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Roosting Behaviour of Indian Peafowl Pavo Cristatus PDF

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) MISCELLANEOUS NOTES crest and distinguishing white breast with the nearly half an hour. Other birds sharing the darkborderbelowwereclearlyvisible. Inflight, habitat were purple herons (Ardea purpurea 2 to 3 white patches were noticed in the area of cormorants(Phalacrocoraxsp.)whiskeredterns thesecondaries, onbothsidesoftheblackrump. (Chlidonias hybrida pond herons Ardeola ), ( Thebirdwassolitaryandfeedingfromthe grayii) eastern swallows Hirundo rustica) and ( pole, it would glide into the weeds, land for a brahminy kites (Haliastur indus). fewseconds,pickupthepreyandflybacktothe polewithtwoorthreelazywingbeats.Thewhole February 3, 1998 C. MOHAN KUMAR, actionwashighlyreminiscentofanIndianroller. NP 6/386. Kaimanom PO, Eating ofthe prey couldnotbe observed nor its Trivandrum 695 040, identification made. The bird was observed for Kerala, India. ROOSTINGBEHAVIOUROFINDIANPEAFOWLPAVOCRISTATUS 10. Roost site selection plays apivotal role in side ofthe roadthere were a few crop fields and the nesting success of any species. Judicious fallowland,butmostoftheareahadforestcover. selection of the roosting site may enhance the Out of 16 poles used for roosting by 22 survival ofbirds, by virtue ofreduced heat loss, long trained(LT) birds, 13 (59.09%) roosted on information sharing, accountability of topofthewire, 3 (13.64%) onthe poletopand6 population,andbetterprotectionfrompredators. (27.27%) over horizontal bars (Table 1). This (Tast andRassi 1973, Gyllin etal. 1977, Gadgil top position of roosting was significantly and Ali 1975, Gadgil 1972). preferred over horizontal bars (X2 = 8.08, P < The Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus a 0.005). ), commonbirdin India, isknowntoroostin trees Out of total 45 short trained (ST) birds and large buildings at night. Though several occupying 9 poles, 26 (57.77%) roosted on papers have been written on the roosting horizontalbars,whereas 17(37.80%)roostedon behaviour ofpeafowl, detailed studies on roost wire andonly2 (4.44%) onpolepeak(Table 1). siteselectionhaveonlyrecentlybeencarriedout This shows that there was no preference for by Trivedi and Johnsingh (1996) in Gir forest. horizontal bars (X2 = 1.08, 0.25 < P < .50). On July 27, 1997, during our move to Sevenpoles were occupiedby a single LT Sasan from Malanka village, near Madhuvanti birdexclusively, whereason6polesone LTbird dam on a 5 km stretch ofroad, we observed 28 and other ST birds were recorded. On the other electric poles of which 20 (71.42%) were hand,ononlytwopoleswere2ormoreLTmales occupied by Indian peafowl for roosting. To roosting with ST birds. study the significance of this height as a Distribution of LT birds on a greater preferable roost on the periphery of the Gir number of poles might be a behavioural NationalPark, detailed observationswere made adaptation to avoid predation risk. On the other on the birds roosting on the poles. hand, ST birds never roosted singly on a single Allthepoleswere examinedcarefully and pole. Furthermore, 4 poles were occupied only the top part ofeach pole was categorised under by STbirds. 3 different roosting subsites i.e. (1) peak ofthe Trivedi and Johnsingh (1996) have pole (2) top of the wire (3) three layers of established that within the Gir National Park, horizontalbars.Thenumberofpeafowloccurring peafowl preferred high trees. In view of then- ineachroostingsitewererecordedfrom 1915 to findings,wepresumethatallpeafowlofthearea 2000hrstillitbecamecompletelydark.Oneither shouldberoosting onthepoles(the safestsite in JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY, 96(3), DEC. 1999 471 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES Table 1 PEAFOWLCOUNTONELECTRICPOLES No.of Positionoccupiedby Total Positionoccupiedby Total Poles longtrained(LT)birds shorttrained(ST)birds Polepeak Wire Horizontalbar Polepeak Wire Horizontalbar 8 01 06 05 12 02 10 19 31 7 02 04 01 07 1 - 03 - 03 4 - 07 07 14 20 03 13 06 22 02 17 26 45 viewoftheheight).TheleopardPantherapardus pers. comm.). It seems that peafowl require is animportantpredatorofpeafowl inGirforest protectionfromgroundpredators(notnecessarily (Trivedi and Johnsingh 1996). Preference for leopards) as we have seen them roosting on high trees for roosting was attributed to the electric poles in some parts of Kheda dist. and danger from this ground predator, which can also near Samakhiyali (Kachchh) on September climb trees. Roosting on high tension electric 28, 1992 along with black ibises Pseudibis poles is much safer, as leopards and other papillosa. NeitherinKhedanorinKachchhdoes predators cannot climb on to them. the leopard exist, yet these two species were Thedatashowsthatlongtrainedbirdswere roosting onpoles. The advantage ofahighroost more safety conscious than short trained ones, siteisobvious(Yom-Tov 1979). as they preferred wire against horizontal bars. OnJuly26, 1997, wesawpeafowlroosting ForanLTbirditisextremelydifficulttomaintain onkhejriProsopiscineraria within acattleegret abalance againsthighwinds atheights of50 m. heronry along the state highway at Bagodara DuringJuly,windspeedinthisarearanges from (Ahmedabad dist.). All roosting behaviour 15-20km/hr. Toroostonwireratherthanonthe described(includingpoleroosting)wererecorded horizontal bars of the poles expends greater fromtheroadsidewherethereisalwaysvehicular energy. Despite this, most of the LT peafowl traffic. It seems that in the selection ofroosting preferred the wires indicating that predation sites, safety againstpredators is more important pressure in the periphery ofthe sanctuary must than the disturbance due to vehicular traffic. beveryhigh.ThepredationpressuresonLTbirds could be much more than on ST birds, as is Acknowledgements reflected in site preference on the poles. Further, this behaviour indicates We thank the Indian Council of adaptabilityofthe species to a modifiedhabitat. Agricultural Research, New Delhi for financial Such man-made structures, ifinstalled within a assistance, Dr. D. N. Yadav, officer in charge, sanctuary,wouldprotectpeafowlfrompredators for constant encouragement and J.J. Jani for his like the leopard, which ultimately may have critical suggestions on the manuscript. certain management implications. We do not know whethersome peafowl were also roosting March 31, 1999 B.M. PARASHARYA on the trees in the same area. AESHITAMUKHERJEE Theobservedroostingbehaviourprovides AINP on Agricultural Ornithology \ safety against predators but makes the peafowl Gujarat Agricultural University, vulnerable to local hunters known as ‘Dafers’, Anand388 110. asbirdsonthepoleareeasytoshoot(P.P. Raval, Gujarat, India. 472 JOURNAL, BOMBAY NATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY, 96(3) DEC 1999 . MISCELLANEOUS NOTES References Gadgil, M. (1972): The function ofCommunal roost: JackdawsCorvusmonedulaatTampere,Finland. relevanceofmixedroosts.Ibis114:531-533. OrnisFeen. 50:29-45. Gadgil,M.&S.Ali(1975):Communalroostinghabitsof Trivedi,P.&A.J.T.Johnsingh(1996):Roostselectionby Indianbirds.J.Bombaynat.Hist.Soc. 72(3):116- the Indian Peafowl (Pavo cristatus Linn.) in Gir 727. forest,India.J. Bombaynat. Hist. Soc. 93(1):25- Gyllin,R.,H.Kallander&M.Sylven(1977):Themicro 29. climate explanation of town centre roosts of Yom-Tov,Y.(1979):Thedisadvantageoflowpositionin JackdawsCorvusmonedula.Ibis119:358-361 colonialroosts:anexperimenttotesttheeffectsof Tast,J. &P. Rassi(1973): Roostand roostingflightsof droppingsonplumagequality.Ibis 121:331-333. SIGHTING OF THE INDIAN REDBREASTED PARAKEET AT ANDHERI 11. On the evening of December 7, 1997 at which they flew away. I spotted them again at 1630 hrs, I was at the residence ofa friend at about 1730 hrs, flying about in the same region. Andheri (West) Mumbai, when I heard an Theyweremovinginagroupmaking loudcalls. unusual call among the calls ofthe rose ringed They flew independent of the rose ringed parakeet. On investigation, I found it to be a parakeets, though there were plenty ofthe latter parakeet quite unlike any I had seen before. I in the region. watched the bird through my binoculars. With Thesemusthavebeenescapedcagedbirds. thehelpofa fieldguide, I wasable to identify it as the male of the Indian redbreasted parakeet January 5, 1998 LILYNKAMATH Psittacula alexandri. World WideFundforNature-Indict Thebirdwasperchedontopofatreealong National Insurance Building, with three other males of the same type. I 204. Dr. D.N. Road, observed them for a total of 10 minutes, after Mumbai 400 00/. India. Reference Ali,S(1996):TheBookofIndianBirds,BombayNaturalHistorySociety,Mumbai, 12thedn,pp354. 12. ALBINO MYNA (ACRIDOTHERES TRISTIS)NEARVITA, IN MAHARASHTRA Near Vita in Sangli dist., Maharashtra, I entire family flew away to a neighbouring hill saw a nest ofthe common myna (Acridotheres (Sulkai). tristis) with two eggs. Both eggs hatched, and one was a pure albino. Both the chicks were September 24, 1998 P.S. SALUNKHE successfully raised. The beak and legs were Department ofZoology' yellow. Sadgunt Gadage Maharaj College, A number of insects were successfully Karad, Satara Dist. Pin 4/5 103, devouredbythealbinomyna.Afterfledging,the Maharashtra, India. BLYTH’S REED WARBLERACROCEPHALUSDUMETORUMFEEDING ON NECTAR 13. During my field visit to Ponmudi in Ghats on February 8, 1996, I observed several Trivandrum forest division of Kerala Western species ofbirds, namely grey drongo Dicrurus JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY, 96(3), DEC 1999 473

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