February 7, 2008 3:49 WSPC/Guidelines Magaxi13 International JournalofModernPhysicsD (cid:13)c WorldScientificPublishingCompany 6 0 ROTATING BLACK HOLES IN METRIC-AFFINE GRAVITY 0 2 n PETERBAEKLER∗ a Fachbereich Medien, Fachhochschule Du¨sseldorf J Universityof Applied Sciences 6 Josef-Gockeln-Str. 9 1 40474 Du¨sseldorf, Germany 1 FRIEDRICHW.HEHL† v 3 Institute for Theoretical Physics 6 Universityof Cologne 0 50923 K¨oln, Germany 1 and 0 Department of Physics and Astronomy 6 Universityof Missouri-Columbia 0 Columbia, MO 65211, USA / c q Withintheframeworkofmetric-affinegravity(MAG,metricandanindependentlinear - r connection constitute spacetime), we find, for a specific gravitational Lagrangian and g by using prolongation techniques, a stationary axially symmetric exact solution of the : vacuumfieldequations.ThisblackholesolutionembodiesaKerr-deSittermetricandthe v post-Riemannian structures of torsion and nonmetricity. The solution is characterized i X by mass, angular momentum, and shear charge, the latter of which is a measure for violatingLorentzinvariance.file Baekler/Magaxi13.tex r a Keywords:Metric-affinegravity,prolongation,exactsolutions,Kerr-deSittermetric,tor- sion,nonmetricity PACS:03.50.Kk;04.20.Jb;04.50.+h;11.15.-q 1. Introduction In the spirit of a gauge-theoretical approach to gravity, a metric-affine gauge field theory of gravitation (“metric-affine gravity” MAG) has been proposeda based on the metric g and the affine group A(4,R), i.e., the semi-direct product of the four ∗[email protected],http://www.et.fh-duesseldorf.de/home/baekler/index.html †[email protected],http://www.thp.uni-koeln.de/gravitation/ aReviewshavebeenprovidedinRef.25andRef.21.ThegroupofDereli,Tucker,andWang17,58,59 appliedsuchtheoriestothedarkmatterproblem,interalia,Minkevichetal.33,37,34,35,36,Puet- zfeldetal.48,49,50,51,andBabourova&Frolov3,2,4 mainlytocosmologicalsolutions.Newexact solutions werefound, amongst others, by Vassiliev& King31,60,61,43.The determination of the energy and of the other conserved quantities of exact solutions of MAG has been developed in particular by Nester and his group14,63,39,64,65, see also Baekler et al.9. Comparison with ob- servationshavebeenpioneeredbyPreuss46 andSolanki55,seealsoPuetzfeld, loc.cit.. 1 February 7, 2008 3:49 WSPC/Guidelines Magaxi13 2 PeterBaekler and Friedrich W. Hehl dimensionaltranslationalgroupR4 andthe generallinear groupGL(4,R).Besides the usual “weak” Newton-Einstein type gravity, additional “strong gravity” pieces will arise that are supposed to be mediated by additional geometrical degrees of freedom related to the independent linear connection 1-form Γ β =Γ βdxi. Here α iα α,β,... = 0,1,2,3 denote frame (or anholonomic) indices and i,j,... = 0,1,2,3 coordinate (or holonomic) indices. Alternatively, the strong gravity pieces can also be expressed in terms of the nonmetricty 1-form Qαβ = Q αβdxi and the torsion i 2-formTα = 1T αdxi dxj.The propagatingmodes relatedtothe new degreesof 2 ij ∧ freedom manifest themselves in post-Riemannian pieces of the curvature R β. α 2. Geometrical structures of a metric-affine spacetime Webrieflysummarizethebasicnotionsofmetric-affinegeometry.Letusstartfrom an-dimensionaldifferentiablemanifoldM .AteachpointP M wecanconstruct n n ∈ the n-dimensional tangent vector space T (M ) with vector basis (or frame) e . P n α In the space T∗(M ), dual to T (M ), we introduce a local one-form basis (or P n P n coframe) ϑα such that e ϑβ =δβ, (1) α⌋ α where symbolizes the interior product. Generally, the coframe is not integrable, ⌋ i.e., we have 1 Cα :=dϑα = C αϑµ ϑν =0, (2) µν 2 ∧ 6 where the 1-form Cα is a measure of the anholonomity. Weassumethatthemanifoldisendowedwithametric g.Wedecomposeitwith respect to the coframe ϑα and find g =g ϑα ϑβ. (3) αβ ⊗ Furthermore, we assume that the manifold M carries additionally a metric-inde- n pendent linear connection Γ β. Accordingly, nonmetricity and torsion emerge as α geometrical field strengths, to be defined as Q := Dg (4) αβ αβ − and Tα :=dϑα+Γ α ϑµ =Dϑα, (5) µ ∧ respectively, together with the curvature 2-form R β :=dΓ β Γ µ Γ β. (6) α α α µ − ∧ Here D is the exterior covariantderivative with respect to the connection Γ β. α February 7, 2008 3:49 WSPC/Guidelines Magaxi13 Rotating black holes inmetric-affine gravity 3 The geometrical field strengths give rise to integrability conditions, namely to Bianchi and Ricci identities. We have, withb Z :=R , αβ (αβ) DDg = DQ = 2R µg = 2Z , (7) αβ αβ (α β)µ αβ − − − DDϑα =DTα =R α ϑµ, (8) µ ∧ DR β =0; (9) α DDTα =(DR α) ϑµ+R α Tµ =R α Tµ, (10) µ µ µ ∧ ∧ ∧ DDQ = 2R µ Q =:S , (11) αβ (α β)µ αβ − ∧ DS =DDDQ = 4R µ Z . (12) αβ αβ (α β)µ − ∧ Wecan,intermsofthemetricfieldofMAG,alwaysconstructaRiemannian(or Levi-Civita) connection. Therefore, for the purpose of a comparison with general relativity, e.g., it is useful to decompose the connection Γ := Γ µg into a αβ α βµ Riemannian piece Γ and a tensorial post-Riemannian piece N , αβ αβ Γ =Γ +N . (13) e αβ αβ αβ The distortion1-formN allows us to recovernonmetricity andtorsionaccording αβ e to Q =2N , Tα =N α ϑβ. (14) αβ (αβ) β ∧ Explicitly, we have 1 1 N = e T + (e e T )ϑγ +(e Q )ϑγ + Q , (15) αβ − [α⌋ β] 2 α⌋ β⌋ γ [α⌋ β]γ 2 αβ 25 see Ref. , Eq.(3.10.7). In a metric-affine spacetime we can separate the curvature 2-form R into a αβ tracefree symmetric part (“shear”) Z , a trace part (“dila[ta]tion”) Z, and an 6 αβ antisymmetric part (“rotation”) W according to αβ 1 R =R +R = Z + Zg +W , (16) αβ (αβ) [αβ] 6 αβ 4 αβ αβ with the definitions 1 Z :=R , Z :=Z Zg , Z :=Z α, W :=R . (17) αβ (αβ) 6 αβ αβ − 4 αβ α αβ [αβ] The symmetric part Z represents the post-Riemann-Cartan part of the curva- αβ ture,thatis,it vanishestogetherwith Q ,whereasW includes the Riemannian αβ αβ contributions, inter alia. Wenowspecializeto4-dimensionalspacetimewithLorentzsignature( +++). − Quitegenerally,nonmetricityQ ,torsionTα,andcurvatureR canthenbesplit αβ αβ into smaller pieces, they can be decomposed irreducibly under the Lorentz group, bParenthesessurroundingindices(αβ):=(αβ+βα)/2denotesymmetrizationandbrackets[αβ]:= (αβ−βα)/2antisymmetrization. February 7, 2008 3:49 WSPC/Guidelines Magaxi13 4 PeterBaekler and Friedrich W. Hehl see Appendix A. In the following table, we will give, for n=4, an overview of the number of independent components of these quantities: Table 1. Number of components of the irreducible pieces. Q (1)Q (2)Q (3)Q (4)Q - - Q αβ αβ αβ αβ αβ αβ 16 16 4 4 - - Σ=40 Tα (1)Tα (2)Tα (3)Tα - - - Tα 16 4 4 - - - Σ=24 R (1)W (2)W (3)W (4)W (5)W (6)W W [αβ] αβ αβ αβ αβ αβ αβ αβ 10 9 1 9 6 1 Σ=36 R (1)Z (2)Z (3)Z (4)Z (5)Z - Z (αβ) αβ αβ αβ αβ αβ αβ 30 9 6 6 9 - Σ=60 The exterior products of the coframe ϑα are denoted by ϑαβ := ϑα ϑβ, etc.. ∧ Since a metric is prescribed, we can define a Hodge star operator ⋆ which maps, in 4 dimensions, p-forms into (4 p)-forms. Then, we can introduce the eta-basis − η := ⋆1, ηα := ⋆ϑα, ηαβ := ⋆ϑαβ, etc.. 3. Lagrangian and field equations We consider in the first order Lagrangian formalism the geometrical variables g ,ϑα,Γ β tobeminimallycoupledtomatterfields,collectivelycalledΨ,such αβ α { } that the total Lagrangian,i.e., the geometrical part plus the matter part, reads L =V(g ,ϑα,Q ,Tα,R β)+L (g ,ϑα,Ψ,DΨ). (18) tot αβ αβ α matter αβ By using the excitations as place holders, ∂V ∂V ∂V Mαβ = 2 , H = , Hα = , (19) − ∂Q α −∂Tα β −∂R β αβ α 25 the field equations of metric-affine gravity can be given in a very concise form: DMαβ mαβ =σαβ (δ/δg ), (20) αβ − DH E =Σ (δ/δϑα), (21) α α α − DHα Eα =∆α (δ/δΓ β), (22) β β β α − δL =0 (matter). (23) δΨ On the right-hand-sides of each of the three gauge field equations (20) to (22), there act the material currents as sources, on the left-hand-side there are typical Yang-Mills like terms governing the gauge fields, their first derivatives, and the February 7, 2008 3:49 WSPC/Guidelines Magaxi13 Rotating black holes inmetric-affine gravity 5 correspondinggauge field currents.The gauge currents turn out to be the metrical (Hilbert) energy-momentum of the gauge fields ∂V mαβ:=2 =ϑ(α Eβ)+Q(β Mα)γ T(α Hβ) R (α Hγ|β)+R(β|γ Hα) ,(24) γ γ γ ∂g ∧ ∧ − ∧ − ∧ ∧ αβ the canonical (Noether) energy-momentum of the gauge fields ∂V 1 E := =e V +(e Tβ) H +(e R γ) Hβ + (e Q )Mβγ, (25) α ∂ϑα α⌋ α⌋ ∧ β α⌋ β ∧ γ 2 α⌋ βγ and the hypermomentum of the gauge fields ∂V Eα := = ϑα H g Mαγ, (26) β ∂Γ β − ∧ β − βγ α respectively. Themost general parityconservingquadratic Lagrangian,whichisexpressedin termsofthe4+3+6+5irreduciblepiecesofQ ,Tα,W β,andZ β,respectively, αβ α α reads 1 V = a Rαβ η 2λ η MAG 0 αβ 0 2κ − ∧ − 3 4 (cid:2) +Tα ⋆ a (I)T +Q ⋆ b (I)Qαβ I α αβ I ∧ ! ∧ ! I=1 I=1 X X 4 +2 c (I)Q ϑα ⋆Tβ +b (3)Q ϑα ⋆ (4)Qβγ ϑ (27) I αβ 5 αγ β !∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ # XI=2 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) 6 5 1 Rαβ ⋆ w (I)W + z (I)Z I αβ I αβ −2ρ ∧ I=1 I=1 X X 9 +w ϑ (e (5)Wγ )+z ϑ (e (2)Zγ )+ z ϑ (e (I−4)Zγ ) . 7 α γ β 6 γ α β I α γ β ∧ ⌋ ∧ ⌋ ∧ ⌋ ! I=7 X see Refs.18,41,24,27 and the literature quoted there. Here κ is the dimensionful “weak” gravitational constant, λ the “bare” cosmological constant, and ρ the di- 0 mensionless “strong” gravity coupling constant. The constants a ,...a , b ,...b , 0 3 1 5 c ,c ,c , w ,...w , z ,...z are dimensionless and are expected to be of order 2 3 4 1 7 1 9 unity. The constant a can only have the values 1 or 0 depending on whether a 0 Hilbert-Einstein term is present or not. We ordered the Lagrangian(27) in the following way: In the first line, we have the linear pieces, a Hilbert-Einstein type term and the cosmological term. Some algebra yields Rαβ η = (6)Wαβ η , that is, only the curvature scalar is left αβ αβ ∧ ∧ over, as expected. In the second line, we have the pure Yang-Mills type terms for torsion and nonmetricity. If we expand them, we find a (1)Tα ⋆(1)T +...+ 1 α ∼ ∧ b (1)Qαβ ⋆(1)Q +... . For a Yang-Mills field strength F we have always the 1 αβ ∧ Lagrangian F ⋆F.In ourcase,forTα andQαβ,the fieldstrengtharereducible ∼ ∧ and we can put open weighting factors in front of each square piece. Nevertheless, February 7, 2008 3:49 WSPC/Guidelines Magaxi13 6 PeterBaekler and Friedrich W. Hehl the second line is the obvious analog of a Yang-Mills Lagrangian for Tα and Qαβ. Inthethirdline,wehave“interactions”betweenQ andTαandbetweendifferent αβ irreducible pieces ofQ . Inthe fourth line,we havethe pure Yang-Mills terms for αβ the rotational and the strain curvature w (1)Wαβ ⋆(1)W +...+z (1)Zαβ 1 αβ 1 ∼ ∧ ∧ ⋆(1)Z +...,and,eventually,inthelastline,“exotic”interactionsbetweendifferent αβ irreducible pieces of the curvature enter that we will drop subsequently. In other words, we restrict ourselves to w =z =z =z =z =0. (28) 7 6 7 8 9 Taking into consideration (28), the various excitations Mαβ,H ,Hα are α β { } found to be Mαβ = 2⋆ 4 b (I)Qαβ I −κ ! I=1 X 2 1 c ϑ(α ⋆(1)Tβ)+c ϑ(α ⋆(2)Tβ)+ (c c )⋆Tgαβ 2 3 3 4 −κ ∧ ∧ 4 − (cid:20) (cid:21) b 1 5 ϑ(α ⋆(Q ϑβ)) gαβ⋆(3Q+Λ) , (29) −κ ∧ ∧ − 4 (cid:20) (cid:21) 1⋆ 3 4 H = a (I)T + c (K)Q ϑβ , (30) α −κ I α K αβ ∧ ! I=1 K=2 X X 6 5 a Hα = 0ηα + w ⋆(I)Wα + z ⋆(K)Zα . (31) β β I β K β 2κ I=1 K=1 X X The last equation can be slightly rewritten as 5 a w 1 Hα = 0 6 W ηα + w ⋆(n)Wα +z ⋆(n)Zα , (32) β β n β n β 2κ − 12ρ ρ (cid:18) (cid:19) nX=1(cid:16) (cid:17) where (6)Wαβ = Wϑαβ/12 corresponds to the curvature scalar W. − 4. Master equation for solving the field equations algebraically Generally, it is a very delicate task to solve the nonlinear partial differential equa- tions(20)to(22)forthesetofvariables g ,ϑα,Tα,Q .Evenforhighsymme- αβ αβ { } tries,therewillbeveryfewchancestofindexactsolutions.Therefore,wedeveloped an algebraic method for solving the field equations. The main observation is that we can construct an algebraic relation between torsion and nonmetricity. This is a result of Prolongation Theory that has been 22 applied very successfully in the context of Einstein’s field equation by M.Gu¨rses 11 and Bilge et al. , amongst others. Application of this method to the Poincar´e gauge field theory, i.e., to MAG with vanishing nonmetricity, Q = 0, leads to αβ the construction of stationary axisymmetric solutions with dynamic torsion, see February 7, 2008 3:49 WSPC/Guidelines Magaxi13 Rotating black holes inmetric-affine gravity 7 Baekler et al.7,32,8,5. This method has been developedfurther systematically and, 10 inref. ,weusedaquitegeneralansatzforsolvingalsothefieldequationsofMAG. Ithasbeenshown6,10 that the followinglinear relationship between nonmetric- ity and torsion canbe exploitedfor solvingthe fieldequationsof MAGstraightfor- wardly: 4 Tα = ξ˜ (A)Qα ϑµ+(3)Tα. (33) A µ ∧ A=2 X The parameters ξ˜ have to be determined by the field equations. A Todemonstratetheconsequencesofsuchanansatz,wewillconsiderasimplified version of (33) in the form of Tα =ξ Qα ϑµ+ξ Q ϑα+(3)Tα. (34) 0 µ 1 ∧ ∧ We name this equation master equation. The constants ξ and ξ will be picked 0 1 later in the context of solving the field equations. Alternatively, we can write it as Tα =ξ Qα ϑβ +(ξ +ξ )Q ϑα+(3)Tα. (35) 0 β 0 1 6 ∧ ∧ The Weyl covector Q and the traceless nonmetricity Qα are defined by β 6 1 Q:= Qα , Qα :=Qα Qδα. (36) 4 α 6 β β − β Ifwemakeuseofthe2-formPαof(A.2)andthe1-formΛof(A.1),eq.(35)translates intoc ξ Tα =ξ Pα 0Λ ϑα+(ξ +ξ )Q ϑα+(3)Tα. (37) 0 0 1 − 3 ∧ ∧ We compute the trace of this equation by contracting it with the frame e . Since α e Pα =0 and e (3)Tα =0, we find α α ⌋ ⌋ T =ξ Λ 3(ξ +ξ )Q, (38) 0 0 1 − with the 1-form T :=e Tα. α ⌋ Empirically,aspecialcaseofrelation(38)hasbeenusedinMAGforconstruct- ing exact solutions in the form of the triplet ansatz42,62,41,19 Q/k =Λ/k =T/k , (39) 0 1 2 with some constants k ,k ,k . We refere here to the triplet of 1-forms Q,Λ,T. 0 1 2 42 Spherically symmetric solutions were found as well as stationary axially sym- metric ones.62,41,19 A deeper understanding of why this ansatz (38) could work successfully in those approaches has been elaborated systematically by Baekler et cWecouldslightlygeneralizethisexpressionforthetorsionto Tα=ξ˜0Pα+ξ˜1Λ∧ϑα+ξ˜2Q∧ϑα+(3)Tα, withsuitableconstants ξ˜0,ξ˜1,andξ˜2. February 7, 2008 3:49 WSPC/Guidelines Magaxi13 8 PeterBaekler and Friedrich W. Hehl 10 27 al. , see also Heinicke et al. , demonstrating that the key is to look for further integrability conditions. Especially the first Bianchi identity (8) turns out to be helpful in answering this question. We turn now to the connection and thus to the distortion 1-form N . We αβ eliminate the torsion T from (15) by means of our master equation (35). After α some algebra we find 1 1 1 1 N = Q 2 ξ Q ϑγ 2 ξ +ξ Q ϑ e (3)T .(40) αβ 2 αβ − 0− 2 6 [αβ]γ − 0 1− 2 [α β]− 2 [α⌋ β] (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) Note that e Q = Q and e Q = Q . Moreover, by means of (35), we can α βγ αβγ α α ⌋ ⌋ alsoexpressthe firsttwoirreduciblepiecesofthetorsion(A.10)and(A.9)interms of the nonmetricity, 1 (1)Tα =ξ (Qα ϑµ+ Λ ϑα)=ξ Pα, (41) 0 µ 0 6 ∧ 3 ∧ 1 (2)Tα = [ξ Λ 3(ξ +ξ )Q] ϑα, (42) 0 0 1 −3 − ∧ with the 2-form Pα of (A.2). Note that both, (1)Tα and Pα, have 16 independent components. Eq.(42) is equivalent to (38). Further insight into the structure of the metric-affine field equations can be gained if we take care of the master equation (34) in the excitations (29) and (30). Let us first turn to the simpler expression (30). With our master equation, we derived (1)Tα and (2)Tα in (41) and (42), respectively. We substitute these two pieces, together with the irreducible decompositions (A.4), (A.5), and (A.6), into (30). We find κH =⋆ a (1)T +a (2)T +a (3)T +c (2)Q ϑβ +c (3)Q ϑβ α 1 α 2 α 3 α 2 αβ 3 αβ − ∧ ∧ (cid:16)+c (4)Q ϑβ 4 αβ ∧ =⋆ a ξ P a2 [ξ Λ(cid:17) 3(ξ +ξ )Q] ϑ +a (3)T 2c2 e P ϑβ 1 0 α− 3 0 − 0 1 ∧ α 3 α− 3 (α⌋ β) ∧ (cid:26) +4c3 ϑ e Λ 1g Λ ϑβ +c Q ϑ . (cid:0) (cid:1) (43) 9 (α β)⌋ − 4 αβ ∧ 4 ∧ α (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:27) Nowweorderthe right-handsideintermsofP ,Λ,andQ.After somealgebra,we α have 1 κH =⋆ (a ξ +c )P (a ξ +c )Λ ϑ +[a (ξ +ξ )+c ]Q ϑ α 1 0 2 α 2 0 3 α 2 0 1 4 α − − 3 ∧ ∧ (cid:26) +a (3)Tα . (44) 3 o The evaluation of the excitation (29) is a bit more complicated. In expanded form, eq.(29) reads κMαβ =⋆ b (1)Qαβ +b (2)Qαβ +b (3)Qαβ +b (4)Qαβ 1 2 3 4 − 2 (cid:16) 1 (cid:17) +c ϑ(α ⋆(1)Tβ)+c ϑ(α ⋆(2)Tβ)+ (c c )⋆Tgαβ 2 3 3 4 ∧ ∧ 4 − February 7, 2008 3:49 WSPC/Guidelines Magaxi13 Rotating black holes inmetric-affine gravity 9 b 1 + 5 ϑ(α ⋆(Q ϑβ)) gαβ⋆(3Q+Λ) . (45) 2 ∧ ∧ − 4 (cid:20) (cid:21) Now we substitute into this equation the irreducible pieces (2)Q ,(3)Q ,(4)Q αβ αβ αβ from(A.6),(A.5),(A.4),respectively,(1)Tα,(2)Tα from(41),(42),andT from(38): κ 2b 4b 1 Mαβ =b ⋆(1)Qαβ 2⋆ e(α Pβ) + 3 ⋆ ϑ(αeβ) Λ gαβ⋆Λ 1 − 2 − 3 ⌋ 9 ⌋ − 4 +b ⋆Qgαβ +c ξ ϑ(cid:16)(α ⋆Pβ(cid:17)) c3ϑ((cid:20)α (cid:16)⋆ [ξ Λ (cid:17)3(ξ +ξ )Q(cid:21)] ϑβ) 4 2 0 0 0 1 ∧ − 3 ∧ − ∧ +c3−c4 [ξ ⋆Λ 3(ξ +ξ )⋆Q]gαβ n o 0 0 1 4 − b 1 + 5 ϑ(α (eβ) ⋆Q) gαβ(3⋆Q+⋆Λ) . (46) 2 ∧ ⌋ − 4 (cid:20) (cid:21) With some algebrad we can order Mαβ in a similar way as we did with H : α κ 1 Mαβ =b ⋆(1)Qαβ + (2b +3c ξ )ϑ(α ⋆Pβ) 1 2 2 0 −2 3 ∧ 1 1 + (4b +3c ξ )Λ(αηβ) (8b +18c ξ +6c ξ +9b )gαβΛ ηµ (47) 3 3 0 3 4 0 3 0 5 µ 9 − 72 1 1 [2c (ξ +ξ )+b ]Q(αηβ)+ [8b +2(c +3c )(ξ +ξ )+b ]gαβQ ηµ. 3 0 1 5 4 3 4 0 1 5 µ −2 8 This completes our simplifications of H and Mαβ. α Incidentally, the distortion (40) exhibits the special role of the choice ξ =1/2, 0 ξ =0 or Q=0, and (3)Tα =0. In either case, the connection reduces to 1 1 1 Γ =Γ + Q , with ξ = , ξ =0 or Q=0, (3)Tα =0. (48) αβ αβ αβ 0 1 2 2 Metric-affine spacetimes with such a simple connection have already been studied e before.e We will come back to such a connection later in the discussion of our new exact solution in Sec.9. Eventually,we canalsosubstitute the master equation(34) andthe choice(28) intothe Lagrangian(27).Again,likewiththe excitationsH andMαβ,weexpress α the Lagrangianin terms of Pα, Λ, and Q. We find 1 V = a Rαβ η 2λ η+b ⋆(1)Qαβ (1)Q 0 αβ 0 1 αβ 2κ − ∧ − ∧ n dNote that for any 1-form Φ = Φγϑγ we have ⋆ ϑα eβ⌋Φ = Φβ⋆ϑα = Φβηα. A bit more complicatedisthecomputationofϑα∧⋆ Φ∧ϑβ .IfΩisanother1-form,wehavethegeneralrule (cid:2) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:3) ⋆Φ∧Ω=⋆Ω∧Φ.Moreover,wehavetherulesfortheHodgestarforanyform⋆(Φ∧ϑα)=eα⌋⋆Φ (cid:0) (cid:1) and(infourdimensions)⋆(eα⌋Φ)=−⋆Φ∧ϑα.Consequently, ϑα∧⋆ Φ∧ϑβ = ϑα∧ eβ⌋⋆Φ =−eβ⌋(ϑα∧⋆φ)+gαβ⋆Φ=eβ⌋(⋆ϑα∧φ)+gαβ⋆Φ (cid:16) (cid:17) = ηαβ∧(cid:16)Φ−ηα(cid:17)Φβ+gαβ⋆Φ. Uponsymmetrization,wefindϑ(α∧⋆ Φ∧ϑβ) =−η(αΦβ)+gαβ⋆Φ. eThesespacetimesemergeinthefollowingcontext:WedefinethePalatini3-formPαβ :=−δ(ηµν∧ Rµν/2)/δΓαβ and find Pαβ = −Pβα(cid:0)= Dηα(cid:1)β/2 = −Q∧ηαβ +Tγ ∧ηαβγ/2. If we require e[α⌋Pγβ]=0,then23 Γαβ =Γαβ+Qαβ/2. e February 7, 2008 3:49 WSPC/Guidelines Magaxi13 10 PeterBaeklerand Friedrich W. Hehl 1 + (a ξ +c )ξ + (2b +3c ξ ) Pα ⋆P 1 0 2 0 2 2 0 α 3 ∧ (cid:20) (cid:21) 1 4 + (a ξ +c )ξ +c ξ + b ΛµΛ η 2 0 3 0 3 0 3 µ 3 3 (cid:20) (cid:21) +[3(a ξ +c )ξ +3c ξ +4b ]QµQ η 2 0 4 0 4 0 4 µ 4 2(a (ξ +ξ )+c )ξ +2(a ξ +c )(ξ +ξ ) a ξ (ξ +ξ )+b 2 0 1 4 0 2 0 3 0 1 2 0 0 1 5 − − 3 (cid:20) (cid:21) QµΛµη +VR2. (49) × } We put here a =0. 3 5. Finding solutions by nullifying the excitations WecanfindexactsolutionsofthefieldequationsofMAGstraightforwardlyinavery simple manner.We willask for non-trivialfieldconfigurationswiththe propertyof vanishing field excitations, i.e., we will require H =0, Mαβ =0, Hα =0. (50) α β And indeed, because of the inhomogeneity of the excitations in terms of the field strengths, it will be possible to generate solutions with non trivial curvature. Table 2. The case Q=0. Excitation constraints a ξ +c =0 1 0 2 H =0 a ξ +c =0 α 2 0 3 a =0 or (3)Tα =0 3 b =0 1 Mαβ =0 2b +3c ξ =0 2 2 0 4b +3c ξ =0 3 3 0 b +2c ξ =0 5 4 0 w =w =w =w =w =0 1 2 3 4 5 Hα =0 z =z =z =z =z =0 β 1 2 3 4 5 6ρa κw W =0 0 6 − If we substitute this into the sourcefree field equations (21) and (22), only the following truncated equation is left over: E = e V =0. (51) α α ⌋ Since ϑ E = 0, this equation has only 10 independent components. The field [α β] ∧ equation(20)isredundantbecause(21)and(22)arefulfilled.Accordingly,wehave just to solve the algebraic relation (51).