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Routine Politics and Violence in Argentina: The Gray Zone of State Power PDF

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P1:KNP 0521872367pre CUNY741/Auyero 0521872367 Printer:cupusbw February27,2007 19:14 This page intentionally left blank ii P1:KNP 0521872367pre CUNY741/Auyero 0521872367 Printer:cupusbw February27,2007 19:14 Routine Politics and Violence in Argentina Closetothreehundredstoresandsupermarketswerelootedduringweek- long food riots in Argentina in December 2001. Thirty-four people were reported dead, and hundreds were injured. Among the looting crowds, activists from the Peronist Party (the main political party in the country) werequiteprominent.Duringthelootings,policeofficerswereconspicu- ouslyabsent–particularlywhensmallstoresweresacked.Throughacom- bination of archival research, statistical analysis, and multisited fieldwork anddrawingontheperspectiveofcontentiouspolitics,thisbookprovides thefirstavailableanalyticdescriptionoftheorigins,course,meanings,and outcomes of the December 2001 wave of lootings in Argentina. It scruti- nizesthegrayzonewheretheactionsandnetworksofbothpartyactivists andlawenforcementofficialsmeetandmesh.Thebookalsomakesacase forthestudyofthegrayzoneinlessspectacular,butequallyrelevant,forms of political activity. Clandestine connections between established political actors,thisbookargues,countinthemakingofcollectiveviolenceandin routinepoliticallife. JavierAuyeroisanassociateprofessorofsociologyattheStateUniversity of New York, Stony Brook. He was awarded a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship in 2001 and a Harry Frank Guggenheim Fellowship in 2005. Heis theauthor of Poor People’sPolitics and Contentious Lives and has pub- lishedarticlesinTheoryandSociety,Ethnography,Mobilization,LatinAmerican ResearchReview,andJournalofLatinAmericanStudies,amongothers. i P1:KNP 0521872367pre CUNY741/Auyero 0521872367 Printer:cupusbw February27,2007 19:14 ii P1:KNP 0521872367pre CUNY741/Auyero 0521872367 Printer:cupusbw February27,2007 19:14 Cambridge Studies in Contentious Politics Editors JackA.Goldstone GeorgeMasonUniversity DougMcAdam StanfordUniversityandCenterforAdvancedStudy intheBehavioralSciences SidneyTarrow CornellUniversity CharlesTilly ColumbiaUniversity ElisabethJ.Wood YaleUniversity RonaldAminzadeetal.,SilenceandVoiceintheStudyofContentious Politics CliffordBob,TheMarketingofRebellion:Insurgents,Media,and InternationalActivism CharlesBrockett,PoliticalMovementsandViolenceinCentralAmerica GeraldF.Davis,DougMcAdam,W.RichardScott,andMayerN. Zald,SocialMovementsandOrganizationTheory JackA.Goldstone,editor,States,Parties,andSocialMovements DougMcAdam,SidneyTarrow,andCharlesTilly,Dynamicsof Contention KevinJ.O’BrienandLianjiangLi,RightfulResistanceinRuralChina SidneyTarrow,TheNewTransnationalActivism CharlesTilly,ThePoliticsofCollectiveViolence CharlesTilly,ContentionandDemocracyinEurope,1650–2000 DeborahYashar,ContestingCitizenshipinLatinAmerica:TheRiseof IndigenousMovementsandthePostliberalChallenge iii P1:KNP 0521872367pre CUNY741/Auyero 0521872367 Printer:cupusbw February27,2007 19:14 iv P1:KNP 0521872367pre CUNY741/Auyero 0521872367 Printer:cupusbw February27,2007 19:14 Routine Politics and Violence in Argentina THE GRAY ZONE OF STATE POWER JAVIER AUYERO StateUniversityofNewYork, StonyBrook v CAMBRIDGEUNIVERSITYPRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB28RU, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521872362 ©SimonHix,AbdulG.NouryandGerardRoland2007 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published in print format 2007 ISBN-13 978-0-511-27829-7 eBook (EBL) ISBN-10 0-511-27829-2 eBook (EBL) ISBN-13 978-0-521-87236-2 hardback ISBN-10 0-521-87236-7 hardback ISBN-13 978-0-521-69411-7 paperback ISBN-10 0-521-69411-6 paperback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. P1:KNP 0521872367pre CUNY741/Auyero 0521872367 Printer:cupusbw February27,2007 19:14 ForEsteban,readerofallbooks,sourceofallimportantideas. AndforTuki,whoknowswhatreallymatters. vii P1:KNP 0521872367pre CUNY741/Auyero 0521872367 Printer:cupusbw February27,2007 19:14 viii

Close to three hundred stores and supermarkets were looted during week-long food riots in Argentina in December 2001. Thirty-four people were reported dead and hundreds were injured. Among the looting crowds, activists from the Peronist party (the main political party in the country) were quite prom
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