedth ep lunger outert o cut dowehl olesS. till,t herea rea lot of ideasI haven't yett esteda,n da l ot of jobst hatc anb em adeb ettera nde asiewr ithj ustt her ightj ig. PatrickS pielmana, consultanat nd authoro f moret han 40 woodwo*ingbool<hs,a st aughtp rofessionalfloyr 27 years.H elives in FishC reek,W sconsin. jj tr-i ,.;' \