THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA PRESENTED BY North Caroliniana Society C906 N87s no. 33 Roots and branches Wilma Dykeman Togetherwith Tributes to Wilma Dykeman by Dykeman Stokely, Jim Stokely, andRobertMorgan on the Occasion ofTier Acceptance oftheNorth Caroliniana SocietyAwardfor2001 NORTHCAROLINIANA SOCIETYIMPRINTS H. G.Jones, GeneralEditor No. I'. AnEieningatMonticello:AnEssayinReflection(1978) byEdwinM. Gill No.2. ThePaulGreenIKnow(1978) byElizabethLayGreen No. 3. TheAlbertCoatesIKnow(1979) byGladysHallCoates No. 4. TheSamErvinIKnow(1980) byJeanConyersErvin No. 5. SamRagan(1981) IryNeilMorgan No. 6. ThomasWolfeofNorthCarolina(1982) G editedbyH. Jones No. 7. GertrudeSpragueCarraway(1982) bySamRagan No. 8. JohnFriesBlair(1983) byMargaretBlairMcCuiston No. 9. WilliamClydeEndayandIdaHowellFriday(1984) byGeorgiaCarrollKyserandWilliamBrantleyAycock No. 10. WilliamS. Powell. Historian(1985) IryDaiidStickandWilliamC Friday No. It. "GallantryUnsurpassed"(1985) editedbyArchieK. Daiis No. 12. MaryandJimSemans,NorthCarolinians(1986) by W. KennethGoodson No. 13. TheHighWaterMark (1986) editedIryArchieK. Davis No. 14. RaleighandQuinn:TheExplorerandHisBoswell(1987) editedbyH. G.Jones A No. 15. HalfCenturyinCoastalHistory(1987) byDaiidStick No. 16. Thomas WolfeatEighty-seven (1988) editedbyH. G.Jones A No. 17. ThirdofaCenturyinSenateCloakrooms(1988) by WilliamMcWhorterCochrane [continuedoninsidebackcover] 1 Roots and branches by Wilma Dykeman Togetherwith Tributesto Wilma "Dykeman by Dykeman Stokely, Jim Stokely, andRobertMorgan on the Occasion ofHer Acceptance oftheNorth Caroliniana SocietyAwardfor200 <^3d ChapelHill27514-8890 NORTH CAROLINIANA SOCIETY, INC AND NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION 2001 NORTH CAROUNIANA SOCIETY'IMPRINTS Number33 H. G.Jones, GeneralEditor Thisedition is limitedto five hundredcopies ofwhich thisis number A O Q u u ^i Copyright©2001 by North CarolinianaSociety UNCCampusBox3930 ChapelHill, North Carolina27514-8890 E-mail:[email protected] http:/ Allrightsreserved Manufacturedinthe UnitedStatesofAmerica DO- 33 Contents PARTI RootsandBranches, byWilma Dykeman 3 PART II OpeningRemarksandIntroductions, by H. G.Jones 13 ReflectionsoftheFirstSon, by Dykeman Stokely 16 ReflectionsoftheSecondSon, byJim Stokely 20 A GoodSpringIsHardto ComeBy, by Robert Morgan 23 Presentation oftheAward, byWillis P. Whichard 34 AcceptanceoftheAward, byWilma Dykeman 35 North CarolinianaSocietyAwardRecipients 37 Photographsofthe Occasion 38 CoverPhoto: Pack Square inAsheville, 1910,byH. W. Pelton. A landmark familiar toWilmaDykeman'sparents,Willard andBonnie Cole Dykeman. Courtesy1Libraryoj Congress. Otherphotocredits: North CarolinaArboretum, page lv. NickLanier, 2, 38b, 38c, 40b, 42b. JanHensley, 12a, 12b, 12c, 12d, 38a, 39a, 39b, 40a, 40c, 41b, 41c, 43a, 43b. Jerry IF. Cotten, 12e, 12f, 39c, 41a,42a, 42c,43c. North CarolinaCollection, 37. The North Carolina A Arboretum. The Universityof North Carolina PARTI (S^D Roots and branches Wilma Dykeman Delivered before theNorth Caroliniana Society in The North CarolinaArboretum, Asheville, Priorto theAwards Banquet on 16June 2001 WILMA DYKEMAN