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R O S I C R U C I A N D I G E S T V O L U M E 9 6 N U M B E R 1 2 0 1 8 Vol. 96 - No. 1 2018 Modern Alchemy 2 Official Magazine H. Spencer Lewis, FRC of the Worldwide Rosicrucian Order ® Spiritual Alchemy 4 Christian Bernard, FRC © 2018 Supreme Grand Lodge of the Lady Pernelle 8 Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis. All Rights Reserved. Hélène Bernard, SRC This publication is provided for your personal, private use only, on an “as is” True Imagination in Alchemy 11 basis, without warranty, and may not be used for any commercial purpose. Dennis Hauck, FRC, PhD No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, displayed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, The Alchemists and Their Symbols 14 including electronic, without the express written permission of the Supreme Serge Hutin, FRC, DLitt Grand Lodge. ROSICRUCIAN DIGEST (ISSN Michelspacher’s Mountain of the Adepts 20 #0035-8339) is published two times Peter Bindon, FRC, MA per year for $12.00 per year, single copies $6.00, by the Grand Lodge of the English Language Jurisdiction of The Alchemist’s Laboratory 22 the AMORC at 1342 Naglee Avenue, San Jose CA 95126. POSTMASTER: Dennis Hauck, FRC, PhD Send address changes to Rosicrucian Digest at 1342 Naglee Avenue, San Jose CA 95126. The Alchemical Wedding and The Crowning of The Hermetic Child 25 Steve Kalec, FRC On the cover: The Rosicrucian An Alchemical Journey Rose. ”The Emerald Tablet of Hermes. The Words of the Secrets to the Black Forest 30 of Hermes,” from Secret Symbols Dennis Hauck, FRC, PhD of the Rosicrucians. Image hand- colored by H. Spencer Lewis. The Alchemical Allegory of the Seed and the Field 33 Steve Kalec, FRC Printed on 100% recycled post-consumer The New Alchemy Museum fiber using soy-based ink. at Rosicrucian Park 36 H. Spencer Lewis on Alchemy H. Spencer Lewis, Co-founder and Imperator of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC (1915 – 1939). The Rosicrucians and mystics who performed so many experiments in their laboratories, were seeking, through the material laws of the universe, to discover universal principles which had their action and reaction in the spiritual world as well as in the material world. They believed that just as the difference between gross metal and pure gold was a difference in character, constituted by the various rates of vibrations and by the presence of impure or unevolved elements, so the differences in human character were the result of impure and inharmonious elements which might be transmuted and changed into the pureness of spiritual life here on earth. Page 1 Modern Alchemy H. Spencer Lewis, FRC The following article is an excerpt from an remind the reader that the real quest is not article originally published in the Rosicrucian for the purpose of making gold nor is the Digest in February 1933, entitled: “Modern search intended to reveal a more simple Alchemy: the Dreams of the Ancient Mystics are manner of producing gold. The whole idea Being Realized Today.” of the alchemists’ studies and experiments is to observe nature’s laws at work and to One of the great leaders in the find more simple ways of demonstrating alchemical movement throughout Europe, them. In the process of transmutation and and perhaps the foremost alchemist in the in the study of alchemy generally, more of world today is Mon. F. Jollivet-Castelot of the fundamental principles of the universe Paris. He is not only an eminent scientist are revealed than in who has devoted any other laboratory most of his life e x p e r i m e n t s to the study of that might be transmutation conducted and this and synthetic is what makes the chemistry, he whole subject so is also director fascinating and so of the Société fraught with new Alchimique and surprising de France c o n d i t i o n s , and Editor situations, and of a quarterly revelations. magazine called La Rose-Croix, Francois Jollivet-Castelot stands in his laboratory in It was in which bears Douai, France, in April 1926. 1894 that Frater the Rosicrucian Jollivet-Castelot emblem. He is also an honorary member published his first book dealing with the of the Rosicrucian Order in America, great studies of his life in alchemy and AMORC. Some years ago we published a transmutation after having been a student photograph of Frater Jollivet-Castelot in of the Rosicrucian and mystical principles, his laboratory in our Triangle Monthly, and which revealed the work and secret process we have continuous reports from members used by the early mystics and alchemists. of his association regarding their joint and In 1904, Frater Jollivet-Castelot published individual achievements. Their monthly other important instructions regarding the publication is filled with interesting items science of alchemy. Since then his writings from their laboratories and quotations from have been read before the most learned other newspapers and scientific magazines scientific societies throughout the world regarding the art and science of alchemy and quoted in many popular books and and transmutation. treatises dealing with scientific subjects. One would think that after having In 1896, Frater Jollivet-Castelot and accomplished the feat on numerous others founded the Alchemical Society occasions of producing small amounts of France and it has many active and Rosicrucian of absolutely pure gold, the quest for the honorary members with constantly Digest process and the search for the principles increasing interest in the subject. The No. 1 2018 would be brought to an end. But here, I articles appearing in their own magazine Page 2 representing their discoveries and findings might be transmuted and changed into the are quoted in many of the newspapers pureness of spiritual life here on earth. and magazines of the world, showing Much is said these days about vibrations a widespread interest in the subject of and their effect upon our health and our alchemy and transmutation. lives generally, and we are coming to learn Occasionally those who seek to criticize that all of life consists of vibrations which the Rosicrucians as being impractical affect us and, in fact, compose everything of people because of their advanced ideas and which we have any sense or understanding. progressive programs, point to the fact that It was in the laboratories of the alchemists the ancient Rosicrucians were interested in and mystics that the law alchemy and in the search of vibrations was first for artificial gold. They discovered and proved think that this search to be an actual fact. And constitutes evidence that the Rosicrucians while these mystics sought were dreamers instead for an elixir of life which of practical men and would prevent disease, old women. Such persons do age, and so-called death not realize that the parent and change gross material of modern chemistry was into pure gold, they found alchemy and that although laws and principles which the child in the form of would enable people modern chemistry has to cure disease and to grown to be a great and overcome many of the universally recognized obstacles to old age. They science, the parent has not also found ways and passed out of existence means of producing many or out of the universal H. Spencer Lewis’s The Alchemist. of the modern metals picture, for alchemy was such as bronze and various limited to certain lines of research and those fields of research have alloys, which have been extremely valuable not yet been exhausted even by the most to industry and commercial interests. So modern achievements of science. we have these ancients to thank for many modern achievements which they turned As stated before, the Rosicrucians and mystics who performed so many over to humankind as worldly benefits, experiments in their laboratories were while they still continue their searches and seeking, through the material laws of the their inquiries. universe, to discover universal principles Dreamers they may have been and which had their action and reaction dreamers many of them may still be, but in the spiritual world as well as in the they are the sort of dreamers who test their material world. They believed that just as dreams in the crucible of materialism as the difference between gross metal and well as the crucible of spirituality and they pure gold was a difference in character, seek to turn their dreams into practical constituted by the various rates of account and to practical application, and vibrations and by the presence of impure or unevolved elements, so the differences from their efforts we have derived so many in human character were the result of benefits that it does not behoove anyone impure and inharmonious elements which to criticize the mystics and their dreaming. Page 3 Spiritual Alchemy Christian Bernard, FRC In this article, Christian Bernard, Imperator of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, inspires us to participate in the Great Work on ourselves, through the transformative power of Spiritual Alchemy. If there is really one essential thing Having obtained the materia prima, the for mystics in general and Rosicrucians alchemists would place it in a container to in particular, it is spiritual alchemy. This which they gave the name of “philosophical form of alchemy amounts to one of the egg,” partly because of its oval shape, and foundations of philosophy, and sets out partly to echo their belief that the whole the path we must follow in order to fulfill of Creation arose from a universal “egg,” our inner evolution. Herein, indeed, lies within which it existed in a latent, or seed, the Great Work that each human being state. From here they put the materia prima through several consecutive stages. must accomplish in order to discover the Philosopher’s Stone that is to be In the course of these stages, the found in the deepest part of themselves, materia prima took on various colors, until and achieve the perfection of their own it appeared as a red magma. Upon cooling, nature. Material alchemy, also called this magma gave rise to a somewhat bulky stone of the same color: the Philosopher’s “operative alchemy,” has for centuries Stone. This is the reason that transmutation fascinated scientists and mystics too, but aimed at obtaining gold was called “the what is essential must remain for us the red work.” The process aimed at making transmuting, the perfecting, and hence silver, usually out of iron, was designated the evolving of our inner being. Whereas by the name “the white work,” and also operative alchemy transmutes base metals consisted of several stages. into gold, spiritual alchemy transforms The final stage of the Great Work was our soul. Before moving on to the latter, to reduce the Philosopher’s Stone to a I would like to go over what comprises perfectly homogenous powder. Once this material alchemy. powder was obtained, the alchemist would Generally speaking, its aim was to cast it into the molten base metal, which transmute base metals, usually lead or tin, on contact would gradually transform into gold. This transmutation was not, itself into gold. however, carried out directly upon the This was the basic principle of material metal in question, but on a materia prima, alchemy. We also need to be aware that it that is to say on a primary or raw material, was practiced according to two methods. referred to as the “stone material” in The first, designated the “damp method,” some alchemical writings. It is difficult gave precedence to the processes of to say exactly what this materia prima was, dissolving and distilling. It lasted several because the descriptions given of it are weeks or even months, and required the confused, and they vary from author to use of retorts and stills. The second was author. According to certain sources it called the “dry method” and favored the consisted of a naturally occurring ore, processes of heating and combustion, composed essentially of sulphur, salt, and mainly involving the use of ovens and mercury combined in precise proportions. crucibles. This second method was the It would seem that this ore was rare and quicker of the two, but also the more Rosicrucian could be found only in places known to dangerous, involving as it did the risk Digest the alchemists, which they kept a most of explosions. It did sometimes happen No. 1 2018 closely guarded secret. that alchemists would get injured in the Page 4 practice of their art or, even worse, would It is also known that they attached get killed. great importance to eclipses, believing that they had a particular influence on We know that the alchemists worked alchemical procedures. They considered in special laboratories which were used for this influence to be either negative or nothing else. Most often this was a cellar, an positive in different situations, which attic, or other building that was not well lit, then governed what they did. There is no as most of the necessary operations could doubt at all that alchemy drew on both not be carried out in daylight. The adepts astronomy and astrology. It is certainly also made use of various accessories. As not mere chance that the alchemists held well as the retorts, stills, ovens, and crucibles there to be a precise correlation between referred to, they also used scales, different the metals and the planets of our solar sorts of pincers, pestles, bellows of various system. They also had a good knowledge sizes, and even musical instruments. of chemistry. The main furnace, called the athanor, The question we may ask ourselves is was generally crude in shape and usually whether the alchemists really succeeded in made of fireproof earth. For different making gold. Judging from the accounts situations, its fire would be provided by they have left us, there is no doubt wood, charcoal, or sometimes even oil, whatsoever about this. Many authors too allowing better control of its intensity state that this was the means by which during the most delicate procedures. Jacques Coeur, Jean Bourré, Nicolas Flamel, and Cagliostro – to name just the If you are wondering why the alchemists most well-known – acquired their wealth. used musical instruments during their work, If we accept this as true, it is of note that it was because by playing certain notes or these individuals were known for their combinations of notes, they produced generosity and altruism, which suggests vibrations which had a specific effect on that they were practicing their art in order one phase or another of the Great Work. to help the poorest in society and to pay From what we know, they mainly used string for projects for the common good, such instruments such as the violin and guitar. as hospitals, roads, bridges, and so on. Sometimes they used wind instruments Apart from these testimonies, however, though, such as the trumpet or a small we do not have absolute proof that the organ. It is also likely that they intoned adepts of the Great Work really managed to achieve their goal or became wealthy by vowel sounds, although we have no proof this means. We must each therefore form of this. This was certainly the case with our own view on this point. the Rosicrucian alchemists. The purpose To know whether the alchemists of of this was one and the same, to create the past succeeded in transmuting base vibratory conditions favorable for this or metals into gold is incidental. The most that procedure. We can also assume that at important thing is the fact that they were times it was to raise themselves to the state convinced that human beings have the of consciousness required for their work. power, not to take the place of nature, In the case of the red work and the but to emulate it. In accordance with white work alike, the alchemists did their this conviction, they studied the laws of work by day or night, depending on the nature with the greatest respect. What is operation they had to carry out. While more, most of them were deeply spiritual, they always worked in a dimly-lit room, and used alchemy as an aid to their mystic they thought that certain stages had to quest. This is why their laboratories always take place when the Sun was in a certain included an oratory, meaning a place set position in the sky, or when the moon was aside for prayer, meditation, and for the in a certain phase of its cycle. study of divine laws generally. Usually the Page 5 oratory consisted simply of a chair and a to have as happy an existence as possible table with candles, objects for rituals, and and to gain mastery of life. esoteric books. There are several stages required to Material alchemy was just the outward reach the sought-after goal in spiritual alchemy, just as with material alchemy. expression of an infinitely higher The first consists in accepting the idea transmutation, that of the soul itself; that we are imperfect and have faults to the cornerstone of this transmutation is, correct. When I say “accept,” this means purely and simply, spiritual alchemy. This our own view as much as that of others. mystic process consists in one transmuting This involves both looking at ourselves as one’s faults by means of the crucible of we are, in the mirror of our soul, and also life, urged on by the divine fire that burns paying attention to the image of ourselves within us. We are all imperfect, however that others send back to us. If we do not do the ultimate goal of our evolution is this, we end up becoming blind to our real to attain that state of perfection which personality and give even more power to Rosicrucians call the “Rose-Croix state.” our faults, to the point where they generate This state can only come about, though, negative conduct on our part and give rise when we have purified our personality to corresponding karmic tests. of its negative shortcomings; this entails awakening the virtues of the divine soul If reading this article is interesting which is within us and which is seeking only to you, it is probably because you started to express its capacity this spiritual alchemy for wisdom. But such a at the same time as goal cannot be attained you did your personal in one single lifetime, mystic quest. There is therefore we have to no question that if your reincarnate for as long experience of life has as we are imperfect. endowed you with a modicum of wisdom, To the extent it will also have brought that one has not you clarity of thought. awakened the virtues You are therefore in of one’s divine soul, a position to know one manifests certain and to recognize your faults such as pride, weaknesses, and I selfishness, jealousy, am positive that you intolerance, and so on. Lion Devours the Sun, have within you the In return these same faults are detrimental by Nikki Schiro, SRC. potential to transmute to the person, for they these. I can assure you generate negative karma that is expressed for my part that I am well aware of my as trials of varying degrees in one’s life. We faults, deficiencies, and mistakes, and I am therefore have at least two good reasons certainly endeavoring to improve myself. for perfecting ourselves: first, it is part It is not from a position of detachment, of the process of evolution from which therefore, that I am passing on my we cannot withdraw, whose ultimate goal reflections to you, but rather as a human is to attain perfection, such as we can being to whom this alchemy also applies. demonstrate it as human beings; second, If it is always easier to speak about good it allows us to “think” our behavior into than to do good, the same can be said for being positive, and create positive karma the work and the betterment that we call for ourselves, which is expressed in for in others. Rosicrucian our lives as joy in various forms, and is But accepting the concept of having Digest conducive to the happiness we are seeking. faults is not enough to accomplish this No. 1 2018 Surely what we ultimately want, after all, is inner transmutation. We must also want Page 6 to correct them, and this constitutes a key to me that the best way of achieving this stage in spiritual alchemy. In other words, is to first define the manner in which we must have the resolve to become the quality expresses itself in everyday better, in the human sense. This is only life. Having done this, we should make possible if we truly have the conviction ourselves manifest it every time there is that humankind’s goal is to evolve, which occasion to do so, until it is an integral part presents the whole question of the real of our soul and becomes natural. Returning meaning we attribute to life. to the example of pride, anyone wanting For my part I am convinced that to rid themselves of this fault needs to anyone who strives to perfect themselves implement humility. How exactly? By receives the support of the God of their making themselves stop highlighting their Heart and can find happiness, even if merits, demonstrating their intellectual or their faults are relatively numerous. If this any other type of superiority, or seeking is true, it is because karmic law always to draw attention to themselves, and rewards any effort made in the same making themselves act in the service of direction as the Good. Conversely, any Good in a totally impersonal way, and so person who has few faults but who lets forth. With time, this determined effort themselves be controlled by them without to be humble ends up becoming habitual, ever striving to transmute them, attracts in other words, it becomes a law to the various problems and progressive trials subconscious. Pride is then transmuted. to themselves for as long as they take This is the basic principle of the spiritual pleasure in their weaknesses. alchemy we should apply to each of our Once the decision to perfect faults. oneself is taken, there comes another A mystic who has transmuted stage in spiritual alchemy. This all of his or her faults into consists in materializing our their opposite qualities then desire to become better by experiences the final stage of actually transmuting our faults. spiritual alchemy, Illumination. If But to manage to do this, above not perfect, then he or she is at least anything else we must not attempt to very close to the state of perfection, fight against them, this unfortunately to the degree that it can be expressed by being our tendency. Fighting them like human beings on earth. The materia prima of their being, their soul, has then become this in fact contributes to accentuating our pure and perfect. It is not just chance that faults, because our ego then uses this to the Rosicrucian alchemists symbolized the give itself power and assert its hold over Great Work by a red rose, often with an our conduct. On the contrary, we should aura of the color gold. Certainly, whoever disengage from the fault in question, and has attained this state has brought about work on ourselves to acquire the opposite the celebrated “Chymical Wedding.” In quality. To take an example, if a person is other words, they have accomplished the fundamentally overly proud and is aware union between their human Self and their of this, they should not try to fight against divine Self, symbolized in the language of their pride, for in so doing they give it even alchemy by the marriage of the king and more force and increase its ability to be the queen, and by the union of sulphur harmful. They should endeavor to acquire and mercury. From that point on, they the opposite quality, in this case, humility. truly possess the elixir of long life, for they This entails calling on the most divine have become a pure agent of the Divinity, within their nature. and are no longer obliged to reincarnate. But how do we acquire the opposite In your mind, in your heart, and in quality of a fault we are aware of? It seems your life, may alchemy take place! Page 7 Lady Pernelle Hélène Bernard, SRC The home of Lady Pernelle and Nicolas Flamel, the oldest house in Paris. In this excerpt from her book Great Women presenting to him a richly illustrated Initiates, Soror Hélène Bernard introduces us to ancient manuscript and saying: “Flamel, the fourteenth century Alchemist Pernelle Flamel look at this book, you do not understand (1326 – 1397) and her husband, Nicolas. it at all, but the day will come when you shall see therein what no other could even Justice being most often administered catch a glimpse of.” in heaven, very rarely on earth, and still less in history, Lady Pernelle had a famous Time passed, and one day, in 1357, husband: Nicolas Flamel. In this article he was given the opportunity to buy, there are no great alchemical treatises or for two florins, a strange book in which magical formulae, but only a few lines on he recognized the obscure language he the life of one of the most mysterious had seen in his initiatory dream. This couples of the fourteenth century and large golden book puzzled Flamel. The perhaps even of past and future centuries. finely engraved copper cover concealed enigmatic illustrations and beautifully Born in Pontoise, in the year 1330, formed letters. young Nicolas Flamel opened a shop in Paris on the right bank, near the Cemetery During that same year, the eminent of the Innocents, where many of his writer courted Lady Pernelle, twice a colleagues were established. But very soon widow of rich merchants in the district. an epidemic of the black plague forced the Four years his elder, the well-to-do writers’ guild to leave the neighborhood Pernelle took a deep interest in the new of the cemetery, then overpopulated, sciences. More than a devoted companion, and to settle in the district of the Church both a patron of the arts and letters and Saint-Jacques de la Boucherie. It was in an adviser, she transformed young Flamel, Rosicrucian this agitated Paris that a “damned” science a simple bookseller and copyist of the Digest called alchemy thrived. One night, an angel, Petit Marais district, as well as a zealous No. 1 2018 all clad in white, appeared to Flamel, student of hidden knowledge, into one of Page 8

ROSICRUCIAN DIGEST (ISSN. #0035-8339) is published two times per year for $12.00 per year, single copies $6.00, by the Grand Lodge of.
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